The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Specials inTomen'o Glove Dept.
16-button length Kid Gloves, in black. ....V...........
12-button length Kid Cloves, in black. .......
2- claspLambskin Glovesrttr black and coIorsT; 777".. T.. , . .'$1.00-:
3- clasp Kid Gloves, in black and colors. ................. ............. .$1.50
16-button length Silk Gloves, in white and black .................. .. . . . . . $1.25
Warm Knit Gloves, in plain and fancy colors rrfrt:rrr.TVTr;. . . ,E0 and 35T
Twmzsm. 1 lav off Woiirti! alee TtoraiiiOTt fae Sites
r ; Carreat Stocks of Seasonable Merchandise Are Moving In and Out With. Surprising Rapidity ; ;
', The details of the few inviting values we print today simply point the way' to maiiy others equally good. Read and quicken your interest to investigate.. We claim for tomorrow's great sale:, Excellence in quality, greater
variety and lower prices than ever before." We sell you such merchandise as is correct in style and substantial in quality. We solicit a comparison .of goods and prices, for we are sure of our ability to offer you BETTER
RVALUES THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN THE CITY. ,You can always buy the same quality goods "for a little less" atJRoberts Bros Come and look your judgment will tell you what to do. In addition to the
following extraordinary offerings are many items we cannot describe and enumerate, that combine to make this THE GREATEST VAIUE-GIVING SALE OF THE SEASON. We can we will we do sell good, depeod
.' : . able merchandise for less money than any other store in the city.'and a visit to our store witv prove it. Another reason why this is Portland's fastest growing store. ' '
' A Gig-antio Sale Tomorrow of
2,000 Pairs Children's Best 2 5o
and 35o Quality .
All Wool
n c vro
U -4Al-
Portland's Popular Hosiery Store Makes an Announce
r ment That Will Interest Many People,
rEntire stock of a leading manufacturer, who, on the eve of discontinuing
this branch of the business, was willing to take 'a heroic loss to effect an im
( mediate and sweeping sale. Over 2,000 pairs -of winter weight, all wool
Cashmere Stockings tor children. Every pair guaranjfeed to be perfect and
absolutely, fast black. Made, with gray merino-tipped 'heels and toes. ,
Special Tables in Hosiery Aisle Devoted to Their Sale
Because of the extraordinary price we quote specially for Monday we will
' be compelled tcrplaeera limit of six pairs to a customer.The demand should -.prove
very large, for during the past few weeks woolen hosiery of every
description has suffered an advance.of ..from. :J0 to. 25 per .cent. Notwith-
' standing this condition and to further illustrate Roberts .Bros.' determination
; to do the largest popular priced hosiery business in Portland, we . will place ;
this immense hosiery purchase on sale at AJower figure than tne manufac
turer would charge you it you bought a thousand dozen. '
100 dozen Children's Heavy. Ribbed All Wool Stockings; best;
85c grades, tomorrow..
New Models R. 5c G. Corsets
A complete stock of all the popular models in the -famous R. ft O. Corsets now In fl
stock, all styles and sixes, and a model for every figure, priced from 60f up; - JJ.
It's Time to aOlU CI Mwwm
Buy lour VlirX9lJiUa9 fcJUX JJJJ? JL"
They're exactly like this cut, with bow and buckle.,
and fur trimmed, in best quality felt;' they 'are worth :
; j$1.$0- No matteruiKhere ynn n . try-ityourself -and
- you win nna wnat we say to De true. Ja
Our price for Monday. . . .!. ss
. diminution the people take them" a'way "sfx
and eight-pair lots; tt a mighty good
buy. ' Those that come know it as well
,we do ; they're-worth exactly- $3.60
per pair.
Sale price
-A- brand n evr stocknof
Men's $5.00 Shoes ar-7
rived Saturday, they've
the famous oak soles that won't wear out; three .weights of soles, heavy
single, medium double and extra heavy double.; They have the - d i A A
natural oak color, Monday.............: JTtUU
Men's $3.00 Shoes that are solid........... ....,).. 52.25
Leather Shoes r. ; . . :: . ; . . . .". . . . .T. .v.. ; r. . ; .'. Jp 1.4U
Leather Shoes. ......... i ... '. .... . 09
- Boys' Solid Leather Shoes
Girls Solid
A Great Sale Tomorrow ; . ;
Guaranteed Taffeta Silk
Everv woman with a ailk want will be interested in this Special Sale of Black
- Silks the Celebrated Sterling Silk, every yard fully guaranteed all pure silk, every
yard warranted to wear. Better anticipate your wants ana Buy tomorrow. ,
Sterling Tsffeta Silk, full 22 inches wide, , Sterling Taffeta Silk, full 36 inches wide.
