.THE JOURNAL A INDM SNDK.T KEWgPAPER- C. JACK HON . ,1'ubltaber, Muin rTrt HnnhT) en4 4 tt.'IU street. I'oriUad. Uc. rut fnrHtrriM.nl.sl. thrm6 auU - " - eisas matter. - . T - -,- -- .-.-. TW-EPHOSEi CAItnrltl Ron 171. Ktu.ltiM. tit fire. ..-....... Mala 500 :T,sa .tPHKHgNTATivipt. rui uispatcn lao jVua ret. iisw ion; in.. -- . im. cttcto. . ''' itn-tirtion' Terms by '.to tU tutted States. Csssd sr sUiteo-. . . ;,--rt- .. , DAILY. !. 00 I On Month... I -ou - y , '-.. 6CXDAY. ... " M.........ta.0O I On. . ..... . DAILY 'AND SUNDAY. ' - .' fit jthi... $7.00 ( On moain. t . . 6 ' i r PATRONIZE THE PORTAGE ROAD. -N: ECESSITV, mother of inven tion, led. the Open 'River ts t6cIati6rron In itt worVTof . perfecting a transportation line from the Snake river to Portland, by boat andhe portage railroad. An-dnvest-rnent of considerable effort and money has been necessary to com- plete construction of a railroad from : Cclilo to Big Eddy and build boats ,.o operate on the tipper reaches of the Columbia and Snake rivers. The portage . road s f irstseason--a . jucr cessful one haT"Just 'been passed. The new river route has carried thou sands of tons of freight for the inland empire and for Portland business liouses, - at rates materially below those formerly charged by the steam road," that "parallels the" river. Every 'dollar 8avsdin,;f reightJtates Jaaav.ed by the people of the inland empire. It must be remembered that transpor tation charges are, everywhere and in all instances, merely a part of the price -of the - goodiwTbe cos U-of -a sack of sugar to the consumer is the store value with the freight added. "The farmer! profit on on of wheat Ms limited by the proportion of ex pense he bears in its delivery to the ' consumer. . Therefore, the carrying ichargea, at every, stage of the' trans portation game, are of vital interest to both producer and consumer. The portage road was not built with a view of taking all the freight business away from the railroad com-1 paniesv-'-It wat designed as a reg -, tilator ot lreigbt rates. - Ibis purpose Is being--accoirtplished.-desptte "treat roent that smacks of unfairness from ithVvery producers whose prosperity it is meant to assure. The crop ' movement, now nearly at an end for ... this year, has proved that the river ! route can and does move freights at lower cost and with more promptness 'than is done by the railroads.. The Statement 'naveTbeenTnade-thai the river route need not necessarily carry the freight to accomplish its mission of a lowering freight "rates; . ; that so long as the portage road op crates, -and boats on the upper river run, the regulation of freight ,Is effectedrVhetherofnot the ton- ' rage goes to the river; and that the railroad, by meeting river rates, will always retain the bulk' of the busi- ' ness. These statements still stand. But In the nature of things, the goose that lays the golden egg will not live '-. "without nourishment. The river route must have a fair share of the freight business between the inland empire and Portland, or it will not succeed all theories about tonnage movement to the contrary notwith standing. JWithin a short time another steam toat for the upper river will be com- j)leted and in operation. The com ing season will tee river transporta tion facilities enlarged and bettered in every way. Tt is up to the shippers to ee to it that the river route gets a . liberal share of the freight, going and - coming. FARMERS AND TARIFF. -QENATOR FULTON was. re ported as sayinf? rmeritly that there was" no KreiirVimand for -tariff-rekwt-wKh-aa-renrfi:'nleat tci-hveit-o-flfglgcJie-wai ' cr two ag-, in ih's, portion of the .country. It may be that he is right, S to. outspoken and noticeable ex pression of sentiment, for hen peo . pie are generally vry. prosperous; , ' when crops are good and prices for produce, high or fair; .h en labor is in ' trreat demand and business is boom ing, they don't think or care much ' about the tariff or about any govern- rnental policy or practice. Many are :,' '; inclined to say "let well enough alone"; and others who look a little tfeeper'Vnd , know that the present : ; tariff is not "well enough" think: "Sufficient unto the" day is the evil ' thereof; just now we are doing pretty -; writ, fn irpite-o the-tarif f -there is-no ' use in bothering about it trow." ;"' Yet we doubt not that a great many who are making no outspoken protest ; "acainst the present tarifl are really ; in Javor of revision, and would so ex- pre themselves 'if the issue