The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 46, Image 46

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Mr. and Mrs. Warren ' K. Thomas and
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer. There was
some -delightful muslo after dinner, Mrs,
Bauer and .Mra. ttvana singing very ac
ceptably to Mrs. Thomas' accompani
by second Mssurka, a piano solo by
Mrs. O. C Thornton; Miss Carrie Seal
gave twe vocal solos, "My Rose," (J.
Malcolm), "Where the Heart la' (Oloy
Sparks): Miss Mona Lawler sang effec
tively "Charity (8. Glover), and "My
Heart Is Singing (Q. Sana Souol).
- Guiding Star council, Order of Pendo,
gave a successful social whist party at
Its hail. Allaky building, on Wednesday
evenlaav The -following -program was
rendered:-. Song, Mlas Effle Johnson;
piano aolo. Miss Jessie Van Horn; recita
tion by Mlas Eva Fox. All reaponded
to eneorea. Af ter 1 i hndot-WilgtJllid
been "played refreshments were served
and dancing was Indulged la until a late
hour. .-k .
" '.:;"..'
A new club has been formed by one
of the Sunday school classes of St.
David's Episcopal church. It Is known
as the Garnet club and will meet once
a month. The officers are Louisa
Backus, president: Mabel Warren, vice
president; Belle Tait, secretary; Gerald
Ine Hall, treasurer; Mrs. A. 8, Auter
son Is their teacher and honorary mem
ber. '
- -
The Naughty Big club gave a pleasant
dance laat night at the Woodcraft hall
on Tenth and Taylor streets which waa
largely attended by their friends. Mr.
P. B. Brlgham, Mrs, E. B. Couraen and
Mrs. Frank Rigler were present a
partonease. - The olub members are
Roy Fields. ' Curtis Sargent. FrajJt
Howell, William Honeyman, John
Wheeler and Arthur Flelda, -r-r--
'Although' the weather was very dis
agreeable a goodly number of the mem
Mlsa Marian Dean of Boston, who was
Miss .Alice Benson's guest for a fort
night, left last Sunday to spend a week
at Stanford and Berkeley, Miss Carolyn
Benson . wilt, leave this evening, to Join
Mlaa Deaa In Salt Lake City, whence
they will proceed east, . spending ' two
-months in a tour pt eaatern points.
TheHce1vThsraa? lor IhiT guests at the'
Hobart-Curtla haa been changed to Mon
day afternoon, when they will be at
home to their frienda.
- Mrs. William Henry Nunn entertained
laat ' Wednesday the . Neighborhood
Bridge olub. In -which ah haa" several
times substituted. -
Mrs. Charles E. Runyon ' will enter
tain the Elght-Ten-Thlrty club, tomor
row evening. ' . , . -
i ' O I
- " I ' . ' ' . ,.. ..V... ,. ,,,
H1C week haa been devoted largely
to charity. Several Interesting
, entertainment hare, been given
- and the younger aet . baa had
. most of it attention taken up witn
' . preparations for the vaudeville enter
. tainment for charity at the Nortoula
i next Friday. Moat Interesting features
! are promised for that time and doubt
' V less a large euro will be needed for
charity. .
Leading among charity entertaln
nents the past week waa the Baby
7 home benefit concert Thursday evening
at the Scottish Rite cathedral. The
, large audience bore- eloquent testimony
to the Interest taken in thle charity.
i The audience waa a representative one,
I and manv of the.leadlng society women
: ; " lent their patronage. 1 The benefit tor
the Piedmont Presbyterian church Frl-
, day evening, which took the form of a
. concert alven by Mra. Walter need ana
some of her pupils, was a successful
ventare ' The Patton home tea, which
. . Is a monthly contribution to charity,
- -will be of Interest thla week.
The well-filled musical schedule,
, which leavea hardly a date open from
now till Christmas, will engage much-of
the attention. . The Leoncavallo co
- eerta next week will of course attract
every one and Shanna Cummlng and
: Gabrllowltsch. Mra. Reed's musical- the
i' Josef Rosencranta recital, and the Mao-.
. Doweil concert will follow cioseiy.
The wedding at the First Congrega-
- tlonal - church Friday night of Miss
L Grace JrlttsjndliaTjryIcjCraken
: waa a simple and very pretty arrair.
