The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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    -Y- -v.:'
24, 1900.
AN h
- Oa tho left Is the corn crib on the farm of Peter Nelson, near Flushing;, .
- '-iLonf liland, where crad bojr waa caged On the right ia thA-dew-
t mented boy, who la aald to have been chained to a stake. ' '
Within half , aa houre Journey of
Broadway a small, helplees ' human
being has bn chained to a stake In
an -abandoned eorncrib, with no proteo-
tlon from winter wind, tor almost two
years. -v
Such waa tho appalling story tola be
f or Magistrate Connorton . la tho
Flushing (Nw York) polleo our when
Mr. and Hra. Poter Nelaon were brought
before him on a charge of rualty to
"Children. ?.''';.. . !' - ":
The victim, a 1-year-old Imbecile boy,
was carried Into tho courtroom clad In
' tho remnant of a ragged cotton dreaa,
his only other protection from tbo
weather being a filthy woolen- cloth
bound around hla head. ,
Detectives mad tho arresta of the
couple recently at - tho Nelaon -home,
on the North Hempstead turnpike near
Flushing; npon information furnished by
neighbors, who have long kept silent
about what they claim to be cruelty
almost beyond belief.
The child was found locked In a eorn-
crib behind tho Nelson house. . 'This
had been. It fa charged, his only habita
tion for upward of a year and a half.
The crib was built of slats, with spaces
- of nearly an Inoh between them, Owing
to - hla weak-mind tho baby boy was
treated Ilk an animal At tlmea he
would. It Is aald. grow violent; a chain
' In the corner of tho oorncrtb waa mute
evidence of his treatment on such occa
sions. .' 1
- When the detectives arrived they se
cured a key and opened the padlock on j
11 1 'i, "
Actor and ' Young Millionaire
Z1L From Louisville Gamble for
High Wagers.
. (Josrnal apeetsl Bamee.)
New York, Nov. 14. Nat Ooodwln and
Theodore Barrett, th latter a young
The New York Snrglcal 7
" And Medical Ins Male
Baa been established and perma
nently located In elegant quarters
And 1s now fully equipped with
the very latest snd most modern
outfit of sclentlflo surgical and
electric apparatus with a com
plete laboratory of pure, fresh
medicines, with a first-class phar
macist to dispense them.
' Th doctors who are In oharg
of th different department of
this Institution are graduate of
th 'best college of Europe or
America and have credentials
from th highest madloal boards
In th United States.
This la a Surgical and Medical
Institute or Dispensary for th
auocesaful treatment or all Aim-
.eases of. both . men,-women, and
Th- doctors of ' the New Tork
Surgical and Medio) Institute
treats and cure all dlsessee of
the eye, . ear, note, throat and
lung, heart, kidneys, bladder,
brain, catarrh, asthma, rhsuma
tlsm, bronchitis, headache. In
somnia, deafness, chills and
malaria, skin dlseeses neuralgia,
diabetes, dyspepsia, dropsy, hem
orrhoids and rectal troubles, and
all forms of cores, blood and
wsstlng disease.
- All private ' and wasting dis
eases promptly cured and their
effect permanently eradicated
from th systsm.
Dlsessee of women and children
given special attention.
- - Nervous disease and nervous
prostration made a spools) t v.
Ecsema and all Skin diseases
promptly cured
All medietas are fnralshMI o
patients from the laboratory f
the Institute.
- Consultat1on"elther at th In
stitute, t th patient' horn, or
ty mall, free. ; .. ,
!. pfflo hour to 11 a. nv, I to
I p. m and T to I p. m. Sun
days, it to 11 a. m. . '
New York Snrglcal and
. . . lledlcal InsUiate .
