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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1906)
.1. ' 12 ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NO.VEMlnsK 24; 1803." MONEYTO LOAN. sU I . I I VI Ml" . ...... as on ln.uro.ed city prwrty r .r J- ounwM. for tv I w iv rra' time. ' MOM araeO4 " - W " Ssurt.ire-ce Ulra ap end "" - -fctL B- STKONU. Fli-ecUf AgeBt, fig Stark it. " " ' Ilia UTAH LOAN CO, ' - " t ' X, uUrid employ. nrMinw, tea g $.t.uO Repay to se SM or $.S6 or II J no Mciur w MunntnTlll. LOANS M Selarle. VwlK-fce. planes, furniture, warehouse re wlpte !.; "" "" Bereoe "W?" ilberaj tit'un. repayws y J weakly r atoothly lli.miiraesia. , . w KLW. kit A LOAN TRC8T COMPANY, . . . Su Ablngtoo U. tfOMCr LOAKKB TO 8ALARIEO peoplr Jul mm yeai iTT Mm' nit othef erBritf! don't borrow onlU imm m: mr ..'.tea, U the h.,t for nllroaa clerke, bookkeeper, tiertcr hi and all other employee; bu.1- - n,.M strictly couOdautlaL r. A. hrwtoa, 424 . ' Ablug'oa bUlg. . . . ur.KVT invikTID SALARIED PROPI.R- And other none their own bamee without KvariUi tbttiiMt rate. caaleet psynseols: f" ftlcea n m prinelpat clrk: mm yourself J OMirr r i-tlhi our terni mm. ioLMAS. 223 Abln-t bhlg.. luV Third at. '. WAkTRO Note. . mertxagee ur contracts oa any kind of real antatn In Oram and Washing ton: second uorftfape. pet-chased IT well se- cored. U. B- Noble. mlS Commercial blk. ifMir in anua to antt. and t year. ( at low as' per cent lirnrered elty prop- Muuitua c r;iei " u. S5 Washlnf Ion at. ' . ' - DUU'T kaaiaai iiaa .ajr kutM. . f ; . ; Huttca Credit to. kit Urkn Mils- AlO.NKT loaned oa fm nit ore. ptanoa and other ' art'UrTTlea. V. . auvuawmr, 'raw avi v Waaliluftoa Bklf. rbooe PaclUo lSiO. WANTKO AppllraHona for mortrnte loana, direct from ownoe. fm VX t ll.WIO, (or term o earn. k'W rate, nHMleraie rkarfea. W. 8. Ward. Attornernit-Law. AUky bld. WOVET to loan: lanre loana apeHaltr; alao halldin rnana; loweat rate flra Inauraaon. . Wllllaa S. Herk. 118 Talllnc bid. CRRM.EKT LOAM CO, ki.ak bldn. ! waae-eaniarai atrlttly aoaadeoUal. MONET to Von oa all klnda of aerorlyr, 7wUlUni Holl, room . Wanning tea bldf. OriCK loana oa all acciirltloa. 8. W. Klnc, 4S WaaMnftoa bldf. Pboaa Mala 810A. WILL loan 3,0ii or leoa, real aatate aacarltr. ' ( not cent, rarrtottoii. ronton bulk. , ro LOAN ftnma to anlt oa chattel B, a. rraaie. 014 the atariraaau nrlty. A LOAN tor (be aaktnf Hauur or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Pekam bdg. RUBBER STAMPS. W, C. TAklP WORKS. S4 Alder at., pboaa Mala 710; rabber atamna. eala. ateartla; ba (ago. trade cbecka;braaa al-na and Ptm. '';'fy-:' REAL - ESTATE.- ' PARRISH. WATKIN 00.. - - -Raal aatar. iBoarance. reatal and leak . - amta. 230 Alder aU j. w. OCir.REK. real aetata and loana; aatab liabel 1SSI. 143 H Plrat at., room 11. , A. R. RHrnARnaoN RJCAL K8TATE AND M0RT0ACR LOANS, fhou Main 6 :!. Z22 Chamber ot Ooanioreo. R00FIN0. (li ROOKINO. irtittrrlng. repalrin and aaerl Vbli,. J. LoalU SU Jetforaoa at. Pan 1484. STREET PAVING.' WARKKN rxtaatractloa Co.. a tree paerna. aloe walka and eroaalnaa. aiLamber tichanae. THR Barber Aafbart Paetng Co. at Portland. Office MG5 '-jreeater blk. ijn),w'nir'i-' SHOWCASES . AND FIXTURES. . SHOWCASES of orerr deaertptloas bank, bar , and aloro II it urea made to orderv The Latka Maaufartavlng Co, PortUnd. , . H SIKDSAUU dealgner; amt M. Winter , Lninber Co.. 7 Bamlltea bldf. Mara fioatt. POSTER a KLEISER RiONS. W bar a bo lit ap tlie largaat alga baaluaaa a tb rlty by firat-claaa work and keeping owr proailaes. Oar price are right. fifth aad fererett ata. Pboaa Ex. 06. N. R BRRORR 81N. 8H4 Tamhlll of all klnda. Phono Pads S2S2. eUgna 810 N8 THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Boal Co.. 2s7 Stark at. Phone Parlfl ISO. SAFES. PORTLAND BAFS CO., ael. agents tor Herring- Hall-MarTln aafra and Manianeo Steal Safe Co.' bank afa. Tb largeat aaaortment of . high-grade- Ota . an4 - borgliir-pnaof aaia la ! tb nortbnreat. 112 Serenth at. . ' DIRBOLO aunaaneee and Sre-aroof aafra: lock- i sat opened; metal flrturra; eaalt and lull j itckt- P"U- " M' ia KIGHT aecond-hand 8 re-proof aafe and two ' t aecand-hand bank aafe for Bale cheap, at TO Sixth at., PortUnd. Or. . - . -km , ' n . .au-J i aiai aawaaaasraaaaaaiBa-Ba f V SEWINO MACHINES. ' PHONB Pacific tns and I peraonally will . i call and repair roar pwtng-machlne; work ' guaranteed. - S. Baas, adj inter. Sill Third at. r TYPEWRITERS. pK AlXflJARTCRS for new and rebaltt type , writer of all make; ace oar window; If yoe i are going to boy a new typewriter aee a bo- for buying; we can aare yon money! we J hare rarta for repairing all Biacbloea; atata agent for the VUIbl poa; w buy all klnda : of tyDewrltera. Tb Typewriter Exrhaag, 1do., t. J. Ullaoa, auaagar. 84 Third at. W8 eell Romlngtona, Smith-Premier. Demv . mereo. etc.. lower than any other company; I Inanatlgata. t'adarwood Typewriter Co., fta ata. TirrwsiTis. repair and aormir I . warning ton at. Phone Mala 4-S44. . kLIUKRNSDICRrRR tynewiiter. 840 and SMI; . enwlta. repairing. Roe a lloaa. 