Dr. B I House-officiated and Miss
' Leonora Fisher presided at the organ
Mrs. Beatrice .Dierke attended the
bride aa matron of honor. The bride's
gown was of -' white elysie net over
chiffon 1 and silk, made with a bertha
of malteee-lace. 8he wore a veil and
carried white Carnations. Mra. Dierke'e
gown was - of - white crepe -and had a
bertha of duchess and rose point Her
flowers were pink Bridesmaid-rose
- A reception at the King's Heights
. home followed'the wedding, given "by
Mrs. Henry McCraken., The house was
- beautifully decorated in pink and white
- chrysanthemums and wild huckleberry
vine, with streamers of tulle.. The
guests were served at small tables, the
. bridal party seated together at an ex
quisitely decorated table In--plnk. and
white. l
- Mrs. Henry McCraken wore a gown
of black chantllly- with garnitures of
Irish point studded 'with coral,' Mra.
James McCraken waa in ailver gray
llk-and point lace, Mrs.- John Mc
Craken black lace over lavender, the
bride's mother was in black silk and
Mrs. Henry North, sister of the bride.
' wore a dainty white gown.
- w.
No event for a long" time baa occa
loned so much Interest aa the vaude
' rllle entertainment planned by Mra. H.
X). Green for charitable purposes next
Friday night at the Nortonla. All the
vounrer set .are interested and have
- been busy preparing for the evening,
' -which will end bp with a dance. A
'vaudeville program will be given and
lemonade and home-made candles will
be. aold at the booths.
- A number of the younger set have
promised their assistance as ushers and
' caretakers of the refreshment booths.
" They .are the Misees Effle and Claire
. Houghton. Miss Louise Flanders, Mrs.
: David C. Lewis, Miss Frances Lewis,
Miss Susie Btott Miss Margaret Mor-
rtson. Miss May Montgomery, Miss
Helen MacBwan. Miss Margaret Mont
gomary. Miss Dorothy Morrison, Miss
Leslie Knapp. Miss Maud Hahn. Miss
- Josephine Smith, Miss Carlotta Parker,
Miss Genevieve Thompson, Miss Fanny
Brown and Miss Carolyn Burns. Those
. who ; will do various "stunts" on the
' program are Louis Bruce, M1a Nan
Wood, Miss IUxel Dolph, Mr, MoComb
' of Vancouver, Mrs. Walter Reed, Miss
Leila Shelby, Arthur Alexander, Bob
McCraken, Misses Maud and Axia
Fargo, Miss Frances Towslee, Robert
i Rou aires and Melvln PoriiflH.r ,
' '
' The art museum has entertained mora
visitors the past week to see the Douglas
- Crane portrait exhibit than the week
previous. Much favorable comment has
been made on his work and the lecture
which he gave on "Modern Art" was
pcfllly cnloyed. His talk was a aim -pie
one, dealing with the dirrereric be
tween the old and the new school of
, painting, and the appreciation of each.
Perhaps the most Interesting feature
waa his comments on famous artists with
, whom be has come in contact. Promi
nent among these were - his f elands.
Whistler. Sargent, and William M.
Chase, and the Swedish painter, Anders
' Zorn, who comes every summer to
America to widen his h orison. 'The ln-
" fluence of Japanese art was lust touched
upon, especially in connection with
Pari at Horn.
- we can sell yon a winter hat that it
wbuld take'an" eperttoeU from an
Imported article a hat that represent
faithfully the . very latest' Paris fash-
Ions. '
What If It 1 made' right ere at
hornet You get just aa much style,
just the earn colore and materials, and.
- If anything, better workmanahlp and
more serviceability. The p'lce ta cut
', quarely in two yea. m,ore. We 'are
making big reductions on all pattern
bate. The Chapeau. lit Seventh, street,
close U Washington, f.-"
. Y :
Whistler, In whom It is Quite marked.
The foremost 'Japanese artist, Hlshlda,.
with whom Mr. Crane worked- in New
York, came in for a good share of at
tention and compliment.
MS-s. Albert Sheldon's and Don'Tarp
ley's portraits were added to the col
lection after the exhibit waa opened.
The latter la attracting much attention
aa a charming study of a aweet boy face
fronx which the soul of Innocence shines
out. Mr.
crane has ' taken-great micr
est lit Master Don, who haa shown uu I
child of U, and-who haa been atudytng
with Mir, Crane during his sojourn here,
Mrs,. John Rlttenhouae Stephena ' en
tertained charmingly Tuesday evening
for her alster, Mrs. George Rounaefell
' Mrs. Stepheni and
ef Imm Angeleav-who Is visiting her.
few friends came in for an autumn
chafing dish supper. The rooms were
decorated with Oregon grape and yellow
chrysanthemums. The table waa effec
tively-arranged-with- en-oblong-center-
piece. sustaining the lines of the table.
