The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION FOUR, Image 39

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    ... ' ' "V " eajB"" ! , i 1 ' ; '' "V- ' f . , -.." 5-...r '.y- . v.r .tt'''eJ.'v' - y'rt,i-ev--x- -- 1
- I eerere tax on the. muscled.. s l'. j If
HC8B new exercises present a
radically new system or pnysicai
culture. They are called contour
exercises, because they consist
In following the outlines of the body and
letting the system build Itself upon na
ture's own lines. No apparatus la re
quired, nor Instruction other than the
simple directions given. Tbelr division
into groups for the development of dif
ferent parts of the body la only for con
venience In presentation, aa the entire
series is so correlated that each set rein
, forces the effects of all the others, and
harmony of result will be best obtained
by Judiciously balancing the groups so
that general development will go hand-
In-hand with the more speciflo develop- -
meat. ' " -
- I am- often asked -why-exercises- are
commended for both thin and atout
people. What makes a figure faulty Is
that It Is either too thin or too fat. and
both-conditions are due to Improper
n 1-1 . . . . ' .
-In ene caee the lack of oroper -exer-t
else permits the deposit of fat In and
around the muscles and entirely de-
troys the clean Unea that make for
beauty. ' . - . - -
In the other ease, the leanneas Is
similarly due to lack of atlmulation by
properly diversified movements. Proper
nourishment means balance between
food and use. Too little use not too
1lttle foodT buttheuse IT" iSt)Utt6
1 .1.1 . M..iul i
may mean euner ibi or w.ius mwwmj ,
too much use meana wasting only. J
in the set of exercises picturea toaay,
: which have for their primary object .
. the development f a beautiful neck, all
the work is done by the head, the arm
ao poised that, when the head Is In
repose, the tips of the fingers rest
lightly In the middle of the forehead.
These exercises - may be taken while
you are sitting down,: only see that you
are sitting well, with the chest not al-
Mrs. Symes' Aids
Hair Falls Rapidly.
f HAVsVboen Uklwa Weatiy at to -ff year
from a proieeeieiuM n"r ,.
ti. mnrinm mv hair.
hioh.hed been.doins
vary well, oomrnenced falllns out. It has
come out so impUiy I have hardly any left.
iun out. it naa
Sie lady has tried various tonics, but noth-
doee any sood. Will you jpleaae eug-
aet somethlngt would you tnins it worm ,
y while to keep on with the traalmentT Mas
ssae and electricity have been used.
i Urs. B.
Apparently the cause Is not purely '
local; probably you are rundown
reurself. Nothing betraya the condi
lon of the general health, and par-
- tlcularly of the nervoua - system, to .
readily as doee the hair. See that
- you - are in - good condition, looking -well
to the uigea:ive organs. Eat
simple, wholesome foods,, and exer
clee aa much aa you comfortably can.
Don't- overtax yourself either with -work
or play. Oat plenty of sleep,
f olng to bed early, so aa to make
be most of the valuable hours be
fore midnight .1 . .
Give your hair frequent sunnlngs,
taking It down and loosening it from ;
the scalp, and then sitting in a sunny
window aa long as you have time
an hour a day la not too long. Fur- ,
ther than this. I cannot advise you,
unless you detail the system and the
formuaa you bava been using.
Hair Prematurely Gray.
Thoosb t am young, my hair Is turning
gray at temples, and thonsht yon eould sd-
VIM me what to do or in. Alao, about a
harm Was djraarlhow o ass It My Jslr
il h7ns?hla?ormuJa'lirthe test Xof "
yous - ,
fo Beatorf the Natural Color ot Hair.
fA phyalclan's nreeerlptlon l ' '
- guaa of lead. H ounce; las sulphur, H -.
ounce; eaeei ce of bersamot, H ounce;
. alcohol, H sill: alycertoe. 1 ounce; tinc
ture of eantoaiides, k ounoe) ammonia, M '
r Mix all In one pint of soft water. An
ply to the root of the hair, which must be .
The dre ahould never be applied If there
Is any Irritation or abrealoa of the scalp.
The best way -to use any etain Is
to apply It to the roots of the hair
with a small brush a toothbrush will
answer for the purpose. ,
A Good Growth.