301 H Stark. "' TELEPHONES. THR only exclnalT tclephone-booee. , B -R. Kleotrlc, Telephoa Manufactsrlni aom- pany. t Fifth at. ' ' TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS bAILT Comb, beaah. anap, $1 fr atoath. Portland Lanndry and Towel Snpply Co.. Ninth and Conch. Phone 410. w . unary n i a i w ii TRANSFER AND HAULING. till BA'rUAGB OMNIBUS TRANRTEH Co . e. Sixth and Oak ata.; hastate cheeked rroea hotel or residence direct I deatlaatkin; paaaaager therefor aejld roab aad aanuy i anc at denote. prr.u xchang OS. SAFES rcadr pie oo. and fnrnltar morcd. packed for ahtpplDg and ablpned; all work guareareed Urge. -atry nnca. kre-nrtxrf a rvofua i' llaa Ro. atorag. Offlr soft Oak u Pboaa Mala 4T. at rt ft CM offlr 88 Pint at., between Bl.r. and Oak eta., phon 8U: planoa and fnnrltor moeed nd paed f'r ailKplngt rommotUos brick warennuaa wiui aeiMirai aroa room, front ad Clay at. Cl'T rates oa botiacboM good to all point . . ... k. mm MrW. Am anecial ejMm h. trunka while walling. Oregon Ato-Dapta, Ik iral l. taoa. ameiai i.e. r xroK I'ITT VAN CO.. office 141 Flrat t tbae Main TH, rornttur end ptaaoHBorlns a BfeHaKyi we gnarantea our wwa. . KATIONAL TRANRFFB ' BTOBAOR CO. jjo oak at. Telepbeti Mala 440U. Traaafar rti d torlr4r. - ' - ORPHN TRAVRFRR CO.. 184 Worth Slath. Phone Mala u. Bery saaung air., .Nrri :NlR!T BAiflAOI TRANSI CO, B'.e. .24 Siarh at. Mala T. Vt KtmiAi. PKHrrnr, Me. Wea- legtoa, at, l ee Mala :'. WINES AND LIQUORS. ; COlXMBtH. Callrornla win oveoori an klorta : of wine, se a (laaa. Couka' aud Oooka' lielu ara Ueaoqaartara. 148 rourtk at- ffceue Pa elfle SIKi. P. Iratl. 1 WINDOW SHADES. GAL WINDOW BllADH CO.. ST Salmoa at.. tlaliT" Mil -"raoer abrrtro-trmdo re- aril.r at iweat prlcaa. Paoao klaln Q57. . -i WHOLESALE JOBBERS. ' THR BRSTMAN LEATHBB CO.. Jnbbera of . eMdicXT.eaarowarv. ooree aooa, teaiaer, ns.. Uga and aaoe aura auppUea. Firth tnd Oak. kL A. OCN8T A CO . DlSTRIBt TOHS Of PINIt CT0AR3. ' PORTLAND. ORhXiON. 8HEKK. GA7.B GRAHAM lae. rommlaaloa coualgumaaU . aoUritea. .iza rroni ai. rvtmiiKO A rARRCLL. produce and con mlaaloa morcnanta. iw vroas at., t ortiaaa. Or. 1'keae Mala 17V. 0RKOON rnrnltare Manafartarina; Coaipanr Mannfactnrera of furniture for the trade. Portland. Oregon. ... WAPHAMS CO.. wboleaal groeere, roann- facturera ana owaoBuiwiua aiHvuaia. ewru. and Oak au. ruBNITtiRR aannfartnrbia and apoetal ordera. i. Ha.onakj a inraiiure iMt-iwr. evi eroos au ALLRN A LEWIS, commlaalea and pmdnca iw cuaura. kroat. ana favia ata.. rwiou, ur. WHOLES ALU erockarr and alaaawaro, Praol. tiegelO e to. 1IW to 1W rilia. w. aiiers m. QNKNOWN MAN-IS Former Officer of Steamer Has- salo Does Heroic Act . at Dock. JUMPS INTO WATER ; ; ; : r AND SAVES HIS LIFE Victim of Fainting Spell -Fans Off Steamer and Is Rescued by Parker, Who Immediately Springs Into the Stream. . . But for the bravery and prompt ac tion of former Flint Officer Thomas E. Parker of tha O. R. 4 N. Ca'a steamer Haaaalo. an unknown man would have drowned In tha rtwpr off tha Ash street dork Wednesday night ova the eteam-T was about to pull out for Astoria. Parker Jumped Into tha water and res cued the. drowning man at tha peril of his own life. " " Tha facts were not mad public until yesterday afternoon when tha steamer returned from Astoria. The unknown man was seised with . fainting; spell while .standing; on ' tha . bow of ( tha steamer and rolled over the aid 'Into the river. , He sank like rock'and would probably never have coma to tha sur face again had not Parker made a diva for him. Although after dark. Parker aaw'the man reel and fall over tha side. Understanding th&l he had been seised 1 with a fainting- spell, he dli not wait for him to come to the surface, but im mediately leaped into tha swift current and caught him before ha reached bot tom. Mr. Parker left the Hassal) yesterday to go to work on one of tha steamers plying on the Snake river. SEATTLE THEATRE BURNED -PERHAPSBYTHIEVES Holes Bored Through Box Office by Robbers Who Sought to V Crack Safe. (Special Dlepatch t Tb ioarnal.) " -""-'T Seattle, Nov. 24. Fire starting; from a myaterioua aource damaged the In-' terlor of the Grand opera-house 15.008 and perhnpa mora,, between and 7 o'clock thl morning. , The conflagra tion will make tha theatre Impossible for use for a week and necessitates a change of location of the attractions booked for tha Seattle theatre and tha Grand. ' , , Coincident with the fire was an un successful attempt to locate the . safe tn the offlr of the theatre, which con tained the . receipts Qf 1.5,000 for tha uwacavaiio periormance. in police etneers, who made the Investigation, do not bellev-that the -ttriares who planned to loot the -omce and subsequently to blow the iron aafe had anything to do with starting the (Irs. . Boxea on the east side of tha theatre are almost total wreck and the deeora- tlons n the eat wull, from the stage half way back, are burned and smoked bo that all must-ba removed. AU the parqnet seats were soaked with water when tha celling sprinkler allowed a flood of -watCr to drop. Smoke damaged the entire theatre. - Building- tsrkUtk "A permit for the erection qf a four stofy brick building on rifth, between Alder and Morrison, baa been Issued , to the J.