Of ferns, autumn leavea and . yellow
chrysanthemums. . The place cards were
water oolor autumn leavee and the nap
kins carried out the same designs Mr
Cleveland Rockwell, the hostess' mother.
presided at one chafing dish and Mrs.
Stephens at the other. Among those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Kast
ham, Miss Maud Hahn, Miss Laura
Dunne, Allen Peel, J. A. Horan, Arnold
Rothwell, Robert McCraken and Irving
Mra. Rounaefell lived in Portland until
about a year ago when aha went to Call
forrila, and ahe has many friends who
welcome her for this visit, which will
last till early December.
The monthly Patton Home tea to be
given next Tuesday afternoon promises
to be of special interest. Mra. Charles
W. King will be the hostess and assist
lnsr her in receiving will be Mrs. W. P.
Olds, Mrs. Frank Toung, Mrs. Richard
Martin. Jr.. and Mrs. 8. W. King. Mrs.
D. M. McLauchlan will have charge of
the dining room and Mrs. R. P. Graham
and Mrs. T. A. Sherman will pour tea
and coffee. Mrs. Byron E. Miller has
chargo of the program,: .which will be
aa folio wa:
Song ................. .Nevln Quartet
Piano Solo . ... Mrs. -1. B. Rosencranta
Soprano Solo ....Miss Kathleen Lawler
Reading ....... Mrs. Roscoe R. Glttner
Duet. Mrs. Sanderaon Reed and Mrs.
J. Ernest Laid law.
Contralto Solo ....Mlsa Mabel Willi
Song--. v.. ....-.,... Nevln Quartet
Quartets Miss Katherlne Covach, Mlsa
Ethel Powers, Mrs. Byron E. Miller,
Miss Alice Juston. The accompanist
Mrs. H. A. Heppner and Mlsa Eileen
. -
The concert given by Josef Meredith
Rosencranta, violinist, at the Helllg,
December 10, promises to be a social
event of some Importance since the an
nouncement of the patrona and patron
esses. He will be assisted by Mrs. Rose
BIoch-Bauer, soprano; Mra. Julia M, Ro-
encrant. ptanlste, and Edgar. E. Cour-
n, nrrnmpajtlgt. The concert is under
the patronage of Governor am)
George E. Chamberlain, Mrs. Solomon
Hlrsch, Mrs. Helen Ladd' Corbett, Mrs.
Isam White. Mrs. H. L. Plttock, Mrs.
Warren E. Thomas, Mr. and Mra. J. N.
Teal, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. 8. Wood, Mr.
and Mrs. Wplter V. Smith. Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Fleischner, Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Hoge, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Knapp. Dr. and
Mrs. Holt C. Wilson, Mr. and Mra. W. C.
Bristol. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mills, Dr.
and Mrs. A. J. Glesy, Mr. and Mra. B,
Neustadter, Dr. and Mra. A. E. Rockey,
Mr. and Mrs. Max Fleischner, William
D. Wheelwright and J. C. Alnsworth.
Mr. "A."C, Panton gave. a prattr-gold
and white luncheon of 4 covers Thurs
day afternoon followed by an afternoon
of bridge. Luncheon was served at
email tables and the place carda and
flowers carried out the color plan. At
bridge the prises were won by Mra. John
C. i Robinson and Mrs. Rupert J. Chip
mart." The guests were Mr. J. Whyte
Evan. Mrs. J. Ernest : Laidlaw, Mrs.
Jamea D. Hart, Mra. 8. Chapman, Mrs:
Edward U Prescott. Mrs, K. A J. Mao
Xensle, Mra, William C. Alrord, Mrs.
I 1 1
3 J:
Joseph W, Hill, Mrs. J. J. Panton, Mra.
R. Lea Barnes. Mrs. Jii. w. - ivennara,
Mrs. C'W. Mathewson, Mra. James Me
Craken, Mrs. Robinson and Mra. Chip
man. '. '
Dr. and Mra. Panton left yesterday
for old Mexico and California, to be
gone -mix weeka. - -
r .- , .