I had ' typhoid fever last fall, snd Mils '
snrtmr eiiiiuiv naa xt nave my neea sosveu.
My nslr Is sbout. three Inches long. Does -that
seem a good crowth el nee March NT
But 1 am so troubled with dandruff, will
Jou please tell me what to uasf The :
andruff seems eo flakey.
I have taka live bottles of Vaaealre, hnt
sa no Improvement. I have takes It with
out wstor. beeauee It was so much nicer that
way. Would that way. ef .taking It. hinder
It- being beneflrlalt U A. a
Three Inches seems to me a fairly
good growth for your hair to have made
alnce March. Some hair grows much
more rapidly than other, but that Is a
good average growth.
, Use this preparation for the dandruff,:
To BamoTt Dandruff. -
Tincture of eantharldes, 1 ounce: liquid
ammonls, I dram; glycerine, W ounce; oti
,Sf thyme, H dram; ruaemary nil. H dram.
Mis sll toarthar with all ounces of roM-
: wtr. Rub the seals thorouqbly with tne
prepare) ln until Be further evideaoe ef
ddn-rnfa la noticed. , y
I do not believe In making any change
whatever la the Vaucatre formula or la
I radically new system of physical bureau upon whlol your " , I f , - v,- r-w1 " . '; , :;- II,.
culture Thy r called contour tootow to permit you to alt pol I r''Al A . ' ' 7??-- lr
lowed to sink In. And If the table or
bureau upon which your elbow rests Is
too low to permit you to sit poised
eaaily erect, place a book or two upon
It to bring your arm to exactly the
light position,
The movements consist In slowly roll
ing the head back, keeping the Angers that when the head is aa
far back as It will go the finger-tips
are below the chin, possibly even low
on the throat, although this Is more
spt to be the result of long prMtlcej.
Then bend the head forward, until the
finger tlpa rest upon th crowa of the
pnrm mnr fine-era UDon the temple at
the right and move the head so that .the
ttpe brush slowly across the face In a
downward o.laonal Une nd come to a
standstlU upon the side of the throat
"P- ti'n1f 'i"'!, iv-4
Re.tmg the ffngertips upon
or BO,e.wlt J?" b JffSSAlJSt
rlnaera touch the aide of the head welt
toward the back, and repeat until you
, ewung your head around In. as
1 nearly complete a circle as can be.
It and carrr them to their extremes In
direction, but not in length of time; you
ahould stop In a few minutes If the
strain becomes apparent, although nsu-
ally, with alternating them the pull upon
opposite muscles prevents tne reeling 01
"dua strain. Dont-do them fee-more
i K.n n a. A ftun mlnirtai rnr tn. Aral
- - -
time, at any rate, but perform them
, reguianjr. n uwui w uiij
fermance of such exercises that the last
ing, beautiful results are made.
The vertical movements the " hand
rolled alternately back and forward
are particularly good for removing that
- ugly little lump of fat which so often
forms Just at the nape of the neck. The
diagonal movements fill out the hollows
directly In front of the throat
to Correspondents
the way of taking It It. was very care
fully thought out in the first place, and
th directions should t followed to the
f-,iM i,w . .' -w
" " - ,.t
wait wiiu your meata. -
Bathe the bust freauentlv with sold
Water and rub briskly with a Turkish
towel. And maasaga the bust from un
derneath upward and out In a series of
rotary movements. Make them slowly
and gently, aa haste or heavy pressure
will do harm in this region. Deep
breathing and chest expanding exercises
are Just aa necessary for you aa maa
. aage. .. ., ..-
Experimented With Stains
M. hair was turning gray all around my
forehead, so 1 seed two or three prepara
tions to darken it; thee It looked eo terrible '
that I need peroxide to waah It off; now It " '
Is all shades. Pfeaae let me know whether
walnut etala would make it an even eolor. '
sod hew to meka the a tain the green bulla
or black enee? , g, A. a. '
When the color of the hair has been
experimented with, there la but one uo
cessfui way of restoring the original
color; that Is. to have a good hair
dresser apply tC stain. . . , "TT k
The process la apt- to be expensive,
but it Is safe,- and can be done so thai
the resuiu look perfecUy natural.
