The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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JjrencliBiirkJiocha U arrovIy
Escaped Driving on Van- 1.
couver Island. ; . '
t Coming From Honolulu Craft' En
counter Fearful Gales Off Coast
A. and Drifts With Current Far to the
North Before Recovering. J. V -
' The French bark Hoche which' at
rivod In the harbor yesterday afternoon
to load what for Europe had roush
time of It coming out from Honolulu.
-jCuptata Lemaltre report that the wind
jammer came within a hair's, breadth
or going on the jagged ahorea'of Van
couver Inland . during the terrible gale1
of last week. , The bark, waa high on
the water, because of being In- ballast.
' and therefore ' got the full effect of
the wind. ... - . ' -
,. In order to aave hi hlp from plllag
up on the rocka Capialn Iemaltre sac
rificed a number of aalla. The canvaa
ho unread on the sticks, but It had to
The satisfaction in be
ing correctly attired up
on social occasions is
certainly i sufficient to
justify every man .in
having one or both of
-these suits in his ward
robe.' There will be still
more satisfaction if we
make them for you. -
To Your
Superior Quality"
Superior Tailoring.
Superior Fit
and a material saving in
cost are the inducements
we offer. We can still
fill-trdfirs.mme f orr
Thanksgiving, if placed
immediately. But' the
social - season - has , but
just begun, and the de
mands will be both fre
quent : and continuous
for several months to
come. Why not pre
pare - yourself-now - and -be
ready for any and all
occasions? ;y i. ; .
be done In order te work but of the
dangerous current by which the bark
waa being carried toward shore.
Cantata Lemaltre la surjervising navi
gator of the company owning the Hoche
ana a number of other yeaaeia. and ne ia
a man of much experience. Despite
thla fact, he declares the atorm en
countered off the mouth ef the Colum
bis, river thla trip the worst he ever
ran Into. For two days there was no
telling whether the vessel would ever
reach port, and for practically - tnre
daye there was little sleepon "TkjoM.
The sailors were a tired lot when they J
finally reached Astoria, but not until
yesterday afternoon, upon arriving In
the harbor did they get a ehsnce tp sot
their feet on solid ground. - ' .
"It took us IS days to make the run
from the inlands to the mouth of the
river, but the first IS daya were spent
In Idleness only a few miles from our
starting point. - It was a dead calm and
we barely moved. Suddenly a atrong
breese sprang up snd carried ua along
at a rattling speed, and with every
knot reeled off the wind increased In
velocity until finally. It grew Into a
full-fledged gale. There waa nothing
to do but stand off when we reached
the mouth bf the river and that cost
a lot of canvas." v ; .. . '
The Hoche Is discharging ballast at
Montgomery dock No.' 1..; ;,-- ' '
Abolishment of Compulsory Bar PUot-
.;,V age Charge Barresed.
.The days of compulsory ehsrge for
bar pilotage at the entrance 'to -the Col"
timbla river will soon be at en end, so
It Is rumored In shipping circles, as a
result of the Inadequate service now
rendered. Under existing . conditions
the pilots are said to be Indifferent
ruicua m nuraow pi !. im when thev take vessel over the bar
blew away about a-t,lckly a. It could4 '!?lfJ.t,ll
7th, and Stark Streets.
because they -are sure 'of their booty
and the skipper haa to await their
krffiC8Ure. While fore lRn masters - are
recommended not to enter in river
without a pilot. It Is argued that were
the charge not . compulsory many ship-
( masters would rather take chttnees In
the well, buoyed channel than remain
outside . for days, weeks or months.
waitlng 'for a. pilot or tug.
Captain Johnson, master of the Amer
lean ship Hlntram. Bailed' In over the
bar a few days ago without the assist
ance of either pilot and tug, as already
stated in The Journal, and- he. says he
was In need of neither'' because - the
channel ' la splendidly buoyed. Many
of the lumber schooners plying between
thla port snd Han Francisco seldom
wait for pilots or tugs but aalTin un
assisted at their own 'risk.
. P. A. Gaivty. - member of the firm
of Farvaiiue A Company, shipbrokers,
has lodged a complaint with the p. It.
N. company on behalf of the owners
of the French bark La Perouse. stating
that upon reaching the Columbia river
bar several weeks ago Captain Corve
was approached by one of the company's
tugs and aaked by Captain Bailey, who
was, then In charge of the bar tug ser
vice, to pay 110,000 for having tbe ves
sel towad into port, despite the estab
lished tariff, which for a ', vessel the
else of ths La Perouse would be SHOO
from the ocean to Portland and return.
