The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1906, Image 1

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Journal Circuhtion
. - ' " 1
' Fair tonight and Sunder; easterly '
winds. :' v ; ', : -. '
VOL. V. NO. 223.
i iiiiLL uuiiiiLiiLU yynii :
- n r in mnnn nnnn n im
m m m . -
v-AIll I 1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 Mi l
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McGinn Accuses District Attorney Manning
Before Judge SearsManning Replies andj
. juage Also opeaKs ms lYiina. ueci&ring
That District Attorney insults the Court.
McGinn May Face
"A scoundrel who is known In this
. Manning, masquerading behind a grand
Jury,, has caused a report to be made
. to your honor recommending that I be
.'declared guilty , of contempt , of "this
court! . " , ;''"
These vera the ' opening words of
-some remarks addressed to Judge Sears
In the state circuit court .by Henry EL
McGinn thla mnmlnr. ahortlv . . after
court convened en banc Attorney. Mo
. Oinn continued: .
' "I wish to say to the court that 1
defy that scoundrel to make his charges
In this court. J desire the fullest In-
veetlgatlon of alL my actions, and In
mat investigation l wiu. snow now nr.
Facing Both Ways, the district attor
ney, has worked the newspapers of this
city to further his political ends." .
. "The court is not advised that any
proceedings are before the court, i
sponded Judge Bears.
"Mr. Facing Both Ways has recom
mended that these proceedings be lnstt
tuted" declared McGinn. "I hone thv
- will be brought. ' The court has been ad
vised of them by the newspspers and
1nt.fMMtniHM tmA h f h. a hhH
jury." .
-.Hut namea ware mentioned In tha
Interrogatories. Thsy were presented
as by Richard Roe," replied the Judge
"It Is hot necessary to put under-a
hoisa shim which Is written. This
Is a horse,' If your honor pleases." said
MoOlnn. There ara man thlnsa wa all
know of common knowledge, and this Is
ons of them. And I desire, to say that
If Mr. Facing Both Ways continues In
the way ha has been doing, selling Jus
tice as cord wood is sold, tfe will buy
the new Wells-Fsrgo building within a
year. I ask that the contempt proceed
ngs be brought immediately " . .,,,,
"There le nothing before the court on
which to base sny action." ,- said Judge
Bears, and McGinn sat down. District
Attorney Manning- wss not present when
McGinn was talking, but arrived some
time later. By . the - time Manning
reached - the ' courtroom McGinn had
gone. The business of ths court had
just been completed and the 'Judges
were rising from the bench; when Man
ning addressed the- court, . Tha bailiff
rapped for order. ,
- v, - icaaaiag Xas SUs Bay. -'
"I have heard that In my absence
one Henry E. McGinn ' was permitted
to make an address to the court of
five minutes' . duration. In which bs
a jm mm ' - VkjBw. '. '
Asks Uver en housand uollars because ot
-- a f- M
, l-alse Arrest ; arid :
of Arson
'ATIle Cramer, who was scqnltted of
tha charge of burning . property with
Intent .to defraud tha Insurer, by a Jury
In tha stats circuit court on October to.
this morning filed a suit In the circuit
court for f 10,250 damages for falsa ar
rest and prosecution against W. . B.
BuelL R. R. Quick and F. E. Dlx.
BueU and Quick ars representatives
af tha Oregon Fire Relief association,
tha concern In which Cramer's furniture
wss Insured. Dlx wss ths owner of ths
house, at HIT Alblna avenue. In which
Cramer lived st the time of the fire,
which -occurred June .--- t .
. In his complaint Cramer alleges that
On June 14 he waa falsely end malic
iously accused 'by Bnell, Quick and Dlx
of burning bis property with Intent to
Injure the Insurance compsny; that on
August 14 he was charged with the
crime by informs tlon filed In the stste
circuit court at the instigation of BueU.
Quick and Dlx, and that ha waa con
fined In the county Jail from Juns 14
Are la Tne amnaay journal: so ars all the other good tnagaiins fee-,
-tores... The very beat thst could be had for ths entertainment and In
, structlon of newspaper readers waa engaged by The Sunday. Journal
; soma time sgo: the growth of tha circulation proves that the people want
what can be found only In this eper ' .
