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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, YTOVEMBER 24. 1S08. 19 NSW TODAY. ST. JOHNS -: mrflM ta.M. In Bvrt .of manufao- -tuting dltrlcU a it RwirtttraoTr-, r-oU1 prugrtsex miwud u rc. ' - - , 1 t .Lot M jry tPMt-T7.- MISSISSIPPI AVE. Twa storea. J S-rcxW nata, on arnal. ou -..00. ... , . ,;.. t'; WASHINGTON ST, 5xl00 Moat, reasonable buy on th treet $1,0. - ' .' ''..'. FOURTH STREET" l0xl$0 Born Ineom- IS 5.000. NOB HILL P-roctm horn, Una $3,800. i ' , HIGHLAND PARK Six lot (t on Ainaworth 'ave.l, for nit In bunch, below market price, to clo oat. y. v ,-' - - :, PORTLAND HEIGHTS --. pii block, vtow of thrtOB)"'5EJity ami ' Vancouver. Mount Hood. Adam. St. flehna autd Rainier, our own beautiful city and tb WilUmett and Columbia river. IRVINGTON : t oxi8. t'. ilioa TtxlM. axtra. vara. -. $? lx 10. $ J 80s 18 twlc. tit room. Seventh near Weidler. v J. i j $41 -rooma, nod. - t T reoma, 417 Multnomah. ... . , - - Ska 41 Breakaway.. Sea thla. $fa -vxl0. house and bars, v 473 Hancock, corner. $7k0 Hancock at, corner. - $7M3 Peautlfwl borne, list and TtTl- BEACHES and Gearbart property, finely located. HOOD RIVER On Soasa of Hood River valley rbotoaat buy. Investigate and INVEST IN UkXIK FINE LOTS-$I70 EACH Inside Property : tiOta IQxlOS feet each with graded treat, sidewalks and eltyx water piped to every lot. Thla tract la known as "Alton fark and altuated about one .-...-4. mil and half aouthe&at of .Madiaon ' atreat bride on the Sollwood car line. " The lots are all cleared. In arras plot TC"T and command a fine view of the river: lemlnut car eerrloe, and tha price of theae lot la 60 per cent cheaper than adjoining- iois eoia ror, wnicn are now built upon with comfortable bomea. . lAtr d aumbr for - ..,., $50 COWN AND $10 PER MONTH Title pa ret flee abrtraot famished Wits, every lot. Take HU wood car and . a;et off on Harold street, and yon are at ' the property. . , . . r- . , for particular call on 7 r.L-J.-CLOHESSY HT KcXAY BITTJUZWtS. A Bargain in Business Property t.: We hav for sale the quarter block . (100x106) and two-story bulldlnsa at the southeast corner of East Morrison . and East Third street a.- Bulldlnc are fully occupied. If looking; for a first-class Investment do not delay, as this Is on of the best tuya on tb east side and the oppor- tunlty to aecnr It at the present price will remain open but a few days. . . . Buchtel & Kerns BAST KOBSXSOV ST. - ur - lota with. - Sf-room house. Point View Addition. Cash 11,200. balance on easy term. an. Johns' sTw okoelhons. Bapta seattaa sa 0,000. I can sell you lots for f too in one Dioca or mis nne Duudlng. Acre tract, business and residence lo- . cations. - " -.!. Offlc 1S Philadelphia BU. St Johns, Or. Set :US ; at Once ' W have a large number of people wlahina t buy home; also a number who want furnished rooma for houae- kneplns;. Come In and se ns. Good treaunttnt accorded you. anUOHJBU-BBYAsnF CO, 110 Chamber. of Commerce Bids;. Jack King: The hot-air merchant cure RHEUM A TI8M. Never fall. No cure no pay. j ns vjuj eumpisie novir plant on to (an. . ' sasTO-S BATKS, y . Seventh and WasUaartoa Sts. ' ' OREQQ BROS. For . investments of all kinds. Income, peculation, acres ana timber propo sitions. . H Main I01. . S17-914 rSBTTOH BuTLSIBO WE FOISa BANK REFERENCE T parties desiring- n to collect rents of houses and block, and look- after proper t lea. . (..- - Tne Crccn-Aibcrta Realty Co. ; Phone Main 711. Rooms t-lS Latfay ette Bldr. Cor. (tb and Weih. Sts. - 25 Per Cent Delow MarKet Value 10xi90 Income-peylff property, short ' til stance from business center, Elgin thousand handles thla. - ncOUIRE REALTY CO. II Oresnlaa Building., Vf- ' : !( , : - ' ' NEW TODAY. J. IV? Ogilbee I Kvum ii i ton nrsv m 3,T50-lQurter block.; 100 by 100 .i'V-Jr'th tw ottes sp11 nt addition. ; , . "7 v.-.." , r-y. r,... f 1,T5 58 : cres, imall- smount flashed, lies nicely on the main road between Milwaukee and Da mascus, about 11 miles from city. "an J t ' "'tood.solid.snbstantial offer. Would take part cash. , . f 7.0OO Good corner lot, with three cottages, Tental of $60 per month, finely located on Caruther street. $70d4-Gobd building- .ot,co'. East Fourteenth and Clinton streets. f 550 Choice building' lots in Tib- betts homestead, on Gideon, street. f 800 Choice lof, SO by 100 feet, In Albina Homestead. 1 f 17.500 20 acres, all in cultivation, near car line, and one of the choic est pieces of land adjoining the city limits for platting purposes, either in acres or lots; n-the east side of the river; a fine investment .. $8,000 Beautiful . house, full - lot. lovejoy, near a-ta. ve us snow 7011. f 6.000 Modern t-room dwelling. ciecino iisais, nwius, w ment basement and walks, full corner lot with atone 'wall; close In on west aid; a bar sal n and terms If desired. f 3.000 Corner with aood S-roorn aweiuna;, lie Ein ui mm car line; a aem of a borne; terms; . . $2.650 New and modern l-room aweiuna, j,vs jsauorx STcnue; ctuss car line and a siood buy. $2,650 Modern l-room dwelling;, ce ment naaemeni, so remain oatn, aas and elect rlo llfhta. See It at (If Rodney av. $2,000 Neat, modern 7-roora new oweitma ana ruu 101; stitaroa st, close to car line; easy term., . ... $1.8OOo0xl00, N.W. corner East 11th ana oonuyicr; sr aooxx 101. unprovea streets and fine shade trees. . $1,350 Two cholc lota, Kaat Ith at, near Brooklyn ear. Be them, as must sell , $1,275 Good tnsid lot. East Madi son - st, near lid; small . payment ' down. ;i! . 