J QN;;TIiIL. TRAIL- OF .TOIL,: AMERICAN MISSIONARY , , L ..la-- !-'M.:r. -- : ; - .f fern . :V- M I . : yTN Xn ' j vv r; J) " ''--v! I I PHB ftrat day I landed In Japan I Bet out, hot-foot, ta find a m!r1onrjr. I wanted to hear what ho Tjadlo aay for himself In anawer to aome of the criticism that I I set out, hot-foot, t find a I nouaenoia 1103 rrom two 10 rir native 1 -c - . , - )'' ' k : I v ilULi mlrBlonarr. I wanteii to hear J aervanta. drpndlnc ae!ly on th - - rT" ----- - , , - 1 1 ' --' - ' ; '"' :-' 1! 1 "v: ' ' V i -, ' O "w . ,.: ... I had heard aboard ahlp. But houra of Jlnrtklaha ridine In Yokohama and To kio failed to uncover one and. Incident ally, It made me ao well acquainted with the torrid, humid weather of Ja pan 1 aeacoaat In aumraer that .1 waa quite willing to a;rant that th mtealon ary ahould take a vacation; thoufh hie month or mora in the mountalna ia the subject of comment on the part of the - Yokohama bualneaa man who counta blmself lucky to set away for two weeka. '- -.- Thla quest afforded my first Impact with "heathendom" a word never heard . out heret, and the bigness and the ap parent futility of the Uak which the - . representatives of Christianity have ac cepted as their own, were driven home to ma by that tense tour of Tokle. For two hours I saw not a single white face. Jl.Ths tough-leaded coolie tn whose baby oarrlag-e I rode could not understand a word of Engllah;' even bis barn-door-hinge bows were quite unlike, -anything. 1 I had ever known tn the states. 8U11 he could read the Japanese eards I ear . tied, and so, with araaalng tlrelessness and apeed, aver - and anon moping bis perspiring; forehead with the towel which ha carried ta bis teeth, ha bus tled me from one part of Toklo to an ther. through beautiful broad avenues, and narrow, swarming- streeta, where the foreigner waa a sight to be stared i ' at, At leng'h It P't" that- Jttat as In America, re 11 (is n had taken a vacation for the heated term.1 . Hot Weather Missionary Mecca. : TCaruisawa" was the word I vet from native servants In tenaatless mission arv homes: and Karulsawa, said the red guldsbook, which Is the tourist s badge of greenness. Is a resort In tbs mountains of Interior Japan much fre- auented by missionaries and other for- lnars. When I said "Karulsawa" to ens of the polite officials at the rail' road station how polite" and -patient and painstaking and helpful la tbs ?aniaieawTmilrosfflclsilt weald be Impossible to snake plain to a brusqae American ticket puncher, with bis "step .'- lively, please" be straightway too my affairs In band, attended ta my baggage, requisitioned tbs proper porters, and than blmself went with ma and ordered my ticket and saw that I rot the tight .h.: all without expectation of zee. vaica am, w - 'waa-woBia-ejowsldar an Inswlt, The ticket, by the way. was secono-oiaas. 1 foand; and Uter learned that It Is thus that all mlsslonarlea travel tn Japan. Throng h 20 Tunnels. - This la not a general travel article, else there would bo much to say con- ' Hnln that . elsht-hour rids to the mountains, ndlar with 21 tunnels each with an apron at the and to exclude the inrush of air that fills the eara with smoko. A little mors than 1.009 feet above sea level, at the foot of the largest of Japan's still active volcanoes, ' and amid scenery strikingly Ilk that of certain parts of America, wa came to the anolent village of Karulsawa, now, like Its prototypes in Nsw Eng land, prospering off the summer visi tor. The one street 'still retains Its Japansss character, but all- about are the summer uomes of Americans and European who have reproduced a sum resort akin to Ocean Grove, Lake Ge neva, Winona. Pacific Drove or the nu merous "Chautauquas" that flourish throughout America. Here are sum mer schools snd conferenors and enter tainments and an auditorium, quite as on the other side of the world. The population Is mainly missionary, from all parts of Japan, China and Korsa and the Philippines. "Where are you from?" is a common question. When I reply "Philadelphia," the further question al ways eomes. with an air of pity for my density: "Tss, but where are you sta- -ytlonedT "There are usually no visitors In this queerly'cosmnpolltan place, halt Ing directly from acroac the Pacific The Simple Life. , In the. light 