Which is attract Ins considerable attention will have a nromlnent nlaoe
X In The Sunday Journal, snd It la Just
win uvu Hsu. vn mi puaais I usi win se npprecia-iew oj uiose wno are
trying to answer Jt.
Of Tha Sunday Journal are admitted to be ths bast, and ths department for
boys and girls. Including games, storiss snd , pussies. Is a Joy to the
, youngsters. For muslo-lovers, an original song, or march, or dance Is
published each'tlunday; this ons feature Is worth many timea ths pries
or ins paper.
TATr ninpiiiT nniinT
Charges. ;
criticised . roe severely," said the dis
trict attorney. - There- being no. pro
ceeding before the oourt of which any.
thing could properly' be' said. I am very
sorry to know that McGinn was per
muted to say ths things he said of me
la my absence. .
"Why are yotl sorryT" demanded
Judge Sears.. "Do you mean to attempt
to 'Instruct tha court as to Its dutyr
4 There were no proceedings before
this oourt. And I believe that I would
not be permitted to tongue-laah Mc
Ginn In this court for five minutes
when there wss no - action at bar on
which to base my remarks," said Man.
"Tour language Is exceedingly Insult
ing." said Judge Bears.
' I did not mean to be Insulting." pro
tested the district attorney. -
, "But yon Insinuated that. MeOlnn was
suowea privileges ny mis oouri u
would not be aocorded to you." returned
the Judas. .-....,.
"I will say that, McGinn should have
been told to sit down," suggested Man.
nlng, . , .",
jradge Bean Bays Thing,
"Too have Insulted the court three
times. I will sav that the oourt prob
ably knows as muoh of ethics- and
nroDer nroceedlas-s as ths district at
torney," replied Judge- Bears. - ''Bring
McGinn to my room and I wlU- hear
what both of you have to say. x We
will not occupy the time of ttoegentlo?
sssn of tha bar longer here." .
"There is nothing now before this
oourt that I -care to argue with. Mo
oinn." ealA the district attonfey. "Ths
contempt proceedInga were- recommend
ed by the grand Jury, ana tney win oe
brought. When they are brought I
will reply to anything McGinn cares to
judge Bears oraerea ui wuk
end" for McOlnn-sna -rose rrom-tne
bench, a algnsl for oourt to adjourn.
District Attorney Manning waited In
the halls a . few minutes to learn If
McGinn were In the court house, and
when be was told that McGinn had
one to hla office, left the courthouse.
McGinn reached Judge Bears' chambers
about half an hour later, but Manning
bad gone, and nothing further waa said
to ths Judge. , ; v i , , . ' .-,.. - -
OMldrea ie From Bating Wis.
BeUlngham. Wash., Nov. 14. Two
children In different parta of the city
watched. One. Johnny Hagler, Is deed;
ths other, Mabel Rosney, will recover.
wa. a . "V- ' r-. .-. ft
mmm - a -
I rial on tnarge
to October 10, when he was released
because of having been declared- not
guilty by a Jury sfter a trial. His lm
prlsonment snd prosecution are alleged
to have ceased great mental angutsn
snd distress, snd deeply humiliated
end outraged Cramer to tha extent of
110,000. He asks 1250 for the fee of
his attorney, John Dltchburn, who de
fended htm in tha . criminal prooceed-
lnga.. ''.'..' .
A separate suit sgalnst ths Oregon
Fire Relief association to recover' 1600
Insurance on the property destroyed
was also filed. ' The policy was Issued
May tl. Cramer slleges thst he hss
tendered the amount of ths premium
due on the policy, snd that It waa re
fused by ; the assoclstlon. Hs ststes
that hs hss dsmsnded tha payment of
the Insurance money, which wes refused
him. snd that tha only ground for ths
refusal was that hs had set ths firs
which destroyed the property. Attorney
John Dltchburn sppesrs lor Cramer, In
both suits.:
possible that some of the snawsra - T
District Attorney John Manning.
Beoause Tax Levied on Lot Was
Thirty-Seven Mills Too Highi
Title Is i Declared Invalid . by
Jodge Cantenbein In State
Circuit Court. .
, Because , tha taxes ' levied on a lot
which was sold delinquent by the sheriff
were STH mills too much, the tax title
was declared Invalid by Judge Gaaten
beln In the state circuit oourt -this
morning. . ,;' , " "',.
