NOVEMBER 18,-1803. , - ' , - I THE : OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. CASTLE ROCK (Continued from Psga One.) shingle mill. The waterworks system ' ' is out of commission. If It were not pathetic. It would bo amualng to eee """"rplenrunfflflg-ahout-to ths-few-welia in town lor un - "- 1 Steps have been taken by Mayor Bu land to imme for tho relief of any who may needasaiaiance. , STREWN WITH WRECKAGE Terrible HaToa Wroaght Along Banks of ' " oowllta Worst Over. ' ' iKnli TMnati!k ta Ttoe- JoaraaL) . Cti.mi. Wuh. Nov. II. Tho worst la over. The Cowltti river la falling . ' and now can bo aoen mora plainly man ver tho terrible , work .of destruction ' of tha paat few daya. At Kelao the river haa fallen about three- feat, but at Caatla Rock It haa gone down fully . eight feet Thla can bo accounted for by reaaon of tha Columbia river's hav ing bean much lower than, tho Cqwllti and carried away tha water faater near thm mouth than farther up tha stream. During tha full flood"tr. Cowllta wao piling Into tho Columbia river aa , though It bad boon falling flva or alz . reel over aneer oaus. Biver'e Channel Through Town. The river haa aubalded enough to , show In a meaauro the terrible havoe it has wrouo-ht alone- the banks. At Caatle Rock 4oToueea 1.av4rbeen swept ' nwn tbe ilmm and the river haa out a new channel through the principal- residence part or the town ana aimoei tern the new.schoolhouse from ita foundation, - - Nearly every lot In the town ahowa some evidence of the flood, shingle bolt, sidewalka. loga, roote and tele- , graph p61oa and wires are heaped In . piles where a few daya ago were the " green lawne of tho residences. Every thing la -covered with eand and debris, . great holea are torn In the ground and upturned buildings are ecattered along the river from Caatle Rock to Kelao. Oowllta Yalley Bnlaed for Years. " Tha Cowllta valley, which before the flood waa the moat fertile valley In the otate, la now In part covered with - sand, gravel and debrla, and will be practically worthleaa for many yeara. The people are bearing up under their affliction .with .great fortitude. , The loaa la estimated today at a flg re bordering on 11.000,000, ' The logging road of 8. J. Beck at Oetrander haa been greatly damaged and hia locomotive la also burled under " a pile ot logs and lumber. - ' " Trala Through o Ceatle Book! ' The Northern Pacific train waa able to get through to Caatle Rock today, but part of the track, had to ,be rebuilt, aa the current had waahed out aome . of the old grade to the center of the old track, and at other places the grade is cracked along tho sldee as if an aarthauake had torn It asunder. Down through the Cowllta valley ' ' stock Is Buffering considerably by rem on of many being surrounded by water on email hummocks of ground with cant pasture. A fear aeema to have elsed them and they huddle together on mall knolls with scarcely room to stand. At one plaoe, like Ararat of old, the old Union Paolfio grade stood above the flood literally covered witn horses, - cattle and swine, while all around for ', nearly a mile the turbid flood went rolling by.' . ...' .. Sometimes an, amusing Incident dls "fl - . ...-i.-aj What Sulphur Does For the Human Body in Health and -Disease. ; . ' ' costs b6txibo to TBT. The mention or auipnur win recau o many or u the early aaya wnun -our mothers and grandmothers gave ua our dally dON of sillphur and . molasses every eprlng and fall. - It waa the universal eprlng' and fall "blood purifier," tonic and cure-all. 'and, mind you. this oltl-fashlohed' remedy was not without "merit ' The Idea, ,waa good, but tha remedy t: waa crude and unpalatable, and a larae quantity bad to be taken to get any of feet. ' Nowadays we get alt the beneficial effects of sulphur in a palatable, con centrated form, so that a single grain la far more effective than a tablespoon-, f ul of the crude sulphur. In recent yeara research and eiperl- ment have . proven -that tha beat aul phur for medicinal use Is that obtained . from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold in drug atorea under the name of Htuart'a Calcium Wafers. They are email