The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION FOUR, Image 42

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Boudoir Gowns and Brcakf astJackcts
'- By Dorothy Dais, r
COMFORTABLB loose ' Barmant
that may be allpped on when
lounrlna about one'a room la
-' really a oeoeasltr, and al-
tbonch the "wrapper habit" should
Barer be acquired, there are tlmea when
a pretty breakfast Jacket or robe will
; be found a treat convenience, Uany
women make Xhe ever-popular kimono
serve all these purposes, - but one of
these shapeless carmenta i hardly per
miselble out of one's own room, while
a well-designed wrapper or jacket can,
oa oocaalona, be- preeeed Into service for
receiving Informal visits snd the like.
8oroe of the negllcees' are really very
beautiful when made of silk crepe, soft
messaline-or such materials, but for ordl-
. atary wear the Doe-woolen materials, auch
as cashmere, JLansdowne, voile, French
ehallle are very much liked, aa are
China Bilk, pongee and other wash allka.
Foulard also makes up 'very well, 'as do
many of the novelty el lk and wool ma
terial. Light colore are usually ae
1 acted, but aeveral excellent models
- which I recently saw were made of dark
material with removable yokea and
under aleevea of lace One such htaae
grown which wss designed for an older
matron waa of- black Bilk, which waa
A a. '. ,.
by sea. oa a Sam-Bet ,
: throagh the aighl hare I pondered
by aide.
soft-ty he
. lore m.
Thea la ajy slam
fitted In with tucks at the back and
aldea and allowed to fall atraight In
front The silk waa cut In V ahape
around the neck, so that a yoke of laoe
and embroidery could be allpped In, and
the aleevea were made Just to turn the
elbow, .long cuffa of lace being tacked
Inside. Another gown somewhat on tbla
order la Illustrated among the cuta In
the standing figure. This model was In
dark blue foulard with a tiny white
figure. It waa made with three box
plalta on-each-aide of -the -front, these
plalte being stitched In to well below
the walat tine. The jnlddle of the back
waa also laid In box plalta which ex
tended Just to the waist. Extra folds
simulating box plaits wars set on across
ths shoulders, the plecea being rounded
on the ends and fastened with buttons
covered with plain blue satin.- Heavy
allover lace edged with Insertion to
match formed the yoke In front, and
.there waa also a standing collar of the
lace about which was knotted a tie of
dark blue aatln, the ends of which
were slipped through the pointed sec
tions which formed the yoke. The
gown fastened Invisibly down the middle-
of the front. The aleevea were
loose puffs to the elbow, finished with
banda of the silk, frills of lace and but'
mwmT i t - - - . i m 1 n r a a - - t 3 . w n
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Bat thoarh aha
Aad whew I
'- . "t V 1 ' .' ,
be . ea.
whia-pered loves
.lleve e
-beta j a v
tona Long aleeve could be substi
tuted It desired, having the fullness of
the aleeve tucked Just "below the elbow
and the band trimming put on to form
a deep cuff. . - V
A short Jacket is illustrated In the
Other drawing, the model being ia pink
China silk trimmed with laoe and. black
velvet ribbon. Allover laoe was Used to
cut the little Jacket eectlon, thexlace
Deing nnianed along the front edges and
serosa the tops of the aleeves with
frill of narrow valenclennee. There
a email pointed yoke of laoe In-front,
the allk being out to faaten Over at
the aide of the -front. The velvet rlb-
bon was knotted Into loops snd ends on
each side of the front, and a bow of
velvet waa also uaed on each, sleeve
Many . of theae Jackets are arranged
so that they can be tied In about the
walat. In which eaae the Jacket la cut
longer, to extend down aeveral Inchea
below the hlpa One very good style
aeen, which waa girdled in. about the
walat with soft ribbon, waa cut In long
polnta on each aide of the front, the
length of - the Jacket being much leas
across the aldea and back. Thla model
waa made of allover lace over a lining:
of rpsle blue China silk, th-ribbon
girdle being claaped la . front under
ornaments of pale blue enamel and
rblneatonea -.