. The decree waa given by the Judge In
deciding the .suit for ths Victor Land
company against J. . J. FlUgarald to
quiet title to a lot In Montavllla, The
lot waa originally Owned by F. Newhaua,
who sold It to FtUgsrald. In ths mean
time It was sold to ths Victor Land
company by the sheriff at a tax sals for
17.40 delinquent taxes. Both ths land
company and Fitzgerald - claimed the
property, and suit was . brought to de
termine which title waa good. :
rfThs - certtllcate-of thsr sheriffs-sale
shews that ths levy waa- for cltv taxes
as well as for state, county, school and
other taxes. Because the nrooertv In
102. when the sale waa made, was not
within ths limit of any city or Incor
porated town, the levy of city taxea was
declared to be Illegal, and the property
could not lawfully be aold for sny olty
taxes, judge uantennein said:
"While the total Illegal city tax
amounted to but I7H mills, or
cants, this amount Is largs enough to
render ths sals Invalid. The rule la
that if the excessive amount Is as much
ss ths smallest coin authorised by law.
the sale la void. In this oounty ths
smallest coin authorised by lew Is I
cent and consequently a sals for taxes
which exceeds what they ahonld legally
be br 1 sent or more. Is necessarily
voiu. . i ..... : .i
"Moreover the assessment waa made
to Fred Nauhaus, while the name of the
owner of the land waa Fred Newhaua
The name given In tha assessment roll
nust be the correct one, and any error
Judge Gantenbeln decreed that Flts-
gerald la the owner of the property In
litigation, affd that hla tlUa IS quieted
against all clalma arlalng out of ths
tax sale. The amount paid for the
properly Dy me victor UM company
at the tax sale will havs to be refunded.
.1 . Joaraal Spaelal Service.)
- Minneapolis, Nov. 14. Samuel Gom
pers .was today, reelected president of
the American- Federation of Labor, as
were also all other incumbenta, 1 -John
F. Dempsey of Pennsylvania
and -W. R. Klapltaky of. Los Angeles
were elected delegatea . to the British
trades congress, and Robert 8. Maloney
of Massachusetts, delegats to tha Cana
dian labor coogreea.
For First Time ' In Forty t Years
Entire Barren Region : Is
Blanketed In White.
' IJoarael gpaetal sat rice. '
Ban Bernardino, CaL, Nov. 14 The
entire desert la covered with snow. Is
ths news brought hers by trainmen and
confirmed In dispatchea which Intimate
that a heavy fall occurred.
At Ludlow and Dale four incnea has
fallen and all mining Is suspended.
This Is tha first tlms In 40 years thst
tha desert country - has been under
snow. The flan Bernardino mountains
ere covered to the depth of five feet at
many Interior polnta and In all tha
mountains traffic la stopped.
Owing to. ths heavy anow on the
mountains within a ahort distance of
tha valley orange growers are worried.
as a heavy freeze will probably oc
cur. ' . , "' ''.':.
At I o'clock tha official thermometer
registered 40 degrees and was slswly
falling. .
) -I i ;
1 r '
Circuit Judge Alfred, F. Scars.
Tacoma Man J Tumbles Out of
Third Story Window and Then
' " Raises Rough House Landed
ln Soft Mud Which Broke His
Fall but Made Him Angry.f
(aeeetal Dwnates ta Tea goeraal.t '
, Tacoma, Wish., Nov. 4-A man who
refuses to give his name, last- night
fell from ' the third . story window of
the GranACJllralhotel and was
little injured' that upon arriving at ths
hospital he made a rosgh house, and
It required considerable persuasion to
Keep him In bounds, v
With a man by ths name of Thorn
ton, he took a room at the hotel. He
was Intoxicated and npley. Thornton
shortly afterwards lert the hotel. His
friend ' wanted to follow and, -according
to hotel people, got out at the wln-
dow. lma glnlng it was ths doer. lis
beat Thornton to ground forty feet dis
tant and was little the worse for his
experience. He landed In soft mud,
which broke his fsll but which rendered
him very obstreperous when picked up.
Examination at tha hospital revealed
no bones broksn and not even an abra
sion of ths skin. Ths man 1ST well
dressed and la not known hare. His
escape from death or serious Injury Is
eonsidsred remarkable. '.
' ----- (Joereal lOerUl lerrire.) .