'of "what-!" see" hr"ln Karulsawa, the many tales I have heard ' of the missionary's opulence are rapidly being dissipated. Ths missionaries here are unquestionably representative of those throughout the orient; they are of all agea, are of all denominational names, are engaged In every branch of mission work, and come from every part of Japan, as well ss from three or four other countries. All alike dress most Inexpensively, and one does not have tn look closnly tor Bi-the-evitlence-of -n-forced economy familiar in the case of the country parson in the home land. The summer homes hereabout can boast little except fine views and plenty of fresh air; they are not on a par with ths cottages In the resorts I have named. The buildings are plain wooden structures, generally nnpatnted or else an ugly red color, and each dwelling . seems to be crowded, In ths approved summer --resort - faahfcm: for eapesses diminish by division. There Is always room for ths hospitality' which mis- slonarles learn In the east. If they never knew It at home; and manifestly these ' are homes of res.! refinement, since four-fifths of the missionaries are col lege bred. ' The number 'of Phi Beta Kappa keys worn, standing as they do 'for hlgheat rank In the American col leges, impresses one Interested In. such matters. Slnre coming here t have had no -occasion to blush for my country men, which was not ths case la Yoko hama, ' . '. ... - -.. . , j There are mors servants Mr'tatl---V;--'V 77:loJI Ir ;K 1 4 " ilVO In any similar resort over sea. Each sscss r"'"' 1 1 ' ' ! 'I IV. . 1 fASCCl household ho 3 from two to five native servants, depending generally on the f ufcer of Jui Jrca In the SamUy ThU is not quite so luxurious as It sounds. for servants are plentiful and cheap hero. Housekeeping in Japan- does not entail the domestic drudgery com mon in ths west snd. -altogether life is smoother and more comfortable. Al ready It has been made plain that ths commonly entertained notion concern ing the hardships of missionary life In Japan, at least, is erroneous. This Is a civilised land.. Most of the conven iences and comforts of life In. America are obtainable . here, plus 'many not known to ths Occident. 80 fsr as ths material aspects of residence In Japan are concerned, 1 see no reason for the tearful pity and sympathy ao frequently extended to ths missionary. Life In the Sunrise kingdom wiay be as enjoy able as Ufa anywhere else. . . Thia Is Not So Pleasant. ' 1 One leas pleasant aspect of the missionary's-let -was; brought rto-mlnd at tbs .first Sunday service X attended in the nsw auditorium, which Is situated within 10 yards of an' old Shinto shrine. - Tba seating capacity Is about 410. and tbs building was filled with Europeans (as all white folk are called out bare). Interested brown " faces peeping; la at doors and windows. Dur ing : ths . first hymn many persons even to a little child In front of me, wore affected to tears. I could not un derstand why anybody should weep over the hearty elngtag ofa familiar hymn ttntrritwa-aplaJBeff"That"th Slight and sound of ao many Christians sing ing together waa too much for the missionaries, who for at least a year, had been shut off in the interior towns and villa gee, seeing only Japanese faoea and hearing only Japanese spsoeh. Then 1 began to realise the lonllneas which la often one of ths heaviest taxes laid upon a missionary. Mlaglonary'g Worst Hardship. Bven worse, as I may as wall men tion. at ths outset, slnca.it la tha con stant spectre of every missionary fam-j!y-boarWia the enforeed separation of pa-rente from children. " This strikes down to the deeps of human nature. The breaking of these ties that are as old as the race, and stronger thsn death, la the ever-recurring tragedy of miuionary lire, uniiaren must be ed ucated In the homeland; It seems im possible to raise a good American in ZZZZZt.T -T-""D-n " est years ths children Imbibe, with, the native tongue more knowledge of evil than eomes to Has normal boy and girl at home tn SO years. As they approach or enter tneir teens missionaries' ehll dres must be surrendered anoTTTfall--Btartn9W preacher, teacher, scholar quently they are not seen again by their parents until tbey hsvs attained manhood or .womanhood. Tragic tales are told of children who do