were squarely presented. And ftiey. and many others who think things "well enough just now, will be heard from as soon as a pinching time comes, if nnt hrfure . , , t . ,- This-will be especially the case with the farmers, who are surely if slowly learning that hjgh protection burdens them heavily, and protects theni not at al "When Representative Mc Gleary, the ultra Minnesota stand patter, was defeated in the recent election, manager of his cam paign saiarto' a correspondent ol the The damned farmers did . it..' Representative La'cry of Iowa' was- also defeated p'arrly because of ' his tttndpatism. The farmers are "catching on,"' and while not making much noise yet they need, but a little pinch of comparative adversity'to bury the standpatters out of sight ,. " ' WHAT WILL BE DONE? . ' THE Salem Statesman, .whose editor is a member of the leg- H--"--islatnT-and -a -eandidate-'f or speaker of the house, says: What shall b dona to the In dustrie of western Oregon from . pa ralysis, la a question forced upon our people by the apparent Indifference' Of the Harrlman railway system In Its In ability or neglect to supply freight car or provide adequate means of transportation to move., the product of the farms, the factories and the mills. It la a serious question and one which the Harrlman system must answer to the reasonable satisfaction of the peo pie e -Oregon or thero will be trouble. TheStatesman goes on to say that Oregon has been very favorable to the railroads in legislation and appli cation of its laws; that the people are beginning to think that they are not getting fair treatment jn j,eturn;that Mr. Harrjman has western Oregon completely in iiif "pffwer and instead of developing this 'great field he is devoting his energies and capital to the absorption of other railway so as to stifle competition and Insure a j monopoly;- and therefore what are the people's representatives going to do, or try to do, about it? ' This influential legislator and pos sible speaker advises the Harriman in terests to malce some tangible efforts to respond to the people's needs, and declares that "there must be relief and the people will find a way to get it if the railroads do not voluntarily do their part." .This s all very well, and The Jour fUl It glad to see that Mr. Davey and other, members of the legislature are meins-orrelief; but-slmebomuIfpo break wayirQjp the party ring- have a definite, specific, practical plan of legislative action. . And it must be one that will not only "pass" in the legislature but that will be upheld' in thje courts --- The transportation committee- of the Portland chamber of commerce is preparing a regulative commission Iclr'Jk publlsne in The Journal this morning, and it is believed this will be a beneficial law, though there, are always chances to be taken with a commission. It will be a good thing if the right men to serve on it can be obtained. A de murrage law, if. one can be framed that will withstand the assaults of the railroad attorneys, will also afford urgently needed relief. ' Perhaps other measures may be considered, but members must keep in mind the fact that the people de mand "relief through them, "and the assertion of the principle' that the people must be the. masters, not merely the dumb, helpless patrons of the railroads. LA FOLLETTE'S AMENDMENTS. r T DOES NOT take a great lawyer or statesman to see and under stand the nature and purpose of Senator La Follette's amendments to the rate bill. They were obviously, clearly, and beyond question de signed to roakji the proposed law ef fective to bring about the results de manded by the people and for which the administration ostensibly stood. As passed, the law ' is incomplete, faulty and weak, and was designedly made and left so by Aldrich and his followers. Either the presiderit was neceivea as 10 ine true merits oi me measure as passed. Perhaps he . is sufficiently a partisan to have yielded to the blandishments of the Repub lican leaders and "f afilread senators.1 One of Senator La Follette's amendment provided. for the ascer tainment of the real value of the rail roads, as a basis for determining what rates were "reasonable." They are capitalized at $13,000,000,000, iut arc rely worth only about $6,000,000, yuu. But under this law a "reason able" rate is determined on more than double valuation. The Journal has repeatedly called" attention to this fact, and urged the necessity, before the people can-fint-a-ba!tis-for-he fixing of reasonable freight rates, of an authoritative and official determin ation of trie actual value of the rail-' roads. This Senator La; Follette pro posed should be done. . But this Exceedingly , important thing was exactly what the "railroad senators" were determined should not be done, and all the Republican sen- The "Two Theories of Government There are two aharply contrasted the Ortee of sTOvemment. On one theory the people are subjects, . on the other they are sovereign. The drift of history li In the direction of democ racy. Aristocracy la Europe Is making Its last treat stand in Ruaala. But It Is doomed. It la out of Joint with tb times. It Is under the ban of Christian lty. ..,..'