perfect finish, deep rich black, every yard
guaranteed, best $1.25 quality; buy all
you want tomorrow QQ
Sterling Taffeta Silk, full 27 inches wide,
, perfect finish, deep rich black, every yard
guaranteed,, best $1.50 grade; ' (PI 'JC
buy all you want tomorrow ut,. .HltO
extra weight " and width, deep lustrous
black, rustle finish, never before sold for
less than $Z0u a. yard; buy 11. (1 Cfi
you want tomorrow at ;...4IDlr
19-Inch Colored Taffeta Silk, in a full
range of colors, purest of silk fiber, cham
ois tinisn, excellent value at 85c
the yard; special Monday at..,,
New Cotton Wash Goods
. The secret of our success in this department is selling dean, dependable goods at .
oricea less -thaa-tbiam.nualitie-cot-lawhrer Th savings-are-so-substantial
that It wm pay .you weu to spcna a iew mmuui kvuuu muuu;.
AT 10c YARD Splendid assortment of
Challiea, large' range of pretty Persian
designs riclw colorings,! an exceptional
bargain; Monday, per yard Of
10c YARD Large line of Tercalea,
32 inches wide, ffood assortment of dark
cotQr,jyajrntcd fast; special price for
Monaay, per yara vt
AT 7c YARD Best quality Apron Ging
ham, all size checks and plaids; colors
blue, brown and green; special price for
Monday, per yard Tf
AT 15c YARD Striped Shirting Flan
nels, in medium. and light colors, very
durable, for boys' and men's wear; per
yard, Monday 1K
AT 45c YARD Scotch Flannels, with
pretty embroidered dots and figures, me
dium and light colors, excellent qualit
. upeciaj, per yara ..... . .-
AT VAc YARD Outing Flannels, in
large assortment of. light and dark pat
terns, good quality; special price for Mon
day, per yard
ette, in light,' medium and dark colors,
pretty pattrns, - dotr- stripes, - checks. -plaids
and; special, per yd. 12f
AT 15o YARD Large assortment of V
lour Kimono Flannels, light, medium and
dark colors, very best quality; special sate
price, per yara ...f
AT 18c YARD Beige Suitings, 34 inches1
wide, ombre pktid effects, in gray, green.
brown, red ana navy, very popular; spe
cial price.;per yard ..;
AT 10c YARD 300 pieces Outing Flan--nel.
in light, medium, dark and fancy
styles, also white and the wanted plain
color; priced for Monday at, yard .-;10-
Beautiful Silk Waists LatS4.00
A bargain that alone should crowd our Suit Department tomorrow. They are made
of splendid quality taffeta, with tucks down the front and back, in colors black, Alice
blue, reseda, garnet, navy blue and dark green. The waists . are actually flO QA
cheap kit $6.50. Our extra special price tomorrow Monday while tbey last. 7X9
i. - I J .".)
AH Styles of Coats
A A. i. . 1 T ! -
Your savings, are governed by the wisdom of your pur
chases. It's the progressive and untiring efforts of Roberts Bros,
to please and save money for people that have made this store
- the- much talked of - store - of : Portland. We - know rwhat z you
shouldpajrfor garments and the only prices toleras4AtJRab.Cjjl,
:Jkij!jtca:eU and
you will be convinced of the truth of this statement.
Now Tourist Coats at Q7;50nd 98.50
A large variety of Novelty Coats, in loose dnd swagger models,
splendidly, tailored, of - the popular Scotch ' weaves, in . tweeds,
plaids, checks, with velvet and braid trimming on collar and cuffs
Women's 50 -inch Loose Back Coats at
$10, $12.50 and 15
Smartly designed, made from fine kerseys, broadcloth mixtures
and rich plaid materials. We can't begin to talk quality to you,
if you are not familiar with Roberts Bros,' values. These coats
are new, stylish models, good looking, good wearing and bear
the stamp of good designing throughout, half lined and lined
-throughout, plain or tastefully trimmed,- : . ; ;
Swell Coats at $1,6.50,31 8.50 and 325
An immeWse variety of Novelty Coats, made of mixtures, swell
new plaids' and kerseys, in black, red, navy, brown and castor,
filain tailored or braid trimmed, 60 inches long. Some are yoke
ined, others are full lined with rich satins. Each t and every
garment are excellent values. , ' ' . . . ' ;..