chocolate coated pellets and con tain the active medicinal principle of ' sulphur -In a highly concentrated, ef fective form. Few people are aware of the value .. of thla form or sulphur , in restoring and maintaining bodily vigor ., and . health; eulphur actn directly on the , liver and 'excretory organs and purines and ei riches tha blood by tha prompt elimination of waste materia). Our grandmothers knew this whan - they dosed ua with sulphur and mo ; laases every spring and fall, but the crudity and impurity of ordinary flow era of sulphur wre often worse than "the d!aser and eannoteornpare rwttn the modern concentrated preparations of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers is undoubtedly . the best and most widely used. ... They are tha natural antidote for ' liver and kidney troublea and curs con stipation and purify ' the blood In a way that often surprises patient and . physician alike. Dr. R.'M. Wilkin, while experiment ing with sulphur remedies,-Soon found that the Sulphur from Calcium waa au- rvrlor-to- arry5 other-form. H "ror llvjer, kidney and blood troubles, specially when resulting from consti pation or ' malaria,' I have been sur prised at the results obtained from - Stuart's Calolura Wafers.-' In patients suffering. from bolls and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles. I have repeatedly aeen them dry up and dis appear In four or five, days, leaving the , slcln clear and smooth. Although Btu art's Calcium Wafera Is a ' proprietary - article and .sold by dvuggiats ' and for lhat reason tabooed by many phyal rlana, yet I know of nothing ao safe and reliable for constipation, liver and' kidney troublea and especially In all forma of akin diaessea as thla remedy. At any rata people who are tired of pills, cathartics and so-called blood "purifiers" will And in Stuart's Calcium Wafers, a ,far safer, mora palatable and effective preparation, td vour name and address . today for a free I rial package and see for1 ynnreelf, ' ' ' . V. A." KMiurt CoV Stuart Bldg., Marshal). Mich. pela tba gloom and eauaea people' to amlle In the midst or their ruin. is terday a log went floating by Kelao with a rooster and two hens perched upon It, A man put out to rescue them and aa he pulled up alongside the chickens Jumped aboard and the rooster bopped on the boat, flapped hla'wlnga aadcrowad -lustily Tody. ha. hAS U0 freedom of tho town. The steamer Oeorgie Burton Is lying at Kelao and tomorrow will attempt to atem the flood as far as Olequa to 1rahsTrTnasngrgT)OuTiafor-the north and will also bring the Portland passengers who have been stranded at that point for several days. It Is safe to say that rains will be running to Seattle. .by Monday night- - -o rartsat, List of Losses. Those who lost their houaea also irt fn their helqngingm. for the reason that ' they did not expect ins now i enter ' their - houaea, and so remained until thev had barely time to save themselves. The following- la a partial Hat of the losses at Caatle Rock. Mr. Warner had just completed his houae and bad not moved into It It . was Swept away; value 800. Other louses were aa fol lows; W. A. Williams. $1,000; Mr. Brewer, .$1,100; C Fowler, $1,100: E. W. Bert, .000; Dr. Morton, $1,600! Chester Bemia, $1,000; Mra. Summers, $800; George CUuameyer. $2,000; John W. Scott. : $800; Guy Bee be. $1,100; Jamee - Alper. $500; Bod Tunatall. $6,000; H. H. Johnson, $800; Mr. -Cunningham, $800; Mrs. C. Everett, $800; 8. Hodge, $800; John Martin. $1,100; Mr, Tennexhlll, $700; Ben'Crane, $00;. M. Shumske. $1,100; John Preuschoff.1 $900; S. Otts. $210; John Heaneke. $600: Mra. Greenwood,- $00; " Mr.' Caldwell. $260; Fred Hatch, $1,200; Harvey Btaley, $500; Black Diamond mill, about $20,000, building and machinery; George Smith, 40-acre hop ranch Juat below Caatle Rock, ruined, $6,000. Tho river at this point changed. Its channel and about evenly dLvided Smith's ranch. Mr. Cook, county eommlsaloner-eleet loat his house, barn and stock, amount ing In all to about $10,000. Mrs. Moore, who . had a hpp ranch near Olequa, loat everything.' Including laat year's crop of hope. Her estimated loaa is $60,000. About half, a mile of the