-i THE OREGON AILY " JOURNAU PORTLAND SATURDAY "EVENING. NQVEKSgR 2i . 1?0 :l;.uu - ,. ,- -, : -. . - , I I ( I l -n rf-rr-1 t i-f I. I r'I'l. I ; .-1 I ' " " rt - jt:s R I WE TJNS MOUSE.; SMITH PAT. . ;-7TT- rw, .n fun at our " We cut hoie in the tablecloth and pstd a pieco of rmea on the top"of JRap waved the knife and produced big tofl You Jim; wu ' Dear Tommy-This i a scheme I invented to have aome tun at our vvocuc a noie in w A -r: ..- .- . ; - r. . , pecpinz and ran down the cellar and Dulled op the trap, ; i . j 1 itiCTi i - i i i i i i ' ' ' ' i ' ' 'p vl II ' I I U 1 " I ; r ' ...1..,L.':.... IB . M. ,rl , jf ' tH(BBMaBaaaaHHaaaMiBMnw Tha cranberry tauce wai roved In a big pumpkin with' the seeds scooped The pumpjoawa a tight fit and stuck in the chute Paoa lifted the cover and looked down the chute. Just thea Jim gave i atrong yams, anu out "t""." ,?"t -y"" vr-. ; . tefrj sauce.' StyTomnqc t was awfull ( YcvrvAYUae. THR ALMOST FAMILY-THEY HAVE NOTSSMG TO BE THANKFUL ' ' 1 s UhaT3QY00 wwVjONT you- I J-came out to f7TTEBr""" SUMPIN "TUNNY WILLIAM, WHAT f JIGS 1 -niE TURKEY " " ' some Nice : I I3NT V SUPFOSE is GO IN THE OTHER. ST W?PING ABOOT.THlS., haVEY0U3KcJ ; 1 cc VrS yfJJrluAi 'N-- WlENERWURSTi . - WE'RECOiNS 1 UMMAMl 3)0 YOU r YOU USTTIMEX WS .-.. ISSeTTHe T""' " V WILLIA , . ' ' - TO BE ORIGINAL ut THUH WJtNfRWURm HERC Y0O HAO 3RY " Im.NINS ST0C!j ,";,.. f ' COME Mtl! 'V&BTS ' ' ' f 3A- , .; Hf 2 NWER readANO POTATOES. :r-v. -r-- lfL-J L 1 - . '- - INSTEAD .Cf41.A,, I. J WltRWOTS-ANO- r-." YlO 3 ' il w' . ; ' " . ,:tA , JTjS h)