not recog nise their own parents snd of parents who do not recognise -their own- chil dren, after tbeae long- separations. This appears to me to be the worst of all ths hardships that com to thess un complaining mlsslonarlea. While on the domestic aspect of the missionary's life, it Is worth recording that ths second generation may fre PIGEON ROBABLT ths most ' remarkabls witness ever known "appeared In the justice court at Riverside re cently before Magistrats Carlton S. Badger, and while It la not denied that be was a prejudiced witness be decided the ease at Issue. He was a bomlng pigeon a plain bird with a black head but as a witness ho counted for more than the sworn testi mony of the neighborhood. Justice Badger himself put the pigeon on the stand.- ---.-- - "I cannot decide this ease by the evi dence of men and women," hs said, "but we have here a witness that I can trust. The witness Is ths contention of this suit the bomlng pigeon here in ths cage, I am going to turn, the pigeon loose and aes where it goes and will de cide the case accordingly." - Seldom has an animal - figured as a court witness, snd never has It occurred that a bird ha been the deciding (actor as against ths sworn testimony of men and women. In this case ths bird waa both judge and jury. Justice Gives Case to Pigeon. Justice Badger turneaovef Tils pre rogative as the deciding magistrate to the pigeon, asserting that he would be lieve the bjrd, but that be could not rely upon the testimony of the human wit, nesaee. " ' ' J Ths trial, lasted for nearly, a day, It quently b found on the field.' I have met several Instances -of-tt here.. A "children's party" of second genera tion missionaries brought together a ecor of young men and women a few dnys since. Quite unusual wit serv tve In the Auditorium Isst Sunday, when Margaret Hail, tha infant daugh ter of the two young mlsslonarlea, waa baptised by one grandfather, the other grandfather and an uncle assisting, and both grandmother snd an aunt being present, the entire group being mission aries. Mark you. this was not In a long settled Mew England community, but In an ancient village In the heart of Japan. The grandfather who officiated was a Cumberland Presbyterian, and he used the new Presbyterian Book of Common Worship. ' -r'.: ,7 Makers of an Empire. One ta surprised to find In this single European community of perhaps -400 persons a dosea or more whose names have been for nearly a veneration household words In thousands of Amer ican homes. Hers are men whoss ca reers are Inseparably Inwrought with tha maklnr of ths new Japan; not only are thsy among the founders of ths Christian church hero, tn tha civil his tory of ths empire, the friends and coun selors of statesmen, tha pioneers of higher education, tha makers of Japan's new literature, and ths introducers of the i1esr1y-prUedjrwetam learning " . 1 Slnos tha missionaries are ths moat obliging' folk with whom I have ever had to do. I asked a number of those who have been la Japan for mora than 20 years to pose for ths photograph which appears herewith. Their faces. their character, their standing; among ths Japanese, must bo accepted as suf ficient answer to a certain kind of criti cism of missionaries. . . . . , Some Noted Men. With them stands Rev. Zr. Imbrie, whoso entymology' svery educated 'Jap anese, and every Japanese-speaking fseejlgwar. knPWawell; there Is Rev. Dr. John H. Da Forest. wntsr-"tr"arstlnc-tlon, . authority upon many phases of Japanese Ufa and friend of the nation's leaders; there Is Rev. Henry Loom I a. who eeme to-Japan when there were but 11 professing natlvs Christiana in the land, and who has seen the num ber grow -to 80.000 communicants and ItO.OOO adherents. - himself an enty- mologlst of. Jtotejgwell as an Influ ential factor In the moral and reltgloua development of Japan; there is Rev. T. M. McNalr. sometime Princeton foot and musician, who enjoys a vacation by rising at o clock every morning to work on his books; there, too, but for conflicting ' engaeretnenta. would -be Bishop Harris of the Methodist Episco pal church, twice decorated by the em peror and revered and loved by count less Japanese; and Rev. Ir. J. D. Davis, one- of tha founders of the - famous Doshlsha university. - Apropos of Bishop Harris double decoration, and