' Dayton, O., Nov. 4. The county
board today offered 11.000 reward tor
the murderer of Dona Oilman, tha girl
who waa atrociously assaulted, and
whose fellow-employes of ths National
Cash Register company had already of
fered 12,000 reward. The reward ' is
made a standing one for ths capture of
anybody guilty of a similar crime at
any time. I .
T 'Oeereel ftaeetal aerrlfe.1 '
Minneapolis, Minn., - Nov. 14. Four
railroads and .U Individuals, recently
Indicted for giving or receiving . re
bates, were arraigned In' the federal
court this morning. . All ' appeared by
attorney only, gave ball of 12,000 each
and were allowed a week In which .to
Bis their- pleae. ;
Free Skidoo Pins
' - '.S- WITH r.'-.V';': ,-:.'
: ; LIKE THESE .; -
m orra u ctJusmzs paois.'
ateeay - toy. . OS rreet.
WAXTEI Oof4 rarnaea-SMa. 1. O., Bsyet
rnrnaee Co.. MS ftVcoad st.
WAXTETV A good earber.
; naos.sT '
00 Bast lior-
WaWTXD (itrl for merit
aewll bobm snd tmj. Apply M nk
sc. nr. atrtls, Portlasd Hclfhta.
axnsin gtr to taks ears af little kny
aa4 iMlst with aoewwork, 0 mnaia. snail
fasulr. Call 0 M 11 a. ., 103 Kast lath
st nmtk. -
WaitTKD Cooiiwtant stii for
sasaewerk; amall fasillri- gae
Apply-1S1 Kortk lilt St.. ear.
LOST Lady's snM wstrk wltk chip els.
steed la mater ft oak leaf on hark;
It bora I reware If ranaread to 220 rtfta at.
LOST Kavasiner H. kidr's sweat Snmrk,
. aid illrar aettles; liberal reward. Katsra
tx M A. Oonat Co. elsar stare. Sink sad
Waaklnstoa ata.
LOST As elk's toots M ribheet
liberal reward. Jt. t. Ksddarly. ISO lrt
' aoraat.
Vav a aeallaaetlea a
tka Ctaaaitad rasas sad reaMaiber Jaunal
Claattaads east lass taaa a aaal a
"Always RsaJ Journal Claaaiflsds"
i t
"Attorney Henry ET McGinn.
Captain of French Bark Em-
pereur Menelik Tells of Close
Call ;ofv His 1 Vessel Between
Two Huge Floating Ice Islands
Near Cape Horn. :
CspUln Morret of tha French bark
Empereur Menelik, - reports that In
rounding Cape, . Horn last . August hs
passed between two Islands of ice, each
of which waa at least seven miles In
length. They towered high above the
water and every bit of sail waa crowd
ed on the vessel In order to get out of
the narrow channel, lest ths bergs
might drift together and crush a la
to fraa-mentA.
Ths Empereur Menelik arrived up In
tha harbor last night In company with
the French bark Hoche, which anonorea
In tha stream. . The Kmpereur Menelik
came to Pine street dock to dlsoharae
about 10,000 barrels of cement brought
from Rotterdam to w. f. jruiier at ia
aha rilarharaed 11.000 barrels of i
ment In Astoria for the Coos Bay raH-
Rnaakinar' of tha- trip from Rottep.
dam, Captain Moret said It wss a con
tinuation of . galea from port to port
Still no damage waa done to the ves
sel and her crew suffered no untoia
hardships. Terrlflo galea wars encoun
tered off Cape Horn ana immenae ice
rinaa and hern had to be dodged con
tinually. Navigating . was extremely
dangerous for these reasons and no ons
felt secure until ths vessel had passed
out of tha tea sona. -.
The bark Hoche Is I ballast from
Honolulu. She went to Montgomery
dock No. 1 thlavaftarnoonto discharge
Kaiiaat nranaratorv to loading wheat
for Europe. ' " - -- - - "rr-r-. --'-'-
a ilmrail SnaHal Bervtae.t
New Tork. Nov, 14. -Mayor Bohmlti
of San Francisco, who Is now In this
cltv. in sneaklns of tha Japanese prob
lem In San Francisco, said It wss only
a "tempest in a tee. pot,' ana wnen ne
returned he Intended to petition the
legislature to repeal tha lawa relating
to the segregation of tha Japanese and
enact legislation providing a limit of
the age at which children may enter
achooL He-thlnks this will solve ths
Ha aald If Secretary Metcalfa report
to ths president proved unsatisfactory
to the Ban Francisco people they, would
receive It courteously.
ftoeksf slier Ztecelvea TanghoTs .Body.
