The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 47, Image 47

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"The Art e! "
Being a Good Loser.
Ons ef tha lessons that woman will
-"tiavs-totsani.and -foarn'probably" in
in unir scnooi 01 experience, la me
J.rt of being a food loser.- Humlliat
ng a tba confession 1.' woman aa
rfcls have not reached tha stature of
man In thla respect It -la mattar of
frequent obaarvatlon that man will quar-
ral blttarly, on will win and tba otbar
; lose, and both will remain apparently
food friends, whlla woman undar aim-
liar etroumatancaa will lat tha whola
world know of their hurt feelings ana
will wondar why tha daar publlo doean't
.- sympathise mora heartily with them.
Now thla la not bacauaa men ara mora
forgiving, sr mora strongly fortified
' with tha Chiiatlan graces, but because
thay have made a practical application
of Mrs. Wilcox's axiom, "Laugh and
tha . world laughs with 'you." ' They
know tha world haa na uaa for a whlner
and tha man that' a knocked down and
cornea up touching- la a jolly food fel
; low that everybody la going to sym
1 pathtse with ia tha next Inning. . Under
thla. however, la a deeper, thought.- a
more penetrating Intelligence than Juet
tha touch that wlna tha crowd. It la
: tha knowledge that to ba a auceeaaful
- winner- you trait ba a graceful" loeer;
every man wno naa made a auceeaa
politically haa learned thla ho bad to
learn it or no party would have toler
ated him within He rank
Tha woman who would ba a auceeaaful
' politician muat first learn thla principle,
for every time aha departa from it aha
Injures her party or her cauaa. and era
long aha will become an outcast.
It la aa Inevitable aa fata that tha
loaerwho.hpwla end shrieks maledlc
lions upon the head of the vl tor will
atlr the rollly depths of her own puddle
or will atart the bones to rattling In
! her own cloaet. In attempting to take
down aomebody alse'a skeleton, and do
. Irreparable injury to her cauae. Unfor-
tunately. It la not tha disturber that
. loaaa; quite tha contrary, aha geta a
little notoriety that la honey to her
aoul and her aim la attained, while per-
hapa a great principle baa been sacri
ficed to personal vanity. The woman
who la not a good loaer also ahowa her
'self unfit for larger obligation for
- aha haa not yet learned the rudiments
of organisation the submlaaion to ma
jority rule. Majorities, to ba aura, ara
not always right, but right or wrong, a
vindictive outcry agalnat them but mora
. firmly entrenches them In tha position
thay have acquired. All great reforms
have coma by conscientious service- to
; a principle, and not by making it vul
. nerable to tha attack of the enemy by
. exposing the real or Imaginary weak
nesses of tta leaders. Tba loser that
tfoea thla never becomaa tha leader.
And in tha last analysis, tha loaer
. that alta by the wayside and throws
. stonaa can ba pretty certain aha la Boil
ing har own hands far mora than im
peding tha procession that ia paaalng by.
' When women learn to ba good loaara tha
art of winning will ba aaay. .
. St ..
; Council of Jewiah Woman
Makes Magnificent Report.
; Tha Council of Jewiah Women la tha
7 natural result-of tha best work of the
Jewish 'women and probably the best
r work of organised women in the state
of Oregon. Tha Portland aaotlon'a mem--;
bershlp la about too. It haa not swerved
' from tha original plan of work, and
In its monthly programs and study
, classes tha Subjects have been entirely
- along Jewish Hues. Thus far tha work
has ben dona entirely - by our own
members. We do not consider this a
! work" of' "provincialism, but rather the
outcome of greater personal Interest, a
deeper earnestness and willingness to
gain and give the knowledge that will
ba helpful to ua all.
-Tha ddrrinirtf"""rnrna of thg"curtwh
rent aventa In Jewish life and thought
for tha month has proved an Interest
ing feature of our progress and tha
i - T :S : . " V" 'I
'-A'i; I
Selby Abbey Bcfort ths Firs.
