-THE, OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, ' NOVEMBER 18, 1806. CRUSADE ON SINS OF SOCIETY ---mGED-BY-ARTIStlNXONDON ': Baron De - Paszthory's ; Picture, Th Tempter, to Be Followed - With Six Others. V CARD TABLE DEVOTEES MERCILESSLY REBUKED i London Smart Set Flocks to See It ', self as Father Bernard Vaufhan and the Artist Whom He Ha In- spired See It. 7 ; (Journal Special hnlcU London, Nov. 17. Baron Arpad d Paesthory. , who he Just painted one striking picture of smart set sin, and . who la going to paint several mora at the suggestion of society's pulpit cas . tlgetor. Father Barnard Vaughan. says -r-lHrw-wr-TomBhrShTprattt nea some lima Mr or a Christmas. Thle will eonalat of six rpreantatlona of , arlatocratle depravity, end Judging by thatr tttla. and the singls example -of ..the baron'a power of depleting faehlon able frailty which la now on exhibition hare, the complete cycle cannot fall to make a email sensation. Meanwhile Baron de Passthorys original amart eat picture, "The Tempt er sr." is drawing- great crowds f fash ionable and other folk to the art gal lery In Kenalngton, where It ia being - anewn. . Tbe baron hlmaelf la already known to aome extent In the United State, where he apent aome monthi aeyen ot . eight year ago. elie Wife la Xla izodsl The model for the eoclety alnner Jn hla mucb-dlacuaaed painting, "The Tempter." la hla beautiful, golden-haired wife. She la German and waa formerly an opera alnger. She waa Quite a atage ' favorite in Vienna when the baron met i : her. He waa a young painter of dlstln ' gulahed Hungarian anceatry studying In the Auatrlan capital, it waa love at ., flrat Bight, but hla marriage with an actreaa angered the baron'a family and hurt him socially. Bo he and hla bride ' tried their luck In that promlaed land. .'America. ' ' There the painter had a fair aharo ' of aucceaa, but he aoon realised that he needed the stamp of society before ha could make a fortune painting por trait for mllllonalrea of New York, ; Chicago, Plttaburg and .elaewhere. Hie beat known picture in tha United Stat-js ..ia The Water Nympha." . He painted Melba's portrait and on her advice went . to Australia. There he waa advised to make London hlsmecca. What Inspired "The Tempter." The baron and Ills wife reached Lon don In time to notice the agitation in society over the laahlnga of Father - Vaughan. They attended the remainder of the aermona. The baron waa in aplred. He eought Father Vaughan and then he began hla-flrat picture. i The baron aaya that "The Tempter," which le life-else, waa directly Inspired by the following paragraph, in one jof 'LFtherVaughan'e aermona; , - ."The doctor and the family -lawyer can tell you better than I can the num ber of Innocent and beautiful Engltsa girls who have been ruined at the ear.l ' tables ruined and brought to the verge . of the grave. And a girl with thla curae . on her what can ahe dot She must . - V - I .V--- - fi- ? ' " - S - li- - IJ) - m ' : - rer ' f IMr Baron Arpad De Paasthory, Who Is Painting Sins of the Smart Set. good." he aald. "It ia becauae of the aenaea that men fall, and only througn the aenaea can they be appealed to." - - nBjeotB ef Oomlag Motweav . Father Vaughan has drawn up on paper auggeatlona for the aerlea of pic turea which the baron Ja now painting Here they are: , le going -4m -every f.-The Debutante" Freah.Llnnocent and lovely, before ahe has been caught In the whirlpool of ao-called amart eo clety. t. "The World" The girl at the en-1 of the season, tired and Jaded with the weariness and uaelesaneaa of an idle, Butterfly flutter through life. t. "The Flesh" Her marriage far money to a man ahe doea not love. 4. "The Devil" Eventa leading to the aeparatlon of huaband and wife. 5. '.The Deserted Child" athetlo hu man study. 