The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    f ' ' '
!&'' .J
,Monsicr 'Peryt,- Tenor.-
Monsieur Do Farran, Bariton.
Noted , dornposer His . Orchestra
" and Soloists to Give Two
' Concerts Here.
- i , .
'Fine American Tour of Great Mu-
aldaa and Hla Famous Artists
Causes Enthusiasm and Apprecia
tion Wherever He. Appears.
from 'Roland, sung with paasionat
delivery by Signor Perya.- Madam
Ferrablnl achieved decided success by
her warmth and musical Interpretation
of fha 'Zaxa' number." '
mend 1n this city have learned of
the death of Mrs. F.. B. Winter, whloh
occurred in Milwaukee, Wi., laat Mon
day. Death - wss -due. to heart - trouble.
Hri- Winter was formerly Mlaa Mvr-
- Ob ef the moat notable musical
eventa'of the whole season will be the
appearance at the Helllg next Sunday
.'; of Leoncavallo and the , famous La
Scala orchestra of Milan, IUly. Be
sides the eompoaer and his orchestra
, of Tl players, there will be 10 alnsers
, of not In Italy to sing Leoncavallo
tnualo. The engagement Is for two
nights. :
This Is the first American tour of
' the great Italian eompoaer and that it
has com to be recognised aa one of
j. .' th greatest musical events tn years
.... la evidenced by the press notices It has
received. Everywhere, unlimited praise
Is given to th concerts, where are heard
' . ozoerpts from the operas from one of
th greatest living operatlo composers.
... The fact that he himself conducts th
J? orchestra means that, a leader of the
" new Italian school leaves his lmpren
1 s elon and his Individuality on the or-
i chestral work.'
. ' Was rug ram WIH looted.
. His program will Include selections
V front "I pagllaccl.".hl8 most popular
If net hla areateat opera; "Zasa," which
ls- written -on-.- th - foundation of , the
1 ild -tory and plan, , and ."Hnlsnd-
.Berlin." which waa written at the ex
press ; request of the emperor: of Oer
many.? The emperor ,1s a great admirer
of th Italian composer ana , nas pe-
nittww Mm an sn-pergonal favors.
A new VAv Maria," dedicated to and
' Indorsed by Pop Plus X, Is a special
. number of Interest It Is sung by
' Madam Calvl. who -ha a beautiful
dramatur-sewrano. ' ' " .
r' - Th Cincinnati Enqulrr says of th
concert aiven there: - . .
11 was In th natur1' of extraordi-
r- riary- InUreet and - intense pleasure ' to
I listen to the authoritative Interpret;
-Vtlonaaf Ws own such a mas
" ter on who stands in th front rank
i of composers by dint of originality and
Ingenuity of Invention. - The selections
lie presented wer mostly familiar to
th local audience much of It, as that
from Roland de Berlin,' was positively
- new, but Its interest, which seemed to
grow as the program waa . evolved,
T, proved beyond doubt that Leoncavallo
Is a consummate artist In th axpres-
- elan ef words and th emotion. , El
' a program made up ntlrly of hla own
. compositions, wher th general style
-" of expreeslon Is th same, would hav
. tirevad exceedingly tiresome, in eau
rational value, besldea th pleasure It
gave, of such a performance cannot be
; easily overestimated.
Commands Blob. Kelody.
Whll th composer has a fondness
' for th tragi and violently passionate
moods, hs can command the richest
melody and variety of expression. The
r overture ef ' 'Roland d Berlin' is
thoughtfully, at times passionately,
worked out, and leads at the close to
' s genuine modern climax. Th 'Ave
Maria,' dedicated to th pope, la In
tensely appealing and quite dramatic
v - "Leoncavallo has surrounded felmself
, with th support of able soloists In the
; interpretation of his worka They hav
I th evidence of sincerity' and art' en-
deavor in their singing, each of which
Is really deaerving of praise. Madame
' Calvl sang th 'Ave Maria' with a beau
-.. tlful soprano voice, vibrant with feel
Ing. . A performance of genuine merit
- ws th due from "Roland oV Berlin,'
sung by Madam-Rlsslnl- and Signer
Harbalnl. Th former has a dramatlo
. soprano vole of considerable power,
The latter in all his work showed a
' drsmstlo tenor which Is squal to th
. demands of th intensity . of th music.
'A beautiful number was. the ballat
tie ri. Jones of this city, and waa a
graduate of the Portland High school.
She taught - achool in this etate for
several years, and being poaeeaaed of
an excellent voice, acquired more than
a local reputation as a vocalist. Bh
was married to F. B. Winter, a suo-
eeesful young buslnes man of Mtlwau
ke,,tbre years ago.
The funeral took plao yesterday at
Los Anarele.-real.rwhsr1r" Barents.
1-brelhgr end Ulster llve.-
Is an Indicatioia that ' the
stomach and other digestive
organs are weak, tared or
debilitated. It causes no
end of acfies , and pains and
b most common where
Eeople bolt their meals and
arry and worry as they
do Iia this country.
cures dyspepsia it has "a
inagictouch ' in this disease.
For tsstimordals of remarkable ogres1
gtnd for Book on Dyspepsia, No. 5.