The Decorative Value
' of the Shelf
-By-Beatrice Carey.
The email Illustration ahowa what an
excellent effect can be gained by the
use of narrow wooden ahelvea when
well placed on the walls of a Irving-
room, or sitting-room or ' bedroom.
Of course, - such a . wall treatment
would not be so appropriate on
the walla of a very handaome or formal
room, but when the surroundings are
In keeping the addition of shelves, set
acroaa a length of wall space or around
a corner often adds much to the cosi
ness of the room.
- A shelf of this sort looks especially
well itr a small -room where There la no
mantleplece, which waa the caae In the
room shown in ths drawing. Thla room.
By Sara Cranford.
and wash a half pint of dried
white beans and put them Into a
"saucepan with two quarts of
cold water. - Ket on a slow fire snd 1st
thsra cook two hours from -the time
ths water begins to boll. Put In three
leeks, out Jnto very small plecea, and
salt and pepper. - Cook alowly for one
hour longer and press through the col
ander. Return to the saucepan and bring
to the boiling point Take off the fire
and atlr in four tablespoonfulS of butter
until melted. ' Serve with squares of
Oyster Soup. Take 11 oysters and
strain them. Add one pint of milk to
their liquor and put on the fire with
aalt and pepper.- When It bolls add ths
oysters and bring it once more to the
boiling point Stir In. until melted a
piece of butter the slxe of an egg and
serve with eyeter crackers,
Cream of , Celery- Boll celery until
tender, then 'drain It. Chop It and rub
It through a puree sieve To two eup
fuls of vegetable pulp add a quart of
soup stock or a quart of milk, or half
stock and half milk. Rub together a
tableapoonful of butter and two table
spoonfuls of flour. Put this Into the
soup on ths fire and stir all together
until the soup la a little thickened. Sea
son It with pepper snd salt and add a
half or a whole eupful of cream. Beat
It well with an egg whip and serve at
nee. U the soup Is too thick dilute It
V .ft L 1 L-J 1 r-r i 1- rl
. . X ' I
loved hint she oa ly ro . pld. 'VrmVt
boM yoor sr heart pressglo mine.: Dow
. for we , oa . ly et Jest a few days Co." Bat
.: .' tree, - '. . t read the one lore that life holds' for ait So be.
awered, Sore ly -. .. yodW wronft:
whea - .1 say lo yoai
which was one of the bedrooms ia a
small apartment, had to do duty both
as sitting-room and bedroom in fact,
the divan shows In ths drawing waa
really the owner's bed. A description
of thle -divan may offer ausefulsug-.
gestlon to the householder whoss bed-
fooms are few, aa thla divan makes an
excellent and most comfortable bed for
a chance guest. -
' It wag made by purchasing a spring
and hair mattress of the slae which
comes for single Iron- or brass .beds.
The spring was thsn set on two solidly
built wooden boxes, - which may be
bought for a few cents at any large
department store, A. cretonne, denim
or tapestry slip waa 'then made to fit
the mattress.' the cover having a box-
plaited flouneer which fell t -the floor.
I la the room sketched the divan eras
covered -In pi aiir gieeu eotton and wooll
tapestry and for ' daytime use waa
heaped with silk and linen - covered
cushions In harmonizing colora The
lower part of the wall to a height of
about five feet from the floor was hung
with green Japanese grass cloth, the
upper part of the wall being hung with
a warm, light yellowish tan, which
formed an excellent background for the
numerous photographs, prints and etch
ings which adorned the walla
A narrow ahelf waa used across the
wall apace on the other aide of the win
dow from the corner sketched, the rest
of the wall space not occupied by the
doorways being taken up by a dressing
table and mirror and a bookshelf which
waa built the aame height as the other
ahelvea . -
for the Winter
with a little stock or milk. It should
have the consistency of cream. .
