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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING,- NOVEMBER- 24, 1909. 11 - V.. ...U, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $1.200 $ 1XT8 sad hooae. Mount Tabor; small psynisBt dowa. IwuoS lota. 4-reom kouee, trait trees, ote. . . u mi nuuiii ocgii csr; Mi instsuments, $1.10O fsw t-rauai hum, hard flnlsh, Srsplace, lot fenced.- peluted. ebleken-house; .. ens buartsc mk. kilaiw. tL.t-ii...,,. $2.200 KnWi 6-room house, full tot, - Borthwtck St.; hslf esehi bargain. "Steal brMg. $ooo Beautiful reeldeoea ea East Txjloe $2.000 aoxiso, .tots 'a Upskar Wj - B-room house. W, 000 Choice corner. .Aider tj bastaaar property. . . , . Proierty tn ill parts of the city. .TUB WASHINGTON OREGON LAND 10 100004 at. - phone Mela 2404. B-ACRB tracts of Sne land 8 mllee (mm Port . land, on In waxon-road end 1 Bill from railroad; pries 1100 ta $2tx per sera, m eaey terms in tar ta piped to ears 6-aere 'tract? there K Bdtnlng better ea the mar ket. f 6s, car Journal. ., . , 1 OB 1 fins tots ea 81st at., asar CHatoa. , flaa view of tha city, $850 1 aa assy tar ma. , B 18, ears Journal. ACRES Hooss, good wall, asar ear, so .-. beet county read, Sue place tar stnwbar- rlss, efalckana aad children; only $1,800. e. ' w. ajeuer, a. naru unit are. FOB SALB t room BMdera bouse,' close In, i $8,800; $800 dowa, bataace same aa raati a bargain. J. J. Osdsr, 1 Nartb Orand ave. BSOft A FEW sightly lota la aoath and of towa; kalf sash; leak tkla aa, rati, 101 McKay bldg. .. .. .....". . . . SMALL house. Blca let 60x100) terms; rood . . tocstloai aaar cat Bad atattoa. Phone Wood- ; MODERN 6-room konsa erj Bast tk at. ( toilet, bathroom and porches, full concrete beee- v ' . meat, piped far gaa, let 60x100, street Im proved, ea Bast Ankeay carllne, electric lights and nreplug oa street; pcloa $2,800. Fboaa Pactae 1861. , BSAUTirt; Li lot, aoxioo, aa Beat at, Isqalra 2 Beat rtrat at., aorta. . BOO FARMS, small tracts and lota; bargain aa O. W. f. slertrie Una. O. B. addition, Leata, Oreaea. Take Mooat Scott ear, aa. Fcr Sale : a the finest homes' ea PortU4 - Helghta, beaatlfal grmnda and ascallsnl fflew at dty aad BMranUbts. - 1 Rutherford & Co. lUla iao. - alT Oemmerclal Bkwk. . Fine Heme Below Value . - ' HTMBlaktd mom cottage, fotl lot, Tarlaty , -ef . fruit and Baa loeatkn, aaar Bnnaralde and Mooat Tabor cart all for 12.000; part . v caakj uw dsja only. . Address W II, Journal. Hawthorne Property v" We are Vacated la best sectloa ana wtH ... treat rea right. Boosra aad lots st prices , sad tarna to salt, Bee as before baring, . Bereral fine oottagea far rant. - Ust year vBrepertr Bare. Hawthorne Realty Co.- aiargaente ara ear, . , Hooaa, I roams, the lataat dealfa, oak falalt, bard-rood Boor, paaeled dining-room, wall . tinted, frescoing fa parlor aad dialog I Beat plumbing eotnplrte, piped for furnace, gaa and electrlt llgbta, reurrete waT1, cement floor t-1 aad walka, comae lot eoilOO: hooae bnllt for borne Ust summer; gnat aalli terms, la aolre Ml Xaat Darls. Phoaa Taker 47. . Honesty Pays -ror Bale Uooee, aaw, rooma, let Itt New nonsa, 11 rooms, lot 100x100, tft.SOO. t floe lota. Bast Mala Bad flat st, f 1.B00 and 1.400. New s-reoai keoae. BOT Beat Mth at, l.oeo. Pine suburban tots Bad koases, $100 to tl.BOa ' Lombcf rird doing bailaeea of $30,000 per fear. Farm ef HO acrm; a aonfst tl.BM. ' Wsated-Bop yarda ea aharcei dairy ranch ea ehareo: property of all kinder " , I. B. FORKMAN, 105 Cast Morrlaoe, : : ORBAT - BAROAllf IN NICB UOMB. '" aartUlly modern konsa aad fan lot, altuated Bear Blgblaad school aod Colon are. earllBet aaa poreelata both, hot aad cold water, gaa. stc. well anlshed Inslds aad eat, concrete - walka, well located aad worth $2,700; wBl be sold for $2.fl. ! J. FRANK POHTKB. B3 Waabtngtoa, eor. First, apatsJra. ' ., F7J1X LOT and B-reom reeidencs, beetdea sew. In f -room, KathJannitryjrowi, paayffitnC W' ' crate foondatlon. cement walk aroand hoaae. worksboB, woodheaaa and ebtcken-bouee; bearing fralt trees, grapes, 0 ebotoe mm; r carpets, $4S steel range end heater; H blork -' carUne; all for $1,660; half oash, balance $20 per month, jr. frank Porter, Z23 Washing. loa at, apetalra. , . ., A PINB new hooaa aa Ktb and Bast Ctlntoni - hooaa Is aew and coat SI. MO; let fcf worth $mjO: owner Is tearing tha city and will eel for $2,260 oa aasy terms. B M, Journal. $in CASH, $20 monthly, will bay a new amd- - era 6 room cottage oa Caat Tenth sod Bprlng fleld ita., Alberts ear. - State Load Oo lUfb . First at. , - . 1$ IOTt! la Upper Alblna, betweea Btaatea aad Morrte eta., oa tha Baeaell-ntiaver car. line; atrerts, aewer and cement eldewalka la; prtcea $900 to $1,260 oaehi twa N blocks. BO lota near Penlnoalar aUtloa, oa Bt Johns carllne; -mom honae; city water; price $4,000. B. Colli na, I40H RoeeeU at. TVRNBB WALKBR. Beal BataU, Farme aad Block Benches. . . exchanges. ' '. Bom Washlngtoa at. -A FIR8T-CI.A88 B-rnom hooaa, 40x170 tot. Booth Port la ad) $760 down, balance $29 month. Kroner, room 14 Cambridge bldg. HA VB good a crease oa ear Hoe. wonlri trsda for grocery store or other bualneas. BIT Com- " morcisi bib, I'oooe Mam siau. . FOR BAI.B cnitAP Modtra B-room . h runariiae. laquire n, Jfc Hcureger. du Yamhill sL IABT FRONT LOT la North Irrlngtoa; street graded, water, sidewalk; eaay terms if de ' sired. Phono owner. Woodlawn aoa. - BA!F BLOCK at Bt. Jotina Hslghts aad a . 6-ronm boass rented at $12 per month, only $2,000. Stots. Bast railing St. aad Union ate., i lot BOxlOO, Woont Tabor, weal gloat and . . Bncat torattoB, $WO. . ; Rutherford & Co. ' Phono Mala diao. BIT Commsrdsl kit. QL'ARTER BLOCK sad almost aew d-room bouse at Mount Tabor, $3.2uQ. . 4-room houee, Mount Tabor, $2,000, . 6 -mem bouse. Bunnjatde, $1.7iK. Quarter block and new bouse at Mount - Tabor, ana lw, M,6ue. Rutherford i&Co.