50 -:' ' 1 ; t- The Singer to Her Audience, : x r-urtla UMrian Pass. I WM Esolde body and soul end vole I gave myself to bo Isoldes self la t all abandon. - . But Iaoldo died Wltlutbat last not ot ' lev In death. ,' Th truest of you fain would make no sign ' '. -" Bat ono deep silent breath, and slowly iim Feel me Isold till. . It cannot be. ' I am th woman now, and nee your praise. . . Lot m sin back and Nit la your ap- . plaua. tJpbear m on It ware that wall and rise : And break re shout of praise lest I - should faint .m k.-w -o f.r tn b myaolf ' after Isold lest 1. too, stiouurair Falling from that last not of death In ". . . love. , -" " "' ' Th Paciflo Monthly.. J - ; ': FROM thla 'week on th calendar I full of event Interesting, t mu sicians. Th Leoncavallo con cert Sunday and Monday nlghta open a rle of Important recital and concert that will last without a break Into the ' new year. Bbanna Cummins will be at the First Baptist church Thanksgiving night, November 4. and with the flrst of the next month there will be the Gabrilowitsch concert at the . Helllg on th fifth. Mrs. Walter Reed's presentation concert at th 11111 on th sixth and th Josef Rosencrant re cital at th same theatre on the tenth. The MacDowell concert Is still .being "talked of for some time near . these dates and will probably be given at a - private .hom between th - tenth and the fifteenth. ; . : : ' The University of Oregon Ol club, which gav such a delightful concert at th Marquam last Thanksgiving night, ha had to postpone Its annual Port land oonoert to January 4 or I. because of Inability to secure th theatre for the usual data. There I much regret felt about this among Portland, aa well i m university people, because th con cert ha heretofore made a dashing cli max for "college day" after th big football gam on th Multnomah Sold. Tb merit of th organisation, however. Is so pronounced and-th Imaxesslon left by their work last year was ao favor able and lasting that Professor Irving M. Olann and hie clever aggregation will not fall to draw a crowd at any time. The Oregon student are rejoicing tn tb return to College of Robert Roun- - tree, th clever comedian, who waa such a fun-making factor last year. . '"'. 'i It Is aald that th dlvln Caruso, th matinee Idol, ha found his match. Tea, some even aay that n has met his Waterloo, or will have after AJleessndro Bond's A rat .. appearance In ' America. -Bond -ha been engaged by Hammersteln " for tb new Manhattan opera company, j and those who know say that this la one ' of th worst blow Hammerstela has - struck against his rival Coniied. f Bond has never before visited Amr ' . lea, though bla successes have been re , corded In almost every city of any not .: tn Europe. At the age of 2 he entered ' th Rossini conservatory and " made - .such rapid Improvement that three years later he waa appointed solo tenor at the Church of SL Maria, in Lareo, on of th most prominent churches of Italy, where th musical standards are very Jiigh. There wer many competitors for the position. His fame as a soloist spread rapidly and every 8unday crowds thronged to th church to hear th "an gel's voice." After six year of train ' ing at th conservatory he completed hi , studies and was' engaged to sing the leading tenor hoi In Verdi' "Falstaff" at th Royal theatre In Parma. The audience at thla theatre are considered among tn moat Intelligent and critical in the world. Ill triumph waa mstan taneous. II waa then engaged to sing the XIUeToTeTn-tPa Dal Veiu tUaatre In Milan, and from there he went to La Real a, th great Seal a. dreamed of by . all European and American grand opera alnrers. By apodal Invitation of th Italian t government Bond aang recently for th Vesuvius sufferers' benefit and th - glory of .hi nam