IJnersal Special trtles.
New Tork, Nov. 14. -John D. Rocke
feller and the members of his family
today met tha body of hla daughter.
Mrs. Strong, who died In Franca The
body arrived on ths steamer U Pro
vence . today.
Western Roads Reach' Important
Conclusions Changes Are
Mostly Restrictions. '( -.!
(Jeareal gooelal Oai lia.l .
- Chicago Nov. 24. Etecutlva olBdals
of the western railroads, at a meeting
here, have entered Into a naw paas
agreement, whloh is materially different
from the agreement of KOs. Tha roads
ware unable to agree to tha abolition
of all Interstate transportation, but did
sgree to abolish all transportation
which Jould In any way affect trafflo.
An aftort waa mads to get an agree
ment to do away with political trans
portation, but It "wss unsuccessful. Ths
roads will continue. If they see fit. to
Issue passes to members of ths legis
latures and to polltlctane. .
In ths main, however, the Issuance of
transportation Is materially restricted.
Some of the roads believe that If
they Issus state peases and. they are
used as mediums of Interstate journeys
ths railroads Issuing ths passes will se
same liable - . i
i ' ' ' ' .' - " , ' a V"-'''
SUUSISIsas)ilaWWIWaSasWsSWSaSWeSssSS r i !,,,!.
Famous Work of. Mark
Twain Denied Ad
mission to Library
in Bay State .
Undraped Illustrations to Blame
for Ousting Eve's Diary From
Spotless , Collection Purists
Think Fit for People to See
Small Etching on Each Page.
(Joaxail Sparta Barrioe.)
Worcester, Mass., Nov. 24. Mark
Twaln'a famoua book. "Eve's Diary."
has been barred from the Charlton free
publio library because of Its undraped
Illustrations. '
Among" IffO new books bought for the
library was "Kvs's Diary. ' Mrs. H. U
Carpenter, who la employed at the li
brary, examined tha book before plae-
Ing it on tha circulating sheets. There
were etchings on every left hand page.
12 In all. Mra. Carpenter took the
book to Trustee Frank O. Wakefield.
He also took a number of looks st
etchings which .depicted Eve in , all
kinds of summery costumes, fashioned
sfter the styles of tha Garden of Eden.
One In particular, which ahowed Eva
In a recumbent position on a rock, en
gaged hla attention and decided him
to bar the book and call a meeting ot
the other trustees. -They ' will - decide
finally about the book, 'but Wakefield
has no doubt It will be sent back.
0ne picture shows Eve "skipping
through ths hashes unrestrained, but
ths bushes seriously out off ths view
of Eva. Another noticeable etching is
one where Adam and Eva stand under
the Tree of Knowledge. -
J; Jeeraal Special Sal i fee.
Naples; Nov. 24. Slgnora Caruso Is
prostrated at tha conviction of her hue
band at New Yortc Ths Italian press
greatly discredits ths story against him
and does not believe him guilty.
t MMMH mm .
' t Joe rail tpeetal flerrlre.)
New Tork, Nov. 14. Caruso paid his
fins today under . protest. His attor
neys announoed that immeaiata ateps
would be taken to secure a review by
tha oourt of general sessions.
School Director of Santa Barbara Infatuated
With Young Woman
Horsewhipping Affair
(Jesreal Special arvtea.)
Santa Barbara, Cat Nov. 21. Banta
Barbara la much Interested In a publio
scandal that Includea School Trustee W.
S. Coleman. Mra. Louis. Zuts, a. black
eyed milliner, and a horee-whlpplng
episode. Incidentally there Is a strong
demand hers for Coleman'a rsslgnatlon
from ths board of education, for whloh
many consider him morally unfit.
Coleman Is, or was, a prosperous con
tractor and builder.
About a year ago, Mra Coleman says.
she first became aware that her husband
a Interested tn Mra Zuta About
four months after Coleman met her he
took her to hie home, where ha Intro
duced her to hla wtfe as a "cousin.""
