t7 TH2 OltEGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY KORNING ' NOVEMBERS 18, 1905 mmm .y- w :AmrM Mot TTTTBTrr-rytfT n. intf (,ftV t. CdT3tf.C:6orn-r The so far as yellow fever Is concerned. Medical science and the United ? . j : States Government have secured a great triumph in stamping out the dreaded scourge. '-- , . ; 1 . ''" , '., TAw splendid result was accomplished i : , about a year from the time of American oc - cupancy of the canal strip.-Jt was not an -tasy-taskrbutstil '-onr about vhichxlingsa romance of successful endeavor. ' ; ' ' "- -. ." Native indolence, i lack of , knowledge among the people regarding sanitary meas ures, and peculiar, local conditions combined . to make the work of the health officials pecu- . liarly difficult."-Tkey -'entered - upon it with zest, however, and with a grim determine. :tion that has borne fruit. i r . Fully jooo men were employed in this campaign for freedom-from a dread disease, and they had behind them an appropriation of $ 2, OOO fOOO. Science and money , working together, have proved an all-powerful com . bination. x '. was absolutely necessary to purify the canal strip, to banish yellow fever from the Isthmus, else the value of the canal to the "world would be seriously impaired. 1 Ships from all parts of the earth are expected to use that cut-oft passage, and, through them, contagion might be spread 'far and wide. ; :; By stamping out yellouf fever: so soon afterassumin g-xontrol,-and-solong-before th mnd It eomfileted. the American Govern- , , , - j.t'r- i Li." -f necsary.. th vessels were fumigated and disinfected. mens not oniy guarantees a ae nuvuauun . p.,,, who Show4 auspicious aymptomi war : 7 ractorrr-eiae tM or 4rva wra JOr tne many inousanas WOrxmcn neeaea, dsUUne under Observation until tue eisease oeveiopea on xne canal woiua oe aeisjea ana ii wue m"""" found In. them. an unimpcruca mgnway jor ine com merce of nations. . , will r it - a 1 1 aim mcmiMzca. beyond bellef-orellow-fever-breedlnf mosquitoes had favorable conditions for propagation. It was necessary to a-tre Panama a food cleaning up and to adopt modern sanitary measures. - - As a precautionary measure In prerentine; the Introduction of the disease from outside, effective quarantine regulations were put in force against South American porta. Quarantine stations were established at Panama, Ancon. Cristobal and Colon, and ail vessels arriving at those ports from southern, countries were subjected to - the severest Inspection. - If a contagious disease, was found aboard," vigorous steps were taken to prevent its further spread. If ; square feet of . brush .cut and cleared; swamps' filled In amounted to 17.100 square yards; swamps and ponds drained, MM1 square yards; grass cut and burned. 1.104,40 square yards; new ditches dug, 122,171 linear feet;dltches cemented and lined. 12.870 linear feet. Prom October ). 1104, to September SO, 1105, there were 17 deaths from yellow fever among the employes of the Canal Commission, purmg the same months In 1SS3 and ISB4, wbea the French bad at.wttfk approx ' Imately the same.. number f nun, they . lost from ; yellow fever sixty-six men, or almost twice aa many.. But even this checking of mortality was not satis- Kip to r v jmSrTW- a : :.r. au-yiJiki r j'j . : ; : I I building went through a thorough process of fumiga tion. ... . . , -These precautions proved so successful, that al though fire buokets filled with water were allowed to Efforts of the "stegomyia brigade" for a white confined to covering all water receptacles with wooden) covers or wire netting. In order to exclude morcultoeg ..from the surface of the water. . ' -When., the mains from the reservoir which suppUet AT present, so far as known, there la not a single - case of yaUowfeTet-Jn.Panania at Jeagy along the canal strip,TneJst case .reported, ,was isT year ago. More than that, the sanitary authorities do - not anticipate a recurrence of the dlseaae in the Isthmus. Should It manifest Itself again. It is not believed that It would assume grave proportions, s6 well have the' experts the situation In hand. -Thus s7gTeat baniersjUjJhe construction of the: canal has been lifted. The removal of this difficulty leaves no hindrance In the way of "making the dirt fly" on the great 4 Itch that 4s to link the AUaptlo and Paoiflo Oceana, and which will be uaed In carrying such a vast amount of the world's commerce. PEL?0"0?0 thUL-trottlanfarWhtither or not yellow fever could be banished from the Isthmus depended not . only success " in building thm present waterway, but the degree of its usefulness to human-' lty when finished. .