Gk Hoo4 Co, Lowell, Most.
V - I 'if ' 5
Mrs. F. B. Winter.
Four-Story Structure to Serve
" as- Resort' for Tour-
Trfrifr-v.-. Ists." t
(SpMlsl Dlspsteh t The Joe real.)
Grants Pass, Or, Nov, IT. -Grants
Paas is soon to hav a mammoth log
hotel. It will be built of select pins
logs, and will be four storlss In height
The men backing ths enterprise are Dr.
1. F. Reddy of Medford and U M. WU
llamsoa and Vfi . C Mason of Orants
Pass. - Th building.. with Its surround
ing porches and grounds, will occupy
an entire block and will cost 110.000.
Tbs furnishings, which will be of rus
tlo design, will cost $20,000. Th hotel
will be modern in every particular and
will be built with a view te SDDeallnar
to tourists. - . -
Ths excellent cllmafe f eon them
Oregon assures a hostelry of this char
acter a good patronage, and located In
mountain town, aa is Orants Pass.
with an elevation of 1,000 feet, th pro
moters are afforded natural features
that they believe will make th big log
Inn popular with travelers.
The building will be 100x100 feet In
else, with an 11-foot porch all around.
wnicn win os carriea to eacn of the
four stories. Th offloe room will be
very large, and located In the center of
th lower floor, with an open court
reaching to . the roof. There will be a
large grill room on th lower floor.
This will be elaborately fitted and
equipped. Ther . willb no ?lnstd
rooms, ss every room or salt of rooms
will open on porch.
The hotel win te located In a pin
grove nearms- ontsr-r m buslnese
section of. Orants Pass. Work on It
will begin soon. .f
- HALT A DOZICN'OTHE.R nRfyort 77 11 f? V77v 15??Mifk Coist AscnU 1 -
j ; SALES TOMORROW- OtWOSjljIl WGlJljS C.)-S- RobuiSOn-WdlS
. - MONDAY . . . Gcd Mwtnae Famous English Tailored Hats
12(in nmmert W
ill IT V r . ,T w,. NtU. - T ler eaW I T TP JsT skvx f-rV - f" V M JSt'- 3 -V, TXM . I M V
W "C gj.'jr-'i- i20F Trimmed Halslj
fefeS : Values to $8 for $2.95 "Qgx ?
J V jrsVli yJWF We deem it unnecessary to add single word in ex- fe
VJmI' tolling the most remarkable Millinery.. Sale:. ever in- Ir"1! ''
Vv'.. V - ""yAT Nj" -ugmFed by LipraaqWolfe & Co. Every style ily
X2&5 -Jft tSTXhMi every popular coloring, every smart rATZ
i- j-3C fwCJraf ir .iv . .... rr
-T-iJp rtNJS Pe for Monday Sale.. g - WJ
r, ' (Jaeraal apeelal Service.)
Huntington. Or., Nov. 17. During
the past week prospectors have brought
In some rine epecimen or lead and
sliver from ledges five to six feet in
width, about two miles above town on
Burnt river. Th quarts that carries
the values Is of a pur white character
and is literally full of native sliver
and lead. The silver the quarts is In
big spletrhes snd looks as if it had
been , melted and poured upon the rock.
I -
(Special Ilptfb te The Joarnal.) '
Salem. Or., Nov. 17. A requisition
from the governor of California arrived
ere today for th return of jBam Fu-
kuchl, a fugitive from luetic, who kid
naped Florence-Williams, a lt-yaar-ajd
girl, from Alamo, Contra Coata coiihty.
Fukunhl Is, under srrest in Portland.
K. Veale, sheriff of Contra Coata
county, I th agent named for ths re
turn of ths lugmvs., . , . ,
join unions
Federation Leaders Censure
President for Denying Em
plpyes Right of Petition.
Miss Mary McDowell Makes Sent
tional Speech' Afalrfst War aa Be
ins Canae of Half of Human
Mlaerr. ,
that - even th - ruler - of a - monarchy
would hesitate to tak.
swU Clerks May gotm.
Th szsouUv councU waa urged to
Issus a charter to th postal clerks'
union. The two platoon campaign of
the Chicago firemen wis officially be
fore th federation of labor convention
today. It was decided to. writ latter
A to all mayors and councils asking that
Miorter work days be given the men
.who proteot life and property from fire.
h fVun fitters won ths first round
in tlMr contest with th plumbers.
They wlu not lost their charter.
Th plumbers asked for tbs revoke
tlon of th charter of th stesm fitters.
When th matter cam up before th
grievance committee th plumbers gave
many reasons why ths charter should be
revoked. Th main contention was
that ths executive council of th Ameri
can Federation of Labor had erred in
granting ths charter. John fJsngan of
Chicago, speaking for the steam fitters,
said that aa the attack waa on ths sx-
ecutlvs council hs was not called upon
to maks any defense for that body.
