The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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VoyA l Ll-3L -cli ;y
And Then Collect the Cost From
' Oregon Real Estate Com-
" : :X p any If It Can. ; V ; .
, :..Y
Executive - Board ': Decides Young
Americana Must Have Their Health
- Protected Even If Municipality Haa
to Foot the Pitt. .' .
- V School ehlldren wading through the
'i mod on their way to school wu the plo
ture'beld before the eyee of the execu-
' tlve board yesterday afternoon, and as
1 a result .the city . engineer . wu in
structed -tit) ly aldewalks around sev-
T- eral pieces of property belonging to the
Oregon BmI Estate company. The city
r attorney "win then Trnertk collection
of the costa from the realty people, and
the youngsters wilt not nave to wade
'la the mud.'
Mr. Cogswell moved that this action
be taken after a communication had
been read calling attention to the ds
jkrMe oudltloo of the sidewalk, on
. Clackamas and other' streets In Holla-
day's addition, the tract controlled by
'the Oreron Real Estate company. -
The First Street Improvement asso
ciation anked the city to take Immediate
sctlon In repairing the wooden block
pavement on First where, particularly
between Yamhill and Stark streets, the
blocks are worn out and loose. The
letter stated that the city had guaran-
- teed this pavement. ,
Bomb the Heraatee' '
City Engineer Taylor and City At
torner McNary said tha municipality
had guaranteed only- those portions
where the full number of blocks had
been laid. In front of the Kamm prop-
i erty for Instance, only 10.000 square
yarda bad been laid Instead of the
requisite 180,000. This belna the case
the property owners are more respon
sible for the condition of the pavement
than la the city and Improvements
- must come from them. ,
.A number of street Improvement bids
were opened. Among; the largest wsre
the following:' Russell street. Warren
' Construction company, Slt.sll.iS; Mar-
- ton avenue. H.Y Howard, $11,179; Oleb-
tech & Joplin,i $11,110; Stanton street,
Bechll Bros., 11.20.80; H. Howard,
- $11.67: East Ninths Pacific Bridge
- company. $10,100;- East Sixth. O'Neill
i A Co.. $10,307.41; Lundatrom at Johnson,
$10,8(1.40; Dekum avenue. H. Howard,
. $11.(6X2: -Stevens Bros.. 12,;
Oleblsch Joplln. $11,107.$$; East
Sixth, Paclflo Bridge Company, $11..
TiIit""iinetp had-ernr
tlon of pennies. He told hie son he
would make him present of the
entire lot If he would put them In
boxes; the same number In each box.
There was an odd number ot pen
nies so that if he put an equal num
ber In each of two boxee there would be one senn left avert to a tike
to flfural en try-y"0. I. ." 10. 11. 1$, 1. 1. It. 1$. 17. I. 1. 10.
'it and II boxes, but In every ease If he put an equal number in each box.
there would be one (only one) penny left over. The son gave it up and
told hie father he thought It Impossible to perform the feat His father
replied:- "8 KIDOO IS for you." The 'son then put the entire lot of pen- -alee
In It boxee, the same number In each box. Jlow many pennies were
there! . -' -. ' . '. ' -
To make the problem plain: The entire number of pennies was a number,
which If divided by any number from I to 21 Inclusive there will be a re
mainder of one (only one) and If divided by 11 there will be no remainder.
Address all answers t TVtXUM SDROB, The Journal, Portland.
. The prises are worth working for and winning. To the person who sonde
In the best solution of the Sklddo problem, tie In bright new pennies will
be given: for It others, beautiful "if stickpins are the award; and others
arm get It pennlee Just from the mint. ? ' . .
v Coeyrlebt loos by C. C' KOSr, Chljage. .". ' 'i ' " "
: ZJma County Far man rroaparoaa.
' The farmers of Linn county nave
made money thle year and many are
buying Edison phonographs from Fred
Dawson, the live Albany druggist. 4f
" you . want one, write him.
yref erred took Oaaaed (roods.
Allen Lewis' Best Brand.
-:Lest - Monday." wrl tee Thomas O.'
Friend of The Dalles, I sent the answer
to your Interesting ekldoo problem, but
to, date the prise haa not reached me."
The failure of the prise to reach Mr.
Friend would be unaccountable. If it
were not for one thing: It waan't sent
Mr. Friend says he forwarded two an
swers: The first gave the boy St pen
nies, one for each , box, and the other
gave B,S4,I$5,I01 pennies, which 'can
be' divided by any number from 1 to
22, and have 1 remainder. '.Maybe In
these figures is found the reason why
the pussle editor baa been dilatory; U
takes some little time to divide that
sum by so many other sums. Mr.
Friend of The Dalles and all the other
friends of the pussle editor ehould be
patient; the answers to the skldoo prob
lem have come In so thick and rest mat
It has been rather hard to classify and
segregate them. The work Is being
done Just as fast as possible.