A CurlingXotion
N A littlstwhll. ago w In your beau,,-
en tun no a Uauld ta maka tk. k.i.
Tou said It was ta put on the hair before
. putting la pica.
Hera ta a good curling loUoai
. - .. guinea Seed Curline,
' Three teaspoonfula of quince seeds.''
Otto pint of hot water; ,
Pour lbs water over the seeds, alanrtna
the whole to aland for eevetVlhoure Thi!
muellase may be thinned with water or
eolotne. and a few drops of violet or an
other eaaence may be added. Lee about
two tsblcapoonfuls of eoioens for thla mls-
liquid before surling.
' with tola
' Hair Too Straight r
Will you please give mo the formula ta
make my balr wavy as It la very atralaht.
and please tell mo If It would hurt the balr
. any, ana wnvre a can nave It nuedr Wo
It be all right to have U Oiled at any di
storef M.
ToVakjth Hau Curl
Potaaelum carbonate u grams; ammonia
water, 1 fluid dram; alooboL u fluid dnunai "
rosewster, enousb to make ((fluid ouncaa
In ualng molaten hair, adjust It looaalv
and It will curl upon drying. ""
. . This preparation will do so harm to
I am sorry, "t It Is against my rules
i .1 . t Vi. nam nf -n.jnl.ll... . .
druggists apy commercial addreeses, la -
fact In theee eolumna Tour own drug
gist should be able to fill the prescrip
tion satisfactorily for yeu. ...
Hair Uneven in Color.
I am ti years old, my hair Is dark, very
dark la front, but Is gaUlns browa 10 back.
Pleeae tell me If I can darken It without
injuring the balr. I have alee, soft ahlny
hair, but there are so aiaay abort eade that
i am aiaeuaiea tryina to areaa it.
get any thins to keep It from failln
- Pieass tn bis bow te wave the fcah Is
it aone wtta en I roar i aae some ejrie with
their heir
vee so nioeiv 1 onen wonder
N. will the ssaaleat was ed
I .
B. U.
' TTf t. - -UMt :T. - l" " f I
the arm sotil&t fte
fia$8rttpa totcch the foreheoA .
mimUi m kMlm-M mm ttM Ain. as 1
use It to whites my oeckt Also please tell ,
' aae when tutus bensola ahould I nee soap
for my face or aotT A. aw
1 ahould not adviae you to use a
dye for your hair under the clroum
atanoea you Quote. .At your age a
course In masaage and a good tonlo,
with frequent sbampoolnga, will make
hair healthy and also, often, of uniform
nnlnr Evidently it Is not In aood
coior, h viaentiy it is not in at
i . . . . . .
condition, or It would Hot have w ma
snort enda
If you cannot afford a course ot
head massage, give yourself half
hour massage treatments every night
Press the Angers well Into the scalp
n each side of the temples and go
all over the head in a series of wheel-
iQiiiDiai rani! zu
like movemente. Just before condud-,
Ins; the treatmeitt aorfly the oulnlne
tonla. Thle win nnt Vfrxte tha calae
"of iour hair"
of your hair.
. Quinine Hair Tonic
Sulphate of quinine, 1 dram: ruse water, t
ucee: dilute eUlohurta arid. U minima: '
nctiflid spirits. I ouncer. essence royal or
enee music or s minims. Asiute until
solution Is eomDlsta. Apply to the roots
ewry day.
This treatment snouid stimulate the
growth f the short hairs so that Vou
will not
further troubled with
Here la the-formula- for a bril-
' llantine, which should held you to
keep the hair trim:
Brllliantlne. ; -
' Btreet slmnad oil. t fluid ounces: alcohol
4 fluid ounces; glycerine. 1 fluid ounoe; oil
of roes ceroalma, 11 dropa
Waving the hair la a very difficult
proposition for the amateur. - If you
: cannot hare It done for you every
' couple of weeka. It would pay you to
ma to
a goou nairurwsser ana take a
lesson or two. Unless hair la well
waved - It -might- natter be-- left
straight The wide, natural-looking
wavps are In . fashion and "f riaeeV -are
Peroxide of hydrogen la a harmless
bleach. But why do you use it when -'
you have attained your endsT
It makee no difference whether or
not you use soap upon your face, while
you are using bensoln. . , ...
