The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 48, Image 48

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J 7
THK 8IGV OV THE FOUR" The odor Lorch and company, at the Hel
llg, concluding performance tonight -"THK
MARRIAGE OF KITTY" Mlaa Florence Oear and company, at
y "the Helllg Monday night. . -. . -
. THE 8IGN OF THsi CRO88" At the Helllg, Tuesday and Wednes
day ntyhts.
ROBERT EDESON In "Strongheart" at the Hellir. Thuraday and Fri
day nights and Saturday matinee.
"THE MIDDLEMAN" At the Baker, by the Baker atock company, John
... Salnpolla In title role; all week wtth matinees today and Saturday. ,'.
Wednesday and Saturday.
THK HTCJItf nv THK Vnt n"All
May, by the Lyric atock company, Frank Panning: aa Sherlock Holme,
"POLLY AMD I" All week at the Star by the Allen atock company,.
with matinees Tuesday, Thuraday. Saturday and next Sunday.
VAUDEVILLE All week with dally mutinies at the Grand and at the
. ,. Fantages.
I HEILIG Leoncavallo,' November 16 and it; Mas Flgman In "The Man on
. the Box." November 17 and II; Harry Bereaford In "The Woman
Hater." Thanksgiving; matinee and evening", "Peggy from Paris,"
November 10 and December 1.
- BAKER All nxt week "A-Temp arance Ton": week of December ,
Ralph Stuart and Lillian Lawrence In "A Social Highwayman"; In
preparation. "The Merchant of Venice." . ,
JtaIPIRJflAllJiext week-Uncia. Josh- Spruceby"j - coming, "Qulncy
Adams Bawyer" and Zlnn'a bur lesjuera.
LYRIC In preparation, "We'una o f - Tennessee" and "The ' Heir Ap
.; parent."- 4 , . -
By Johnston McCulIey. :
T' Hw.
Hal SUCCESS of the paat week
was "The Lion and the Mouse,
hleh appeared two nights at
the Hallla-. It Is one of the
really meritorious shows that have come
i to Portland this year. Two represents.
1 ' live audleiu'es greeted the 'pruduutluu.
nd the publlo was generally .pieaaea.
The company waa a good one, much bet
ter than the average roa-"show com
pany, and the publlo got Us moneyj
worth." t-v"" -:: ,""r
"Under Southern Skies" also had a
couple of nights at the Helllg. This
how. which makes an annual, trip,
pleased a certain class of play-goera and
did fair business. A few of the com
pany were excellent actors, while the
rest were mediocre,
' "The Sign of the Four." with Theo
dore Lorch In th role of -''Sherlock
Holmes." concluded the week at the
Fourteenth-street house.
' At the Baker was 'a most auccesstul
farce, "Lost Twenty Four Hours."
Donald Bowles played Dick Swift and
added another bunch of laurel to his
wig. Bowles did better work than he
tiaa done at any other time this season.
William Dills had the funster part, and
the laughter he caused was tremendous.
Lillian Lawrence waa seen aa a naughty
adventuress. The role didn't suit her
very well, but she made the moat or it,
nevertheless. Frances Sloason, William
Oleaaon and Howard Ruaaell did good
-work. -The stage- setting waa -excep
tionally pretty and a ere
tant to. ins man-
agement. .
At the Empire we had "As Told In the
Hills." a roaring melodrama. In which
-every one waa slain except the leading
man and leading woman. It did good
At the Lyric. Joaquin Miller a play
"Forty-Nine" waa the bllL Herbert
. Ashton and Miss Branscombe did excel
lent work, and the Lyrto experienced a
good week.' T
"A Man of Mystery" held forth at the
Btaiv giving seversl members of the
Allen stock company a chance to make a
. good Impression. This theatre also did
good business.
At the Grand and the Pantages. the
-vandevllra- arttirta drew the mroatt
' crowds. Both theatres had a good bill
last week, each showing a disposition
to give the patrons something a little
better than in the past.
w w
The present week premises to he
heavy In attraction The Helllg will
be busy from start to finish. Mondsy
rilsrht Florence Qesr will he seen- In
The Marriage of Kitty," the comedy
In which Max Flsrman made such a hit
two years ago. "The Sign of the Cross"
will be at the Helllg Tucsdsy and Wed
nesdsy nights. Robert Edeson In
"fltrongheart" will be seen at the Helllg
Thuraday and FrdAO,fhJ"..,.nl?.aiur
day matinee.