In thle connection a very Interesting
announcement , regarding the skldoo
problem will be made in The Sunday
Journal tomorrow, and those who are
interested in the contest should see It.
Everyone understands, of course, that
the prises are to be given for the best
solution to the problem. It la a plain
mathematical proposition anyone can
do It, and for that reason the reader
who glvee what would he considered the
cleverest answer In the way of brevity,
or humor, or clearness In exposition
will get the prise.
Here are some of the solutions re
ceived today, and It will be noted that
opinions differ' regarding the correct
a newer. - -
. Maw It U none.-
Mr-answer. -L124.O0O.72I.777.I07.II0..
eoi. which Is divisible by any number
from S to 12, Inclusive, leaving
Dotk Miss'
WE HAVE certainly prepared a treat for your Thursday
' dinners, and for this greatest of all feast daya offer tha
greatest of all Frosen Creams a conception which ia
more delicious, richer and mora perfectly blended in flavor than
.'conventional dessert. It is really the finest and most costly; t
: production, and yet we have made the price so attractive that
m rt is within the reach of alL . ,
, , NUGGET SAUCE . - ' -
4qt' Brick ; regular $3.50. Special . . . . $2.50
2-qt. Brick; regular $2.00. Special. . ... . . .$1.40 :
- 1-qt. Brick; regular $1.00. Special... . . .$ .75
. Packed in the moat careful manner, to arrive in perfect condi-.
tion, with sauce in a separate container, and delivered without
: extra charge. - - - , , , , .
; This Is the proper way to serve the cranberries now, slncej
"; , Hasehrood haa originated the new idea, and youH certainly
. appreciate the daintiness and appropriateness of this Tiappy r.:
thought." t . t
;, !; Delivered in Bulk, Carefully Packed.
Thanksgiving deliveries at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Order early,
as these expensive specials must be made In advance.
' Our word that this well please, the most fastidious taste is a .
guarantee that it ia splendidly delicious.
4-qt. Brick; regular $2.50. Special. .$1.50 .
2-qt. Brick; regular $1.40. Special........ $1.00 4
11 1-qt.' Brick; regular $ .75. Special.;. .$ .60
mainder of one, ' and Is divided by It
even. , ... H. M. HANBESf,
' ,' . .. ..' HI N. Fourteenth Street.
KS Xe mirht. Mm Bays. -
Ill la tha correct answer, because tt
will go into !$ II times.' Skldoo for
me. Twenty-three for you.
; ' ' 14fl Portsmouth Ave, City.
Bees Xe Bat 2nddlaa or Bast -
Easy as eating Christmas puddlngj
My answer Is: Total number of pen
nies, ' l.Bt(,lll.70t; . number of pennies
In each . box. 110,270.111. If I ain't
right 111 eat my hat. - .
. . t0 Grant Street, City.
' Xart Simply, Merely Skldoev
The answer to your problem Is sim
ply "skldoo." 'v. j W. A. O.,' City.
Settle Xt.
The number for your 'skldoo" prob
lem is I8.15t,ttl,067,l01 penntee. Now
"l!" for you. - , - E. BRATZEU
.5 " . Arlete, Or. ..
oed aeasoa. foe Protestlaa:. '
- Now. listen here, the other night -:
Ton didn't spell my name quite right
Here It Is right from the pen.
Now please rectify your slight mis-
take ,.- ,
.. While I my final answer tn&ke.
Here Is something very - true,' .
It's a cinch with your skldoo. '
Now just -send your prise to m '
Tot my answer's "21." - -
II Kerby Street. City.
He had 441 pennies In alL 21 In each
box. From t to 22. and one left over,
taking one from each box and add to 21
mike 11 pennies in box. Total 441.
MRS. 9. T. HODOER, (
. -v Vancouver, Wash.- ,
' nia Sounds Fsaslble.
' One penny In It boxes, one box fits
wfthin another and one penny In small
box. which is -within all others. - .
I , - Ev B. FIPERrCltyr
nrff rp
?O,C0Q Acres Uete Wate
160 Acres Available to Each Purchaser (under
the Cary Act) at Actual Cost of Irrigation.
The greatest J
: ments; or ' Jiome' ; makin
The wonderful fertility and prbductivehess of this soil xinder irri
gation has been satisfactorily proven by government experiment
stations ahd by actual settlers on the land. , v ! '
Land Worn $230 to M.?5 IPer Acre
Don't hesitate to tdke advantage of this splendid offer and oppor
tunity. Write : today for Jull information, diagram and terms.
Deschutes Irrigation & Power Co.
41 reaalea ta Baolt Bos.
There were 121 pennies, 41 In each
box and three boxes.
"' ' ,' . lJrT"ErX)aJt BtreetrMt-Tabor.
-. " Only Vemnlea. :
Tte boy had 21 boxes, and put two
pennies in each box, which Is 4( pennies.
ut N Twenty-nret street.
