1 i ; ..... i. . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNINQ. NOVEMBER . 18, 1SC3. MISSING IUERNA IS STILL Mariners-Begin to Fear-That-III-fated Bark ., Has Been Lost With All Hands r: . During Recent storm. Wr-pitsa Wd4e " CaDtaln Morton of th steamship Co lumbia that he had ind. th missing British bark lverna oft th Columbia rtver three times while cruising about In th pilot schooner Joseph pulltser during the paat two weeks, la now of tha opinion that It was th Brltlah bark Oalana h sighted. Pilot Wood did not know that th Galena had bn wracked on Clataop beach when ha related hla . experience to Captain Morton of the Co lumbia, but learned of the disaster upon reaching Astoria after he had turned the Columbia over to River Pilot Know. Jn aa Interview In Astoria last night with a Journal representative he eald he js now positive that the bark chased by th pilot schooner waa the ill-fated Galena. The Galena, too. as baa already been stated In Tha Journal, mas off the bar for nine days, riding- out tha storms. ... Chased th Bark... . ' Cantaln Wood says ' he chased the -rk f-4o-tb-nturUjlthJla.flyln when sbe first appeared, off the bar. But was unable to gut within distance. The day before she went ashore he again gave chase, this time to southward, un til Tillamook light waa nearly reached. Both vessels were then close In and Pilot Wood turned back, remarking that if the Englishman went further she yj9jrjraujableto keep off the beach-.-He saw no more of her, put' Wat not surprised to bear that she had plied up on the sands. , . This leaves th lverna mystery as puasllng as aver with even v slimmer hopes for her safety. SKe has now been missing for mora than a month, tha last seen of her being on October If, when she parted company with the-French bark Sully In the vicinity of Tillamook rock. She stood out 14 sea In order to avoid being caught ltf-the current that Sent the four-masted barks Peter Ire dale and Galena to their doom. A four masted bark In ballast waa seen a few daya later by the lookout at North Head and be at one telegraphed to Astoria for a tug. - THe Wallula went out. but had to return alone tha following day, '. tha big windjammer having outdistanced her in a race to seaward. Since then not a sign has been seen of the phantom bark. . . Offer Solution. . : Shipping men. looking Into the matter-with all seriousness, are unable to offer any solution whatever to tha pus- f.ni.ln Oolllnrswood would un doubtedly try to reach port In order to save hla charter, which expired last Thursday. But still , the sticks of the missing bark fall to loom up within the scope of the powerful glasses of the lookout at North Head. The telescope In the tower covers the ocean for a radius 6f 10 miles or mora, and yet It has been unable to bring the white wings of the lverna Upon the horlson. Twenty miles is considered a safe dis tance from shore at any time off the mouth of tha river and for that reason. It Is argued, the bark must have been either disabled or wrecked by one of the recent gales. 8he was possiDiy dis masted In ona of the earlier blows, and rendered unable to Weather the eubse- quent galea In ber .crippled condition, went to tha bottom. Thesa ' are con jectures, but they aeem almost convinc ing to men who have followed the sea for year. . 'v , , Tha-anara-ln-ngiaaa.r -worriea over the disappearance of the bark. They cabled their special agents nere, Kerr, Glfford Co.. yesterday that they fear th worst has happened. Unless shs shows up within the next few days th lverna will b a fit subject for the reinsurance gamblers, and it la predicted that the rate will run VP with leaps and bounds when ouce on the boara, , ior every day will . greauy reauc me chances of her ever reaching port. An other fw- weeks and herfat will be put down for that which overtook tne bark Drumcrsig which left Portland on the twenty-second of September. 