The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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omt-Catho!loJducator on
I an Official Visit to Colum
bia University. '
5 fcS
lir'A- , ..f.v:,::-,
pecltret Time Will Come When
f Portland Wfll Be Known Notre.
" Dame of 'the West Will Remain
Here Two' Weeks.'
f i
m w
' The Very Rov. Dr. Andrew Morrlssey.
provincial ot the congregation of the
Jrlolv Crone of the United State of
Jijotr' Danyv Indiana, le vlaltlng t
Columbia uaJveralty. ' Dr; Morrtssey;
im i-erbapa the beat known educatqr of
the Cathollo i-Jiurch In the United States
today. n-la in Poland In his off!-
elal capacity a ," general head ot ill
- h catholic educational laatttutlona of
' the United State. , ... - ' . ,
. rr. Morrlssey reached Portland, on
. Wednesday and on Thursday was the
truest of honor at a banquet given at
' . the university and attended by all" the
Catholic clergy In the city. Including
Archbishop Christie. On that occasion
tb. visitor was welcomed to Portland
. Jn an address prepared by the students
tf Columbia university. Or. Morrlssey
" responded to the unique welcome- In hep--.Jy
manner, dwelling on the opportuni
ties of the Institution which he hoped In
s. few short year would be known far
?: end wide as the "Notre Dame of the
' JVeet" :-. .' " - . . .
7':: wm 'Bemeia Twe-'Weeke:-:-;--;
- The dintlngulshed visitor expecta to
remain In Portland for a couple of
' weeks. While here he will confer with
President Gallagher in regard to the
future of the university, the improve-.
tnents to be made and the work to be
done during the coming year.' It is be
2 lleved that with the present rapidity
of growth a new dormitory wilt have to
be constructed at the university In
a, short time, and mis matter will be
takes up end discussed Dy'Dr. Mor
tissey during hie etay here. Future
dditione to the present faculty will
also be gone into, and It . Is possible
hatit will be decided to add new
chairs to .the present course of Instruc
tion next year. This depende to a cer
t tain extent, however, upon the attend
ance at the college. - r ;
Xla Beeoxd at ITotre Sane. '
' Dr. Morrlssey was for 1 J yeare the
. president Of Notre Dame, the !dlng
Catholic college. Of the United States.
Two years ago he asked for a leave of
absenca and for a year v traveled tn
Europe as the companion of the supe
rior general of the congregation' of the
Holy Croea, who Is In charge of all
the educational Institutions conducted
by that order in the world.' Returning
from hie trip abroad Dr. Morrlssey was
'In Portland for a short visit last June,
. and since that time has been placed In
charge of the Catholic Institutions of
the United States.
. The visitor le enthusiastic over Ore
gon and the future of the west.He con
eiders that the young man of the west
lias great opportunities for develop-
. ment and, he hopes to aid in this growth
by the upbuilding of Columbia unlver-
. ;: alty, ' . -.. , .... ,. : v-' - ' -!
'. 'I hope the time will come," said the
visitor yesterday, ; "when on my visits
to the university, I will sea the river
banks here dotted with college build-
!n. I trust that In the near future
Jt wlllcbmOo "pass" that Columbia jlnlr
verslty can be truthfully called the
Notre Dame of the went. That will
; mean a great deal, as those who know
Hotre J?ftme appreciate, but I trust that
the time will come." . ... . . .
Upon leaving Portland Dr. Morrlssey
' will continue on his round Of official
, Inspection of the different Catholic col-
leges and , universities of the United
V Btate. ,. - .-. ;' v ..
-7 ft . ltV f
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v tl
Judge Fraser In the state circuit
court yesterday afternoon-gave Attor
ney George W. Haeen judgment for
3,26 against the United Railways
company. - Attorney Hasen alleged that
'fee had been retained by the company as
attorney and' real estate broker, and
that an accounting was bad at which
It was determined that the company
wed him the amount sued for. The
company admitted that service had been
rendered by Attorney Hasen, but eon
tended that they were not worth 13,260.
Judge Fraser found that the conten
tions of Haxen were supported by the
t facts In the case, and gave Mm ludg-
ment for the full amount sued for.
Former Attorney-General C. M. Idle-
man appeared for Hasen. The United
' Rallwaya company waa represented by
Attorney A. C. Emmons.. ,
Una County ranter Prosperous.
The farmers of l.lnn county have
tnttde money this year and many are
buying JCdiaon phonographs from Fred
Dawson, the live Albany druggist If
jrou want one, write him.
: And still the demand for timber
rlaimn Increases and the price advances.
mphreys, Scventy
Seren Cures Grip and
Common Cotd is takrenwhen
,'the. skin bcome-oldcr- than -is
natural. The - instant a chilly
sensation is felt, the mischief is
done; but it can be rectified ; so
that no harm follows by the use
of "Seventy-seven." The first
dose restores the checked circu
lation, starts the. blood coursing
through the veins; the skin warms
up and the Cold s broken, v
n?" is for Grip, Colds, Influ
enza, Catarrh, Tains and soreness
in, the Head and Chest, Hoarse
nf and Sore Throat. .
rH-nf(.t, til or ssalled. ' ;
Munpltrrr tl'UM. MettlvlM Co., Cur. Ti II
IUbi awl Joea a treats, htw Xerk.
m k ak ii mmm 1 1
'IS v V 1 - .