Aaothar large urn. .
Here is the answer to your, skldoo
problem. It la 2l,ltl.tll.OI7.01 pennies
the boy naa.
'.i r .. . Oregon City.
This Xs the Tlxs of ITlasty-Two. 7
My answer is tt pennies, with four
pennies In each box. -:
SADIE FRAKE8, Warrenton. .
Teay Beepeetable STumber, Toe.
Re had l.lt4,000.7J7,777.a07,$0.001
pennies. I have tried every number
and I find this to be the number. .
, 111 Water atreet, city.
These mrarea aonnd Opulemt.
I have figured It out and here le the
answer, proved by numerals: 1.101, 716,
04I.I5$.OB$,6.30,001. ,
, v 744 East Pine street.
. Why tt ZS might.' j.'..'
Bl.111,141 pennlee; this can be equally
divided Into. II parts, and If divided by
any number from 2 to II there will be a
remainder of one.
- j v ALTA JUDD, Barton. ;
. Wkr nonldnt This Be BJghtf
I And the answer to the skldoo prob
lem Is 1.2$l.t84.0.072.2tl.11.200. ,
. CLARA NELSON, Bt. JohnayArr.
I Always DelicJoue Pure I
I Oa Box will make l !
r rresh and Fall AAeyM r; 1
I ftseey Baase eae? BasAen As excsWre I
I , everae-r QM I
I - Maaera of Ceeea ead Cheealetee I
; BOSTON, MASS. ..: 'V- 'M
Brief Answere to BnUese.
Ed King. 121 Hall streeV cltyt X.tTI
pennies In each box.
E. IX Neubert, si water street: is.eis
Mr a u w. veyoe, nyrrie -oint: its
pennies, 11 in each box.
c. ts. sammons. sis isasi rtintn street:
4I.$$,69,86,$B,80,0$7 pennlee in .each
box. .-..;...:...
Harry Drake, 11 Grove street. More
tavllla: ISO pennies. - .
K. Nelson, lltl Drumond street: II
pennlAa, one in each box. '
C. E. Blucher, St. Johns: 1.012,14V
eS,ll7,tl.l04.l47.ll.0tT. Mr. Blu
cher's letter,- which shows how the re
sult wti obtained, will be carefully pre
served. -- j - -'
T. Murphy,' 22T Front street: II pen
niee. -
Edith Paffenberger, 111 ElUworth
street: III pennlee.
Rodney Durst, Newberg: The boy had
111 pennies,
- J. C Batuda, SOt Alder street: At 1:10
a m- after some careful study, I find
the boy had 21 pennies, one for, each
box;."'. t !
. Luther Rhodes, Warrenton:. II pen
nlee, with four pennies. in each box.
W. M. Cllne, Mount Angel: ' The right
anewer is 129 pennies.
Other answers came from the follow.
Ing: V, B. Mathews, Ooshen: B. Bailey,
Canby; E.- N. Bales, Estacado; J. Ennea,
Hlllaboro; N. w. waiaina, corvallls;
Evan McLennan. CorvaUis; Floyd Rob-
eruon. Nortft IsmhlUi . if IT
Curtis avenue, city; C F. Jones, 101-7
Columbia building; Winnie Banks,- J.f-
focaoa B AaboMay Nerta NHta
street; Philip Patterson, 2S Everett
street; Ruth M. Howell, 401 East Eighth
street; W. B. Btram, II Sixth etreet; O.
R Corke, Cove, Box II. Kelso, washing
ton; C A. M., 101 H First street; V. B.
Mathews, Ooshen; F. M. Priest, Klamath
Falls; John Kerrlsh, Columbia Manufac
turing company, city1; A. Pickard, city;
Sylvester Pennoyer Bundt, lis Williams
avenues Nell Simons. 122. East Thirty
ninth etreet; Anita Oulsners, 14 Russell
street; W. R. Lowry, Ontario.
AH Bay Twenty-Three Is BigM
The followlna fael certain that tha
sttldoo number le right: J. C Adams.
145 Miller etreet; Leonard Clapton, 41
Clay street; Cecil Super. Mount Tabor;
C. H. Curtis, 124H Russell street; L.
Morris, otty; J. B. Whitney, Junction
City; Alice Stem, $07 East Ash street;
Earl a Alien, 111 Lincoln street. ( :
" X.sck ef Xarmoay stere. .' '
The anewer to your ekldoo pussle Is
100 pennies. MAUI DAFOB,
. , 141 East Blxth street north.
I suggest 111 pennlee.
140 East Blxth street north,
The answer Is 101$ pennies. "
140 East Sixth street north. .
In solving your skldoo pussle I find
Ut pennlee.. -ADD1B DAFOB,
, 140 . East Sixth street north. '
Steinbach & Dreher wUl be in
' Portland Monday.
Stcinbach r Dreher will stay
here some time.
1 y