t t THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, .1900. A COOKING DIMONSTTION; or 1-4 COMMENCING TUESDAY eaMe E. j An interesting and instructive demonstration of the world's great est Range in operation of its unexcelled qualities in cooking and baking of its Economy in fuel both wood and coal.- An event of . speciaLimportanjce, ana.anjpppowmiyXQosczitxc-xusMu-fied with their cooking apparatus who would banish forever their stove troubles and buy a Range that will give satisfaction in every way guaranteed a Range that will last a lifetime--"The Malle able. There's a reason for all stove troubles poor draft, waste of fuel, or, to sum it all up, inferior construction and material. : There's a way out of kitchen troubles an easy way and a way to . " keep f out of therrCAn expert demonstrator who will be in attend- "7 ance will explain how these defects have been overcome in the . scientific construction of 4The Malleable For the woman whose pride is in her cooking who expects more than ordinary results, and the man who is willing to combine greater economy and better; food, there's a big, wholesome lesson to be derived from an intelli gent investigation of the sterling qualities of "The Malleable' This Range received the highest awards at both the St. Louis and the. Lewis and Clark Expositions, and many will, no doubt, remem ber the handsome display of "The Malleable." . s This demonstration will continue for two weeks, jiuring which we will serve free to all visitors. ' ..... 'H . I rfj k-.l I I 'I. - - - - n - ii 1 f ill SPECIAL DURING THIS DEMONSTRATION TnnLL BTPnTTTTC AIMU rTHMTI? T MINUTLUlOUiXO SAVORY X 1JL You are cordially invited to visit us ahd see "The Malleable" in actual operation. Demonstration from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturdays, 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. AND TWO SLTS OF HIGH-GRADE COOKING WARL AT PLEASING SPECIAL VALUES Set, consisting of nine pieces, in the turquoise and white; special. . . ....... . . , .$5.50 Set, consisting of thirteen pieces, in the gran ite ware; special ........... .-. . . . . : . .$5.25 Special terms on either set $1.00 D.OWN, 50c WEEK. TI THE MALLEABLE the world's most scientifically constructed greatest cooking apparatus proclaimed by stove and range ex perts to be the leading Range. Built of malleable iron and Besse rner steel in combination riveted to air-tightness like a boiler "TKeseqTIalili6S teh operation, "The Malleable" is noted for its symmetry of design and plain, yet rich, ornamentation. , It has top and lower warming closets, both having drop doors, on which dishes may be placed, . and which, when not in use, can be dosed. up out of the way.. The firebox of "The Malleable" , is one of . its strongest features. Dis-, posed - around this is over-one-hundred -pounds-of-the-very-best gray iron, made in four sections. In the duplex grate has been -: attained the highest degree of perfection operates equally well ' ; with all grades of coal and woodr By one turn of shaker to right of left the grate can be adjusted for either fuel. The oven of "The Malleable" possesses distinctive points of merit insuring perfect results all that could, possibly be wished for. Those who are fortunate- in seeing the Range in operation and 'partaking of the. -biscuits baked during the demonstration, will be convinced of its . superior baking qualities. These features constitute but a few of the many which combine to make up this modern Range. Our 'terms on "The Malleable" have been the means of placing hun- . dreds of these Ranges in Portland Jiomes . ONE 4 in thirty ONE per week ; DOLLAR days DOLLAR thereatter. We give most liberal allowances in exchange for your old stoyg, or range. '. ' .' ' ' sale or COUCH COVERS Tomorrow and Tuesday in Drapery : Department Sixth Floor ' " Special values In Couch Covers, three yards long, sixty inches wide, in several : A Oriental patterns and color effects. . Regular $2.50 values; special each $1.50 Regular $4.50 values ; special, each $2.75 Mail Orders Will Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. Two Patterns ,in SPECIAL TERWS OFFERING MORRIS CHAIRS T On the Easy Payments of - $1 DOWN, 50c PER WEXK For one week only commencing tomorrow a special-payment-terms offer on two attrac tive designs; which .we have selected from our line of these popular Chairs. Frames in the quarter-sawed erolden oak finish, soring seat. "JP"1 loose velour cushions; in several colors and pat terns. These are splendid values at the prices of V $12.50 and $14.00 i SALE OF COTTON RUGS Tomorrow and Tuesday in Carpet Department Sixth Floor v; Reversible and Washable Rugs, suitable - for bathroom and bedroom in two sues "" and an assortment of ' pretty patternf, in blue, brown, red, green and yellow. 