drew crowds. In recognltlpn of his kindness th king of ...Italy conferred, upon him th title of Commendatora deua corona , d Itajy, This is one of the highest orders given to illustrious Italians. . ; Tb enthusiasm over Camilla Salnt- taens first appearance in New Tork , waa so great that Walter Damrosch ' and the New Tork symphony orchestra immediately announced two special eon v eerts, for Thursday afternoon last, and '. thl afternoon at Carnegie halt - It Is easy to nnderstsnd the - royal reception that was accorded l)ln on. hts first appearance In New. York and In America. ' A feeling ' of veneration for the man who passed 71 last month and who ha' "occupied tn "highest "rung of : ths ladder aa composer, pianist and di rector, touched the audience and a he . was escorted onto the stage by Profes- - snr Samuel Ban ford of Yale, th orches tra Jumped to .Its feet, and sounded a .- lusty fanfare. Mr. Damroseh waved bia baton and beamed proudly and th audience rose ss one and waved hats, handkerchlefa, programs and applauded long and lustily. And though the grand old man of France bowed and smiled ' ther ware tear in his eyes for lie did aot Know- before -bow warm-a- friend was the American public... The critic In the Musical Courier apt ly words the feeling' of greatness Balnt flams must have Impelled when H says: "A . a pianist one must per force apeak of Hatnt Baea in superla tives' No allowances wer made for tils g by the critics for none was ""found necessary." The only evidence of age was th repose, maturity-and mu sicianship, they said. Ther waa i a i sens of security and the only sur prise' ws that with such planlstlo equipment be waa able to fight off the temptation! In youth to. devote wtmself ' solely to a virtuoso career. . ' An ' Interesting feature recently in musical Herlln was the concert appear ance of th wlxard Godowsky. following so eloeely on the concert of his old teacher, Balnt Saens. Both wer great I fair tn Herlln and both performancs ae with tb greatest aucccs and n- THE thuslssm. , There waa a touch of pathos In Salnt-Saens' triumph for It was hi first visit to the city since 10 year ago when he was mat with hoot and deri sion. The scandal which made that Philharmonlo concert In ISM a memor able on was oaused not by; tb play ing of th famous Frenchman but by a book he had written urging hi country men not te be too much Influenced by ib.ejp.ew German prophet.Wagner. This exhortation waa Intended" a -pi ear t Frenchmen to preserve their own Iden tity, but tb Berliner, who had al ready mad th Beyrouth master their Idol, felt It a direct Insult and thought he waa decrying Warner, The warmth I Singer at Mrs. Reed's Concert. of h later reception in Berlin brought tears to th old man eyes. But critics say that his pupil, Go dowsky ha soared to height unattain able to th master, piano genlu though th latter la. Godowsky has returned from a tour of Holland where he played If time In II day and yet he was perfectly fresh for hi Berlin appear- i ' . , r i r y An amusing story is -told of an la censed conductor who cam over on the Pretoria recently. .He conceived that a terrible Insult bad been perpetrated on himself and Wagner, and ven th honor of being - classed with th Immortal composer did not salve th wound, It was in th midst of his bsst con cert and he wax wildly swinging hi arms to bring out th beat of a brilliant Wagnerian seleotlon when there was a sudden burst of melody foreign to the orchestra and even to th chip. Th passengers stampeded to th deck ex pecting to see a vision of. a tropical island with blrda Swinging gaily to and fro in the branches. But It was found that th forward hatch had been left open and 2.000 canaries wer raising a song of thanksgiving for th sight of th blu sky. : Only the Herr Director failed to be charmed, and, to add Insult to Injury, the musie suddenly ceaaed and a Ion green parrot cocked Its bsad and screeched, . "Mebbe that'll bold you for" a "while!'1 'The conductor fled and waa not seen again till Just before the concert the next day. when he waa caught surreptitiously locking down th forward hatch. . 