William D. Wheelwright was) host at
dinner and a theatre party Monday night
In honor of Miss Nan Wood, whoae en
gagement to David Honey map, was re
cently announced. Dinner was served
at the Portland grill and the party
went from there to see "The Lion and
the Mouae" at the Helllg. The guests.
besides Mia Wood and Mr. Honeyman,
Flandars, Mlaa Heltabu, Mrs. Helen
La dd Corbett, Roderick Macleay and T.
Scott Brooke. . ,
Mra. C. H. Lewis entertained at lun
cheon Tuesday in honor of Mra. Soad-
ding and her guests were all of the older
. ;
Her Guest
women. The table waa beautiful-with
a rich centerpiece of autumn frulta and
foliage and the candles were shaded in
corresponding tints. The guests besides
Mrs. Scaddlng were Mra. Henry E.
Jonea, Mra, Van Renaaelaer. Mra Rod
ney OUsan, Mrs. Fnder, who is visit
ing her daughter,-Mrs. '"William Mac
Master; Mrs. J. B. . Montgomery, Miss
Falling, Mrs. W. 8. Ladd. Mrs. Oeorge
Good, Mrs. William Honeyman, . Mrs.
George Flanders, Mrs. George W. Hoyt.
Mrs. W. B. Ayer. Mrs. Philip Schuyler
and Mrs. C Fr Beebe. - Mrs. Lewis was
assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Good. -
. ;
The Informal dance at the Irvington
club Friday evening was a pleasant
event of the week. Mrs. H. A. Hepp
ner waa tne nostess and had arranged
a delightful program. - Assisting her in
receiving were Mrs. D. M. McLauchlan,
Mrs. Edwin Bell and Mrs. Q. M. Vers-
teeg. Some of the younger girls served
puncn. . The program Included a brill
iant piano solo by Mrs.' I. B. Rosen
erants; a pleasing song by Mrs. Lulu
Dahl .Miller; a violin aolo by Mlaa Cor
nelia Barker; a baritone solo by Mr.
Bowman; and a song by Mr. Millie
Perkln with violin obllgato played by
Ml Barker.
The Toung People's Bridge club met
Monday afternoon with Miss Margaret
Catlln and the prise was won by Miss
Btott. Miss Hatel Crocker will be the
next hostess. The club members who
meet bi-weekly are- Miss Ine Barrett,
Miss Susie Btott, Miss Hasel Weldler,
Miss Hazel Crocker, Miss Grace Warren,
Miss Fapnle Brown, Miss Rachel Joaephl,
Miss Rhoda. Filling,. Mrs. Freeman, Mrs.
George K. Wentworth and Miss Mar
garet Catlln.
''; ; .
Mrs. Charles F. Adams left Thursday
evening for San Francisco to visit her
father. She was accompanied by Mrs.
Charles Wesley Reed, who Is returning
home after a week's visit with Mrs.
Adams. Wednesday -evening Mr... and
Mr. Adam entertained at dinner In.
Mr. Reed' honor, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
N. Teal;' Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison,
Harry Montgomery and William Galvanl.
- w
Mr. and Mrs. C. -M. Klggin enter
tained the Wednesday Evening Five
Hundred club at their home, 340 Four-
i tenth strneUjovember 7. Dainty re-
Hduiuciivi niiw ' "J in
The prises were awarded to Mrs. L, B.
Smith, Mrs. B. Anthony, W. H. Goodwin
and Dr. J. M. Tates. Mr. and Mrs. II.
M. Lacey will entertain the club at their
residence, (67 Union avenue, Wednesday
evening, November 21.
I t ,
Mrs. John Morgan' Thoma left for
her home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
Wednesday, after a six weeks' visit with
her mother, Mrsf R. M." Jones. She
was extensively entertained throughout
her stay here', and especially by her
musical friends, as she Is herself a mu
alclan it merit. - '
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Ooss returned
Tuesdsy after an absence of five weeks
on their wedding trip east. '. They are
now at home for a short time with Mrs.
J. W. Goss in Irvington, till they shell
take a-, home of their own. ;
Mr." and "Mre J. Whyte Evan enter
tained at dinner, recently Mr. and Mr.
R. R. Hoge, Dr. and Mrs. A. K. Rookey,
Notable among the week's entertain
ment waa the five hundred party given
by Mrs. W. C McBrlde at her home on
Multnomah street, Thursday afternoon.
The game waa played at 11 tables, the
hlgheet score being made by Mrs, Mark
WObd, who received as prise a beautiful
piece of brass. The consolation prise.
a Japanese eup and saucer, fell to Mra.
