The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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    I :
.(Continued from Page On.)
money consideration at full established
rates during the preceding year, to
gether with the names of tha reolplents
. and reasons (or Issuing same.
cht vui utd.
Wlda latitude la (Ivan tha railroad
eompanlaa In Ua mattar of laauanca of
transportation, excepting for polltloal
purposes. Section 21 aeta forth tha
claaaaa of free and reduced rata tlcketa
. that may ba lawfully Issued aa fol
Iowa: ' .
"Nothing herein shall prevent tha car
riage, atorare or handling of freight
.free or at reduced ratea for tha United
States, tha atate or any .municipality
thereof, or for charitable, purpoaea,- or
to and from f aire and ezpoaltlona for
exhibition thereat, or household good
' the property of railway employe, or
commodities shipped by employee for
their own exclusive uee or consump
tion; or tha lasusdc of mileage, com
'mutation or excursion passengers' tlok-
ata, -. provided - tha same ahall be ' ob
tainable by all peraona applying there
for under Ilka circumstances and condi
tions; or tha sale of such tlcketa aa
were usually and euatomarlly sold at
reduced rates prior to November 1
10. provided the same are sold wrth-
: - wm-
Actually Rainproof ,
Serviceable Handsome
, To Your Measure
The Sort That Wear
Casalmerea, Worsteds '
" ; Tweeds'. " ; .' ,
To v,Your Measure
'v;' to
' No Man's Wardrobe
To Your Measure
, TO : '
Mannish Coats
. $2 ,
"We 'will rainproof any
garment - made by us,
when desired, without ex
tra expense to you..
Seventh and Stark Streets
out .dlacrlmtnatioa to all persona ap
plying therefor under like olrcuraatanoea
and conditions. 'Thla act snail not ba
construed as preventing railroads from
giving free transportation, or reduoed
ratea therefor, to 1U officers, agents,
aurgeona, physicians and attorneya at
law, or members of their families where
such employea have become disabled In
tha. railway service or are uaable from
physical disqualification to continue in
the service, or to members of families
of deceased railroad employee, to min
ister of rallgton, traveling seoretaHee
or "rmnrOftoT TOUrtg Men'a' CKrlatraa "A-,
soclatlona. Inmates of hospitals . and
charitable and eleemosynary Institu
tions, and persona exclusively engaged
In charitable and eleemosynary work;
to offlcera or agenta of Incorporated col
leges; to Indigent, destitute and home
less persons, and to such peraona when
to inspect tha books and papers of any
railroad and to examine under oath any
offloer, agent or employe of such rail
road la relation to It business and affairs.
t An extended examination of tha va
rious state eommlaelon bills shows that
In main they are patterned upon and
eloaoly follow the Interstate commerce
act; and great almllarity exlats both- in
structure and language. The bill sub
mitted affects only tha transportation of
persons and property within the atate
or Oregon. . , . . .
hospitals 'and tha necessary agents em
ployed in auch transportation; to In
mates of the national boraea or state
homes for disabled- volunteer soldiers,
and .of soldiers' and sailors homes, in
cluding those about to enter and those
returning home after discharge, and
boarda of managers of such homes; to
employee. on sleeping cars, express car.
and to linemen of telegraph and tele
phone companies; to railway mail serv
ice employee, postofflce Inspectors, cus
toms Inspectors and immigration In.
epeotore; to newsboys on tralna, bag
gage ageiita, wttneaeea attending any
legal Investigation In which tha rail
road is Interested, persons Injured in
wrecks; and physicians and nurses at
tending sueh persons; nor shall this act
be construed to prevent the Interchange
Of passes for the offlcera. Agents m m4
ployes of common carriers and their
families, nor to prevent any railroad
from carrying passengers free with the
object of providing relief In cases of
general epidemic, pestilence or other
calamitous visitation; provided that no
person holding any publlo offlo or po
sition under th lawa of this state, or
any municipality therein, ahall ba given
i free transportation or reduoed rates not
open to-tne pupae, upon any snipmem
Those Subject to fcaw.