- Phene Mala B130. , BIT Commercial blk. . $l,ono BUT! good tot la Irrlngtoa, Bear ear. ' v street Improved and sewer In. Adrdesa B 44, care Journal. FOR BALE iftOO for small II - and lot 60X12H, with alley; Bellwood carllne. . Inqnira of owner, a. T, Nasi, 430 Hawthorne . are. . Phone Kaat 4401.,. . IjW-fCUL bay, t-room hoaae, oa eoraer c ' tot 60x100. . - $l.eno Store and llrtng-roome aa TJnloa re., N.t splendid place for small boalaeaa. . . tt.&ra) Large home, nice grounds. . $1,200 4-room hooae, almost new; good car eerrlce. Want a komaT Better more .or you will mlas It. THOMPSON OODRN, ' . Phoaa Wood lawn 202. M Mlsslsstppl are. ' FOR ALB rHKAPNtw modern -moui house. ' Inqnira owner. Boa Mlealeelppl ara. .. - TIlKHB are donstlona: $12,000 building, tot oily- price $7.01. Worth $40 a front mot; lurxlOd, office building. 7 mom bonae. barn, , all good onndltloa; price $4,000. 2 tots, $3uO, , L 48, care Journal. .. , . , $1.600 ROOM bones, hath, pantry elneetai $ bearing fruit treee. hedge, 11 tot. Owner. S.1.1 Oarfleld are. Talephuna Union S487. ACBtAOrC If acres on Mllwsukls carllne, Cc fare; II seres In orchard snd sll kinds ef small frnlfs and berries! 1 sera timber; la-room houee, water, both, ate.; extremely kiwi you mnst set quickly; $11,000; $2.0i0 ' raah, balance esay terms. J., B.. Foreman. $06 Bast Morrison st. ' MONRT talks here; New B-mna cottago, lot &IH100. only $4.v f takea now. H-room mod " era hoaee and Int. $2,fl(iO; Montaellla. Phone Kaat 41IW. Orocary tar aajai fts-rosa) ) furalshsd housa,. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. .i,;.t.Rdoms $1,600 A great buy for a few days; aew. corner mn; pari cesa. raona at oaoe wondlawa a. iu um jjlwiv- oe eiaeiae e bargain; act quick: $.6u0; Il.ouO a tot across street, tark St. . BJCB Pattoa m llmnsoa about some good bar- saiue in mm. out uatwr neoanga. PATTON SIMPSON hare some ana bargains eve uiuuk excaaaga blug. v FOR SALE FARMS. If You Will Make a Noise These Farms Will Do '-"!: "- vthe Rest : a. $M.0UV-X.040 acres, 60 la caMleetloa, e6 . bow seeded, 600 meadow aad summer tallow; . Place all fenced, good d-room bouse, t large barns. Urine . water, bearing orchard, good made, telephone and free mall; place earns orer $S.O00 anuual rent. $0,000 A rery productlre to-acre farm, 14 Bllea drtra to Portland. 6 mllee to Van courer; orer To acres la cultivation, of which 12 acres la In fruit, and berries; IS seres beaverdam, garden and meadow; place yielded inie year sww from oairy, feuo from rruit, , $600 from potatoes and onions, $170 from ; poultry, $03 from a email csbbsge petrh, $200 from ho and cattle nrnduefa laflA Crom --bari wishes to retire from ectlre labor ea account of sge, csuss for selling; place hes a. Sue lo-roem residence, 4 barns, frultbooee ana rootnoose; tnis la as ooant tna Beet term ' oroDOSltloa within a0 mllee of Portland! 1 price Includes $1,600 worth of personal prop ' arty. - ' $6,000 ISO acraa Bear Pioneer, tS miles - man Portland; free mall aad telepboae; place . well stocked sad aqulpped; soil la of tha. Tory richest variety. $4,600 for a very eonvenlent S6-a ere place, r1ht st atatlon. 10ailleoat; .Texy cosy comfortsble buildings. Una large garden, . bece fruit; It'a a bargain. ' $6,600 for a cracker-Jack lt-acre snburbsa plsce; very beautiful snd subatantlally built S-rooas realdeace, eommaods charming views ; aotae of- the beet fruit, berriee, English wal , suta aad gardea aoll your eyes bsvo over , gased upon; it's a charming suburban homo, only 20 minutes' ride from the buelneea . center, earn atop within 200 feet of house; Bono hut those meaning business need answer. . $S.2tiO scree, right ,1a the city, within walking d lata nee of tha Madison or Morri- aoa-at. Bridges; would make a charming reel. denoe place; lota la tha vicinity are worth from $260 to $400 each) would exchange for residence la Banayslds, Bolladsy'a Addltloa or Upper Alblaa. $3,000 for an eepeclstly attractive moontata borne; It has charming features, beyond words to express, the vtewe are aMgnMceat, wltbla full sight of Portland and tha Columbia River, new railway station cloee at hand, tlrgaat octree, a charming brook meaqderlng through the gardea aad the ftelde, eoay mona taln realdeace, fine barn, poultry-houee, beer. Ing orchard of applea that will eoavluca ths observer thst flood River len't la It; hs tlree Is all Blocked aad equipped; tha prtoe i remerkably tow. $1,600 Nice S-anro place with a email ho use, aaar Kenllworth, only BO mlnatee' ride. Sl.SOO for bb SO-arre firm, near Cornel Ins; soma of the beat land la tha eta tat a fortune could be made oa the plaoa growing spplee; It bss small house, goad bar,, living water and bearing fruit. $A.tkO A eoaatry home aa tha Base - tine road rich eoU, bo gravel or rocks, sll . fenced snd In caltlvstloa. elegant buildings, sightly situation: a place that eaa't be dupli cated for ths money. , ; The Dunn-Lawrence Co. Leaders la farm, country and aabarbaa plaeaa. 140 First at. ' ' FARMS. . - , 400 acraa, well Improved. Bear Pertlaad, 260,000, -- - 176 aerea, choice, Impreved, aaar Portland, $24,000. improved stock farm, part la alfalfa, ta aastera Oregoa, $26,000. 1.240-aera stock farm la Benton eetmty, 14 w 1 1.100-aera aastera Oregoa wheat farm, ooo. , IMO-aera farm, 90 acraa la apples, 28 acres In bops; Joins good town ea river aad rail; $20,800. 140 aerea, fine Improved, with stock, aaar Portland, $20,000. ' 216 acres, rine ImprBTSmaata, aaar Daflaa. Polk county, $20,000. 82S aerea, fine Improve men ta, aaar Mckflna ullle. Or., $20,000. ario-acra dairy farm aa Columbia along h, ear Portlaad, $20,000. ' . 640 acraa, with stock and Implements, ta Ltnn county. Or, $111,000. BSO-acre dslrf farm, froata aa Columbia fiver, $1,600. ts6 acres, B0 aerea la orchard, ta Doaglaa Bounty, $16,000. 1,600-acra stock farm la Douglas oounty. Or., 115.000. , l.0-acra stock farm aaar Bug-ens, Or, $18 000. 4fl0 acraa, tt acraa fa hope, la Chtctamas sonaty. Or, $11,600. 76 aerea, fine Imprevementa, almost Joins towa of Bugene. (.,$10,600. 