105. for Manila without having been heard from since. The Drumcralg was caught In one of th October gales off th coast and th most, plausible theory la that he turned 'turtle and went down with ail hands. That she encountered a se vere gal off the mouth of the Colum bia river Is known wits certainty, be cause the barkentin Koko Head, upon reaching port some time later, reported having paased through . a most severe blow in the vicinity Where the Drum cralg was certain to be If sbe followed th course usually taken by vessels bound for her destination. Th revenue eutt'er Thetis, which started on a hunt for th lverna last Wednesday, has not' yet returned and It Is doubtful in the minds of many If even this extreme measure will servs to solve th pussl. . LEPROSY THEME OF LECTURE Dr. Ralph Matson Tells Academy f off Sctenoe All -About the Disease.' IS NOT. FEARED HOW: : ' AS MUCH AS FORMERLY Science Solving the Punle and Prob able Cure Haa Been Found Dis- . eat It Peculiar In Many Things Sometime Not Contagious. DAY'S EVENTS 0(1 EAST SIDE Property - Owners on Stark Street Up In Arms Over Proposed Improvement. FACTIONS ACCUSE EACH OTHER OF DISLOYALTY BARK ALDEfJ DESSE E BELONGS Historic Old Bark Bought by Wil- iiam-T. Carroll From San, . Francisco Owners. WILL CARRY LUMBER: BETWEEN COAST PORTS Second Vessel to Be Purchased by ' Portland Capital During tha Past Few Days-Plied : Between Port land and Orient in Early Days. . Declare Private Interesta'Are Being Guarded and. Public Welfare Rele- gated to ; the Rear Other Notes From the ast Side. i - East Sid Department. -j Tfi objection vf'some-ortl"poperly , owner of lower East Stark street to the miMin. through iif the contract which IPX Mf improvement 01 that - street, - which - Improvement pro vides for a fill In the lower end as far as tha river, has aroused considerable resentment among many of tha property owners along . Grand avenue and ths central east. aide. . Tbey are almost unanimous In the opinion that th con tract should be carried out as at first Intended. r . Several cast side business men were interviewed and all voiced the same .sentiment., that East-Stark -waa - the natural thoroughfare of the east side and should have been opened up long ago. ' H. H. NewhalL president of the East Side bank, when asked his opinion said: "The fill should be mads at once, as it will have to be made aeon anyway. Senator Nottingham protests because under tha present contract tha value of his property will" be arrectea ana a building . will be practically destroyed. but he forgets that a number of years ago I lost a building on Union avenue because of a fill of a similar cosrac ter. tha old esst side hotel, and other people were Injured in tha same way. Asks for Square Seal. C. A. Blrelow says that the method now being usedto block th opening of East Stark ahould not be sanctioned by anr pne who - wishes to se fair play given to east side Interests. W. B. Halt president of th Esst Side Business Men's club, ssld: "It Is contemptible. After so many attempts to bold back tlx development 01 mil section Of th city this act Is outrage ous First one axcuee and then another has been offered to hold back this street which Isthemost Importan t r) w opened long ago. It connects us di rectly with ML TSDor ana Momavuia by the Belt Line road and la an easy grade, and would be the main street of this side o thrlvr-if given-hall s,cnancs." """" 1,1 ' It is too lata to bring In a rention strance, and aome of the business men of the dlatrlat-totimat that lack of time Inspired the method of procedure adopted bySenator Mottlnahsm. Case Is Dismissed. Th Reding case in which Stephen Reding wss charged with wife 'beating haa been dismissed by Judge Olson and will not come up for trial. The charge waa only made so that Mrs. Reding could set her effects together and leave the country. While Reding was being detained In Jail Mrs.