- M. Acheson company. Thejcost Is given as 30,000 and the structure will be occupied by a -store and offices.' Tho. basementfpLlhe bulldinf bus sl ready been made. It adjoina the fall ing building, now under construction at Fifth and Alder. Mra. Gertrude Russell has received a permit for a three-story frame - apart mi nt-house and store building on-Waah- Anitton street, between Nineteenth and Trinity place. It Will cost $10,000. Other permits have been Issued as follows: Mrs. JJentley, one-etory dwell ing. Frederick, between Mllwaukle -and East Thirteenth, cost $1400; J. W. Ba ker, baaement, Washington, v between Kleventh and Twelfth, cost $ J, 300; Jo seph Supple, office, riverfront, betweea Belmont and Kast Tamhlll,. cost tlz&i Hiss Catherine . Harkness, two-story dwelling, Kast Irving, near East Eighth, ,eo; $1,700; Portland Turn Vermin, re pairs, Yamhill, between 'Third and Fourth, cost $100; OoUi Fellowa, repaira. Alder, between Flrat and Second, coat $50; Frank -Ixwa, one-story dwelling, Leo avenue, between Kast Seventeenth and Mllwaukle,: coat $1,000; C. H. Thompson, two one-story r dwellings. East Yamhill, between Eaat Forty-arc ond and East Forty-third, cost, $1,000 each.. Seaside Sunday Excursions. The Aj A C. R. R. R. will run an ex cursion to Seaside and return every Kunday at the round-trip rate of 81.60. Take advantage of the low rate and sea the ocean. Tlcketa for Bale during the week at 248 Aider afreet and at tha J tilnoo depot, Sunday morning. RESCUED TODAY'S POTATOES- GROW SECOND TIL1E Late Rains Cause Sprouting and Growers Are Not Able tb Dig just Now. ' - KNOTTY STOCK FEARED - BY LOCAL SHIPPERS Poultry Rather Quiet Even the De mand for Turkeys Not as Brisk a Season - Warrants--Dressed Meat Market Holds Well Eggs Firmer. Principal market featnrea today: Totalo diralna Terr backward. ""Trmttrr tnartref -ta-Tatbeo- alow. Turkera remain at old priea. Ka are flnneri acme talk Hao. ' Plenty of grape for Tbankagltlng. Oranea trade la qnlto good. ' Dreaaed meat market hold well. . Man aalea of bopa oa the quiet. .' Potato XHggtoa Tary Backward. According to grower and ahlppere the dig ging of potato has been Tory backward thl a aeon. Only a . rery amall per cant of tn crop baa been dog thna far and tha adraat of the rainy aeaaoa t raulng tha trid much aneaalneaa. - According to WUltam Clark of tha Uerral Star, who la la tb ity today, tha m tb oat backward ha ha eea for aome time. Tb potato are already taking their aecoad growth and ram molt la raining the tr. ft m aald that only a (mill rractwa of the crop in the valley thm year will com aat with rood alee and aliapea, a large per rant of th jotaroe baring great knob. The tone of the note to market 1" eomewhat better a reault of till, fancy' grade showing a mark better demand whim price are to aome extent setting better, car are atore easily secured and (tilpoient to tb sooth are more liberal What effect the greater shipments 111 hare oa tb California market la aot known at this ' time. Onion remain rather quiet wiro sappnc quit beary. , rower wb are la the combine are holding for their regular flgur, sot a few ootld are letting go at a aligns aisoounu Xggs Are rtrmsri Borne Talk Bis. There I a firmer ton la tb market with -receipt of local tock llshter. Tb general price along the treet remains at 8se and 87KC. bat one dealer Bays ho b going to aak mora today. Rantera egg are slightly higher, bet adeancr la that - Un wiu a topped. several ears are one to arriTo awr early In toe coming week, : Poultry Market Is low.-- -Pnaltr trade m rather slow erea ta turkey. Chicken are dragging, although mot of th dealer sent part of their eurplua to tli northern cities lart erenlng. Price oa then are said to rale ss low a lOe a poand. Turkey receipts are beery aad the era da I aot a brlat a th recelTcr belter It should b. The re tailer are pot taking hold of npplle aa freely as they ebonld at tbla time. While th trad In gaerl doe aot anticipate lower prices oa turk.rl it Is of th opinion that present valoea are the top. Decks and gees .wanted at tb price eootedVr? . --Plenty of Orap for TaaahagtvuMr. ' There aro nlentr of (Tane la stock for the ThankaKlTlng trad. Bupplles hr at thla.tlm are aior liberal tnaa at una time aa Y'Yl viop esoa. Price are ruling between 81.23 .na tl no a crate, accord hi a? -t ooallty. . Ood banana are rather scare, but the mar ket has fair mippii oi scona graue inui. Oranze are showing a very gooo awmaen oa account of the good color. .Prices tb earn. Cranberrle continue to show greater firmness, bat price are noebnnged from yesterday. arap fruit aeuing ravoer count of tb generally, green color. Brief Bote f the Trade. Trrnaoed meats are only to fan- supply with former vaisea. - vesj mm. him tnclniled. Sugar varae are utchanged up to the Bona hour with but light buying by retailer. Gen erally bettered that th price will aot how much ioa irora iuai w.,"a , men are noncommittal.' A great many sales OI nop are reporioa ,i TUy points Jlurtag th past 84 boar,, bat tb report sr so vague that they cannot Iw quoted. Tb trade In general I keeping Its transactions quiet. One leading bear laid yes terday that the amount or tn oimatiamw late would surprise th grower when a correct connt could be made. Orowcra are aot so will- Hay" bTflrmer with supplies amall sad greater demand. ' , , To twit and flour n-aoa rery aurw. Mlllfaeds ar firmer. .. . . . Th trade pay th following price ta Front trrct. Price paid snipper are lew xogviai eommUfloa: i - oraln. Flour aaa rd- ORA1N BAtiS Calcutta, 8 buylg price) Ww"lfkA8TN.w''elub. 64c red Raaalaa. 