J. L. Kingsbury. An. eastern Idea, of
having a prise to be out for by all the
guests waa carried out, and Mrs. W. F.
Groh became the poasessor of an ex
quisite hand-painted plate. Many hand
aoma costumes were worn, conspicuous
among them being those of Mrs. W. W.
Kerns, Mrs. J. B. Frem. Mrs. W. Wynn
Johnsoh, Mrs. K. W. Brown and Mrs.
Mark Wood The hostess was assisted
in receiving by Mrs 8. Ltvesley and In
lani-vlng hy.Mra I. A, Waat. Mlsa Daisy!
Dean and Mlsa LletajSootC
Mrs. Jfclirlde will be at home to her
frienda the lrst and third Mondays of
each month.
.....,'-' ''
Miss Jennie I. Clark was the guest
of honor at a delightful party arranged
for. her by Miss Alice Moore at the
home of the tatter's sister, Mrs. A. J.
Bundgren, 8SS Clackamas street, on Sat.
urday evening a week ago. The decora
tions were attractive, the reception ball
and parlor being festooned with Ivy
Interspersed with large yellow chrysan
themums, in the dining room innumer
able green and white, satin streamers
attached to the chandelier were carried
to the aides and corners of the room,
while a corona of huge white chrysan
themums filled the center space. Mlaa
Clark waa the recipient of many prea-'
ents, the most handaome of which waa
a cut glaaa augar and creamer. Thoae
present' were the MUses Jennie I. Clark,
Josephine Oannon, Anna Ho'ban, Jane
Swiney, Irene Loeb, Irene Ellis, Kath
erlne , Slmonton, Fern Hobba, Alice
Moore and Mrs. Charles A. Nelson.
Mr. and Mrs. William Harreschou of
11 Sellwood street entertained the Ca
mella social club In a delightful manner
laat Wedneaday evening. Progressive
whist waa the game of the evening and
the prisea were won by Mra. Waserman
and Mr. Rose, while Mra. Davis and
Mr. Mullen were awarded the booby.
A short musical program was rendered,
after which a dainty supper waa served
in the oriental room, which is . moat
unique with Its Egyptian paintings and
curios. Those. present-
Mrs. Aldrich, Mr. and Mra Cutler.. Mr,
and Mrs Trego. Mr. ana Mrs. McAfee,
Mr. and Mrs.- Waaserman, Mr. and Mra.
Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs.
Mullen, Mra. Holston, Mrs. Kreyer, Mrs.
Anthony, Mr. and Mra. Cralts, Misses
Parker, Sterling, Lillian Mullen, Rltter,
Hasel Mullen and Messrs. Parker, Fen
ton, Cutler, -
.. . ... :.. .. ,. .. .
Despite the Inclement weather a large
throng filled - St.. Lawrence hall on
Wednesday evening last, the occasion
fbeing the third caid soctal-Dy-the St."
Lawrence Social club. All were de
lighted with the sociability and happl
nes of the evening. 'The following mus
ical and literary program brought forth
rounds of applause: r :
"Resignation," soprano solo (Romo),
Miss N. Barrett; "Good Night Little
Girl. Good Night" (Macy), Miss Frances
Bingham; "Heart's Delight'' (Gilchrist),
Miss Nancy Beals; "Slumber Song"
(Vincent), Misses Beals and Bingham;
"I Love Toti" (Sobeskl), Miss E. Har
was; .recitation, Mrs. Butlkofer. Miss
Bates won the whist prise and Mlsa
Sheehan the five hundred prise.
A pleasant children'a party was that
given by Dorothy Barnes lsst Saturday
In honor of her twelfth birthday. A
number of her frienda were Invited in
for the afternoon and the hours were
spent pleasantly with games and songs.
Lata In the afternoon aupper waa served
by the mother of the little hostess.
The guests were Margaret Boone, Nellie
Hays, Kate Martin, . Millie, Robinson,
Jennie Wheeler, Flora Jones,' Mercy At
kins, Theresa Applegate, Maud Wilson-.
Bennle Pipes, Morris Hughes, Jennie
Worden, George Darton. Willie Francis,
Harold Samuels, Jesse Owens and
Frank Hendricks. '
The Portia club was charmingly en
tertained Tuesday, November II, at the
home or Mrs. Ogilsby Toung, SKI .Sal
mon street. The house was decorated
In delicate pink and white cosmos. Five
hundred was playedvdurlng the after
noon, the prises being won by Mrs.