.. ..; know that the pi lines uf the Oen tllee exerolee dominion over them, and they that are treat exercise authority upon them. But It shall not be ao among you; but whosoever will be great among you. let .him be your minister; and whosoever, will be chief among you. Jet him be yqur servant." 1 Democracy with a little "d" Is applied Christianity.. The. aim of aristocracy la dominion. The aim oi democracy la service Aris tocracy regards the people as servants and their rulers as masters. With de mocracy the people . ara masters and they bave servants but no'rulara. It la remarkable that In those days when the Caesars were masters of the world there should have been one democrat to chal lenge their rlgntta rule and to.prorlalm the. doctrine of democracy that thoae who are elevated to off Ice should " be servants and not masters of the people. Thla democrat perished 6n Golgotha Hill. But that was not the end of his truth. . Today the most progressive na tions of earth ara those which have most fully recognised his truth. '' The great excellence of our own re public consists in this, that It was founded on thla Christian theory of servioe. . It Is the greatest experiment atora bleated "nay" to La' Follette's 1 amendment. This amendment, if faithfully caried out, Senator La Fol lette says would have saved the peo ple $433,000,000 a year, which they are now obliged to ay on "water." And yet we hear Republican congressmen boasting of the great thing they ac complished in passing- the rata-bill-and even the imperfect law 'that was obtained could not have, been passed except for the .votes of Democrats. Other amendments offered by the Wisconsin, aenator . w eeailyerj; torious, and calculated to make the law effective, but principally for that eT3rreasonrntPrtV beeausehey were offered by a black-sheep Repub lican, an anti-ringster and a reform er, they were incontinently rejected by the Republican majority. ' We think Senator Fulton, who fol lowed 'Aldrich's lead, means to do right and be of service to the people; that as a general - proposition his "heart is in the right placed but it is to beregretted-that he did not have the moral courage in. this emergency leaders and fight vote on these amendments. A HOPEFUL OUTLOOK. HERE it no reason why the labor of the republic should not participate in politics, na- tional, ' state and municipal. There Is no reason why labor, organized,' should not, as Mr. Gompers advised in his report to the American federa tion, give battle at the polls for the rights of the workingmen. There is no reason why effort in that errand should prove ineffective, or, as is pre dicted from some quarters, be barren of benefit to labor." On the 6ntrary, the very best news of the day is the announcement that a great block of American voters-, after varying ex periments, successes and failures in' other attempts, have determined to resojt to the ballot box for a redress of evils, and are going to lead the way by this peaceful means for resti tution to labor of rights that h is be lieved have gradually and stealthily been taken away. ' It is a policy so rational and so sen sible that the movement, if Intelli gently led, cannot fail. It is move ment with a tendency for betterment of the country and the people. It is the independent voter that acts at a purifier, lit calls out bjftter nomina tions than would be made were he not a factor to be reckoned with. It is his influence that does most to purify and cljeck tbe parties. - Two great parties are essential to a Democracy, and party life is to be encouraged. The better these parties are balanced, the better for the state. The desire for the influence and cooperation of the-independent voter makes-each party bid for him and his vote by nominating cleanest and best candi dates. "The -drppping of the great mass, of organized labor into