61e; kloeatcm, ase: "Uey. 87. BARLEY New 'ed. $21.00; rolled. $28.80; COIIN WheSl' IZt.OOs cracked, $28.00 per tOB. uTR $1.88 per ewU - - , New Producer- price Me. 1 White, $24 .00n 20.00; gray. $23 00 t 24.00. -- m FLOCK Bastora Oregon plnbv; $8.80; tralghU. 8a.; citport. $3.06i alley, 83.40: rham, K. $'8; "bole wheat. .!B; rye, EuaT 1S.WT T1m.'r6. MILLRTIIrKS Bran. $18.60 per too; mid dUnga. 84.00; horta, country, $17.40; elty. $10.50; chop. $l.0Ui21.00. HAT Producers' prlre Tlmothr, Wlllamett ralley fancy. $12.0018.00; ordinary, $3.00 10 no: ea.tera Oregon. $IS Otl.o0: mixed; ilOOOOilO.iO; dorcr. $7.008.00; grain, $7. (SO S.50; cheat, $7,001(18.00. ButUr, Eggs aad Poaitry. BCTTKR FAT F. . b. Portland Sweet ereem. ISVic: oor. BU'i'TKR City .creamery, 80e; on bid fancy, yiwdiioc; orduiary, i7Vjc: .lose. HWIV. ROUS Extra fancy, candled, 883I Vic; local sod eaatcra storage, 28'toc. CHEKHK New Full .ream. Bits, U0Ue; Tomig America. li'l6He. POULTBX Mixed ehh ken, lOVigilc per R: fancy ben, HftlUe Pr lb: motr. old. SfflKIc lb; fryer. ll&HVj lb; broiler, UtrllHc per lb; old durka. 12H per lb: aprlng .luckra. I2u,e lb; . viWh per lb: turkey. I7SH7HC pi-r lb for okl; dreased. 314 22 lb; squab. $3.0O3 per dok! plgeooa. $2.00 per dca rtirfi in a a aiiaaa, . HOPS lKU crop, choir. Joe; prime t ebole. Line; uedlaia to prune, llitf 12,c; ae dium, lOVi'ttlle-,. ' - WOOL, ls ell p Valley, 302&i eaatera Oregon. 2t. MiiltAlK New, nominal. JHWCI'IKINS Bhrartng. 18020 .ch; short wool, 2.i"e; medl.m wool, 07oe ck; long wool. JV4i$I.W each. ' 1AU.OW Prliue. p lb. SVtOto; Re. t sad grease. 212So. I HITT1M BARK 614. H1DRS Dry. o. I, 18 B aad Bp, 1U 1TV4 P Rt d7 kln No. t. 8 to 15 Ih. 4c, dry calf. No. I, amlcr 8 lb, 13c; Baited hldea. teers, soend, 80 lb aad orerr 10alle- sow. kV-WS-'ic; atag and bulla, oesd, ate; kit), 18 te 30 Ih. be; calf. Bound, neuter 15 lb, lie; tree, enaalted. lc leaa; ctili. Ic per lb leaa kore hldra, aalted, each, $1 St..1.7o dry, each $1.01)1. bu; coit hide. (atoi goat kln! eommoB, each. lOdtlBCi Angor. sacs, Xcti $100. " . Trslts and Tagetablas. POTATOKH Haying prir. eaatera llnltwv. siah and Clarkamaa, jSiayMIc; ordinary, 8S17ic: aweeta. $I.S.-.2J. 7 . ' ' ONIONII Jobbing price New Oregnn. SOcel $1,110: bnylnc prle. 7tia7V! grli. nag, jh AIPI.ES Fancy 1 1 oral Hirer Kpltsenherg end Tellow Kawtowne. $2.M fncy Wlllamett It' tr'tTr.11 t',r0 l-B0 "sry FHK811 FRI ITS Orange, sew Barel.'$lTn; Valencia, $4.7i!t; ban ana a, fc per lb: lemon ebulc. MO' tllTi per hoi; fancy, per box; lime, Mexican. $1.28 per kmi; ptneanble 4ltS.) per do: grape. $1 .2r.2.0l); Mara. $l.iaii .2: lieckleberrle. lie; sronnd eberrle eri'75e per boa; pineapple.. $n.00 per down; pooicaranatea, H.Jr.Ml .50 per box. Vr.OltTAHI.F. Turnliia, new, ncQ$l sack carrots, Tnri per sack; beeta, $.2A per sac' Oregon r.dlahea. 2ic per do; eabhax. Ore g'm, $1.0h' 1 40; bell pepper, I per Ih; te, niatoea. rwx per crate;, paranlpa. 80r81; irlea ,4i.. OfAflB,,. ,' r lb--eanlt-flower, sucj$l.u per So; paaa, ; MARKETS JOURNAL'S BULLETIN rvv L-r ON TURKEY PROSPECTS 4) -;-r- - ' Turkey receipt j are quit 4 heavy and buyers are not taking d ' hold aa freely as the commla- aion man think they should. 4 There) - has been aome talk '- of 4 -ry . low prices, put tha trade d does not anticipate a break at this . time. Boilers, nowevar, assert that they are not In any position to say what tha turkey market will do even during the next 14 hours for all . depends upon arrtvala, tha local and tha outstde demand. Either la liable to change during that time. sorseradlab. SrJlOe ' per thl artichokes, TSe per sona.h. 7ocl.oii per not; enpiaat. si.ou per sua niinche: oemrr. t.-imndo per ooa JtreeB corn. II. AO ner ack: ea-atilant. 81.78 per crate: puatpklna, lc; cranberrle, local, $8lU0 per pqi, oersey, i4.u,ai,ot, - i DRIKa) FKU ITS Apple, eeeporatdd, SHOT per id; - apricots, ixtiiue per in: pea cue. I2iia ner lb: ark. oe ner IB Ices: prune, 80 ba 40, Wc; He drop oa eaoh 1-18 amaller wr- mi, - alipurnia aiackr- arjste. per id; i ai.Drula white. SUi,e per lb; date, aoioea. $,50 per box; faros,. $1.40jl.B0 per IB-lb bos. Orooerlaa, HutoZto.' RUG AB California A. Hawaiian Cub. 88.40; oowuered. Si. lOi berry. I.VUO: c. u.. dry granulated. 83.00; Ktar, $4.70; eonf. A. 88.00: extra B. 84 SO: soldea C. 84.40; n. yellow. beet arannlated. 14. TO. vtcetarn A-une, 1.1.4U: Dowdered. so.iu; ory granulated, $2.00; p. C, $4. BO: eonr. A. gs.uu; extra C. 84.80: solilen I'. 84.40: D. yellow. $4.80; beet granulated, 84.70; bhls, 10c; H bbla, 2Sc; box, ftoc anranc on as ex nasi. (Alio. a price ar 80 days aat cash easts. lion) HONRT 83.80 per erato. - COFFER Package branda. $18.86018 TB. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100a. 88.00 per ton; SO. 8U.&0; table, dairy, 60a, 818.00: loo. 818.75: bale. 81. HA: I moor ted LieeroeuL 80s. $:.W: loo. $17.00; 224a. $18.00; extra fine. Dots, as, oe, lu,; xsrerpooi laur ruck, $19.80 per tea; bo-lb rock, $kUM luua, $00.-. ' Abov prices apply to sales of Vres tha ear lota. Car lota at epecUl prlcaa subject to fluctuations. I " BICB lDjprta1JapB1l- Sl - -, SVic; New Orleans, bead. Ti AJax, Be; Creole. 8 Vie. " BRAN8 Bmall whit." $.; Ura wtilta, $3.25; pink, 82.80s sayoa, 88.76; Lltnaa, 8)4; Mexican reds, 4e. -. Nl'TS Peanats,-Jumbo, Re per lb; Tlrrtnla, SftOHc per lb; roeited, lb;(Japa aee. 6BHc; raaated. T67HC pat th; eoeo uta, hattPOe per do; . walnuts. Ire per th; plnenuta. lotl2Sc per lb; hickory aat. loc per lb; eheatuut. eaatera. 