- Reding received money from her people In the east and Dr. Ralph C. Matson, bacteriologist of the state board of health,-last evening told th Oregon Academy of Science, assembled in the city ball, how th treatment .discovered by Captain Ross of the India medical service has .vastly altered all preconceived Ideas of leprosy. He also told how he and his' brother. Dr. Ray Matson, bad manufactured lep rolln from -the -sores-of th Chinese leper whose presence three months ago so disturbed the residents of the King's hill neighborhood. The old Chinese, who contracted the disease in China, Is now being treated on the county farm. He occupies a shanty by himself, and the effect of the leprolla Is betng eager ly watched. 1 ; ; BtereoDtlcon elides showing the bao- terla colonies on cultures and also in the blood vessels were thrown upon a eoreen. Hawallans and Hindoos suffer ing from extreme cases of the disease were vividly portrayed. v " Th disease has been spread because to let It be known that a person ws suffering from it meant Isolation," said Dr. Matson. "These people have been confined without any right . whatever. It has been proved that leprosy Is not an incurable disease, and that in Its early stages It can be cured as-easily as tuberculosis and by similar methoda." Is Carious Disease. Dr. Matson told what a curious dis ease It la. Here are .some instances; Chlndren of leper parents do not neces sarily have . the disease. A nusbana and wife rarely both hav it. on Chines woman had thr leper hus bands one after the other and never contracted it. Leprosy is primarily a disease of filth and poor food, though a king one died of It. In Iceland, where there are many cases, parte of the body not covered by clothing, such as the face, are the only portions attacked by the disease. Norwegian emigrants orougni ne uis ease to Minnesota, Always Follows War. leprosy always follows war and pes tilence, the people being usually phy sically Impoverished and less able to withstand the asssults of the germs. These germs may live In the skin for 1 -years without ever entering the sys tem or making their presence knwwn In n wv. Leorosv rerms are killed by contact with chlorine or any of its salts, such as common salt. . The leprolln, in brief,, is a concen t rated essence of th leprosy germs themselves, killed by beat and strained When this Is Injected the living germs cannot abide their presence, immediate ly rush out through the skin, causing m. hlirh fever. CaDtain Ross, th discov erer of leprolln, la swsraped with de mands for It from all over the world. Dr. Matson Is one: of th few other bacteriologists who have made it ' During th cours of hla lecture. Dr. Matson said that the theory that fish dlstwas pnrtilly responsible, for lop rosy is now held to be false. Another historm old windjammer has been purchased by Portland capital and thle port will now boast of having two notable lumber droghers registered her. William T. Carroll, who recently bought th old favorite bark Ceioma, yesterday purchaaed the equally old and historic American bark Aldan Bess. The, bark la .now on rugei souna loaaing iuraur for San Francisco, but ah I expected to come here as soon as her- present ohartar expiree. ' The Alden Bess Is on of th oldest craft . afloat on th Paolfla and she Is known almoat everywhere, for there are few porta of Importance at which ah has not touched at-om tlm or other. J She was once upon a tlm engaged In freighting between this port and Hong- kong, as did th Coloma, and many storl-rs yet being told along th waterfront of how she did a landofflce business carrying Chinese, dead and alive. 8 he carried live Chines coming this way and tha remains of deceased ones returning to th orient. Frequent ly ah would hav quit a lot of caskets on board, for In those daya tne ooaiea of departed Celestials wsre shipped snore often than th bonee, as Is now th sys tem In. vogue. There Is said to be a growing interest In marln matters her and men with capital are seriously considering build ing several steam schooners (or tne coast lumber trade. ' At present most of th oraft plying along th ooast ar owned and operated 'out of San Fran cisco; although moat of th cargoee ar furnished by th northern ports. . LvwWaawwsAAW m A W tt w '. m Aw.'ViSw'Xslvwj Now 1st tie .