All railroad, of -whatever form of
motive power, union depot and ter
minal eompanlaa, express, sleeping car,
freight and freight tine, ear, oil and
tank Una Companies, are mads subject
to lta rtravtalnnWT L.v.p lh. rm r m.
partition of passengers by street and
UtJUYStflfik.,JlUT MJ
I ..,. n.iiip, rssiutr I after the taklnv mffmrt at thla k I I""0" w
property of auch nature as to require
th care or an attendant, tne railroad
may furnish to the shipper or soma per
son or pereons designated by him free
transportation ; to such attendant," in
cluding return passes to -the point at
whloh the shipment originated; pro
vided ther shall bs no discrimination
in reference thereto between auoh ship
pers." '
. Bsmsdy fox Car abortag. ,
The committee in considering a rem
edy, for th car shortage evils that
have cursed Oregon and inflicted untold
Injury upon its industries In th last
few years, has accepted the reciprocal
demurrage plan. Their method does
not, however, contemplate any incor
poration of rigid rules and demurrage
penalties in the law Itself. The rail
road commission is to be furnished
with a flexible law-that will authorise
and direct it to fix reciprocal demur
rag rules and regulations, and carry
them Into effect. It is feared that to
Incorporate . into tha law apeclflo fig
ures and rules might prove to be un
constitutional, and tha courts, in so de
claring, might Invalidate tha entire act.
Bather than attempt to regulate by
specific, unyielding' end drastic legis
lation auch aubjects and demurrage and
reciprocal demurrage, the commission
Is to be vested with Jurisdiction to
make proper and reasonable rules; as
has been done in Virginia, where a
similar, provision was sustained by the
oourts. - . - - . -
. On Sweeping Section. " ..
Section 11 of the proposed law la !h
these sweeping terms:
"Every railroad Is hereby required to
furnish reaaonably adequate service
are logging and other strlotly private
ranroaaa included.
Th rate-making powere of th com
mission are in the first Instance revis
ory, and do not require it to formulate
an entirely new schedule. Th present
schedules of ratea (unleas otherwise or
dered upon Hearing) are to cobtlou In
fore unUl June to, MOT, but the same
are not to exceed th rates effective
November 1, ISO.- The rate are gen
erally subject to review and alteration,
either on th complaint of an Interestsd
party or on tha commission's own mo
tion (sections , SI) after notice and
hearing. Changes In rates or in classi
fication shall b made only en notice
to th commission and th public simi
lar to that required by th InUrstat
commerce sot (sections 14, II).
Concentration- commodity, transit and
other special contract rates are per
mitted if open to th publlo generally,
but are subject to th commission's reg
ulation (section II).
egardig the Commission.
Sections 1 and I of th bill provide
how th commissioners shall be . ap
pointed or removed, and what their
qualification and salaries shall be, as
"Th commission shall bs composed
after the taking effect of this act the
governor snau appoint suon commis
sioners, but If the senate be then in
session, suoh appointments shall each
be mad by and with th oonaeat of the
senate. If th senate be not- in session,
ths governor shall make suoh appoint
ments, and such appointments shall be
In full fore until- acted upon by th
senate at Its next special or biennial
session, and until the sucoessor of suoh
appointee Is appointed and qualified.
Th term of one suob appointee shall
terminate two years after his appoint
ment, and th term of th two remain
ing auch appointees shall terminate four
yeara later after such appointment. In
January, ltot, and every four years
thereafter, one commissioner shall be
ao appointed and confirmed, and In Jan
uary, 1111, and every four yeara there
after, two commissioners shall be so
appointed and confirmed. .
"The term of of floe of each commis
sioner appointed under this act, except
the one flrat appointed for the term' of
two years, shall be four yeara. Any
vacanoy shall bs filled' by appointment
by the governor.
What They least Know. '
"Th commissioner shall have the
following quallflcattona: One shall have
a general knowledge of . railroad law;
each of the others shall have a general
-understanding of matters relating to
railroad transportation.
"The governor may-at" any time Te-
fnove any commissioner for lnefflclenoy,
neglect of duty or malfeasance in office.