Permanently located at corner of
lath and Washinetaa streets,
. Portias, Oragoa,
- it .
the door of the prison. Chattering like
a monkey, the poor little waif scam
pered away on all Hours and was cap
tured with difficulty. -His little limbs
were wasted away almost to the bone,
and be waa unable to comprehend a
word of the English, Danish or Polish
spoken to him. . Released again, the
ohlld rolled on ' the ground, uttering
sounds that betokened delight, and were
like mixtures of tho bark of a dog and
the whinny of a horse. - -
Nelson, who is T year old, and la
owner of the farm where he lives, val
ued at more than . ttO.000, appeared
densely Ignorant when arraigned before
Magistrate Connorton. Mrs. Nelson Is
said to be of Polish parentage. . She
gave her age aa 40 years, and said she
had . been married to Nelson for six
year. . She denied that the boy whose
name, she ays, 1s John had been
locked In the oorncrtb except at times
when feh was absent from horn doing
work for neighboring farmers and was
unable to car for him. Husband and
wife were held in $600 bail each for
examination, and the child was given
Into the oustody of the Brooklyn branoh
of the Society for, the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children.
Amid wltlful srroaadlagB. -
Detective Xawson told ' Magistrate
Connorton that he found a shocking con
dition of affairs at the Nelson home,
and that the eorncrib where the child
was discovered waa filthy and gavs evi
dence of long occupancy. In one cor
ner the steel chain was bold to the wall
blood of Louisville, and reputed to be
worth 1 1.000.000, played faro at a
Thirty-fifth street gambling-hoe's early
Tuesday morning. Barrett lost ,lT,t09
and Goodwill1 lias luiluisul eheea, Th
both feeling In th mood, they cut
cards for high wager. Th aotor wa
th luckier and Barrett waa soon In his
opponent's debt almost $50,000. By an
other system of play this waa reaucea.
and they- finally agreed "that two cubs
of 12,000 each should b .mad: oood
wln won both.
Returning to th Lambs' elub later
Tuesday morning and realising that n
had not enough ready money in hank
to meet his chocks, Barrett boarded a
train-Tor Louisville. .
Hearing of ths case, soma of th close
friends of Barrett hurried to ths bank
and succeeded In having payment
stopped on the checks, concluding that
this was th bast method to employ
untll an authoritative statement could
be obtained from Barrett,
This brought an angry remonstrance
from th gambling-house owner, who
went through th formality of notify
ing Ooodwln that h would be held re
sponsible for the payment of the checks.
Ooodwln was confident that the mat'
ter would be settled. Then friends of
Barrett cot Into communication with
him and he at once arranged to have
the checks taken up, and -th money was
paid. ;
(gneelal MeiMtck The Joarul.l
North Powder, Or. Nov. 14. The
place of Incision In the forehead of Mrs.
Joseph E. Carroll, , where, a plec of
bone on by two inches was taken, out
two weeke ago to relieve preeeur on
th brain since early In July last, whsn
th skull was fractured In a runaway.
having become very painful, Mrs. Car
roll, accompanied by her granddaughter.
Miss Oaylord, of Pendleton, has been
sent back to th Sanitarium at Radium
Spring for further treatment
Mrs. Carroll waa th first postmis
tress at Cove,' serving until lltl, whsn
th present Incumbent, j O. Stevens,
went in. ' - ' '
The interest in this eas la ' wide
spread throughout ' Union county, not
only on account of the extensive rela
tionship and acquaintance of th pa
tient, but because of th peculiarities
of th disorder,
.. . . if
. Bematns Shipped Bast.
(pell DUpetcti to The Joamal.)
' Ia Grand, Or., Nov. 14. Th remains
of A. A. Prosser. th brakeman on th
O. R. A N. who was Instantly killed
Wednesday morning at Lime Siding,
near Huntington, hav been shipped to
his horn In Nebraska. .
Mr. Prosssr had been in the service
of the O. R. A N. for IC yeers and he
waa for 10 years freight conductor on
th run between Umatilla and Hunt
ington. He was well- known In eastern
Oregon. He wa "about 40 years of
eg and unmarried snd wa a member
of th Knights of Pythias snd Order of
Railway Conductors.
' ' Tsaeasrs Keating- at Chaalla,JJ
, ' (Rpertsl Piavetch te Tke Journal.) .