1 'i,; . ,. . : $350 Cholc lot, near East 11th and Fresco tt; easy terms and arrowing lo- E S. Jackson & Co. raons Btaln S4S. S Stark sn. FOR SALE A FEW DAYS ONLY A beautiful horn, T rooms, modern, up to date; full lot, 16th street SS.000. Two beautiful vacant lota on laurabe street 15.000. ; II -acre improved ranch; terme 11,615. The Mortgage. Guarantee & ,,--Trust Ca-: SEVENTH STREET Bargains in Real Estate $58,000 -Three-story brick block on Yont street, with. k-foot frontare on docks, with warehouse; pays per cent net on Investment fSSOO 104 acres, within city limits; a aooa suoaivision proposiuon. . fflTBO room bona, lot - 45x111, , on Hawthorn avenue; eaay term. Borne choice bulldlnc lots on S7th t near Hawthorn avenue, . on monthly payments. - - -- Stevenson-Brown Co. 7T nt second Street' ; Bargains in Real Estate ' Will sell at sacrifice a new C-room modern house. East 27th atreet, one block from East Ankeny car. . Two Una lots In E. Portland Height ' 2 a -acre tracts, rood land, close try town 1120 per acre. . lot acres of food timber, food soil, level, near Sandy postornca. . ; V.schmid! 108 Orand Avenne, Bast Sid. - WASHINGTON ST. 63x100, corner ........ f 17,500 50x100 ... . . ... .$15,000 , Near Nineteenth . I E, jTdaly 114 Third St. Phone Main 5383 BIRTHS. fENNBT November 10, to Mr. gad Mr. Slla E. Penney. St. John height. ,-1rl. FienER Koeember 10, is Mr. aed Mr. Qturgt W. Flatter, tlladatone avenne. boy. WALK Eat November 11. t Mr. and Mra. I. C Walker, 120 East Tweutr-elghta, a girl. P01.1.1 November 1. lo Mr. a ad Mra. Edwird Pollt, Tabaae. girt ROOF Nevearber Is, to Mr. and Mra. P.' W. - Roof, Eaat rutj-seeoed tend Eaat Washing ton, a girl. WILLIAMHON November 10, to Mr. and Mr. Andrew V WUlUnMon, Lorlwid Park, -a lrl. . HlXLT Novemher T, t Mr. aad Mrs. Beary L. Kelly. Flrland. a bey. sea -rf)Rl November 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Uinfl Ford. Eaat Merrtaon, a (IrL SELLER November 22, to Mr. and Mr. T. tf ll-r. SH214 Front txr BOICE November 21. to Mr. and Mr. Bart r. nmre, 7 r.airf signteenta, aorta, Boy. NICKKHHON Novemlev 4, lo Mr. and Mra, - ftelmee R. aHckrso. 411 Iron, girl. VAN HCREN November 12. to Mr. and Ml II. M. Vaa Barea. T4T Water, a gtri. JOHNS November lft, ts Mr. a4 Mr. B. O. Jobn. 10.10 Maeadaox, a gin. WHITE Novemher 1. to Mr. and Mrs. a, F. n us, iss aasx six in, . soy. WEATHER REPORT. re- kin nwnur. am. trt pTTr gout Dakota baa soiaraid Into two pets, tb larger one of which be moved sooth fast end li central thla morning over northern Mleaourt. the oilier an has remained contra) over northern Idaho. Th Arlaona disturbance id mutually ana made but in "" ' ,hm ha xrsr ana also suds bat lit Us nntn. ssst- warn. auorrateiy beat auuw b.s fallen la southern Nevada. Utah and sortbera Arlaou lid Us tit to assay rains ka eefwrred -Is ri treoM southsrs f ' II fuml. , -...- sod srestara Colorado, fair reattiv esotlsuea In the north Pscrtc ataua. srlU Umpasaturs rrom 7 to 17 degree bnlow sormal. Fair weather eaatlaue Is th smatnra a talus, exept talks ".s'"saMs, UKQt raia Kaa Tha UMMcstlnne r for fair weatker la this ofioaa, sxeepi in southeast Idaao, where nur Is probable, and In H .,h. l5f,,M,,Ji,r odlus wlU locnaa snd b imamn rain. .. Ot-errattona taxea tt , m.. Pacific time: Btatlono ' x7".Tcmp.rrr swi Bslter City, Oresoa. ..,.,,, 33 . ia . f Boston, MaaaarhusettS 48 .0 (Mease, Illinois. ......... 44 - . , ' . innir, t oioraie , go . n . Kansas City, Mlaaosrl. ..... da ' 4 .0 Lus.Aufilrs, California..., ft XX ". .01 New Orleans. Louisiana..., TJ ".54 , .0 HeanVorlt, .Xew York M ' SKt ' .o Portland, Oresoa. 44 tut .0 Kwbori . Ores oa si) jm .0 Salt Lake, Utah. 42 2 , .0 bi. ixuia. aiisaoun , d - : sa . .0 Sa rranelare. California.. M ' 42 ' .0 Rimkane, Washington....... M ' 1 , : .T Taroma. Wsaolnstoa....... M ' . Si .0 Walls Walls, Waablnftea. . SO ' it .0 Waahlnstoa. D. O OS - M .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. laitaaas . WV V I araaa. . i a wr mmtf wwfwihi, Mi doe W. Ksstar, 23; Kathsrta U llorgaa, SO. ling C bldg.. W. O. Smith A Co.. Wash- lug ton eor. Pourth sad Wasblnstas sts. . Wedding . snd eslllsg cards aaaraeea st pnntsd. K. T. K ash tun, S22V Washington at. T0N8ETH CO., FLORI8TS, TOR l"LOWBS OF A IX KINDS, 123 SIXTH ST. . ru areas salt foe rent, ail si ass. . Unions Tsllorlng ,, auO Stark st. DEATHS. DIED At Ifontrenx, Swltxerland, Movember 22, Fanny, beloved daughter of Mr. Sarah tppstsls. and sister of Julio and Clarence Kiiuataln of Baa Kranctses. " HOLM Novesiber SI, Anna Holm. IS year, - Nnrtk PidOe Mnturfum, aremle pniaonlng. CHONAN Noremher 30, Albert J. Croaan, 23 Tears, Bt. Vincent' boapltml, appendlcltl. COOK Nonmber 21, Kener Cook. "S Jtara, 12U4 East KlKhth, north, senile ilebilUy. . BKAIiT November 22, Iinri it. Urajy, K2 years, North FaclOo sanlUrlust, orgaule heart an UNDERTAKERS. Floral design and eat flowers ess be pre. cured from ns at any hour of aight sr day. Pbon Main lots. Hoffman Bras., 70S Ollaan. log. Mc and embalmers; modera la every detalL seventh and Pin. Mala 440. Lady aaalataat. A. B. Hematock. (ndnrtaker sad emhs Inter, Kaat Thirteenth aod li to tills are. Phone Sell wood Tl. c ( and embalming, 40S Alder at. Pbon Mala S183. idy aselatant. J. P. Slnley A Sons, Third and Madlsaa (to. Offlc ef eonuty coroner. Pbon Mais a Clark - Bros., Sural aeaig na. 1 -rieaSlts Fin MorrUon U Sow and Edward Bolmaa. asdartaker. Z20 Third at UTOl VIEW CEALETEAT. Single graves, 10. Family lot, f 100 to $1000. Tha only cemetery la Portland which ' sett Ctually maintain and care tor lota. Far fall formation apoly to W. R. Mackende. Wor cester block, city. W. M. Ldd. president REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William U Brown to Jennie' Clark, lot 80. block 14, Arista Psrk No. 2 f Jame H. O'Neill and wife to W. J. Burden, tot A block A Usrlsm inn I 100 j 2,800 1 Lydls A Holm to Lyl V. Hallock, lot 4, block 20, Albina Homestead J. M. 8 trow bridge and wit to Alvin T. g 000 i ",K7 ! Bench, lot 2. block IS, city William A. Cox and wlf to . A. Bab. bhlg. lot 13. block 12, Millar' addl- . tlon to Sell wood Daniel R. Uawkln et L to Maria m E. ttkiiiiiwmi,- kits a: and ttik 7J. r. Martin Tract Charle H. Carey and wlf to We tern Klectrle company, lots L t I, 1, block OS, East Portland Aad raw Rledcr to M. A. Larsen. lot 18, block 4, Midway Annex addition.. Jams k. kanudy and wlf to O, W. lark, lot 1 and 2,. block 4, TlbbetU' Homestesd v. Kstheiin B. Montgomery to R. H. Knndee, snbdlvl.los D ef lot 2, block '. A Portlsnd Homestesd A. L. Bcbnsck to Edward Schnack, tots 21 and 22. block 2. Alhloa ndditlun Arthur L. Petri and wlf to Moy Ung. north H of west . H of eaat u of southwest 4 ef donbl block T, city.. Joha Kos and wlf to A. 8. Kill, lot t, block 2. Albln Homestead B. W. Plckard and wife to Edward Cheney nd wife, lot 14, block 4, City View Park B, C. Johnson t al. ta Joha P. Dow, lot S. block 81. Albln E. A. GewMll and wife to Lw1 Rogers aod wlf, lot 1, block T. Central Al bln ASS 00 2,000 3, BOO 1.400 1.T00 1,280 George A. Peel to Marcus A. Peel, 21.81 acres; section is, , iswnsuip a sorts, rings S east ' Carrie M. Gsvsllns to Burt W. Haywsxd, 7 acre In section 10, townablp X south, rang S eaat 4H James . Mc Lie vltt and wlf to Eugenia . Henry, west H of a" 1 and a, block 2M2. Bawtnora Park (.000 Belinda Doles to .Char lei B. Jamc north 2S Ic-t of sot . Dlo.-k .4U, l a- mtbers' Addition ts Csratber' addl- " tlon .."..".'....T. - - I Barak Ann Rlckett to W. H. Santell and H. M. Staub. beginning t southwest v rraoer of northwest "4 of ariotbesst H of southwest H of section 17. tow, bip 1 oth, rang 2 esst: thene eaat . Otll feet, theme north 800 1-3 feet, 'tbeuce weet 061 Vi feet, tbene auuth Sod feet to place of beginning, contaln- ' tng acre 8.800 Moor Iaveatment company to Victoria Bailey, let 10, block 2. Vernon ...... let) T. A MePairiel' and wife to Joseph .. PUnclch. lot Z. block A EaafPortUnd " ' Heights 878 Daniel Kunkel and wu to Security Bav in v. A Trust eomuanr. lots T and A block S. city 70,000 M. E. Thompson ana wire to w. n. Krnni. Vx !l block 14: lot S. block 111. North Irrtngton .' .. 800 Portland Trust Company of Oregon to J. H. Therherea. lota 10 and 20. block B. Portsmouth Villa Extended 220 Joha Mi Losgbu and wlf to Margaret - n Honker, lota a and 10. ..block 10. Mount Tabor Villa 280 C. P. Jordan and Wlf ts Mathilda O. Barrett, kite 1, 2. 10. block IB, ' ,i . s.mmA altlAs M Cast Port. land '00' Edith Gelland et al. to Jame Denbolm, lot 4. block C. Onuch addrtlon 10 Martha A. and Theodore nengstak to num. a K..v lot A 4. 6. A block ' 81. Carter' tldlrloa 4.800 Charles' B. cooper et al. to William tl. Ooaalla and Barry U Hsmblet, south- u nf sntithwest U section A townehto 2 north, rang 2 weat ,.. .10 Badln Anderson to risrah and B. Mil- ii 1 1 mmtA la tibw-li 1 HTIiimI Park I..'..........,...... 1.850 Mela J. Lundgren and wife to William a. r-m u, ii kln.k II Ulllcr'a addition to kellwood '. - S0 Caspar Roth and wlf to LUI Kowlle ,, wakl. lot 13 nd 14, block 8. uh , 4 1 nt Pro.hatl'a addlllo to Al bina ono Thorn Scott Brook to I. M. Ielter mr.A I. n. Palmee. SOxlOO feet Of block 111. Couch dVll!tna ' 10 Frank C Baker and wlf to a Aerse Jr., lot 11, 14, en esst 8 feet sf lor . . . . vu. I. oa n"1na aeond kiL dittos , t.850- Arlet Land company to Martha U !.... i. tn and 11. block 1. Ina ptrk 290 Burt W. Hatwetd nd wife to OJeruld Anderson, lot 14. block 18, Feorer ad- - dltlon to Eaat Portland 1,000 John D. Hewitt and erlf to George K. Waxgsner, lot S, block L, Bungalow ,' . CUda 10 B. U Uarmon and wife to Arnold Myers, kit 111. block 68, Sellwood S00 Orlet W. Athey and wlf to J'swph A. Kehrnneher, lot 28 and 20, block 74. (inlverslty Psrk , 2000 William M. Ldd et L tn Elnathaa . Swaet, lot 8, block S, ubdlTlalon of eaat H sf block A city J.T80 Trie French aod wlf to Adalln P. CamnbelL aart ef btork A Laurel wood -a-'V f REAL ESTATES TRANSFERS. 1. L, Patterson at al. to Adalln P. Cam)twdl, parcet of land beginning st . pilnt la north line o( s'ostar road, M ftet 0 Inche aoutbeaat along north line of said road from wast end of block 4. Lauxrlwood Annex ........,........, W. r. llulh and wife to Joseph Flaherty. 00 lots S, 4, o. oloox j, rarrrir sdill- Tlo .V7r.r; rrr:rrwr.