Captain Corve declares that hlr ves
sel was In no danger whatever as Is
shown by the fact that refusing to en
tertain any such hold up proposition he
stood out to sea and remained outside
several days until he ran across the tug
Tatooah and waa towed into fha bay
at the ivgular rate.
Men familiar with the history of the
port say that thla Is not the first at
tempt at extortion on the part of the
tug meny-severat cases being cited where
British shipmasters as well have been
held up ror outrageous rees.
Stteamar Annls Comings la Shallow
Water year Capo Konu
The Western Transportation A- Tow
ing company's steamer Annls Comings
ran on a sand bar In the Columbia river
a short distance above Cape Horn yes-
terdsy afternoon and hung th
several hours, but finally succeeded In
working loos with her own power. The
experience proved harmless except for
the loss of time.
to Portland when she ran too close to
the shallow bar and by some sort of
maneuvering "went hard on the sand
before her position was realised. At
first every effort to drag her Into deep
water proved . futile and the steamer
Chaa. R. Spencer was appealed to for
assistance, but she had troubles of her
own and signaled the Annie Comings
to get a boat following to throw bar a
line. In the meantime the stranded
boat drifted back Into the channel and
continued on her way. ;
Two jrorwegian Steamers Will Depart
wltk X.ojnber During Week.
. ' Two large lumber cargoes will' be set
afloat from thla port during the week
snd swell the foreign lumber shipments
for the month about 7.000.000 feet. The
steamers are the Terje Vlken Snd Jet
hou. both flying the Norwegian flag.
,. The Terje Vlken will be first to
sail. She Is expected to get away for
Port ' Ptrle, Australia. Tueadsy . with
1,600,000 feet furnished by the Portland
Lnmber company for J. J. Moore ee Co.
The Jethou win sail for Shanghai Tues
day or .Wednesday, "with a cargo fully
as large, furnished by Inman. Poulsen
ft Co. for the Pacific Export Lumber
company. The Terje Vlken will return
for one and possibly two cargoes. . Tbe
Jethou will shift to the Victoria dol
phlna tomorrow to finish loading from
barges, j - " ' ''' y-
The steamer Alliance sailed for Coos
bay last night with a full list of pas
senKers snd her capaj-lty of freight.
'-T)e"sicathi!f "neorgie"Burtflir"wrtrT5
tnkr.n off the Portland-Lewis River run
today and the service maintained by the
steamer Northwest as formerly. The
Georgia Burton wss operated under a
lease to tha , Kellogg .Transportation
" The oil carrying steamer Asuncion
Is due to arrive at Llnnton Tuesday,
She left San Francisco yeaterd'ay.
The Britli.b bark Roderick Castle ar
rived at the coal bunkers late last night
from Newcastle. N. 8. W with a cargo
of coal. She has been at anchor In the
lower stream for several days. -
The steam schooner, Nome .City will
shift ioday from St. Helens to Stella
to finish her lumber srgo.. .
Tha steam schooners Northland and
Thomas L. Wand sailed last night for
Ban Francisco with lumber cargoes.-
Can You Use Food
When You Got It ?
Thousands , of Stomachs Starving
Whers Mouths Arr Well Fed.
Costs Nothing to Relieve
- w 7 . ; Thla .Condition. 7,
Eating fa fast becoming too much a
part of the dally routine. If not a mere
tickling of the appetite a thing to be
gotten Out of ' the way as Quickly aa
possible. Little thought Is given to
"what kind of food." lta effect upon the
system, and whether It will be ef -use
In building tip the tissues of the body.
Tour stomach will revolt. If It Is not!
jalready dulng so. It must shut up for
repairs. What of the dlxxlnesa, and
sometimes pain, which stop you after
a hurried' lunch T : What of the general
distress sfter a heavy dinner, a. feel
ing of pressure against. the heart which
calls a halt and makea the breathing
difficult?- Is It common. for you to be
oppressed with belching and sour eruc
tationa? Are you constipated and then
do you laughingly toss a dime to the
druggist for his moat' palatable relief?
tiro of ' temporary cures that are
but palliative. Many antldotea for
the common Ills which our flesh Is heir
to seem at ftrst '-to -reliever but In real
Ity, If not injecting poison Into the sys
tem, ley the foundation . for a deeper
seated and more far-reaching disorder.