6. "Death" Two pictures, one the suicide of the poor little butterfly and the other the deathbed of tha man with no friend near him. When the plcturee are all flniahed and the baron la working furloualy at them eoclety will -flock to- eee-them- selvea depicted T a 1a Father Bernard Vaughan. The baron haa already gained auoceee In London, for now everybody want him to paint- their portraits. He muy now have other modela for hla society sinners besides hla beautiful wife. pay her 'debts. Doea ahe ask her mother or father T No; ahe la too aahamod. She runa from one to another abe knowe not whither until at last aome devil in human form, who had laid the trap, makee his bargain. He given her money, and the debt ia paid; but the poor girl feela ahe can never be herself again. And - thle day!" Tale tha Metaxe Tells. The Tempter" telle the etory with vivid - force. It la a atrong, marvcl ously lifelike painting and ia creating even more of a aenaatlon than did tht Hon. ' John Colller'a famous Academy picture of 'The Cheat," for it la not merely tbe representation of an Inci dent but of a hideous tragedy. Leaning her artna on a deserted bridge table site a woman, terror and utter deapalr in her face.. She la star ing, frosen with horror, entranced at the awful revealing of her future. Cards sprawl at her elbow. Behind her. with the light from a tall piano lamp stream ing on hla face, la a middle-aged man. HI .eyea gloat on the woman. The smile of possession ia already curving his Hps. In the far background are a score of men and women, laughing and chatting, totally unconcerned at tbe tragedy of a woman's soul,' being enact ed a few feet away. Father Vaughan Is delighted with the picture. "It will do a great deal of THFAVORITePASTIME-JUST-NOW-IS SOLVING "SKID00" PROBLEM Money talks and everybody talks money and. Judging from the letter addressed to the editor of the Skldoo problem in The Journal, everybody writes money, too. It does Seem as if the people had been waiting to get a chance at the . Skldoo problem; It waa seised avidly, tackled enthusiastically, and It haa been answered vigorously. One man, who sent in a solution to ' , the problem, urged the Pussle Editor to - forward the 110 prise et once. This was refused on it grounds. 1,' that the an swer wee Incorrect; t, that the man wanted to go to Seattle, and S, that there are 21 reasons why no one should go to Seattle, the chief one . being, of annrse, that there are no trains runnln to tbe place. It Is plain that everybody considers the Skldoo pussle Just as easy as fall- Ingttth skating rink; It has no ter- ' rors, and few difficulties to anyone. And, really. It sounds easy. Here it Is; Here's Skldoo for Bvsryaody. ' A coin eollector had In accumula tion of pennies. He told hie eon he would make him a present of the entire lot If he would put them In boxes, the same number In each box. , There was an odd number of pennies so that if he put -an equal number in - each of two boxes there would be one penny left over; In a like manner he figured on I, 4, B, . 7, 8, t, 10, 11. It, 13, 14, IS, 1. 17, , 19. 10, M end XI ' boxes, but in every case if he put an - equal number In each box there would be one (only one) penny left over. The eon gave It up and told hla father he thought It impossible to perform the feat Hla father replledr"8KnXKJS for you." The son then put the entire lot of pennies In S3 boxes the same number In each box. How many pennies 'were there T ' . To make the problem plain: The eft tire number of pennies was a number, which If divided by any number from to 23 Inclusive there will be a re mainder of one (only one) and If di vided by 23 there will be.no remainder. Don't think because you start a bit late in trying to solve it that your .chance of winning the prise Is not as good : as that of anybody else. Tbe prise are given for the correct and TiEST solution; as there can be but one correct solution, "the beat" gives every one a aha nee. The first prise Is 1,000 bright new pennies; the writers of 23 good solutions will get beautiful "23" scarf, pins, which are the rage Juat how, and there are 23 other prises ot 32 new pennies each. Here are a few anaware received yes terdmlaenote the- alngulnr lack of unanimity that marks the effort to se cure a simple little problem that Skldoo: Ighteea aa Five fqy the Baltor. ' Pussle Editor, The Journal Wonder if Its Skldoo for me If I suggest S2 for ' the number of pennies. Eighteen and five for you. LETTIB SORENSON. 707 Savler street. City. Wltai Best Wishes MS Fenaiee. Pussle Editor, The ' Journal There were 621 pennies In each box and there were 23 boxes; the coin collector's ac cumulation of pennies was 13,117. Thl . v. .' .i' .:. is Skldoo to you or me; to you, I hope. MRS. W. B. MASON, 363 Eaat Tenth street . Bounds Flaualble, Dossal Xtf Pussle Editor, The Journal The an swer Is that, the coin collector had 621 pennies altogether. There were 23 pen nies in each box, and there , were 22 boxes. This number can be divided by 2 to 22 and have one over, and will divide by 23 and none over. W. B. MASON. 