'WW.-:.-. .v ' Dr.' Karl Muck, th Oerman conductor who has taken charge of the Boston Symphony orchestra this year se sue cessfully, is an enthusiastic traveler. He is considering making a tour of the world In th spring on bis way back to Germany,- crossing the Pacific, and vlattlng Hawaii, the Philippines . and Australia. However, be hesitate be cause Paderewskl went that way three year ago, passing through the Red sea tn May. and ha said that ths memory of It is a nightmare to him because of the heat . It 1 told by fidcnds of Dr. Muck that he accepted the Invitation t Boston largely because of hi lifelong ambition to visit South America, the land of wealth for Germane.. He waa uncertain a to tb exact distance between Boston and South America, but it la aald that ha ex nee ted to be able to run down to Rio Janlero over Sunday a a relaxation from the trials Of pleaalng the exacting "Hub" audiences. . To Portlandera who have been east and been asked by New Yorker if they-run-down la San Fran- clsoo and back In a day to do their shop, nine it seems quite natural that Euro- penmr should-expect Boston to-be a suburb of moot Brasiuan cities. Since signing up with Hammersteln Bond has received from th manage ment of the Bueno Ayr opera an or fer of $100,00-for to appearance In the spring of 1007, but h had to refuse. He is looking forward with pleasure to hi spix-aranc in America, where r many of hi countrymen and" woman have attained glory. He la to make his debut in New York In "I PUrltanl." an opera that 1ia not beert'-sung trr-the metropolis for many years, because there waa no tenor to sing-the difficult music It I aald that Bond is the only one able to sing ths acor without transposing a not. ' ' The local 'favorite wer heard to advantage Thursday evening at the ben efit concert given at the Soottlait Ri? cthednrt or the Baby home. ' Th largo ballroom was packed 1 the .doors and many were standing outside la the haili to listen, and it msyjlisve been thlr enthusiasm that Inspired the linger to unusual effort. Mra Walter Reed was especially spoken of as singing her very best, snd her numbers were received with unstinted applause. She . ssng "Th Mill o' Skye" (Vldor Harris) and th "Woodland Croon Song" (Clutsam). Which she does so well. One of her encores was the dainty song,, "in the Coming of th Spring," which she sarg o pleasingly at th Waldsmar LinJ OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTL AND, SUNDAY GAETAIVDRPA WOLD eoneert. Mrs. Rosa Bloch-Bauer sang with her usual animation and her beau tiful clear tones met with th usual admiration. Her songs were "Look Down. Dear Eyes" (Lambert); "Mother o' Mine" (Tours); "Madrigal" (HarrhO. with a pleasing encore. J. Clair Mon telth opened th program with "Sweet la Ttpperary" ( Fisher , ,"I Envy Thee Bird" (De Koven) and th Toreador ong from Carmen. Miss Leonora Fish er was' th accompanist. ' Waldemnr Lind closed th program with two ex cellent numbers. Ole Bull's "Nocturne" and Bauret's "Farf alia," - William Lee Oreenleaf gav 4 wo readings. , -, Frederick W. Goodrich" writes" as fol lowa regarding th Portland Philhar monlo society; 'I It not time that permanent choral society should be flrm-ly-eetaeJlshed ia-PortUndT-The-nucUua . of such a society already exists la the Portland Philharmonic which was founded last year and managed to come through- It first season with a very fair measure of success. - Th first 