-.Ptirflislli 5 TSmnieto " A WORD TO CAREFUL BUYERS ::- Our fall stock is now complete and awaits your inspection. Critical house ' furnishers will be pleased-with-the race-and beauty4aheldesign of-the-JiewJ patterns, while the prices will, appeal jto thlhriftieSt.shopperAn wejynUi "give you what credit you need. No matter, how small the deposit may be we'll meet your demands somehow. Every business man uses his credit. ) Why don't you use yours? Come in this week and take advantage of A our : new stock; then let our salesman figure on furnishing your home. . ' . IroiFBeds PUT IN FOR SHELTER at Astoria Oovernmest Tat" Sotoyomo .on Way worth. - Th government tuc Sotoyomo is at Astoria for coal arid aheltar on her way to Bremerton to act as ona of the sta tion tugs st the navy yard. Sh left San Francisco November t, and reached Astoria Thursday after a very stormy voyage. Th weather was thick all the, way from the Golden Gate to the Columbia river and oft Cape Blanco' th tug en countered a big storm that : compelled her. to heave to for eight hours. Th crew report that she was to all Intents and purposes submarine, because her decks were under water moat of th tlm. Th tug Is In command of Lieutenant E. H. Dodd. who . was her a year ago last, summer on th torpedo-boSt de stroyer Paul Jones. She carries a ere of It men and O. Johnson, mate. Th Sotoyomo is only t2 feat long and has a tonnage of about 175 tons, but can make 11 knots under good weather con- I dltlons. ' - - " r BEGINS LOADING TODAY jTorwegian Steamer Jethon Joins ni No. 137 Iron . Bed, 1 1-16-ineh continuous post: heavy filling, finished Vernis Martin. .f 14.00 No. 926 Iron. Bed, finished cream and gold, 1 1-16-inch-post, well filled ;..10.8O No. 706 Iron Bed, 1 1-16-inch continuous post, straight rod filling, 3 brass spindles . in head and foot, finished Vernis Martin or cream and gold -00 No. 772 Iron Bed, full brass filling, continuous post, finished in cream enamel M.SO it.. NAPOLEON BEDS. Uo. 7 Full Napoleon Bed, In genuine mahogany, . . hesvv claw feet . . . ;...f 85.00 Trd.T6-Napoleotf Bed", Mw heidrfinished-in ma- t hogany, ttirdseye maple ano quaner-sswea golden ale , 42.ri0 No.. 340 Napoleon Bed, finished in birdseye rasple,-mahogany andquarter-eawe4 golden oak $31.60 sh had released. returned to them and when safely departed Reding was The-couple reside at Qat Trolley Wires Break.u-i- Troily wires on East Morrison street caused some trouble again yesterdsy afternoon end traffic was suspended for a few minutes on the bridge because one of the breaks occurred near th and of the draw. Breaks are oceurlng often In thl vicinity and causing consider able inconvenience to those hsvlng occa sion to pass over the Morrison bridge. It seems that the trolleya are not heavy .nnii,h to suoDort the trsfflo and resl- rint declare that sorrre new ones of different style will have to be provided before th street Is ecur from further accidents In this line. THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES, OVERCOATS 3 J -' .... . . -- Every garment cut according to the latest dictates -of-fashion-from substantial-Woolen and-Worsted Fabrics. .;-"''- SOME STORES ASK $15.00 FOR THEM - OTHERS ASK EVEN MORE. SEE WINDOW- EXHIBITION. Salsbury Hats The best known, and known as the best l tlllUWU, CM1U IWUVJVVil L. $2.50 Tomorrow, $2.00 a nd $2.50 values PANTS cS...... ...$1,50 Boys'- and Children's Suits and Overcoats almost.... K PRICE -JBr-Stetson Hats,-Any- Style and Colorr $4.00r Famous Clothing Company ; CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS. Three gangs of longshoremen will go to work this - morning loading .lumber on board of. tha Norwegian steamer Jethou at the mills of Inman, Poulsen AV Co. The- steamer-arrived In the harbor-yesterday, afteanoon from Port Los Angeles under charter to th Paclflo Export Lumber company to load for China. Bhe trill carry approximately I. (00.000 feet Captain Peterson rcporls having had a fair voyage from tne (.aiirornia.porc to the Columbia river, but he ran into thick weather, off the bar and had to lay -outside from Wednesday morning until Thursday morning. A gale sprang up and It was about all th big freighter