Before such removal he shall give such
commissioner a copy of th charges
against him, and shall fix tha time when
he can be heard In hia own defense,
Washington's Deaf nnd
Blind School Adds pine
Chlckering Piano to Its
Few people hav tha slightest Idea of
tha extensive .educational work being
done 'for the benefit of the deaf and
Vancouver, Wash. Under th able man
agement of Thoa, P. Clarke, th present
superintendent, the sohool has been
making groat advanoement during th
paet year. t
The school, in two separate buildings,
occupies IT acres of ground and has at
present II blind and lot deaf Inmates. .
In . addition to tha regular common
school course of InSiruotlos, a number
of manual aecomplleajnent are taught,
which include shoe and harness mak
ing, printing, carpentry, dressmaking,
millinery, laundry, housework, oooking,
to. .. - ,
Th , blind are taught ohalr eaning,
hammock making, telegraphy, and ther
is a picked class in piano tuning. , Blind
glrla are taught to. do all their . own
mending, and each line of work la prac
tical and valuable and help t- fit each
student to earn his own living.
. One of th Important feature In con
nection with the Inatruotlon of th blind
1 a thorough course of music, which
has developed soma remarkable talent.
In order to lnoreaee .th efflolency in
this work th School has Just purchased
from th Eller Piano House of this
city a splendid Chlckering Piano, that
th very hlgheat Ideals may be attained
by thess students, whose sens of per
ception and-touoh Is so acute. A care-
made, but th Chtokerlng emd - to
possess so many quallttea ef tone and
other characteristics which were su
perior, that It was decided to give th
students th very beat that eould be
In addition to th piano Just supplied
to th Vancouver School, th Eller
Piano Houss has supplied a number of
prominent Northwestern -schools and
colleges with "pianos during the past
few weeks, including the following: St
Helena Hall. Portland, alx Hobkrt M.
Cable Instruments; St. Mary's Academy,
Th Dalles, Chlckering grand piano; St.
Marys Academy, Portland, a magnifi
cent Weber grand piano; Washington
Stat Collets, Pullman, Wash., two Ho
bart Ml Cabls pianos ; Crook County
High School. Prlnevtlle, Or., Hobart M.
Cable piano; and other Instruments to
Bt. Vincent's Academy, Walla Walla,
Wash.; Twin Falls School Board. Twin
Falls, Idaho, and Sylvan SohooL Port
land. - .
St Marys Academy, Tillamook, Mar
shall 4k Wendell piano.
University of Idaho, Moscow, four
Hobart M. Cable pianos.
equipment and facilities, and th ! "Meb hl not than 10 days
charges made for any service rendered
or to be rendered In ths transportation
of passengers or property or for any
service In connection therewith or for
th receiving, switching, delivering.
storing, elevation, and transfer in tran
alt.- ventilation, refrigeration or Icing
or handllna? of auch uronertv. or for
umuii ui-ui or tvrininftt lacuiiies, pnmi
I JUifUnd "Unreasonable charge for such
service is prohibited and declared to
be unlawful."
. Theae regulations apply equally to
sleeping ear and private car companies,
terminal and switching and bridge com
panlee. -.
When th commission has mad an
be reasonable and Juat p review of th same in any court
Investigation of eomplalhr ofexcessTv I shall within a roasomMw time divest
rates charged, and haa ordered a modi
flcatlon of the rate, the order becomes
effective at once. Th carrying wra-
pany may appeal to the circuit court,4h" nold ny other-offics-or-poUlo
and scour a hearing, but in the mean
time th commlssron's rite order re
mains in affect- unllL such hearing is
completed and th merit of th' appeal
are determined by the court. This point
is covered by the following section:
Section II. All rates, fares, charges.
Classifications and Joint rates fixed by
th commission shall be in fore and
shall be prima f sole lawful, and all regH duties ht the sunr Of 1.8. with enre-t
ulatlons, practices . and , service pre
scribed by-the commission shell be In
force and ahall be prima fad reason
able, until finally found otherwise In
an notion brought for that purpose pur
suant to the provisions of th .next
succeeding section of ..this act.
Interchange ef Trafflo.