that of Rev. Dr. Hep burn, author of the standard Japanese IS DECIDING WITNESS having been Instituted by James Thorn ten, who lives in ths southern part of Riverside, and who Is a fancier of bom lng pigeons. He charged August Mel ville with having one of hla pigeons and sought to replevin the bird that ha claimed. " ' - -.i . A constable brought ths pigeon that proved to be the star witness of ths whole trial Into court, Thornton claimed . be had raised the bird from tba egg and that It waa one that, had been trained thoroughly from his ooop-.Melville, on the other band, swore that the feathered -thing In the cag-e was two years old, and that It had been bis bird all the time,-Neighbors of Thornton told of having seen the pigeon as a newly hatched bird and related stories of how It was trained, but to offset these the neighbors of. Melville said they had seen the pigeon In his coop for upwards, of .two yeara. Ths pigeon was silent. It looked from tbe complainant to the defendant and preened Its feathers. -i "V would like to bear further evi dence," said the justice. Scales of Justice Balance. Other witnesses were, pf educed - by Thornton peopi who thought they knew tbe bird, and were sure or almost sure that It had been raised and trained by " Top row. reading; from left to right Rev. T..M. McNair, Tokio, Pres- byterian North; Rev. J. C. Davidson, Kumarnoto, M. E. North; Dr.-M. N. Wyckoff, Tokio, Dutch Reformed; Rev. H. Loomis, Yokohama, Bible So- ciety; Professor. J. C Ballagh, Tokio, Presbyterian North; Rev. Dr. D. W. Learned, Kioto, Congregational; Rev. Dr. William Imbrie, Tokio, Presby-" terian North; Rev. Dr. J. B. Hall, Wakayama, Presbyterian North. Second row, left to right Rev. Dr. Albert Oltmans, Tokio, Dutch Re- formed; Rev. T.C Winn, Osaka, Presbyterian North; Rev. Dr. A. D. Hail, dictionary, and one of the first four missionaries to this country, of his as sociate the late Rev. Dr. Verbeck. and of aa Engllah lady, a missionary to the lepers, . I cannot learn that any other foreigners, outside of rulers of nations and members of the diplomatic service, b-?e been so honored by the Japanese court. "v " -. . ; American College Celebrities. Of the youngsters, recent college graduatea, who form so large a propor tion of ths missionary fores hare, there Is not room to speak. Somo of them won aa American reputation In Inter collegiate athletics; one waa leader of tha University of Pennsylvania band and later a member - of -Sousa'a band; a local celebrity as honor student. Here on tha tennis courts they are win ning new laurela for themaalvea. and tbey have set ths Japanese to playing tha game, and on close, at that. The Japanese students have a tennis court la aa old temple area where they -play surrounded by temples and 'Shrines. By the way, the local tennis dub enrolls mora than ISO members, out of a visit ing population of about 000; which fact may present, the missionary In rather a new light to - soffit -per sons. - I find sane individual, entirely ut)llkthe plot turedeaUemsnm a plug hat ataodlng uiider.a.jialm. tree preaching to the heathen. A sociable was held In the au ditorium a few evenings ago, with the usual elocutionary - and -- musical "stunts,' and cold tea and cake for re freshments; one. of the missionaries, famous aa a Japanese speaker, did an Imitation of an American ' street fakir selling patent - medicines that would easllyhaiio seuuifja' position on the variety stage; end It might havs shocked some dear old ladles with pro nounced Ideas aa to bow ministers should conduct themselves. : : : - Above Level of Home Men. After several days of close observa tion of thla company of missionaries I have formed the opinion that they are as a whole, rather above the level of a similar gathering- of American preach' era. They differ In that they have few "star" speakers, - and the average of preaching ability la quite low; I have seen even missionaries go to sleep under some of the sermons. It is said that constant uss of ths Japanese language. the man wbo brought the suit It began to look as If ' the scales of justlos In clined to his side of ths case. . . "Have you got any further testi mony T" asked the court of Melville, He produced enough additional testi mony to offset the effect of Thornton's witnesses, and Justice Badger was more pussled thaa ever. "If the bird could only talk," said tbe magistrate, "It would be easy to settle tba case. If it waa a parrot, now. In stead of -a pigeon. It might tell us the name of its owner, even If it did not know the nature of an oath.1' "I think we csM get the TSIrd to ttAk in its own. language.'