,':...".-, k. -y ' , '... : -. - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. r PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 21, -1CC3. i " : Tc;vn'Tcg:23 I - - . J TOnOKTS AMTTSEntXBTS.-; , Helllg... ......"Tht Sits of the Croae" Baker Job Balnpotla In '-Tlx Middleman" Einplrr;7r. a . . ..."Pock' Bail Boy" Lyric. .... .."Tha 8U of to our" Btar , "Polly and I" Pentagea , , , Vaudeville Gran ,. ., t ,. Vaudeville " The Emporium, Albtna's big- new de partment store, has leased ths balanfce of the block In which It 1 located, and beginning- -with Saturday-.: will hay a frontage of 169 feet. The grocery de partment will have the north 60 feet, new ItotntT fitted up for that purpose, and stove and light hardware will oc- ' cupjr the present grocery department. A large sign over the new acquisition reads: "Watch , the Emporium grow." and If It continues in the future as It has expanded In the past, the watcher will be busy if he keeps up with the procession. It is a wonderfully .active concern. Be sure to read ita ad" In to morrow's Journal. . . A Jury was drawn In Judge Fraier'a . department of the circuit court this morning ' to bear the suit or the o. X, sN Co. against W. R. Reed, to con demn a right of way .between Troutdale . and Bonneville along the Columbia river where tha railroad company desires to . straighten Its Una. It Is contended by tha O, K N, Co. that the property In controversy -la worth only $1,000. Reed aktv ICaiS "foa-tfc After the Jury -was sworn It was taken to view tha prem ises. No testimony will be taken until after their return. The New Tork State society will eelo brate Evacuation day on Monday even ing. November 16, at Rlnglers hall, Alder and Sixth street. An Interesting and pleasant program has been arranged by the executive committee. 'Judge H. C. George will deliver an addreas, and several musical numbers will be given. All New Yorkers, whether members of the society or not, are cordially invited to be. present. - Postmaster Mlnto has received word that Station E, S2 Flanders street, -will b established Decembtr 1. -.The furni ture for this office is on its way from Indianapolis, Indiana. Whether it will reach Portland In time for the official opening; of tha station is uncertain. At the same time the furniture for Station E waa shipped, the fittings for Station B, 2111 and 234 Russell street, were started for Portland. William Cllne and O. P. Dougherty, an route to the Walla Walla penitentiary from Mohtesano In custody of Deputy " Sheriff-George: Charlat, were" locked up In the city prison last night until the departure of the train ' this morning-. Cllne Is under sentence of four years for burglary and Dougherty is to serve Ave years for assault and robbery. . ' An addreas on missionary work will Myers of Las Angeles at a special meet- ". Ina- of the .omen's Foreign Missionary society of ' the ' Sunnyslde Methodist Episcopal church. The meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. LJaxle Oliver, tit East - Thirty-fourth street. Miss Myers will sail from Seattle for Chi Kantf Shan, China, November 11. Because the car containing its scenery was flood-bound In the sound country. the company which was to have present- ed "The Sign of the cross- at the neuig theatre last night was compelled to re main idle.' "The scenery and baggag-e ar rived during the night, however, and It .Is announced that there -will be a per formance this evening. . ;j "The Alhambra club will ' ivs their : second party of the season tomorrow evening at the Auditorium hall, on Third, between Taylor and Salmon streets. The patronesses are Mrs.' Wil liam Flnnegan, Mrs. W. N. Robinson, Mrs. WUlinm Brandes, Mrs. George Covsch, Mrs. W. Kerrigan and Mrs. WlllUBT Bowman. 