Chicken Consomme. Place a fowl In
a soup pot with four quarts of cold wa
ter and let it come slowly to ths boiling
olnt, then draw It to the aide of the
range and let It aimmer for five or alx
hours. If It la allowed to boll the aoup
will be clodded by lime extracted from
the bones. An hour before removing it
add an onion, a branch of celery, a table
spoonful of salt and alx pepper-corns.
Strain it through b cloth, and when cold
remove the grease. Heat it again, be
fore aervlng it, .
Oyster Bisque. Quickly heat one
quart of oysters In their own liquor to
the boiling point, drain and atraln the
liquor; aaute In three tablespoon fuls of
butter without browning one half of an
one cut fine, add one half teaapoonful of
paprika, one teaapoonful of salt, and. if
desired, one teaapoonful of curry pow.
der, and also three tablespoonfule of
cornstarch; whan frothy dilute with the
oyster liquor and' let elmmer 10 minutes,
then keep hot over hot water. Pound
the oysters, then pass thsm through the
puree sieve and' reheat In ' the sauce,
When rsady to serve dilute to the con
sistency required with hot milk or
cream and pass through a eleve.
Cream of - Chicken.- Cut an old
chicken Into quarters and put-It Into a
aoup kettle with half a pound of corned
ham and an onion; add three quart a of
cold water. Bring slowly to gentle
boll and Keep it so tinUl Uis liquid bag
4lr lUl'H.t Willi- -
' ' 1 s-aesBiww ti r -"
Bottom te . ry'
la yoat eyes soft od
" i j .I
By Beatrice Carey. -
THEKBJ are two waya of dealing
with a - -modern floor that - la,
to partially cover It with ruga
placed over hardwood back
ground, or else to completely cover It
with aoma sort of carpet or substitute.
Rugs are, of course, more In keeping
with the new tdeaa In house furnish
ings,, but many very handsome houses
atlilishow the floora covered -all over
with carpet, especially In a city house,
where the rooms are long and narrow.
Rugs are also manufactured toorder
te cover the entire floor, fitting into
every earner and window, whleh-4s a
plan sometimes followed when the room
is unusually large. Of course, such - a
rug would be quite expensive, and
though the effect of such a rug. when
the coloring' is artistic, is very hand
some, a polished wood floor furnished
wna oriental rugs of various sixes Is
generally preferred.
In moat houses built at the present
time, even when the Question of ex
pen a la carefully considered, it Is be
coming the usual thing to make an al
lowance sufficient to cover the laying
of hardwood floors." North Carolina pine
la the cheapeat wood uaed for this pur
pose, and Georgia pine cornea next in
coat. If a large rug Is to be used in
the center of the floor only the border
need be finished with shsllao or wax.
As to ths hallway and stairs a long,
narrow rug can be uaed in the front
hallr with, smaller -ruga or a long hall
runner toward the back of the housSj,
ths stairs usually being left In the bare
wood. Many people, however, object to
the noise In passing up and down stairs.
In which caae a stair carpet may be
used,corfsporsllnr as nearly aa possl
b.e to the color and design with ths
rugs use a in the lower halL
As a rtue dark, rich colors look best
In hallways, and If the oriental reds,
blues anB greens In combination are
used they will bs found to be aa .excel
.cnt foundation upon which to build
any color schema Oriental rugs, how
aver, are too' expensive to be within
the reach .of the average householder,
and If the coat' of the real imported
ruga Is too great very excellent Imita
tions can be found among the domeatio
weaving If ths wearing quality-is to
be chiefly cona.uered there la no better
carpet made ttu.a a body bruasels, the
diminished one third and the meat drops
from the bones;' then, add ona Tialf a
cupful of rice. Season with one fourth
a teaapoonful of pepper and a bunch of
chopped parsley. Cook alowly until the
rice Is tsndsr; then the meat abould be
taken out. Stir In two cupfula of rich
milk, thickened with a little flour. .
Oxtail Boup. Cut one oxtail Into
Joints and fry brown In swset dripping.