(Jsaraal Spwitl Sarvtee.) " .
London. Nov. IT. WhUe there la lit
tle daubt that Belby abbey, which was
completely gutted by fire recently, will
ba restored in course of time, It la ;ec
knowledged thst much of the damage
done is irreparable. The IIIO.S09 or
mora which will ba needed to recon
a true t tha fabric, of which little more
than tha charred aktleton walla now re
main atandlng. cannot raplace Ita bis-'
torlc treasures snd ancient architec
ture. New masonry ean never Inspire
tha same enthusiasm as tha hoary,
weather-worn atones. No such eccleat
aatlcal calamity - kaa occurred in the
British Isles since tha great fire which
devastated tha minster at Tork three
quartera of a century ago.
. Feuded by tha Coaerea
Selby abbey was ona of tha finest
specimens of Norman architecture in
the kingdom. It waa founded In 10
by William the Conqueror. Wtntarri and
bla queen visited Selby tha year follow
ing with tba intention of arranging the
endowments, and here, tradition affirms,
thslr youngest son. afterward Henry I
of England, waa born. Various suoces-
..atvd kings added, great privileges to the
abbey and adorned - It with aplendld
bnlldfngs, antll It became one ef the
most famous -ecclesiastics! foundations
of the , north. Its great cruciform
eharcb waa built by Hugh, sheriff ef
Torkahlra. In th twelfth century. It
Continued to grow In proaperlty antll
Edited by Mrs. Sarah A. Evans. '
suggesttorTmay )e helpful to other sec
tions. Our subject for this year will ba
"Tha Jew In America.".
In the atudy (lata we have followed
tha same :Hns--ofvhoughtttao papers
being tha efforts of our own members,
auppletnented and corrected by our for
mer leader. Dr. Stephen 8, Wlae. This
year ths study claaa will consider Jew
ish poets, philosophers and exegesis,
with special reference to Jewiah Ufa In
tha - middle ages. The, philanthropic
work la naturally the center around
which most of tha interest, revolves.
Tha Portland section ' owns ita aett le
nient bouee, thla section being incor
porated according to tha laws -of tha
state, pf Oregon. Tha house does not
represent . tha gift of any ona person,
but is tha result of united effort on
tha 'part of every member of tha Mo
tion. - In tha bouse ara conducted the
various actirltiea common to Industrial
and educational work, all strictly non
sectarian; wa know neither class nor
creed. .Tha sewing school was our first
effort and we bullded better than we
knew, for our aotlvltles have Increased
and multiplied, and wa know not where
they may end. Tha average attendance
at tha cooking school Is 70, and while
all do not finish the entire course thsy
arc aurely bsneflted by the work, how
ever short- the duration. .Our ... first
graduate waa a colored girl, whose grat
itude Is ahown by tha dainty garments
aha la able to fashion for the little
ona who haa blessed her with the name
mother. Following thla waa tha do
mestic science school, now a cooking
school, where IS girls ara profiting by
tha instruction the very best teachers
in the city-can-give. them.. : .
In the claaa succession came - tha
manual training school for boys, who
until this tlms Had received Jsut scant I
attention, and the gymnaaium lor both
boya and girls whoaa work doea credit
to their moat able instructors. -
Within tha last year a kindergarten
haa bean established with an average
attendance of J 5 and .e happlneaa In
tha chlldren'a facea la but a proof of
tha lova and Interest on tha part ' of
their teachers.
Our latest venture haa bean tha es
tablishment of night claaaes In Eng
lish for tba benefit of those whose, re
cent arrival In our country has made
an acquaintance with our mother tongue
imperative. From tha moat bumBle be
ginning tha claaa has - continued" to
grow until it now numbers 45, and
tha volunteer workers, a nobla band of
men and women, ara mora than repaid
by the rapid progress of their various
pupils. ,
wa cannot ana must not zorget our
well-equipped free library. Boon to --be
augmented by our hatha at tha disposal
of all chlldrsn who choosa to profit
by what wa offer.