.', said Thornton, to whom the Idea came. "I am sure If you turned It loose It would go to my pigeon lofts. The pigeon ought to know where Us home Is." . "Turn It loose, then," ssld Melville, defiantly. "If It goes to your lofts I release all claims to It. I think the pigeon Is mine. Nothing will suit ms la which these people do their work, unfits them for successful preaching in English. Frequently in English speech they Intellect Japaneae phrases which apparently strike ths auditors aa being "pat" If they cannot preach ths missiona ries- can - think.- They -ha vo to do- so if they are to work here. Japan Is not big enough to hold that type of amall man who la inhospitable to new Idee. Confidentially, I understand that this Is ths reason why not a few men who felt themselves called to be missionaries have been recalled by ths boards aftsr a few years on ths field. -The religious problems of Japan are tremendous, Just now tbey are acuta. There is nothing like them In America, nor are they at allunderstood -there,, Christianity In JWgniapMSlnKthroufrl?n.poch la also a crlala; of thla I ehaU write In a later article, for it ranka among the moat important news of the religious world. -It must now suffleo to Say that ltv ing face to face with a great and vital question, which has had ao parallel In missionary history, and Is bound Itself to become a precedent for other na tions, baa mads serious minded states men of many - of these mlsslonarlea. They have not time to quibble - ovsr details that vex many American minis- L!ers.an(lin consequence Christian union in Japan Is jarahead of tha same, movement anywhere else in ths world; snd the missionaries ars more catholic, cosmopolitan and large-vlsloned thsn any similar body of clergymen of whom I have knowledge. Roosevelt and Bryan as Missionaries, As Illustrative of their broad views of tha situation take their sentiments compel nlrg Mr. 7Vllllsm J. Drysti, wlSjss 1 recent vlstt Is a vivid memory with the nation. The Japaneae fell In love with Mr. Bryan becauae of hla smile and suavity; gftod nmnntrt go farther than a private car In this land. Ths mls slonarieaV without respect to creed or party, are enthualastlc over tba relig ious Influence of Mr. Bryan's tour of Japan; everywhere hs committed him self unequivocally to the Christian po sition, snd his addresses and printed comments on missions were published In native newspapers throughout ths empire, as his biography and speech bad been printed upon his appearance. Now tha missionaries are talking of a possible visit from President Roose velt at ths close of his term; bs will 1 IN JUSTICE, better than ta let it decide ths case. Magiatrata Badger was struck with the reasonableness of ths idea. He was unable to decide the case upon the evi dence, and he had not thought of Solo mon's famoua expedient of proposing to divide the pigeon In halves, so that each party to ths suit, could have hhrr share. Parties to Suit Confident V Magistrate Badger was unable to de cide the case. - "Gentlemen, be said, "there la soma serious error here. Either this bird bo longs to Thornton or it belongs to Mel ville, I have been unable to tell from the evidence tot whom -It -does belong, and I am going to make the blrdjtself the deciding witness In the case." Thornton and Melville both agreed te abide by the decision and made ac knowledgment for ths court's cost a The one that lost was to pay ths bill. Justice Badger's court-room Is a frame building and . ta anything- from being Imposing, but out-of it. has sprung this remarkable story. The pigeon, as the official witness of the.couru.waa urned Joose-Tha bjilHrfIt,la .lieml, ,.,, we in.rxucr.ea lo wm.cn .v- muvm.n... Every person In the crowd In front of the courtroom also was s witness when the bird wn released. His honor him self waa a spectator. Osaka, Presbyterian North; Mrs. J. H. . De Forest, Sends!, Ccmrreta- tional; Rev. J. H. De