Edeson will undoubtedly prove the
big drawing card of the 'week as far as
the HI11bt ! eoncerned. He Is supported
by a good company of players.
may say truthfully that the present
week at the Helllg, taken as a whoK
will ha satisfactory. The three attrac
-- thmariaa been pralwed -along the road, j
At 'the Baker the popular stork com
pany i will present The Middleman."
JohnlSalnpolls will play the old potter
and Mlllan Lawrence the daughter. The
iplny has been well caat. and sensations
are promised In a ecenlo wsy. .
.. .At the Empire Tk' Bad Boy" will
t the bill.
At the Lyrte "The Sign of the Four."
which the Lorrh company put on Friday
and asturflny at the Heiilg, will be the
Mil. Krsrs, Fanning appearing aa Sher-hw-k
llnlmea. It la a role In which Fan-
V " " " -?T4
wuV mt the T.vrin with matinee Mrh I
sulted well to the abilities of the Lyric
At the Star "Polly and T' win be the
bill. ; It Is a rattling comedy-drama,
whlchi ws believe, has never been eeen
la Portland before.- . . - ...
Thovaudevlllo houses, the Orand and
Anne Singleton, the new second wom
an of the Baker company, will arrive
In Portland this evening and immediate
ly go Into rehearsal. She will be first
seen here next week In "A Temperance
Ralph Stuart, the -new leading man
of the Baker I tea, will arilve some time
this week. . Ha will make his appear
ance December t In "A Social Highway
man." The Bakerltes, rumor says, msy
be otherwise strengthened at an early
date. The company haa In preparation
several large productions, the first of
which will be "The Merchant of Ventae"
In which John Salnpolls will play Shy
lock and Ralph Stuart will play Bas-
aanlo. - "
w , ' -
- The Thanksgiving event at the Helllg
this year will be Harry Beresford In
"The Women Hater." He will, give a
performance both matinee and evening.
Other events scheduled at the Helllg
aoon are Max Flgman In "The Man on
the Box," Leoncavallo and "Peggy From
w w ,
Th"Lyrle"company"'hasIn prepara
tion "We'uns of Tennessee" and "The
Heir Apparent" "
"Uncle Josh Sprueeby" Is coming to
ine Empire next week, and this play
house also has scheduled "Qulncy
Adsms Sawyer" and Zlnn's burlesque.
Manager Allen at the Star Is making
preparations for producing several ex
traordinary bills during the winter. The
Btsr la rapidly growing in popularity.
Rehearsals for the musical fantasy
"Cupid In PoMerland." which Is to be
presented at Helllg theatre December
11, have been In progress the past
week. The promoters have had' a diffi
cult time te secure a suitable hall to
accommodate the (0 or 70 alngers par
ticipating In the affair, and had to be
satisfied with the old O. A. R. hall, on
t'nlwn avenue. Rehearsals take place
nightly, and James W. Evans who Is
directing, assures us that h haa never
had a greater Interest shown by his
cast than with the present one. - The
characters are odd. including as they
do Old King Cole, Boy Blue. Miss Muf
f it and Jill, from the nursery rhymee,
and Happy Hooligan, Mrs, Katsenjam
mer. Lady Bountiful, Foxy Grandpa,
Buster Brown, Mary Jane, Pretending
Percy from the Sunday supplements.
The composite nsture of the familiar
characters forma the basis from which
the title IS derived.
"Cupid .In Posterland" is to be -produced
under the aueploes of the Order
of the .Knights of Khorrsssen Knights
of Pythias and will probably prove to
be a clever, somewhat original non
aenslcallty with an abundance Of happy
music and material Intended only to
entertain the audlenoe.
In Pittsburg tonight Olga Netheraole
Is to begin her American tour In her
own version of "Adrlenne Lecourveur."
Miss Nethersole produced the play aome
time ago in England, where it made a
profound Impression snd was pro
nounced her maaterplece.
After a short engagement In Boston
"The Belle of Mayfair" Is to be taken
to Dnl'e -theetre. New York, where It
will open for the remainder of the sea
son en December I. 1 I
1 Owing t the Withdraws. oX "Brlga-
dler Gerard" from the Savoy theatreran
arrangement has been effected by which
"Sir Antnony."-Haddon- Chambers new
comedy of the suburbs, will be pre
sented awthat playhouse, beginning
Mme. Alia Naxtmova. leading actress
of the Russian company of playera that
visited America last year after having
been expelled from ,Ruasla for present
ing a play that did not please the cxar,
has Just made her debut in English
epoken drama in New York,v preaenting
"Hedda Gabler."