county road just below Caatla Rock haa been waahed away. Nearly all tha atreeta of Castle Rock will have to be repaired. The damage to the new school building at Caatle. Rock Is about $1,000. There has been no damage at Kalama. FOR NEW BRIDGE Kelso Plooda Subside aad Work of aVe- oildlng to Begia at Onoe. (Bpeelil Dispatrh te The Joaraal.) Kelso, Wash., Nov.. 17. Flood condi tions today are much Improved. . The sky Is clearing, rain has ceased, and tha river Is falling rapidly. It haa al ready gone down about three feet from high mark, water la no longer coming out of the aewer manholes In tha lbwer town, and tha water In tha atreeta la rapidly draining off. Steps are already being taken to repair tha damage and to begin mUl work. The Kelso-Catlln bridge, which waa completed just a year-ago laat Octo ber at a cost of $15,000, is all gone ex cept tha approaches and the steel sus pension- cablea, whloh can probably be recovered. The wreck of the bridge wm captured In the Columbia and la now tied up at Stella. The stockhold ers of the bridge company had a meet ing the day tha bridge went out, and atepa will be taken to rebuild It at once. The Metcalf shingle company la the heavieat loser her. Air-ita .loga and shingle bolta, together with all Ita booma and pockets and a great deal of the piling, were awept away. " Only one small pocket of bolta remains. About 0 per cent of tho bolta and loga have been captured In the Columbia and are held in Coal creek alough. It will re quire two months' work on tho booma before the big shingle mill can resume work. . TJhe Cowllta Vallejr I,umbee company also Tost several hundred thousand frt ofTogaT"uThas recovered a goooarflTngTRS 'bTgTfeeT"brtari: at Albany scroti of them In the Columbia. The mills In Catlln ere under water, but have not suffered very heavy damages.' : MAILS RESUMED Service Betwooa Portland and tha Soond Starts This Morning. Mall service Interrupted by the floods .III V. m. U ,11 .1 1 -,. l a. 4, A.. - i wnen the Northern . Psclne Is able to take Seattle-bound mnll out of Port land at 7 o'clock in the morning and return Portland-bound mail from Sound polnta In the evening. It has been two daya since sny mail haa reached 'the Portland office from Seattle and Tacoma. The Portland office, however, haa sent out all mail as fast as it was made up br the mailing clerks, but -this -has been held at the points where trafflo waa broken. It will therefore be able to reach Ita destination a little sooner than If It had been held In the Port land office until the tracks were opened or service resumed. The eastern mall over the O. R. N. and the mall from the south over the Southern Pnclflc has been interrupted but little by the floods. "Postmaster Mlnto has kept the tables cleared of mall scheduled over these lines ao that there haa been no delay. The Sound haa been tho only district from which there haa been no eervlce. and while tha amount of mall will be heavy the Portland office will be able to handle it without disabling the service In any way. '"' " CLIMAX IS REACHED Angry Waters Which Bweep Country Are Beginning to ubeide. 1 Flood " eondltiona have reached . their (Umax and the angry waters which have been sweeping th country In all directions arebeg!nn!ne; to . subside. Train , service, though crippled by wrecked bridges and sodden tracks. Is being resumed In all directions, wlrea ar being put back into commission .and normal conditions are . beginning to Struggle back on every hand. The Northern Paclflo will begin to move passengers snd r.sll this morning at 7 o'clock, when the first train since tlie flood wrecked its tracks between Portland. Seattle and Tacoma will leave the Union depot bound for Castle Rock. Tom that point .the company will .ope rate the steamer Kellogg, Undine and Burton, which will run to a point aome ie miles above where transfer will be made to the rail lines again for Ta coma. ' - Xxpect Big Bay's Work. Tt la expected by Northern Pacific traffic officiate to handle I00people during the day. If alt passengers wish ing to go to the sound can be carried on the first train. It will be the only one run out of the city for sound points to