-- r-- - When the Panama Commission took up the work -to which it bad been assigned, this disease problem presented even greater difficulties than those of engi neering. An army of workmen eould not be maintained there, and certainly oapable engineers' and overseers would i mm fc Mutant r.m.ln .hn.ilH prwlnn - dltlons prevail. or the period of Incubation had been completed. But the great work of the crusade resolved Itself Into exterminating the mosquito carrying the Infection and In removing the conditions favorable to Its propa gation. It was also essential to put the Isthmus on a thoroughly sanitary ' basis. In the war against the stegomyia fasclata mosquito tht Mnltry Tr prTi VTlrggteit Hwtr ilfnrti In daatriiylna- " United States. the Insect and Us places of propagations This species -A rigorous - can live only where there is standing water, so that . It was necessary to drain stagnant pools and ponds, receptacles around houses containing standing water had to be covered, and every bouse was thoroughly- fumigated. Impaired. Keceialty for this was Impressed by a slight out break of the fever which occurred later. It was not as extensive nor as alarming as many that had pre ceded It tn-the-eArf gone by, but it caused almost a panlo antdng the 11,000 workmen employed In canal construction. Many of them left and returned to the campaign Wet marshes, ' where there is a deep growth of grass, are also favorable to the growth of the mou quito. and those had to be cleared away. Soma Idea of -the atupendoue task It -was to give Panama a thorough housecleanlng may be gained from the following statistics, which cover the period from -Ja4y 1. 1001, to August a. U0& There were .S. 13S- was' th:n Undertaken by- Colonel Gorges, consisting of, first, tho prevention of the propagation of mosquitoes; second, the isolation of the persona afflicted with the disease in order to pre vent the spread of the Infection, and, third, the de-. struction of all mosquitoes capable of transmitting the fever, Orders windows were - Issued - requiring - that all screens on .In the Administration Building be closed. Guards were stationed at the sprlng-hlnged vestibule doors to prevent them being propped open and to see. that persons entering end leaving were not allowed tftl61teronneBltt On each alternate Sunday the- TeUow-fever-bearlng mosquitoes do not breed In the open swamps' or larger bodies of water, but require the protection of buildings, grass or foliage. They . are incapable of sustained flights' f rjany coni'.derable distances. The sanitary authorities recognlred thaf the danger arose from mosquitoes bred In and around . the houses of the town a The work of preventing the propagation of these mosquitoes was done by V ste-" gomyla brigades.'' working underthe he4Ilnofllcerr ofr; Panama and Colon. These towns were divided Into districts, and each district was assigned to an Inspector, who visited . each house once or twice a week see that ne moe- quito larvae were breeding on the premises. " ! In tho past this work was 'exceedingly difficult, ow ing to the primitive water supply of Panama and Colon, which compelled the Inhabitants to rely on water barrels, cisterns and other small and stagnant tanks for sufficient water for ordinary domestlo use. These stagnant tanks offered Innumerable breeding places for moequttoes In everquarter oflhe oil FEVER BALKED FRANCS Because of the ravages of yellow fever, work had to be abandoned on the canal on two separate occa sions under the regime of the French Government In October, 1814. when the French company had on the Isthmus a foroe of 10.214 men. It lost 111. During - the same month In 1001, however, the Isthmian Canal. Commission and the Panama Railroad Company, em-' ploying 11,681 men, lost only 66. If yellow fever could not be ' banished from the Isthmus, It seemed probable that the disease - would : be carried from the canal ports to the porta of the Philippine Islands, those of south China and other parts of the Orient as well as the Paclflo Slope. . The lifetime of the yellow-fever-bearing mosquito la about three months, which is ample time for a ship to reach Asia from the Isthmus of Panama. 