Mrs. Coleman says his story was rldlo-
Business dlssster began, so Mrs. Cnle-
msn says, with the coming "of this wom
an. Colemsn's affairs have now come
to such a pass that laborers have had
to take legal proceedings to collect
wages. ' -
There was a discovery by the wife
of checks made out to prominent wine
merchaata. Tha wines had not been
used at tha Coleman home, for the trus-
(Jeerael postal terries.!
lander. Wyo., Nov. 24. Richard Wat
son, a miner living tn the mountains
near Atlantlo City, discovered a - few
hours before the tlms set for his mar
riage that a young woman ' who had
been known bv tha name of Anna Mills
waa his arwn ulster.
Miss 'VCtm a kl.ItiDpcd from the
home of her p.rans p-t To"to. w"n
(war wee t i j . t
huelr amine in Eastern
Oregon Grows Seri
ousMass. Meeting
Called at La Grande
Pendleton Sees Wood Supply In
Prospect Railroad Officials
Den v -That-Thev Jlr at FauMi
. (nil flalm Tk.l 1 I., la,' C,
mu, viwim iiuk who ie wuiioi-
ing as Much as the People. '
(Snaelal Dlapatck to The JoarsaL)
Pendletcn. Or Nov 14. Pendleton
will be relieved of Its coal famine In a
few days. TThrough tha emergency rata
from- Spokane tha railroad . will . have
care to make shipments snd tha ear
will be loaded at ohce.-e.-Br
N. la also building a spnr near Moaohant
to reach .with trains 1,000 oords of
At t Grande and Baker City, where
there has been severs cold for over a
week, the situation Is serious. People
of La Orande will hold a mass meeting
of citizens on Monday. November 21 ta
formulate a plan whereby possible suf J
ferlng will be sverted. The situation
demands Immediate attention. Mayor
Stoddard of that city haa received
response from the O. R. A N. officials
to his request to relieve1 the fuel fara
Ine. In which the official says that tha
company is In no way responsible for
ths shortage at La Grmqde. that tha
company dsea not deal in coal, in fact,
la a buyer for Ita own use, and la likely
to be the greatest loser, as It cannot
burn wood in its engines snd is short
of sufficient coal to Insure running Ita
The railroad clalma that all of Its
available reserves of coal have been
loaded out Railroad man at La Grande
are fearful that soma trains will bo
wmuma nut 01 ju uranao i or want or.
"'ZThey eay the company stands
7 iv Aurnisu cars ok wooa xor snip
menu to any point of tha country.
There Is no coal In Baker City. Wood
la scarce and too high for many poor
people, being 7 and tl oord.
(Jonraal ftpeelal BrrrVa.)
San Francisco. Nov. 24. Fred rwtsva.
Walter Westwood and William Mearer.
all youtha, have pleaded guilty to hold
ing np and killing Fred Mellnte ta Is
glegata park, and have been seatenoed)
to life Imprisonment.
rWhoTIs Victim or -
rf ' . 1
tee's wife is a devout member as? thai.
Methodist church. Tha win bill,
brought on a horse whipping affray. A
son of ths contractor's wife, Mrs. Cole
man and several relatives met Mrs.
Zuts, and there the encounter took place.
A woman relative of Mrs. Coleman
struck tha milliner several blows with
a cowhide. Coleman arrived before) taa
affair had closed and denied that there
was anything wrong. ha ta tnnoeeuV
wae the burden of his defense.
Ths lateet move tn the scandal to tha
removal ,irf lil.m.. U..wi .
milliner also Is st Berkeley. In. a letter
written to sn acquaintance her Cole
man regrets tha fact. that he teolt tha
woman to a house full af "respectable
Coleman la 47 years old. Mra Zuts ta
about 20. Mrs. Coleman Is her hus
band's age. is ths mother of eight chil
dren and twice a grandmother.
"I believe my husband has been hyp
notised," said Mra Coleman. "Since h
met that woman he haa been unable ta
think ot anything else. His business
troubles date from ' his acrruaintaeea
with her, I don't consider him as
brought her up t believe she wae r'l
daughter. He brought her to the I -' i
Btatee and kept hr with hl-n u 1 ;
years an, when he deaerted fc
.Hutt, Montana, r'rom tt -
to Wytimtnit. where she '
met a tew tMf'S'" "'' A
mark that th. s!rl - t
hfi tl." Mt." :'. -to
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