4 aerea, neerFortland. Or., $10,000. If you want a good farm call oa or wrtta aa lor aartlculara. . HlKNKLB HARRISON, BIT Ablngtoa Udg., 106 Third St., Portlaad. TAKB TOUR TIMB Tomorrow la Sunday, aad $1.600 SK acres of choice gardenland, with bnlldlnra: flaa creek; right oa city limits of cultivation; springs sua crew; . y mtm ,,vw electric station; great bargain; terms, $4.b2S 64-acra aionel farm. 1 mile to New berg college; 1- caah. balance eaay.' If you see thle beautiful place, you buy It for aura. JM per acre 2M aerea of everlasting rich bottomland oa WlUamsrts and boatlandlng near Newberg; fine Impenvementa; bo better bargain In Oregon; $4,000 cash, $600 every year with 4 per cent Interact. If you. do aot flad It as I ssy. I psy oo $10 per day aad expeneee for going to took at It. , . p. FITCHI", 221H Morrlsoa st, " ' Sunday of flee hours from 10 to 12 a. m. U MIT.KS west of Portland. Bear Reedvllla, Waehliaitna county, for cash only; M acres, 26 clear, well cultivated, oa eredk: good well, enrtiia-. lino fruit. Bew wire fenoee. good . S-room honae, barn, boueehold gooda, ehlckena, beea tooU, etc.; m - mllca from railroad, achool and church: telephone line, milk mote. It. F. !.! S4.600. Mrs. A, B. Laetachar, Beatarton. Ore gun. CARht 120- ucrea, le aerea ta orchard, is aerea pl0,T lenn, mue ' i " " v,iih, near Currlnavllle; balance timber and paature; a enep at- $3,000. Call or address B. Bstss, ' Kstsctda. . ' ' WHY pay $100 to $400 per acre for land that will coat $100 per acre to clear whoa I caa eeli yoa as fine land ss there la oa the Pacific eosst for $20 to $.10 per sere 7 There la bo rock or gravel and ran be cleared ready for tha plow for $10 per aero; It la 24 miles from railroad and S mllee from railroad; 1 will give easy terms. L TS, ears journal. roB SALB Oond prosperous wheel terms ta . Morrow coanty, on railroad, $ per acre; 'mlxht taks eome trade. W. A. La id law, BIT Commercial bldg., aecood , and Waahlngtoa. Pnoue Mala SliM. . r ' Cheap Land 40 acres good graslng or fruit land, tn Llnroto county, Oregon, st $0 per acre; 4 - miles from railroad. Address L 66, Journal. 40 A( RKS lrtrtrated land, with wster right and 40 aerea good laud and s-room bnuee, her go, en, plenty of fruit and S miles from railroad; only $l.eW0. - 20 acres nesr Portland; a snap at $1,200. ah. . . m . e, 4 KUinenora & to, phmte Mela 6120. BIT Commercial blk. 800-Acrc StQcOanclr One Of (he best cattle ranches In eta, era Oregoa; good bnlldlnga, S acres orchard, running aprlng water ea the land. 2r0 acres gud farm land. I0 aerea good timber: thle place ie . well Improved, well feared; the beet buy la sealers Oregoa; price $10 per acre; one qnarter sow a, balance to suit purchaser. Address .1 UAURX CCMMIMOS, Dappoor, Orsiaa, ' , FOR SALE FARMS. Choice Buys tit aesas, B miles from Albany, eoaaty Beat ef Line eouaty, towa of t.000 populstloal 200 scree under eultlvatlon, fair Improva suenU; this to all tint-class laud; running strssm through vises, soma timber, and la eoe of the beat buys In the WIlUmetM Tai- a-ries per acre. r .' BO acraa. ons mile from railroad station. Linn county; all under cultlvattoa, flret-claae land, fins Improvements, family orchard; all fenced with good (sues, fries $4B perusers. . . ..rrTe ; r-i $1,70040 scree la Clerks county. Wash., V mllee from railroad snd boatlandlng; 15 acres cleared, IS scree easily cleared, some timber, all fenced; ( room house, sera 60x00; family orchard; good team, S waguna. 2 acta harneea, 1 buggy, 4 milch eowe, one S-yesr-old heifer, I calvee, 10 tone of hay, cream ee Dare tor, 2 harrows, S plows, 1 cultlvstor, chickens, small teslsi R. If. l., nesr achool; fine eotli - - $a,000 TOO acraa, d mllee from railroad station, fat Llna oounty; 200 aerea la fine atata of cultivation, 16.000,000 tost of good ssw timber, balance open pasture, all fenced ( rannlng water: fair buildings) family or chard; B. F. P.. mile to school. 4 miles from a town of 2.600; best of aoll; bait cash, be la oca good terms. It you ara looking for a anap you should Investigate thle before , buying. . ... ISO aerea. 44 miles from Albany, Bounty seat ef Llna county; 120 aerea la cultivation, balance la timber and paature, all fenced: ' fair buildings; family orchard;' $ heed of , horsee, 4 head of cattls, 40 hssd of goats, some chickens, 40 tons of hay; sll farm lm nlenienti god (ouxM4 gued,Orit.-tUaa land. Price $39 per acre, - - r 120 aerea level land, IS miles from Portland, $H mllee from railroad station; half of this . land is Bah, oak snd vine maple swale; 1.000, 0U0 feet of good ssw timber,. S.000 cords of hardwood; beat of soil; sua ran teed sa adver tised; $1,000 cash, balance B years at S per cent. Price only $12.60 per acre. $1,60020 aerea. mile from elertrte earl 13 acraa a lea red, balance eaatly cleared; email house; beet of solL '111 la Is a snap. , ' $2,10020 scree fronting oa Columbia river 16 seres cleared, 8 acres orchard: small housa and barn; fine view of the Columbia river. $3,60080 acres, lift miles from. Van couver, Clarke county, Weeh. 86 acraa '-cleared; 00,000 feet of good saw timber, aaw 1 mill aa place, balance paature; creek through place; all foBCed, all level; good 4-room frame hooae, frame barn 4Mx60; oa mala county road, B. F. D., telephone In house;. H' acre variety orchard; the cleared land , waa all seeded to graaa last spring: tha land M moetly bottom land, beat of soil, but don't overflow creek bottom; H caah, balance good terms, or will sxchangs for city property. . 