3(3 East Tenth street Again the Skldoo ITumber, Pussle Editor, The Journal: The answer to your pussle Is 23. ' He put the 22 pennies in 23 boxes, making one pennies. REBA VECKLEM, 734 East 7th etreev flCity, Good for the Box Trade. Pussle Editor, The Journal: My solu tion Is, there were 487.234.32k.ORO pen nies altogether, or 21.1R4.122.0 in each box. AUG. H. CROOK. St. Johns. St Is Xle Answer. Pusste Editor. The Journal: ' My an swer to the aktdoo pussle la pennlea. BENAOAH SWAN, . - - St Johns, sTotMng- But Maes Kef. Pussle Editor, The Journal: The number 232.702.3(1 le leaat . common multiple (with 1 remetnder) of all of the number from 2 to 22 Inclusive. But It le not -a multiple without a remainder of 2t. Hence,. I conclude the problem la not solvable on that line. But I conclude the solution as to the number of pennies and boxes to contalA them la aa follows. The boy first di vided the number of pennies by 3, and had one left Then by 3 and had 1 left and ao on to 22 inclusive, and each time ha had Just 1. only 1, left. Last he di vided by 23 and had nothing left, noth ing! Hence, the answer ia skldoo. There la nothing for you. Nothing, no box; no pennies. J H. C 34S Miller avenue, City. Brevity mere, Alright, Pussle Editor, The Journal: 23 pen nlea, 33 boxes, 1 In each box; none re mains. JEWELL M OLIVER. 1111 East Salmon street olty. last. Fred JoaUagf Pussle Editor. The Journal: If It takes a two year old boy three day to chase a four pound rabbit up a hill ona mile long, hoer many bales of hay will It take to feed a cow, to give three quarts of milk If Its horns are only six inches longT This will be how many-pennies in your Skldoo prob lem. FRED CALLAOHAN, . 330 14th street City. Oeae Kammel t&ri "tt, Pussle Editor. The Journal: I think the answer Is 23 pennies. EUGENE HAMMEL, ; Lenta; Ore, . SSiaMBweaasBt s ' Has omaaere. ttasea. ' Pussle Editor, The Journal; 1 think -. These Figures Xrfok Oood. Pussle Editor,-The Journal: I find the number l,lH.000.7I7.m.07,HO,OOi to be the correct answer to the Skldoo problem, being equally divisible by the number 22, and dlvlalble by the num bers 2 to 22 inclusive. D. F. CARMODT. ((7 1-2 Hood street' Simple ICaltlplioatloa. Pussle Editor, The jjpurnat The an swer to the skldoo pussle, I think, is 20,880,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.000,011. ADOLPHINA PEARSON, 312 Water street, city. - -' SOT Bennies la Baofe, Box. . . Pussle Editor, The Journal. My an swer for the skldoo problem, coin collec tor had 11.8(1 pennies; he put (07 pen nies in each box. WILLARD BACHMAN, Lenta, Oieguiu Skldoo the Answer. Pussle EditorrThe Journal. By hav-1 lng 23 boxes and putting one penny in each bo xv It "would make- the number 23,1 ao "akldoo" la the answer. Q. A. BODERBERQ. 843 East Thirteenth North, city. Tattle Addition. -Pussle Editor, The Journal. Take any number from 1 to , add one, multiply by 3, add 14 and cover the .left-hand fig ure and add the original numbers and you get 23, - skldoo. M. A. OLLER, . 290 Grand ave., city. Tries Again. Pussle Editor The Journal After having carefully reconsidered the "skld oo problom'V I decided to aubmlt an other solutlon.rScelng " the impossibil ity of my first answer,1 1 have taken the next step toward a correct solution. namely 33 by 23. or 260 pennies. ' . BERT WILUAMS. Ths Dalles, Or.' , Nev Books - And Their Publishers V Ann to ma iu aiib Bv I II Our-Thorns. This is - a book of striking indlvidu- ...allty and atrong purpose. nt takes up tns prouiem ot me unem ployed, and- in an original way woraa out its solution. The story opens when Charles Bosauquet is minister of industrial affalra of Ensland and who Is described as "one- of those men who have a personality owing nothing to mere wealth or celebrity that . is like shining eword. . Thee great ones oi the world bring something , indefinable with them Into the room, but neverthe-. leas something very real and disturb ing. They are superhuman, ona might. say; force radiates from them in invis ible currents they have tha personal dynamic that we are, told Napoleon had. ejosauquet waa ona of these." The hero had received 'tutelage from a cer tain Mr; Brandon, whloh