Ctiehalls. Wash. Nov. 12. The third
annual session of th Lewi County
Teachers' association will be held.. In
this city Friday. November. 10, and
Saturday, December 1. An Interesting
program has been prepsred and a good
attendance la expected. ' - j
by stout staple. - From the roof dan
gled a rope with a bundle of rags at
the and, suoh aa might be furnished aa
a plaything " for an animal. The only
protection from wind and weather in
the corner where an old mattress lay
was a piece of tattered carpet tacked
ever the crevices of the building.
" Ia the courtroom the ohlld showed
some affection for his mother In a wild,
uncouth .way. - He rolled on the floor
sgalnst Her Skirts and muttered an un
intelligible language. To all questions
he mad no sign except to star wild
eyed at hla questioner, - A variety of
languages was tried in an endeavor to
make the little on talk, but the sounds
coming from his Hps wer unlntelU
srlbla . .
- Neighbors say that for more than 111
moatha they have believed the Nelson
house to be haunted. At night, when
they passed, weird and fearful sounds
sent them scurrying homeward In fear.
The Nelsons were , not friendly with
near-by farmers,, and the truth was
a l (covered only by accident when some
venturesome children crept up to the
prison-house a few days ago and found
the pitiful animal-child scratching
the bar of his cage. ,
("Dedal Disnetcb to The Joamel.t
Chehalls, Wash., Nov. 14. In the pre
liminary examination, neia oeror jus
tice W. a. Westover. of George Trent
ehargad with the murder of Harv Cra-
ton at p EU a few days ago, sight
state witnesses wer examined. Trent
bad no attorney to represent him and
has thus far been unabl to secure
funds for a defense. The court held
him for trial oa a charge of first de
gree murder.
Sine th murder of Craton th a.
loon at that plao hav been closed
on Sundays.
A Friend in Need AI
- ways with You. , ;
HEN you hav Heartburn,
Collo, Coated Tongue,
Suspected Breath, Aoid-rtalnr-ln
throat, Gaa-
belchlnf, or an Incipient Cold, tafcay a
., Remember , ail these are not mereljT
'Pscornfoftar bat Indication of a serious -
Cause. '"' " ' " - :. v -'v- l.
Nip them In the bud eat a Candy Caa
caret Caaoareta don't purge, nor pun
ish the stomach like "BUe-drtvinf;"
j,Physjoe ' n
"' They aot like Exerdae on tho Bo wet
Muscles that propel Food, and - that
aqueere We natural rgestlvJuloea of
the body Into Food.
Cescareta ward off, or cure, the fol
lowing diseases:
Constitution :
Headack ,
Jaundict .
Vtrtigo "
Pimpiet -Bbtch4i
Torpid Liver
Worm " '
putM :
In such cases a little Caacaret In time
la worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment
later on, to say nothing of the suffering.
discomfort and loss of Business Energy,
. Headaches, Heartburn, Gas-belching,
Acld-rlslngs In th throat, and Colicky
feeling are sura signs of bowel trouble .
from food poisons, and should be dealt
with promptly.
One Caacaret win stop tha oomlng
trouble, and move on the Bowel load, U
taken at the first signs.
Don'Tfail to carry the Vest Pocket
Bo of Caacaret with you constantly,
AJ1 druggist tell them ever ten mfl-r -llon
boxes a year. ' ;
' Be very cartful to get tha genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com- ,
pany and never sold In bulk. Every
tablet stamped "CCC". - , -
W A T7
Experiment or take chances of, any
sort. I attempt to cure only those
diseases that I have been curing for
the past sixteen years, and I believe
I am Justified In saying that I have
learned all about them. Wer I lack
log In knowledge pertolnlnr to my
speclalty I would never have attained
my present success,- nor would I to
day be recognised as the leading spe
cialist treating men's diseases. If
afflicted, you can depend upon it that
the service I offer you Is the service,
you need, snd Is service such as can
be rendered by no other physician. ,
My practice la the largest because
X invariably fulfill my promises.