1th miles from railroad atatlon, 44 mile to school: 48 acres la cultivation, 7 acres la green timber, 29 aerea caa be cleared for $10 per acre, paiance cine aaa ana vino mapie swslei lH-acre bearing orchard; good well at door, creek Dear houaa aod bars; land all level; good lVfe-etory frame hooae, good frame barn 60x100, roof boeae, chlckea-bouea, . Implo- Rlement aad woodhouee: oa mala county road; na teem horses worth SAM, eoe heavy wagon, one aprlng wagoa, one buggy; 10 bead cattle, T eowe. I aheap, 12 bogs; mower snd rake, nlowa. Barrows, cultivator, other small tools t 00 teas of hay. BOO huabala eata, 100 baahela wheat, B acres spuds, 800 chickens, soms geeee; terms, $2,200 aaah, balance 8 yaara at per cant. - , $8,200 SO acraa, 11 miles from Portland, ta Waahlngtoa county; 80 aerea la cultiva tion severel seres greea timber, balance oeallr cleared; good S-room honae. good barn, family orchard, all fenced, on mala oounty road, B K. D. aad telephone; beet of eolL $1,600120 acres la Waahlngtoa eouaty, SS mlkts from Portlaad, T art lea From railroad etatloa, oa mala county mad; 16 acres rleered, S scree bearing orchard. SO seres almost level, beet of aoll, bo rock or gravel ; S-room hoaee, 2 barns, 2 good Wells snd spring, mile to ecbnol, noma govd timber, S miles from ' aawmlll; t( yoa are looking tog a ansa la ' teatlgata, - 11.000 20 acres. $ miles from Tanoowvef 11 acres beaverdam, cleared, balance slashed. Beaded to graaa; all fenced with good poets and wire; land level, oa main county road, U mile to railroad atatlon, aaar achool. av r. D.t 8-room hooaa, fair barn, family orchard. good well: uew wegoa, top buggy, S seta Bsmeea, plow, harrow, other stuell tools, all aew; $80 range, other furniture, aewlng ma chine. Will take $1,200 cash, belaaos S years st S per cent; will sxchangs for eity -property-. Tl " 1 ' Washington and Oregon Realty Co. 10S Second rt, Portlaad, Oregoa and $00 Mala St., Vancouver, waahinctoa. FARMS. ' $4,00062 'arras, 18 mllee from Portland, Bear little towa; SB aerea under cultivation; fair B-room house end good bam; $ eowe, d-B bogs; oata, wheat, hsy; 1 horse, double act of harneea, all lmplemeata; very good termi caa be made. ' $3,20040 aerea. It miles from Portland. S miles from atreetcar, seer eehool aad " church; good road; 26 acres under eultlvatloa, ' 16 aerea of good timber and pasture; larva houee, ban; apaa af bo rasa. 2 cows, T-S bogs; bay. oata. wheat; all Implements new; terms, $2,200. bela oca B rears. 6 per cent. $2,60040 acres east of Vancouver, 23 aerea ander cultivation: large houee, good barn and other good buildings; running watsr; 1 mile to email towa; a splendid homo. Also largo farms la ths Willamette valley , acre tracts aaar the eltyi good terms aa everything. OTTO, CROCKETT HARMON BBALTT ' COMPANT. BaBtt Waahlngtoa st. SO ACRES ander cultivation, running water all year, Bew nouae eaa nam. gooa cnicsea-aooee, reothoueef $2,200; wTTl take part csshf owner leering country. Addrsea L 87, care Journal. ONB aero ea Bt. Johns eerllne. $1,000 terms on part, -atata bana v aoet susx ax. For Sale 160 seres, 26 bottom land, dl aillos from Tha Dallee, aultable for etoet; partly Im proved, bslancs saally cleared; creek oa bottom; $1,000 worth of timber: near market, oa county road. . Owner. Union houee. i North Sixth st. $4,600.00 ...... a4.6OO.OO nwt-acre renco, wv mvm ,-un,,., nun. timber and paature. all fenced; 2 houass, 4 barns, running wster, young orchard, full particulars snd terms at Walttea Bryant, TIMBER.- TO OWNERS OP TIMRBB CLAIMS AMD - T7MBKR. . Wa will buy for caah any rood timber tributary to Nehelem river; will deal with owners only; so othere seed s newer. Write, giving full particulars, to Box 8, U. P. sts tloo, Portland, Oregoa. CBRTIFIKn sertp; sny slas piece; toweet prices. , W. u. unwell, aaa (.Bsmoar ax uosa- TIMBFR Hnda wantett, eltker Oregoa or rWaahlngton. Fphtnx Agency, 805 H 8 lark St. 7,000 ACRF.S yellow pine, well altuated; eesy Sceeas, ntgn eruiae. lownsenu utiein mutt, 80S Alder at. ...... - HOMKSTBArt rrltnqulahment aad SO acres dee-V ed land, 2.000.0110 feet allow pine, oaly $400. 802 Lumbar Exchange. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HOftars' aad bnggtea for rest by day. week snd saorilh; specisl rates na nusiasss Bona a. Sixth and tlawthorno. Beat 72. FOR SALB Fins dapple grey team, S years eld, weight 1.B0U, aouBd aaa geeue. rnoee Boot I 224. WB boy. sell, rent; exchange burses, wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert i Hall, 206 4 lb at. FINB bustneae rig. ' bmwa mare 8 rears eld, - ttJ.kt 1 ltd k ku,. aaul - xix aiiasy DIUg. FOR SALB Oond delivery bores, wagoa tad aarnees. raone acott xxna. ... . FOR SAIJ6 Heavy delivery esgoa. or bads for lighter ana. Call 161 Williams will ave. : MINES' AND INVESTMENTS. BUT BURST SWITCH STOCK Buceesstul teats at Salt Lake City provs thst this tork will yield larger returns thaa sny miulng stock Hated. PortUad office J. V. Uuret t Co.. 206 McKsy bldg. COBUB D'ALBNB MININO STOCK I am alware la the market eltber to bay ar sell any active mining stock; toeaa avade ea auj narea securiues. nrrowiv; 1 eKty"Tiaj.i ' 9 ARTE R AND EXCHANGE. FOR SALB OB BXCHANQB for stock of groceries, 11-eere chicken-ranch, 2 miles from O, W, P. slsculs Una, 12 mllee from Portland; t acres fenced for chlchene. 8 aerea clear, balance eeay to clear; 4 chicken 1 boueee, 8 brooders, large Incubator, good a -coo at Bouse; price 81.400. U 16, Joursau BQU1TT of $2,760 la two T-room bouses ts ex. change for a vacant tot ea west Bids. Bast oaei. GOOD young carriage horse, harneae snd ton onggy to sxenange for Vol Bear Portsmouth care journal. , Address B 04, TO EXCHANGE 20 aerea fruit lead la Marlon county i-r eutturnaa Iota or acreage. P. u Bug. 400. city. 160 ACRES exceptionally fine laud, north west of ,towB, 1 Multnomah county; will exchange w nrupn iHufiwrir; nni togaing tuvm Ford. 601 McKay bldg.' BXCHANQB. ' 8 aerea choice land.. Dearly all cleared. froata aa Base Lisa road, aaar BusseUvlUs. wnsi nave you J HE.NKLB HARRISON, . ' 2J7 Ablngtoa bldg. . - - TO TBADB. - SO acres land, 80 acres la eultlvatloa, 10 aerea fine timber; good orchard, bouse aad , barn; cloee to achool; k bead cattle, 20 ton saie-Bui iraoe un.atatx ai gross HK.NKUS A HARRISON. 217 Ablngtoa bldg. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. JERSEY COW. 160 East First at. aorta, city. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF. XOU WANT A new etove, go ts tbs $. A new range, go to the $. : ' To trede stovss, go to the $ A water-bach put In. go to tha $ - Furniture, go to the $. XUS Flrnt at. - MaU $374. FOR BALE Fnxterrler pupa, 484 Bby St., Moatavllla. Pboao kaat 18, ask fox Evaes. FOR SALB Oyatere, carefully picked- for select family trade, ahlpped. dally from beds; they have the correct flavor sad amack of fresh Bess; retail or wboleaals. A. Boutlodgs, 2T Grand" aveBorth. PhonsKssr P6X SBW1NO MACHINES bought, sold Bad ex changed, $8 aad op. W eat era Sslvags Oo 627 WsshlngtoB St. BOOKS bought, sold ssd exchanged at the Old Book Store. 