Three-fourths of all diseases orig
inate, with a breaking-down .of the di
gestion and nine-tenths of all digestive
troubles originate with one or more of
the symptoms named above.
Beware. then , of Indigestion and
Dyspepsia. If you find yourself ach
ing, listless, lacking In ambition when
you should be on the alert.
Ijo not doctor the stomach. '
It needs a rest from food and drugs.
Do not flush out the bowels.
tt takes more than forcing ' tooti
- 'through the passageway to riyfke
. blood and tissue snd nerve.
Do .not starve your. stomach.
Food la a thing to be worked for all
there Is In It and your stomach will
do the work If you wll help It In
""''-Nature's wsy. , ....'.;.
- Stuart's Dyspepsis Tsblets contain
nothing but the natural elements which
enter Into the healthy stomach and In
testines to perform, ths function of di
gestion. - Governmental tests and the
Investigations and sworn oaths of ex
pert chemists attest this fact. 8tuart'a
Dyspepsia Tablets . go-to thsr sourcsrDf
the trouble and positively restore the
glands and fluids of the .mucous mem
brane to their proper condition. They
promptly ' relieve the distress of all
troubles originating In the stomach or
bowels (with the on exception of can
cer).. .'-. . ...
- Stuart's " Dyspepsia Tsblets 'are rec
ommended by physicians and' all reli
able pharmacists. If you are a sufferer
from Indigestion or dyspepsis, try a
fifty cent package today. At all drug
gists. - or If you prefer send us your
name and address and we will gladly
aend you a trial package by mall free.
F. A. Stuart Co, 61 Stuart Bdg., Mar
shall. Mich. - -
(Continued from Page Ten.)
copybook. He believes, possibly. that
refereelng Is akin to fighting. Perhaps
he figures . that If the O'Brieo-Burna
contest, la exciting, the finish eensa
tlonal and the aftermath of. a sizzling
character. Jeff may become' all worked
up and say: "A U, right; I'll just take a
crack at tha winner to show you." '
A few days wllMel the whole story.
For that, matter. It Is told already. If
Dick Adams, , Jeffs particular crony,
knows what he la talking about.' - . - .
, "They can't coax the big fellow back
Into tha ring," said Dick. "The alfalfa
patch has too many charms for him.'1
rnftmm "twill 1 Ulu
- - Her la some verse Dick Is supposed
to nave tossed orr on the subject:
The shadea of night were falling fast
Aa thro the towri of Burbsnk passed
The-Ann te commits was on tier way A"rarmenntf wno uwea tfr fight
Astoria. Nov. Condition. -of the
bar at p. m., obscuredrrfnd southeast
I eight jnUoSr-weather, raining. . Sailed at
h. in.. i rnuiw-T 'irl vu'B JIU oarx
McLsurln, T6r" San "Francisco and bark
Pa rami t, for Saa Pedro. Arrived at S
a, ni. and left up at 19:10 e. m., steamer
Csarlna, from Saa Pedro.
San Francisco, Nov. 14. Arrived
steamer Lokme, from Portlsnd. Sslled.
schooner, Annie Laraen, for Columbia
But who has found a new dollght
- Alfalfa.
"Oh stay and box." McCarey moans.
"We'll give you thlrtv thousand bones.
wnai otner game pays narr so welir
The farmer answered with a yell
For me no more the gong's loud clang,
The punch, the purse, tha wine, the
Let othera settle prise ring rows.
And I'll raise breakfast food for cows
' . ' . . Alfalfa.
' Vail and afoConnelL
Al Nell, who Is bracketed with Frank
McConnell to meet Joe Thomas on the
last -night -of -the-month at Dreamland,
has some Interesting things to say
about Bill Squires, the Australian
champion, who is expected In this coun
try soon. Nell spent a couple of years
In Australia and made a thorough study
of the boxing situation there. He says
Squires stands head and shoulders over
all the other Antipodean heavyweights
that is, in the matter of class and
reputation but at the same, time Al
doesn't think that the Australian
would hove better than an even chance
with the topnotchers of the United
States. -
"A remarkable , thing about Squires
Is the slse of his fist." said Nell. "Jef
fries has a big hand, but Squires' would
make two of Jeffs. ITs Is not sn extra
big man doesn't weigh more than 171
but one of the things you notice
when he stripe Is the way his frame
Is muscled. He Is a remarkably atrong
fellow and not at all stiff In his move
ments. I have heard' Australians on
this side talk of Bqulres aa a whirlwind
rusher, but I didn't notice anything
like that and I have seen him fight a
number of times. Instead of being a
rusher he seetped .tomeioBox,fjat.4
footed ana wait for His man to lead. He
Is a fairly fast hitter, but his strong
points are his endurance and his game-
ness. He la Indifferent to" punishment
and no olmler or more courageous fel
low ' ever pulled .. a . glove . over .; his
knuckles." . .