-r- "TfiO For sbstraets, title losorsne er DMrtgage loan eaJl on Pacific Title Trust aaa. Su4-s-e-7 rolling bulldlnc. roar eetats from the Title Guarantee A Trnst eonv piny. See- wasblngtoer arrest, corner eeeese. NOTICE. . STATS PABU FOR BALE. Tb trustor ef tb Bnrbsnk fund offer for - eala to' tb hlgbeet hldoee tb Houtk Yamhill . farm, recently bequeathed to th state ly the late Meaner hurbank, lying about T mile OMathweet o alcillnu.llls, Oregon, and coa tslnlng 310 acres, more or less. ; The lead I eracttcsllr all clear snd I now, er baa been. In eultWatlou; about half ef It lie en, a hillside and tb balaac rich N'ltotu land; adjoining It oa tb west and blgher np oa th bill I one of tue fuhwt pnin orchard In Yamhill county. The place Is beautifully situated and orer- ; looks th Taller ef the twth VambUl snd t well sdapted to dlvralfled farming; anyone wlahmg la purebas fine farm on aay term bouhl axaailn tb place ud send In a bid. , Mealed bid will be received by tb andor. signed D to snd until 1 ' clock Tuday, iMcember 11, 11 HI. Each bid must b epompnled by a draft er certified check for one fourth of tb price offered, par a hi to Cfaas, S. Moor, (tat "treasurer. The term ef sal will be on fourth doer end balance sa time with niter, ear at 0 ner rent. - - - - - '- -r- - Tb right to reject anr and all hid I reserved.. OSWALD WEST, HlMtm I ass aael. I .Dated this 16th day of Noveaiber, 1WUS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that eoameneios . December IT, loud, at 10 o'clock a. m., I will aell all orooertT. both real ana personal. that Multnomah conntv baa haretofor ac- - oulred title to nj virtue of sale- for taxM. Said sale to tak place at tn rrout ooor of the Multnomah county, a tats of Oregon, eourtbonae. , Dated I'ortland, Oregon, November 13. 1900. B. L. 8TEVEXS, . :. Bhariff and Tax Collector: ' WANTEIV-Tb nam and (ddreee of th per- u who saw the streetcar col lias wun in mall wagoa t Sixth and Morrison sts. Sen- Z tember SO. when the driver was hart. Ad dress to J. A. Johnson. 442 Leo see., city. $10 WILL be psld to aayon (ending the ad ores or airs, ataua u. uucneu, aauguive oi V. and Matilda Warnon, to I. R. Vltt, d- mlnlatratoe of U.-J VUt, f Solas, THE new City Directory Is now ready: eople ran be Secured at th since. t varqaara bklg.,' If needed, befor regular delivery I mad. BEATERS rs paired sa snort eottee at Alr-Tlgbt . Stove Co., 271 First,. Pbon Pacific 1112. EXCAVATING and grading. 0. B. Pottaga, 4X Commercial at. J'bon East 6100. MEETINQ NOTICES. TUB fansral ef George D. Betty, late member of Uemrhel ledxe No. 008, A. F. end A. M., Bart ford. N. V., wUl be held at Fin ley' undertaking parlor Sunday, -Woremoer-stv-sr v . - as,- rors land Maaon and vial ting brethren are Invited to attend. - , , JOHN T. WHALLET. . Secretary of Maaoole Board ef Belief. ' ALBINA Lodse, No. 101." A. F. A A. M. Bnecial communlcatloa this (Saturday) evening at S o'clock, tn ball of Oregon eommandery. Third and Aide ate. Work E. A. degree. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. Br order- W. M. A. J. HAN OLA N. Secretary. CITT BOARD OF CHARITIES. Tn anneal .. meeting of member for tb e lectio ef dl. rectors end tranaectUm of such other boal ness a maf property eome before M will s held at SOS Jefferson at., near Fifth, Moaday, Nowmbet 2S. UW. t 8. o'clock s. m. V. B. W ALP0L1S, Secretary. ORAND mquerde ball. Thanksgiving eve, Wednesday, Novemher 2A at Bast Stds Wood- men ball. Esst Htxtb snd Alder; 12 elegant prise will be wsrded. Fox' ercbesua. Prices, 20 and 80 cents.. - M W. A. EVERGREEN Carmp.-S.40,' meet Wednesday evening. AUsky bldg.. Third sad MurrlaonT sta. . ' . PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Mule for 11 ec caslon; reasnnable. Mais OfXIA or 4 Laeretla. M. W, A., Orrgoa Orp Camp, no. e.rra, asos day. ITtB a marsaau; visimse 'sJ LOST AND FOUND. LOST Lady's gold watch with ebtp diamond In center of oak tear on uses , uosraa rtw. If returned to 22 Fifth L LOST Aa lk'e tooth on fob of rlhbon; Hberal reward. 1. 4. aaaaeriy, jw rirss si. rni un a to hare hatr matt1 . vatea ana rrinnss eauiv u.j. ' . Main 474. Portland Cttrted-Ualr Factory. H. Matagsr, proprlator. - ' LOST 80, Saturday, oa th west side. Flee dollars' reward ior return to euursei wtiic. A BUNCH ef keys waa lost' Wednesday sight; So key waa Iter s aaia mrm -. p. - Sfncs. Flatter plena return to city editor, usumal, - - LOST Scotch eollls pup. sabls and whits. roraplet collar, I eel ana up m ,au ,u kUward. 04 First St. Pbon Main 4440. itjrr mris sfterrMon. pnra rontstnfbg M4.on. between inira una imn, s eiurr,- son st. Liber si reward. IX rsturne. I' Eaat 3003. ."HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE 000 sound young men. are I1 to BV fur rir.a.i-n end hrekcaMm oa i ' , ... , . uIImiiI. anjl tnr . mart. Lap. itflii .. B,.,.ik .Mb,m.B S7.V rwatl I ir,ia.n . t , c tlno now SOenr Writ l once tor l"ninc lar. Nstlon.l Railway Training Assoclatlnti. 7.HI Paxton block. Omaha. Nb., til Bldg STRONO TOUNO MEN For flremea and brstemea on Oregon and other railroad! x- rrlene nnnecesaryt firemen. IO0 monthly, come englneera and earn I20O; brakemea 878. become conductor -and rn tint); nam nnattlnn nraferred: tat ago. height. Weight (ImportantJ. hallway Aaaoclatlen, car Jour- AO KNTH WANTED To sell superior, hlgh-grad nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; . cash weekly; writ todsy for cholc ef terri tory. Capital City Nursery company, Salem, . ur. - WANTED Young men to prepare for rallwsi I telegraph service: wsge I'llV to 890 per mnoti "wh.n qualified. Expert College of Talrgraptay, fifth floor ComuKinwealth bldg. .. , A ' FIRST -CLASS Dachlne-man for wark In,fi.a fiHjtfVf elan a cahlnet. maker. ilH P." Co., at Ku City Furnlrur staaulactnnng rirst ana uidd i. WANTED Tw or three flrst-claes. H around macnln meni permanent poaltton. gooa wsge. Oregos Furnlturs Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WE get work for ear loember; (pertat uiam- bera. 8A T. M. C. A, Foarth nd larahlll. DON'T work for a small aalary; see er write Pacific Aid association fur a good propoal tlon. 224 Lumber Exchange. . WANTED 10 mere sollrltor! bat position In Portland; men are making 88 dally; all after noon. 2U1H Stark at. ; Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. " Free employment to onr patron. Weekly rate:. Boom, $1.25 apt rooa board. 