During the ?ast week the first dra
'matte presentation of Oscar Wilde's
"Salome" on any publlo stage waa made
at the Aatoe theatre. New.. York.- by
Mercedes Le'rfh. An operatic version
of the same work Is to be suns at the
Metropolitan opera, house during the
Musical plays are still heavy favor
ites among New York playgoers. "The
Red Mill." wtth Montgomery and 8tone
as the stars, continues to pack the
Knickerbocker theatre, while "The Blue
Moon," 'The Tourists" and several other
plays of similar character continue to
draw crowded houses up and down
David Belascos new play, 'The Roae
of the. Rancho," la to be produced for
the first time tomorrow night at the
Majestic theatre, Boston.
Charming Pollock's play. 'The Lit
tle Gray Lady," which was seen in
New York laat season. Is to be revived
on tour, with Helen Grantly in the
stellar role.
At the Liberty theatre. New York.
next Monday night Miss Eleanor Rob
son wll produce another of the series
of 10 new plays in which she is to be
seen this season. This 41ms It is "Su
san In Search of a Husband." written
by E. W. Presby from a short story
by Jerome K. Jerome.
. 'The Lion and the Mouse" has cele
brated Its - f 00th performance lir New
York City and still continues to fill
the Lyceum theatre, .
A. Z. Marino, the man who created a
seneation In London music halls by
letting a o-horaepower automobile be
driven across his body, begins his Amer
ican engagement at Hammersteln's Vic
toria theatre. t"
Mrs. Le Moyne In Brownlng's"P1ppa
Paanes," begins a New York engage
ment tonight at the Lyric theatre.
, Puccini's opera, "Madam Butterfly,"
which has scored heavily In Washington
and Boston, la to be eeen In New York
for the first time at the Garden theatre
- John Drew Is In the third month of
his engagement at the Empire theatre.
New . York, where he la appearing In
Plnero'a "His House in Order."
The New York critics are not very
lt-ud In their praise of Miss Lena Ash
well, the English emotional actress, who
is appearing in "The Hhulamlte." The
artrews, howevery-ia given more prale
tnan ne play. ,
. .'The Marriage; of Kitty."
The two- scenes of the onerkllng -comedy.
'The Marriage of Kitty." to be
produced at. the Helllg theatre Monday
flight, November 1, by Mr. Jules J!ur
ry of New Tork. are laid In the charn
bers of London barrister and In the
villa of the heroine ea the lake of
ir-;-- vt- ' w'p-J
Geneva There tt-nothh)i-etartl!ng -In
either -the stage setting or In the "at -
mosphere" which .surrounds the play.
In the first scene the plan Is hatched.
and. In the second, carried out. to its
delightful conclusion. John Travers, a
solicitor and God-father- to Kitty, Is be
set by the woes of both his ward and
hia friend Sir Reginald Belalse. Kitty
Is penniless and has come up to Lon
don to get married, and Sir Reginald
ia suffering from the injustice of his
uncle's will, by the terms of which he
'must marry before the first of Septem
ber and,, also, marry someone who Is
not "a Peruvian widow." His wise
father knew that the only lady ha
. would marry wn a Peruvian widow,
one Madame de Semlano by name', and
knew alao that Sir Reginald would be
apt to follow the eonventlona of the
world In which he moved and not make
a fuss tjiat would bring him Into dis
grace. The barriater seeks to do away with
all obstacles to the plans of both and
marries Kitty to the Baronet "for a
tluio," In order to comply with the
terms of the will, thinking to undo
the mischief after It la done by another
subterfuge as clever aa the first - The
conclusion .Is as delightfully humorous
as anything seen on the stage this dec
ade. Miss Florence Gear so infuses her
own personality into the character of
the "wife of convenience," vitalises It
with her own youthful charm, and
charges It with her own rsdlant beauty
mat one realises how hopeless it
for the lord to do otherwise than can!-
tulate absolutely. Seats now selftng at
ine meaire. . ,i
Robert Edeson in "Strongheart"
V There is always a Air. fatT whole
hearted fellow In every college who Is
tne lire and spirit of his classmates
Naturally "Strongheart" the nlav In
which, Robert Edeson will appear at tho
neiiig neat re next Thursday and Frldav
night and Saturday afternoon, November
zz. 23 and It. has such a character. The
part la played by Frank J. Mclntyre, who
loses no opportunity to make It atand
out In the most pronounced way. He
Is in love with a vivacious and enthusi
ast lo young college girl, who aaks hi
ss a proof of his friendship for her, to
give her something which he otherwise
would, not part with. And he forthwith
gtvea her the signals which are to, be
used in the big football game, which is
to be played in the near future. She
aays: "Isn't It grand to hold a man s
honor In one s hand?" He aays: "Yea
but be careful you don't drop it". .Later
on he aays to Strongheart after a dis
agreement with his fiancee: "They say
thereis a fool- born every minute. I
guess I used up about five minutes."