. , Face Brushes ,
. Kindly Inform me where I eaa obtain the
Complexion ecruoDiog yyy
; Any reputable establishment In a large
city should be able to supply the camera-
hair brush at a cost of about -lbs
. v. I l.iil d( ua t vt Kaaaa Intitf
,2..Dr""..1 ..he. whltSl
awl m m. ..r- . v
aoft enough not to scratch the delicate
surf see of the skin, and a plain unvar
nished back.
Growing Out of . Bounds .. .
' Will rod pleaas publish what will Stop thn
grawtliri a U ? ef and am over
? '?m afraid there U nothing that
vrn.h. At any rate.
Ti.s?. ma within my" notice
Wothlna haa come within my n
wucnai'proved .atl.f.ctory i
All t
.tn.r:r.Fal devilopmenL sohat
... J .All A OB IS lO IV .
. n
?r:t.TdClUan"d' cg
yoAVw.ll.nTJ.rj a . no hlng more
Oily, Damp Hair
l have ths most annoying head of hair oa
vtK. No mattar won a w.
1 rJi. nl all th nm hr that
SrS, Ik i. perfny whit I am u
IS . - .irn araVi Mr
family never turned iray until paM Jf'J-
Soa. I ioVa Vw talr. but M t fcavs te
work for a living It makee againer me.
win vou kind y give me recipe v
jy"ur .a? "vraL?
Here Is a splendid shampoo mixture
for oily hala. Use It at least once a
week, and try tbJs lotion. There are
few oases so atuBborn that this treat
ment will not bring about a marked
change for the better in a surprising
ly ahort time.
Egff Shampoo.
" Tolk ef eaa ecg, one plat of rainwater; ; '
aajrtt of rosemary, oas eeaoe. Beat ths bus.
ffKAtMMivtitw n ft n ft ta i ill -- Wall tt
well Into the scsio and rlose with several -
, clear waters.
Ztetloa for Oily, Samp Hair.
- For greasy, motet hair the following la aa
excellent drying lotion. It uied (Uuly, It
tends ta produce a crispy condition, aaa aa
auburn shade;
Powdered bicarbonate of soda, borate of
soda (alio powdered), ounoe of each; eau ,
de cologne, 1 fluid ounce; alcohol. 1 fluid
ouncoe; tlnrttnre at eoehlnesl, it fluid ennnei
dutllled wster. IS ounces.
Mix snd saltate until solution Is complete
for general usees.
As to Its coming In white, that ta a
much more serious matter. At your
see a course in masaage la often all -
. . . ... . . . .
. -d.lrti?". '.,5l .m",a Pb-
llsnea so irequenur in imh columns,
Brush y6u hair every night aa much
, aa you can. pressing;, me ory an wen
against the scalp to get the benefit:
, ot tne iriction causea py tne orisues.
Dee that your brush la kept perfectly .
clean, washing It at least once a week
In soapy warm water to which a few
drops of ammonia hare been added.
It your nair persists in graying, I
ahould advlsa- ou . to .have the maa-
s eme oom frvteaaionat
rather than to continue to do It your-
I ahould be " Interested ta hear of -your
progress, .,
Use Massage as Well
P, ve me fomul. for Dr. Vaacalre-a -..
remedv. Is It sdvlaable to use maa.. ...
the bust la sonneotion with the Vaucain.
remedyT M. W.
The formula for which you ask will
appear before your letter goes to press.
Massage la decidedly beneficial, but
the movements must be msde. gently and
slowly, as baste or heavy pressure might
OO nana.... .... ., , ... .
When Your Face Chaps
What is good for thin akin? My fsce
seema to cnap .the least change u the
weather, dually I have a very clear skin, "
but for some time It has been dlacolorea
by brown splotches on forebesd and teraptee,
enlarged pores across nose snd very (aw
blaoVheada not prominent, amall; alao
small irecaies oa rajoa, not aiangurtng, but
novlna. I have doctored for th.
ev w
blotchea. as my phyalcian said they
the reoult of
dlaordered liver. Nothing
mini to do any
Alao that iron In ths
blood ceuaed I reoi
I enouid be very creterul ror your help
and susceetlons in tbeeo matters, and kind
ly nur lah a enod and himi M, mm eraam
pnhflati a anod and harmless cold cream
that will not promote down on the feoe and
and a aood msaeasa cream.
