. ; . , . L:--,- ,,",., ,, ','; : r ' ! . J, ' . ' , ' - - J , .... ' " . ' . J . ' . J .......... . ' ,.....,..-.-- . ( : - - . ;, ' y - SECTIOH FIVE 'Jg Ljgfjj ,. PAGES 45 TO 52 PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18,1?06. TUL1ATILLA BELLE IS QUITE 17EALT1IY K&sh Kash it Highly Educated and Taking Post Graduate ' Course In East. Br Lulu R, Lorena. r, II 'cv ,,-i . I11 A - m j , . . Anna Kith Kash. Anna Kash Xuh, tha Indian1 maid ef -rhom tho aboeiwa it-'o-wpo-- aentaeton, la tha daughter of one of the leading Indiana of tha Umatilla tribe, ' and la tha beet educated Indian girl on tha reservation. 'Kaah' Kaatt mean speckle bird, saya tha rad man. Bho la liked, among tha .mambara o th trlba, add auoh a nobla,lovlng heart "as here, sy tha Umatilla makee beau, ttf ul and fair tha moat uncouth. ' 8ht 'la tarraad tha Umatilla ball a, and la now taking, a post graduate oouraa In Phila delphia, having graduated at tha Car- llle Indian school in: tha aprln ltti . t - Qnlte Wealthy.- Thla fall' Anna returned, to the" oaot with aaveral Umatilla girls .who hara entered tha Carlisle school. She haa 40 acraa of excellent land In her own right . on tha reservation, and her father haa quite large holdings. Kaah Kaah -la one of tha few Indiana . atlll ' living who were convert of Dr. and'Mra. Whit man, tha mlanlonarlea who were mae aaored near Walla Walla In 117. Hal - waa m mare boy at that time, but after the death of Whitman tha mlaalon on the raaervatlon waa kept up by tha few Indian convert, and. a -native Indian would, preach.. .There tha old church atanda on the reservation today. . A white man, Rev. J. M. Conellaon. now haa charge of tha Preebytertea mlaalon on tbr reservation, and Kaah Kaah la a devout, member of thla church a r elder, -' - Ha ee tha nam of Mlnthorn among tha whltea and Anna la known aa Mies .Anna Mlnthorn at school, They live In ' a comfortable home euch a used by tha . white men on the raaervatlon, and have not' lived In tepee elnoe Anna waa a little papoose, 10 year ago. , Anna clothaa herself aa tha white glrla do and only when having a photo taken la aha aeon In tha moat gorgeoua Indian gowns, decorated In aome of tha moat beautiful bead work dona by the women or me irioe.. -i Bdaeatton of Xadiaaa. Tha education of the Indian fa be coming almost marveloue among moat of tha tribes. From generatlpn'to gen eration tha tradition of the w'hlta man's rtod waa handed down, until In 1111 four Flatheade wera aent by tha trlba to St Louie to ask that taachera be given them. Every student of history know how "that appeal Stirred the heart of the east, and caused tha sending of tha first missionaries to Oregon, and from tha -movement than inaugurated have since sprung all the missions to tha Indiana of the west. Thua. ha wjio gave hie Ufa to tha In dlana, and died seemingly In vain, sowed aeed that sprung up and bora a harvest long after hla death. "The gravity, fixed attention, and de corum of these sons of the forest waa calculated to make . for them a most favorable Impression." .... r r ' Tools Ars Btolw. C. F, Squire. 436 Bast Morrison street, and S. J. Flnley, ltl O rover street, com plained to tha - police yeeterday that Ithleves had carried away a number of valuable toola belonging to them from two new bousea at Park and Ford atreets. Tha police have no clue to the ' culprits. An unusually largo number of ' reporta of the theft of toola from build lnn ttiioightwi the olty - have- been. ra celved during tha past week, but the de tectives have been unable to apprehend ' any of the thieves. - l . - - .i J BEST Uimrxir OsT XAKTsT. v Henry r Fnldwln, Bupt flty Water Works. Phullnburg. Wis., writes: "I . hsvs tried many kinds of liniment, but 1 have never received much beneftt un til 1 used Ballerd's Bnew IJnlment for rheumatism snd pain I think It la the . best liniment on eerth." lie, (Oc and 11.00. Hold by WoodardV CUrke Co. women s Underwear h m. v V- - JTU "A ereat buy in women's under- wear that will set a new mark for big values in Portland. Every sample carmen t in the line t of one of the largest manufactur- ers in the world. They come in several grades, fine wool, ' cotton and merino. Colors are . silver gray or ecru. j Pants and vests and the vests are in the following . styles : High neck, long-sleeves: high neck and short sleeves, and low necked styles. 