was destined to develop into strong and radical Ideas, which are later set forth' in a conver sation between Bosauquet and Bendon. "Tears ago you pointed out to me what ths future menace to England would be. You said that the queatlon Of the 'unemployed' really the unem ployable wae sapping the national health. No one quite saw it as you did then. No one realised the growing dan- gsr of 'What"' salglil, sail -Ike Mttgl lodyte class. : The whole situation became more and more alarming. Teara ago a prom inent London newspaper pointed out In a leading article that in Germany every effort was made to aaalat the deserving poor, while the undeserving were not merely repelled they were punished. The leader struck a very significant note. It flrat showed tha people the enormous difference between the two klnde of eubmerged classes. It. made the upper class who are debauching the poor by Indiscriminate charity, the sen timentalist on local boards of guardian who were feeding . thousand of unde serving ruffians in obedience to a pop ular cry, " wake -Tip. Then- I - began-to see my chance. I pulled the wires, I got every one In England to see that there was an enormous class that -we quite hopeless a class .that on could not" tinker with or ever cure a" class that was 'Isstroylng utterly destroying the chance of the unfortunate but de cent worklngman. . ' , rv. At that stage the . sentimentalist came In. No one waa hODelesa. . Tbe church could save; they oouU reneO Ideals In swine' oh, all the drearyr) hopeless nonsense sueh people talk! I went to the trade union. I pointed out to them that the working class ; was paying for the hopeless classes. H, and he alone, had to support the prison, the workhouse snd ths asylum. "I had the most incontrovertible sta tistics made. I showed that whenever the rate on property went up, the land lord increased the worklngman's rent. And because the - worklngman wasn't taxed by a eollector with a book or by a epeclfto demand note, he didn't realise that he was being taxed at all. He paid the extra rent because be couldn't go and live anywhere else and that waa all. The tradea unlona have all com bined at last to form a solid party, an Irresistible wedge which will alter the whole history of the country. - The time haa never been quite ripe per haps. Be that aa tt may, the problem is nearly solved. Tbe bill Is prepared, the majority to make the law Is as sured. England shall be free from the terrible Incubus of the incurably Idle, We are going to take these people, after! 3 am ana searcning inai in eacn inaivlcT ual case, and make them slaves until they die and no more. Slavery for life In a great penal colony la what ' the voice of the country haa decreed. All civil rlghta are to be taken away; the men and women will be separated. No new generation of hopeleealy lost snd fl WE FRESHNESS, MD BERUW ORIGINALITY -Of our-HolidayJJricseJ,clte the admiration of all who pas oar window or enter oar store. rf-k , ' 1 . ..' ' - - ' - g A. A. uur aispiay represents , me careiiu selection in me buumis i mw iox-uie pav ycx sFrO11 JdpBI! hVe br0nXeS Jardinieres Ves, Korot, Trays, Lanterns and Bohemian and Dresden Art Glass and Porcelains, Beautiful Hand-Painted : Trays, Placques and- Vases , ,v: ; . Europe Contributes Elrtl -'--iU nl: Sends our own importation of Ladies'' Opera I IdiltUUU UII JlltS maill Bags, Chatelaines, The finest French Perfumes, Soaps and Toilet Waters from such famous houses as Rober and GaUet, Piver, La Grand, Paiand. . Purses and Leather Novel ties. Every piece exclusive in design. WOO Sheahan's Celebrated Passe-partouts Popular subjects, all who saw and admired our exhibit last year say this one far exceeds it in excellence and beauty. ... v" . - 1 Pyrographic Outfits, Stamped Wood an&mJkins Without exception the largest stociTTrTTort" land. Two artists, who thoroughly under stand this fascinating art, instruct our patrons free. ' ' ' ; Kodaks and Cameras for any pocket or picture, from the. -,$1.00 Buster Brown to the great eight-, foot machine, which - we supply the" leadfrigprofes? sionafs. Our photo trade extends from Alaska to Mexico. We develop plates and films the day we receive them. PLAIN AND FANCY THERMOMETERS N t -1 - Choice Stationery : Delicate tints, correct sizes. ingersoli's Famous Watches $h $1.50; $1.75 and $2 I have aolved vour "Skldoo Problem finding by IffTTt T-mmTn mul'lpla ttmMT"!?1"11 b ,et 1" Upon the anawer to be (38,377,(81 pennies. MAX EOMMERS, 17 East 80th street. City. publlB. The Judae Is set, the deem gun; who shall stay itr . y And the working out of Mr. Bosau- quet's bill makes on of the most inter esting stories of the modern method of administering philanthropy yet told. a very-agreeaoie and pleasing ro mance runs slong with the scheme of ths story, which altogether make quits a notable book and on that will ex cite much interest. George W. Jacobs tt Co. Price $1.80. "Step by Step" By Mrs. Georg Shel don Downs. This may truly be called a story of high Ideals, for It is entirely ethical in its nature and deals with the loftiest and beat sentiments and emo tions of life. It Is the story of a lit tle almshouse waif, Louis Arnold, a ragged, pathetically forlorn little ur chin who haa his first adventure at a county fair when a good-hearted man Is moved by his distressed little face and passes him In. Before going to the almshouse Louie had been cared for by "Aunt Martha," kindly, God-fearing soul, who In the year or two m which she had me boy Simplex Typewriters For children ofgTowntips, every-one war ranted to do good work or money fback $1.00, $2.50 and..... ..... ?5.00 Ormolu -Clocks . ,JL. .... Triple Mirrors -.'-'. fi In fancy hardwood frames; Shaving and Hand, Glasses in bevel. French plate. Safety Razors The celebrated Gillette in sterling silver and fine leather cases. ' ; ;: - ' : Waterman Fountain Pens The genuine L. E. and the only kind we have any faith in. ' , Postal Card Albums And 2,000,000 Post Cards, black and white,' hand painted and in leather. Hoares' Rich Cut Glass None better in America. The season's new and exclusive designs. Sachet -Po wders.L..l -Rciri,LeTreJfoWood Violet,; Sandal, Heliotrope, White Rose, all the old favorites and every new one. .... . . . CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT FULL VALUE. FREE ALL LEATHER GOODS MARKED in her keeping had Indelibly Impressed on him leasons ot truth and honesty wiuon lastea mm tn rough lire. The bar could notIong endure the envtmn- ments of the almshouse," and starting on a. tramp got Into a netghborlna- state, and falling into good hands worked his way up In true Amsrlcan fashion from school to college, and then to the position of a successful business man, proving that this can ba done without losing ons Jot of the prin ciples of "Aunt Martha," which were a conscientious adherence to honesty and integrity. A pretty romance begins at the coun ty fair between children, and rune through the book at Interval, giving It light and color and a pretty finale. While the book ha a decided tendency toward showing the reward for well dolna. It savors In no wav of the in. ane or sentimental, "but has the strong. vlrlls atmosphere of "American boy-- nooa and is run or incidents which enliven and give character-to the story. For many years Mrs. Downs has writ ten delightful stories under the nom de plume of .."Mrs. Georgia Sheldon," and has only recently .given her own name.- O. w. Dillingham. J. K. GUL Quite a Bunch ef Money. Pussle Editor The ; Journal-The , pond. Trice 11.30. numoer oi pennies me uvjr uu wes ll.t,280.000.001. Expressed In United State money, one trillion, one hundred and sixty-three billion, nine hundred and sixty-two million, eight hundred thousand dol lars and- one cent. This amount Is exactly divisible. Into 23 parte, therefore the boy cart place S,0C0.707,82t,087 pennies into each of 28 boxes and account for the whole, amount. If he makes a division of the total amount into parts each division of parts,- equal In turn to the number from I to 22 Inclusive the boy will find one penny over In each of t 22 division Ih'parts.- ' With Infinite Joy he finds a proper solution which comes to him In the form of a birthday gift to gladden tha twenty-three thousand and twenty third snnlvsrsary of the date of his birth. Twenty-three boxes each, filled with 1. 00.707. 828, 017 pengles account ing for the' verv last cent. n his 114. 3. 