And In speaking of the trouble which
everybody has got Into . over the los
of the signals, he remarks: "Say, th's
affair Is Just like life, isn't it it would
he bully fun, if it wasn't so d d seri
ous. This morning I asked Buckly to
kick me. -but I couldn't tell him why
so he wouldn't" Seat sale opens next
Wednesday at the box offloe of the
theatre at 10 a, m.
The Middleman." . ,
'At" th- Baker" thla weeTc, beginning
with today's matinee, the bill will be
"The Middleman," the famous play by
Henry Arthur Jones, author of 'The
Matquerader," "The Hypocrites" and
other famous successes.
1 e ee se
by E. 8. Wlllard, and the lead, which, la
a strong character role, will be played
by John Salnpolls. It haa been some
weeks since Mr. Salnpolls liaa had
role worthy of him. Hla ability as an
actor la too' well known to local play
goers to speak at length of it here. As
the old potter in "The Middleman," Mr.
Salnpolls will have a part worthy of
hla ability, and will no doubt do some
of the strongest work of the year thla
week. - "The Middleman" la one of the
most powerful dramas ever written and
clutches the heart more thaa any -play
before the publlo at the present time.
' The other members of the company
have been well caat Mias Lawrence
will be seen as the potter'a daughter, In
the role first played and made famous
by Marie Burrougha The part gives
Miss Lawrence a chance to do effective
work, and with the leade played - by
Miss Lawrence and Mr. Salnpolls it goes
without saying that 'The Middleman"
will prove a huge ucceis..-
- Special attention haa been given the
scenic end of the production. Real kilns
will be In use In the pottery scene. The
Baker la famous for Ita acenery, and
thla week's bill will do much to add
to that enviable reputation.
. The cast for "The Middleman." which
opens this afternoon and runa all week
with a matinee Saturday, la aa follows:
Joseph Chandler William L. Gleason
Batty Todd.., William Dilla
Mrs. Chandler
, . . Mrs. Mlna Crolius Gleason
Maud Chandler-. Miss Ethel Grey Terry
Csptaln Jullen Chandler. Donald Bowles
Epiphany Danks.; William Harrla
Sir Seton Umfravllle.v , .James Gleason
Felicia Umfravllle.Mlss Lucille Webster
Lady Umfravllle... Eva Van Clave
Mary Blenkarn Lillian Lawrence
Cyrus Blenkarn...,'. .....John Balnpolls
Danlper. .....Lee Llndhard
Dutton Thomas Harper
Nancy Blenkarn.. Mlaa Frencea Slosson
Jesse Pegf . . . .V. . 7. . . . .Howard Russell
Carter .................. Leo Llndhard
Mr.Techel . ...,r. William Harrla
The whole action of the play takes
place In the town of Tetlow, England,
at the preaent day.
Act ' I Caterpillars of the common
wealth. Scene Drawing-room at Tet
low halt "
Act II "My daughter! What of hart"
Scene Workroom at Blenkarn'a house.
Act III A waxen Image agalnat lire.
Scene The firing-house. The pottery
furnace In full operation.
Act IV The wheel is come full Circle.
Scene Same as act I.
w w - " " '
Seats Selling for Leoncavallo.