Provision of th law cover th en
forcement of interchange of traffic be
tween, rallroada, the adjustment of con
tests Over grade crossings, securing ad
equate and suitable depots and tracks
(section 12) and the connection of inter
secting lines, the protection of grade
crossings, the reporting snd investiga
tion of accidents and claims against the
roads, and the uniform classification of
freight on all railroads within the state.
Full power is given for Investigation
and determination of reasonable ratea,
fares, charges and classifications, and
prescribing reasonable regulations and
practices, aa also equipment The com
mission's orders nave become , them
selves effective. Joint rate routes may
be created, and the charge, apportioned
between trtw Carriers, if need be. Rates,
charges .. and .practices . not aecclf loaljy
designated, are covered generally and
the commission may regulate to prevent
unreasonableness and unjust : discrim
ination, . , ' .
Judicial Berlsw.
Judicial review of the proceedings of
ths commission is to bs had by direct
action commenced in th circuit court
on complaint of th aggrieved party,
with a speedy trial Insured and right of
appeal reserved. It Is provided that
thereafter, and suoh hearing ahall .bt
open to th publlo. If he ahall be re
moved, the governor shall file In the
office of the secretary of state a com
plete statement of all charges - made
against such commissioner, and his find
Ings thereon, with a record of th pro
ceedings. Such power or removal ahall
be bsol ute ad tfcere-ehall rtirht
"No person so appointed ahall be pe
cuniarily Interested in any railroad in
thla state or elsewhere, and If any such
commissioner shall voluntarily become
so intereeted, his office ahall Ipso facto
become vacant; and If ha ahall become
s.o Interested otherwise than voluntarily,
himself of said Interest; falling to do
so his office shall beoom vacant
No commissioner-nor the secretary
of profit or pursue any other business
or vocation. 'or aerv on or under any
committee of any political party, but
ahall devote his entire time to th
duties of his office.
"Each commissioner shall receive an
annual salary of 15.000. and must upon
accepting his appointment,, furnish . a
bond for faithful performanc of his
ties approved by the governor. The
commission shall have and maintain
permanent of floes at th atate capltol,
and may employ a -secretary and two
clerks, one of whloh must be aa expert
(Continued from Page One.)
purchased them
injunction shall not Issue suspending l Notwithstanding thyouihfuljirii
order of th commission, except upon
notice and hearing. All actions brought
under this section shall hav precedence
over any civil cause of a different na
ture pending In aald court and th cir
cuit court ahall always b deemed omn
for th trial thereof and th same shall
be triad and determined aa other civil
In all trials under this section and
sections 13, 14 snd II hereof th bur
den of proof ahall be upon th plaintiff
to show by clear and patlafactory. evi.
dence that th order of the oommlsslon
complained of Is unlawful, or unrea
sonable, aa th ease may be
- Th commlaalon ahall ascertain th
coat of replacement and, original con
struction f th railroads, th indebted
nees of each. It gross and net Income,
salariee and wages paid and hours of
labor. In order that the commlaalon may
hav full and authantlo Information on
all matters pertaining to th railroad;
any commissioner, or any person em
ployed by the commission for that pur
pose, shall,, upon demand, hav th right
stated that aha was not quits sure. It
Is the opinion of th police thst a de
sire to avoid notoriety and sympathy
for tit boy on account of hla age were
th moving factora In Miss Wstsr
house's change of opinion from certain
ty to uncertainty.
Btelgerwald's parents formerly lived
on Oxford street but recently purchased
a ranch about one mile ast of th end
ot the Alberta street car line. Th lad
ha been rooming with another youth
in a house on Jefferson street between
Fifth and Sixth,
- The nolle upon searching ths apart
ment found a handful of cartrldgea In
Stelgerwald' trunks but-4 he-fltl-p-4
posed to hav been ueed In th alleged
robbery was not In evidence,
Beeder of Dim Wovela,
Over a doxen of the dim novels deal
ing with outlawry, murder, train robbery
and kindred crimes. Illustrated with
gaydy plcturea. were found In a bureau
drawer. He attempted to shift the own
ership of the novels to bis roommate, but
finally was forced to admit that ha had
deavorlng to find som-olutlon to pre
vent a recurrence of auch flood disas
ters as those between Tacoma and Seat
tle, and extensive flood dike may be
constructed along tha shoree of Stuck
river.-. Unless this Is done lake may
eventually form there.