27x54 sizes, regular $2.25; special, each $1.35 30x60 sixes, regular $2.75; special : ; each , i !... i . ! ..' ? . $1.65 Special Attention, in the Filling of All Mail Orders L The Ladies' Waiting Room Is proving most popular with those -who desire to spend a few moments, rest during the shopping hour." "Everything here for your comfort and convenience popular maga zines, free telephone, stationery. yourcreditII 13 GOOD Jj Our Exchange Department Is of special interest and advantage -to-thosewhojarecontemplating re- COMPLETEvH005E!FORni5HBR5l MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS placing theifTfurniture with" more desirable pieces, and it is with the intention of making this exchange, with most-liberal allowance, that we have created this department. GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF RAILROADS B7jOPStrtn. Aenor of 'CmatllU " ' ; County. v " , Owlnc to a growln eonyletlon tht 4b railroad monopoly Is th prnt monopoly of American plutoormey. and to publlo dmpalr of effective rate lel latlon. 'an Increasipa; number of thouchtful cltlsena mfti coming to r ard publlo ownerahlp' an the only rnrana of controlling transportation and Its allied monopolies. As might be pcted, the conservative, the minion of privilege, and the direct, beneficiary, of ' monopoly resist government ownership. The principal objections urged 5Sgmsf ir are lhei: 1. Legal difficulties of acquisition. 1. First cost of roa,ds. t. Incompetency of government , sd mlnlstration. t. Encroachment of government upon private Initiative. (. Centralisation of government "No studenl of gOvernment-wlH-deny the serlouns of the foregoing ob ctlona Neither should he dismiss the subject because of Its difficulties. Whenever the Bins of private owner ship are known to outweigh the prob able abuees of government ownership, the American people will make , the thanga. Legal ri pediments. If the people decide In favor of gov ernment ownership, they will first have grapple wlta the subject Of acquisi tion. C P. Strain, Attestor ' of Umatilla .' ' County."-- ' : i Three methods present themselves, namely: 1. Condemnation. t. Purchase at voluntary sale. I. Government competition. No legal doubt exists of the power to exercise tb. right of emlntmt domain. Wa all know that government grants that power. j , V It; Is axiomatic that only what Is pos sessed can be delegated. A condemnation process of this mag' nltude would Involve much time. . . A voluntary sale to tho government at reasonable prices without employ ment of some device of compulsion. cannot be expected. The whole nation Is stronger than liny of Its parts. It has been aald that the poVer to tax is the power to de stroy. - The whole property of the people. In cluding railroad property. Is liable to taxation. The government, having the taxing power, can construct and maintain, y exercise of thst power, competing roads. Having power, aleo, to regulate commerce. It can require private inter state roads to obtain federal licenses subject to taxation. It is not contended, of course, that the federal government can levy direct taxes upon adYslorem assessments, but it can apportion direct, taxes among the states jn proportion to census enumera tions. Having these powers, government ownership Is not a question of author ity. It is a question of ability to ex ercise that authority. - Whenever the people decide In favor of It, the real fight between them -and the railroads will consist In a contest over control of congress. f . The people can acquire i Interstate roads only through congress. They can control congress In no way axoept by means of elect loos. Elections are made through party nominations, and these have to run the gsuntlet of political conventions. Ben tore are elected by the still more lndl. root vote of legislatures. I Tbrraiiroadl bow combat" the princi ple or government ownership. Having been defeated In this, they will next obstruct its execution. As 'a last resort they will fight for at sale at exorbitant prices. Vlxwi Cost. . The general balance ' sheet for the year ending June 10, 104,. shows-for roads, a cost of I10,7I4,44MI. For equipment, f 7I7,0S7,3S. Total coat $11.611.eS7.1tl. See V. B. railway sta tistics', for 104. Railroad accounting usually exagger ates cost To the first coat, they add subsequent - expenditures for better ments, which Include correction of er rors made In original construction. In this way, railroad cost Is built up year by year until It exceeds original cost, or cost of reproduction. As already stated In a preceding ar ticle, railroad capital in the United States consists of: - - - - 1. Total funded debt ..