Forest, Sendei, Conventional; Mrs. D. W. Loara- ed, Kyoto, Congregational; Rev. E. R. MUkr, Tokio, Dutch Reformed, Third row, left to right Miss O. S. Bigelow, Yamaguchi, Presbyterian j Mrs. T. C Winn, Osaka, Presbyterian North; Miss A, E. Garvin, Osaka, Presbyterian North; Mrs. A. D. Hail, Osaka, Presbyterian North; Miaa M. J. Barrows, Kobe, Congregational; Miss Eliza Talcott, Kobe, Congrega- tional; Mrs. M. N. Wyckoff, Tokio, Dutch Reformed. bo formally invited, and aa eminent missionary now en routs to America is chargsd with ths mission of represent ing to the president ths attitude of the Japanese towards him. For there is no man, outalde of the emperor and a few war heroes, who la so popular in this country today,, with all classes of peo ple, aa Theodore JEtoosevelt. Taking ad vantage of this, the missionaries have circulated widely. In Japanese, tha ad dreas on ths Bible delivered at Oyster Bay,, and other religious utterances of the president. His Isttsr to ths inter church conference on federation la New Tork last fall waa immediately printed by most of - the Japaneae dallies. Ia thsse waya it may fairly be aald that President Roosevelt and Mr. Bryan are more potent influences Jatbe religious of Japan than many profes- slonar-mtssionaries cuuililued, - Japanese Press and Religion. The use ths latter make of these men I cite as evidence of, their alertness and broad-mindedness.':. Another progressive plsa which waits only a special dona tion from America to put It Into Imme diate execution la ths use of the adver tising columns of the dally Japanese newspapers for purposes of religious propaganda. Publishers of leading journals havs agreed to place from one orUiemlsslonarieafor the Insertion oft to iwo. column a pay, si -ing uipu-. Christian teaching In popular form. The expense of publication for a year In a newspaper of 10.000 circulation. Includ ing the preparation of the material, would bo less thaa tha salary of aa ordinary preacher In America. Only by thla method, a leading missionary as sured me today, can tha church hope to reach great masses of the people who will not attend ChrlstiaiTe'hurcBes; r Boms missionaries conduct correspon dence courses ia Christianity. On man tatinned an the west coast, inserted a nottce in the dally paper that ho would be grlad to answer questions concern ing Christianity. BO numerous wer the responses that hs was soon obliged t withdraw bis offer, and yst bs has aa enrollment of 1.100 persona who ars regularly following hia eourse, it is by unusual methods such aa these that man of tha better class of Japanese, who feel themselves above attending a Christian servtoe, are being reached by tha missionary campaign. At a meeting held hero since my ar rival, ths ' missionaries adoptee; a pamphlet, setting forth the history of COURT ..The pigeon seemingly waa the lsast In terested of alt the others la the trial, although he waa ths cause of It and was the object of tbe controversy. When the constable rsleased htm from the cage ths Indications were that be was not rolng to prove a willing witness or that hs would not becoms a witness at all, .- . - This most remarkable court officer started in with picking at the pavements and than raised -his head and flow into the air. Upon the direction he took de pended Justice Badger's decision. The crowd, divided In sentiment, was willing to bet. They did bet. In fact. The-pigeon- flew- high- into the- air -and rehiained there for a time. Interest In the case began to broaden and business men were watching ths white wings of the bird high up over their buildings with the knowledge that the direction ha took meant the decision of a law case. And all ths whits Justice Badger had hla eyea on the bird, for be had made It a witness. " Suddenly ths white wings fluttered and H prov(K, to fc. Thornton's Wit- ness. The constable reported back to court that the pigeon had. gone directly to Thornton's coop. - - - "The pigeon belongs there or he would not have gone." a id tbe -court "That la the best witnsss . I ever had be fore me." 1 "The otr whan It 'waa suggested to his honor. "They are en Melville," ho .replied. It was a homing pigeon that had won the aee Japaneae - missions, tog-ether with tha nature of tha work and Its location, for distribution among tourists. The mlsslonarlea say that tha erttlalams of the globe-trotter are due to lack of In formation, and they want to help set him straight. 