R. n. M. o.
Undoubtedly those " brown splotches
upon forrhoad and temples are "liver
spots." External applications can do
little good until the cause Is removed.
In "doctoring." as you call It have you
been careful of your diet, avoiding rich
food, pork In every form, hot breada
and sweets T Have you abstained from
both coffee and teat Do you live prin
cipally upon fresh or stswed fruit and
green vegetables?
The trouble with so many who treat
for liver disorder is that while they .
may be faithful In taking medicine, '
the diet queetion
se. aa well both tne
most important factors In ridding ons's
self of facial blemishes. The enlarged
pores and the blackheads both point
to the same causes: and what you call
"small freckles" are, probably, tiny
liver spots, instead. - J
- I am giving you a formula for orerig e-
flower cream which la excellent for
preventing the ekln from- chapping. Be
fore exposure, rub a little of the cream
well Into the pores of tbe skin. Wipe
oft carefully with a soft cloth. If a p..
Biiea in tme manner, n wui not jeve , , .
ie face with an oily appearance,
wranga-ji lower wwm.
m. n . .
CHI of sweet almonda ounoee; White
was. drae: eiermaou.' c ersme: oorax.
I drams; slycerlne. lu, ounces; orange-Mowee
water. 1 ounces: ell of scroll. U drope; oil '
ef birarsda (oranse akin). U drope; ell ot
petit grain, IS dropa Melt the first three
Ingred'enta. add the Slycerlne to the oranse
ftower water aad dleeolve the borax In tba
mixture! then pour It elewly Into ths bland-'
ed fata, stlrrtna contlnuoualy.
Treatment for Blackheada.
Oat the correct eamal'e-kalr fsce-scrub
brueh. a bland toilet soap, a little send entd
cream or toilet crtam of superior aiertt
there are many of thenv-ead a auncee
of eommoa wasblna sods. if the black
rhts are very dlatlnet. prees hem out;
not soroh the (see mornlag aad sight .
with hot water late which you have put a
bit of soda, about a filbert In else to
each quart of hot water: soap the brush
precisely ss you would were you goto to
as it for your handa snd scrub the feoe
thoroughly. 4
This treatment may euro the enlarged -pores
as wall, without recourse to
more speciflo applications. If they
show no signs of growing smaller by
the time the blackheads have totally
disappeared, use the "Lotion for En
larged. Pore.'!for which formuIawa
published recently in these columns.
, Haasage; Cream.
'.' lanolin, 1H suaees: spermaoetl, ounoe
white vaseline, H ounoee: eocoanut oil, t
ounces', sweet almond ell. 1 ounoea; tincture
of bensoln, Vt dram. - - - - :
, Melt the nrat nve Ingredients together;
beat until the mass concretes, adding the
benioln, drop, by drop, durtnc this pruons.
Kxtraot of violet or any perfume may be
'..added If agrseabls. ,
' Drooping Eyelids
. I have long been dlacourasedV with droop- ,
Ing eyelids and thin cbeelts. My face is
very pointed; and.wlU you kindly rive me '
aa exerclee for It t H. R.
If vou are in perfeot health, the
drooping; eyelida show some eye affeo-
.tlon, which no one put an oculfst or
jvur tiu vvivi i.uu.u u. Buowea
to nrescrlbe for. If they droon ha.
cause you are run down and nervous.
you snouiu voueayur &v ouiia up your
general health. I am giving you some
rules- for gaining nesn ..generally.
gienio principle
. A?!?'"1 a 5r!?2m .