It la most enoou raging to note tha
growing number of women Interested
in thla part of our work, and to men
tion that no aervlce has bean aaked In
vain, Tha. Portland section receives the
attention 'and oonalderatlon of the beat
element In our city who ara Interested
In preventive philanthropic work and
In all movements for tha betterment of
tha oom-aunity It la an Important fac
tor. It cooperates with" the Juvenile
court, - soma of Ita mambera being vol
unteer probation officers.
In making others belpful and seir-re-
llant, do we find our greatest joy.
ft ft ft- "
Ly!e Tuesday Musicals
Doea Good Permanent Work.
Tha Lyle Tuesday Musicals club of
La Grande haa added nine new members
and lost but five during tha year, hav
ing at preaent- 4 namea on tha rolL
During tha year they have held 11 regu
lar meetings, the proframe being con
ducted by tha members. Bealde theea
four open meetings have, been given
has also bean a number of social after
noons. Tha atudy haa been thestory of "Daa
"''' erf
Henry VIII fell out with tha pope and
started, in to plunder and suppress
Romnn Catholic Institutions.
Be selxed tha abbey, and. after help
ing himself to all Its portable valuables,
granted it to one of his favorites. Sir
Ralph Sadler, for M.S80 and a yearly
rental of I17.TS.' IV was good bualneaa
to stand In with the merry monarch in
those days. Sir- Ralph aold it to Leon
ard Bex'kwlth for considerably more than
he gave for It. and thence It descended
to ths Walmsleys of Daakehslgh. By
marriage with the heiress It came Into
possession of Lord Pet re, and in l5t
wss sold to Lord JLonViesborough.
Firs Appaxatms fos Causae.
Ona result of the tire ia likely to be
the adoption of appliances for . coping
with outbreaks af lire la England a fa
mous historic churches which ara situ
ates ai some oiiinc iron me Biauons
of modern fire brigades. When It waa
discovered" lharihe abbey waa burning,
telegraphic requests for ssslstance were
sent to Leeds and Tork.- tha nearest
large towna, and whlla tha flames raged
unchecked many of tha ploue-mtnded
among h spectators united in prayer
for the speedy srrlval of. tba fire en
gtnes. esptte that the destruction wss
woefully eomplets before, they were able
to reach the scene. Wherefore, the eo
cleataatlcal authorities bsvs decided thst
It would ba well to supplement their
trust tir rrovldenos with material safe
guards. i -
Rlnegold" ind waa conducted by Mr
Lyle. Ona of tha most successful fea
tures of the club la a large guitar' and
mandolin department. ' In all tha club
feels -lt-ha-eeompltshed soma woik
that will ba of great benefit In future
The elubrooms have been enlarged
n rearranged, making It poaalbla to
take up work that tha club haa never
oeen aDie 10 ao oerora, Tne ciuo is
always ready to aaalst in entertaining
all guests of the city by furnishing the
musical numbers.
LILLIAN M'CALL. gecretary. .
' : :
Cottage Grove Club
Shows Good Work Done, - ; '
" The club was organised in lloj and
haa 2( members, three departments and
has held since organisation tS meetings.
Ths departments have been for atudy,
elvlea and philanthropy. Tha year's
atudy has been on literature and art.
Under civics jhe -department has placed
waata paper reoeptaolea in publlo places
where needed; secured seeds from the
government and distributed them to tha
school children; held a flower, show and
awarded prises; tha msrchanU were
requested to keep the streets eleaa in
I ront.of .. their-plaoea -of business) Im
provements were secured In street and
alley crossings and around tha Southern
reel no station 'grounds. Social meet.
ings were held every two waeka during
the summer months; one reception, one
party ana one picnic were given.