an in dependent group that will vote for that candidate of either party that will harken to labor's needs and be less devoted to graft, is an influence to clear out corruption and purify leadership. It i an influnc-th tendency of which is to cleanse and strengthen the state and to arrest 'a reckless trend towaf' danger known nd unknown. Labor has lite or no representa tion in legislatures, state or na tional. Most of the other interests are-TrrTesentedt there. Withvone group lacking in legislative councils, the system can easily lose its equil ibrium. There can be, and doubtless is, too much legislation in special in terest. There is perhaps, too little now for labor. And there is possibly too little for the farmer. Labor cre ates two thirds of the wealth aiid the farmer feeds the world. As it bat In democracy that the world ' has ever witnessed. The theory la sound to the core. 'But the application of the theory la not per fect. Th machinery is defective. It needa overhauling. There haa been Ira provement In everything - else, x Why should there not be lmpoovement In the srt of government? - We. would not be content with the TSTSf ecoach of our father. We have aubstltuted the harvester for their cradle, the cotton mill for their loom.' We can Improve upon the governmental machine which they devised. W can not Improve upon the theory. But we enn rive to that theory a more consist ent application. Our. republic-la con fronted by serious evils. These are not the rsans&f democracy. They are due tq th elements of aristocracy which have survived in our present scheme of government. The strain of recent years has shown us the weak, places in this machine of government, and w must remodel it if it Is to do the wont our fathers expected of It. The problem Is to make our govern ment mora dlreotly answerable to the people, , so Jhat every quality., of ruler- ship shall disappear, ana our oriiciais shall be, not only In name but In very truth.- the servants of the people. ' Without doubt the Swiss republic has hit upon the device which Is needed to keep representative. The referendum and initiative are Imperative safeguards. If thoae who would be first among us are to be our servants and not our rulers, tt Is neceasary that we should have the power te make them do our wilL HERBERT S. BIGELOW. stood, the vast interests of both have been too seldom present where and when the laws were made. It would be wonderful if, under such' conditions, things did not get out of joint Man is a selfish animal, and if, under conditions as here suggested, those interests that have dominated the law making have not-taken more than is their due, is seems "apparent, it would be a condition so curious at to be extraordinary. All this is sound rea son for labor to rely less on the strike and the brickbat, andjQ- inyoktlan organized and intelligent ' resort to that easiest and best corrective of evil s rtha-great-Amertcan- ballot; A - man - named -Hembree whom most people familiar with the circum stances believe to be guilty of the murder of his wife and daughter, by setting fire to his house, in order to conceal a scarcely less heinous crime, but who was convicted by a com prornisejverdictj'of manslaughter only, has been given an indeterminate sentence of. 1rom one-to IS.. years. The judge must have doubts of his cuilrr-as- evtrli had, but the circumstantial evidence was exceedingly strong, and most, of the people jf Tillamook county will always believe that he ought to have been hanged. . . . It It predicted that the govern- mfntVluirTgaiast StandairdOil will be won, but that it will be a barren victory; that "only a very simple minded person can believe that it will break . up. the monopoly-? Thatis, Standard Oil is greater than the gov ernment Mr. Bryan does not be lieve to.He think such a monopoly cannot only be regulated but "de stroyed." Suppose we try what he and men who have the tame purpose and faith can do. . . . It is all right for union working men to take an active part in politics; indeed, they should do so; tt least ati individuals and . citizens; but they have to consider whether at a party they will not be assisting the party they correctly allege has not treated them well. Governor Magoon says he never had a job that was so agreeable to him as this one of governing Cuba. Of course not; he never had one be fore that paid $25,000 a year and per quisites. Verily the rsilroads have their troubles also. Within a' few days floods have done damage to their property