- """t"
At least ten hours'
oat of event twenty-four. In addi
tion to this, naps during the day if
possible. This sleep roust always be
natural. Nothing is so bad for the
appearance and general health as
sleep Induced by anodynes or nar
cotics In any form. The diet should
be liberal and ahould consist largely
of food containing starch and sugar;
potatoes, fresh, eweet butter, milk,
cream, fruits cooked and served with
ugar, all vegetables containing starch
and sugar, such aa corn, sweet pota
toes, beans, peas, foods of the maca
roni and spaghetti kinds, fish and
oystsrs, ice cream, desserts without
pastry; plenty of outdoor life and a
moderate amount "of exercise. Sleep'
In a well-ventilated room. I do not
telleve any one can gain flesh If there
la an Internal disease; certainly not It
there le any tendency to dyspepsia or
liver trouble. Where the patient la
plump In one part of the body and
fails In another a gymnastio course is
advised. There is nothing better than .
bicycling, unless It may be a regular
gymnastio course. In order to pur
sue the latter properly the paiient la
advised to go to a first-class gymna
sium, submit to an examination, and
take the exercises prescribed by the ,
attendant physician. These-gymnasiums,
at moderate - prices, may be
found In a town of any else in. the
country. Where the development la
meagre In the upper part of the body
swimming is also an exoellent exer
cise. Walking is always wholesome.
The patient who wishes to gain flash
can never do so if she worries, le
harassed , or permits her nerves --tottget
the best of her. .
Masssglng the face with a good skin
food will Eastsn the results In that
Scars Left by Pimples .
' Kindly tall 'tne throuqh your columns ot -a
cure for srars left by pimple being lm-.
r property opened. ,. MARX O. ..
. Salve for Scans.
Laiwnin. I drams: ointment of blnlodlde
ef mercury. 1 draw. Hub la well oaaa a
Blackheads and ' Pimples
. ,
I am troubled with blackheeds'sad plm
pla Can
tve me a good recipe for
leaas eeem to rsiae-a sin
ef a plmpla aad are very bard to eeueea
out t. X. L.
PWIVI 1 II, v.-u-uw -li. w i
For two or three weeks, or until the ,
kin Is -thoroughly softened, apply one .
of the creams or skin foods, formulae
for whlcn may be found In thla depart
ment Make this application at night
afwr scrubbing tbe face well with the
fece brush, using a pure, hygtenlq soap
and hot watar. Bs sure to rinse the
soap wall out of the face and dry the
skin thoroughly before applying the
At the end of two or three weekg of .
thla treatment the blackhead may be
upon. the, ftner
foreed ' out toy pressure of the two
thumbs. If a moderate pressure will
not eject them, try this lotion, or the
green soap treatment, which rarely,, u
ever, raua.
Xotlon for Blackhaad.
Pure brandy,' 1 ounces! cologne. 1 sanest
liquor of potaeea. ft ounoe.
- Apply at nlcbt, after washing the face
thorourhly with soap and water. ,
Green Soap Treatmeat tor Blacknaau
Tlnoture of creen soap. 1 ounoeeramtUed
witch hssel. I ounoee. Let thl. "'""'Z
star on only low mlautea then weea. oo
Ith not water.
If the sreen soap Irritates ine '".
aometimea will, use It every m
drac store. U Is not a resular 0
but is sbout the con.latency , "
When Plxnplea SoJow BlAckhaaaa.
Apply the following mixture to the sffllo
sd patts morning snd Blghti . -
Glycerine. grams; oalds of eine,J
grams; aoap tincture. M grsauM potass
"pS U.teJTtr.nt In oonMCXlon with
uiabovethe patient should take esch
moraine before breekfast one tsbleapoouful
ofemliture eouipoaed of equal parts of
pure glycerine and castor oil.
Obstinate Blackheads
,!,. ... ahu l oan do for obatl-
tiai biackneaqs ur ti . -
. . i- i a ahi it naio wary auwiuiuw
ami scrub my face at nlsbt with camel a-
' hair OOmDIn-vn tasaasr awe, ssa-ee vwv a- ....
elllaVip. Then I rtaee It with cold wa
. Sr I uaeoranxe-flower akin food, and like
U ever eo much. 1 have enlarged porae.
I shall do anythlna you ay, and mi hi
lowlnx your advice and drlnklna quantities
of cold water between meals and nothing
with them. I alao drink bat water with
lamoa in It Wore breekfast. -please
give me the recipe for Whitening .
the neck. It contains honey, powdered oat- ,
meal, oil bitter almonds, snd I don't know
what else. , K. C
Head carefully the directions given to -
X. It." for the treatment of en
larged pores. Of course, cure the black
beads before you treat tbe pores.
