The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 27, Image 27

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ptiifj of siioiir
; Bmlhn- Who Sold Hop .- In Ad
, vauca Would Causa Lower
. Prices to Rula Here.
fay ths Fact That They Have Put
chased Heavily of ThU .State's
Product . Shows False Rumors
r Trade) Ii i light Everywhere. .'
. , -: By firman H. Oohea.
.... Principal market features of wsskt
, Bop boreott boar threat. -
Sugar market 'to complicated.
. Chicken Market shows a slums.
Tarksy market la fin ahapa.
W heather affsets dressed meats.
Greet shortage la walnats.
Wbaat and floor trad aemorttlsad.
Scarcity la bar advances prlra.
i Trada with Hawaii to Increealng. ;
. Storms eatue mltad conditions.
Ordara (or potatoes; a can. -
-Bop Boycott Planned by lull,
- TblB Wk tha boa troaa waa otsrttaA tm eaeS
fa Beorelng papar that practically all tha east
era browing trada bad pieced a boycott none
Oregoa bopa. Coming aa It did wbaa tbe mar.
sot was rary sluggish the report earned a sea
. catloa asd there wen soon who can oat ttuit
orooat expression. "I told yoa to." Then to
ao .boreott against Oregoa bops say place ta
tbe world. This (act was proven by apeelal
mssssgss received by The Jours I (ran tlie
largest browing eoaceraa la tbe United States.
Two of tbeee massages which proved the (alslty
.. at tha report werej , , - -
"Milwaukee, Wis.. Nor. 14. Journal, Port,
land, Oregon: Abrardlty at boycott report of
fscttvoly contradicted by large contracts we
ban foe deliver ( Oregoa brtps.
Oretoa Hops An Seat,".
"St. Lento, Mo., Nor. 14. Journal, Portland,
Orefoa: . Bepart . of dtegsoti ea hope atterly
(also. We aae only Orsgoas, considering them
tbe beat. Ran la stock I, TOO bales. TTbto
tells ths story.
TION." '
These two messages wen facetted by this
paper la aaswer to toiegraphtg laoalrles as to
whether tbe report published Id a moraine paper
regarding a boycott against Oregoa bopa waa
trae. Tbe resorts wen eery similar ta vaHooe
anas received (ram other brewera of tbe soaatry.
All e( them spoke nry highly of tbe quality
( Oregoa bopa "tbe beat la ths world" being
tbe general deserlptloB of ths stocks grows la
this stata.
The hop trade ta general did sot evsn bear
of ths boycott rumor until It wae pabllahed la
ths morning paper. Tbe report waa given sat
- by a Tueooiu bop mas whs has beea trying (or
maay months ta bring ths market below 10c
(or beet gooda. ThU Scalar acknowledged to
this paper later n ths week that the reports
be gin ta the morning paper were only minora
- which he did aot la any way roach (or. - The
same aews bad beea given this paper roily a
week bar ore published, but as ao one would
confirm the reported boyeort It was taken aa
a regular bear argument, wnlch It sftsrwsrds
Hon Heps Bold ta Brswsrs,
The (act that dealers sold mora bales cf
Oregoa bops short thaa tnr thto year scores
salts eoaelaatraly that brewera did as dls
ertmlaats sgstnet ths product of thto stats.
In (set ths trade 'says that these very beery
sales ta brewers almost a year before the hops
wen grows proved yost the sppoelte or that
arewsts wen willing bay aiest of their
reqairemeats S year la adraoee, knowing that
ths duality woald always be that for which
tbe Oregoa bop has come ta be recognise.
Hop trading daring' the" per"week Wigvery'
slow. There waa a qnlet tons ts hope In all
world's marketa and thto stata had. Its share
sf wbst tranaactlnns then wen. Rome small
- purchases (or export wen coetlased doting
tha week with lie as the top figure, and practi
cally all .sales wars within the pries raws
""quoted (or the past two weeks. There waa iw-t
as msch e altera baalneas offered daring tbe
ek. bat this was das to two censes ths
s hectare of ears to transport ths boos from
tbe Interior end ths beery storks which brswsrs
- fcar contracted tat delivery this month and la
Dsosmbsr. , - ' "i r ' ?
'Brswsrs Holding Xey.
At this rime It IB apparent to all that the
Btewan bold the key to tbe bop-prlrs situation.