-Th death of Mra. Constance Wlget
and on of her twin babies is directly
due to th flood. Confined as the
waters were rising around her horn in
Puyallup valley, eh was removed In
a rowboai with her babe, who were but
a few hours' . old, to th horn of a
friend. The water continued rising
and it was necessary to again move
her. Her death and that of one of her
babe resulted In a few hour after ah
reached safety. ; .-
Roductlona lirLPfdet
n th millinery department at L
Palate-Royal -this week. . I7-Wmhlng.
ton street .
perlil P'-itt M- Tke Siiateel.
Lewlston. Ida., Nov. - IT. Suffering
from typhoid fever and believing- ha
was going to die. although h had been
confined In the hospital but two days,
Frank Merry aroe from hla cot to
night and secured a pocket-knife with
which he slsshed his neck, cutting tha
windpipe and narrowly missing tha
Jugular vein. He returned to hla bed
and called th nurse, who aroused th
doctor, and the would-ba suicide's xfr-t
lng neck was bandaged without the ipsa
of much blood. Although speechless,
he can make his wants known by mean
of pencil and paper. ' -
row Veople Know How Useful St X la
Preserving- Xealth ana Beauty. -
Coat nothing te Try.
Nearly everybody knows that ehar-
coal Is ths safest and most efficient
disinfectant and purifier In nature, but
few realise lta value when taken into
the human system for the earn cleana-
tng purpose.
Charcoal is a remedy that tha mors
you take of it ths better; It Is not a
drug at all, but simply absorbs th
gases and Impurities always present in
the stomsch and intestines and carries
them out of th system. -
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
smoking, drinking or after eating
onion and other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Im
proves the complexion, it - whitens ths
teeth snd further acts as a natural and
eminently a&fa cathjirtlo.
oners' refusal to throw any light on the
robbery, the police are still working on
the cas and expect to apprehend his
alleged accomplice. The silverware
stolen from Preal. Hegele & Co., accordV
Ing to Stelgerwald. Is hidden In ths bouse
of his parents. Th case will b heard by
Judge Fraser on Monday. r
(Continued from Page-On.;)1
by th flood and their bodle caVrled
down the streams to the sound, while
all along the rivers valuable farms hav
been cutj Into and garden land swept
away. - '
The flood In White River valley, re
aultlng In the blocking ot that stream
and the turning of Its waters Into Stuck
river, which will bring Its waters Into
Puyallup valley, presents a big problem
for the future for the farmer of Puyal
lup and Stuck River valleys.
- Th railroad eomsahlea her are u-
It absorbs th Injurious gases which
collect In the stomnch and bowels; it
disinfects the mouth and throat from
the poison of'catsrrh. ', '
All druggists sen charcoal in one
form or another, but probably th best
charcoal and the moat for the money
Is In Btusrts Charcoal lozenges; they
are composed of the finest powdered
Willow charcoal, nnd other harmless
antiseptic In tablet form or rather In
tha form of large, pleasant tasting
es, the rlinrcowl bring TTrtxeitwttn
The dally use of these loiengea will
soon tell In a much Improved condi
tion of th general health, better com
plexion, sweeter breath and purer
blood, and the beauty of It la, that no
possible harm can rtsult from their con
tinued use, but, on ths contrary, great
A Buffalo physician. In speaking cf
the benefits of charcoal, says: ,''I ad-
fvtsw Stuart a Charcoal I,osenges to all
pattents eurrermg jrom gas in BTomncn
ahd bowels, and to clear the complex
ion and purify the breath, mouth and
tbiroat; also believe the liver Is great
ly benefited by -the daily us ef them:
they cost but twenty-flve sent a box
t drug stores, and although In some
sens a patqnt preparation, yet I be
lieve I get more snd better charcoal In
Stuart's Charcoal Lotsngea than la any
of th ordinary charcoal tablets."