to the extent of millions. But eventually and indirectly the' peo ple will pay the loss. , ... Mr, Hearst says he . tpenLjgjgJZQ in his gubernatorial campaign. Cheap enough; look what doodles of fun he had with the big-paunch fellows. Judging from the fortunes that have been made in the state printing office, it is easy to believe that it hat been the chief ."pi" counter in the Re publican restaurant. John D. Rockefeller continue to care very little- who brings the indict ments so long as he can dodge the sheriffs . Wat Behind the Timet. From Grtrtts Pass Mining Journal. The Oremmlmi, after -coauemnlng-wltlt contempt the vulgar use of colored sup plements, funny pages and red Ink head lines as being accompaniments of yel lowness, has blnseomed out in a col ored Sunday edition and IS thereby placed In an anomalous position; for If It be true that then features are marks of off-grade journalism, then the Ore gonlan has taken a atep dowrtf On the other hand. If these freaks are a mark of up-to-date-nea, then the Oregonlan virtually ronfennea to having been about two decades behind tha tiroes, ' I ' , ' , - ; - Letters From ttie People . .'am We CaAttet Portland. Nov. 14. To the Editor of The Journal. Are the working people of Portland oattleT It would seem ao, Judging from tbe way we are treated while going to and from oyr work morning and evening. ...... X ara a carpenter and live at Beverly, near Piedmont I boarded thetji 8car thle morning (Wedusaaty) at Portland boulevard; my destinations was Fifth and. Pine.- Before we had reached Rus sell street the- car was crowded and atandlng room was at a premium. Then commenced tbe Jamming proeeaa a regular oattle Jamming procasa. The conductor would ery out, "Crowd up In the aisle In front. Tbe people were already crowded as closely as decency would allow; but they-were good nat ured and moved yet a little cloaer; and atill people continued getting on the car; and again the conduotor'a voice would ring out loud, '"Crowd up. crowd up, and make room for these people to get' on." .. , . ,- ; Now we were nearlng. Burnalde, and we all hoped for. some relief; but we stopped to fake on others, and the clar ion voice of . th . cattle , Jammer. ..once more rang out en the mlat laden air. "Crowd up In the, front; don't be afraid to gat close together; It won't hurt you: move up. so the lady can get Inside." This had the desired effect Tbe peo ple In the aisle moved simultaneously and the Jamming process waa com plete. . 1 ' The foul tobacco breath of men 'was breathed Into the faces of delicate and sensitive women; men and women and girls of tender years were Jammed to gether Indiscriminately in that ., car against their will. All thla to start the day's hard labor with, - . Tonight the cattle Jamming pr'eoeas was repeated. ' The thousands of working peopIVwho ride on these cars know that thla Is not overdrawn. . i Now. mayor and councilman Of the city of Portlarul, the working people would like to know why we are treated this way. None of your affalraT With our' (the people's) conaent.-Tt he servants, the city' officials have granted to the atreet railway company fran chises for the operation of their street railway. We, the people, are paying them five eent fares, which are making them -rich. We, the people, are com plying with, our part of the eontract ir one or us should refuse to par this five cent Tarehe would be put offat once. Is the street railway company com plying with its part of the contract! No. a thousand tlmea no. Every man, wo man and child who rides on .their lines morning end evenings will answer. No." Thla cattle Jamming procees Is repeated from day to day,- week In and week Out In the name of common decency raiN something be done to give- ua rellel,' The service Is not only bad. It I brutal. and now, Mr. Mayor and council of the city of Portland.- we wlnh you would rise with the bT; a trek which we have placed in your hands and say to these plutocratic street railway eattle Jam1 men, "You must comply with your part of the contract, "or you get off the streets of Portland." ' " .. 