Th committee voted to refer th mat
tar to th executive council and the
latter I expected to decide that the
(Special Dteeetea by teasel Wire t Tee femel)
Minneapolis, Nov. 17. Presldsnt
Roosevelt's policy denying th right of
netltlon to government employes waa
severely denounced In resolutions In'
dorsed tonight by the resolutlons,.com
mTUeofthAmerlcn Federation et
Labor. :'
It was decided to report Monday to
th convention that every effort should
be mad to assist the underpaid, over
worked and soerced poatal clerks to get
recosnltlnn from the government.
. President Roosevelt's order that
Willis 8. Moors should be. reprimanded
for asking a clerk in th weather bu
reau to pay hla union dues was said to
be an outrage, wntie denying tne ngni
of aovernment employes to petition
congress for relief. It waa said, that the
president discriminated against Amm
an cltlsenanip. -
In . reprimanding weather Chler
Moor. It was said that he violated th
comrtttutlon of th United States.
Thev tell us that President Roose
velt doe so many great things that It
Is impossible for him t6 avoid making
mistakes," said Delegate Johan of Chi
cago, "but It is a peculiar reaiur mar
all of his mistakes Injurs labor alone."
Th' executive )rder that a govern
ment employe should not hsvs ths right
to petition congress for redresa of al
leged wrongs, was Mid to be a step
Our. renutallonfor-flttlng-ye-h
been established for years. Our name
has com to moan scientific accuracy
and frank counsel. Our Orst concern Is
to maintain this record. Tour eyes de
serve th best.
Oregon Optical Co.
. m romnh st, t. k. a a. idg.
charter wlU not be revoked.
Miss Mary McDowell of Chicago,
oreated a sensation In ths eonvsntlon
during an address favoring unlvarssl
peao between nations. She said that
war was destructive, not constructive.
Says War Is JEslL '
"War Is for the benefit of ths few
to th debasement of th many," said
she. "General Sherman was right when
hs said that war .was helL Th woman
and th ohlldren are the sufferers from
war. In soms European countries I
have visited, the women wer working
as hod carriers. When I asked th rea
son I was told that all th man were"
In th army. I visited Annapolis when
John Paul Jonea' body was brought
back and burled for th third time.
There was a great pageant- Ths pa
geant was simply upholding destruction,
not construction. Why should we build
a larger navy than EnglandT
"England haa ths largest death-dealing
vassal after all. Why should w
want to excel EnglandT Let that coun
try build its big naval ships If it wants
them. My father and unci wer both
In th civil war. . Both hav told m of
its horrors. My unci was with General
Sherman on ths march to ths sea. .He
told m that'that was a most disgrace
ful affair. I am therefore heartily In
favor of universal peace. I am for th
woman and children who suffer from
war and if ths men will stop the killing
of men there will be a better world for
th women and children.'
Ihrlnters Stmt. '
Little progress hss been mad In the
JU riSd IfitlP" rifht Ihi srpn.l
ters and woodworkers, it is now be
lieved that th only settlement possible
to refer the matter to a committee
for adjuatment .after ths convention ad
International President James M
Lynch, of the printers, announced to
day that fS, 000,000 had been expended
In the contest for an eight-hour day by
th members of his union... Only 1,100
men are on "Strike in the country and
42.000 ars Working eight' hours. The
strike is practically settled. President
Z.ynch stated.
(Joe rail gpedsl Berries.! ' "
TTnlon. Or., Nov. 17. Th funeral of
Mra. Sarah Trueadell took place yes
terday, Rev. O. H. King, of La Grand
Mrs. Trueadell was a' highly respect
ed pioneer of this plao. 8h was bom
at Winchester, ill., in 1114 and in 1116
waa married to Samuel Trueadell, who
died In Maroh, 1905. With her husband
eh moved to Oregon In 1861. and soon
after they mad their home in Grande
Rend vallay, near Island City. About
10 years ago they moved to Union.
Mrs. Trueadell wss ths mother of
Mrs. J. A. McCarty of Union, Mrs. It.
Alkln of Elgin, O. B. Trueadell ef
Boise,' Ida.; Jamea Trueadell of Baker
City and John Walker of Portland.
Arlington. - - Or., Nov. IT. Ornt'
Wads of -this pise I making headway
In getting water on his plac of 4.000 ,
acre near town. He will get an abund
ance of wtr at a depth of 4St feet. .
The water stands 160 feet deep In th
well and by a. test-by pumping seems-'-to
be inexhaustible. He will pump It
into a reservoir near the wall and pip
It to all parte of hla land. -
CIroalt stblishd.
( Josrsa! Bpeelsl Service.)
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 17. Arrange
ments havs been made by th Baptist
ministers of Pendleton, Baker City and
La Grande to hold triangular meetings
during th coming winter. Th first
meeting will b neia at Baser vity.
Rev. Hall of Pendleton and Rev Otb
sow of La Grande assisting Rev. Seoor
of Baker City In the lntter church.
Afterward meetings will b held at La
Uraade and then her. ,
That it is not too early tfx think of Christmas.
We would be pleased to help you select your
Christmas Gifts
Why not stop in, look over our large stock "of
have your selections reserved until you want
.' them? :. -. , ".".."l'
' Our Lasv Pavmcnt Svstcm
- - - ..
Enables any one to secure suitable holiday gifts wtthduicon
siderable outlay or paying any more than those paying cash