162 dozen in the entire lot ; all sizes and a,llljualifies. Val ues . run from 35c to $1.50 the garment. We divide them into two big lots, "all on tables in the Third St end of the store, Monday morning, and give you . unrestricted choice for . (Dp And Misses' Union Suits 40 dozen of them in this special lot' hotip-ht hv our Mr.' Lowit at a snort pnec. umie in siivrr gray, wun peari Duuons, sizes ior ,rv S'ris 3l!q 12 years o age; a- regu r 35c value, Sale , 10rl-" price only. y MM r MSSSSB WWfflW Miimiiceiil Efl Sawiiiiii TO ATTRACT WISE SHOPPERS Items that compel interest because of their unusual bargain worthiness. Every da'y needs pncea in a way unncara ox Deiore me aavenr. ot me uoiaen igie. . xou ve noticed, naven t you, that competition of the Golden Eagle sort makes better bargains all round. Come to morrow, for it's more than worth your while. : - -. Christmas is over a month away, but the little ones are beginning to look to the Golden Eagle to supply their wants in the toy line, and to ask us what we'll have for them this'season. And mothers who save have already recognized the fact that this .is to be the ECONOMISTS' TOY STORE. All the new and novel' toys, of course, toys of all sorts, dolls, mechanical toys, games, everything that the American youngster wants. No store has a better selection than the Golden Eagle, but .they're priced lower here. No high profits added, just the regular' Golden'Eagle smalt.ttarginand we're satisfied. Carry some of them over arid "lose part of our profit? Bless you, no. rWe know our public too well for that. We know that if-we sell them the same toys for less, than any other store, that they'll see to it that there is nothing left on our hands when Christmas Eve. comes. ,' . Fine Silk Petticoats WOMEN'S SILK PETTICOATS ! In fancy plaid patterns,' red, purple and all the new shades, made extra full with twelve inch flounce .with two inch, ruffles ; a splendid value at $10. Mon- HQ day only,". . ..'5)UyO. WOMEN'S RAIN COATS -In black and -white -cnecks ana mix turesr loose fitting style, worth to $12. Monday ,tf.'.::-$7;89. CHILDREN'S ASTRACHAN COATS In black and white mixtures, for children from two to four jears of age. Very special for Monday REMEMBER THAT WE HAVE THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF LOW PRICED SUITS AND COATS IN ALL v PORTLAND . Sale Continues Monday Toys On Display in Two Parts of Store, Back of Waiting Room Entrance and in Second St End of Store .THEvGEM CLOTHES WRINGER Of course it's a toy, but it's a mighty practical one for all that. Can be put to actual use in the house, for handkerchiefs, etc Made by theAmericari Wringer . Company, and it's regularly "sold at one dollar ch. , Special open ing pi lie ........ DOLLS, 11 inches tall, dressed in negligee .style, a factory surplus thai we bought very cheap, to start the toy season; three , SC 13-INCH KALEIDOSCOPE, a well known optical illusion, old but always a popular toy, regular 30c Q value, for. onlv' I"v DOLLS' PARL6R ETS of even pieces, made of hard wood and nicely finished, a set that sells regularly for 25c each, very special f at, set I UL. 1 m ooiozar aaefui: ft KM SHAWLS & FASCPAT0RS, 49c VALUES UP TO $15P EACH THE GREATEST SALE OF THESE GOODS EVER HELD IN PORTLAND SEE THE FOUR SHOW WINDOWS, YAMHILL AND THIRD FIVE HUNDRED DOZEN