'V! m saw &M.mr& S3 V1PA yzzd: on of any society 1 of necesslty-n experimental on and many lessons are learned at that time which prove to be of great benefit In future working. W want to try to reorganise th society for the present Mason and appeal to-all former member and friend to attend tb meeting to be held at St- David' parish house, Eaat Morrison street, on Wednesday evening, November 21, at 1C o'clock. The joining of such a so ciety aa thl will not do barns to any vocal student, but on tb contrary, will help hlra .to -learn to appreciate the beauties of choral, music. Seattle al ready possesses a large choral rvm- phonyooltyhaJlwfirtlandwJJlch claim to be a musical canter, b left behind her sister city T ;:"! ' ; , ' r. ' : f St Lout I rejoicing In th new that Conrled ha relented and will again takt hi Metropolitan opera company to their city. Last year th experiment was so unsuccessful financially that the mana ger refused to visit th city again. . 8t Louisan say that nothing different could be expected In holy week, for they are no mora prone to go to ths. opera at that time than New Yorker. Th engagement will be a short on of two nights and a matinee and a. guarantee bf 110,000 will be made. Probably the company will be brought farther west, for th losses sustained In th San Fran cisco catastrophe laat spring must be maae up tnia year, ana row a time th manager thought the company could not be brought near the west. Th sum of 118.000 ha been recently subscribed to a fund for the Institution bf an organisation of vocal teacher In ewYork tatt Th plan la to raise th standard of th profession and any teacher In the state who la recognised a competent and who ha passed a test Harold Vincent Milligan, Organigt nrr . --7 vr wtvl W , examination will be eligible te member ship and will be subject to n expense av a member. It la alao planned te organise under it auspioea a school for the Instruction of unusually talented pupil who are unable to meet the cost of tuition and the beat 'teacher will aid them. Identification with thl o oiely .1 expected, to . glv. ..It member a certain atandlng In th profession and to prov their competency and reliabil ity. Th movement ha sprung out of a recent agitation through the paper uonoernlug-tho- larger-number -of "fake"- voloe teachers. Madam Anna E. Zleg ler haa th immediate supervision of th movement in . hand. Gradually the quack vocal teacher will have aa little standing la the community a th Quack phyaiclaa. . . ' , . . . . w. Th following program waa gtvn at th laat meeting of Mr.- Walter Reed' Tuesday Afternoon club: - "LOve' Way" (Terra old). Mlaa A Lotter T Tell Thee How I Love" and "In My Garden" (Llddle). Miss Ullyn Glen denning; "Harbor of Dreams'' (Coverly) Miss Ella Dewart: ''Love In the South land" (Caufleld), Miss Esther Leonard "The Tempi Bella" (Finder) and "Until" You .Came'' (Metcalf), Mra Byron B. Millar. Miss Mary Armttatead, Mlsa Wtnnl Lewis and Mlaa Bemic 81m joined th club last meeting. Rudolph Gam, who It Will be remem bered was her two season ago with Madam Sembrich, 1 making a tre mendous hit In Europe and waa given an - ovation recently In ' Berlin. . HI hearers will remember his polished and "ttioroughty-watlafactoiT--wm-e'Wtrrrttwon him enthuslaatlo recognition at a con cert where ha was not starred but shared the honor equally with the star. He wa alao found to have a charming personality and several prominent mu sician bar mad hi acquaintance. " Th steamers coming from Europe these day bear many celebrated figure In the musical world,, who are. coming to America for their operatlo tour and eoncort engagements. A notable com' pany waa booked to eatl November I on th Kaiser Wllhelm II. including Caruso, Gerald Ine Farrar, Burrlan Scottl, Van Rooy, StracclarL- Rossi and Berta Morena, all stars for th Metro politan Opera company.