When Leoncavallo, the noted Italian
composer of "Psgllaccl" and other
grand operas, brings the La Scala thea
tre orchestra 'of TS mus'lolans and ging
ers to the Helllg theatre next Sunday
and 1 Monday tilghte, Nevem ber- is -and
It, he will be accompanied try Big. Per
ya, a leading tenor-of Pagllana theatre,
Florence, whose good looks snd mag
nificent voice win for him a bride con
sidered a belle among Baltimore aoolety
and smart, set The young ' woman,
Ml mi Francia Hope, and her mother,
had been abroad the. better part of the
veer mnA ehanred to meet finnnavellrt
'at Milan white lie was engaging artists
Tor his forthcoming tour. In Le Pro
vince, sailing from Cherbourg, the
Americans and tha maestro met again
aa fellow passengers. On tha first day
out the eompoeer Introduced Big. Per-
ya to the handsome American grrl,-and
before Sandy Hook was sighted they
had .announced their - betrothal. Both
Mrs. and MiaS Hope have accompanied
he company en tour so that the young
couple would not be separated. Seats
are now aelllngat box office of tha
" w w -V
"PeKT Prom Paris" Coming.
"Peggy From Paris," one of the most
successful musical plays ever produced
in this country, will be at the Helllg
theatre Friday and Saturday ntghta, No
vember 10 and December 1, with a special-price
matinee Saturday. "Pe'ggy
From Paris' stands forth prominently
aa one of the recent musical comedy
hits. The book and lyrics were written
by George Ada, whose fame aa a ha.
morlst is a certain guarantee of their
wit and brightness. The play ranks aa
one of the cleverest of Mr. Ads's ef
fort a It abounds In satire, humor and
merriment The character are droll
and amusing and they are carried
through a auccesslon of mirthful scene
inn eiiu&iijns.
It haa - been aald -of- "Peggy - From
Paris" that there Is a 'laugh In every
line." The humor of the play, while
crisp and swift snd Irresistible, ia also
wholesome; and-the humor constant and
unfailing is of high order and without
taint of coarseness. The play eompal
laughter by the keenness of Its wit, the
humor of the speeches, the amusing
oharaoter portrayals and the comical
complications. Tha muslo Is especially
attractive. It was written by William
Loralne and Its quality ' is guaranteed
by the face that he wrote "Salome" and
"Zamona" 'than which nothing more
popular has ever been played by -an
orchestra or on plana Added number
have been contributed by J. A. Rayne.
Indeed, "Peggy From Paris". Is famed
There are. many musical hlta . in the
play which are certain to capture publlo
fancy here, and they are sung by vocal
ists and a chorus whose fame has long
preceded them.
, .
Max Figman Coming. ;
Mx Flgman in "The Man on the
Box,"- will be the attraction at tha Hel
llg. theatre November 17 and IS. The
Man on the Box" la a modern eomedy
dramatized by Grace Livingston Fur
nuts from Harold MoOrath's book of
the same name. The book had a great
vogue and waa widely read. The play
haa been equally successful and ran
over too nights in New York City where
It was - enthusiastically received by
press and publlo. Mr. Flgman find It
the most congenial part he ha ever
played and it haa proven a happy ve
hicle for hla starring tour. Mr. Flg
man present the plsy with a produc
tion complete in every detail and a
superior companyL Including Mis Helen
Holmes, Clara Louise Chapmen; Beat
rice McClure, - Ceta Woodland Bennett
and Messrs. Morgan Wallace, Wilson
Forbes, John C. Brownell, Frank H.
tana. H-ji-m T V
Reginald Fife, Marshall Franklin,- Kd-
ward Johnson and John- Pearson. The
ale of seat commence next Sunday
morning. . : , .
w w
Thanksgiving Attraction at Heilig.
Manager J. J. Coleman ha engaged
an excellent company to support Harry
Beresford In David D. Lloyd's eccentric
comedy, "Tha Woman Hater," this
E - :
Bon, Mlaa Helen T re vera will be the -leading
comedienne. Miss Margaret Lee
will be the character comedienne and
genue. It la rather remarkable that
every part In this play la a comedy part,
for even comedies -Often harbor a villain
and other serloue roles. William C. -Andrews
will be tha principal character
comedian In support of Mr. Beresford.
Otto F. Andrle will essay the eccentrlo
character comedy role and H. H.
Sleight will have a character comedy
part Edwin Belden will be the light
comedian, and be it said with due raver
enoe, his good looks will pleas the '
ladles. Harry Crelghtoa will portray a
character role, and laat, but not least
C. T. O. Pugh will strive to amuse la
a similar character. Harry Bereaford
In "The Woman Hater" will be tha
Thanksgiving day attraction at the
Helllg theatre Thursday afternoon and
night, November 1. , '
"Peck's Bad Boy" at the Empire.