Under my treatment the most 'ag
gravated cases of varlooeele are
cured in a few days' time. There is
no pain, and It is seldom necessary
that the patient be detained from his
occupation. Normal circulation is at
onoe restored throughout all the -organs,
and the natural processes of
waste and repair are again estab
lished. If you are afflicted with va
ricocele, consult me at. once. Pe
Isys can but bring on aggravated
condition and nervous complications
that will impair ths vital functions
and involve ths general health. '
In the treatment nf tHanrriArn T Af
ter service such ss no other phy
sician can render. The remedies I
employ have a most thorough and
positive action In cleansing the mem
branes of all infection and subduing
all inflammation. My manner of ap
plication insures absolute thorough
neos, and removes every possibility
of relapse or a ohronlo stage. My
cures are not only -thorough, but are
accomplished In the briefest tlm
possible, a
We Treat iht Followlnfl Diseases
Bhetuaattsm, Aonte aad Chaonle.
Blood Velsoa. ' Ooaorrhoe. Tarlooeela. -Venxasthexda,
aTervoua Beeltae. aralysia.
Olert. ' , STpnllla. - - Mlae.
atldsey, aiaddeg and All Vxtnarr Diseases.
We cure this disease without operation or liga
ture, and nnder our treatment the congested condi
tion soon disappears, the parts are restored to their
natural condition, vigos and strength, and circulation
is reestablished. :
' We cure stricture without the knife by an applica
tion 'which acta directly on the parts affected, dis
solving; the stricture completely. Our treatment is
painless and in nowise interfere with your business
duties. , '.. ...
A ' Aout end Oaxenle Bisehargea, vlai CkBorrnoea, rrowtatla Diseases,
mmmmjm aavwn, lujuriuui
system and the diseased
kiiv uiswmu inn mums 19 a vouna ana neaitny
xx yon aav viola
aaw via
So n be
a me dap
a lea us laws
system, eon to aa befor yo seoom a aarvoua aad payslosl wreck, if
kav bad dran
vitality, 00m to us at
1 m ai
yoa to stieiianh -end hearrn.
non wiojuri ism siumnrno it Dai.iD iriouum abb v xamsnirrxT bb
QTrzanio to nrrBSTiOATB ova mitxodo awo tiimi without sxiat, wxicx us tut dovb
tUr VMM ,BBOinrnia WOOUI XATB aULTBS MIX Tin ABB XOBBT, Writ if you Cannot oalL, , .
1 ( " ' . r ; Hours I a. m. te p. m.j Bvenlnga, T to 1:10; Bundays, I s. m. to It noon,
St. Louis r.2edical and Surgical Dispensary
We rive those afflicted with any of
the distressing maladies th beat kind
of help, Wi help them back to sound
health. OUR TREATMENT eures.
WeCure in a Week
. W do not experiment
Our long and
extenalr experience ia - the danaee of
disease to which w limit ouf prao
tlce enables us to make a eorreot diag
nosis and to apply th proper remedies
to each case. We take constitutional
peculiarities Into account, becauae . w
know that a medicine that will suit one
person ma j dlsaare with another,
though suffering from th same dis
ease. In th vast majority of Instances
Where Other Have Failed to Cure We heal
- fcureiy and Permanently -
If you ar sick we sdvla you to lot, no time In getting treatment
Our terms ar most reasonable. If your means are limited we will
accept weekly or monthly Installments. OR YOU CAS PAT WHEN
CURED. Tou can deposit th price of a our In ANT BANK in Port
land, to be paid to us when you are entirely welL
Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured
at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00
Consultation free. Call or write
'treatment la successful, and euros
men wnt um; awva on application.
Offlc hours I a. m. to p, m. Bundays and holidays, 10 te XI.
teadlnc Bpec la lists la th sTortbwsi. ' BstabUahsd 18S9.
Abrdn. Nov. 14. In a lively "meet
ing of th city council th proposition
from Andrew Carnegie for a publlo li
brary waa thoroughly dismissed, and a
motion to appropriate ll.BOO yearly for
the maintenance of such a prooosltlbn
was tabled for a week. The friends of
th project hare Iwn trying for three
rVererye Refnenaer tba Foil
tsstrve -1 tromo nri
DveA.CoUhOMDay, CiTita Day,
The leading- Specialist,
nr ajtt ubookuoatb oabb
Consultation Free
Vnii Pflv
Taylor Co
We never
stobushedea Tew We never
from the system,
cury or potash..
permanent, not
u urn in no way, anap r iorm; uui,
ed part return to a sound and haalthv condition.
sr lltia a mrm HHiiiilail nf m. anilaal avals wklak la aalmahh
ambltlOB and enarrv. naabl So oonoentrate roar tbonabta, lack vim. viros aad
iiuena will lion a 11 araiae ana overooma aui aieaaneaaea enfl lwiainwiv 1
We nave eared nousands ef weak men.
for Question blank.