84 80 up.' Anderson, proprietor MEN AND WOMEN to lear barber trade tn eight weeks ; graduate earn from 818 to (23 Weekly: eipett Instructors; eats logos free. Molrr System. f College, S3 North Foarth St.. Portlsnd.. WANTED Salesmen; many mat $100 to SIM per month; eu evsn siorv; stock eleent grown oo reeervatlo. far from eld orchards; cash sdvsncoj weekly; cholc of territory. Addree Wssuisgtoa Maraery company. Top. penleb. Wasklngtoa. ENTERPRISE ftOTEl 4 822 SAV1EK. CORNER ISTB. W are In th factory and mil la district; eome In and have talk wltb aa; good board aod good rooa, 84.60 par week. A OOOD practice for young physician. Box 82, rout A Sherwood, pr. WASTED Good stdr Boy. Davis. w- 88 Front, earner HELP WANTED MALE. WANTKD Oood fnrnaoemta. sac Co., 2uo Second at. J. 0. Bayer far- SALEHMBN for aid un. 0S WHUaaw are. MEN to learn t operate - motloa-plctar SM chines; good, eas gooa, eas. uroreeaion: abort you ean make f JO weekly. For terme antj HsU- KiiT.irt tln.t " Hachin Co.. 16V bliU at MflORER, for food Inald Job; n famlltar - wltb logging bnalnsa preferred. . Adtlres is, ears rfoarsal. . WANTED Errand - boy, 1 year old. -Jam ftlutkig -Co 4-M First ew Th ONE of th faateat elllng pmpoalttnn I America; me a st good refutation call; ax peuee guaranteed. ConserraUT Mutual Ufa Insurance Co., Elk' bldg. . MAN sxperlenoad in setting np and re pair lag WANTED Delivery . soya, at ooca. , Apply . llobert Broa. . t: WANTFD On milk ranch, milker good Boal- imn tor a (od sober man. Apply pply st Jack of Vancouver sou a uau-j, i miles weaf rarlloe os Columbia slough. WANTED Two flrat clnaa plumber; aonualoa. twin, jm - as, car eouraai. HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLB WOMEN WANTED-. :" 11 yen work, why not earn mere tba living? Be Independent; do gcSd. Ths Vlsvl Co. slresdy smiiloy 12.000 worn; th work eovecs 88 countries ef tb world:, w will entertain applications front ranabls not canvassing, but helufnL diaiiiaed work. list suurves oy men sniy, visvt ua., Lewis bldg. BOMB LADIES' AGENCY. ' t - Alongside th X. U. C A. bldg. .. GIBLB Chocolate dipper aad packer. AJdoa Candy Co.. lutb snd Gllasa. . . - GIRLS WANTED Operator to work en nhlrt nd even lis. Leaano glee to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory R. X Grand av. and Eaat Taylor aC SERVANT girl for housework and cooking; 830 . per month. 430 14th at. ... BANBSN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 848. Wash ington t., cor. Seventh, Upstairs. Pbon Mais 2W12. f emale help wanted. WANTED Good (teady girl In atarchlng-room -snd ironing, room. . A Duly after 8 o'clock st Psclflo Laandry, 231 Arthur at, , FEW ladle wanted t antst making eaay raney wora ajiare rim at Bern; gooei taay pay; oo riperixnce rroulred. &) Fleldner bldg 0T Waahkigtoa t. A MIDIILBVAUED womaa and good eook to tike charge of small hotel al Rainier, Ore goa. Addro II 2o, car Journal. GIRLS te wrap chewing-gum. Apply 10 to 12 s. m , American t blvi Company, si norm Front M. REFINED girl to tak care ef little bey and aesist wltb housework. 6 room, smell Ismllv. Call to 11 a. 102 Esst 18th at., south. A GIRL for general bona work; good wage; man rsmiiy. koooi win reoton oiag. WANTED Experienced button-holer ehlrts. immeaisteiy. Apply' true twnrt rncsury, 22W First t CHAMBERMAID, wanted snd girl to do gsn- srai noueewora. Blxtn St. STENOGRAPHER and aaalstsnt hookkseperi tat aperlene and aalary wanted. Address H 8L ear JournaL . WANTED Girl for sineial boasswork. 870 Hoyt t.- - WANTED Immediately, girl from 20 te 8A Children nnrae, g; also general hens work girl, 830. Ysmhlll. Mala 8418. t MALE AND FEMALE HELP. UNIVERSAL (hortband by our Deelm Plea - wrltee letters tb Sest week, la 10 week w place yoa in poeltloa; plac 8 to 8 each week. . Eckctlc . Buaiues puirrlty, 4U-S Wor cester blk. - , . , WANTED First-cine lady and gen tl ernes eae vassers; slry snd commissloB. Csll at Agsncy B arses. 83 Foarth St.. Port la ad. Or. HELP wanted (td (applied. Basis sr fssssls. B. G. Drake. 206Vk Waahlnstoa L PacUie 187U. WANTED A GOOD COOK. 48 KUS8ELL ST. WANTED Amateur actor for drama tic stage. etc.; good eportumty o learn tne business. Theatrics! Information Bare, 145 M Sixth t.,, room' A . - SlTUATIONS WANT! EXPERIENCED sUughter house maa want position to learn meat-cutting and . ee usage sua king at anull wagie. E Sft;' car J our aa L WANTED Te. Br mornings In private bomea, clean, waiaa ana porcDea, oy yenaoie, unr Aaraew nox u xi, car ournu EXPERIENCED bUrksmlth helper would Ilk poaltton. roans bisis siw. WANTED General boueecleanlng nd U klnda Janitor work. iDoapaoa. rhon Main 4w. POSITION a nlghtwatrbmaa, ftreman or Jaul- tor; sober and reliable; willing to engag tor 87 par week. X 48, car Journal. A STEADY young man wishes Inald work, dreaa W 70, car Journal. Ad, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging ram and farm help a epecUlty. 30 North Second at. Phone Mala fctoo. We pay u .eiexraph caarge. . . . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CB FOB MEN. 2d North Becend st Phone Mala B2A PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. SOStt Morrlaos at. .Pbon PaclAe gt 27 North Sesond at......... Phone ParlOc law PINE Employment CO.J 2nS H Mcniaas st. ' Pkone ktals 117. ale . ana leuiai. neip. METROPOLITAN Employment Bureau. 203 AL dsr at., room 10. Utalr. Phone Main n7oo. WANTED AGENTS. A0ENT8 wantrA Oregon. California. Idaho, Washington, health, and accident Insurance; old reliable company;- good contracta; refer . euce reuulred. United Jttatce Health A Ac cident Insurance Co., 200 Ma rem am. AGENTS, peddlers, canvaeaera and street work ers, set sour supplies from R. M. Plommer, 2uv Third t. sew good, bottox pries. WE can offer xtrordlnry Inducements to severs) Intelligent snd experienced Isdy ran . vsssen; household necessity. Call 81 FKih - atreet. . 2 ENERGETIC tnea to Mil fine Itn for tb bolt, day: big commiaslon. 212 Allsky bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Booses, cot ts gee, flat. torso, ' of flee, momlug-bouae. etc. Land. , lord, will do well te call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Pbon Ex. 7A A B. Cor. Sd acd Oak. WANTED 2 or 8 unfurnished or furnished rooms, toward South - Pxtland. by young .couple: must be reasonable. . Address It 80, car Journal. HUSBAND and wit, no children, want 8 , (or 2 large) rooms, furnlahed for houai keen ing, with beat, electric light, running water nd bath. . Addree kowland, ear Journal. W0CT.D Ilk te rent a small furnished board ing-hmien in good loealltri Is (mall town preferred. Pbon Beat 0041. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED T correspond with owner of con slderahl tract of land eultahl for fruit; no agent: will aubmit business propnal . tloa that will place money in year pocket. J. W. Albln, 1178 Maryland are. WB want mall act-erg property; mast he rennbl. Oregon-Alberta Healty Co., room S and 10 Lafayette bldg.. Sixth ad Wash lag ton sts. Mala 7110. WANTED. Vacant lot cloe in, eaat ldw. Cholc lot wltb modern bona, aneth of Morrlaoa t. plenty of cash to pay for ItJ don't delay If you want to eetl, lKNKI.B A HARRIetON, ' 217 Ablngtoa bldg. - ' WANTED. i flood Vacant lot, Portaraoath or Cslvcralty ri Park. I . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST price psst for ' eet-ff cteth. big. , none ravin . uncut eve, m WB WIU. BI'T. SELL OB TRADE ANX OLD THING. WKSTKUN 8ALVA0K tO., Sef- ilv wiiuiMiiun. raiuw aid foe all kind ee- last At 11. A si, vTharA- WANTED 00 automobile of every nak to rebuild, paint, trim and make into oa of ', th laleat style, up-to-date earaj we bar tb . largest, beet qulpe4 fsetury Is tb' wast; Part st all cars med to order o short ' notice; tool buns, giss fronts, tenners, jr jrrrd dsshee, lain brackets . and- tops to . . . . ....... , ... , ..,. . a.,1,1 SU siaaee oi su,uv. r.". - ss eommlaaloa.. Pullman A a to -Car Co., U snd Everett. , WANTED. '. ' , .. I. For , ... . 1. Spot '...: ..' : Furniture .Furniture Furnlinre ' ' I Caah. x : . PORTLArTD ACCTION BOOMS, 211 First st. - v Phus Mala SOSS. EXCAVATING) aod grading. - C E. Pottaga, 4a Commercial at. Pbon Eaat SIM. WELL DRILLING Water guaranteed. B 47. Rout A Oresasm. Oregon. x. I PAT . eaah for household goods. W. W. Sarag. 840-347 First at. pbon Pad no SO. WANTED Lao curtain to horn lausdry. la- uulrs 100 Eaat SUta at. , , WANTKD Childrsn ta take care ef, 100 Eaat 2uth at, tnqolr WANTBD Fresh milch cow. Pbon Eaat T4A WANTED A 8 to S-H. P. boiler, at once; good rendition, r. C. nton. vancoaeer, ,wasn. WANTED Fngllah pet bull pun. f' Bt- man. 208 Graut St. Main wi. F'ClR15ffirS65M RENT STEAM-HEATED rooma at raasosabl . Hotel Hoval. 108 W Fourth t.. berweee f lugtoe and Stark sta. Phone Mate ViM. TUB RICHELIEU, 834 North Sixth St. Bl. gsntly tumlabed; suam beat dud hatha. -THK Ul'R," SO Eleveetk at., coraar Smrki . room with stram heat and bath. - FURNISHED room and furutahed heaaekssplag room for rsnt at 7U2 Vancoaver v THE GRAND. 48 H North Third t. I for gsutima sijb par wesx ana up. , LINDA VISTA. 247H Fifth Hooeekeeplng room with hoy window, nd nleeplng-rooma. THB KING. 80S Jsffersoa at Boom with - every modern eoovenisae. 32.25 -aod 82.00 per week; free baths; new building, central. NICE newly furnished front room In pHvi-s boas to one or two gentlemen, very reeeoa abls; gas. bath, furnace- 840 Marshall St. NICELY furnlahed rooma with Jtath and phone. 75 Weat Park at. s NEATLY furslabad froat room with hoard; ault I1 for S geatlamea, 170 17th at., near .' Morrlaos. i Ft'RNISHED wtsld rooms, (2 par week. 243 ; Ssooud t. . . . ' t OR 8 furnished room for light housekeep ing; modern now eottsjre; gas for cooking: light, wood heeler, water, bath, phone. Soft Weat Ltscolo. - ',"- ' FOR RENT H O USEKEEPIN Q COMFOBTABIJC- housekeeping-room; rang. gas plate, bsth. But snd eoia water; is rr moots. SOS Flratst, are phone Mala SnuS. fl.28 WEEK UK, clean, furnished aoetekeea- lug rooms; parior, nam, lanuuxy, tusiieee kaat, yard. 2U1H Stanton, 0 cor. , 81.M WBEK an. large, dean, furnished br keeping rooms, laundry sad bath. 184 wsa sueth. Portland. THB MITCHELL Hoasekeplng and trsnslsnt reasoosble. neeenta ana sisnaeiw. LA ROB light nlrelT furnished airlre aad alngle ... roum for kouaekeeplng;runnlng water; 3 and np. . 603i Aider L -, . ... s nit nWI, furnlahed' hossekoenlni goodlocatloa. 