'ONE OF" THE HERD. Satisfied. By J. A. Hart . -No longer In rebellion.. hly heart Is sstlsfied; I'm worth a hundred million, Though it were multiplied. The treasur!csp-Alature , Are open everywhere. " I own the citadel of Thought of the aii The glory -ef the morning, - Tbe fragrance of the breexe, The beauty of the flowers. The grandeur of tho trees; The stars on summer evenings Tho ocean throbbing free These are the richest mines of earth. Their Jewels shlno for me. Contentment that rare blessing So oft to kings denied, - ' And peace, sweet peace, on brooding wings. Above my path abide. And better than all riches Of stocks and bonds to me : Is home when wife adorns It, ' And children laugh In glee. And ao you' see I'm richer T- V. I,,, likb chaff be.ide tho winnowed wheat Their wealth with mine oompores; The mints of earth still clicking. While centuries shall move, - Can never coin the priceless worth, The value of true love. . Portland's Growth. From tho Pendleton Tribune. !' The Journal of Thursday announces that there were JS4 new homes under process of construction on tho laat day of October on the east side of tho river alone. At no time In Its history have ao many houses been built In on year as will bo tho record for 1908.' This Is partly ths result of the sdverVsement of the Lewis and Clark fair last year and also of a natural movement west ward ' from all parts of tbo United States. Tho great resources of the west and especially of the northwest, are Just beginning to attract general notice and tho groat opportunities for tnveatmont are becoming generally known. Port land's growth is phenomenal but la lit,; tie. If any. ahead of that of tho sur rounding country. The larger our prin cipal -.city.- and .the mora -large - cities we can have tho better tt will bo for every-, farmer,' stockman, miner and frult-ra'eer In the state. Wo will all; help Portland and every other town In the atate, and do it cheer fully whenever - poaalblo. for the mar kets aa there. Tho "consumer" are In tho cities, that is, tho eonsumero of farm products, and largo cltleo make proaperouo farmers. November 18 in History. . Qemrrar-PWIlpr Schuyler," revo lutionary patriot, died. Born November l, 173. 1S5J puke of Wellington burisd at St Paul's, London. 181 Confederate congress met. 1171 Rusnlsn frigate Bvotlana, with Orand Duke Alexia on board, arrived off Bandy Hook. ' 1S7J Seven persons killed by floor enllnpae In opera house,. Bacramento, California. - lT--Lw-and- Liberty-league' found ed in Ireland. 1887 Prisoners taken on tho Cuban flllbunter Competitor released by Gen eral Ulanco. , Contracts signed for raising and refitting' the ttirte Bpsnlsh warships aunk In the battle of Manila. 103 United States and ; Panama signed rnnal treaty. , 1104 Japanese blew up arsenal at Tort Arthur. . 1 . HOC Prince Charles . of ..Denmark sleoted king of Norway. -rermonfor-Toclajr THE LAW OP ' By Henry F. Cope. Be not deceived; God Is not mocked, for whatsoever a man so wet h that shall he also reap. Oai. vl:7. I RUTH has many sides: error Is I born of seeing only one. We -J -- can"Iay' so muuhUffftrhsale eal - . the splendid and too long for gotten truth of the infinite -goodness, tenderness, and mercy that rules through all tbe universe as to lose sight of those' sVerner aspects of moral law which are neceasary to strong and prop erly proportioned moral character. . The truth Is, Infinite love is so great sa to seem to wear at limes the aspect of hatred.'- it is too wise to be- weak; too kind to be always tender, soft, easy and gentle, tt spe)ka - in tones of thunder, as well as comforts. There is a stern and fearful aspect to the un varying laws under which we are all living, an aspect which' many learn too late. . .'-,. Men need to remember that not only Is. there forgiveness, there Is Justice. So great la the love .that is expressed In law that not the least command can be broken with Impunity. Evil must tall on' the evildoer. The relentless law holds ever, as a man sowa so shall he reap. The guilty may find , mercy, but there la no undoing what has been done. .. This is the undevtatlng decree. Bin sown cannot be uprooted by easy re pentance la there greater folly than that of him who sowa his wild oats, his greed and Iniquity, hoping, whenever he wills, to check their frultfulneaa with a flood of. -tears? He finds his. error who plank on a penltenoe that will give hlra tne pleasure of sin now and shield him from Its pains at harvest Every voice of nature, every Incident of life speaks of this same law. None can adQr In the field of thla world the teds of hate, of strife, of oppression. Injustice, malice, lust, and shsme and escape the stern fact that this world is so ordered that every deed, every word and every thought is vital, freighted with life, and hone may know how long H toK ymns now. The Christian'! Glory. -BjrjQtepharlgg The. Rev. Joseph Orlgg London, England. 