Our home
Book for
evsn complicated cases.
Jinc vitsano niXIk
dlal Aak jmi? Dnajilat a
ad tiald aiMalllc anaa, aaalolV
-eh aiua RRiboa. TahoaoMbo. V
"" lrrlt and aak far
niAhjown bba.vb ritijJi. s
r"' r"M a Ran. sum, Aiara
kalni-la. Sol4 b DturrlMi a.,.hia.
' "ii-4-hio, fa.
yeers to put the plsn through.
In addition to th opposition ef the
labor elemsnt ths measure waa eeorad
by a number of th councllmen. One
was against It on tlid fecor of "Ulnted
money;" another because the city could
hot afford to spend th aeoessary yearly
amount; while E. C Finch, president of
th chamber of comajerr. wss sgalnst
It because he did not believe In erecting
a monument to Mr. Carnegie la Aber
deen, .4 ....
. I am never la doubt aa to what the
results from my - treatment will -Day
after day for sixteen year I
have been curing eas after case of
the several diseases peculiar to men. ,
-fo ease comes to me now; the Ilk'
of which I have not treated ecores
of times in tho past, and I can al
ways say definitely whether I will
be able to effect a permanent cure.
I never hold out false hopes or
make promises that I cannot fulfill,'
. and you can rely absolutely upon
any encouragement I may be able
to. offer you. If I promts you a
cure, a euro will follow. .' ' ,
f cure functional' weakness in msn.
I know of no other physician cur
ing this aliment. Most doctors treat
wrongly. They give stimulants and
tonics. i These things , can't ' cure. '
"Weakness" Is a symptom of pros
tatic disorder,,' and, the 'treatment
must be local. - This ia a truth that
I myself revealed. I have perfected
the only system of local treatment
that eures "weakness." A few doc
tors over the country claim to cur
hv the same method, but their treat-'
tmnt "Isonly hn "Imitation o"th"
genuine "Joslen method. The gen
uine is here and is administered by
its originator,. Don't bop to find it
. lswhr. 4;.
Specific Blood Poison '
No dangerous -minerals to drive th
virus to th Interior, but harmless,
blood cleansing remedies tbat re
move ths last poisonous taint. .'
234 Morrison Street
Cor. 2nd, Portland, Or.
w m io
Consultation Free
We never disappoint our patients!
We accept any incurable cases!
hold out false hopes!
fail in any case we take!
It may be in its primary stage, or it may have been
hereditary or contracted in early days, .thereby being
constitutional We cure all its complications. We
stop its progress, eradicate every vestige of poison
and thi without the use of mer
. ... . -;,
Whether acquired or inherited, is cured by our
methods so that the parts affected are restored to
their normal conditions. The established cure is
cured by the us of th only elen-
on me contrary, it .cuiias up tn
yoa are weak, gloomy aad dosponda
' PortlAndi
Widely Known
and Successful
Medicinal, . '
Root and
Herb Doctor
Ha taaoea raaodlae, the Intradleata at
wklc we Import direct (toa the Orient la
lars eaaatlttaa and srapare sad pat ap inf
an ks hla an-te-date kTsatory. Ne amar.
potaana w sress af say kind ea.a. Pareiy
Tho Dortot M siKtaaarally aad neraiiteae
eara all stoma tmablaa, eaUrrs. aethaa.
hns.' throat, rbramattam. amausaaas, II Tar.
tMnoy aad Inat manhood. '. . .
rEJtaxx raotrttEs airn . au yaxTAii
Ne Bikw ar atalradlntf sutesaests te tea
afSletad. A safe and laaUns eera la the ealah.
eat poalble time and at the lowest east bob
albla for. aeerat traetaaat.