16ffllrtc pas lb; Brash buU, Ml per lb; -Alberts. ltrjlAc .par lb; fancy pecans. 15c; almeada, v$19c- afaata, risk aad Vrevisiaaa. . FRESH MEATS Front Street Hogs, fancy, nor lb: veal, extra. He per lb; ordinary. 81i7 per lb; poor. 4iSe per lb; mutioa, (aacy, SUoVic per id; laonia. smw. 11AM8, BACON. KTC. Portlaad pack (local) hams, 10 t 18 lb. le per lb: 14 to IS lb. lovo Der rt): oreaxraat bacon, louzie per id: picnics, . I0c par tb; cottafa, pet lb; regular short clesrs, assinoked, ' 12e per Ih; smoked, 18o per lb; r'ear berks, BMatoked, lac per id; smoieo. lse per a; umoa outu, 10 to IS lb, ansmoked. 8e per lb: siavkad. Be per tb; clear bellies, unamoktd. 14c r lb; amoked. 18 per lb; shoalder. 12 Vie pes lb; pickled tongue. $8.00 quarter BbL I unj'al l,ahu r-etti sear, au rnstt per lb. As, 18Se per lb; 80-1b tins, 12 par lbi ateana readered. 10c, u per &; Oa, 12 per lb; compound, 10s, 84. CANNED SALMON Columbto Hew, l ib tails, $1.80; 2-lb tails, $2.75; fancy. 1-lb data, $1.80; tt-is tancy aaia,; xancy i-m orais, as. is: AUaka toll, pink. 8oi80c; red. 8 Ml aomlaal 2a, tall. $2.00. Plan ttoca eon. .to per id; aoanoer. mm per tb; halibut, 7c per lb; crabs, $1.00ai.M per dos; atrlped base, 12He per lb; cetflab. 10c per Th: kalmoa, Oolnmbla rtver ll,raldei 8ei ateelbead, Se per lb; berrtog. Be per lb; olas, 8 per lb; ahrlmpa. 10 per Ul parch, Se pe lb: black cod. Te per lb; tomcod. 7 per lb; ailrer email, Se per lb; lobsters, lae per lb; fresh mackerel. Be per tt: crawAah, 20c per dos; etttrgeoa. lOe per lb; black baas, 2oc per lb. . - , - . 0Y8TKKS hoalwater bay, par gal, $2 tfl: per 115-lb sack, $4.25: Olympla, par gallon, $2.25; per 113-lb sack, $8.00 to $8.80. CLAMS Hardshell, . per box, $2.00, - rasot dams, $2.00 per bos, ' Bslnt, Ceal 00. Xto. - BXIPB Pure Manila. 18 Vic; standard, llfia; autsLilei, coX it u OIL Hein sr Aural argt,ime psTT a whit, troa bbl 14e per gaL woodea I sal: water IT per gait headlight, 170-dcg. eases SI Vi per 81- . " .... . . oasuun a, no-oog, aua pee gaA; xros bbl lxc per gaL K K.N Z I N C 6-dcg. eassa 18 per SaL 4roa bbla 'V,c per gaL TURPENTINb la eases 80 er gal, woodea Bbla. vhc per gaL WBlTltLEAD- WHITE LEAD Toa lot. Te per 0; 800-lb lota. He ner lb: lee lota. 8 lae lb. , WIRE NAILS rreeeot bail at SXS0. LINHEED OIL, Pure raw, la 8-bbl lots, 'SOr; 1-bbl lot, AS: ease, ese per gal; gesulns kettle-boiled, cases, sue per gal; tv-bbi hit, 64c; 1-bbl lot. Soe per gel; ground cake, ear Iota, 820.00 per toe; less than ear lota, $80.04 per A BETTER TONE RULES IN 10CAL YARDS ' . ,tf ' All Livestock Is Firmer -Cattle Fifteen Cents Up While Mixed t-Sheep Rise a Qiuuter. . - Portland TTnloB Stockyards, Nor. $4. Live stock receipts: . , i . Hoe-s. Cattl. Sheep. Today....,.,.,'..,. , ... ... Week gn l&J 418 ; ' ... Month ago , 140 . ,08 ... Year go.i, ..; 86 01 The altnallon la Hveatnrk I much Improved today. Mow there Is st lesat a ton to the market, Th blockade ba been broken knd the market look batter., lloga firm, cattle 16 up; alierp Arm, mixed 25c up. CotKlltloti s r.r ssot Hoss. weak: cattle. Arm: alieep. Arm. All priees unchanged. iiinctai iireaiocs prices: flora Beat eaatern Oregon. $8.78; etocker and feeder,. $3.80; China fata, ia.ilui8.6fl. 1 t'attl Beat eaatera Oregon ateera, sa.noav $.86: best cows and heifer. $2.80; etocker aud feeder.. $2.75; ball. $1.50. ' Sheep Mixed,, ca,c; umbs, ovte. ' EASTERN HOGS LOWER - Chloajro" Irlca Drop 10s to ISe During ' Today's Tt4UaeT Chicago, Nov. 84. Livestock receipts: Hoars. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 22.0110 aoo S.80 Kanaa City T.uiO l.0 I'W U 111 OB ... ....... . a,mm J 8,200 l,Oia 8.000 Jjlot-a lorrto 18c lower, with 8.imo left over. Recelnta a year age were 10. 000. Price: Mixed, $8 10t 80; rough and hery, $5.76t6.80; light, $S.0i8.28. . - B08T0B C0PK BTABKET. 1 Boot on, Nov. 24. Official hid price: Ad- ventnre, $4.12VI Allouea. $44.80; ArcsdlsB, $11.75; Atlantic, $18.78; Oalumat, $V6; Daly west. tja:. Klrer. jl.i; ureen unmr, $2r).12Vi: Mae... $7; Michigan, $!7.8TVi; Mo hawk. $74: Nevada Con., $IB; North Bntte, $111.50; Old pomlnloa, $88.80; Oaceola, 8188; Pamrt, j)2r): Phoeulx, $1.1214; Boy.L J 22. 50; Shannon, $17.82: Tamarack. $101; Trinity, $17.71: United Copper. $75 80: Victoria, $6; Winona, III; Wnlrerlne. flow no; v. s. Min ing, 8I2: Ely. $12: Ea.f , Butte, $1125; Black Mt $u.80; Hnperknr A Pitta,, $28; Nevada 11111, $18.60; Nlppaalnt. $28.28. KsTW T0EK BARK RATXafXVT. Raw York, Nov. S4. Bank statement: ' Increase, ,.: $3. 1I.7M 8.SI8.RI5 ,...,.,........4.070.8110 1. 100.000 ., 1.703,100 ; $.44.OO0 ..: xw,2oo Reserve, teas V. S. I.fle ,,.,... Mpecle Iral Ii-plte Clfnlatlon Bw Tork-Lennoa Silver. New York, Rev. 24. bar silver. TO V4l Lea oua, 83 1 led. , t A SMALL V0LUL1E OF TRADIHG Wheat Business In All M&rkets Very Slovy With Buyers and Sellers Holding Quiet. NO CHANGE AT ALL IN LIVERPOOL QUOTATIONS Close There the Sama as Friday In Wheat Chicago Has but Jc Spread Between Opening and Close ; of Session. -. ; BELATTTBlWHBAT AtUBS. ' NOV. 94. Nov. pa' Taaa. IBrlS -nr. .TH8 $ .TSHA .00V4" JB .... .77388. S-fcA Myr .82 S May .... July .... Oata. Chlcage.' NOV. 84. Trsdlna te ell erhaee eia kt today showed s nominal volant. There waa dollneee ertrywhers and nrlc eiianeae were very small, Thar waa hardly any rang to .in urrw, mere oeing out 44 spread Betweea uia, wuvoios, uiga. tow or Close of tb market. Pecember closed Vie lower and .Jsly V BP, May was anebanaed. Umrpool waa erea Blower thaa thai market nav in Close there was unchanged frag, prlday. Offlulal quotation by . Overbsek, Stan V uooxe eeaapaayi- - ' WBBAT. . ypeo. n 'mi, isw, - x lose, nber fsu -. fgu . - 72Vk - 78B .'