George F. Brlce andt Mra. W. T, Mas.
tors. Mrs. John F, Logan sang "Love
In the Southland" (Frances' 'Catherine
Canfleld) and . "Sweet Is Tipperary"
(William A. Fisher). Mr. John Man
nlng will entertain - the club Tuesday,
November tl, at her home, tS9 Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wood entertained
at cards laat Monday evening In honor
of "their fourth wedding anniversary,
The rooms were decorated with vaaea of
lavendar and white chrysanthemums.
There were' four tables of five hundred
and the prises were won by Mrs. L. D.
Ward and James D. Robins. The guest
were Mr. and Mrs. James D. Robins,
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Ward, Mr. and Mrs.
R. T. Tate. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wll
II.. I Bi,lln mnA Me mnA Mra
"i "JZrZZ "
Thomas E. Robe.
The Sunflower club gave a surprise
party for one of its members, Mrs.
Montag, Wednesday afternoon. After
an hour of social chat light refresh
ments were served. 1 Those present were
Mrs. Floke,, Mrs. Miller, Mrs, Mooney,
Mrs. Ehlers, Mrs. Leary, Mrs. Axel son,
Mrs. Wlnkleblackv Mr. Springer, Mrs.
Chambers, Mrs. A. Wlnkleblack, Mrs.
Day, Miss Helen Floke, Master H. Mon
tag, Jack Wlnkleblack and Ray Winkle-
The Shakespeare club was enter
tained by Mrs. A. W, Anthony last
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. La Barr
will Instruct the class this winter.
Mrs. F. W. Graves will entertain the
club next Wednesday afternoon. ' ,
1 , ,.,".-J, ':L.':.-.i--.-.-..i:-
The Portnomalr tlub -discussed, phil
anthropy at their laat meeting on
Wednesday and the paper was read by
Mra A. O. Dayton.- Xt waa followed
bers, of IJnQoiA..GartiaMWomBJi'aBe;.J
lief Corps Sewing club went to tne
home of Mrs. Luclnda Foster on Blart-
'dena street Tuesday for the usual semi
monthly sewing. Many orders ror
aprons for the holidays have been re
ceived. Mrs. Foster served a dainty
luncheon, , .
Never did the auditorium of the
Sunnyslde Congregational church look
more beautiful than It did laat Wednea
day evening, for the marriage of Wll
lard F Tobey and Mra. Lydla A. Staub.
The bride Is a niece of the Rev. J. J.
Btaub, pastor of the church, who offi
ciated. The pulpit platform and choir
wore lavishly decorated with potted
plants, palms and Oregon grapes, which
formed a pleasing background for the
white chrysanthemums and carnations
dispersed among the foliage. Over the
place where the bridal party- stood
there was suspended a large floral bell
made of Oregon' grape, white chrysan
themums and cosmos, trimmed with
white .silk tulle. .
' The service opened with two short
vocal selections, "O, Promise Me," and
"I LoVe Tou Truly," sung by Mra.
Harry Stone. The bridal party then en
tered to the strains of the bridal hymn
from Lohengrin, played by the organ
let. Otto H. Bauman. The groom was
attended by Chester A. Downs aa best
man. Fred R. Chaney, C Howard Ka
ble. E. E. Gilmer and Howard H. Has
kell acted aa ushers. Master Raymond
R. Btaub led the party and opened the
gates of silk tulle leading to the. altar.;
he was followed by little Miss Helen
Miller and Master Howard Btaub, bear
ing baskets of roses. At the close of
the ceremony the organ pealed forth
the joyful measures of Mendelssohn's
wedding march and " the bridal party j
retired to the beautiful new home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tobey, 105 East Fortieth
street.- where a reception waa given to
f the Immediate relative ef bride" and-
groom. .
The bride wore a dress of white silk
crepe de chine and carried an arm bou
quet of Bride rosea The bridesmaid.
Mlsa Sophie H. Huff, wore a dress of
blue lansdown and carried an arm. bou
quet of white carnations. -
A goodly number of the T. P. 8. C B.
of the Sunnyslde Congregational church
of which Mr. and Mra Tobey are prom
inent members, stormed the home of
the bride on the evening before the
wedding and surprised her with a pll-
tow-shower.- : :
Mrs. Tobey will be at home to her
friends on Thursday afternoons.