SHAWLS AND FASCINATORS in one purchase, just think of it. A round sixthousand of them air told, and by taking this Immense lot we'got 'thenrfor the lowest pricerthat suchrqnality-goodswereeveir8old for- in the history of the house that made them. They are samples and surplus lots, the accumulation of the season s run. Made , of the best of wool yarn -nd,in the. daintiest styles. Fleecy, filmy, foamy throws of daintily colored yarn for the head or "shoulders. For" the wintertor the summer, for any time in thTyeaxne6fThese-Shawls-r 0ut Mr. Lowit bought the entire lot at a price that's so low it's almost unbelievable.' Not one in the whole immenseas sortment is worth less than $1.00 and from that up to $2.50. We place them all on sale Monday for the first time and give" you your choice of the greatest selection your eyes have ever rested on at, each, only.-...;............... .49$ SEE WINDOWS, THIRD AND VAMBIll TTHEyLL BITON SALE BACK INTHE SECOND"STREETENP OF'THE'STORET J - TWO BIG TABLES FILLED WITH THEM : TMM QOXJXV uau STREET DATS WORTH $3.50 for A MAL PRICE SLASHING There'll be a superb window display of these in the Third Street Win- dowandthey'llbe ready for sale in the' Millinery Department Monday morning. COME EARLY, for the best ones wiTTgo quick Jy, be sure of that. Street hats of the finest felt, trimmed with feathers, pom ponsvelvet and ribbon. The most charming conceits Tmagiriablepcome-irr-redrblack and blue. Worth from $2.00 to. $3.50 each. Now for the final reduction on street hats the price QA A Quanct of linens and Two Big Bedding Bargains BLEACHED TABLE LIN. EN 58 inches wide,' and a very fine quality for the money. Special at, the yard, Monday . . .'. aVUiv BLEACHED TABLE LIN EN In rose design,, 64 inches wide. A splendid 85c .- HEp ralue, for, the yard......! TABLE " LINEN In hand some patterns, comes 64 inches wide : and it's a prime value at 75c. the yard. Very CQ special for Monday ut TABLE LINEN-Of extra fine ' quality, absolutely pure linen, and it's two yards wide ; a very ... good- $L50 quality. Special for Monday, d Q the yard, only . . . 1 1 COMFORTS filled with fine SILKOLINE Full size, and white cotton. R"egu- 11 lar $1.75 value for... Dla'iU GRAY COTTON BLAN KETS Good ' size. Special for , Monday . 'only, , 7 tin the pair I Uw MUl ' iiou: Granulated Sugar Special ;for Monday the of fer is 22 LBS. FOR $1.00 SPLENDID COFFEE MOCHA AND JAVA; our regular 35 cent grade. Monday, Tor, lb: Women's Juliets $1.34 200 pairs to sell at a special price. , Have rubber heels ; just the thing for solid comfort; worth $1.75 the pair. Monday WOMEN'S SAMPLE SHOES -150 pairs, all styles and sizes, but no two alike; worth as high as $4 the pair. (J f O Q Choice, Monday. . . . 1 aO- WOMEN'S DRESS AND STREET SHOES In all leathers, all lasts and made with heels of all sorts ; come in dull or patent kid, vici kid or fine calfskin ; usually sold at $4 and $5. Monday, afr-AA $3.50 and PUsUU rmm ooiJ)a liOU :tn ooiiSxsT msu : Holbrook's . Saucc Monday it is reduced-to, -the bottle, only 10c BOTTLE MUSTARD Regular 15 cent bottle on sale Mondajr for, only 3c Six Good Specials in Dc nendable Dress Goods CRAVENETTE 32 inches wide, very good patterns, and absolutely rainproof; a regular $1.75 quality. ' Mon-. (i day for............aJ)IeOy CRAVENETTE-A T 42 inch piece of goods, in several pat terns ; splendid value at $1.25 the yard. Monday Q0f price, yard "Uw BLACKS BRILLIANTINE 38, inches wide and one of the' best 65c values you eTer saw. Very special for Mon- CI. day only, the yard OUL FRENCH BATISTE Comes mostly in evening shades and 'twill make the most charming gowns; 44 inches wide and a regular, 85c grade. Spe- CC cial for Monday, yard...U3(v WOOL BATISTE 3T inches wide; a regular 60c quality; comes in plain colors. .AZn. Special, yard. ..i SILK EOLIENNE In the new rich red