'The - stegomyia faaoleta mosquito abounds In the Orient and patch at the same time by crossing the milkweed , Allmatla anrl ianllir . nnmtnrv ihn in favorable Tne sirawneiTy pianir- to the propagation of the disease.. e ww-d. Once Introduced Into the cities and towne of China. - range, and was In full fruitage when, alaal one the lose of life upon commerce disastrous. While the difficulty of ' inducing .the Chinese and other Orientals to adopt modern sanitary methods of dealing with the scourge would be very difficult' .The Panama Canal Commission had one great - Some Tilings FORTUNATELY, perhaps, readers are not always compelled to wade through recitals of crime, political gossip or reports of the ' proceedings of Congress in order to experi- "" tri thrills that ffnlivftn life or to learn of TO- markable happenings. Some seasons of the year, especially, new "of ten assumes g- sprightlier- garb J men,- animals,' . birds, fish and even the inanimate forces of nature contribute to the lighter, brighter side cf news paper columns. m T STROUDSBURO. Pa., for Instance, two young men during the last summer saw a bolt of light ning slip down a telephone pole and electrocute a duck. Kvery feather in its body was loosened. "If lightning can do that." they thought, "why won t an artificial electrical current do the'sume thing?" Now, It Is said, they have devised a contrivance for "dry plucking" ducks by electrical voltage, the feather being loosened without injuring the meat Dry-plucked ducks bring S cents a pound more than those treated by the ecaldlng process, it Is asserted. The genius of invention has aleo gripped Alonao Mur- hy, of Morrlstowa, N. J. Mr. Murphy has conceived the dea of producing etrawberrles and cream from the same un Expe cted to Believe rapid development to handles on eggs. - Laying eggs that are turned Inside out Is the freak, specialty of a hen belonging to D. Mnngana, of Delaware, Ohio. She Inya one egg a day, and all are inverted. The outsldo covering of the egg is the thin white skin usually found just under the shell. Next comes the white of the egg, and then the. regulation shell surrounding the "'lisi S II M Last fall he grafted several berry plants- orTthe milk-" une specimen grew nicely siongsiae tne aitcnen So etronaiv doee the maternal instinct exist In a hen belonging to Joseph Kern, of Scheldy'e, Pa., that some time since she took poseeeelon of seven beagle puppies. The fowl, it la stated, entered the barn shortly after the birth of the puppies, scraped acquaintance with the ' mother, and then spread her wings over the new arrivals and eettled down to shelter them, while the mother dog walked calmly away. Since then the hen has endeavored taithfully to Oil the position of foeter mother to the pups. A FEW DOO STORIES 7 " Borne good stories about dogs have developed of late, too. Among the most intelligent of these animals are those trained by the monks of the famoua hospice of St Bernard Pass, In the Alps. Almost human are these faithful dogs In assisting and rescuing Alpine travelers. The monke have erected refuge huts In the dangerous places, and Installed telephones . connected with the hospice. The ttt Bernard dngs have been taught to run to any particular but when Its number Is repeated to them. Mow a dog is faithful In guarding Interest he be llcvee are committed to his care is Illustrated by the following story, taken from a newspaper of Lona, Mich.; "On Tuesday a farmer drove up to Page A Co.'s office snd snld a sheep pelt and drove away. After he had gona; Mr. Welch discovered that the farmer a dog . xe- for him; When telegrams were sent to the place of ship - ment it was found that ths body had been sent to the farmer by mistake, while the pig he expected had gone to the sorrowing relatives of the dead. Mra MVrgaret Clara, of Baltimore, swore out a war rant for the arrest of her husband, who had been dead three years, because he had appeared so vividly to her " nrem inn n. mmnintn p mint nm snvs Not knowing that the man bad passed from earthly scene, the police attempted to tmd John Clark, but, in stead, ran across' proofs of bis death. When these were submitted to the widow, she acknowledged that ehe knew me r ci. cold "Later he took the Belt to the storehouse srxl luket would be enormous and the "effect w--wimw m nrs wrni ouc iu inn. mr, uri.nj "."P- A" n came out, tne aog stood oy tne aoor, and advantage over its predecessor, the French company. In dealing with the epldemlo of yellow fever. When the French Government undertook tho work of digging a canal, the cause of the disease and how to combat it were unknown. Through the dlacnverv of the lata Malnr Walter lecd. of the United States Army, the causative agent says, each perry, when examined, was found to contain a quantity of cream, varying from a few drop to a tea spoon ful. i . . Ingenuity certainly has Its Own reward. ' Captain Sycamore, who sailed Sir Thomas Llpton's Shamrock for the America's Cup, took part in a plowing match in Eng land a short time ago. The versatile sailor fastened a, compass to hi plow beamt and was able to run suoh a straight furrow that he woo the prise. The useful domestic hen la resDonslble for many ur- prising items. .Those of Robert hi. Foster, Jr., of Sussex county, New Jersey, It Is gravely stated, have been Her dream had been so real, she said, that aha be came convinced -her spouse waa alive a gam, and, as she was afraid of hlm, she wished him arrested. Perhaps she held about the same opinion of htm that Mrs. Louisa Swegles, of Detroit, hod of her husband, William Hwegles, when the troubles of .the couple were aired in court there. "For twenty-two years," she asserted I lived with him, end In all that time t cent waa all he apent on me , cent for witch haiei. "lie never bought me even a handkerchief: never paid a woman to help me with the housework, and made me work In the field with the men." Mrs, Swegle had some property of her own, it was explained, and from that source was able to meet her personal oeods. - Some persons crave newspaper publicity, other are honest in their opposition to it out here is a cate where mention of a man' nam tn the paper brought him a fortune. ) John 8ptre of Sayre, Pa., an engineer on the Lehigh ' Valley Rnllrmd, had a nail blown into his neck at a Fourth 01 July, celebration twenty -six years ago. The wound healed, and he did not know the nail was there untl: some months ago, when harp pain caused him to submit to medical examination. 'the city of Panama with water w:re sufficiently tended to permit the partial uef the new hydrants on the street corners, and free water waa supplied to) all who came. It became possible to begin the whole- sale destruction of water barrels, tanks and other house hold water container and to fill up well and othea underground cisterns. All of these receptacles and breeding place ware dertroyedt - The only vessel hi which domeatlo wateg 1 now allowed to -trtafid -are the large erthnwar -Jar and cooler in use by the Inhabitant of the Isthmus. , , . v 1 To prevent the Infection of mosquitoes and thai -consequent spread of yellow fever, it waa necessary, that all patient should be Isolated a soon as thai dlseaae manifested Itself. For a long time the an!tarj official war dependent for Information of new case upon voluntary declaration or upon the report of laborer of the "stegomyia brigade." . ' As a result of this Imperfect system, however, manyj ease were never reported and other remained for were ral day unscreened before they were brought t thai - notice of the authqrltlea z T remedy thie condition, eight local physician were appointed in Panama and Or In Colon to ao as medical Inspectors and to make a dally hous-to4 house canvas of the two cities, reporting all suspeotej cases to the authorities. . , , PATENTS EFFECTIVELY ISOLATED ; Every effort waa made to persuade patient prag senting symptoms of yellow fever to allow then selves to be taken to hospital. If the patient re "fused, preferring to remain .at home, hewM-placed under a mosquito bar, the window of his room wore screened and a doubl vestibule attached to the dooiy -which waa locked and guarded by an attendant-la -truoted to admit only the doctor, nurse and a llmsi ltd. number of Immune relative or friend. Becau) of this precaution there ha not been a single case ol ' yellow fever contracted from sufferers. . ' ' In every instance where yellow fever was reported to the health authorities, the house where the patient had been staying was thoroughly fumigated, as wag also the adjacent property, la addition to this, every) effort waa mad to trace the movement of the patlenf during th