172I-1TSI), first a mechanlo and afterward i a useful Presbyterian minister, showed sign-of poetlopowr early In Ufa.- It I said that this hymn was written when he was but a lad. though it waa not published until 1774, when It appeared In th Gospel Mag sine.) , - Jesus, and shall It over be A mortal man aehamed of thee? Ashamed of thee, whom angels praise. Whoso glories shin thro' endless .day 7 Aehamedo Jesus, sooner far- Let evening blush to own her star; Ha sheds the beams of light divine O'er this benighted soul .of mine. Ashamed" of Jens! that dear friend On whom my hopes, of heaven depend! No; when I blush, 1e this Mr shame. That I no more revere hi nam. Ashamed of Jesusl yes, I may. When I've ift guilt to wash away) No -tear to wipe, no good to crave. No fear to quell, no soul to aav. Till thn nor la my boasting vain Till theiiLboaata-avioF-lain; Xhdno, may thla my glory be, That Chi 1st 1 net aeheawed. ef sael 1 Secretary Shaw on Thin Ice. " Secretary Shaw has been sliding on thin Ice for five years. He Is one to take risks. t He has been dealing with crises. They, are his specialty. He is an emergency man. lie believe In an emergency circulation. When laws will not bend h Is Inclined to read new meanings, favorable to tho situation. Into themi - aays Moody's Magasine. Mr. Shaw' handicap ha been the same ss that of other cabinet' officers. He haa had to make the beet of statutes that were suitable for our grandfathers but which have been outgrown and should have been abolished or amended a long whtlo ago. - Condition have mado Secretary Shaw an autocrat of tho treasury and an ar biter of the money market of the United, State. With hi act th currency sys tem ha reached It last degree of elas ticity. Without a radical change of law there can be no further relief, be yond what ho elects to give. Conse quently his autocracy may be a short lived one. Already tho virtu of It is beginning to wane Remedies, applied many, time In succession, fall of re sults. Man discounts them. Moreover, the evil : consequences of a situation prompting loose banking Ideal. In that It glvea banks a claim of a second line of reserve In tho treasury surplus, when their own gets considerably under the legal 26 per cent requirement, I bound to bring it own reaction. Treasury relief 1 temporary, for a seaaon, and It Is forced. What th country needs la something in the banking Una that work automatically and 1 not con trolled by a personality. Uncle Sara to tht O. O..P. . W. J. Lamp ton In th New Tork World. Bay! O. O. P., Between you and mo, Tou've got to brace Or-you' won't" have, a-place-r- -, In the next race. By gum I ' -. ' Tho other side la going some. " And It will get there : For fair . s i If you don't open your eyes' And get wise - . To the situation. - Thla nation . Wanta a square deal. - Which it will appeal To tho people for, and thoy.-. -rWon't coma your wsy . rAs long as you lino up with money. As long ss you let tho great .. Exert their might Against ths right, , ' And boss and legislate. - By goshl - This Is no Josh. . - And take It from mo That tho O. O. P. Ha got to break th fetters Of steel and oil and coal I An rail and moat i4 sugar. . If It would reaoh th goal Of any party anaw'rlng , A party's highest call The welfare of tho people, The greatest good for all. Now, Q. O. P., you've got to i Make good In this regard, Or you will gat the lemon, And get It fierce and bard. See? . That's Me Tslking.-snd t you ain't a clam You'll listen to- your" Vncls Bam, MORAL FRUITAGE. It shall live- and oontlnue to feeew Its fruit Nor can we say to ourselves: Wna Is all this to met I will bear my w burden, take my own chanoea. and. ll there be fruit to my aowlng ot tody. I 'will reap with fortitude tomorrow. not In separate and walled off fields, but on a great open common, where too wlnda blow - free and the ways croie and recrosa; there la no such thing ao moral Independence and separateneea. I may sow by myself but I cannot reap alone. Others will taate the fruit age of my errors. This Is the darkest a y pact of all sin, not alone that It seta the trend of evil habit and bears for mo Its. accumulating weight of woe and re-'. morse. Its Inevitable consequences, but that no man oan say where my sowing, shall fall, nor how long the fruitage, hall go on. Nature, stern and unre lenting, teaches on of her great le sons by allowing story member . to suffer by th wrong of one. This Is tbe damage -wrought by com mercial greed, by the mammoth sootal sin of today, not alono that tt sears tbo ' soul of the, sinner and binds him down to the level of his lusts but that tt orushea other live; Its black ataln goea , on like a. plague. The greed of ono means the need of many.