The officers aret Mrs. Jennie Woods,
president; Mrs. Addle Job. vioe-n resi
dent; Mrs. Mabel " Chambars. . rscordlng
secretary; Mrs. Msrgarlta Johneon. cor
responding secretary; Mrs. Anna Wood.
treasurer! -Chairman civics committee,-!
Mrs. Addie jot; philanthropy, Mrs.
Anna Wood. ...
Club colors, lavender and ' white:
motto, "Burnish thy mind that thsreln
may reflect the image of, thy creator."
.;,-. "
First Published List
or National Committee Chairmen.
- For the benefit of the clubs of ths
state wa ara appending the first public
announcement of the chairmen of
standing committees of tha General
Federation. . Tha eluba of tha atate who
ara studying or working along tha linea
oi any of theae eommitteea will do well
to write to tha chairmen of tha com
mlttees, who havs all been selected for
their expert knowledge of the work and
will be able to give tha Individual clubs
information ' and aaalstanos . which will
carry forward their work in mora sys
tematlo and emclsfaotory manner.
Chairmen - of standing eommitteea,
Art Mrs. John B. Sherwood, IIS Mon
roe atreet, Chicago, Illinois.
Clvlca Miss Msry Knox Garvin, Jill
Wallace atreet, Philadelphia,- Pennsyl
vania. Civil Service Reform Miss Anna L.
Clark, Boonevllle, Mtaaourt ,
Education Miss Mary M .Abbott, Wa
tertown, Connecticut.
Forestry Mr a. p. S. Peterson, corner
of Lincoln and Peterson streets, Chi
cago, Illlnota.
Household Economics Mrs. Margaret
J. Blair, St Paul, Mlnneaots, '.
Industrial and Child Labor Mrs.
Clarence Burna, New Tork City.
Legislative Mrs. George C. Avery,
1111 Third -avenue, Louisville, Ken
tucky. Library Extension Mrs. A. F. Broom
hall. Troy, Ohio. .
Literature Mies Mary Poppanheim,
It Meeting atreet. Charleston, . South
Carolina. ':".
Outlook Mrs.' T. J. Fletoher, Mar
shal Itown, Jo wa. -
Pure Food Mrs. Walter McNab Mil
ler, Columbia, Missouri.
Reciprocity Mrs. Herbert M. Bush-
TrnrTott& teventh .trLUncolnTT
Chairmen of board and special oom-
mltteeat .
Biennial Committee Mrs. Philip-. N.
Moore, lift Lafayette avenue, St. Louis,
Program Mrs. Psrcy V. Pennybacker.
SCO! Whitls avenue, Austin, Texas.
Press Mrs. Sarah A, Evans, Portland.-
Resolutions Mrs. J. W. Johnston. To-
pake, Kansas.
Revision Mrs. John D. Sherman. Chi
cago, Illinois.
Transportation Mrs. Edward L, John
son, Providence, Rhode Island.
Inter-Federation Committee Mrs.
May- Alden Ward, Boston. Massachu
setts. .
t H H
Southern Oregon Club
Takes Bay View Course. '
The Ashland Study club Is purely a
literary club and haa never taken up
any other work. It takes tha Bay View
reading course, and feels that in order
to do Juatico to tha work It should give
it the greater cert of Its time.
- The club limits Its membership to tS
and Is never without a full list.
The members are all much Interested
In their work and are anticipating a
pleaaant winter's study.
MAE BI'RDIC, Secretary.
St St
A OoodReport
From Pendleton Club.
Ths Current Literature club of . Pen
dleton waa organized in 1191. It Joined
the General Federation of Women's
clubs In snd the Oregon Federa
tion of TTomen's clubs In 1J.
Tha first meeting of tha club for the
years l0-l was held October S. 105.
that being the first Tuesday In October,
and our regular club day for the year
being ths first snd third Tuesdsya of
each month. Wa opened "wtttt afun
membership, whlrh Is Ji active and
four honorary members. -.