The marriage, of MlssTheresaCath
erlne Howard, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. P. Howard, to Guy Depue took
place at the bride's home, 690 Alberta
Street, Wednesday evening. Rev. Fa
ther W. A. Daly officiated.
The rooms were decorated with an
abundanoe of Oregon grape, roaes and
carnations. Miss Tot Taggert was the
maid of honor and Max Howard, the
bride's brother, attended the bridegroom.
The bride wore a gown of white ollenne
over taffeta and carried Bride rosea.
She wore a picture hat of whlta Her
bridesmaid wore cream crepe de chine
with a cream hat ornamented with pink
plumes and carried white carnations.
A reception followed at which Mrs.
Howard in black silk helped to receive.
Mra McGee gowned In dark blue silk,
and Mra. R. McLeod in light blue silk
served in the dlntngroom. Miss Isabel
MoGee played the wedding march and
gave several selections throughout thi
evening. , The bride's1 bouquet was
caught by Miss Estelle Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. Depue will be at home
after December 1 at East Taylor and
East Ninth streets.
Miss Sarah M. Davis and Julius L.
Sharon were married on Wednesday, 'at
high noon, at the home of the bride's
'parents, Mr. and Mra R. W. Davis, at
Mill Plain, Washington, the Rev.
Thomas E. Elliott of Vancouver, Wash
ington, officiating. The ' bride waa
charming In a soft cream white gown,
and carried an arm bouquet of white
chrysanthemums. The rooms weni
beautifully decorated with Ivy, fern a
potted plants and chrysanthemums. Im
mediately following, the ceremony a
wedding dinner was served, only rela
tives and Intimate friends being pres
ent. The bride, wa the reolplent of
many " handsome presenta Mr, and
Mrs. Sharon will reside In Pendleton,
where the bridegroom ' is engaged In'
business. . .
- --
A autet wedding was solemnised on
Wednesday evening, when Miss Jennie
Clark, only daughter of Mrs. Elisabeth
Clark and the late John Clark, became
the wife of Dr. Clayton Seaman.' Only
Immediate relatives and friends, num
bering fifteen, attended the ceremony,
after which a wedding supper , was
The bride wis charming In a gown of
pearl whit eollenne silk with bertha
of rich lace and carried a shower bou
quet of Bride rosea She was, attended
by Mlse-Josephine Gannon, who wore
X -- - 1
Mad Happy foi Uf. -
Great bapplnes came Into the home
of S. C. Blair, aonooi superintendent, at
8t Albnn. W. Va, when hi little
daughter was restored from the dread
ful complaint he names. He says: "My
little daughter had St. Vitus'' Dance,
which ytald.d to no treatment but grew
taadllv worse until, aa a last resort, we
tried Electrlo Bitters; and I rejoice toJ
say, three potties eneciea a complete
cure." Quick, sure cure for . nervous
complaints, general debility, female
weaknesses, impoverished blood and
malaria Guaranteed by . Red Cross
pharmacy. Price 60v
ignis mrmi-rmj
Fashion Has Approved Our
Display of Furs
-Our display xf fashionable Furs embraces" the"
newest-andTOOst r approved-styles. Fur-Coats,-
Scarfs- and"- Muf fsf or
Especial 'attentioa has been exercised in the
selection of these Furs, and we assert without ;
fear of contradiction that for faultless mate
rials and workmanship these garments are not
surpassed in this country. We know that you
will be pleased with this attractive display, and
we want you to see it whether you, care to buy
or not. Remember, our prices are the same T
whether you pay cash or avail yourself of our
liberal credit plan which enables you to wear
the Furs and pay at your convenience,' say
One Dollar a week, or monthly,-if you prefer.""
We invite your attention to our display of
antique and hammered Brasses, in a variety
of useful and ornamental articles, including
Vases, Fern Dishes, Tobacco Boxes, Ash
Trays, Candlesticks, etc. See windows 13-14.
German Novelty Clocks the regular
SlSldnd on sale tomorrow only atrvOOtr
Eastern Outfitting Co,
4 Washington and Tenth i ; L
lavender silk and carried large whit
ohrysan themuma George Dubach ..was
best man.