22 Zamhlll st. WB print your name oa 60 calling cards, proper slas and atyls, BSei 2A0 bualooe cards, $1. A. W. Bcbaula Co, 228 First, Portland, Or. SBOWCASEB, aoanters, flxtarea, bought, sold or exchanged. W raters Salvage Oa 627 Waahlngtoa at, Pacific 788. ARTISTS' matarlala, pictures sad fraalag. H. Moorbouae Co., SIS Alder Bt, $0 SLIOIITLT asmsgsd sawing machines st . very tow prices; Singer, Wheeler WUsoa. ' Domes tic, Whllte, Boueehold, Da via aad othere; to make room for saw atoek Wheeler WUsoa snd Singers. B. B. Slgsl. S88 Mao rlaea St. Msrquam bldg. SHOWCASES aad flxturaa, asw aad seuaud band. Carlson KaUstroaa, S8S Coaeh ab BOLDKN'S BHEUMATIO CUBE Sura cars far rheumatlam. Bold by all druggists. SECOND-HAND bar f turaa, pool' table, as fee, tables, caa Ira. W eat era Salvags Oa, 62T vtaaniBgiOB at. BILLIARD AND POOL tables Sot teat 0 for . aale on eaay payments. TUB BRUNSWICK-BALKS COLLENDBB 00. . . . 48 Third at., Portlaad FOR SALB A ales tot of young chicken Browa Leg bora aad Black Mlaorkaa) Sa sell at once.. Phone Best 8874. ... ONB double stereoptleon motloa stature a fhlna with calcium light outfit complete, nqulre of 861 East Oregon st. FOR SALB 1 tot af atoek aample tslephoaea. Including iBteroommualcatlng, wall and deek sera; all aew sad In good order. West Cosst Engineering Co., 616 Commercial bldg. CBBRRT TREES of tha oaly original parent tree, tha new cherry, the Olaat; first -c la as trees. Julius KalUch, Wood laws, Oregon. 4-TlUlLDqiiruMabaHrT&aa ssT soclatloa stock, with accrued Intareet, for aale; good tavaetment. L TB, care Journal. MOTI0N-PICTURR machine. $26: 1,000-foot Sim at 4c a foot; fine gaa outfit,' $18; song elides, $2.60 per eat; vie we 16s sack. .146 - Sixth at., room 2. r-; r FOR SALB Pedigreed pet bull terrier pup, 1 14 months old; mate; a beeuty. Address B 48, cars Journal. $600 CASH buys aa auto mobile la good eoadi- uon; eerriee e. rnoaw maia aa. HOUSEBOAT Oomo, make offer. B4J Madlaoa. FINB English Better dog, S years old; good re triever; broke for upland aad lakes. Address W 72, eara Journal. . FOR I ALB $40 roll-top deek, good ss asw, $18. Phone Eaat 70. 1.200 LBS. PETITIS PRUNES. Phoaa Beat 801. Apples Win deliver good country applea oa west Bids, south of Washington at, 60 seats to $1 a boa. Call at once. Mala 4222. CniCKERINO upright ptsno, $128; pianola, $160; organ, $as, cost $126. 241 First St., corner Mela, upstairs. Must sslL FOR 8ALI5 -A new Remington - typewriter.- s enap. Cull or sddrsos SOU Ore goo Ian bldg., till. PERSONAL. DBTECTITE AOENCT Confidential Investiga tion,; reports furnished oa Individual, tbclr cbarkcter. reepeuelblllty, etc. : bed debts col lected; missing relatives located; charges resonahls; correspondence solicited. Oregoa Detective Service, offices 2t8-204 Ftlrdner bldg., 10th and Waahlngtoa its. Phone Main 6618. TURKISH BATHS, 800 OrereolsB b1dg. ladles daya, geatlemea nights. Msla IMS. VIAVI CO., Lswk) Mdg., 8A0H Mnrrlsoai Bee 1th talks to womsa Thursdaya, 2:80 p. m. WERI-OOT Oil Blacking ssvas too leather; aa eolutaly waterproof. MANICURING, chiropody snd alcohol rubbing. Parlors 81 aad 22. 208 Stark at. . DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing aad dreaalag. 881 Tamhlll street. THR. NATIONAL INTRODUCING SOCIETY. - Ws fcsvs members la all walks of life, from the government officials to the farmer, eo- , ctety ladles to working girls: matrimonial reg ister with photos flsest pabllshsdl msmbere . sad aU 10c 24 Rasssl bldg. MANICURING, halrdrssslng, apectsl $8 eoui 3 one week oniy; trails school roe wo girls. 804 Alder. The Montgomery. VES. Palme Tablets make roe sleep per feet Ir; they cure aervoasness and maae you atrong; price 6c a box, 6 boxes $2.60; guaranteed. All druggists, or sddress BroiAs Drug Co., 87 North Iblrd St., Portland. Or. , CALL Paetfle 278. San Frsaclsce Tatlorlng Co. Ws do repairing, pressing, cleaning ssd dye ing; todies' gsrments s specie Ity; at lowest pries. 271 H Taylor St. MANLT rigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Olnb-itee. One amath's treatmeet, $2: $ aaootha,. $3; seat eecnrelv sealed by mall. ? Agents, Woedard. Clarke Os Portlaad. O. SUITS preosed while yoa wait) 80s. Lsdies skirts preeerd. 60c. Gilbert, 106 14 Sixth St., Beit to QueUe. Phono Mela SunS. BRBT msgs'ino clubs ever offered; sead for prleee; a rants wsnted. Jeoea' Book Store, . 21 Alder at., Portland. Or. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous Batr rsBMrved. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. 11111, Room 840 Flledner Bldg. Pnoue Pacific IU6. PHTBICAL culture, all branches, and sjaaesgei Individual and class Instruction; priests boms treatment. If desired. The Rlugler School, Su Alder at. Phoaa Mala 1861. DISEASES OF 'WOMEN Private maternity hno- waoa, rovm 8, V Morrbwa, tel. Pas. 'l7M. .,,....,. pERsONAL. BOLD ON There la eoe tales that will sure rhrnaiatlam. Aak yoar druggist for berk , tonle -or addrene ar celt J. ti. Clemeaaoa, drugglat, Portlaad, Or. e 0KKMAN hooka, magaatnea, navels, ete.i Oer . man. English, French,- bpanlab, Swsdlsb aad Itallaa dictloaarlee; forelga boons at all kinds. Scba-sle Co.. S2B rirst St. , MISS K. POSTEB HOBB. alectrlcel nervour troublra sad rheumatism a spselsily. aaais sAis, low aeveata ex. UOUiEN'S BUEdMATIO CURB Bore cure for rheumatism. Sold by all iL-ustftsta.--. . - BECENTLT opeaad manicuring parlors; ladles and gentlemen. 