day Immediately preceding the cont(ao4 tlon of th disease, and if It seemed probable that hS) became Infected In any other house or building; tfe went through the process of fumigation, ," In discussing the manner and methods used In that fumigation work. Colonel Oorga says: "Th occupant of th house were given a few! days' previous notice, and then at th appointed time a brigadeTTri "charge of ti Inspector, would make the ' place ae nearly smokeproot as possible. All cracks ana openings in tne ouuuing were sealea witn stripe Wednesday morning wa etilt there, as though faithfully-1--- At th hospital the nail wa flincovere and removed. or sheets of paper- of su8icient-lse,-ttBcUe4-wita In the tranmisslonot yellow fever Is bow known to.1"41 .? lai-f with-handle- to thra-uppoedIy, . i. i , i , . . . . . . . . .. - , . ti r f m i r the world, As a result of hi sctenttflo researches I Havana In ItliO. he demonstrated scientifically the theory that yellow fever, is transmitted from one person te another through the bite . of the female mosquito, etegomyla fasclata. He also showed how , v the peat could be fought and the djaease eliminated. A BIO MAN FOR A BIO TASK Credit for having Tld Panama of yellow fever belong to-Ool.- W 43. Gorge. -of th Medical Depart ment erf the United State Army. When President Roosevelt cast about to find a man to make the Isthmue a fit place in. which to live, be selected Ir. Oorgae as the chief sanitary officer of the canal son. The officer had already demonstrated bl Otnesa for the big teak by sucoeesfully stamping out yellow fever epidemics in the Southern States and In Cuba. . It was a termendous proposition, however, that confronted Colonel Oorga s one that seemed to justify . tho aprroprlntlon of t2.0do.tM) and the employment of Wrr men. The work was lo be something on a lamer scale than had ever been attempted before In the history of ' sanitation or medicine. - i When American authorities took charge of the canal son, they found It tn a condition of filth almost of cf unfa, for convenience In eating. . Tlds result w not an accident but, rather, the re sult nf sug et Inn. Some time ago, when breaking an eg at the breakfaat table, Mr. Foster conceived the idea that an eggshell with a handle, whh h would form Its own rup, would not only aa've a lot of dishwashing, but would be- at once a culinary and a scientific tflumph.- Arcordlngly, he bad the interior of the henhouse' painted white. Food waa conveyed. to the fowls in large whit vessels, each having one handle. Water was pro vided In similar, but smaller, veeaels. Aeroae tne single wuiunw teacup were auspenoea on guarding a companion. . Th dog la atlll round the ware house, refusing to leave." Bnch Incidents tend to Increase the kindly feeling man has for hi faithful dumn friend. Not so, however, th experience of Special Officer Eire Warner, of Scheneo tdy, N. V. While eating frankfurter Mr. Warner knife struck something hard, and, upon Inveetlrutlng, he unearthed a dog tag bearing the legend; "dehemectady dog tax, Sjf." Just how the tag got Into the su usage ha not been explained, but Warner, It I said, has tfisoontinuad -the eonemptin-tf frankfurters. ' - Sidelights llluminstlnK human nature constantly crop out In news items from various parts of the world. Take, for example, the case of Joeeph Schwarta, an innkeeper at Iutschau, Hungary. liavlng died, appurently, the man was laid out "for burial. He waayonly In a state of suspended animation, however, and, regaining consciousness, found himself In an open coffin, surrounded by flowers and six lighted candlee. Now Schwart had always been a frugal man. and. through frugality, had accumulated some mesne it annoyed him to see so many candlea burning about hta The case was mentioned In the newspaers, and finally came under the eye of a London lawyer, who bad been searching for Spires two years. The lawyer wrote to the engineer, who established his Identity satisfactorily, and was Informed that a legacy of t.imo, lett him by an emit In England, wa at hi . disposal. N . ,, Only two other Instance of curiosities that crop out In the dirty flotsam and jetsam of news may be men licneu. One is the case of a baby at Pee Molnee, Iowa, wl ich changes color three time each twenty-four hour nd la a purile to medical men. - - The child is the son of a Hindoo, who married an, American