- Thus by our common suffering we learn to make m ' common fight against sin. - - But there is the other side: the good Is as fruitful as the bad. The law ot the harvest holds here; there are no barren sowlnga of mercy, helpfulness and love. No man knows how many generations of kindness, will come from the single seed of an everyday good deed. The struggle goes on; the white seed, of good deed Is choking the blaok. A man's worth to the world, his service to society, and hi own inner harveat every day depend on whether he is put ting Into life seed true or false, from above jor below; for no pretense, phrases, or even prsyers shall avail to change ths law that as he aows so shall ha reap. Sentence Sermons. Little frets call for largo virtues. , ' . HI- trength-nbuT-Wesknesswher forgets tho weak. . Revenge gives birth to remorse. No man keeps up his reputation by talking about it i ' . It is eay to sneer at the goodness you cannot acquire. . . . ... Show your faith In your prayer by your follow up system. - , To, get oven with the wrongdoer you must, drop to hi level -. . . ' The smoothest path it alwayA on th otherstde'of the road. Fear more the foe in your heart than those in the open. No man la ordalnad of God until ho lo ready to aervo men. ... ' . - '. e .. -'''.' Peopl who easily boll over do' little toward washing the world. ' Idle WOrda are hv nn mana Ml iiivjr are un Must pf m aro mure, tntiout to vin dlcate our opinions than to get opin ions that need no vindication. . , - e . The fact that your creed fits you like a coat does not warrant you In making It a uniform for all men. ; .. .1 e That prayer rises highest that comes" from those who bend lowest In service for other. . ' e - T Many a sermon I void ef tho water, of life for lack of condensation. ' ' . - . e e People who take trouble by the fore lock never get more than a hindsight of happiness. . ... . ' e - Some men think they are Industrious because they always pkk up tho Iron of trouble while It I hot It Is easy to get weight of words n a sermon If you leav dut th leaven of wisdom, t Telia of Work of Travelers' Aid. From tho Seattle Post-Intelllgeneer. Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin, secretary of tho -Travelers' Aid of the Portland, Y. W. C. A., Is In Seattle, working to bring about an organisation of a Traveler' Aid lo connection with th local Y. W. C. A'. ' In speaking of tho work of tho or ganisation In Portland and other citlea, Mrs. Baldwin says: --"The Travelers' Aid wss started through-tlirffort and financial sup port of Helen Oould. . She Is still toklng an active Interest In the work.' Ita oh Ject is the protection of girls who are either traveling or who aro away from their homes. During the Lewis and Clark exposition wo helped l.tOO girls. Wo have a oommlttee to meet all train and boats. We Inspect all lodging houses and restaurant. W keep a llxt of hotel t ha. are respectable snd tho that .are cdL l W alao keep in . touch -with young girl who are away from home, to keep them from being led astray. Our work is not rescue work, it lo tho task of prevention. We also have a free employment department" ."There aro now Traveler' Aids . In most of the larger cities In America, so that a girl can travel alono from ' tho eastern states to tho Pacine under tho protection of tto Traveler' Aid." . Tht Language of tht Law. ' , - If a man would, according to law, give to another an orange. Instead ef aaying. "I glv you that orange," which on would think would ho what In called In legal phraseology "an absolute conveyance of all right and title there in," tho phrass would run thus: '1 give you all and singular my In terest, right title and claim, of advan tage of and In that orange, with all rind, alrtn, Juice, pulp and plpCmnJ. right and e.d vantage therein, with full power to bite, out, suck, and otherwise eat tho oamo, or giro tho sams away, as fully and effectually a I, Uh oald A. V., am now Inclined to bHKjxut, suck, or' othsrwlas oat tho same "ojnnge or give the am away, with Aifavlthout Its rind, skin, Juice, pulp orCns; any thing hsrstofor or herelnaftWor In any other deed or deeds. Insltyiient or Instrument,, of what nature'" or kind soever, to tho contrary In anywise nnt- . withstanding,'" with much mors to tho same ofrstsi, ...... ..." . ... .1:.. ! t : .