1 - - It waa exceedingly fortunate for O. W. Palmer, aged years, that Patrol man Humphreys fonnd htm last night "at Second and Burnslde streets; Palmer was saturated with Burnslde street "nectar and unable to navigate. When he waa searched at the city prison I2IS.1J waa found in an inside pocket of his coat. . "-. Orece Bharatt has begun suit in the state circuit court for a divorce from ' D. M. Sharatt, charging desertion at Blsbee, Arlsona, in February, 1905. They were married at Cleburn, Texas, In December, H01, and have two chil dren, aged 4 and 2 years, respectively, whose custody the mother asks. Edward Dreger, sged It years, died at :10 o'clock last night at the' home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dreger, Ett -Vancouver '. avenue,. - from diphtheria. after an Illness of only two days. Dr. Wheeler, city health oncer, who was notified, used antitoxin and quarantined tha residence. , Articles of incorporation of the Home Becurltyei Investment companywre filed In the office of the county clerk . this morning by J. A. Sloan, E. D. Ellis and E. Williams. They wilt deal In real estate, stocks, bonds and notes. Capital , stock 15,000. ' The Juvenile Improvement ' asnocla i tlon will hold an adjourned meeting In Judge Fraser's courtroom . Saturday evening at I o'clock. The annual elec tion of officers will be one of the prin cipal pieces of business transacted. , ' The annual meeting; of the city board of charities will be held next Mon day evening. , Judge Webster's pro posed bill for compulsory, support will corns up for approval. . - Be aura to reaa tKt a1v-t 9 "". the Emporium, Alblna's big new depart mmi siore, in xomorrows journaL It will Interest you, no matter where you live. . v .' : At the tTnltarlan ohnrch last nla-ht P. W. BALTES AND C0MP.ANY PRINTERS Specialists in the Ar ranging and Printing of Commercial Stationery a. Advertising Literature Two Phones, both Main 165 FIRST AND OAK COMFORT H TRAYEU:.Q , '' .J- ' " ' - ';. '. The ' OREGON TRUSTS and SAVINGS BANK ; LETTERS OF. CREDIT ' .Which enable, travelers to obtain ' money without . , .Mnconvenfence. in any : part of ; the world, ob- viating the necessity of ' ' carrying large sums of .money on the person, w - EXCHANGE Sold on all civilized coun- -'tries of the globe. s Sixth and Washington Dr. Norrls R. Cox delivered a lecture on Hawaii, which was Illustrated by stereopticon views mads by tha speaker during his visit to the Islands. The lec'ture was given under the auspices of tha Unitarian Women's Alliance. The subjects of the. jrlewe . were plantation scenes, buildings of Honolulu and pri vate grounds of many ,ef the rich planters.- . ,"' One who visits the Sargent .(former ly the Brown) hotel, at Grand and Hawthorns avenues these days Is Im mediately impressed with the earnest ness of the new proprietor,, Nicholas F. Sargent, in his declaration that this shall be one of the best hotels in the city. ' Workmen are making important change so in all directions tearing old things out and making other things new and when the work Is completed the Sargent will afford all that is com fortable, all that Is pleasant, all that is convenient, all that Is desirable In the life of the man or woman who covets that -which is homelike snd splendid in a human habitation. The Sargent will have ons of the finest dining-rooms in the city, will be heated by steam throughout, possess fine baths, have hot and cold water in every room and private telephone In each apartment No heart will cravs any thing 4ha the- Sargent will not suppljrv piy. , ' : - ' . Penney Bros.' Friday Special Five bargains In wine; 1160 grade white or red port Angelic Madeira and Tokay, at f 1 per gallon; L W. Harper bourbon whiskey, regular 14.10, at 13.60. Friday only. - Phone East 187.