By the same token Nell thinks very
little of Gunner Molr, who has gained
a modicum or renown in indon
through winning from Jack Palmer.
Molr was In Australia ' with Ilacken-
schmldt the Russian- lion when Nell
was there.- - .---. . ,
The Ounner Is-a bit of a change ar
tist,, it. appears, being as much at home
on the wrestling mst as he Is on the
resin fighting. platform. Nell, saw Molr
In all hla variety and Is satisfied the
Ounner will never sttaln very great
heights In the pugilistic profession.
y. Toaopali Sports Bnsy.
The Tonopah sports seem to be going
ahead quite seriously with the arrange
ments for ths world's lightweight
championship contest between Joe 3ans
and Kid Herman. - The parse "of 120.000
Is In bank, the fighters have forwarded
their forfeits and the ground hss been
broken for a 40.000 arena. "
There Is no shutting one's eyes to the
fact that the' match did not appeal to
sporting men at large at the outset
The affair waa considered mora or !
of a substitute for a return contest -be-1
tween Gene and Nelson. The public
A Wholesaler's Stoclt of
The Hies! Stupendous Sale of Men's, Boys' and Cliil-
ren's. Clolhinfl Portland Ever wiey;
Th neonlr are flocking in from all directions to share in the Stupendous Values!
-All are welcome to come and investigate, our prices and-look at our fine stock at ,
such low prices as were never given to the people of Portland or the Northwest in v
; the history of the clothing business.' X; ..-Iv "iX:;' "S"-
50.000 Worth or thoicest Apparel
For mail and boy ever made in American factories by aVflled and expert tailors, -at iea man actual com o pro
duction. A daring atroke of merchandising by Portland 'a progressive merchants. The quick manrntilation , of a
goodly amount of "cash on the niV keeps a manufactu r er'a entire monster stock of clothing ISO.OOO worth
to be distributed among the clothing-wearers of our own city.; on lWt&nf&l-W3-J?uu
that the entire stock of the wholesale clothing house of the. NATHAN & WERTHEIMR COMPANY of this
city was to be shipped to Oakland and ios Angeles, and a later report icfKea qui inai mnmu
.. , r i . ..... l.... ...K s ,imrnnAat h itntnenae atnclr hem found readv tor OC-
the California end no available store large enough to. accommodate ihe immense stock bein
cupancy the management ot tne
"Gotbusy." ' A quick inventory of the stock was taken, and a spot-cash offer for the entire property lines W
bracing Men's, Youths' and Boys Clothing was made. - Former arrangements were , canceled ana negoniuo
stopped with all prospective buyers. The "RED FRONTS offer of ; " r
47 Cents on the Dollar IVas Acceoted
The remainder, of the story is quickly told. . As Ve bou ght, eo well sell. And tomorrow morning at 8 a clock we Vj
will open to the men of Portland a wholesale stock of clothing at retail, and at, less than the actual first cost
v,,ir,'nr shall nffer these magnificent new. correct and down-to-date varments from Americas foremost tailors at
les unneard ot in ine annais oi ronunai doming muc i ui una
nrica that renreaent values
utter annihilation of regular clothing prices; the sinking-of costs and profits.
2000 Men FincSuIU
' Onnslstlng of doubls and slngl
breasted sacks; . black, blue, 1 gray,
brown, Oxfords and faahlonabia plaids,
checka . and 'silk nilurae. Thesa lots
consist 'of -all- colors and kinds at aach
' price.'. -Owing, to ' Immense quantities
we cannot desert b each Jot separately.
' The prices quoted represent actual man
ufacturtnc cost and are one half regu
lar retail prices or less. y '.-. .
Lot No. 1 Bl showlnc. 1$.Q
. retail values. . '
.S7.00 Lot No.' J Extensive display
of 115.00 retail values. '
f 9.O0 Lot No. 8 Business . and
- dressy suits to lt.S0 reUU values.