If ye eaeent rail, write fee iniliia skask
BS eeresiar. inrmao e rm m ataasa. ,
Tha C. Oaa Wa Vaaoaa Stadiaiaa Ofc, US
lint il, Car. Marrieaa, forties. On,
Phaae aaacMa tha sapor.
Evory Woman
nimnaiil ana anonja snow
sooat the wonoarfal
MAmL whrrHaej Spray
i naw raaiaai nrftara. ae
rwaews SurUMk. Itaat" tUi.
Aaat fwaB 4VsVeTva sBs? tt
If b twnnotaucnlv U
stls.BtVelaa BO
eHOwr. twt Mfkd tut mat fog '
IUustrail booeT !-. ft
f nil rsTtltwjlBx ant (1r.Mtm.a l
T-lilAbl to lalikfp. M RV SC l( rm,m
S. 5. F. A. Kllburn
rw Cans Bar. Beraka aad San tvanitaee,
Hrt sailing froa Portland, rrUUy, Me. IA
Nes Balling from gas rraadeea, Taer., Me. H.
.. w.CB AA. aVaTBALaJJiTSV Adas.--
OaK Street Dock, Phone Ktsin
C .ifia '
. X'OiSlvS-V. eat Miat ConTMiona.
Ai7-' ST JW .
1L .
and UraoFrPTinn
3 Trains to the East Daily 3
ct&PT ar " a,"
svwisiiun, toejuj 4 Alma maA
rT';'D1 k:. tar sn
point a batwMa Bin aad . -
e.n7..: .7?.... sis., eeesw
(Soot S a. . i.-:. '
r "whii Hnra...
. v tamhill aivKB Rotrra.
pweta aiaaaiara Batk aa afodoe. Aab-et, ,
vav T a. m AmU a- .
y ttthir). ArrlT." 7 iO a. m. daAr.
ait aKB arvaa notrra.
- jobdo, aae way sonis ii'iaa
Rlparla. Wh.. ataaiaere Spokane an Iwto
i?? l"t..B'0 . si., or apos aTrtral Tral
i-r'i.S "I "rf rrl 4 S. a.
Tlekat OfrW. tblrt a4 Waahhwte sts.
1 T1afhri Mata TU.
' w wCi w.;TUN"rR- c"r Tit asm
W. McMUKHaT. Onml Paaaaaawr Acaaf.
Si . axpreaa-rflraliis
Jan. KacraDMirta, Oiclra.
a .rraacuwe. Stock toa. ,
If inK CI faaa,
Naw Orlaaaa aad the seat! S: fm T:U se
Morajn train coanaeta at
Woodburs dallf exrnpt
Sundir wit y, in-.i , t
and gllnrtoa local. .7Tr... tm SB XM SSI
lottasa Oror paaaeofrr '
eonnta at Woedbars and ? ' , - v
Albany dally, axrvpt Baa-
day, with trains for polnta ' , - j '
oa Woodbnrn.flrkr1n-a-lrf i
Atbanv.LhaimM h-tiiii,i, a
Cor t Ilia paaarnsitr M OO am i:nOpni
Sherldaa eaaaanaar a:lpa Ifl SOaai
rorm UTOTa paaaansvv... .1111:00 am 1 1T BO am
romt Orove iaaaanavr.... 1I8: pm I:M pal
-ii j. HiNtiir xwn mwAav.
jarraasoN-BTBain' station.
for DalUa and tntaraMdUta polnta datlr. t'SO
a. n. and 4:11 p. aa, . Airtre ferUae4 i0:l
a. a. sad C:3t p. m.
For time aad card ef Oanaau enSui'lie tfetss
PPly at Cltjr Ticket Of flea, or atatloa.
Ttckata to Eaatara polata and Rnrasei Slas
Japan. China. Hnnolnla aad Ana trail.
City Th-kct Orrire enrnrr Third aad Weak
taftna atrrrta. Phone Main Til.
o. w. STiNOKg, Wb. uoMraaAT.