- - Free delivery. 170-tll East Morrison. 1 . ' Tour Eyes Examined Free. We are etlll selling eyeglasses St 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger 4k Co., Jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth street" ' Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at S p. m. For oil and gasoline phone Red Tank Oil company. - Main 1112. 141 First street, corner Alder. ;' Gam mans tk Malarkey have moved to the Commonwealth building. Same phone.-.- - - . Woman's Exchange, 1SI Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to I; business msn'S lunch. Acme Oil Co, sells the best safety coal eil end fin, gasoline. Phone East T, - Sacred Heart Church. Our whlat so cial, a week from this Wednesday, ' Carl Jones for reading. 4th and Waeh. GRACE CHURCH BAZAAR IS PR0V1HG 8IC SUCCESS Large Crowd Attends Opening ' and Event Will Be Con tinued Tonightr-1 The besaar given by the ladlea of Grace church last evening was a, "suo ess and will be continued tonight. There are 10 attractive booths stocked -wtth-ras;-dllsr-doubls-oll,legantly dressed dolls, sofa cuahfons, and a thousand other things. The mince meat the kind mother used to ranks was to be . had, and everybody found something to their liking. No admission is charged. : Mrs. 1 O. Ralston, prealdent of the Aid society,' is directing the baaaar. The booths are In charge- of the following: Fancy work Mrs. Crane, Mrs. F, S. Akin. Mrs.' Patterson. - Candr Mrs. Harry Haseltlns, Mrs, Maud Tifft. Mrs. ..Shelley Morgan, Aprons and handkerchiefs Mrs. Richmond- Kelly, Mrs. Frank Chown, Miss Emily Lyons. ' Bags Misses Winifred Rankin, Anna Clary, Ethel Miller. - Dolls Mrs. Bcott Bosorth. Mrs. John Jamea.. Mrs. Q.Wi.Xllly. u . .. Japanese wares Mrs. Osmon Royal. Mrs. Norman Lewton, Miss Ethel Lytle. ' Flowers Mrs, M. B. Rankin, Mrs. B. W. Cornell, Mrs. J. E. A. Boyes. . - ' . Kitchen articles Mrs. Vaptlona. Mrs. W. E. Lytle, Mrs. Philip Buehner, Mrs. Kessy, Mrs. Charles Allison. Ioe-eream F. J. Catterlln, Mrs. Chandler Bloom, Mrs. Frank Stiles. - Miscellaneous Miss Lillian Buehner, Hasel Rlggs, Florence Clary. , SAYS JUDGE DIDN'T , GIVE HER A CHANCE Mrs. Richard" Max Meyer complaina that ahe waa not permitted to stste her slds of the domes tlo wrangle In the municipal court yesterday. She says that after her husband had testi fied 'she did hot have -the opportunity to reply. "I wish to deny the charge made aaralnat ma." she said this sjiornlna. "It wss said in court yesterday that I at-J tacked my husband, and I desire ts say that I have never In. any way at tacked him." ; . - - . i '. Dean's Regulate curs constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weak ening effect. Ask your druggist for thm. 16 cents jer box. a 1 FreferreC Stock Osnaed foods. Allen 4 Lewis' Best Brand, Custom Shade i and Drapery Work Par Specialty Very Lowest Prices Third Floor Artistic Picture Framing to Order Place Your Holiday Orders Now Low Prices TSue Meier (zk.Wanli-StorQ "Hercules" Shower-Proof Suits for boys, in neat gray and brown mixtures, wool cheviots and tweeds, every suit guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, est sujxvaluejon. the market