- From Franc on La, Savol there Bailed on th tenth CavallerV Roussellere, Plancon. Journet. Soubyran, Bessie Abbott, Chalmini, and th new French baritone. Slmard. Sure ly ther should be some Interesting sa loa concert on board these vessels. -:. ,. - . . w- ' Th 'muale for th services at- th Whit Temple Sunday haa been ar ranged aa follows: Morning, organ voluntary, "Prayer and Cradle Song (Gullmant); quartet, Far From My Heavenly Home" (Hamer)r selection by Tempi Girl chorus, under direction of Mis Lawler; aolo. "Give EarJ to My Prayer, O God" (Berwald)l poktluda. "Thome" (Hesse). Evening: Organ se lection. "Offertory in A Flat" (Read), "Prelude, - Op." IS, No, I" - (Batiste) chorus, "Savior Again to Thy Dear Nam" (Llewellyn); quartet, "Jean, tb Vary Thought I Sweet" (Hosrher). ' Peplto Arrlola, a ; t-year-old eh lid pianist, 1 creating a sensation la Ber lin and 1 hailed a -tn reincarnation of Mosart." He waa discovered by Ar thur Nlklsch, th celebrated teacher. and la till atudylng with htm. HI touch 1 aald te be Ideal, firm and yet light,- and th piano en which be playa wa specially constructed ror mm wun key narrower than usual to fit . hi mall hand. His teacher plana to allow him to come before th pubiio during hi yeara of tuition only at rare Inter vals, to encourage htm and enable him to show th progress he haa mad. " ry, : That Schumann-Heinle devotion of her talents to tsoml opera for a year did not detract at all from her popu larity, but rather ahowed th publlo how much they could mis bar la tes tified to by her engagement list In comparing her with tb other celebri ties' she 1 found to double th en gagements of all but Rosenthal, and even hi ere fewer. r Beginning with J October 20 to November 1 ther are only five evening not taken for con cert through Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York and th lake atatea, ff- ir .... A new novel' of some Interest anent th recent agitation In New York about quack vocal teacher I "Th Charla tans." by Bert Leston Taylor. It telle of an ambitious girl who Js subjected to these metropolitan quacks and Is res cued Just In time to sava her voice from utter ruin. , There are a number of amusing Incident In th book which plainly refer to present musical condi tion la New York th standing of the newspaper critic, th musical stand ards of th metropolis, and th rivalry and enmity between large concerns. - .:- - -- .- - Carl -Denton' program of organ mualo at Trinity church today will In due th following: II a. m. vorsplel. from "Lohengrin," . Wagner; Grand Choeurln In F., Theodore Salome. 7:20 p. m. Allegretto in A., Merkel; "Wachet ' Picture are shown today of Mia Kathleen Lawler and Miss Vlda Reed, of CalvarjpPreabyteriati Church. ; MORNIWQ, NOVEMBER . 18, who will- alna at Mrs. Walter Reed'al pupil oonoert December ( at th Helllg. Mis Lawler ha a pur lyrlo aoprano which la under perfect control and la aoio soprano at the Flrat Baptlat church.' She will . alng - Dell Aoqua's difficult "'Chanaons ProvencaJee" at tb oonoert. Mlaa Reed' vole - la a lovely young oontraito with much, of the quality. of her mothera voloe. She .will Interpret 4 dainty group of aonga. .. . An Invitation reeltal wOl bt.ai.vn-l bu uavia a Kpiaoopal church on Tues day evening. November 27, at 1:11. by Mordaunt A. Ooodnough, pianist, and Frederick W. Goodrich, organist Th program will Include work by Meyer beer,- Bterndale-Bennett, Kreba. Dvorak. Lad man. ' Mendelssohn. Dethler, Tchal kowsky. - Wiegand. Raff, Sobytte and Gullmant.- John Claire Montelth will be th soloist and will alng song 'by Dudley Buck and H. R. Shelley, " . w ,.'.