. During the club year five resigna
tions were tendered and accepted with
regrets. Three of the number leav
ing the city, and tha other two, for
excellent reasons., were unable to con
tinue - with the club work. As there
Is always a waiting. Hat (our club
being limited to 15 their places were
Immediately filled.
. Mrs. Jsmes A. Fea waa appointed
from this elub (by our etate preatdent)
as chairman of club extenalon commit
tee of the O. F. W. C. and wa are
very proud to report 2t cluba organ
ised under her efficient ana untiring
f forts, but only one club ao far haa
Joined tba state federation, though' Mrs.
Fea la expecting very soon to hear froja
othera ,
Our work for tha year waa tha atudy
of United Statea history, literature.
art and raualc. The history atudy
auslc. The history study
from trie discovery (1 2TT
and carried through tha year 1S4,
was so thoroughly enjoyed that it waa
voted upon to-continue it for the work
of the years l0-7. Tha roll call was
responded to by current events from
our ewa-eooatry. - - .
. An annual club evening or recaption
waa given - February 14 wltk tba
Shakespeare- dub as guests.
. The snnuSt buatness meeting wss
bald Msrcb . 10, at whlrh time tha
new offlrero were elected for tha club
year at list-l and one) a twa sbaagss
Garpcts,rHnoleuinsrDraperiesr H
invite "you tdvisirouf'n Nowhere iri th'e chy can yott find a bet
ter assortment. Here you can find goods of . the highest quality and the good substantiaMurniture at a
lower pricethan we ever sold before. There are many special bargains on thejloor this week. ;
The Complete Home Outfitters Second arTd Morrison Streets
made la tha constitution, among them
tha olub day waa changed to the flrat
and third Fridays of each month. ,
In conjunction with- "The Thursday
Club" and tha . Woman's . club of Pen
dleton tha Current Literature club gave
an art exhibit of tba Elson, collection
P. .ror "w.'"". to tellyou tha the ladles heeded
"J 1! t!!" Itof -wfiF-a-.ubacHptI6n-5z-I0U.
n am i-i v m i , nr wnion au uuun j&wuuvru
for picturea for tha various schools.
All of these picturea have been received.
Our last meeting was held May It. HQs,
with a full attendance. " r
Prealdent of the C. L. C. of Pendleton
for llS-s. . . .
t St" 1
Good Club Work
By Union Club Women. ' . "
The Woman'e elub of Union waa or
ganised In lift, and la now la Ua eighth
Tha meetings are held on alternate
Thursdays,, beginning at I p. m.. at
tha homes of ths members. The-fnem-bershlp
is unlimited but has never gone
beyond 10. Last ysar there were it on
tha rolls, and opened this year with the
same number, but aeveral new names
have been added since opening.
Tha club waa not represented at the
state federation laat year, but a report
of our work waa sent.
Last year the course of atudy adopted
was modem literature, music, art and
clvlo Improvement, . but the program
wss often supplemented with tslks on
household economics, current events snd
drills In parliamentary lawt which many
of tha members felt the need of. Mrs.
Lillian Colo-Bethel's book being the au
thority adopted. The Woman's club
bought property in 101 snd Incurred s
debt amounting . to tSOS, which the
members sra paying by Installments,
and hve now decreased about IJ00 of
the debt
One of tha pet hobblee waa to estab
lish a free reading-room for tha young
people and for ae many of tha elders as
wished to patronise It. Not being able
to do it alone while paying for its prop
erty, the ladles of tha W. C. T. V.
Joined In tha undertaking, and together
they have now seysral hundred volumee
of their own JlfiA ara receiving ahlp
menta of books from the atata library
St Salem, and -tho-iWla- free library a4
rcadlngjoom Is somethtng-ttia wumen
are proud of. - -
The property bought ia bringing In s
small rental, and in this way la helping
to pay the debt. The elub motto is,
"Burnish thy mind thst therein may be
reflected the goodness and wisdom of
thy Creator."