at this popular price. ....... t Great Thfliftfagm at n r omens JThfr greatest -values jnWornen'i Reay-to-Wer Apparel in the city. Women's High-Grade Tai lored Suits, made in fnilitarygfyle, pony coats, fitted or semi-fitted, jacket and bolero blouses, handsomely trimmed wrpr velvet, gimp and, but tons, plaited 'skirts; checks, fancy mixtures and - blaclc all this season's best styles,- C ttA. all sizes. Reg. $50.00 Suits t..,.V'-' Special lot of Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits in Norfolkv pony blouses, and Prince Chap Suits in tweeds, cheviots and homespuns, velvet and braid trimmed; checks, plaids, fancy mixtures, all sizes, large variety. Regular glii $20.00 Suits on sals at. ... . ....... V 'TesO J Women's Loose Tourist Coats, three-quarter - length, double-breasted effects, in black and white checks, velvet collar, all sizes. 7 Great special values at, each....... V Women's Loose Tourist Coats, three-quarter length garments, made fly-front, black and whits mixtures, with velvet collar and cuffs, also fancy plaids in double-breasted effects, velvet-trimmed collar and cuffs, all sizes. Regular CD A $12 Coats on sals at this low price... vUstJJ ClO n CJllr Great Thanksgiving Sale of Women's Black Silk Waists, in taffeta silks, . 4 X Jsf J.JQ a 1 Illac!crepefthinesr black messaline silks, 'black net waists, fancy WflicTC ac4 fta tucks, sizes 34 and 36 only waists selling regularly at Vaiai VT.MJ DriceJ from ta to 12.5a Your choice .......i... SOLD AT FIFTH rAKD BURI.SIDE Other Real Estate Deals of Im portance Announced r " Today. 1 Brooke A Ktermsn.' with the assist snce of L O. Davidson, sold yesterday the southeast ermer of Fifth and Burn- slds for $70,000. The lot fronts S8 feet on Fifth street and loo xeet on Burn slde.. 'The nsme of the purchaser is withheld for the present. The property la covered with old two-story rrome buildings, which brine; In very little revenue. T. Bcott Brooke was the owner of the property. The northeast corner of Sixteenth and Johnson stets was sold by J. D. Hennessy to Peter Taylor, for a con sideration of I1.000. The property is now occupied by four modern two- story residences, that are paylns; a reasonable return on (ns purcnase price. J. M. Falrbrook made the sale for Mr Henneasy. - Block- II In Highland was sold yes terday by I. O. Davidson to an out-of-town purchaser for 15.860. The block waa the property of Marlon Bmlth. Hart man Jb Thompson, promoters of ths Rose Xty- Park -addition, - report that they are dally receiving dosens of applications for lots In their new addi tion. The property haa not yet been platted and probably will not he. for some time. Messrs. Hartman Thomp son are placing- these applications for lots on file- end will itlve the appll- TO SAVa IS EOOsTOVTl TO atm aaD nrvEST earnr ze WISDOM , 20 PER YEAR With yon saoaey ttndft yoaf swa control, rrlnelpal famt aateed by Bank Oertineate of Deposit. Tom select tk Baak. Writs today for , parttoalars. Pacific Coast Securities Company Portland, Oregon radXlo 1S3 aia-14 Ooounerelal - i - Biosk. Mens Blue Serge Suits Wmfeer. Weights at $22.5.0, $35, $30 We are showing splendid new styles In Men's Fine allwool Serge Suits - New fail and winter styles Very latest cut Handsome r aady-to-wear apparel I rom leading wholesale tailors In the land Garments suitable for business or dress wear and very reasonably priced at $32.50, $25, S30 suit Men's Raincoats r Men's high-grade, light-weight Rain Coats, full length garments; in silk mixed worsteds, dark grays, black Thibets and tan "worsteds,- military- r 'varsity cut, well made and" fin?' ished; exceptionally large showing at $20.00, $22.50, $25.00 and $28.00 a garment. : Boys' Auto Overcoats, in grays and blues, novelty style, made with velvet collar and fulllength ; very large showing at the following prices $2.