8U2 Jefferson at., eor.. 10th. THKEB wall-fnrnatacd narrsskesptng-reoassi erm cvmvsnirncue. w , ii iuiu Flanders. Phone Main B0U7. i ji.a-i w.nj..a-uui.-um-a sen ROOMS AND BOARD." 4 A FIRST-CLASS suit ef rooms far gentle call at 2U6 14th' IL Pbon Mats 1IU 308 TWELFTH 1 to 8 alee moan with closets; borne cooking; private family; gee, furnace. bath, pboimm lOmiit-witTi 1 rjft!.- m iHrt7oHln Height. Phon'Mla svou. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. ntrrtrtc anniia. nnfnrntahed . ple-rooaia for rant, Uoodhough bldg. slevstor. Apply DESIRABLE offices. Including electric lights, hot and cold water. Janitor snd leto service. In tb new, aire Commenweslth bldg.. old nostofAo site. Sixth aad Bornald at. Agent roam 411. DESK IIOOM h rnt; lorg pc la modern, well-ilgbted effics; free phoo. 818 Comater - eUL FOR BENT Store, riftb-at. side Geednoagh bldg. Inquire elevator la building. FOR 'BENT Store Fifth -at. aide Ooodaongh bldg. - at levator la Vuildlng. A PART t furnlahed aulte offlc aoom; tam heat, electrle lights, new roll-top desk, phone and Smith typewriter; U for 115 per moot. 212 Allsky bldg. - STORM In central location, ciilteble for effic or light Jnanufaetnrlng, tc; rent 820. ' 8M oak t. LA ROB space for tailor or suitable for office; best location and low rent. Addree L 80, care Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. T-ROOM boos oa eerlln. 81 A C R. Plggott, mmm tawrvne nMin A MlllkaV bide. FOR BKNT droom bouse in fhinnyslde. In quire W. A, McGregor, 230 Yantnlli at. FOR RENT Nat 4-roooi cottage, near A P. raranop. $12. Pbsne Eaat 8422. .. FOR BALE Enough furniture for 4 or S rooms, mm good as new. (o Its vis t- 8-BOOM eottags; ' and Water eta. of Commerce. 192 0 rover between Front Inajalr rooa 835 Chamber FURNISHED HOUSES. NEWLY furnlahed 8-rocm cottage, moclern, one block rrom canine; rererenee reqnrreo. forme - test 603O. 764 J3 eight, avs- aaar Peach at FURNISHED 0-room bona for rsnt; thoroughly . clean, new poreelala bath aod as location. 212 Allaky bldg. S-ROOM - fnrolabed boos, walking dlstanco, . weat aide; desirable locatloa; rent 825. Ed- werde. 22 m Morrison St. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURE FOR SALE. . FOR SALE Furniture of i-roors modera boa, nearly all new; rent reasons hie; twe block from pMetofflce; good transient ben! will Seen at s bargain If taken by th Brat of I December. 2oS Fifth t. v FOR RENT FARMS. FA lUt FOB BENT, STOCK FOB SALE ' A GOOD BARGAIN. ' ' , Farm rnnslsra et nearly 100 acres ef the . beat tanning Mnd In th Willamette Val ley, oa railroad and good Improvement; rent for farm. $150 per year, with option for a term -of rears; a tock constat sf T lead milch cewt, 12 bead 2-yr-old, freak in eprlng. young bull, 1 spa h or era. 3 single barn, l buggy, 1 milk wagon, cream operator, ' no, a oosen cuiraens, sows .1.1 fnenltrtr. nte.t tirlC IHlo OTTO, CBOCAETT A HA1JIS0N REALTY . . , COMPANY, ' 24BH Waablngtoa Bt. FOB BENT Dairy farm 6 mile f Tillamook I 8. cows, 20 gonng cattle, hoga, ehlckanet rreemery Join place; cash rent or aheree: aleo saver I good dslry fsrm for Ml. 4a4 mii'm ""al'l'aaa. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS, MALL and ballroom, separate or toeelheri Best aad with all aarBlBee rbua Mala , -. . . ; ' ' BUSINESS CHANCES. BI-fllNEH, CHANCE A Manufacturing busiuess; large opportunity to expand trad. . e . . . Buieher-ebop on west ld. loo-room hotel, 8 story building, furnished eoniplete; good money-maker; tuwa growing; Blight tak eome trade. Htork of gen.ral merrhandls In a nle amrwtruv eotlrgB town In wniain.trs-vallarr- x a took Is u to date, with wlbeatabllsh4 . trad and growing; If yoa want a good Baal- .. sees tnvestlgete thut oas.- r" - - . - iJ-ruom hotel, good order, furslshsd so at, - piste; In caster Oregos town, dns country surrounding) a- good business ; will trad. Tine grocery bualness, growing and well established, growing auburb of Portland; will -trsde Into good city property. ' 8S 0PO stock of hardware la a alas brick ; building, county sest tuwa la Oregon; a good opening; owner want to retlr fruw bualuas; will trada, . LODGINO-HOCBRA" ' '28 room, U elegantly furnlahed, new, ' clearing now $115 per month; trd for good city property or aell for cash: $3.0tax 18 rooms, new furniture, room all full; aell for cash or trad for a house and nay s.ih dlffreaust -price-' Al.tsw. VT 24 rooma, well furnished; trad tar a houae or other good property. If yea have a buaincs to toll or wlek tn tngag is bnalness, call on er writ to na. . 11ENKLE A nABRlNON, ... ' 217 Ablngtoa bldg. . , . FOR SALS Reataarsnt doing a good boslness; price $1,200; only those manning bueise need call, loqnlrs. 2i Taylor at. SAVE MONEY Anything tn printing aee Mad , den, ' Odd Fellow' Tampl. rim sod Alder ate. ; upstairs. ., - . FOB SALE Apartmnt-boos ef 18 room, an sewly furnlahed; eaay terma It necessary j B. : come $100; vent $ou; located oa Morriaoa at ' Apply Coba Bros.' Furniture Co.. ISO First. HA VS nartv whs wish bay Into basin of eslu shoot f lii.tsfo or less. elafnir." Pbon Mai vJISO. HOTEL fornltur for sale; long la and lew -rent; city. C. II. Plggott, wnr, lswysr, rooai 4 Mulkey bldg. . FOB SALE Booming -Oooa, 24 room: good proposition; as.y terms. Call between 10 a. aa. and 3 u. m., to 11th at, THB beat builnee opening In Portland sow ready for inveatlaatloa for two sr three ener- getle young monj $12,000 required; $10,000 profit annually. Address D so, cars Journal. STOCK companle Incorporated. If yoa hava tock wt bond tor aale, let ms. try tn aU ' them for yoa. George M. Kallogg, broker, 840 Elllootl fiquar. Buffalo. . , . WOMAN with aboot $1,000 baa rare chine for attractive and remunerative basin. Call 140 Sixth L LODOINa-HOl'SKS-Th greatest bsrgalne ever offered. . Inquire Lehman Co.. office Moms looA 2. BjileUh bldg. Pbona Paclfle 700. FOR SALE Ciger aad eonfsarloasry - tor. . Pbon Paclfto. 