could do to hold her head to th seas. Her engines were turned to their ca pacity, and yet she made barely per ceptible headway against the seas and wind.. By hanging clo to th light ship th steamer was ready to cross in as soon aa conditions became fa vorable Thursday morning. The Jethou carries a Norwegian crew numbering SO all told. She signed the men at Antwerp, from which port aha brought a cargo of cement and building material to Port Los Angeles. She waa fortunate In meeting with good weather all the way from Europe, th storms off Cap Horn even subsiding In her path. Other steamers that doubled the Horn about the same time reached port with tales of awful hsrdshtps and close escapes from, total destruction, yet the Jethou hardly shipped a sea on the en tire passage. Captain Peterson is Veil known here ss the former master of the Norwegian steamer Norman Isles. The tatter ves sel was here a few months ago and took a lumber cargo to the orient Sh Is expected to return here soon. ALONG THE WATERFRONT DRESSERS AND CHIFFONIERS. No. 50 Dresser, finished golden, mshogany and whits maple, 20x24 f rench bevel oval mir ror .... .....fl5.00 No. 22 Dresser, finished golden, 18x24 French ' bevel mirror S12.00 No. 2199 Dresser, base 45x24 inches, 30x30 round . bevel mirror, made in golden oak and birdseye maple.... f38.fl0 No. 368-Golden Oak Dresser, full swell base, 30x34 French bevel mirror ....fSft.OO No. 19 Chiffonier, finished golden, mshogany. and white maple, oval. French bevel mir , ror . . . . ........... f 14.T5 No. 51 Chiffonier, finished golden, extra large, 5 drawers u..... . .t.l jO.OO No. 354 Chiffonier, birdseye maple, golden oak end. mahogany, shaped French bevel mir ror........ ,..25.00 i j "p Fiirniliirp V .irTlinTsheffeatheredoal vanish leather. r:7.T.trr.;..f la-SO"""" We athered Oak library Chair, ssddlev fcN . ; . . . . ... . f T.ttO - - SS 1 "NoTSlZChai " tered in Spanish No.. Z6S Weath seat . . No. 9 Rocker, weathered oak, Upholstered in 'Chase leather . . . :......f0.T5 No. 2259 Mission Rocker, in weathered finish, saddle seat . .96.50 No. 6398 Cellarette, complete with bottles and trsy, westhered finish , 15. 50 No. 150 Weathered Oak Hall Seat, upholstered in leather, heavily carved back... 15.25 No. 16 Library Table, top 23x42, weathered fin ish .... .......f20.oo No. 755 Library Table and Magazine Rack com bined, weathered oak. strictly mission in de sign . ....S25.00 HALL MIRRORS. No. 851 Hanging Hall Rack, finished golden or weathered oak, 12x30 French bevel mir- - ror . . . . ...... ......r....ri...Tr7;.;v.fT.5o No. 1002 Hanging Hall Rack, in golden or. weathered oak, 12x18 oval French bevel mir--rorT-.-,-rTT.-.vi.-.: ; . t...... ;w. . ( . . f .50 No. 438 Hanging Hall Rack, 14x14 French bev- el mirror, weathered or golden oak V1.00 No. 790 Hanging Hall Rack, in quarter-sawed golden oak, .18x24 oval French bevel mir ror , . ,,..f9.T5 V MUSIC CABINETS, v s No. 547 Music Cabinet, in genuine mahogany, oval French bevel mirror "in door.. ..10.50 No. 0551 Music Cabinet, in Circassian walnut, full swell front fSS.OO No. 490 Golden Oak Music Cabinet, French legs and patent door pocket S18.50 No. 541 Music Cabinet, in mahogany finish, French bevel mirror on top f . ...... . .10.50 No. 550 Music Cabinet, in mahogany ftn ; ish f.T5 J) W& OSgCt 0QQSJ0 Csft Th Harrlman liner Columbia did not get away for San Francisco last night because of additional freight being re ceived at th dock up'to a lata hour last night About too passengers went on board, however, and sh will leave down some time this morning. The big tramp steamer sighted off the bar yesterday morning Is believed to be th oil tank steamer Atufs. She did not cross In during the day, but stood, oft, evidently walUng for th bar to quiet down. , " . . . ' The sieamer George W. Elder will sail for Port Los Angeles via San Fran cisco and a.ureka Tuesday morning. Bhe will tske ail tne ireignt en can carry .iT w snd most or ths passenger accommoda-J ' ' rr b'; tlons hav already been spoken for. The oriental liner Numantla, whloh arrived from