As your blackheads have proved eo
obstinate, use this instead of the prepa
rations for which formulaa ware given
Obstinate Black headx of tha Skin.
gtrer. 1 ounoee: snap liniment t ounces,
ub Into the spot effected: and as aoon aa .
the mixture burns, waah the surface with
hot nater. . , , .
; , Honey and Almond-Cream, i
Honey,' 1 ounoe: white soap, la powder, H
- ounce; oil ef sweet almonda U ouncaa; oil
of bitter almonda 4 dram; oil ot bersamot, .
H dram; oil of ciovee, 7 dropa; balsam of -Peru,
u, dram; liquid potaaaa, Uj dram.
Mix the oils with the bxisain: then mix
the honey with the aoap in a mortar, ana
enough of the poteeea to make a nice cream.
Add this to th eret mixture, and continue
to beat until you have a thoroughly laoorpa-
" vmroa emotnerrc-
I can alve you the formula of a bleach
for the seek U you wish It
- Electric Facial Massage ' .
f am thinking of having aa electrical
meaaage given to my face as a treatment
for oily skin snd blackheads, and would like -to
have your advice, la there ever any
danger In having this done? Will It do any .
sood ? If It does sood st flret. will the
trouble return? And do you know of sny
good face cream besides your orjnge-tlower
cream, which I have tried, but It only
seemed ta make my faoe mors ollyT
C M. W.
, Tbe electrical massage will not do
any harm, and It may do good. But
why don't you cure yourself T Follow
the directions given to "L X. L." for
the blackheada - and - keep : the treat
ment up religiously. There le no ne
cessity for allowing the blackheada ;
to return If you are careful to use
tbe face brush dally and never to al
low powder or cream to remain upon
the skin over night; It la bound to
clog up ths pores.
if your skin is naturally oily, use
, only
little of the cream and waah
in 1 V HUM 1.1..1, W I 11. W LT- r ai,r
applying the cream, then pat aU over
with any good toilet water.
ltlon for an Oily Skin, :
flttlnhala- af -etna. S evaJaa MmMimJ
Tincture oi lav
aveauer, t dros; dtaUiied
water. 1
Nose Red and Oily
My noae te very red aad oily; the pnres
are alao enlarged. M. J. B.
-.Read the cire.tlons given to "C M,
W." snd to "L X. U"
A red nose Is usually caused by In
digestion. The pimples on- your
'bam the front of, the, 7 7
- Wwt to.tnej&idff y 1
may be (rem the aama cause. To
ahould be xoeedlncly careful aa to
what you eat and how you eat It.
Freeh, tender meata are ood; freeta
flah, alao, and an abundance of Te
tables and frulta. Eat whole '-wheat
Dreaa, not too fresh, jrriea rooaa,
highly aeasoned dishes and sweets are)
all mischief workers. a.Told
Drink ;
: plenty of pure, cool not cola
water. Bight alasaes per day la th
leaat amount reautred. Drink the)
water between meals, not- with them.
Take a full bath from head to heel '
once each twenty-four hours. Oct
plenty of fresh air and exercise and
sleep In a well-ventilated room.
Tou might alao apply local treat
ment to your nose. Try maaaaglng
vigorously along the leading nerve ot
the nose at each aide. Use the tip of
the finger, start at the bottom and rub
i up the nose on each side, and then
under the eyebrows. Following the
nerve In this way la sure to relieve
eongested circulation, which Is often
the secret of that unpleasant redness
which cornea to the noae. If It la ex
tremely red, massage the temples and
eheeks also, ualng a brisk, vigorous
In treating ' the nose be ' careful
. not to touch It with water. Instead,
cream, it night ( and , moraine; with
Lotion tor a Shiny Nose.