280,000,001 pennies. .TERESA A. GRIFFIN MARTIN, il Washington Street; City. Other Answers Bsesived. ' Other answers to this easy, ezhlla- "City Songs and Country Carols" By Thomas F. Porter. This Is a collection of something like 2S0 short poems In a volums of about as many pages, neat ly bound; and wit h a - portrait of i the. author for frontispiece. The poems cover large field, and are very ap propriately named, as they pertain both to city life and country scenes, while many have local or personal title. A little group Is given to the anti-slavery heroes, uch S Garrison, Holme and Phillips, with an occasional poem ' to a hero of earlier or . later date. - Like aU collections of-this nature, the work rating and Instructive .'problem have been received from Nannie Web ster, Lents; Max M. Dohohue, Portland; Hal Kelley, Brownsville; Ira J. Merrill. Fort land; J. K. Farrow, Montavllla; J. H. Moore, Portland; F. II. lsenberg. Cascade Locks; Annie Helgerson, Port land; Gordon Colgan. University Park; Nye Kern, 8. .W. Walker, Mre. Wil liam Fleskee. . - Charlee Pumphrey. Gladye M. Keaton, M. J. Perk, Martnua Jerfersen, Edwin A. Popp, Portland. Theae wlU be publlahed later, Woo'dardXlarke & Co: KiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiKuiiuimiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuunnix la graded with, shades of good, better and best, rarely dropping below the first and at times beyond a comparison. There are also poems pathetic, descrip tive and. humorous, with the first' two far In the lead In point of merit. Some very good patriotic poema are also given, whloh generally sing ths praise of some particular day or incident. Throughout the book Incllnea strongly to New - England subjects, and . several poems recount the Joys of various Phases -of the New England Thanksgtv- J S. Many of the poema would lend themselves aeiigniruny to pudiio reea- I-,,., .iiirf liinn special event Is to be celebrated, as they al have the virtue of brevity, which Is usually lacking In poems for this kind of reading. , Klch ard O. Badger. Price $1.25. "The Treasure Trail" By Frank L. Pollock. From the . beginning of. ths story-telling period, or the era of (fic tion, the lost treasure and the search for it have furnished prollflo material for the novelist and a fascinating sub ject for the reader, and' so often has it been used It would seem to have no new feature and all Imagination to have been exhausted upon It. But not so when Mr. Pollock takes up his pen snd begins to relate the search for a fabulous amount of gold bullion which had originally been . stolen from the lioer government In Pretoria and stored in a steamer that was sunk somewhere In the Mosamblque channel. Two dif ferent parties take up the search, ami follow, the treasure trail through stormy seas and. hazardous adventure until the 'rainbow road Is reached with a suc cessful and thrilling little romance at the close. L. C. Page tb Co. J. K. GUI, Iortland. Price 1.50. "Born to the Blue" By Florence Kim ball Russel. No one could be better qualified to wrlto an army stoy true to life than Mrs. Kussei,, who nerseir Is. In every sense, sn army woman, having been trn at a frontier post, the daughter and sister of army officers. and having grown up and alwayallved rr tne environment or an army prai.t-w yei unnincorereu, Having lived amid theae surrounding, very naturally the, author would draw her characters and Incidents largely from life and her own personal experi ence, aa in an editorial note we are told ahe does. With the ushering In of a oertaln Fourth., of July, aa the big gun Bounded reveille rand the bugles rang out ahsrp and shrill, and the band burst Into "Tha 8tar-8Dangled Banner." little Jack-opened htt eyerttrthe-wortd and gave forth his lusty, vigorous cry announcing his arrival. Jack's father was off on frontier duty locking after some restless Indians, but the mother, not wishing to be found wanting In patriotic duty, had a tiny flag put In the little fiat and called old Nurae Croghan to cover them both with an old yellow' lined cape ere they went to sleep, saying to the small man. "You're born to the blue, Jackt Born to the blue!" , As Jack grew ju he bore evidence. If not of hie petrlotlo baptism, of his patrlotlo anceatry. and became the man liest little fellow that ever found home in a garrison, or a place in tbe hearts of the command. The story la full of the bravest, most wholesome boy adventures possible, and Is spun along from ths time Jack arrived to partici pate In the Fourth of July celebration until he Is almost a man grown, and has an adventure ef a more serious na ture, when