day. If, however, the first train is not able to handle tha traffic, a second train will be run .out at I o'clock and nn each hour aftnrward until all the floodbound people eager to go to Seattle or 'Tacoma have been shipped out of Portland. Sound passengers trying to reach Portland will be brought back by the boats and trains In ths evening. O. R. A N. traina are now running reasonably close to tha echedule, though It la not possible to maintain any defi nite time owing to the condition of the tracks and. th necessity for rinse and careful watch fur slides In the cuts and canyona along the Columbia river route. lata glide area YUato. ' A email slide fell In front of pasierr- ger train No. on tho O, R. 4 N. bound for the eaat last night at Vlento, near Hood -River., but It waa cleared away within JO minutes and the track onoe more opened to traffic Reports Com tag to O. It N. offlolals show that weather eondltiona. near Bonneville and at all points along the O. R. A N. track are favorable. Kaln haa ceased, the water-Taegtnntng to isuede in the- swollen streams and no further trouble la expected unless radical changes la weather conditions take place at early date. Southern Faclflo trala service la also being maintained to the beat advantage possible; The demolished bridge at Jef ferson serosa the Santlam haa cut the main line In twain, but engineers are waiting on the banks for tha water to fall aufficlently to enable, them , to be gin the work of reconstruction. In the meantime trains are being , taken" over the wesTaide lines and transferred onto the maid- Una south of the break. Crest of Iflood Beached. . The weather bureau reporta the oreat of tha flood, as having been reached, The river' at Portland was 16.7 feet above low water mark at 6 o'clock' laat evening, and Indications point to no fur ther rlae. The observatlona taken lead to the report that the watera will be atattonary during today, but will fall off slightly tomorrow, while on Tues day a marked . decrease In the Volume will . be noted. . The recession of the Willamette ahowa that all tha amaller streams of tha upper valley have reached their hlgheat point and are now begin ning, to shrink back . ta their normal siae. Washington conditions are favorable for the abatement - of the flood. The cold weather has caused tha rain In the mountains to be changed to snow, while In the lower altitudea the weather has cleared and the streams are beginning to fall. If the Northern Pacific's char tered steamers are able to stem tha floodrqf-ths Cowllta river today tha floodbound paasengers - in the ..4 stalled traina will be taken on to their desti nations at the aame time the Seattle bound passengers who have been held In Portland axe being transferred across tho break in the rail lines. Traffio men are beginning to see the end of the trouble and make the assertion that all trains will be running on schedule time within a few daya, - The following report Issued by Weather Observer Beala shows the Wil lamette valley conditions during the nine hours ending at 6 o'clock yester day afternoon: River eta gea. 6 p. m. Paclflo time. November 17, l(0: Height Change In Station. In feet laat brs. Eugene . Albany, v . . . . , , Salem t.l ll. 13 15.7 . -I- l- - 0.7 0.1 H- 0.4 '111 remain Portland . . . .., The river at Portland nearly stationary ' Sunday. It will fall slightly Monday and more rapidly Tuesday., RAINS CONTINUE AT ALBANY Willamette Blalsg Two Inches Far Son Bridge Approach Menaced. tSpectal Dtoaitcs te TO Journal. ) Albany. Or,, Nov. 17 The ralna con tinue and the whole country la Inun dated -with the flood of. water that haa fallen. Combined with extreme wind atorms that have blown down treea and fencea all over the country, conditions are in a ohaotic state. On the Corvallia ds Eastern line, running from this city to Detroit, it waa necessary to cut out 85 treea that . had fallen' aoroaa the track before the train could reach Ita destination yesterday. All work haa been suspended at Jef ferson alnee the recent rlae In the river and the work of reconat ruction will be delayed Indefinitely, at -least -until the Santiam reachea a stage that la normal and