10.50 Lot No. 4 Elaborate line of
values- to $10.00; some are even sold
suits to $20.00 retail values.
11.50 Lot No. e01aantloaaaort
. mant to $35.00 retail values.
- 9 14.00 Lot .No. S-Ovcr 1.0Q0.aulta
valuea to $10.00; some ars even sold
higher at retail. ;
4800 Pairs Pants
Embracina the leading fabrics and
stvles of this year's Pantsdom. Prices
nuoted are less than one half . actual
retail values. SIses from 17 to SI ln-
seam, tt to SO waist.
954 Hundreds Splendid Uo', $1.60
Pants. -. -.-"'.
1.50 Vast display of up to IS.I0
. Pants. .
S2.00 Extra good to $. values at
; retail. - -
2. KB Beat dualities average our
IS.00 reUU value.
- This department - will be In
thorough armpathy vlth tbe lm
mense dothlng'TMrgalna. Prices
will be o. ridiculously low that
you get your. . furnishing , on- a
marvelous bargain basis.
Read a Few or the Many .
6e for- Man's linen Handker
chiefs. lOo value.
V tor .Initial Japonet Handker
cfileian la "aiue-
15 for Four-ln-handa and Shield
all-silk 1 5c Neckwear.
15t for very best quality $$a
Suspenders. -
8 for best quality fast black
and tan ISo Sox.
10 for wool mix merino 10c Box.
55 , for sterilised wool fleece
Jaeger's' tl Underwear..
504 for elegant lot Flannelette
Men's 76c Night Shirts.
50) for Oolf Shirts, alsea to II.
Qreat-Sl value
60Vfor aelect styles, fancy col
ors, dress bosom, ti Standard
8hlrta. ,
.L. Umbrella '
50. ateal frame, l$-inch. Ho
value. ''..'
1, hollow tuba, Paragon frame,
I1.S0 value.
$)1.50. gunmetal tube rod, eon
.. caved steel frame, , best . tl
value In town.
. . Hat
' Some desirable bargains. . The
Red Front quotes only cut prloea
on desirable merchandise Be
(nember that. r
f 1.25 for Soft Hata In more
. than It atyles of shape; black,
- brown, tan, rose, eto. This list
of hata are broken caae lots of
. the best selling up to tl fall
styles. , ,
f2 Hats In soft and stiff ehapes.
are values and styles that can
not be had in this city for less
than 11.60. , . , . i , ; ,.
93 assortment of fine Headwear
appeals to the most skeptical
juti .critical of hat buyers. The
1 atylea and value are unmatch
able outside of tha Red Front.
Special for Ladles'
A little out of regular Una, but
wa secured a picnic or we would
pot have bought them.
354' very aelect quality lamb's
wooL Plain white and delicate
' colors of Ladles' Fascinators.
' Tha most elegant head or
, ' shoulder garment and are aold
. regularly at dry goods stores at
f 1 to fl.60. Coma tomorrow.
Children's Suits and Overcoats
Parents can only fully appreciate tha eleganco of theee children a
Suits and Overooats by seeing them. The elegance of styles and high
hr aeelna them. The elegance of styles and high
quality of materials ana woramsnsnip, ine low prices quoiea ior in
the last weea 01 me saie.
- .
Fall and Winter Over
coats and CravenettesN.
This stock is in excess of 1.60S gar-.
ments. We only manufacture the beat
and finest- grades. -'-.- Careful dressera -will
really appreciate - tha correctneas
of atyles. workmanahlp and the rich- '.
ness of materials. .
S4.50 Lot No. T Medium heavy up
10 $10.00 Overeoata.
T.50 Lot No. t Overeoata and
Cravenettea to l.Of"retall valuea.
These garments are hand-tailored.
f 9.75 Lot No. Silk Serge and "Ve
netian Lined Overcoats and all colors
and kinds . of Cravenettea to ( $10.00
valuea . ,
11.50 Lot No. 10 Select garments.
Paddock Overeoata, French back and
extra flna t Cravenettea to $26.00
. value. . '.'. s. .
$13.85 Lot No. 11 The highest
claaa of materials and finest styles
A Loss orrtctaaTTaciory Cost
Bringing the price far below the ordi
nary or 4rashy-klnd at-retall stores. -
Double-aewed taped seams, guaran
teed not o rip,,
S l.OO Represents suits to' tl retail r
. value.