They ban heavy eupplin ea hand and han
sontrscted (or s raff Iclent smoust to tide them
ever antll well hits ths spring months. Whether
, they make further purrhaaes or aot at thto
time will In all probability be snswsred by the
prodocen tbemaelm. If they ara willing to
sail for a lealtlmate prli-s. coaalderlng all con-
. dltlons, ths brewers will any. If. oa tbe other'
. . band, they bold out for aa adraacs. then to
every prospect at thla ttme that ths brswsrs
will ant enter ths market on til compelled to.
Another thing tint will ban soaelderable bear
! lag spin the market value of bops will be tbe
prospects for ths coming crop lats aext spring.
A great deal depends apea that. If the rtp
looks s normal ons tbd browera are aot going
to worry ovsr tlelr supplln. Aaata oa the
' - ether band prospects for s small 1 pradacthia
- thrsugbout the world will canse them ta eoroe
tnte ths market and porrfaass for the soaring
year's delivery. At this time tbey have ths
' whip fcasd oa prices lost like ths growers
, bald It s few yean sga when Oregoa hope were
, forced a bora tOe.
' Statistics regarding ths smount ( beps held
' to reserve by . brewers srs very tnoersrate at
' this time la fact, all flgoree an merely guess
work. 'Ths brewera aay tbey hare supplln
sufficient to keen, them canning (or several
amatbi without buying a amale bale, and antll
news contrary to that to confirmed their state
ment mait be" taken as s (set,
Sugar Market Is Oompllsatsd,
Omdltmns la ths sugar., marks ara very mark
complicated at this time. Ths placing of ths
P. C. brand on the market" by ths Western
Sugar Refinery at 30e per 100 pounds aador
y the pries of rerular cane granulated and the
- cutting of He off the prlrs of beet by California
refiner lee era' ths principal features which go
to mix ap matters. Yeeterday ths California
Bswellsa Refinery cut tha price nn its rega-
" ar granulated So per 100 ponnda for the cane
. product. I .oral Jnbbara, bowenr, did not meet
ths decline and ara still quoting ths old figures.
Jnet wbst will be the outcome la ths sngsr
;' market cannot ana be gneeeed at just now.
i Ths refineries have msds several .cats to. quota-
Hone, but Jobbere srs- anwilltng to meet tbeni
. becaaas all kin heavy storks and boss kaow
Just where they stsad. Tbe heavy crop of
beet sugar tlito year baa further complicated
ths sltustloa sad If s worse thaa ever.
- Ohioksa Market Shew a Slams. "
.., Oandtttons srs not of ths best la ths eh k-ken
market. Kecelpte the peat week wars fully
se greet se expected, end ths expectations ware
not so small. Prices show a decline of shout
Sc a pound for the week. One of the causes
. of tbe drop In prices to that all tnaaportarlna
to tlis outtlds was cut off about tha middle
' of the week, thai forcing til arrivals oa tbu)
market sad withholding say sutlet.
Turkey demand waa nry good sQ through
' ' ths week. At the clon of the sixth dsy re
ceipts wars quite liberal, and It Is now believed
thet prices ban about readied their limit and
will remain around prevent figures antll ths
bolldsys. This, unlene rerelpte become tns
beery. Chinees are mots for a dec! Ins thaa
aa advance la -aunt at lone. t
Kgge cams In about the rime as a week sgs
and prices held about ani.anged. ,
Creamery butter is shewing man strength,
bat storks sre "till enfflelent to .meet tbe re
qnlremenfe of the trade et former quotations
. Cheese market remains firm but unchasged.
- rBrlef oteaof ths f rsds.7 " TT
. Milder westher has rsnsed lows Brian ta
sale la both dreaaed veal and boge.
Wlient and flour trade to demoralised sa k
exnat of the sbeencs of care. Some oriental
H orders for flour refused during ths Wsek CB
scnunt of low prices offered.
Hit te hither for best gredn oa ecconnt Of
ths difficulty ta securing trsnsportatioa froia
ths soontrr. Plenty sf offerings but ao ears.
Ordera fes-foteMss war refuswl. the past
week by ssversl Shippers owing ts us un possi
bility of sscurlng care foe loading to Arlaona,
Texaa and California. Market alow aa a result
What law dealen bass suppllss el walnuts
srs eeblng -severs, seals', sdeaim. nrar -farmer
eslnes. Deliveries to be made br Jobbers will
a vermes shout M psr ssat this yesr. Deliv
eries to them by growsra' saeoclaUoa wen less.