$ M7l.Jf6.ll50 -. Total atot-x Ml.m,l2t Total tlMll.ll4,t7 This Is a large sum. A proposition to create a new debt such as the purchase of this property Involves, would atsgger-ther country. But railroad bonds are already a pri vate debt, secured by a property rest ing upon monopoly, having power to collect all Interest charges from the public Indirectly. Government ownership would merely change the form. Dot the substance, of this obligation. The stocks, with the water squeexed out, would not be so large m to 1m pose a real financial barrier. Even with the water in. It would involve a new debt of but MS per capita,, against a new debt of lit per capita occasioned by the civil war. , ,. ,The civil war not only created a new debt of lit per capita. It acquired no property to represent the debt. It also destroyed billions of property by eman cipation, and other billions by the ordi nary destruction Incident to war. Not only this. It laid the foundation for pension claims equal to the immediate coat of , the war. It destroyed lives having a large economic value. A new debt Of tt per csplta to be assumed In ths purchase of railroads would not in Itself Impose anx new bur den at all. v The railroad monopoly now pays an average of more than 4 per cent net upon Its present watered" 'stocks. It now collects this from the people. Under government ownership the peo ple would become their own collectors. Wo have been assuming also that all the toads would be taken over at ones, but they are not likely tq be, Oovenunevt Xneompetenoe. It Is a fact that work upon the pub lie roads and such other work as does not permit of thorough organisation costs mora than like work dona for In dividuals, But rsllrosdSosra not indi viduals;, they are corporations, subject to the same difficulties of administra tion as the government I Such publlo work as can be organised has not proven expensive oi Inefficient as compared with private corporations. What private corporation could enlist, equip and maintain an army or navy, as cheaply as the government? What cor poration could maintain the postofflca as cheaply aa the government. What corporation would afford a serv ice of eaual efficiency? The. railroads are organised" from"Wp- to bottom now. A single management would still further improve their -organisation. - " ... " 1 . - ' Organisation not only Introduces sys tem; It also supplies -a motive ior em ployee to advance, and this promotes efficient servloe. The army, the navy and the postotflce are models of system. They all possess progressive salaries and : honors which Incite desire for promotion. ; But It Is argued that government ownership would be an encroachment of government upon private Initiative. -Upon this topio there can be no di vision of opinion among real democrats.""- ,. , The wnrA riemncrat la not used here -tW a partisan sense. It refers to those like Lincoln who would oommit tne government to the collective conscience snd wisdom of the people rather, than trust It to a self-interested few. Real democracy, or the people' collectively, desire TarrJ field and no- favoiVr-They resent unnecessary government Inter ference. . . Those who pyefer Idleness with yarn galluses and leather breeches, huts and shanties, beans and baoon, rather than luxury with labor, ars not to be denied their choice,' Those who wish to In vest In competitive Industry. are per mitted to do so. But when It comes to a choice be tween private monopoly and publlo mo nopoly, then tha true democratic doc trine leensv toward publlo r monopoly. Private monopoly ascludts tho ordinary ' .' "i . Individual from participation In both management and profits. Publlo monopoly-shares- both with him, - ----- Tha true democrat demands that every possible avocation be freely open to nil." But ' when tfW'masTmwle t enterprise forbids this, then the democratic-policy or that of the people gen erally requires a . fair.dl vision fof . tha fruits of the resultant monopoly, . Mo Increased Centralisation. - As to the argument that government ownership involves centralisation of government, democrats cannot be - of two opinions upon this topic. Great democrats of all time's ' .and countries oppose centralisation of gov ernment. But they also oppose plutoc racies, political and social oligarchies, and every species of centralised power. When It. comes to a choice 'between centralised government directly respon sible to the' people, and a centralised government responsible to a few thou sand ', predatory monopolists, then all democrata and non-monopolists, must decide In favor of centralised govern ment responsible to themselves. The railroad monopoly, being tha mother of other monopolies, breed the plutocracy that now controls the "coun try. The people have a oholce of taking over this monopoly1 and turning hor pigs into their own pen to make prirk for themselves, or of permitting lir offeprlng to still further multiply tha power of private monopoly. Whether or not we will, we nre hound to swallow centralisation of govern ment. Then why not accept It philo sophically, and take what benefits wa can by appropriating its fruits to otr own ususj , , , 1 V