. - jrvmtt ' . Oneik. fVtetl. i Tav ' ftuM May Juiy COBN. TAcujbet Mat ...J. " "St 7 3 48h 2vt3 July - 4A OATS. IHeetaber Mar .... SSV4 S8U 88 84 '2 ... 84Z . 84 at 82 C S24Z ' 828? 82l July mbss pom. v January ,.1446 - 1488 I4IVJ ' 144S May ..,.,.....a4T5 1480 1470, 1478 LARD. .. December , 8M , 880 - $M 888 January ....... 8.18 , 8KT S88 ; 888 May ........... KM -- 888 80 -a4 RHOBT BIBS,, January ....... T8 TT0 T8 "' STTT May T76 T80 178 SH XXTXBP00X. KAXB BXABXBT. Liverpool. Kv. . Official price: . WBBAT. .' ' Nov. 84. lov. ST. Oats, oa 8d S 6d Ss 8id Decern be ........... 884 March ....... ... . . . , Sa B4ad May ................ e 64k . OOBN. DKaBb$BaP m mm m a'aesTe a se tjVnl 4 $' 4 Ifcd Si January I.... a 14 PORTLAND STOCK MARKET fPrm ThofaBaad sTtwat QojjoUdaAaa aVU 1 Oaati TraneaerloM oa th Portland a tech market today ware 10 eharee PcI8e Stata Telephone at lot, 10,000 Star Consolidated at 2, 6.000 Park Copper at UVh-sad IIOO Barke .14, OfflcUl price. .... . BABX STOCKS, ' ' " ' 'f-.... Bid. Aak. 170 - - los ; 8T , 180 uo Bank ef California ,:;r;-.i.i,mr-,n-Banker' A Lambermea's ........ kqultable Barlnsa at Iu ...... ... Merchants' National 18S Oregon Trust A Savings 110 Portland Trust Co ..." United 8 tales National ......... BOO BONDS. Aasoctated OffS .... 8 City A Suburb 4 ................ p. R. A N. By. 4s 9 OS lot 108 V, W. P. aj By. As Psrtlasd Byi 8 niiiiini m BllSCELLANBOUS STOCKS. ' AUaks Packers' 88 . Associated Oil 82 84 80 42V4 77 V, 100 10 Cement Product ................ ... , Horn Telepbon .,,,a,,,aaaaa: Independent Gas . J. C. Lee Co ... Oreeon city Mill at lumber s Oregoa Journal, pfd 118 " Pacific Btatea Telephone to . Pnset Sound Telephone ......... ... SO - 10 Yaoulna Bay Telephea 6 - KININO STOCKS.-- Alaska Petroleum ...;7... ...... 1SV Brltlah Columbia Amal 08 Bullfroe Terrible 1$ OS OS 88 Caacadia 81 Dixie Meadows Oellaber U2U .. . 04 Vi 08V4 Ooleonda 08 68 International Coal 84 Lees Creek Cold 01V4 Oft 16 10 -OS, 28 04 06 lav. 01 I.ntkT Boy 04 Mountain View ,.......-02 - Mcola Coal A Cok 04 V4 Mammon th 10 Manhattan Mining Venters,. ..... ... ' North palrvtew ... Oregon Securities OS Standard Consolidated .......... 10 Star Consolidated 00 Tarotaa Steel 12 Great Northern 04 Ooldfield Trotter SO COBUB IVAUENB DISTRICT. Alax : 10H 14V, Alamenaa zx z Bullion Burk 1I IS 034, 1 04 Vi Copper Kins 2H Oertl 10 Happy Day WV Herla $26 Idaho Olant IB Park Copper 11 Rambler-Carlbo ...2d Rex 12 Roth Consolidated ... Rnowshee 03 : Snowstorm (.... 400 Tar boa ,.........-........-..- 04 81 OflVi SH0 ITS 12 88 -. 28 ' : IS 4 ) 1 U4 ... '. SlW T0KK C0TT0K XAKXKT. ' ; ' jtmmr York. Nov. 24. Ootton fatarca closed anclisnged to 7 point ap. , official qootatloBS by OvsrtMek, Starr A Cook eompanyi - Nov. . Nov. Opee. High. Low. 84. 28. January ..... 1028 - 1040 1028 1030 1023 Fehrssry -. . 1088 -1UU March I...... 1048 1068 1048 - 1050 1048 April .... 10A4 1047 May ......... 1081 1088 - 1080 10H0 1058 June ' .... .... ' 104 1057 July.. lfHTT 1071 1087 .1007 102 Noeernher 10H8 IOTjO - 1088 1037 1037 December 1018 1028 : 101 , 10l . 1013 PBTTTP STATES OOTIRBlfirt B0KDS, Maw' York. Nov. . Official arte: Dat. Hid, Aak. Twos, registered .;..,. Opt. do eoepon Opt. Three, ret tetered. .......... .... do coapon. ...........,... . Small bond. roar. relatrd.. lnnr 104 104 108 108 : 104 104 103 108 102 Vi 101C 102 Vi 1'W Va An ennoon . , I00T 101 ' Ponn. rsltr4 1828 lnoii lit 181 109 106 da eaupoB 1826 1HOI Panama xa , do coupon 104 District of Colombia 1024 118 Philippine 4s., 104 ' Patat tUl I Heavy. (Special aMapatrh to The JoaraaL) Wee too. Or, Nov. 24. Tb potato yield has broke all record la thl sectloe" this year. Prom aa sere a no one third oe Pea Rids. Lester O'Harre recently dag 328 sack mt poia toea, being of the McKlnl.y rartoty. POSTXAsTS SABS STATIatXBT. Clearing today...,, Clearing r age.,, ... ...... Gain today, .V.. ...... .......... ..$114,048 43 . ,. 621,Po4.88 .$383.0710 llrsrpeol Cettaa lfarkt. - I.frerpool, Nov. 24. Cottoo fa in re closed te T boIbW apt Biddings 10 points ap, v Inability of th. Grower to, Dig and Second Growing , of Potatoes Are Causing Producers and Trad to Worry Over Size and Quality. BAfJK STATEfalEriT Values of Stocks In New York . Melt Away With an Unfavor- " : able Showing Today. - x THREE PQINTS LOST BY ST. PAUL DURING TRADE Northern Pacific Declines 2f4 and ', Reading 2 Points New York Cen- tral and Republic Steel Each Lose ,' Over a Point ;. '; 'j '.-' MET LOSSES, in j Leu ley 111 t Kalr. Dfd Amalgamated 14 Car at Foundry . Locomotive Sugar Smelter ,. Anaconda. Woolen ,..,... Atchleoa ....... Baltimore Brooklyn Canadian , St, Paul ........ O. A N. W 1 - 7, i susaoui i.riuw .ja. natiouai Leaa ,., -N. Y. Central .... Northern Pacific .. , PeunayUanl ..... I'eniil.'a Claa .' IReadlne fi Republic Bteel ... Rock laland 4 ITatoa- PaclSe , .... IVi u. a. KtiDoer . Colorade Fuel Delaware Bad. e a , I lad., ljjj IJ. s. nteei .... 