. Oa account of the Inaolllty of forwarding
stocks to Bssttls ssd Tacoma because of the
floods, a sonaldsrsbls amount sf grapes from
' ranfornur-were limited st this city dnrtag
the week sad horned s demeraUas local vsluee,
Tbe trada pays ths following prices to Front
street. Fries paid abippsrs, ara toss regular
' errata, near and VsseV
DRAIN BAGS Calcutta, svtq buying arlesi
sslllug. luHa - '
WUBAIMew club, aac red Ssaalaa. Slei
blueetein, dtlci valley, 47s.
BAKLKT New s-sed, U.00 rolled, 21t0
brewing. 122.00.
"coRS-wbsis.--wmy&sia. wr9
'"mTB 11.65 psr ewt
OATS New Producers' pries Ns. 1 whits,
U4.0Ut26.00i gray, fJUMU'M-OO.
e'LOLtl Eastera uregua pawato. . IS.tOi
straights. 13.36: export, 3-Onj valley, la.eO:
graham. Mm. 3SO; whole Wbsat, eJ.ll rye,
lue. tS.OO; bales, 3 75.
uiT.iJtTIIFr'a Bran. SlI.SO ber tost mid
dlings, $; shorta. couatry, ilJ.ftO, !,
ais-ou; cuop, fiswe,i.w. . - ...
HATi Preducere' price Timothy, Willamette
valley, fancy, IH.00cal3.0O; ordinary, ftt.OOU
lO.UO; ' eastera Oregoa, lS.00JloOO; mixed,
110.00C10 IH); clover, 17.00; grain, 7.60(aS.0O;
casst, ST.00. . ! .
Butter. Eggs aas foultry. "
' BUTTKB A T. s. b. (NirUasd Swset
cream, iVic; sour, HC.
BUTTBB City cresmery, S0e outside Yaaey,
ZlHtW, ordinary, inc; store, ldttUlftc.
sfiXiS Extra fancy, candled, SSSj local aad
eastern storage. S03Oe. .
CHEESt Near full cream, gats, HOUttej
Xoung A merles, 1SU15HC.
POCLTIlY Mixed chlcseoa, lle per ' Ibt
fancy bene, 12c per lb; roosters, eld. 10s
psr lb; fryers, l2o per Ibj broilers, 2c per
lb: old ducks, Itfte per lb; spring ducks, 12 Me
lbi geese, i)lGe per Ibt turkeys, lurl7c per
lb for old; dreeeed, 20o lb; be, tJ.403K)
er dos; plgeonet ta,(M pr eh,
Bess. Weel aad Hides.
vHOPS 11KJ crop, choice. ' loe: prims ' to
choice, 18MCI medium te prims, ItgUlti; me
dium, lie
WOOL 1B0S Slip Valley, iJ2Sc;- eastern
Oregon, JOe. - - . - r
MOHAIR New, BsmlnaL .
BHKKl'BKINS Shearing, IBOSrie each; sbert
weal, vrtoc; msdlam wool. SUQi'kc each;
long wool, 76c4f$l.e0 each.
TA1XOW "rims, per lu,IMOeei No. I sad
grease. fHe. t
BIDES Dry. No. I, IS lbs sad ap. 1CHO
ITVss per lb; dry klp. No. L, S to 16 lbs. 14c;
dry calf. No. 1, under S lbs, lie: ealted hides,
eorere, sound. SO lbs snd ever. lOsjIlc; cows,
SStjK'tc: stegs snd bulls, sound. 7c; klp.
IS to SX) lbs. Sc; calf, sound, aadsr 16 lbs. lie;
frees, anealted, to less; culls, le per lb leu;
one bides, salted, seen. l.2aai.7ft; dry, each,
Sl.vujl.u eelt hides, SStjOos; goat skins,
com moo, each, lOctflbc; Augurs, saca, IBctf
$1.00, ' .
nlt aa4 ysgstaklss,
' POTATORS Buying prlca. ssetera Mnltno.
msb snd 'Clackamaa, .OsiKOc; ordinary, sotfTSc:
swests, H.ldM.
ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregon. SOrQ
(1.00; buying price. 707fc: garlic. SiSss lb.
arrus eancy siooa ttirer npitaennsrg and
Tellow Nswtowns. ti.SO: fancy WUlemetie
valley and southsra, Oregon, fl.SO; srdlnsry
stork, T6c$l.i.
rRBbla I'BU ITS Oranges. Tsleacla, Mil
03.00; bananaa, '. so psr lb; lemons.
choice, tS.boeid.TS per box; fancy, tT.ou per
box; limes, Mexican, 11.28 per 1O0: pfneapplee.
.wmo.w per oos; grapea, ei.eut0?i.zo; pears,
l.Ofifal.20: bnckleberrlea, lie: ground eberrlea.
ooTSs per box; pineapples, fi-00 per dosea;
pomegraaatea, 1.26jl.M per box.