shades ; a regulac 75c quality, for only, JP y ard ...... i A D C :Tn aous aaaia: RIA1L ORDERS , Tofanything- in this - advertisement will have the most prompt attention and we promise you perfect satisfac- lion. Ate.n .Mi.v.iv. Tn tr -fasthowrbecause Ihey fifet what I - they send for. Try' it. ASK FOR GOLD. MERCHANDISE COUPONS Every time you spend a 5-cent piece in this store see that you get Gold Merchandise Coupons with your change. Use "coupons to buy anything in the afore, and use them any day. You don't have to wait till you have bought $100 KOrlh-Ql goods, and you have your choice of anything in the store. 'To collect Gold Merchandise Coupons is to save money. Give up your stamp books and get coupons, Thcyrrood-a-goU. m qou uau: PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Are on sale here and the price is but 10 and 15f . New fashion sheets are here now Ask us for, one or help yourself.' Get one Pictorial Review pattern and you 11 like tnem best. mm e m; ENTIRE BLOCK TMM to SscffiMl i YauiMll WILL ERECT STORE AND APARTMENT BUILDING Peter Bchmeer yeateMsr aftemooa received a per" for tha erection of a two-atorr frame au.hmis; on East HurnaMa betareen East rente-nth ami t:aat Eighteenth. It wU be used for stnree. with ans.rtmenta opstalrs. and wilt coat IS.OUO. Stmcturea of thla type are belnt erected eery week In what haa heretofore beam' purely resi dence districts. ' ' Fsnnlts wars also Issued yesterday as follows: Anna C McNulty, one story dwelling. East Twenty-second, between Burma n and Ktlllnasworth aTenus. cost I U0O0iJ oha Ooudyi! story dwelling. East Forty-elahth, tym tween East Salmon and Eaat Main, cost tl.OOtt; J. W. Flshburn. repalra. East' Thirteenth, bween East Burn aide and Eaat Coooh, cost M. M. Vloore, ene-atory dwalUnc East Twen Ueth. corner Surman. coat 171; Weat ern Aerattna Machinery company, shop. East Wat eft bet wera Eaat Oak and Eaat Pine, eobt 1200; 8. O. Hated, two atorr dwelling. Kerby. between wood and Knott, aoat IUI; E. B. 0se, repalra. Irvlnt". between Twenty third and Twenty-fourth, coat tMSO; R. D. Honaker. - two-story dwelling. t Nineteenth, between East Salmon and East Msln. coot ft.SOO; Miss' Ksta Mart, one-stnry dwelling;. Eaat Main, between East Thlrty-etchth and Eaat Thlrty-nlnih. coat 1.0. RECEPTION TENDERED , REV. AND MR. SHARP - 1r1day n!ht waa tha fifth anniversary sf Rev, E. H. Shara aa paator Of tha Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church. In remembrance of the occasion Mr. snd Mrs. Rharp were jriven a reception by thajnembcrif tha ,church. Durlna tha evenlnn aolna were rendered by Mrs. Oeorse Clark. ('. M. Barbln snd Mr. Taylor. Speeches were made by Dr. Wilson of tha Portland academy and Mr. J. J. Montgomery of tha Third Preahyterlao church. A review of the work ' done by . the church In tha last five years showed sn Increase In mem bership and a. much better condition In regard to church finances. B. W. Lawrence, ona of tha elders of the church, spoke of tha valuable work dona by tha pastor. Refreshments w-ra served by the Ladlea' Aid society of tha church.' SACRED C0NCERT AT THE Y. M. C. A. THIS AFTERNOON . The T. U C. A. haa secured the Lulu Tyler Oaten Concert Company, who are spending Hunlay In Portland, to glvs a eurred concert In their auditorium, thla afternoon at J:0 o'clock Thla Is'aald to be on of the great concert compa nies of Ue country, snd, Is touting tlia Paclflo coast tinder tha direction of tha G rent Western Lyceum Ituresu. Mies antes Is a reader of anusti.l talent She hss with her IMS smei.i Mlsa EdlthAdm, vloloncellre'; Ore -hem Smith, baseo csnt.nte, snTTnr lam Erhart Snyder, the; plenut. Tha concert will take the time of th regular Sunday sfternoon s.1-ire. Will be followed hy the di-'i groups and fellowship hour. Ail i are Invited. ff yea '" - 1 ' aal Wsat ' J ant sf los-s V A'