861 Morrlaoa at., room 12. A. RK1NER, PRAITICAL FURRIER. , Export fitter, furs remodeled, repaired sad . red red; 80 yea re' eiperlence Inauree sntlrs sstlafsctloa. Phoaa Pacific 2487. LswU bldg. BALM OP not for sll fern a Is diseases. .626 East - Belmont, phone Eaat 4084.. SKXINB PILLS euro aU forma of nervous ar . muscular- weakness, for aaea or womea. Price 1 a bog.. $.boie 11 wUh full. guae antss. ' Adflress of call J. Q. Clemeseon, drug gist. Second end Tsmhlll sbv. PortUnd. Or. DR. BINO CHOONO. Importer Chlneas met medldnee; sells Chinees tea. certain euro for aU dlaaeeea. lsl 2d, bet. Yamhill aod Taylor. DR. O. V. KETCHUM cores promptly private dlseeses, kidney, Barvous. akin and special female troublea. Call or writs.' Offles lTVa Third St. cor. TsmhllL Pboss Pad he 2220. ANT man or woman cas be strong ssd happy by using BcxIds PUle. tha great tools pries - $1 a tox, 6 boxes $3, with full gusrsntee. Addiree or call J. A. ClemsBsoa. druggut, ' our.. Bscond and Tamhlll ata., Portland, Or. SWEDISH trained nurse. Belstngfore graduate, . posltlvsly euree rheumatlam, etomacb troubles . snd nervous dlsordere by hand-rubbing, Stesm, swsst snd tub bsths: both sexes. . No. 7 Esst 11th at, Taks Esst Aaksny car. Phoaa .eee SVAeii.., ' M ! MARRIAOB PAPER 10c, sealed: best published; beet reference; baadsomsat women: wealthiest men; tenth year. L. L. Love, Bog 1600, Deo- ver, Colo, TOUNO acientlfle mssssuss gives electrical, slcohol snd medicated tmstmssm; cblropodlat snd manicurist. 41 Raleigh bldg., Sixth sad Waahlngtoa ata. RF.KINED Isdy gives msaearo treatmsnta for rheumatism snd sll ebroale ailments, also chiropody. - 801 tt Third at., corner Taylor. SELECT CHIROPODY and manicuring parlore; - also electric vlbrstory treatment. Barker's vibrator something nsw. 224h Wssblngtoa at., rooma 1-2. Peclfle 114. - TWO T0UNG ' LADIES' give masssgo treat nienta. ltOtt Fourth, corner Washlngtoa.. MISS RAYMOND gives massage treatments. 2UH4 Morriaon st,. room 14. REFINED young lady just arrived from New - 1 orx; maaaaga . rtoom a, avi H A DR. SAWTERS' Sqosw Root; guaranteed for todies. 461 Goldsmith St. Esst 4481. MISS GIBSON gives scalp treatment; massage. 268tt Morrlsoa at., room 62. BACHELOR, 88. wishes to meet lady of suitable ags thst would Ilk to live oa small ranch close to towa;, object aiatxlmony. II- 2, eara Journal. TOUNO acientlfle masseuse gives electrics 1. alcohol and medicated treatments ehlropodlat and manicuring. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth aad Waahlngtoa eta. BEFTNED lady tivse mssaags treatments for rheumatlam and. all chronic ailments, also - chiropody. SOltt Third st.i corner Taylor. ATTORNEYS. ft H. PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attorneys-at-Law. Practice la all courts. dMulkey bldg., eorued Second and Morrlaoa. ART. FBEB LEMONS la ambrotdery every dart , rjew stomped shirtwaists, eorset-oovera, ho. toco Jaeheta, hats, ambrsllss. etc. The Needlecreft Shop, 882 Waahlngtoa at bo- twaea West Psrk snd Tenth ata. PROFESSOR R. MAX METER. 848 Aider. Portrait snd lsndacsps srttst and teacher. ASSAYERS. 0ART1N CTANTDB EXTRACTION CO., MoaUaa Asssy Office, 186 Morrlsoa sc. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAFIB as KILRAM. 108-111 Seermd sL BlsnB books aasaufactured; sgeata for Jonas improved Looee-Lssf ledger ; see the aew ' Eureka Issf. the best oa the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES a. Blrtaswsld Co.. 804. 80S Everett St.; lsrgeet butcher supply housa on the coast. Writs for catalogue. BUTCHERS' - SrPPMKd Aoolph A. - Deksaa, 181-1S8 First St., cerrle s full 11ns and com plete assortment st lowest msrkst prices. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY snd Pedicuring. Mrs. M. O. Bill. Room 830 Flledner Bldg. Phone Pes. 186. CAFES. THB OFFICE 28 Wssblogtos SL. pi Til. nam net vignsux. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plast sa ths coast. Loring snd Harding sts., tele phone Eaat . Carpets cleaned. reStted, sewed and laid; both a tea no end latest com pressed sir process; rsaovatlag mattresses sod feathers a speclslty. BANITABY carpet cleaning, suctloa asd com preeeed sir somblned; cornets cleened on Sosr V without removal. Mala 6684. Msla 8200. CARPENTERS AN DBUILDERS4 t. A.. MELTON, tbs carpenter, S04 Pourth St. Store sad office work, Mela 17ST. CLEANINO AND DYEINO. Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Works; prac tical natter in connecuoa. si I eta. racine mn. CLOTHES clesnsd snd pressed $1 per amntk. Ualque Tailoring Co., 808 Stark at. H. W. TURNER. professtoBsl dysr snd cleaner. BOB Jefferson st. Pbons Msla B61B. COAiT AND WOOD. WB bsvs 1,000 cords sf 16-lneb dry alabwood that must be sold before Jaauary 1, at $2.28 to $8 per Wad. "" PORTLAND WOOD ft COAL CO., Oor. loth and Irving. Phone Main 4876. THB PORTLAND FUEL CO.. ' Successors to c. R. davis rrEL co., Pboas East 26. 287 Kaat Morrlaoa Bt ALBINA FUEL COv Dealers In sordwood. coal and greea ana dry aiaowooa. m. u. and Alblaa are., t blocks ssst ef ferry. Bast 814. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL COr Dealers la reel. oordwood and dry sisuweoa. moos Bast 424. OREGON FUEL CO. All kinds of coal sad wood. 884 Alder at. psoas Msla 66. WESTERN FEKD ft FUEL CO. Hue blacksmith seals. Pboas Msla 1018. STAR BOXWOOD CO. Phone Mala 8148 for box, block snd slabwood. . DANCINOr- : - DANCING lessoa. Snc: clssses or prlvsts; walts- tng. iwo-stsp, fnres4tep, eto.i stsga oancing. buck aad wing, clog, reel, ahlrt, Spanlah, Highland ring, etc Prof. Wei WUleeo.eM oat recoamlacd teacher, Allsky bldg Third. snd atorrmea sta. WOODWARD DA NCI NO -SCHOOL Oass Moo- Thursday and Saturday eve,; social, rahey ssd step dancing taught; fencing tsugbt; prlvsts lessons dally. . Westers Academy bell, fceeeod snd Morrlsoa. I'aetne IAS). PORTLAND Daaclng Aredemy. leading gcbenlt ballroom etiquette, correct social ss c lassie as eclng 1 both Bsxea: ysung folk, adults: 1a atractlon dally. 80S Alder. TsL. M. 186. Prof. Ring lor, dancing masts. PROF. BATON Dancing acbnolt claea for lad lee OO genie J -. .. w.www, Arhia hsIL Phone Esst 8604. BROWN'S Panel ng Academy, Rnrhhsrd hall. iisth aust Burasios, ravao suia si is. usac Tuesdays, FINANCIAL LAUD t TTXTOB, SABKXBB-tXsaaMtotad ta U8S.I . assess s Seaerel Baskmg Bealnees. tollectvews msde et sN octet - " a,.. Jf,ktrfc Letteee et credit hwaed available In Bamaw aad aU points la r1' aJ H-Bi' tX t Totographlo Tr. safer. Bold on N.w Vorh. """V'ZijZS mVrn ,t,.LJ '""" Omaha. Sea Faeacleee asd Montaaa aad Brithb Columbia. Exeaaege ssto ee Lou doe. Parte. Bsrlla, aakfortUoMSesoS.aao... Meal la ssd ttooorala. It 8J MZBOTfABTaV 8TATT0BA, BANK. PORTLAND. OklOOH. ' ill L-'Z -VIlOJarrssldeUL B. IV DURHAM tLLT7 rw. B0YT Ceahler IGEORGB W. UOTT .TAaarlataet Cueams Vnaaaota a weasrsi Baaklag Boalaeaa. Drafu aad Letters of Credit leased AestlSBto t an rsrts si tn. world. UNITED STATES BAT10NAL BABX OF POBTLABD. 