; Now the Juvenile member among the
army of theatre-goer will bav caua
to rejoice- a well aa their elders,, for
their old hero, "Peck Bad Boy," will
open this afternoon at the Empire for a
week' engagement.
Before George W Peck was elected
governor of Wisconsin his highest am
bition seemed to be to make other folks
happy, which he largely suoceeded ia
doing, and never more successfully than
when fame'a trumpet blew ita cherrleat,
note In announcing the advent In print
of his "Bad Boy," upon which the farce
comedy of J'Peck's Bad Boy.' which will
make patron of the Empire laugh all
week, la founded by the exclusive per- '
mission of hla author-father, , There
have been, are, and ever will be tbou-
sands of Just such bad boys ss tha gov.
ernor deplete, but their pen portrait ,
were sever drawn until he epitomised
them in hia humorous creation, the
qulnteaaence of whloh baa. Men trans-
f erred to the plsy referred to, and has
amused the publlo to the limit of hye- ,
terical hilarity for the paat 10 years,
during which tlm it haa eea many
puerile- Imitators pass Into the Umbo of ,
forgotten fakes. . This eeason the soope
of the play ha been) broadened so aa
te admit of the Introduction ofmare
of the "Bad Boy'a" most telling and
luuicrous praoiicas jvsn inn wiijiwiwi
a -well-e-ef- special feature novelties -bearing
the stamp - of genuine metro
politan attractions. i-MatlaeeeWdnes.
day and Saturday. - .
Next Week at the Baker.
1 Next week at the Baker the bill will
ba "A Temperance Town." It will serve
to Introduce to the Bakers patrons miss
Anne Singleton, the new second woman.
The bill Is a strong one and In the hand a
of the Bakerltea should score's big suc
cess among ' local play-goers. All the
favorltea will be In the east. Miss
Lawrence, Miss Singleton, Donald
Bowles, Howard Russell, Miss Slosson,
William Harris, William Oleaaoa and.
Mrs. Gleason will have roles la whloh
they will b able to tu. te their popu
larity. -7 .- -'--..
"Uncle Josh Sprucebjr" Next
Thoee who have enjoyed "Uncle Josh
Sprueeby" in times past wlU not need
any urging, and to those who have
never enjoyed that pleaaure, w eaa say,
look in on "Uncle Josh Sprueeby" and
you will know that you have put In a:
pleasant evening and only regret thet '
the time passed so quickly. This well
known and popular- play will follow
"Peck's Bad Boy" at the Empire and
open Sunday matinee, November le. .
, Piano Monday at .the Baker.
Monday night' patrons of the Baker
company are becoming more and more
Interested In the contest for a handsome.
Ludwlg piano, which is now being held. .
Every peraon attending on Monday
nights receives a guess blank which en
titles to one guess on the total attend
ance at the Baker for the period from
October SS to December 14, tha one
gueaslng nearest this total receiving ,
thla beautiful piano, aa a sort of a
Christmas present to tha theatre's pa
tron a
'' ' w
( "The Sign of the Four.'
Managera Keating Flood
cured the rights to present 'The Sign
of the Four" at tha Lyric this week, be
ginning with the matinee tomorrow
afternoon. 'The Sign of the Four" is
the original Sherlock Holmes story
written by Sir A. Conan Doyle. It waa
on. this story that Doyle mad hla repu
tation aa a writer and the creation of
the famous mythical detective' gained a
foothold oa the publlo such as no other
literary character has since achieved.
'The Slga or tne irour is generally
admitted to be the best detective story
ever conceived by Sir Consn and It lend
Itself readily to dramatisation. This
will be the first time that the famous
play has ever been preeented In Port-;
land at popular prloea. The production
at the Lyrlo will be equal to any of tha
higher-priced preaentatlons of the same,
piece offered at other houses. The
Lyric stock company ts well qualified
to give 'The Sign of the Four" and aa-
(Continued on Page Forty-nine.)
nil. a. , . i-BU.. nsiwrp xymi.,
writes: "My husband lay alc'k for three
montba The doctors said that he had
B. W. Evans. Clearwater, Kan.,
auick roneumptlon. We procured a bot
tle of Ballard a Horehound Syrup, and It
cured him. That was alx years sgo.
Since then w have alwaya kept a bottle
In the house. We rsnnot do without It
For coughs and colds It has no equal."
ire. tOc and 11.00. Sold br Woodard.
Clarke Co. ... ..7 i
The Mlddlemaa" Araa first produoed