1 Novel ideas la ohuroh work I found ' to bs common In Japan. I heard eon slderable hero about the "P. and R. Building association, whioh Inquiry showed Is not a thrifty scheme . for laying up money for a rainy day, aa it la oa . the other side of the Paoiflo, but a missionary enterprise by mlsslon arlea. -Subscribers, chiefly members of tha missions, pay ( a year for aaoa share; then, .whenever a native con gregation needa help la putting up a church bulldlngj It applies to the build ing association, which advances a sum total cost of ths structure. For each grant so made every shareholder ia as eased $1, ths aggregate aaseaament for . a year being limited to S. In return the shareholder gets ths privilege ef paring another $10 the nest year! Considering- tha charge that the mis sionaries ars "grafters," I am Interested to find many evidences Ilka this of ths gifts by missionaries to their own ' work. I have met at least one wealthy man who supports blmself and con tributes to his mission besides. An other., prominent, missionary Is main-. tuition are paid by his brother, a wli-known Facing the Facta. '-: "" V Moat ef tbs missionaries bore are Americans and Canadians. - and tt " la -gratifying to find that thsy seem still to retain their level-head edneaa. They B'ebrfanat!csrThelr attitude" la one of a sober confronting of the things aa ' they are." Tbey suffer no delusions . ooncernlnf their work or concerning- the Japanese, To elto aa Illustration: The day of my arrival, a young Ohloaa (the persistence of American provincialisms and dialects ever hero, even among men who speak Japanese like natives, la Interesting to an observer), a total stranger, helped me out of a ltng-alstlo enarl at the postoffleo. Then ho arose d the street with me and smilingly, since you must always bargain with a smile In this polite land, helped mo made a purchase tl per sent cheaper thaa tbo native's asking price. The duplicity and . gullefulnesa of tha Japanese tradesman are aa open book to those mlsslonarlea who,- while intensely- loyal to the Japan-. ese, are not blind to certain graver no tional shortcomings. The varied dlffl- eultiee which beset their owa work are frankly recognised; not all missionary " msetlngs hear reports aa temperate and discriminating aa are made by, the workers here, j It le only fair to the missionaries here to say that they are a genial lot of people, displaying towards one an other and towards the other Europeans ' a- spirit of comradeship that is really delightful. - They are aa Unpretentious, wholesome folk, whoso personal charac ter Is beyond praise, whatever fault may bo found with their mission or their methods.. BrlUs Vow rtwtndle, Berlin ha a developed a new variation of the confidence game. . The victim who has brought It to light Is Frau -Elisabeth Andres, who keepe a stand In the- Central market on the Alexander- " Plata The police are- wondering how -many others havs been victimised. " Fran Andrea waa sitting at ber stand one evening about t:10 o'clock waltlne for customers when a shabbily dressed man went up to her snd poured a hard v. lurk story Into' her ears. At the con clusion he produced a near gold watch and semi-tearful ly declared that his ne cessities Obliged him to sell It for anv old price. lie begged Frau Andres to . take It for-80- marka abnut lt-. aaur. Ing her, that tt had cost him 100 marks and was still just aa good. The shrewd market woman scnte1 a bargnln, but she drove a hnrd one. She finally became the owner of the wstrh ' for 14 marks (14) and spent the nest hour admiring her purchase and patting herself on ths back. Bhe had a rude-awakening when a sol emn man stalked up to her and exhibit ing a metal badge announced that he waa Detective Muller of the police force snd accused her of burins a stolen watch. The thief, ha "saM. had bees ar rested and had confessed turning; tt over to her. - f . The woman was terrified, ".hs shook with terror si if she hud a chill and oi course never thoMSht of nnesfion or rw slstance when the ,.-t.-. fHe 1.11 en n. hnriro on the wnt.-h "! Inf.irm-i hr that shs was undr arr.-nt n a rf!- ' of stolen Of eoure II turned '' '( t ll'-i-mun the C'ji; , 11.. 1 s-' . ; v: )''-.'... .y