174A FOR KALE 2 -chair Morriaoa aC barber -ehof. 303 Bast BARBKR SHOP for sate; S chairs,. 3 tabs; west aide; price 1350. , Address B 48, ear ' . JournaL i ROOMIN0-H0C8ES and hotels rangtna 10 to 100 rooms, well furnlahed; best Voea '. tlon In city; leases; term; all good Inveet ansnto. Pbon Mala 81. 28 ROOMS. 1 block from Hotel Portlsnd, for al $2,000; On In; term. Mala 81. 11 B0OVI3, near Portland Hotel; rent 800; rnrnltar for sl rvasonabl; terras. Mala 3L - ., FOR SALS) Harness snd Mddlery business; to ' .view a. mwum rT.'i nu. . - eeatrrs Oregon. Fortbar particular address B 45, care JournaL NEW furniture ef Arooea cottare ea Sixth aad Mill eta. must go. 243 Msdlaoa... IS-BOOM koaeo, saw furnlrur. Bear 1ty halli leaae; terms. 242 Madison. FOR SALE Best a are et aVdng a good bualoeaa; prtcw Sl.euw. toquars sw mk m . WANTED Butcher to put hop la with grocery; rent tree. ror sartujuiers .iwi". a "-, care JonraaL 1 "" 1 WANTED Good gnatler for half Interest In grocery; $ral. . Particular address W73, . - care Journal, " - A S-ROOM boerdlng-honse, 82BO; new nnd med wn boaas. rent only (JO, an furniture, gooa f cation on west side. 11 hoarders; must aell oa account ef health. . CaU at once 1S8H -Foarth L -- . NICE new reetaureat or hotel dining-room and kitchen outfit; new French range; everything . ft ret rltas: aell cheap er trade. Inquire 201 Btark (t. $1,500 FOR a n la a merchandise store; kms Irate, good bualnee; fin weatMB, - Btate Laud Co.. 1881 Pint Bl. 1 HURST SWITCH and America a Da Forest er . going ap feet; w ea cell yoa a email amount of this etock st a great bargain. SuS Lamb 'mmmmSasaKmxmBeiTBxakmTvmm9tm FOR SALE REALESTATE. EXTRA-GOOD brand-new house of Isrg rooms, reception-hell snd bathroom, beat ' plumbing, nickel-trimmed porcelain hath, sink, patent toilet and lavatory, good lot, 80-foot 7 alley; only $1,300; AM down.. Hoak Lead Co.. 16 Vs First t- . . roB SALE eheaD. by , nmnia ivnms IS lUlght av. boos; fruit: kit 50x100. Phone East 8848. . BEST bay In Portland $10 down, $10 per month. Iota level, oOxtvv, graded trreia, -.water In, S block south of Hawthorn a., ' os 44th at.; owner oa grounds: price 8250. . - ACRES, 8 mile eaat et the river, oa. fin road, all la cultivation. !4 'acres In fine, bearing atrawbsrrles. small hoese; If said . soon will tak 1.30: cta, balaac tat tint. T 81, car Journal, . COZY lit tie noma. Al roe dittos, near earl big a, aom fruit; bargain; se It today. THB CONTINENTAL CO- 243 Stark t. THE OREGON-ALBERT A REALTY CO, will bay, sell or . trade. Our Jurisdiction . Is th world. Osr specialty t Isnd. loan aal celebrated pmvlure sf Canada tb land of tree homes. Proierty Hated with a will re celve prompt nd ' dtgnlfled attention, Th flregon-Alberta Realty Co., head efOce. teem 8 and 10 Lafayette Bldg., eor. 8tb and Washington sts, ever tba Bank, Portland, Or, BRAND-NEW bouse, select aelghbornsnd, ever ear; prnwa dvclng all orouadl terma; pay rent' to yourself; sc. till. t , THE CONTINENTAL CO- 243 Start at. MOI'NT TABOR 7 room; modern Improve. menu;' close to car; 100x100; tarn, fruit. ' Owner 12 Third. . . NEW modera Aroom g corner boos and lot, 8-mmuie ear eervlce ; eaah or tnstellmentt corner East 25th aad XamhIU. 1 squire 74 Bslntont St. Sellwood .- krorehoute A French. 1070 S. 13th. i . . Pbone Sellwood 74. I ,. i cilf Tl Pirtr totf.- $375 BorBp;"lloa$" Additioa mto, (luu and up; a,t aowa ana so a Btputh. Home from $A00 ro $5,000. Lote $200 and ap, la all parts of Sellwood List Far property with ; w will ell IA . , S-ACRB tract mllea t ef Portland. H ill from electric Un; all la cultivation, food Boll; Sirs) per acre, ea eaay terms. , ' 67, care JournaL .. TBY TO BB IN ON THANKSGIVING' DAYr $1.700 i Mli lot, fin fruit tree and Cardan, 7 room new house and other outbuild- . if a, 2 blocks to car. ale locatloa, .. . F. Fl'CllS, 221 Vi Morrison at. ;' Sunday offlc hour, 10 to 12 a. - (a. VACANT LOTS. 1,500100x100 o Wtlllm . -u. . l.ttooifioxioo on orand av. . ' I .O0Oi0Oil50 on Oxford and Ethel ii.o jAno looiioo near Union avs. , gfl'O 100x100, Eighth and Magnolia. $750u block on Atntnrorth v.,-.. " ' ;' $375 7SxlOf, Fllghland Park. . 3200-0x100, Hlrhland Park. v ' . il7 40x100, Hlaliland Park. - I S00 50x100 ea Rodney are.. r .''.. 82.50050x100 en Union eve. ' And several on St. Johns carllnA OTTO, CROCKETT A HARK SON BBALTY . . . COMPANY. 245ra Whmgtoa at.'T BEAD THIS! Tllton addition t going at half .ralaa; lot on orhy treet selling at $1,000 nd ap; tnveat , $nno now and doable year money. Phone Tabor 25A LOT 08 2-3x100, with a 10-room kouee, full bamnt, 8. mm tee' car eervlce, for $4,600, terms; cold en secouat of settling ap a state) w also bare about 100 lot Imme -dlalaly Joining Irvlngtae, and only 80 mln . ntea' walk to the steel bridge, for $350 apt will give terma Nylander McAuley, reota 807. Allaky bldg. . FOR SALE 1M OOvlOO ft:, en 3d aad CHa , ton (la-i Ussi. I sua Seat 844. HBNur.E A HARRISON, ,. til- Ablugtoti bldg. ' V;;.:::'y;'-,