CTty TVaat Atant. Oaa. Paaa. Asael
Telknraton Part anaa City.
iu Umla Bnarlal for Cbaballa.
Centralis, Glxmpla. Cray's ' , '
Harbor, Boath Band, Taraaa, .
Seattle. Mnokane. Lawlataev,
Batts. rSUHnsat' Deavar, Oiaa- -
ba. Kanaaa City. St. Wrote '
and Soatkaaat. daily :S0 pa 4: pas -
North Coaat t'lmltad. elerrrte -
ilshtad. (or Taewna. Soattle. '
Spokane. Batto. Mlnaaapolla,
Kt. Paal and the Baat, dailr. t:00 pa T40 aa '
Pnavt Bonsd LlniltaaL tat . ,
lC lax stent. 't''' . - , ,, "
I trails, Taceaa and leattle
meeaa r-oUaM etaadard sad tear S ,
J"!;" tm CwaiM. Qln. aekMt
Hainan isaaia neap
(or Ilwace and MMk n..rS ateeaM
aen-at. dark, iaene S . SV Sallr.
IA m. mx. UM
I Sri suMear "5 1
I O foaeta. etuaaJ I
lailt souTts
anir. aauj , e:svs scsssa
Twin Cltr Erprana for Taca . . '
ma. Seattle, Spokane. Bafcmv
bntte. St. Paol. altnaeapolla. . : , ' C . '
Lincoln. St. Joarpa. Kanaaa ' . .
City, Omaha. St. Loala, with- ' . .
est -ehaace t -ears. - Ptrea .. ' ', -
eannaptlooa for all polnta Bast
aad SontlMaat. dally.,. 11:4 aa :
j Li I TNC COMfOtrrAaiX WAY. i,
2 Overland Trains Dally 7
'The Orlaatal Liaitad.tae rest Ball4"
PorUand Uae eesedale
Tl : ; 7, Dally. - Dtty.
'' ' , Laera, Arrlva.
Te end from Bnotane,
Bt. Paol, atlanaapolla. -
rmlnth and all nolota
Baat vU BaatUa l: aa T-OS aa
llteSpn e0pa
Te and frna St. fa at
-artnsaanntts; thrtntk'
aad all polata
la Spokane
SrlSpa tfl aa
mat Horthera Staaasklp Oa,
Batllaf fraa Saat'le for . Japan aad
Chtaa porta and Manila, earrxtag na
eantarn end freight
A A Dakota, Xaveaker St.
A A Mlnaaaota, Jaanary .
i Japan Mall Stoaa.hlp C
, AU Mara wUl aaU fraa
Seattle about Koveinbar tT for Japan
and Chlnrae porta, earrjug paeans ail
snd fralfht. -
' ror tickets, rates, h-rth. nan ia
done. ate.. eaU oa or eddrene
H. DICXSOir, O. 1. T. A. tS Third
Verueaa. Proses, a-saaa sun eas.
Astoria & Columbia : :
River Railroad Cd
- Oaka Dapot Laare, V Asrtra,
ror aUrfara, Ralater, Cats- -
kaale, Waatport, CUl ton. A a- ,
torlaT Warranto. rlarel,. '
Haamnad, Tort Stereo. Uaa '
hart Park, Seaatde..... S4Ss UiSSssi
Aatorls and Seeahere, sspcees
dailr T:9ea : pa
All tral oa, dally. . . '
X a MATO, S. T. and f. 4., Arterta, Oa,;
'ft A. STSWART. Canriel AsaaA. SeS
Alder atreat. Pboae Mala au.
Upper Columbia River
Chas. R. Spencer
leaves Oak street doek every Monday.
Wrdnraday snd Friday at T - m. V t
TBS S1UII and ttAta OBjattA
connecung with Ihe Cpea Blve Traas-
rprtattoa Compasy's sto. mars for points
s far east as tHAx i A. ll-.ur-Ing.
arrlvee portUnd. TuoauaV, Thire
day and 8aturdf at P IW r- a
snd sxcellent servk. I bona I .. ,
tat snd l '
(' ! . !
tf ye aav a swr4
sal Wsat Ads laty yea I
at mt Wwo wt'- -V
' !