his soldier Ufa and example assert-themselves and he 1 the hero of the post. Jack has many chums, but among them all hie dearest friend Is First Sergeant Donnelly, with whom he has many good times, and at the The Macmlllan company will pnbllsh la a few weeke a book entitled "The Way to Happiness," by the Rev. Thomas R. Slicer of New Tork. Mr. Sllcer haa written this work from the suggestivs viewpoint that "the conduct of life must b Included among ths highest of th arts; there le a point at which ths two path of deslr and obligation meet, and beyond that point Ilea the way te happiness." Will Payne's new novel. "When Levs. Speaks." comes at an -ODDortuna time. 7Trmi II la 8iwnl ttweeelll who Is In.. ling- ii Aj .itl, prfMems Tit his compsnlon and whom hs saves. Ser geant Donnelly becomes the family hero, as well ss Jack's Idol, and when he earnsanewpa!rjpf chevrons Jack's mother deftly weaves the old ones Into a frame for the picture hs bss given Jack of himself and underneath ;JL Is written In "fatner's hand" these beau tiful lines: "Nor deem that acta heroto wait on chance A'man's whole life preludee the single deed That shall decide If his inheritance Be with the lftd few of matchless breed. Or with the unmottved herd, that only sleep and feed." , ... The book Is most attractively bound for a boy, and la finely Illustrated. L. C. Page A Co. J. . K. GUI,, Portland. Price 11.50. "The-lJind-ot. Schtiyll Jlng'N?-By De Keller Stamey. The etory which gives title to ths book Is a curious fancy of an Imaginary country, a description of which (or more properly the manuscript from which the story I teld) was sup posed to have been found In a curious ly carved box studded with the most precious gems; later the material .Sot the tale cams Into possession of the writer, when at an auction sale bought some of the effects of a ceased editorial friend. . BchuylLJlng" 1 thl wonderful coun- but wnicn I revealed In the manuscript as - being far in advance of our most enlightened civilisation. It Is a short story of got over a dosen pages, but i exceedingly clever snd unique. The other hundred and fifty pages of ths book' contain several short stories and a large num ber of poems. Mr. Stamey has done some very good dialect. work In this volume, but his poems, which are sung in-minor chords, sre his best, for they show depth of feeling and a keen sym pathy and appreciation of ths homelier virtues and the sweetness and pathos of the home life which is made radiant by love. The short etorles have far more than ordinary merit, and should be separated In binding from the poems, aa oris de tracts from the other, and the s forte under the mythical title of "The Land of Schuylt Jlng" wuold-be most tempt ing aftd attractive. The volume has a large number of excellent illustration. Broadway Tork. . Publishing eompany. New political, corruption and reform. It waa fittingly published tha day after the election. There la. much In tha book which might furnish food for reflection . to some of the disappointed politicians. Important aa Is this political setting, however, it Is subordinate to ths main Intsreat of the book, which le first ef all a story and a powerful study et character. India's .Floe Bridge The Indus In India Is crossed in some of Its remote reachea by rope bridges. The natives' ingenuity in making these bridges with no material but twisted twigs, yet strong enough to hold the weight of' any number of coolies With their loads, and long enough to be swung from cliff to cliff across the greet river. Is a source of wonder. Such bridges are composed of three strands of twigs, one for each hand to grasp, m to guide .the feet. They sag grace fully from the tope of the " mtghtr cliffs that flank the river, occasionally swaying slightly in the wind, but are as firm and safe aa a bridge of iron er. stons. t 1. . . . Snort Sermon. From the Chicago Tribune. The front door to delight Ilea through the garden of fliife. ' I - J- IXJi 1110 LrJ (BsiDtiljn NEVER MILS TO STOP Y013 HAIR FRO Jl FUU.1G CUT "About I months ago I had aa attack: of msssles and about half of my hair cams rut. I bought a bottle ef HAIBj, HEALTH, and after one application my hair stopped falling and le now I fine sondltlon. HAIR HEALTH Is the Onset HAIR TONIO I evsr heard ef ." ANNA MILLER, Clayton, , It Urfie He 1:7 "r Wtsizri Cull C C .1