- Tne remedy here gWea la often very sew
" eeeeraL
Take one dram of Dorado add and mix
. It with four ounces ot roeewaler. Apply
. the lotion to year refractory boss se ettea-
. To Develop she 'Arms
f have beei Medina your umr.
questions for about a year now. 1 have
ww piwi vmi umoij tnioss rrom tnera.
raui oi aimona meat aa belnr rood for
the ekln. I have uaed it all summer aa
iiia o soap and have found that It M
After oains the -almond meal, which
you think would be better tor the akin
veese-gower cream -or orange-flower akla
, food 7 I have rot the eream.-bat as the
of mr ekln are opeif after tha almond
meal 1 thought It beet to aah) you whisk. ' ,
or If both, would be beet for tie skjil '
hsve not used the cream yet
- -,.!l,,lT"L?.1.",,ll m u
. would be (cod for developing my arm from
In II) ItiaMQ. k y b
1 think the orange-flower cream will
serve your purpose, unless your face m
thin snd you are desirous of milns: it
out Then the skin food la better.
Daily massage with the cream r,iu de
velop and Improve the condition of your
: arms. Both cocoa butter and olive oil
are good for this, too, but should not
be used so frequently If there to any
tendency to growth of euperfluoua hair.
Use twisting motions when you maal
sage, taking firm hold of the flesh with '
the hand ef the other arm and vigor
ously pulling and twisting it la rotant
movements. .....
. Use Formula Given 'Abovt i
Would you kindly Inform me what to dot
I have some small pimple soars oa my fase.
Pleaae tail aie 4 there la aaythlag to do
for It V .
.Ve the salve given la tha answer ta
Mary O." above. . :
- Make-Up Paste.
I noticed In your valuable columns, ha oa- -swer
to a oorreapondeat dlreotlona for a
pasta for the face, to be ased Instead of a
liquid whltener or powder. Tou save, very
explicit directions as to how It should be ao- '
elitd. and I must apolosuw for put tins you
the trwble of repeating It.
. thoubulom3i bubscribeb.
Do you mean a make-up cream T It
o, here la the formula. . If not will
you tell me the date of the lea us la
which you saw It or, perhapa, tell me
so me-of the Ingredients or the di tac
tions, so-)- that I,, may ,. locate la
Sultana Cream Xake-TJp.
t ' gweet almmd oil.' 4 ounces; white wax,
snelred, gralna; spermaceti, t20 aralna:
bensoln ( powdered) U gralne; tlno
ture of ambrsrle, sv graJWa; no, powder.
120 aralne: pure carmine, IS grains,
- Blend the fats la the lnalde receptacle of
a cuatard boiler; add beasotn whita may are
aeeung, tae not powoar aad earulne white
cooling, and tincture last of all.
oa tae (Sea ana throat, gently end earetully.
rubblna U Into the akin, anil a.vnM ii. -ii-.
ting Into the eyetorowe or cloee to the ayea.
Powder with any lloah-oolored powder or '
... veloutlne, applylna lively wltb a pud: and
after a little while wipe oft with a ill of
chamois. This masks a- effectually aa a
; piaster of paatee and paint, all eUghtim
perfectlone of the akin without bavin tne
S.pulalvalj. artlOclal look which tiny give,
y,extlUcial light It to Imperceptible;
Afflicted With Pimples
. Can you help met I sm slmoat perfeetry
healthy, am regular hi my habile, oat vary j
Utile candy, paetry, ett . and yet I have
oontlnilelly three or tour plroplne on my
cbln. Aa soon as one diaapoe&ra au nh-r
comes, snd 1 am always ' bleeeed" with at
leaat two, Otherwlae my eompleaioa Is '
good, snd theee plmules ere vrry ano..yin.
1 hav tried a great anany thing, uiitine. - -'
frequent bathing, ale., and etiil I sm af
flicted with theae analghtly plmplaa. I nh.ll
be very thankful it yuta caa auagest suiae
thlag that will relieve me of th,m.
Thla cream has worked wonders for
many of my readers.
Fosaatl Cream for Plmplea.
tanolla, -t ooncee: almeed ell. I eonreo)
, m ...... f.l
a very Hula of the cream te a pli..j. e.
lliiuia era rurrn t'.iuim uo-
as It might Uiltate.
lag faoe bruab.
Mislaid Formula. .
I sm S ene-M rxe ler ef jrmrr per
Snd woui l a y t y wvuid i.rinf ,
reliit t. r ...4 P"ra 1 1 k 1
bava it.
I think this is t . formula yon i
Xotlon f-r r-iar 1 r
y -rl sel l, I !- "
O . ' -
or a b.i of