Tha officers lsst year proved efficient
and th members were all willing to do
the work required of them. Tne at
tendance was good, and tha Woman's
cliub is recognised as sn "organisation
of standing In the city of Union. .
ESTHER E. PUR 8 EL, Delegate.
V 1 'St. St SJ
Artistk Needleworkers .
Make Bright Report.
We ara not a study club neither are
we drones. Aa our object Is stated in
our by-laws wa srs banded togetheg
for social Intercourse, ths exchsnge of
ideas upon 'needlewora snd civic lm-1
provemeuU We meet every Thursday t
needlework and clvlo lm-
at the homo 'of our mambera In alpha
betical order. After aa hour and a ,hlf
of needlework we bare our bualneaa
meeting when ail requests for aid from
school, city council or any ona Inter
ested In tha publtd welfare la consid
ered. Buslneaa being concluded, lunch
son Is served and I muat give our ladlss
credit fr,r being experts along thla line
as wail a being, good needlewomen. .
No doubit you have all. beard of the
Coo bay country, es much talked of In
eur aapers, Ws taks some ef ths credit
e Home of
; - -I 1 I
is the home of the New Rival Range, you know so well as the
' Range mad -'f'"
of bringing this sbout, Two years ago
the city council sent a committee of
three to ask tha ladles of ths A. U.
W. to assist them In establishing a
board of trade In our city. Aa money
wss needed and had to ba solicited by
publlo subscription I am proud indeed
r -w-. - Mt . i rt
During the. terrible disaster in San
Francisco another committee from our
city council waited upon ua again for
a donation, securing 60 In cssh and a
pledge of (00 loaves of bread before I
o'clock nest morning. Aa this was at
1 p. m, you may readily Imagine this
meant all night at work, enough to tell
you we were all there on tha wharf
nsxt morning ready to 'fulfill our pledge.
Wa have made liberal donations to ths
publlo school library and also have dona
good work In improving tha grounds
of ' our school. These ara exam plea of
our work. No ddubt the question pre
sents Itself aa to where wa get our
money. Wa have edited a cook book
called tha A. U. W. Cpok Book and re
alised $260 from tha sale. As tha re
ceipts were tried receipts of the ladies
comprising our club . thin will surely
bear ma out In tha assertion that I
made at the beginning of our report.
We also give an annual ball and it IS
ore of the social events of tha seaaon.
Wa realised at our last one $17 and for
a llttie city of ,0i Inhabitants we
think this a goodly sum. As we pride
ourselves on our social life we would
like to extend an Invitation to tba club
women of the atate that If over you
visit our neighborhood to make your
selves known to- the ladlss of tba A. U.
W. club of Marahfleld.
Prealdent A. U. W. Club, Marahfleld.
at si at
Forest Grove Club
Doing Systematic Work. '
Tha Woman's etub of Forest Orova la
tha outgrowth of tha Lewis and Clark
"We dined in some of the
finest hotels and restaurants, hut
did not find any coffee to excel
m quality ArbuckW ARIOSA."
That is what one Ia4y writes snd
millions of other prove they believe.
. . j i , " , '
bytBmg mOTB Arbuctles AKiUoA
Coffee than all the other pacLagrxl
coffees ia the United States put
The fact that Arbuclle
ARIOSA Coffee cot lc,' and
his suited the health and taste of
roost American people for -over
r . A TaTsliS" ta. n "Saw sv aTbe -""asasm 'J 3 I I X A I vrt-m M . sK-USST "V . r r s , - l
Good FurnicHre
clubs Tha year of lift end HOI we
studied colonial history snd thla was
prominent In the program. . At tba an
nual election the following were chosen
for tha year ltOe and 107: -President.
Mrs. Arthur Wood Johnson; vice-president
Mrs. John A. Abbott; recording
secretary, Mrs. E. E. Williams; corres-
W,,f' ...i.Tw fr. 7
Shannon and Mrs.