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.50, $7.50 Apparel2dFlr Evening Costumes Off Thanksgiving sale extraordinary of magnificent Evening and Reception Gowns superb costumes, the best efforts of the leading Parisian and New JXorleartists-rrBlacltiac and Chiffoiv Costumes, White Etamine Gowns, Pink Silk Gowns, Fancy Silk' Gowns, Champagne. Broadcloth Costumes, Crepe de Chine Costumes, Pink Chiffon, Dresden Chiffon, Lavender Princess, Canary Broadcloth Costumes beautifully made and trimmed high class' apparel for all occasions values ranging from $100 to $300. During the Thanksgiving sale One-Third Off. , S62Eve'gCownsS44 85 Special lot of Evening Dresses and Princess Gowns, in taffeta silks,, liberty silks and messalino silks; pink, light blue, gray and white; elaborately trimmed in lace and fancy tucking, high or low necks, silk-lined thruout, all sizes. CAA Q. C Regular $58 and $62 Costumes at. tTgTOQ trimmed yokes in lace, siiK-emDroiderea, cants ths benefit of making- choloe se lections. - L and M. Frieds and Julius Durk helmer have entered into a party wall agreement with Bernard Hacerdorn, owner of ths northwest corner of Fifth and Oak streets. Messrs. Frieds snd Dbrkhelmer own ths lot adjoining the Hegerdorn lot o ths south, on which thsy Intend erecting; a business block at an sarly date. . Tha real aetata transfers filed for record yesterday were the smallest of ths month, aggregating but 144,042. Milwaukfe Country Club. Eastern snd California races. Take ellwood and Oregon City cars .at FUet and Alder. - , nit for Trust Tnnd's ressassloa, . (SoaeUI Clipatrta to The Jnernal.) Albany, Or., Nov- 11. Ths contest has been heard in ths office of the county Judge regarding claims filed by Minerva Montelth and Mac 8. Montalth for ths recovery of certain funds held in trust by Minnie Van Dran, deceased, ahd which are now claimed by the heirs of Kaaper Van Dran, deceased. Two claims have been filed for amounts se gregating 26C each. - i AlITniEafSsTTa. Oalis Rinl T0NIGDI CARNATION NIGHT Admission Free Skates 25c EMPIRE THEATRE Mate 11T, Mlltoa W, Imsu,. Masasae, riartnf th taatars Road Shows Only. Matinee Wedueadar end Saturday; tonta-M ail waek the fussiest ef all lbs farce eonxdtea, , rrwa e au avi: A cnmm of T Ulaa It. laualitar. The esly eriglBsL Cinpka ' price. .Nail waea : "t'nle Joak Sptaetbr." FREE! Moving Pictures RACE FOR A WIFE HARRY 8 HUMAN, Business Boomer, General Advertiser phone Main 1111. Id aV Morrison, S IS to Every Evening, v ( - . T ' " ' 55.00 rrrrrrm , , , Sale of velvet, rrench knots, medallions $4.85 AMVnXMWTU. wssBjngtoa a iscaa.ll , Utim , TOjriOHT 1:11 'CLOCK. Vueaa Banett's aellaiew OmsM, PRICKS ase, SAc, me, TBe, SI. Seals SlllDg at .Box Office of Thestre. 14th ad Tha Htttlllt TKaafaa Waaklatlsa ". aiitailS Mu L. THURSDAY. FRIDAY. SATURDAY STIOBTS. SPKCIAL-rBICB MATIKIE SATURDAY. ROBERT EDESON IK TBI COMEDY-DRAMA Strongheart Rvenlng Prleeg Lower floor, St, II Jo: bat eon. S1.S0, S. tc: gallery. sAe. ' Matlne Prlcaa Lower floor, gl-SO. Sli eal eonr. SI. To; entire gaUry, SOe. . Seats sow sailing. v- . HEILIG THEATRE MONDAY irTCTN Nov. 26 md woRLD-rAMors composer LEONCAVALLO And the Le sVala Tbaatre Orchastra, frost Mils a, Italy. 