Slice three onions and two carrots and
fry In the aame dripping, when the ox
tall has been taken out. Tie theae with
thy me. and paraley la a cheesecloth bag
and drop Into soup pot containing four
quarts of water. Put In the oxtail and
one pound of beef cut Into fine strips;
let simmer several houra Orate over
thla two carrots, with a naif teaapoonful
of pepper and. a level one of salt; add
a little celery seed if you have it; strain
and thicken with browned flonr. - Boll
It minutes more. ' ,
-Tomato Blaqus. Put. half-a can of
tomatoea In a soup pot, add a half eup
ful of water -and a slioe of onion. Let'
simmer slowly for 16 minutes. Press
through a colander, return to pot; add
a pinch of baking soda. Havs a pint of
milk (or a little mora If desired) at
scalding point; pour slowly into the
tomato, stirring briskly; add pepper and
salt to taate, a teaapoonful of butter and
a little well boiled rice Let aimmer
for three or four, mlnutaa Do-not let 11
boll. Serve In a hot tureen. The rice
makes the aoup juat thick enough. Add
ths aroutona the iMt.Utlaf,
i . yi
The Question of Floor Coverings
Way ia . sjy heart tteteVBoTex-ittoBj Aad of -yos
. lov lo ' Bofeara- .' " lut Jo Jat where ymri -
Years, year a - go, we It seems
.flit. j i i i ! i j. 1 i m urn ill.
yarns ofwhlcS are alt seperaTeTydyed.
Ths Wilton carpet Is used, however, for
most' of the imitations. of oriental rugs,
many of these Wilton rugs being exact
copies of Jhe oriental, the colorings- bo,
lng extremely clever. : '-7.
For living-rooms and -' such ' apart
ments the double-faced Scotch , ruga
have much recommend them, and
many oi the Indian and Mexican ruga
may be had at very moderate prtcfea
When making ruga from carpet, the
usual la to surround a square or
oblong center with a border, but In
some cases when the carpet has a
small pattern no border at all 1r used,
the edgea of the carpet being finished
with a narrow binding of the material.
For the dining-room floor a thick pile
carpet-should be -selected, one reason
being thai a soft, thick carpet deadena
the nolae of the waitresses' footsteps
and tor such a rug Wilton will be found
very satlafactory, unless one can afford
a real Turkish carpet.
For bedrooms a large rug can be uaed
or small rugs can be dlaposed over a
polished- wooden - floor -or - one covered
with matting or plain-colored carpet
filling.- tor rooms that are not con
stantly uaed the Jute and cotton ruga
are very pretty, and can be found In
almost sny coloring. - In selecting the
coloring for carpet and rugs It must be
borne In mind that ths floor Is almost
invariably the' basis for the color
schema of the room snd tho general
points of the color treatment of the
walls of the room should be expressed
In perfect harmony In the rugs or car-
Lla - lea, sweet
I pet, keeping "the waIle,6feourBe,
much lighter tonea
To go back to the queatloa of ruga,
much can bo done to affect the apparent
also or a- room by their arrangement.
For. instance, In - a room recently re-
turnuiiN am noor wss pnginmiiy cut
ered by a single large rug which cov
ered tho entire floor, except for a space
of three or four feet around the edge.
The fault of this room had always been
that it was too long and narrow for tho
width, but when the room waa refur
nished three rugs wsre used instead of
one largo one. A large divan was
placet on one side f the room ODDOSlte
the fireplace, and In front of thle was
placed an oblong rug, the length of tho
rug being placed acroaa the width of
the room. . At each aide of thla center
ru g a longTU g -was--latd,the length of
each of theae ruga being Juat a few feet
short of the entire width of the room,
the effect of this manner of putting
down the ruga being to apparently widen
the dimensions of the room while de
tracting from the length. '
XoauMhold Wats.
ii- common suipnaie or .ron.De ais
solved In the proportion of one pound to
four gallons of watsr and poured over
the sino three or four times sny greasy
or offensive smell will be completely de
stroyed. " Windows and' mirrors can be clesned
moro readily If a little ammonia Is add
ed to the warm water in which they are 1
washed. Ammonia ia also effective for
brass, nickel and steel. , .