An Extraordinary Suit Sale This Week
About 200 high" grade-tailored Suits
for women and misses will go on sale
this week-at more than a third less than
' similar garments can be bought elsewhere
CIO RQ The newest- Fall Suits,
A in the most approved
styles, in plain cheviots and fancy mix
tures. All the coats are satin lined. The
skirts are the newest pleated models,
Irmt7hip-length Jackets,
Jn broadcloths, serges, plaids and men's
' wear mixtures,' black and all the prevail-
eoters The jackets are elegantlyti
- - . . - IS J
lined, in fact all of these suits are excep
tionally high grade garments full of
K A This lot comprises Eton
HBonv. paqum andTIouse
stvlesalsa the-newest Jong coajnodfils-
-'ihe-tackTts-are. lined with fine grade taf
feta silks and guaranteed satins. They are finely tailored suits;
some trimmed in military style, othtrs with pretty braids.
" Coats for Misses," Girls
; and Children
' Ages 6 to 14 years.- We were never so well
prepared as now with such beautiful and
well tailored Coats for' the young folks.
Good materials, correct styles, garments cut
full and designs especially suitable for girls.
You tan do your choosing here in a most,
satisfactory manner and be sure of getting
the very kind of garmefiffyou are looking
for at a price you wish to pay.- Coats in
tweeds, checks, plaid coatings, cheviots,
broadcloths and kerseys $3.50, $4.50,
J4.00, ?5.50, ?0.50, $10.00
Extra Specials-
Cl A KAlllitaarJttylesNojfnllf fj .. tA- r" "" r
V U.X-imhiitfMvitiTackf-t. U savings Monday.
Sbled WOOl
80 Dozen Best $2.25 Quality, All Sizes at
. J t!::r vm.-
: '
A woolen Unioti Suit at $1.00 'would be cheap were It -ever
so inferior, but when we place a value on these of
$2.23 you may feel confident of getting just that quality, -and
not a handful of them, but an abundance of all sizes ,
This Is 'the Greatest Offering: of High .
Grade Union Suits Ever Made ,
Owing to the prevalence of gross misrepresentation of "
values daily exploited in the advertisements of various
- stores about town we feel called upon to assure those of
you who are not acquainted with our methods of mer
chandising that every statement of value quoted in this ad is subject to the
most rigid censorship before going to the printer's press and if in his enthus
iasm a department manager oversteps in the least degree, the confines of
truth he is immediately called to task. Fof this reason, when we state that
we are going to sell $2.25 undergarments at $.00 you may place the utmost
reliance in our statement These' Union Suits were purchased in New York
-during the last visit of our underwear buyer to the east and have just ar
Tived. Qyejr 900 suits, in light gray, extra fine wool ribbed, . several leading
brands -which sell regularly at $2.25, either style open across bust or down
. front, perfect fitting, splendid winter weight garments. A.
r big attendance is expected, so we advise -early shopping, all'
: sizes, tomorrow only.
Sale of Coats for Little
,., ..' .-. Girls'
White and 'all the wanted colors in Coats made from bearskin.
crushed plush, astrakhans and pretty plaids, every one of therrr
this seasons latest, models, and exceptionally good values, ages
1 to 6 years. Priced at S2.75, S3.00, S4.50, S A Kft
SSJiOsnH' -J. wu.wu
savings Monday.
Men's 35c Half Ho. 25c Men's Fina
Quality All-Wool Socks, in black, natu
ral srrav and oxlord. our reruiar ir.
35c Qualify ; pcrga1i ,u
Men's Dress Shirts A special line of
Men's Fine Grade Imported Madras
Golf Shirts, in light and dark patterns.
"arlHe'latest novelties,-'best-i Aft
values, at , PI.UU
Boys' Sweatera Boys $1.50 JeraeyaTJc
Boys' Fine - Wool - Worsted -Jersey -Sweaters,
in plain and fancy colors, all
- sizes, our- regular $LS0 grade;
.:: Men's Underwear . .