Send your name and address today
for a free trial package and see . for
yourself. F. A. Rtuart Co., II Stuart
BWg-, Marshall,. Mich, 1
The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices
No nee4 to pay full price for your new suit when you can choose from
this list et these substantial savings. Every stylist weave nd color ii
to be ha4 here, and the qualities are oTThe vefy.Jsest. ' For MoTrdi
Tuesday and Wednesday we quote the following special prices only a
few, however, of the wonderful values awaiting you..' Read carefully.
Samples on requests - - ' '
54-INCH Garnet Broadcloth, in a
beautiful rich shade, sponged and
shrunk, reg. $5 grade; Sj
,. ...............
54-INCH Broadcloth, in fine rich
shades of wine, good weight and
best $175 vaL; speciaf, CI
yard . . . ,,,,,, ImLD
49-INCH Serge, in several new
shades of wine, good weight and
, best 2S valu; special, a QQg
27-INCH Cream White India Silk,
washes beautifully, reg. 75c value;
on sal for three days atQfv
44-INCH Erode Eollenne, a fin
soft fabric that's worth $5 a yard;
special for three days r
only, yard
56-INCH Black Sicilian, extra
heavy grade and worth $2 a yard;
special . for three days Cf CA
only at this price... ...:.eJ)I.OW
54-INCH Dailc Cardinal Broad
cloth, extra heavy weight and .best.
$3.25 quality; special for C'T'C
three days, yard... .. .... iL,LO
54-INCH Garnet Broadcloth, In
medium weight, our best $2 grade;
special for three days Cft
only yard eDleOU
38-INCH Panama, Tn 'dark wine
shades, a standard 75c value; spe
cial for three days, PflQfj
38-INCH Storm Sere, in dark
garnet and wine shades, good
heavy weight and worth 75c CA.
a yard; special .J tJUW
Black Dress Goods
44-INCH Black Shadow Check,
medium weight and best $1.25
l?a4e-4uy-4thr iot-3 t f A A
" ' ' ' - ' . ' .
tti rsss mtrrwr
diys at this price.
58-INCH Black Sealskin Broad
cloth, sponged, a - splendid $5.00
grade; buy it here Mon- ffj IP
daysndTuesday at .?0.lO
; 1 1 50-INCH India Twill, one of the
Dfiir DlnMlA4 Uaoa1 stylish fall fabrics, fine finish snd
Dliy DianKetS nere regular $2.00 value; spe- gf ir
ciai, yaru . mmw
46-INCH Black Prunella, our best
$1.65 grade; for a great three-day
special we will sell It at, CJ -3 C
special , . ?I.OO
Suit Dept.
grade taffeta silk, all colors ,
snd regular $7.50 values; ,on
sale for 3 days P C y4C"
only at ?OetO
length, velvet-trimmed cuffs
snd pocket, velvet collar,
r$" $8.50
neckpieces, - in the popular
four - in - hand styles, best
$3.50 -grade; your 0 CA
choice 7.tjU
White Wool Blankets, in full bed
tae, with red, pink or blue borders,
gbod weight and best $4.50 n ir
value; pair ;......,..?. OO
Gray Wool Blankets, in an extra good
sizeand -weight,- fine- grader Oregon
wool, regular $6.50 value; jg QQ
Cotton" Sheet Blankets, extra large,
in white and gray, good weight and
best 85c quality; special, ()5(J
EXTRA Fine line of Pur Sets for Children; prices range
from'.. fl.63 to 5.00
New shipment of Black Panama and Volte Skirts just fn by
express. New Rainproof Silk Coats, in plaids and plain colors, .
at special prices for Monday and Tuesday. Don t miss our
great Fur Sale. We sell Furs for a third less than other stores.
Come and see if we don't.