-. Mis Meta C Brown will be th solo ist at Haruld Vincent Mtlltgan ninth organ recital at Calvary Presbyterian church thla evening at 7:20. Thla Is Mis Brown' first appearance her sino her return from Dresden. Ger many, where she spent two year In study. She will alng thla evening, "He That Keepeth Israel," by Schloeaer. Mr. Mtlligan'a numbers will Include "Toc cata and Fugue la D Minor," Bach; "Largo," Handel. , - V--.-------- , Th muaioal program for today at th Flrat Unitarian church will be as follows:'- . ,...("- Voluntary, "3ut ,NMhtrVl--Brxtt4 Anthem, "God Shall Wipe Away All Teara" . . Field Gloria ..................... Beethoven Respons Schilling Duet (soprano and tenor), "Lev Dl vln" Stalnar March Funch ..Clark Ann Beatrice Sheldon, director, . Albert Rosenthal, a young 1 cellist from San Francisco, Is creating much favorable oomment In Germany. When he first went to Europe to study he said he would not return to hi Saa Franelaoo hom till he had won .a nam and fame in Europe and when concert engagementa com to hia unaought at tna age or si be seems on a fair way to do thla. His modeaty and ambition are spoken of a two predominating charac teristic... ' Frederick W. ' Goodrich haa arranged . the following program for 'today serv ices at St David' Episcopal church". Morning: Prelude, "Romance" (Lalo); "Communion Office la C" (B. Tours); offertory, sole by Mra Grtmd Rhode; poatlud. "Marche Solenell" (Mallly). Evening: - Prelude, "Berceuse" (Del bruck); offertory. ' "Slumber Song" (Schumann); poatlud In D minor (West). , Word eoms from Pendleton that Mra. Anna Selkirk Norton haa met with great favor there. - She la to glv a - recital under th auaplcea of th Matinee Muai oal club nsxt Wednesday, and Friday aha aang at a musicals given by Mra. Sallman la Walla Walla. She haa sung at a number of entailer affair, but haa given a recital, yet ah haa most of her . tlm taken op for Instruction al ready. '. -Marl Hall, th noted young violinist who ha eome to auoh prominence la th laat few yeara, plan to devote moat of her earning to tb muaioal educa tion of her 17-year-old sister, Evelina. She ha taken her to Vienna and re mained -art th her through tb antranc examination. - Mlaa Eveline ha don good work as harpist and pianist but her -aiater- hope - to make a elnger of her. - ' - " '. , Mr. Louis ' Mead haa Joined Mrs. Ro Blooh Bauer's Tuesday afternoon claaa. Laat week Mrs. George Davis entertained th olub with' a splendid group of songs "D'Etolle" (Bamberg), Madel. wis bluts" (Nevln) and a Godard aong. Miss Harriet Johnson gav a Schubert group and th class b s "ff'frw- r" qnetat .art fin t.ir flak." Richard O. Luochesi haa been p- eially engaged by the Ricordl oompany. editor f Musle and Musicians,- Mllsn, Italy, to writ a detailed article en the Leoncavallo musical event Ml Portland. Mr. Luochesi 1 also the regular corre spondent of II Mondo Arttatlco of Milan and Nuova Muaica of Florence; and thus Portland muslo la spoken of la musical Italy. The house tn which Lillian Norton. known aa Madam Nordtoa, wa born ha been, offered for sal by Alexander Forsyth e, Its owner, a former New York diamond merchant, who haa . proudly shown th "hlstorio place" to tourUta for some year. - The house la about two mile from th villas of Farm- Ing ton, Maine, and la considered by the neighbors a landmark ana nistono spot. - Adell Dillon, a Los An gel e girl. Is making a success In Milan where she tallan onera. Ther aha 1 known aa Adclle Dili! and It 1 said that her charming work alone saved the day for the opera "Linda dl Chamou- nix." which la commonly considered too old an opera to be successfully gives ther any mora. "-"- -r. W ' . Mra. W. A. T. Bushong returned. Thursday from her eastern trip and will resume her work today aa alto In the First Congregational . choir. The five Sunday of her absence the