remains there at least a week. Tbe Sanderaon bridge, which la tha moat Initi'ittsni brlrise-in th the Willamette, la In danger of having the approach deatroyed on th aouth aide of the river. The action ot the water la gradually undermining the pil ing and should a huge, drift be thrown up agalnat It by the action of tbe swift current this no doubt will be taken out. The Willamette is rising here at the fatr of two- inches an hour, an should the extreme condition prevail longer a much higher stag will be reached. The Albany Boat club'a boathouse la adrift - somewhere .between here .and Portland. On account of the unexpected rise of the river the house, being tn an exposed position, broke from Its moorings. This waa the clubhouaa for a number of enthusiastic canoeists, and waa the center of boating activity on tbe river. , " . : ; WOMAN HITS OFFICER KAY WITH UMBRELLA A general .rough house waa the or der at the police station laat night at 11:10 o'clock, when Officer Kay waa attacked by Mra. Thomaa Wllllama, who, armed with an umbrella, put up a formidable battle. The efforts- of three other officers were required to rescue Kay from immediate annihila tion. Mrs. Williams had been taken Into custody with her husband by Officer Kay, who had Invaded the saloon of J James Iouglass at 44 Vs Third, street to j arrest Harold Anderson, a boy' of - It years, who waa drinking with the two in th place. . When they reached the police - nation Mra. Wllllama alleged that Kay had treated tha bow who la her nephew, roughly, and both aha and her husband attacked the officer. The boy was. held aa a minor and the hua band for Interfering with an officer. The woman waa discharged. Monday the proprietor of ths ealoon, Jamea iMuglassi-wJU answer chsrgss JUROR DISQUALIFIED IN THE SL0ANE CASE (Special DUpatra te The Joorntl.) Spokane, Nov. IT. F. C. Robertson, chief counsel for the defense In the Sloane case, njrung a surprise by a motion to quash the' present Jury panel on Jthe ground that Juror M. White was aflmlflCortatha--jury room befora being aorn. Mr. Robertson substan tiated the motion by an affidavit from Attorney Grey to the effect that White had been called to the Jury box-Just be- j fore the noon- adjournment and had in- ' advertently been aent out with the other lurora wlfhout being sworn. The prosecution at 111 has two and the de fenae four peremptory challenges, mak ing It probable that the Jury will not be completed for the next two or three daya". ' Turned Wheat Into Whiskey. Patrolman 'Phillips "arrested' O. Rood. a deckhand, last night, and had him i locked up on the charge of drunkenness. : Patrolman Phillips aays that Rood and three other men. who escaped, had dis- j posed of several sac lea of .wheat to a I aaloon man in ths vicinity of Front and Alder, atreeta and that tha grain had been taken from the steamer Joseph Kellogg. Rood 'alleges the wheat waa sweeplnra (list had been gathered on I he I uv.1, buu tiia. uw m fuuif v nv wrong. l. a . . .-. I .11. . . I JOPLINITES SAY SCHHITZ GOT RELIEF ra Missouri - -Contribute 7- Present -' Circumstantial Evidence) Against Mayor.-- (pedal DUpatek by Leaeed Wire te The Joana!) Joplln, Mo., Nov. 17 The banking Interests 'In Joplln announced tonight that tney will aid tn the Inveattgatlon undertaken by Mayor C W. Lyon rela tive to the suspicion that $1,000 of the $3.000 contributed here to the San Fran cisco earthquake fund- never reached the proper committee. Thla they will do by ascertaining who cashed the drafts and under what circumstances. If possible. The entire alno mining dlatrlot ' la aroused' over the discovery. In connec tion with the stories of the graft that are. coming from San Francisco, that tha first two- installmenta, of $1,000 each, of Joplln'a $3,000 contribution were acknowledged on headless and un dated stationery by Mayor Schmlta and were never acknowledged by the relief committee, while tha third $1,000, ac knowledged alao by Schmlta, brought an tnatant acknowledgment from Pbelan and Merrick or the oraoial commltea, this later communication stating that it la tha only receipt of cash -contribu tions. The first two contributions brought no such