AT 75c Men's Fine Quality Camelshair
Wool Underwear, shirts and drawers, in
all sizes, perfect fitting, welNmade gar
ments, fully worth $1.00; on sal HCn
tomorrow at iOL-
AT $1 JO Men's Australian Wool Un
derwear, in seal brown, full-finished gar"
ments, drawers are made with sateen
waistbands, all sizes, reg. 2 fljl CA
grade; on sale tomorrow it....vltwv
Men's Section
vr aeea before, Extraordinary prics
Juvenile Sweater Jackets, $1.25 and $1.50
Cradea, at $1.00 Juvenile Fine Wool
and Worsted Military Jackets and
Sweaters, sires 18 to 24, ifr-ptn k-fclue,
navy, red and green;,
50c Four-in-Hand Ties)
at 25c Tomorrow we
place on sale for the
first time a great assort
ment of Four-in-Hand
Ties in the latest color-
ings and patterns. These
ties are made of excel
lent quality silk and are
especially . durable, for
you have - only half te
pay. Real 50c values to
morrow at r -
Showing Tomorrow in the Newest Dress Goods
If you have planned to boy Dress Goods of any character or in any quantity, by all
mean come to the store tomorrow, for well offer bargain -such aa you've never
seen before. The latest "fashion hints" give GREENS first choice as the moat popu
lar shade for fashionable dresses We have just received a great ahipment of new
greens in every popular shade in an endless variety of weaves, which we will place
on sale Monday for the llrst time at an extraordinary price saving.
Dresses for GirlsrAges - 6 to-14-Years
See our new line of Children's Winter Dresses; they represent
the outcome of our desire to show new ideas possessing quality
and individuality at a moderate cost. When you note the stylish
-annarancf nrettv, rialt. . VOU-willagree w- hav --, m.
plished our purpose priced at 50f 75ef S1.0O, cA Rn
1 Kn ,1 --4-! MtOU
YS.VV ll JM 1 J i
New Tailored
Skirts at
150 handsome - Skirts, In kne
cheviot; Panamas and fancy suit
ing,, newest and best pleated
models, colors are black, brown,
navy and, grays, all sizes in each
style an 4 clor.' ft tC
Special price..... iJkJtJJ
38-inch new green Henrietta, per yd. 60f
-Jo-Inch new green French Serge, per
yard Oe
" 44-lnch new green Melrose; per yard 50e
46-inch new green . Egyptian Crepe; per
yard -rrrrmrr.W .V ,
40-inch new. green Yogo Granites; per
yard................. 85
44-inch new green French Btlste; per
yard . . . .
50-inch new green Panamas; per yd. 8Se
44-lnch 4 new green Taffetaline; - per .
yard .....fl.OO
44-inch new green Shadow Panama; per
yard . ; . i fl.OO .
44-inch new green Melrose; per yd. fl.OO
Moonlight Plaids 46-48-inch 'new overplaid effects, pretty colorings, gray predomi
nating, made ofr finest "Aiistralian-yarnsbeautifuLgoodi.pecialtpef J 25"
New Heaw CloakJnes 56 inches wide, heavy cloaklngs, ' in gray and tan broken
nlairf. verr effective and. durable: specially priced at from
91.7a down to
- Yon wiliTie , delightfully surprised Monday when yon see the specials' we're going' to
- - f- place on the bargain tables
Inthe -Biisy lisle -t
Tomorrow will be a banner day, if unquestionable bargains have their usual effect
- .- - Some of the items: . ' ' ':...
A marvelous collection of Braids, every description and color,' fc . PAnffl
v values Ip to 50d per yard; special price Monday, per yard . . . 3 JJMJiiU
A few price quotations
65c Point d'Eiprit, 38 inches wide; spe
cial . . ;7 i rf f iVTfriTJTTT.7i47
Lacei. cream and
Mammoth reductions prevail throughout the entire section.
' tor Monday and I uesday
liSc-Veiling,' Tuxedo . or illusion mesh:
special ......12tfe
, 25c Wash Collars, . all styles and sizes;
' special . ... f f
20c All-Linen Handkerchiefs, plain and
embroidered; special-. ,12e)
10c Normandy Val. and Torchon Laces;
special .... 6
. . , . . a .1. ,
03C unentai laccs, cream mna winic.
special .... -25c
Messaline Ribbon, S inchas wide; p-
cial ...I
35c Fancy Dresden Ribbon, prrpr"-
signs; special
The above items are on sale Monday only at, these prices.