L. A. Watt and Mrs. A. O. Hoffman
wars elected extra members of tha ex
ecutive committee.
The toplo of etudy and program for
10 and 107 is "Tha Revolutionary
and Conatructlva Periods. Our program
snows now yiese are ireateo. our
departments have been inaugurated this
year. The general information depart
ment is under tha able leaderahlp of
Mrs. Walter Hogs, with Mrs. John A.
Abbott an enthusiastic assistant Tha
plan of work is to study tha property
lawa with special regard to women, then
after a few werts devoted to this to
take up the child labor laws, folowed by
purs food lawa and domeatlo science
and tha members ara planning to keep
la touch with tha bills before tha legis
lature. At each meeting one current
event announced at tha previous meet
ing will be thoroughly discussed. This
department will meet twice a month.
Tha manual training department with
physical culture has Mrs. Oeorge Han
cock as superintendent and Mrs. A. O.
Hoffman as assistant .Ths plan Is to
introduce carpentry and military drill in
the publlo school. The Woman's club
Is to maintain the department until tha
Interest is sufficient to vote a tax to
carry on the work. At tha first meet
ing thla year 121 waa voted aa a begin
ning and tha school Is planning to give
an entertainment early In November
for the benefit of this department, the
Woman's elub furnishing ths . music.
Following this a souvenir calendar will
probably be Issued for further funds.
The list of necessary tools has been
obtained and an Instructor secured. Ws
have tha hearty cooperation of tha su
37 years, ought to induce'eTery-
body to at least sample it-
The cities hide many country girls
and boys who secretly sigh for a
cup of good coffee Hie "mother M made.
"Mother" probably used the old
original N Arbuclles" the first roasted
packaged coffee. - , .
See that you prt tha sealed
raiv SL
perintendent and tha school board.. Frr '
tha drill broomsticks will probably bo
nsed, these to bo made perfectly smooth
with sandpaper and prepared with round
ends by tha manual training pupils and
to use these with appropriate music
will make the physical-culture exercises
a pleasure and at tha same time carry.
oiTt tha lsgal Sesalreiwent of dsllj yU)W
leal culture exercises . - ha ths public
Professor Mary F. Farnham Is tha
able leader of tha Shakespearo department-which'
began work with IS main-'
bers. They meet fortnightly for atudy.
on tba first and third Tuesday after
noons, spending aa hour and a half in '
reading and discussion of tha play as
signed for that meeting.
It Is tba porpoee of tha department
to read the comedies this year, taking
tha worka' in tha order of their pres
entation to show tba development ef
Shakespeare'e mind and Ita Influence
on hie art Tha play Is outlined by tha
leader aa to plot and motif; auxiliary
notes snd topics .also are type written
with tha analyala and posted ia tha frew
reading room, where tha department
holda meetings. Tha topics ara asa4
as a syllabus for horns work aad the
discussion Is by assigned er general
questions aa eirco instances demand.
Ona play ia studied during tha fort sight.
Tha leading scenes) are read by charac
ters assigned. It is tba purpose) of tha
department to prepare a program ia
cooperation wJtb tba sausto department '
for an open neetlng when scenes af
representative playa- will ba presented
and, Shakespeare songs with instrnosesv-.
tal music from Shakespearean theea es
will ba rendered. -
. Mrs. Charles Ruckle was appointed
secretary so that Mrs. E. E. Williams
could take the management of tha a
alc department Tha outline of this de
partment Is: First "Ths Lives of tha
Masters With Music: ascend, "History
of - Music"; . third, "Currant . Musical
(Continued oa Page Forty-Nina)
. .. V -
e si .
package, one pound ruil weignz,
bearing the name ARBUCKLEST
signature of ArbucJJe Brothers,
ruchj:rtIesou to presents.
'That is the? ernmVw srtH-tt DO WfJSft
where you buy k or what p-e you f;
for k.
Same old Cou'ee, same oU .
If your grocef won't sc; ; V.
r -f ""t r- f