response. AU three were sent to Sohmitm BIG INTERNATIONAL SCANDAL BREWING (Special Dispatch by Leased Wire te Tbe Joeraal) London, Nov. 17. Reynolds' News paper today states that during-thla week "a dlvoree - will be - entered - by -a well' known peer whoae nam corre sponds to 'that of a northern county!, and If contested the case win throw remark able light on modern aqclety. , Tbe co-respondent Iri Sinderstood to be an American millionaire, who Is re puted to have spent a quarter of a mil lion sterling on presents for tha re spondent' The affair reached a crisis a fort- night ago, when, quite i unconscious of the possible danger of her action, the laay indiscreetly wore at ths annual county ball tha magnificent diamonds she had reoelved. from the millionaire. As a consequence a demand was made by the noble huaband for an explana tion of how she became posaeaed of tha jewels, whereupon 1 there followed a breakup .of. what had hitherto been be lieved to be a happy family. It la be lieved that wrlta will be aerved on the parties concerned, during this week. Reynolds' adds parenthetically that the departure Thursday of the Ameri can millionaire In question on a lengthy crulae,. will, -now, perhaps, be more fully understood. CHICAGO MAN OBJECTS TO ABUSIVE LANGUAGE thlam Fan-ell, elevator operator at night by Patrolman Barter on a war rant charging him with ualng profane language. The complainant In tbe case Is A. L. GotUleb. a Chicago lawyer.' who is a guest at the hotel. Gottlieb's atory, he dealred to go te his apartment yesterday afternoon. and Again we show that we give better values at closer prices and en easier terms than any other VVS ' -Portland concern. All next week well sell this handsome Imitation Spanish Leather Couch for ' jjk Regular 327.50 fh VH f f A paving of $9.00 i - - maw m m .- m i i The Leather Couch is exactly as illustrated. It is one of our newest designs and is positively the best couch value ever advertised. The frame is made from, selected hardwood, finished golden oak, polished, ornamented with carvings. The cover ing is guaranteed imitation Spanish leather over our celebrated CONICAL ALL-STEEL CONSTRUCTION. Colors of : ; - ' leather black, green, red, olive. , . . Special attention is called PORTLAND H !HI- : I - - " n, - ' -' '.'-' '" ,'--.'.' ':s-'"- : .'-''!'.'.. t.- . : .--..',.' -'.' -. Offered with the dominating policy of giving you perfect satisfaction. CHESTERFIELD CLOTHES in fashion's most favored styles. . ( Each" garment Is tiiily wonderful in the lines that suggest a per-, feet figure. Such masterpieces prove that there is true art in design-; ; ing and skill in tailoring. The snug fit of 'the collar and perfect "fie! of the shoulder will give you a sense of relief and satisfaction such -as you find, quite impossible' in other ready-to-wear garments. If the front of a CHESTERFIELD coat "breaks back or " loses Its shape in any way in one year's wear we give customer a new suit free. Suits, Raincoats, Overcoats M TW JLLWo rang the electrlo bell several times. After waiting a short time and the ele vator did not atart, he again, pushed ine annunciator ounon. When the cage In charge of Farrell finally reached tha office floor, Gottlieb allegea that the hotel employe became I very abualve and addressed several vile I and obscene epithets to him. Aggrieved Terms to Suit to our well assorted stock of Dining TablesBuffets and Dining prices tn this class of goods to stimulate Thanksgiving buying. OVEXL lURNITURE, CO. All the Credit You Want - i AGLNTS FOR LAURLL STO VLS AND RANGES GUARANTEE; Chesterfield $20 to 269-271 Morrison by auoh conduct, tN Windy City lawyer hied to police hesdquartera and secured the 'warrant. .. Tha case will be tried Monday morning by Judge Cameron, Oregon Kea Made XaQ Clerks. -(Washlngtoa Bursas of The JeerasL) Washington, Nov. IT.- T. M. Hobson $50 - : Your Income 184186 FIRST mw of Balem, p. EL Mays of lieonatlM and Roy D. Maxfleld of Portland were ap- pblnted railway mail clarka today. - j -rsminIn Vote. -- , Prom tha Chicago News. Women' will do as much for letv ; men will for money. . Chairs. JWell quote special , ST. ill11 . . , ' 1 ; - f .