17. 8. Steel, nfd Brie ... I Wabaah.- pfd t MKT GAINS. Oreat Wwtara ... Txas A Padoe Aa anfavorabl bank statomeat eaoaed a lower rang of prices to rale today la the New York Block market. St, Pant loat 8 point, th h earl est for th day; Beading dropped 2 point sad Northers Pacific 1 points. Th gain ware nominal. Official qaotatloas by Ovarbeck, Starr Oooka eompanyi . DaVJCBtPTIOB. . ''''"-"-"."'. ' .''' iaxL Copper c.. Ata. Car A round., com. de preferred Ant, Loeomotlve, 00m. , Am, Sugar, eon. ..,,.. Am. Boialt., com do Dref erred liiay. T5s 186 75. 1X5 1 154 Vi 164V Vi Anaconda Mining Co.... Am. Woolen, cum Atchleoa, com. Baltimore A Ohle, 00m. . do preferred.... ...... Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian Pacldo, torn.. Central Ltb,r, com. . ChL eV Ot, West., com. Chi., MIL A St. Paul.. ChL A Northweet.. an. 27H S4i 101 118 j 'WTA 80 18IH 180V ST- lH'I 18 14 Vi T lHlVkilNl Chesapeake A Okie Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. . Oote, Booth., com 66U 641U euar do Id preferred....... do 1st nreferreit-. Delawsr A Hodsoa.... 228 Erte, eota 4 Tb 87 V, 7814 aa M preferred do 1st D referred nilaoU Central LoutBTille A NaahTtll.. Mexican Oentral By.... U.. K. A T com do preferred DlatlUer Federal 8 Inciter ...... Missouri paclnc National Lead New York txtrsl.v,. N. Y Ont. A West.... Norfolk A Wearers, com. mo preferred.......... North American Northern Pacific, com... Paclnc Mall SteapA. Co. PennsylTanla Ry........ P. O., 1. A 0. Oo Praesed Steel Car, com. do preferred.......... Beading, cuss, , do 2d preferred....... do let preferred. Rep. Iron A Steel, eora. do preferred ,. . Bock I.lanir, cnm.. .... 175 S 147 "4 n14 P414 MV4 mm 47Va 845 83 87 Vi 148 00 27 5 100'a, bom, flJ jireferreorr. r.vTTT t, L. A B. r Id nfd ol eoiet .1 y do 1st preferred St. L. A S. W., com.... de preferred Soathern Pacific, com. . do preferred.......... Soothua By., eeai do preferred Ten a. Coal A Iron Texaa A pacific T.. Rt.L. A W eom.. do preferred. ....,3. Cnloa Pacific, com do Preferred.......... S8 81 Vi 4 118 118 844 84 V m' 84 SH 844 63 4 188 Vi mvi 0. 8. Rubber, eom I do preferred.,......, J 81 62et H4 u. a. BtB'ei tie,, cvaa.. do preferred.., Wabten, - nn .-. r. iViTr:- do preferred We. tern Unien Tele... Wlaconela t'eutral, com Yirglnla Chemical, ... . S v. 43 86 Vi 8i5 424 86 Vi Total sale for day, 428,600 aharea. .. PRICE OF NEVADA . . STOCKS IN FRISCO Saa Praeeleeo. Nov. 14. Official bid price: Belmont $4-8 Cash Boy-iVrvi, ,14 Ooldea Anchor.. .80 Rome 18 Jim Bntlet .... 1.45 National Bank..$ .84 Brllpse 1.50 Gold Bar .... O. Ball Frog. Con. CeL-Va. 1.6,1 .28 1 28 2.5 MacNemara 77 .77 (iphir I Ophlr Midwar ... 3.70IMcxicii8 I.orr Montana S.70 North star ..... .40 Ohio .28 Caledonia .20 Kxcheqner Norrroaa . . , Hold Orown MontsouMry 122 Vi .20 .00 J5 .18 ,6 .18 .18 .82 .88 .17 .40 ' JI5 .18 .16 .86 .08 .m .08 xs .48 . .48 . . .SO Tonnnah Bxtoa.. O.MI Nevada ........21.00 Mt. Wt Bad .22 unaet Manliattaa Ray. II urn prey lkexter ...., Adam ...,. Atlanta Bluebell , Booth Columbia Mt.. Con. (Juarry ,. IMfltnondf lele , Dixie - .20 80 .42. t.15" 1.00 .24 68 .16 Granny Gold Wedga .... Ix;n Rtar Ut, Bend Bxteo. do Anaex .... Ooldf Icld ' 1.20. Creacent Jumbo l.i. 4.20 ICowboy 00 BxtCD.,. . t oo Kendall ......... .72 Legunc .... 1.H0 May guera 40 Mohawk 18.23 Bed Top S OU Safiilaform ..... .88 iienrcr Annax , Black Rock .... Little Jo ...... Mayflower ...... Jumping Jack .. Triangle ........ Loa 1)1 1 kin Pin Nut ....... Pllrer Pick .... 1.88 St. .88-i SAB PBAJfClSCO LOCAL STOCKS. Baa fTkaciseo, Nov. 14 OfflcUl clo: ". - ... Bid. Aak. Contra Ooata Water......... ', 58 - 6V Spring Valley Water. ...w,. v 4i 3 Giant Powder ,...... .j.. . Hawaiian Com 8 IV Hnnokea Rogar 11 Hutrhlneoa Hugar a,..,...... 14 Makawtll Sugar ........ 82 ' Onomea Ragar ...l , 801 Aaeoclated oil ,. 82 PacUl Bute TeUpboo 113 , 82 82H - lit 82V4 40 88 112H HARRIMAN PLANNING 1 TO CINCH CHICAGO ( Journal Special Perries., ' Chicago, Nov. 14. The Chronicle states: Plans ar being formulated by E. H. rtarrtman and other eaatern finan ciers for th formation of a gigantic corporation, which Is to control prac tically th commercial. Ilf of Chicago by meane of a combination of the sub way, trsnsportatlon, freight, xprsa, eleotrla light and power and telephone companies now holding .franchise la the city. ' ' ' Th flrst Intimation that such a deal was under way cam today from an authoritative eourc. Th statement was mad that th propoaed merger of th Illinois Tunnel company and the Chicago Edlaon oompany was the first In th formation of on of tb greatest BEARISH BOOHS OF DEVLIf OEIHG EM.1I0ED Experienced Office Men Are Go- Ing Over System of Audit-. """T" 0is Office." T; ', r WILL DETERMINE IF ; ; T ; IT IS SAFE ONE Some Reports Hava - Already Been Made, but , Auditor ; Will Retain ; Them Until He Xa Ready to Make ..Public Report' v::;:.;,;V'::';',:,:.'i' ,ilen experienced! tn off lee systems and management Are today going over tha books of th .elty auditor's off lea. They have been asked to do so by Auditor Devlin, who wlabaa to make good la hla denial of Mayor Letne's charges thst. the records of his department ara kept In a loose and unsafe manner. . v A doxen men, mostly representative M th banks, have finished an examina tion of th ' system. No attempt " la V 1 tnad'e'I"'bf " eours, to -mo -orer'-itlrej-.