0RXS0B , - Boctbweet Corner Third snd Osk Street. , . .Treses eta a Beneral Basking Bustseas,. DRAtTS IB8UED A valla his ta AR 'V? raited P- " sad u.-ll. r hj..l Waanarahls TerO. vtce-pridiVt::::::::::: ..J. C. AINSWUHTB I . tt. LEA BARNES I Asslstsnt Csahlar. B ANXIXr ft LTMBEBMEV'S BANK Portlaad. Oragea. Osraee Beeeud asd 3 tar sttseta. vBesrctal aad aavlnga drperrmeat. tetteea f miii (u i -11 . a. v. raiion rnSlut FRED H. ROTrirriln ''.' WVo..... JOHN A. KEATING Second FIre-Prealdent I TaX BAJIK OsCAlOsUnA BsesWIshsd Capital paid sp... 4 0OO ono weorrei minting and Evchanre P ml nee a Tranaseted. Interest On Tims Deposiia. RATINGS DEPARTMENT Accnusts amy be opened of $10 aad apward. , . . Portlaad Breach Chamber sf Commerce Batldlsg. , , F11- . MACBAB.. , Manager t . T. BUBTCHAELL...'...Aaetetaat Mass eve FIKST NATIONAL BANK 8F PORTLAND, 0RKOOM. Designated Dapoeltory and Ftneoeeal Aeat at tha United Ststea. - ., ... p" V" A. U MILLS I Caehler J. W. NJWJM Asslatsat Caahisr W. C ALVOHD Second Assistant Cashier a F. STSTSBS ' Letters of Credit Avelishle In Europe end the Barters States V e. J?.' Evehasge asd Telegraphic Trenefers sold ea New York. Boston. Chicago. St. IisaBA U Er'Jv 0"ehs. Hen rreBcteco aad the principal points ta the Nortrtweet. . Irt nm Mile, drawn In a a ma to salt ea Lnndoa. Parle. Berlla. Frsnkfott sa the-W'ra. BoBgkoagjrehoheme. Copcnbsgca. Chrlstlsals. Stockholm. St. Peterehurg. Moscow. Euciea. TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND-TBTTST COMPANY OF 0REO0N RRSOIIRr'wa nvva a, tMMa . - . . .Jeven tusdredae.jte Sella, ibeleaeae ef tmates-eeee. Leueee ef-sredlt aad-axcbsaxa oa all parte of the world. Ssvlnrs secounts. Tims eertlflcatre. 8 to 4 per cent: abort-cell special esrtlfleetee. $wio or over. 2U to 4 per-eent. Call foe of ILI.USTRATIONS. . Pontheeet Corner Third end Oak Streets. PVne Private Each a sge TS. I,7;-,-;l!, ..PreeMeot I n. L. PITTOCK. Tlee-Jreddeo B. I.BB PAGET Secretary 1 J. O. COl.TRA. Assistant Seevetere SECTTBrTT SATTN0S ft TRUST COMPANY TraaaastB a Oaaeral Bsnhln Business. B Time aad Savlncs Accounts. Acts ss Credit Available la All C. f. ADAMS........ President I a. ie, MILLS Second Ties-Pre 1 dent I GEO. P. RUSSELL THE MORTOAOE VAX ANTZE ft -TRUST Trenaecta a Oenrral Banking Bnslneea. avsrivseai; v per cent micros, suoweu. CAPITAL O. W. WATERBCRT. . . . Preeldeat I a tOOAN HATS. etatsnt S, I'etary .'"' Fit Temple. Seventh snd Stark. Streets. Pbons Mala 164. -Open. Saturdse Bvwatas S ta a. N5R1HWE8TIRN 0TJARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANT Portlaad. Orsgoa. . ; Lamber Exchange. S R. Corner Sechqd and Stark "trevte iseesad Soorl. ... FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. State, Coanty, M sulci ps snd Corporstioa Bomls Bonsbt and Sold. New raterprtsss ergaatxed u Snsnced. Stocks tud bonds gusrsntsed. , TITLB OVARATTTEX ft TSTTrTT CO NT AN T 144 W A8NIK0T0N ITS EXT. MoBTGAGB LOANS sa Pertlsad Reel Rtete at Lowest Ratea. Titles Invsred. Abstracts Furslahed. J TnORBURN ROSS... President I OBOROB H. HILL.. nce-Prealdent I BONDS AND M ORRIS BB0THIRS. Chamber of Commeros Bldg. ' Munlcipsl. ralTroed sad DOWXIBO-HOPXTHS COMPANT Xstahltah ed BTOCXS. BONDS. GEAIN Bought Plivate Wires. ' a. BOOM 4 CHAMBBR -KX ir Or LXX O0MPANT Oommenwealtk Btdr. Hth and atakaay sts-TsrUssdV 0ragssw Brokerage Hepsrtmeet H. W. Donahue. Manager. See Pa Before Baying or Selling Stocks or Bond. Can Always Bavo Tsu Meney.- OUIB J. WTLDE HOME TILXPH0VE BONDS BANK STOCKS. . . . . Msmbrr Portland Stock Exchangs. . " Corner Sixth snd Wssblngtoa Streets. Portlnnd. Oregon. 0 yerbeck. Starr & Cocke Co, m TrBJri-. tJBJinf. PR0TISI0NS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. WB DO A 8IEICTLT COMMISSION BTJ8INI8S. Oaatlawsaa Martsts by Prtvata Wire. Quick 8 ervlce. BEPERENt-Ea Ladd ft Ttttoa. BaaB- la4 una.,! States Nstlonal Bsak sf Port la so. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST iSt. George - St. George - CAN TELL YOUR FULL NAME, AO i, OC CUPATION. . $10.000 Challenge for Ills Equal $10,000 Commsods br education snd Is endowed with the mysterious powers of the Eaatera Magi to beal ths 111. west. sick, afflicted; can see the peat sad futurs sf your sf- falra crystal clear; creates a oivine mo. enee to overcome domestic love or hual ; Dees failures; makes plain to yod all - thtugs hidden, doubtful, deceptive: thst annoy, perplex or prevent success; tbs only Teghl mediator of secret Influence la America; Implants In roar Ufa and being a Biarvelooa force to gsln your wlah In mar riage, lose, mining, money, business, wln ' ring luck: removes evil, cures drlnkksb- lis. sll vrritnesaes wliliii dspivss ou oe coerce tbs will, restores lost vitality, finds . trsaanrea, mlnea, mlealng once. papere; Egyptian aatral dead-traueo medlam. pay. chic palmlat, mystic heeler, complete Oriental U feres ding clslrvoysnt) positively fusrsntees ths best seance you have ever ad simply by taking your hand and look ing at you; tells everything with names, dates, fscts Snd Bgures; slwsys relleble; oldest, moat experienced la all occult aad special work; eiiggeetloas, success vlbrs tlons. meuul telepathy; hastens marrlags, , restores . tost kve, reunites the srpsrsted, sutwlta rlvnla, enemies, Open Sundays. ( WASH1SGT0N ST., COR. PARK 81. - Opooslts Star Theatrs. Don't mistake name and place. A ' SPECIAL $6.00 KEAD1NO FOB $1.00. FOR A FEW DATS ONLY. A 8PKC1AL $1 READING FOR $L - ALWAVS CONSULT THB BKST " " PROF. B. kBIMO. Orestcst living strsl desd-trsnce elslr. roysnt of the est; AtlVISLH ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFrAIRo OF LIFE; whom yoa will marry, how to control ths ens yoa love, even though mllee eway; reunites the sep arated; gtvea secret powers to control. I will do all othere advertise to do. and a greet deal more. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE P0W. EHS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I B AVB AT ' MY COMMAND, aad I prove It to you with out arlce by giving you e I REE TE8 f FREB Be havtne vour NAME TOLD (IN FULL). JUST W HAT VOW CAM B FOR, aadglve-t- -yoa advice sbgotntely rttKK before you deride r n r. r. nviore roe wmarn WHO -CAN Oil. WILL .to -have - e-coafling. - " ttu - v . j n lx DO MOKI I'l l nr. nr.r iti. r IHJ Ui SIIBB illlO I'l rvnn wet , " ,. WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO VOU AGAIN. PROr. R. KHIMO, Psrmsaetly lasted In Ills Own Home. BOI'RS, 18 TO 8, DAILY AND SUNDAY, No. 966 Fifth iW corner Medleua st -. Dr. Mclvcr Travis , Psychic Wonder. If yoa wish rellsbls lnformstloa yoa will consult that wonderful clslrvoysnL Ara you la doubt about an Investment 1 Ara you consulting youreelf snd others whether yon should go Into business 7 Hsvo you domestic trouble? - Do you wish good heslthl Do yoa wleh to have that cloud removed, to have yonr mind at ease and mat ters that have been troubling you made easy t Then don't hesitate; cell today; rssdlog $1 antll further Bollee. S414j Morrlsoa St.. eor. Seventh Ml H PROFESSOR WALT, AOS " palmist. " fs Irvoysnt snd medlam; reading BOc. Psrtors 4 and a, tba Cosmos. 288 V Morrleoa st. PROFESSOR WALLACE, pslmkrt. clslrvoysnt snd medium; readings 60c. Parlors 4 and S, Ths Cosmos, mu, Morrhtna st. DRESSMAKINO. MY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER 1 will mska a regular $12 cult for $1A between . this snd ths SMtKof December. Mma. Bald- W tn.. lw era an., n- TRY Anrelae Dressmeklng Parlors, S4S Fifth snd Mnls, Pacific 82. ' EDUCATIONAL. MARY DATISMAGINN1S, teacher of convea tlonsl snd nsturallstlr rhl.ia; watsr-coUjC ' heeds a specialty. Stadia 821 at. 8th at., N. WANTED Amateur talent for dramatic ao rlety: splendid opportunities. Call evealnga . Fifth t. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIO ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, emtrae tors, repairers, electric wlrlua, esnplles, U4 Ftret. Stark. Mala SM. It. H. Tate, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 61 Slxtk St. Cootrsctors. electric auppllee. mni,ra snd dynamos: wa Install light snd poweh plsnts. OASOLINE ENGINES. 0ASOI.INB engines, sll stuee aad etylee. st , lovreet prices. Rslrsua MsehaBory lew l2 4-t klocrlswa si. BANKS. Collectlona s anedaitr Csshhw.. Aastataart CsaMer .A. M. WEIGHT Interret said ea e a flags acssuaa. , Drafts aaa , . . . Inn! MflAHfl. D. STOREY....... ......AseJeteBt Caehler Oeaerel Oeuaeel PLA1 PLATT ft PL ATT.... 164. -"rvaad fyefjsaT-SsJaetico. fltfotua 1 f Snrplns snd undivided proSts. $io.OS.4ea.8SL Tha Oldest Trust Compear ' ta , . . . ------ 866 Morrison Street, Pertlsad. Oregoa. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Intereet Jhltowed Trustee for Eetetee. Drafts aad Lattaca of Parts of the World. - I. A. LEWIS. . '.........First Ttee-frldeov B. O. JUBITB Asetatant Secretsry COMPABT B ABB. Intereet Paid on Time Deposits. Ssvtnge compoasneo onsrveriy. , . I too ooo oa C W. MILLER JNO. R. AITCH1SON. T. T. BUBKHART. .Treoenrer INVESTMENTS. public servlcs coi ixiratton bonds. 188S BBOKIBB. ; - sad Bold for Caah Bad oa Marsia. :. of COMMERCE. Pheso Msla FURNACES. BOTNT0N farm-air furnaces save fuel. J. C . Bayer Fursscs Co., 208 Second. Main 461. : FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON , WORKS 28 Flanders St.. cor. Third. Phone Msla XMKa, HOTELS. THB BELLETUK. Fourth aad Salmoa sta. Rooms 60s up; rates by week or month; out-of-town trade oolleitod. , Pacific 21 uo. HOTEL Portlaad, American plaa;$3. $6 per day. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th aad Alder ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. aolldts opportunity as ' quote price. 74 Sixth st Pseifle 4V4. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE, ara loaaraaee. lock bldg. . .',- " . bar. JAS, Met. WOOD, employers' liability sad in dividual accMeof security nooos of all BUeda. Phone 4T. axz Mchay sing. LAND SCRIP.- W ANTED AND .FOR SALB Ind scrip. sU kinds. Including spp roved forest reserve tea? reurveyed, unaurveyed, timbered Bad pralrla tovernment land. 11. M. Uamlltoa. Tba Port ind, Portlsnd. Or. MONUMENTS. NBU ft KINGSLEY. XS First St.. Portlaasrs leading marble and granite weeks. .MUSICAL. jriOLIJtTACCHT-Terma moderate.,; Vntnuj . Marx, studio at a. ABdersoa musk co., iso Third. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gui tar Instruction; Glbsoa mandoline. 876 Alder. LESSONS 60c, piano, guitar, banjo, maadnlta. . violin. Mra. Martin. 241 Ss First, eor. Msla.. PIANO, violin, piano, trombone, clarinet ' Pro. feasor tv A. smith, sat 12th. Mala stub. LEVY'S MUSIC KOrsn. 171 fourth at Larg est stocx soccv music ra ins city. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBER CO. Secnud-hsmt cblnrry, sawmills, etc. 248 Orssd sv. . A. J. PAUL. 108 First STT eeglnee, boilers, ssw mill machinery ; rtlcks Bros.' flooring Seag. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DHS. ADIX ft NORTHRtiP. 4I6-IA-1T Dekum, Ihtrd and Wasblngtoar'aia, Phoaa Main 848. Cxamlnatloa free. OPTICIANS. DR. B, J. M II. 1.8 Optometrist and Byeslght Spsetsltst. Booms 80 77. 828 Waahlngtoa Street, PRINTINO. THE MODERN PR1NTEBT Artlatle printing. . 26 Rueael bldg.. Fourth aad Morrlaoa. . Phoao Pacific -1626. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circulars to catalogues snd Bewepeaeea, Metropolltsa Printing Cs 147 Freat si. OGILBEE BROS., printers Cards, hlllheeds, etc. Phone Main INM. laiSk First st PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. esnltsry prsmhears. SRI S'ensd, bet, Msla Bad Sslaaoa. Oregoa Pheoe Mla DONNERREHG ft BADEMACUB8, No. 8' rlurrXds st PAINTS. OIL AND GLAT1 r B BEACH A CO. The PloeeeS p-'- t 'wln-kiw glass SSd gtaalog. t.,4 I ... 'K.n I1U. PAINTIN0 AKD T. port relle''- e-f. ""'' ' Bios., -;. la.uul, l r ' V I '