girl. When it awaken at sunrise it le a pretty -pink, falr-complexloned boy. By noon he has changed to the dark ginger color of hla oriental ancestors, and at night becomes white again. Mixture of bloods is thought to be accountable for the strange phenomenon. At New burg. N. T., sympathetic Ate of nervous ori gin attacked six members of a family of twelve children. One of the boye had manifested dread of a kicking mule, and, it la said, th driver of the animal, thinking to cure the boy, locked him. in the stable with the mule, WiHri him In f Km lark. string, comprising th only ornamentation upon which blerr lt temed te hlnv. ha sail afterward. a ttrrlblei, Crle of th lad attracted attention, and he ws re- the hen could gae. Nightly the fowls were sung to sloop to tne tune n rollicking orinKing songs. Such persistent and sclentlrlo treatment had it effect. It 1 solemnly declared. Within ten day egg began to appear bearing alight excresencee on one end, and, after twoweeka, the new eggs had well-formed handle. That suggestion brought about such a useful result la Mr. Foster's belief. During th experiment a rooster es caped from his yard Into that of a neighbor. Ths neigh bor's small boy chased the rooster home, and, during the proceedings, threw at It part of a broken white pitcher that bore a large and conspicuous handle. The incident greatly frightened the rooeter, and waa witnessed by th nana. From that time there was a l '-. wests. So, climbing out of his coffin, h proceeded to extin guish the candles, to save aa much of them poeslbl. Then he appeared before hi frightened family, clad in bin shroud, to expoetulat against th funeral extrava gance. The amaanment of Schwartx's family was probably equaled by that of Wllllnm Archer, a farmer, of Crom well, Ind., who went to the railroad station expecting to receive by express a prise pig, which he had purchased and ordered shipped to him. Instead of receiving the flg, a coflia eontaming a body waa delivered to him. a t bore hi address. Archer vigorously protested that the eorpe wag nog cued In a state of Collapse. H was taken to a hospital.' treated for nervous disorder, and went into convulsions, which continued dally for some time. The strange thing wa that five other member of th family,, all xoungcr than lb boy, became smitten with the same trouble, They had what the phyaiclan .termed -ympathetlo nervon attacka When on went Into convulsion, other followed; at time all six. Including th trlglnal euftersr, were r. fit at tho ainie time. , In 'order to reator the tympathetlo sufferer it wa necessary to separata them and keep them away from each other, with new and cheerful surroundings, for v ral week. - baste. "Iron pot or briok supports containing pyrethr'unt powder of sulphur were placed In each room, igulied, and left to smoulder from two to four hours. Tha doors and windows were then opened, and a soon, as the smoke bad cleared Sufficiently for the laborer to remain in the house, the tloors were swept and the sweepings, containing the dead and stunnod mosqul toes, were taken Into the etreet and burned. "It became apparent lp June that tie fumigation of only those house In Which case of fever had ben found, or to whlcbr they had been traced, would not . be sufficient to check tile epidemic It wae therefor determined to fumigate the entire city of Panama within the ahortest possible space of time, TWO WHOLE CITIES FUMIGATED '1 "Sine twelve days must elapse after the stegomyfsj ha bitten a fever patient before It can transmit tha disease. It was desired to complete the work wlthli that, period, but this proved Impossible The sciual time consumed" wie forty-four days,-or from July I to August II. The entire city of Colon waa theoj "fumigated in like manner. , r :r. "Ihe people of Panama, themselves Immune from yU low fever, hava-submitted patiently and nimiiin Ingly to the annoyance and Inconvenience of IuihIum tlon. The few complaints which have been made related rather to the time of fumigation than to l faot of the fumigation Itself. Few claim have b filed for compensation for damages resulting from I fumigating work, and almost every one of them I had some baale of merit" . fc The great object ef the work, however, ha t accomplished. YeHow fever has been banish.. I f Panama, and It le believed that the dread acuurg t never again ur a foothold there. 7-