place waa filled very ably by Mis Rose Coffey, a pupil of Mra. Rose Bloch Bauer, who' la an apt alght reader and aa intelli gent singer. . " "r - WW Samuel cnieridge-Taylor, th com poser of "Hiawatha" Wedding Feast. who 1 to make a short tour of th United States and Canada during No vember and December, is of African de scent, his father being-;- a native of Sierra Leone. Hla mother is an . Ertg llBhwrmin; nt-tie'wa born-in- London on August IB, 1871. w Albert Jonas, th Spanish pianist, who lived for some time in Detroit and Ann Arbor, haa met with great success In Berlin sines taking up hla residence there a year ago. This season ha will play ' In'" moat of the European music centers. " WW Emlllo de Oogorsa, the baritone who so charmed Portland a shbrt time ago, will sing in Boston November 21. aa hrllowltschl the pianist, who will be her. December 8. played in. Boston rea terdsy. . " ,'. ''-'- - w - - - Anna Week of Spokane, a young con tralto of charming voice who studied with Rose Bloch Bauer last year, has gone to New York to study with Etta Edwards. " . ' - w w "' - '--" ; Miss Anna Schlatad, a promising young "pianist of Astoria,' has oom to Portland for the winter to study with W. Olfford Nash. . . . w w Th men' chorus will sing 'by request this morning St th OrSc Methodist church services and Mlsa Lytle will Ring "Holy Father." by Millard. Thl evening Several special number have been prepared by the cbolr. Th . tMtiatnal . flAMptm.nl nf " ItiA Woman's club wa entertaljed by Mr. John Toft In her usual charming man ner Thursday afternoon. Mr, T. W. 1908. ---imL-KlDIJSY'--" ; d Light. Is the magnet that draws trade. The bright store is the "hypnotio eye" of - business. People can no more resist the At traction of a brilliant, Electrically lighted store than they can resist the clarion call of .: a brass band. ...v.? ' : ' . , 'rr:, Is your competitor with the Electrically u illuminated show windows, bright interior and sparkling Electric Sign getting an ad- , vantage over you? The moth never flutters around the unlighted candle ! Up-to-date ' stores nowadays consider shop-window v ' lighting- a Hrrece8sityr-whetherj&eyr open after, dark jor not. Competition forces ; modern methods. ' -"','.. . ' , ; ' - . 1 A show , window brilliantly Illuminated ' . ' with Electric light will make many a sale . ; "the night before.' Electric light compels : v attention, makes easy; the examination bf J I - your; display, shows goods in detail ; and ' -fabrics in their true colors. J '" And don't neglect the Electric Sign. v It is soliciting ' ."tomorrow's'' business every moment it is lighted burning your name in M the public mind. It is a solicitor that never ; becomes weary never stops work costs Utile.-: - ; - ' . ' - REDUCED RATES in effect for cur- rent on meter basis. .-' ;' : ; For information call MAIN 6688. r Porfiland General Electric FIRST AND Nordby of TTt Eaat Salmon street will entertain the "department next Thuraday afternoon, November IX, at I o'clock. "; : ...;.' :.; Customer (to department tor plan la t) Do yon play Chopin T ' Raa-tlm Pianist What' the tun ' It t Musical Courlsr. ' .-".WW t Th Musician Sam old story. If thl "ere bloomla' forrln competition wot kill our perfession. The Sketch. . - . w w - . Mia riorenc Day, pupil of Frederick W. Goodrich will appear In organ re cital at Etlera' new hall shortly after Christina. :''."'"