1. SO Represents ., elegant, . sulta , to ;
fully t value. .
$2. KO Elaborate to tt or even better'
valuea. ...
$3.25 Tremendous display to $7.10
$4.35 Silk velvets,
etc, easily tlO
First and Taylor Streets v v .
Herman there waa naturally consider
able disappointment. .
' Tha auccess of most pugilistic ven
...... ( larvelv dependent upon the
energy snd spirit displayed In handling
them and the slap dash methods of the
Tonopnh promoters .will cause tha fans
to warm up to the Oans-Nelson go In
plUof themselves. E-ven -now
Mnn fte-ht-aoer, wnne n
concede Herman mucn "7 -"""'-, '
free to admit that the affair promises
good entertainment . .-!
Oans Is a wlssrd with tha gloves and
Herman is supposed to he one of the
neatest and niftiest of the new crop of
llahtwelahts. If there areany flaws In
Oans" condition, he win nsve 1
time-with tha speeojrvmca -.
river. Bailed at 4 p. m.. steamer Asun- 1 ainiui in the 1m anil thm
ru,.i, fur Portland. Arrived yestird..y. , Bht weight together again and when
fiiiip . n. rveiiney, irm loiunioia river j the arranirement fell to the ground and
Class "X." ,
Ooremment -onda
Qold Leaf
Class "B."
Commercial No.
Beavara .......
Happy Dales...
Lyric '
Commercial No.
Won. ' Lost.
' Won.
...... ,! -
t.. ....; j
Lost V. C.
S- .047
t .447
' 10 " .641
' it .too
It. .160
.Ml I "SIS 1
(Continued from Page Tan.)
Freshman OlUla wUl Tlayeenter. Olllls
weighs 11 pounds snd Is a quick, active
mant He made a Qua showing In the
mnn aarainat . Waahinston. Hammond
',,!?'r .C!"n.p.eI'; 'r'ni ,.t01' Oaw ! PWua algned up ia hasto wltn t and 8ott wlU play tlw guard ;posltlon
Dcnlistryiat Ja OH
the Regular Price for a-Few Days
Painless Extrtction ...... .60f
Solid Oold Crown ..... ,.f 4.00.
Bridge Work S3.60
Qold and Enamel Filling,
per tootn, up from.
Best Rubber
Good set for .
up from. ...'.SI. 1
Plates... ...Ix.i
Perfect fitting end.
Natural Looking ,
All Work Goaraatced TEN YEARS
for Oregon, although Plnkham may be
In the-lineup. All three of these man
are .big, active fellows and all ef them
know how to play their positions. At
tackles, Oregon has Moullan and Arns
plger old. reliable "Ola" Arnsplger,
who has been a tower of strength en
the Oregon team for three seasons.. '
Word . comes f rtm Eugene that lack
Latourette's Injuries are of such a na
ture that ha may be kept en tha aide
line on Thursday. This means that
Kuykendall will play quarter back. If
this little fellow, can do as. well on
Thursday as Jie did against the Seattle
collegians hs will give Multnomah no
n4 of trouble. Kuykendall. Is. a clover
player and la one of tha faateat sprint
ers In tha northwest. ,
AtHasoa Xosea to Portland Selgkia,
' Atkinson yesterday morning met with
defeat at tha hands ot Portland Heights
by a acora of I to 0. .
Pyramid Builders at Sugeas, '
(Reeelal Dlspetca la The Joarnal.)
Eugene, Or., Nov. 14. Pyramid No, I,
Order of Pyramid Builders, a new fra
ternal insurance order, recently origin
ated by M. Sorenaen, of Albany, waa
organised In Eugene laa night with
tbs -XoUowln oWtaera;, "fir. ft, W Lowe,
chief builder; Dr. C ' B. Wllloughby,
foreman; Mra. N. K. BelshaW, ecribej
B. 8. Spencer, nustodlsn; Dr. M. C Har.
rls, chaplain; Mrs. F. M. Day, musician
T. M. Day, medical examiner.
' ' ' Furt. Fur$." '
Buy them up town at La Palais Royai,
where tha prices are down. I7t Wash
ington street. -
' ' Advice. ''
Quest (studying bill of fare) Walter,
I have (0 hellers 1 cents). - Tell ma
What you recommend.
-.Wa4tap--Try.aoouiar rostauxaot, "