-a counts and learn anything aa to their h 'j ! correctness ths auditor simply wishes ', . a ir sif..u swwivea eererai re port in writing from mn who hav lnvtlgat4 this system." 1 aald Mr. Devlin thla morning.. "I'm not showing 1 i--Khem anything, I simply answsr what ' H question they aak ma. No, I'm aot ready to make publlo th report I hav already received, but that will be done." . H. J. Stirling, auditor of th O. R. A , N. company; P. W. Skiff, a department manager for Olds, .Wortman a Klpg. and B. IX Paget. aacreUry and auditor . ot tb Portland Trust eompany, wr at work In th auditor's offlo at noon - today. - . . - ' 7 - Among thoe who went ever th sys tem yesterday- wers T. H. Flsmlng, of tha MerchanU' National bank, and A. , , H. Wright, of th United State Na. UonaL . v, , ... K , . . , TouohST At aramlnad. Special attention la being paid to th .. voucher for th purcha of articles -for municipal uss. lsyor Lane has '' add that th syatm Is weak at both) . ends, and that he cannot aasum re- ' aponalblllty for th validity of claims, ao long aa th present mathod la In . ? fOrC. T-r V" "--r, Even If th bank offlctnla and others do report that lt their opinion th ay- ' , . tm tn th auditor's office 1 adequate and Include all th modern safeguards,. It Is doubtful If Mayor Lane will altar his atand on th question. ' "It's wrong, and anybody can that," - saye he. ' "The papers I hav In my desk showing how fill was to be paid Carroll Robinson show thai:, very plainly." This vouch r waa ,or th refund of an unexpired liquor li- ' cense, and only th amount and name of th man to whom th money la to .,. b paid appears, no reason for th pay ment being given. . atarplaVPAttoa f aTyatwa. . Following Is an explanation of th ayatem sons through with whenever any article, great or small, which I Intended forj:ltyua. Is bought by any ' department: , . . A requisition, is Issued by th hanAJ of a department, .Is approved by th , . mayor or member" of- xeutlv board. It Is addressed to th dealer a aa order j to deliver th article purchased. Th dealer senda the, requisition and his bill to the auditor's office, where they ar attached to a claim sheet. Th requi sition, claim sheet and bill ar then held In the auditor's office, and th head of i. th department receiving th artlcl certiflee on th claim sheet- that th cl8Jmla"T0rfwt, tlius admitting that h has received th goods. Th bill, claim sheet and requisition go to that committee of th executive board having in charge the department which has ordered th artltta.-Th com- t mltte approvea th bill- Tb board - adopts th report t It commute rec ommending th payment of th bllL All -th paper pertaining to tb purchase) .. ar than before th board. Th action -of th board la recorded oa Its mlnutea. Wlth all these signature on them, th requisition, bill and claim sheet go back to th auditor-a of no. If that of- . fie find aa appropriation has been pr viously mad which cover such a pur-, chase, and It Is within th monthly es- -tlreat of th department, approved by th council, th auditor draw a wsr rant for th amount of th bill, which warrant h' and also th mayor must sign. Th dealer receipts for th war- -rant on th claim sheet, certifying that he has bean paid In full. Tb treasurer cashes th warrant for th dealer and It la returned to th auditor's offlo. where It 1 entered on th clatm sheet -aa paid. Then wqutoltton,-bill, clatm heet and canceled warrant ar fastened . together and filed. ..-?" corporation th world has aver seem, . It Is known that Mr. Harrlman wants to gain control of the tunnel In order to uae them aa a distributing system for freight sitvlifg In Chicago over th many railroads how under his control. Such ayatem for the exchange and distribution of freight - and express would mean a having of millions for tb Harrlman roads. . . LETTER MAY SOLVE DELANEY MYSTERY (Journal Special lervlc., - V i Chicago, Nov. 14. A letter, torn to bits, that was found this morning In tli pocket 'Of a Jacket belonging to Mrs. . Delaney may solve th mystery of th tragsdy which was discovered yaater day when James N. Delanay, president of th American Shipping company, of New Tork, and his wife were found dead beside each other in their room . In thla city.- The relatives ar unable to give a cause for th deaths. The police say all appearances lndlckt that th woman killed her husband and sev eral hours later committed aulclda, but they ara not willing tri give It up aa cer tain that a double murder wss not com mitted. -. , The coroner began sn Inquest, this -mornln, bat It was adjourned to next Friday. . - . . " W.TS. O. XnspeoUon A Wsrbetf.;---'---; (Special Dlapatcti to The Journal. I -' Kewberg, Or., Nov. 14. Mra Nettl . J. TJngerman, state inspector for th Woman's Relief Corps, reviewed th work her Thursday. In th evening a reception mi given Mrs. TJngerman, to which th members of Shlloh post, O. A. ' .. R. wsr Incited. An address by th Inspector was followed with a banquet. On Monday, an Informal reception waa ' bald at tha home of Mrs, Verona Nel eon for Mra. TJngerman, ,. V, There are assay Want A as In davyS tearaal that will lntorMf ro. Of eours vry Wiriamette vail county raises th beat apple, f ' 'i