Hongkong via Yokohama early yesterday morning, will take a full cargo of flour when she sails for the orient in about a week. ..The Norwegian steamer Terje Vlken will finish loading lumbar at th mills of th Portland Lumber company Mon day or Tuesdsy. She goe to Port Pl- rie, Australia, and will return her fort anoiner wi -. v has been discharged. U A 9 down at 1:10 p. m. Steamers AHlsncs and F. A. Kllburn. , ' San Frsnciaco, Nov. It. Arrived Steamer Costs Rica, from ' Portland. Arrived Steamer Sailor Boy, from Portland. STAGE BREAKS DOWN WITH PETER L0G6IE ABOARD And Veteran Boomer of Cqos - Bay-Has to Tramp Seven Miles In Mud. En route to Kansas City snd Wash ington, D. C. as a delegate to the Trans Mississippi congress and the National Rivers and Harbors ' eongress, Peter Loggle of North Bend arrived In Port land yesterday and left for th saat. He was delayed a day by th heavy storm that swept the coast counties and crippled ths stag Un between Marsh Held and. Roseburg. "Trees were falling around us, and at nightfall, th stag brok down," he aatd. "I bad to walk Seven miles through- mud to reach- th nearest plae where I could stop over night. It was the hardest trip I hav . had be tween Coos bay snd Portland In the many years I hav lived on th coast." Mr. Loggl goes to Washington as a delegate from Coos bay eitles to work to secure government aid la improving the harbor and rebuilding th jetty, whjchls now n"ry destroyed, . owing to the failure of th government to re new It The Coos bay people ask for an appropriation to extend th )tty and deepen the channel to something Mr. LiOggl will probably remain in Washington most of the winter, looking after Coos bay Interests. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. IT. Condition of th bar at I p. m., .rough; wind, northwest t miles; weather, cloudy. Arrived at 1:10 a. m. Schooner Irene, from Re dondo. Sailed at l:0S p. m. Steamer Asuncion, for Ban Francis. Arrived OREGON EXPLOITED IrV - NEW RAILROAD BOOK Portland and Oregon ar th conspic uous feature 4n a. near booklet uat is sued by. th advertising department of th Chicago Northwsstern railway. The booklet is entitled "Th Paolflo Northwest." and Is on of th bst Illus trated publications Issued by any of the railroads Interested in this Motion Of th sountry, - . 'Th sgrloultural, fruit. jnlnlngand netting resources f Oregon sre shown to great advantage, and ths book Is a credit to the railroad company. Port laad is shown In a birdseye view from eee YOU ARE BETTER OFF Trading at one place where you are treated right Is much more safe for your investment. We are proud to say that we held the same customers for the past 13 years and many t of our new patrons have been recommended to us through our square dealing. We always carry a large stocky of first class Men's and Children's Clothing with general line of Shoes, also Trunks, Suit Cases, Blankets and Comforters. . We make no arrays, but we save you money on our prices JOHN DELLAR 181-183 FIRST ST. AND 53-53 NORTH THIRD ST. Clarke,Woodward Drug Co. - Wholesale, MannfaetnrlnaT ' aad Importing Brnggists, Announo the completion of their Analytical Laboratory, completely equipped. In every detail for the analysis of foods, rocks, oil, fuels, fertilisers, drugs, mineral wsters snd for technlcnl research-.'. Our estsbllshment, eorser Klnth id Son snd conveniently lo cated near Union Depot and Ter minal Grounds, Is the largest In ths northwest. Sealers la Oasoara Bark, Bal aam Wl aad crude druse pf ths northwest. ths heights and occupies th plac of honor on a front pas. Vlws st Mount Hood, Hood rlvr valUy orchards, Cas tl Rock, Multnomah fails, Th Dallas, wheat -fields, vineyards, fish canneries, forests and dairy farms are shown. The booklet will be given wlds circulation In ths mlddls wsst. ( Aoki Oomlnf to Coast. ,' (Ipeelel Dtapttr ky teseed Wire to The Joerstl) Washington, Nov. IT. Aokl, ths Jap anese ambassador. Is going to th Fa el fie coast to study the conditions of his countrymen there, especially In re lation to ths California situation, , , .1; ... r-