Four great specials for Monday and Tue,dy thst are sure
to make this department hum
Women's Fine Ribbed Union Suits, in cream and gray. CA
perfect fitting and neatly finished, best 85c grade eJUW
Women's AU-W00L Vests and Pantsx jn cream and gray, AT
hand-finished with silk tape and edge, $1.50 grade... ...."Iv
Children's Fleece Ribbed Underwear, in cream and gray, ")Cy
extra heavy and best 40c grade; special.'. faub
MenVAustralian Wool Shirts and Drawers, in natu- fl IP
ral gray, with silk finish, $1.50 grade; special.. ....... .?I3
Request. rq AND MORRISON STREETS Request.
The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Prices
" (gj
yU. V.V." '-CsMv .
--.'1 e ; , , -v, - yiW.
.v H7 , V'Vfr ? .. Sp-l
W ' J t s l IV ? r i l .' ' V, 1 W 5.
. i : ; v : -' nl
M -1 J
return from South 'Africa about IS -months
aso he caused an advertisement
J to appear In a paper In this city ad-
areseea 10 traaesmen ana otners to tn
effect that he would bo longer be re
sponsible for Lady Aneela's debts.
Sine that time. Lady Ancela. wh t
conceded to be moat extra vacant la her
tastes, has been llvlna- upon an allow
ance granted by her husband. She will
ask for alimony, and It I currently re
ported that a soon as she I freed from
her present marital tie she will wed
nc again, this time a former admirer,
whom she broke with In order to marry
Colonel Forbes. This man la of hlh
rsnk. greet political sway and a
widower, Idy Angela la the youngest and
least pretty of five daughters of Lady
Rossi yn. and Is therefore a sister of
ths Karl of Rosslyo, who married Mis
Anna Robinson. She is tall and willowy
and amart looking, belongs to ths racing
set, rides well to th hound and excel
In golf snd out-of-door amusements.
She haa written for mags sines and
reviews, but la not to be confounded
with Lady Nelson Forbes, th novelist
and sister of the present Lord Craven,
son-ln-lsw of Bradley Msrtfn of New '
York. I-edy Angela Is a balf sister cf
Lady Warwick and of Lady Algernon
Oordon- Lennox.
Lady Angela Forbes.
(Resist !Uws Berrlre.
' London, Nov. 17. Society her la
awaiting with Interest the day set for
trial of th divorce ault which Is to be
brpught by Lady Angels Forbes agalnat
her buaband. Colonel Jsmea 8. Forbes,
which will come up soon In Edinburgh.
Tha ground specified by the titled wo
man, woe la equally welt known lu
England and AmeHna. where ah ha
often visited. Is desertion, whloh hss
sxtended over two years.
, Th divorce ha been .expected for
eo me time, and I th culmination of
what has been almost frym the very
outset sn extremely unhariy mnrrtRae.
The differences between Aha twolie
caiue aiiut aUcn, oa Coloul torbes
fSpeelsl Jlpsteh Sa-Th J r 1.
Xlamath Falla. Or., Nov. 17. Mr.
Olivia Octavla Cranston was burled Xe
vemoer 10. At th age of II she ntr
rted the late S. P. Cranston at Spring
field, Ohio, and at one they set out
on their honeymoon, with an ox team,
for Oregon, six months later arriving
tn the Wllftrrnett valley, In 1S6(. A
few yeara later they came, to Klamatn
county. whr they were among th
earliest settlers. Mr. Cranston served
aa quartormsster In th volunteer serv
ice during the Modoo " war. " Thre
dsnghters, Mrsr Wxwtw- Scrmltorfc and
Mr. Henrietta Schallock of KlmtH
Falla and Mra. Josle Sharp of Portland,
survive, th father and twe sons having,
died eome 15 year ago.
.. After, remaining quiescent during .
vary curtain lntur administered br
Ms helpmnft during the 49 years ef
their married Jtf, William Tesmeyer,
to yeara of age, beoame belligerent
last night and attempted to assert M
rights as tb legal head of th fmllr.
As a result he landed In the eltv prisma
on chars' of drunk and disorderly.
Th altercation between h evu,
occurred at thflr home st TMrt f fnt
and Knst i'vereiL srete sn.l ,er.,
eo healud that r,!libore l'V 1'
for the petrol wssvn. Teh;ievr i
nn.'old his l!e f murital Toe J ,
Cemnrou on M jriiay.,