- " t . Miss Alice Juston sang Abbott's "Alone With Ood" very effectively laat Sunday morning at th First Unitarian church. , ' ". There are saaay Want Aaa ta today toamel that win tatereat yoa. - iiwum DROPS 1 Here It Ths Prcsf-Resd BICIf J. DDTKB. tm Main St.: Maem City. b,rtN: n beeaflt 1 remrwl from ntOPS eannot be told. Iwaaailerlppltd npwlMi Kbunutl.m lor a rwaad rac-hair.la wHlrh Um.I nnt . good Btanjr aollara In all dlffer.nl wt to ro&la health, kaloonld Snd BOielKf artw oomm.ivcuis tla.of -DKOPS "I .utMiMHul to work In . abort tlm. and h.v, no4 kl tUf Mao.. 1 sitm -i-PROPS" tboieash Wlalaad aw Mn Ua plnltd vlll ll rwiw! I eta aai alwaa wlU noomuxad M." mn-owmiMBtun ' . V. snasBTT, Pntnp, lad., mtMi "Teer-I DkOrVhaaeorad mt'et RhmoMMni Am iaaTtnptanioflkdlMMabaiitn. T laothar had b-n dowa with tha MaTMjWtn lnTr ln.to montk. hlrh tlm..h bad. tnw.lk ILh .mie, uidcna. Sow ah. ka. thrown Mil both aad o wliara tb. piaaao wllbotil aitber at Ultra. Ska la 71 Taaraold mZS waseora of U. ah.uaau.si br "t-CHOrm."l ahaU sem ba irl thou tjoa " "nlldr lanr hoilT .no. vn,mii I, iLuanian, v.w, .. mwJI "I nmnfffrH With Bhtmtnatfeea for flfty jian. Wbm Mat to rna tor a botll. of Dnors- kad haa ana" ill rwr fnn? antha to dM mr uaM sin.lt aloaa. 1 Sard on. bottl. at jtnt raniad. and fait btar Thai eooad bottl. I and atoppwa U the pala. Thra bottlaa at -h,ro- aid mZJ art casRuoa. stars oae,ra.,nM! a-irairarad tarrthlT with I Idnor TraabM fnman and at a.i.f im thaa two bottl. efV-DRon-1 am sow antlr.1, "ii!JJd iXSlCrTl tb. prla lor mr aura. I ana Id ao Sad anrthln that woald lra math, allihuwl rllf ontn 1 UaallkU ramad.aad Iwnniamiad It to .7bedr aaa prauail oar far lldair PiliU!! Rkvumatf am for naarlr fortT van. I Darehaaad a hottla n mu i.Li,nAb..i Z'TlTj w. bewbIdict. rmnlrrnrt. HI., wrltaai -1 ana IB tiimlVbo.riT" " ,nmm " sM,y raawrltaaU Iwill taU S-DROPS" wlH Cur Rheumatism, Neuraljta, Kidney Trouble! La Orlppe, Lumbago. Sciatica, Oout, Asthma, Catarrh, Neoralzlo Headache, Eczema, Scrofula and Other Kindred Dlaeaaes. 'DROPS" can be used any length of tim without acquiring a "drug habit," aa it U entirely fre of opium, cocaine, alcohol, i-ndsntim and other similar ingredients. , f3 If th NOTR l-arye 0lr Bottl "i-OPOPS" (Jo Deees lt.ne t Pee K.I. a SWARSOM RHEUMATIC CUHE CO., (Dept 43) I60UUSL, Ch!c.l Company ALDER STREETS Xat Xdk to Work. " Waltr- Hop fa Technical World. "Out of SOt "gainful . occupation s" enumerated by the census of th United State ther are only eight la which women do not appear. From four out of these eight occupation woman are excluded byJaw, At th. presents tlm ther are over ,000,00t women at work -In various trades and occupations la th United Htates. In 100, of every five American woman ever 14 years of age, on was going . ouUld of . her - family -duties and taking part la th gainful work of tb working world. At that tlm ther - wr " 40 women civil en gineer, 14 woman mechanical and eleo trlcal engineers and three women min ing engineers, besides 14 women veter. Inary surgeons. . Sport Mot. . From th Philadelphia Bulletin, Th Iron In a fighter' blood must b crap Iroa. - BThaBBBBBBBBBBBBlTBBTe?aBBBBBBBBBB "J-DROPS". g ga internal tod axteraal ramady. Applied externally it give quick relief to th sufferer, while a car is being affected by it as internally. When yon are suffering with Rheumatism. Id any form use - o-ukvks." it doe not matter whether you hav Inflammatory, Muscular or Articular Rheumatism, this remedy, if nsed as directed, will give almost instant re lief and effect an early and permanent cur. It rid th blood, tissue and Joints of th uric acid and other poisonous matter which causes those intense rheumatic pain. This ia th only way ia which a cure can be effected -S-DftOPS" haa been the mean, of ra . storing to health and strength thousands ol ' people who wer suffering with Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Kidney or some oiner paiuXttl ou Ths Textbcr.hli above testimonial hav not convinced I yon of th curative power of '0DROPS" J w ask you to send for trial bottl and test 'It yonmelf. W wiU gladly sead it to yoa awl FRFH Ml Wlnarl ' tj X v t 1