After a three weeks' trip to British
Columbia points, Dr. and Mra Seaman
will be at home to their frienda after
December St at tit Eaat Tenth street
A very pretty wedding took place
Thursday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mra N. F. Davis, in Oswego, when
their granddaughter, Francis Nlda, be
came the bride of Lionel F. Goln of
Hamond, Oregon. -Rev. Moore of the
Grace Methodist church performed the
ceremony. The bride wore a very dainty
gown of white net over white silk and
carried a bouquet of Bride rosea Mra
J. Becker, sister of the bride, waa ma
tron of honor and Mr. J. Becker was
best man. A reception was held after
the wedding ceremony. ' Mr. and Mra
Goln left the same evening for a short
trip. . '
Mrs. Maria Russaringo and Theodor
Hendrlekson were married last Wednes
day evening at the home of the bride
groom, t2 Second street,- by-Rev.
Henry A. Harden. Miss Bmma Nllsen
attended the bride : and Alfred Peter
son' was the best man. ' Supper fol
lowed the ceremony. A number of
guests attended the wedding.
Miss Olive' I Women and Leo H.
Rosslter- were married laat Saturday
evening at 171 College street by Rev.
Henry A. Barden. , The bridegroom's
mother. Mrs. Sarah Rosslter and his
brother, L. J. Rosslter, attendod them.
They will reside on Eaat Thirty-second
street ' ' ..,.. . , .
Dr. Clarence True" Wilson of Grace
M. H church united In matrimony Al
fred J. Vaught and Mra Jennie A.
McKee, 'both of Portland, on the even
ing of -November-lr "the parsonage.
w w
Mlas Ida Eleanor Knerr and James
8. Wadsworth were married last Thurs
day by Rev. 3. Bowersox at the Second
United Evangelical church. They will
make their home at Mill City.
..' w w ". '
At the home of the bride's father,
near Beeverton, Miss Isabella Mott and
Nelson A. Walker wera married No
vember IS, by - Dr. J.
B rougher, ' . ?
. - : - v".;
Elmer Howard and Miss Anna Wil
son were married November It at 201
Eleventh street by Dr, J. Whltcomb
B rougher, pastor of the White Templa
On of the Important I social happen
rtant I s
g wek
augurated at Bt, Lawrence hall, Third
and Sherman streets, when ths St. Law
rence basaar will be opened. All who
have aeen the brilliant Illuminations
and decorations are pleased. v One' of
the star features Is the Royal Hunga
rian band, which is touring the United
States and which will - render select
numbers. Some prominent musical- and
literary artists of the-city -will - con
tribute to the success of the week. The
exhibits will be unique; the tapestry
11 1.j:
- womerr and " children.
W. G. SMITH & Co.
Washington Building
shows skillful work. ' The 'amusements '
will be interesting to young and old.
Many pleaaing features - have - been
added, which are too numerous to men
tion. Contests have been arranged be
tween prominent members of the pariah
and an exciting time is expected. The
culinary department will be replete,
with toothsome delicacies and a chicken
dinner will be given on Thursday af
ternoon after t:S0. Many well known
cltlsena of the city have signified their
Intention of attending. The basaar will
continue from November 1 to Novem
ber 14, Inclusive. No admission, will be
charged. - .'.-'
The ladles of Grace Methodist ohurrh
are to give a great baser in the church
parlors on Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings. Fine muslo has been -arranged
for each evening and all sorts
of things will be on sale from Oregon
frulta snd flowers, baby's , shoes and
men's and women's hats.
w . ..
The young people of " St David's
Episcopal church have begun renearaal.
for the three-act comedy, "The Elope
ment of Ellen," which will b given at '
Burkhard hall, Wedneeday, November
II. An Informal dance .will follow th
play. - The entertainment la for the
benefit of the Sunday chool.'
Invitation are out "for the Oranco
club' Thanksgiving party, which will
take place Monday, November St, at
the new Woodmen hall, Eaat Sixth and
Alder streets. The patronesses are
Mra J. C Adams, Mrs. J. W. Taggart,
Mra Frank Schmidt Mrs. T. J. Kins.
MraRW. "Jamleson. .,'
Mra F. W. Berry ha Just returned
from an extended visit to her daughter
In Costs Rica, Central America Mrs
Berry also' spent some time visiting
old friends In New Orleans and Los
AngeleS, California.
- Mrs. J. P, Wager haa returned from
Goamapolls-Waahlngtoiv where s h 1
been .for, several months, and Mr. and
Mra. 'Wager have taken up their resi
dence at tit Northrup street.
Judge and Mrs. T. G. Hatley of Six
lent were guests t the Oregon lat
week. - ... " )
Professor Eaton Dancing SchooL
- Class . for ' ladles and gents Monday
nd Thursday evening at Arloa hall..
Phono East SfOi,