65 Uiialelana 00 , togetha with 10 Oimratlc Vocallaia 10 afeadav Afteraoea "IAZA" Mmidav Klrtit "PAOUAOCl" Prleea, bntk aftarnona aad sight: Lewar tontt, Srat S rowa. IA.0O; lnwet. Sonr, laat 10 rowa, SS.OO. Baleony, Srat 4 rowa, SS.S0: baleony, neat S rowa, S3.BO; haloonr, laat 4 mwa, S3.00. Oallcrjr. raaarvad, ll.Mi a Ulaaloa, 11.00. , eats Sailing, at Boaefflci : Halllf "Theatre. BaKer Theatre iMTc. ' Moat' potralar theatre Is Portlaad. . Tke rianoua Baker Stock Company. AU thla week K. S. V. Illard a aeaeaasi The wonderful drama, "TK MISDtZMAS." ' MaUaee Batarday. -Evening. S5o, SSe, SOe; staMnee, lSe SBe. Mast weak . Hart i "A Tasiuefaaae, Taws. all sues. I he tlost Styles Arc $5 Aa-emtreV-etylihliregantly--: made kind, comes at $8.00 Our Vici' Kid . DIuelier ULL ROUND TOE Would make any man in Portland feel like a prince in his feet they are so full . ' of comfort ThetleedShoeCo. JirWaslLrNearSixlli The Narrow Flat Toe CelUc. Bottom Boot Will be relished by the ' particular Portlander wno wants something a little different from the ordinary. - -But then . - We Have 200 Different Styles -And can fit you and please vou. whether you be a crank r or an ordinary smiling gen-.. tleman. It s because we are selling the renowned . Lock tot tame Is stref - We Sell - to lien Only and Host Styles Are $5.00 We are going to deserve - every - man's - trade - in this city or we are going to give Tup the ghost.-And we are not prepared to die. , Chinese and Japanese Art goeda, earvad fornltora, fine screens, royal Hatannia, Cloleonna, braasea. carved Ivory, em bmlrterlee, allka, satla dreaalng gowns, eta, directly Imported. CAMfON BAZAAR. SO SIXTH ST. AjcusancBsrTe. PantagesTheatre! an. a rtmi -Ta, ftmsi PVi Fourth and Stark Sta. . mew ar . ' a - i - . ' ... 1 1. ' i rerd Brotnera, Two-anaune-nau caaeaaea Mnaloil OomedyTTIlff sa4" Bang, La 'WbIU, w. LlMtail Pirttirea. parformaneee dally at t 80,v T:80 and I Is. m. Admlaaloo. lOe. . Reaarvad seats, STKr; w.. or.. T.ka anv aaA at araakdajr aoari. aaaa 'for TIN cents. X5hQ GRAND Week ef Ho. IS. Mr. aad Mrs. TruaadaU. Sj On. Aunt taviaa'e Advice." v. Trot. Olark'siSog, Oat aae Moakay Klsstrela, Bdwarg VewaU 0. - BllUe KaRcsla. Kays aad Xaswje, -Rtva Blethers, KareU Xorf. "Seeret Sarrloa." LYRIC THEATRE week Bxennrrjia wotohu is. "The Sign of the Four" a bui r lock - Holmes sensational MELODRAMA IMS ACTS, STAR THEATRE Weak of rJ. IS. Phmie Mala SeM. TIUI eU.a.Jl aruus WJLTaJII Polly and ! Matlneae Tuesday. Tbonday, Satneday sed Bnnday at l.So. rrteav, lue ase Sue. leery evening at IS. Price. ioe, SO and Sua. Baaarrad eaato a aU aerfarsMaeas kg gaaaia. I s0n .,4lffe I" Fashioned Cheviol f.v '.'.':. ?'' ' ' '-. . " . To Your Measure We have Just received a' large shipment of cheviots in the new fashionable shades. Grays, Drowns and Green Rlixhircs - These fabrics, made - up the "splendid" Way we makeclothest are worth every penny of $30. ; If you nee4 a stylish, dur able suit, of a weight and texture seasonable, in Port land practically the year around, take advantage of this Special. . -.';.';.1. OVERCOATS To Your Measure $20 to $0 ELKS' BUILDINQ Seventh and Stark Streets A MSW BOOK BT TH ATJTHOa Or "VP FROM BLATERT Putting: the Most Into Life Br BOOKS T. WASHINOTOll A series ef practical addresses la a beautifully printed volume. CUt,rS eaaettre--tt.l4 "B Poatage seats :. Ihos. Y. Crowetl A Co., New York 11 MiDrw ssjav vir jvtsmi KtATN'S RuiASit CiA$if0 KamM rfl Orsaana,Wsihmnrm fmrrl.f raircTV( fatos.thitKns, stack ,"r si UmH.tlU RURAL OIRtCTORT t9 19t tnH. oaTKWS. QStteai J PNCOATS To Your Measure 20JoJ35 j.r ,.' - j- . .J K ...... f, ..:; L.j.