4 '
1 .u '
Ciwieat 1W
w c ion
1 .
1 TTJr t i ' - ie, JW
v. . 'A
.. ... , '.. i ' ."" -v
.With Thanksgiving less than one week away, it behooves one to give careful ' thought for
-AtBERTCOATSahdother accessories" reoulfemore attentioiitorTietailthan ofdinarv
business suits' -We are orenared with comnlete stocksour FULL DRESS deoartrhent.
with every garment carefully hung in (elegant1, cabinets, offers a variety only to te found in
. larger cities and will give you better satisfaction than the. average custom tailor We
invite careful inspection our salesmen will be snow you;- "
ttt on Aivwya
1 JtUi7vW bfrVill.
... Ai ,thjnaUt,,,wlth..l , srjlp,,,. bov
frith his dog, so is "Grandpa" Jennlng.
Of H. Jennlng Sons, with his great
furniture store. Caressingly he goes
through its broad nlnles, pausing with
lingering fondness on the platform of
each spacious floor, playing a Joyous
game of "peek-a-boo" In and out of the
smaller, more exclusive departments,
laying his hands on certain pieces of
furniture and favorite figures in stat
uary with the tenderness of a father
for a child. ,' '
The most-beautiful thing' In all his
great dlsplsy of elegant furniture, how
ever, is the massive colonial brass four
poster bed. valued At 1600.. .having pos
ters that stand 10 feet In height and
wh Mi - are- f uUy f 1 ve I ncher in diameter,
all exquisitely carved; it le a bed fit
for a princes. The epread that hae
been secured to . properly drape this
bed Is a most beautiful piece of hand
work, made by Mrs. Joseph Wlgnsll,
now of Oregon City, and originally in
tended as a wedding gift, valued at
15(10, from the Ladles' Republican
club, of Chicago, to Mrs: Alice Rooae
velt Longworth; but it. waa Impossible
to flnieh the work in time for thla
event Mrs. Wlgnsll was ale years
making It end so It has coma to Port
land tnatead. The bed, fully draped,
can be seen In a window of the H. Jen
nlng A Sons' store, where also la a
century plant, raised by Mr. U. Jen
nlng, that will bloom In net. .
We readily give Oermany credit lor
leading the world In msulo and flowers,
but few of us, I Imagine, have eon-
nected thla nation with one of the very,
greatest euccesses In rug making. - It
was left to J. a. Mack Co.. Importer of
fine carpets and rugs," to enlighten us.
Thl store has-Just received a number
of the rarest example of German rugs
direct from Koch , Koch, the . noted
rug manafacturer of Berlin. The great
beauty of these, rugs is in their rloh
coloring, the secret of which recta with
their manufacturers;- their- artlatlc de
signs, and the fact that regardless of
else, they are each woven in one piece.
In . texture they are a soft and pliable
aa a Persian rug. It wae a revelation
to me to find such excellent rug mak
ing in Germany, and I Imagine many
other will be equally surprised. .. .
Keep the. money produced In Oregon
in the state; that' the slogan In a nut
shellof many of the new large firm,
notably, Oregon Life Insurance com
pany, which began business last April,
and has written close onto 60" policies,
up to the prenent, for amounts ranging
from 11,000 to 110,000, every cent re
ceived being Invested right ftere in Ore
gon. A very pralaewotrhy- feature of
thla company Is its plan of children'
policies a very different plan from
others thst har brought criticism npon
child insurance. The child ! Inaured
at any age after one year, and should
he die before reaching ' maturity. the
amount of the premium actually paid tn
with intereat compounded annually at
X percent per annum Is returned to the
parents: ahrmld he live, at 21 he re
ceive the full amount that, the-policy
call for, and I thua started In life
with a arrug bank account Thl ar
rangement removee the disagreeable
Idea of parents gaining by the death of
the child, end provides very satlsTae
tortly for the uncertainties of the fu
ture. I Samuel, general manager, has
been many yeare connected ; with - the
life Insurance business.
Seaaonable souvenirs are always ap
preciated; Just now" If football and
turkey time; and the window of Rebe's
confectionery are filled with the moat
suggestive and attractive bonbon boxes
In the shape of football of all else
from the tiniest onee up to the regula
tion football dimensions, and turkey,
equally varied In capacity, and . ready
for a sweetmeat filling-. . ,
We Bes to Announce That:
vWe Hove Secured The
"Agency For The
A Trial will convince you
that they ' are the- bast
fthoai ao.d - for the price -
All StylesAll Sizes
$4.00 and 3.50
149 THOU) STUtlT
"Portland's Bst 3hoe 3tpr?
f' We 'will until the 15th of December do work at the
- ' : ' , ' ' following prices : .-.
-FuirSetlf;TeethV,r.......t..?3.50 to 85.00
.Solid Gold Crowns. . . ........ . ; 83.00"
Bridgework, per tooth . .... . . . ........ ..$3.00
, Silver and Cement Fillings. '. ; .25
Porcelain and-Gold Fillings. .. ...... .$1.00
Cleaning 'Teeth "Free Extracting" Teeth "Free',
Yale Dental Company
my, first st;
NOeme a one aad take advantage of : tkeee prlee. Ail
, work guaranteed. . , ,
; . Office moars f .a. at. p. m. . Bvenlng, from i30 to
?ae,' !,. . j . . .,..
' ' s f '