VEUETABLKS Turnips, sew, eoogil sack;
carrots, 76cfitl psr esck; beets, fl.'JS per sacs;
Oregon rsnisnrs. ic per soa; caboage. ure
gua, TSctittl.JIS; bell peppers., Be per lb; to
ols toes, T&ctSa per crate; parsnips, cB1.0O
string besne. Oregon, ac psr lb; eenll
flower, TScSILOO psr doa; peas, liit:
horseradish. 6al()e per lh; artichokes- Tfie
rer doa: aqussh. Tbci$1.00 per box: ear plant
1 .50 per dos bunch ee: celery. sOtiSOe per doa
green corn. 11.00 asr esck: suuimsr sauaeh.
..V'ifll .00 aer box: exrnlsnt, 11.78 ner crate:
ruuipauie, to; cranoerriss, aecsi, sv.waxsH;
u SI A KK1 s
dried riiuiTa Appiee. avsnorated, tuaTe
per id; apnrera, isvksziws per 1st peecnes,
12i(tlSt4s ner lb: eacks. Ue ner lb lees: nrunee.
SO Ao 40, itfne; Ms drop oa Serb 1-18 smslhej
use; ags, call tor trie buck, sejavas per u
("eilfernls white. d4iet4c per lb; dated, golden,
tO-W per box; fards. $1.4091JM per lUb box.
: Oreeerlee, Huts, Eta.
SUOAR--AU rsflasrlss CSbs. S5.40t aow-
dered, 13.25; fruit, granulated, 13 -IC; dry grana
lated, 18.16: P. C., 14.05; eonf. A, t15; extra
C, 4."A; golden C7x.B5rD," yelMr t Wrbest,
trsnaUted.14.IM; bbla, 10c; bbls. Sbcl
Kxes, tut sdvsncs on esck basis.
I Above or less an CO dsn net nek acuta-
.HONRT S.t dO per crate.
COFFKE Package, tlS.!B TS.-
'SALT Coarse Half ground, lows. 19.00 per
ton: sua. tu.&o. table, dairv. Sua. kta.oo: lone.
112.75; bales, II. K5; Imported Liverpool, ena.
11S.00; loue, $17.00: Zts. $10.00; extra floe.
bbU, za, Be, 10a, $4.posr5.o0; Lsverpool lamp
v. BV.WV WV W, WVKmt f'V IW
(A ban prices apply o eales ef less tbsa
car lots. Car lots st spsdal prices subject te
BUCTaarioes. y -
RICE lmnerlel lanan. No. 1. act No. S.
IWc; New Orleans.- Seed, Ta; . AJal, - Be;
Creole, b(c.
BEANS SmeU white. $Sfi; large whits,
tS.X5l pink. 2.0; bsyoa, $3.76; Umss, le:
Meilren rede, 4e.
NI TS I'eanuta, Jambo, Rc per lb; Tlrgtnla,
Sc per lb; roeetrd. e par lb; Japa-
Bcee, oraac; roastea.rttiMC -see- ssi eeeoe
nute, So0e per das; walnuts, ITS per
lb; plnenuts, 10jl2e per lb; hickory nuts.
loe per lb; chestnuts, eeetera. Itejllne per lb;
Brail I nuts, ifte aer lb: filberts. 141 the aer
lb; fsacy pecans. 15c: slmosds, lbVtOlSs.
Meets, risk aad Previsions.
PRtSB MK ATS Front Street Hogs, fsarv.
THee per lb; vssL sxus. ac psr lb; ordinary,
i17 per lb; poor, 4&c ur lb; mutwa, laser,
tilMHc per lb: lambs. ltc.
UAMS. bacun, .! c t'ortlsad pack (local)
isms. 10 to 14 lbs. lHc per mi 14 to 16 lbs.
Itie psr lb; breakfast bacon. iett2Ss aer lbi
picnics, lHe per lb; cottsgs.. 13s per . lb;
revs la r abort clesrs, ansmoked, 12 Bar In:
emuked, 13c per lb; eleer becks, nnsawked,
12c per lb; amoses. ise per lb; uaioa bntta,
10 to IS Iba, ansmoked, Se per lb; eevwed, Se
per lb; clear bellies, ansmoked, 14s wr lb;
smoked, lb per lb; shoulders. 12ftt per lb;
pickled tengnee. $00 quarter bbl
LOCAL LARD Kettle brer. 10s llUe per
lb., ts, 13Se- per lb; 60-lb tins. 12e per lb:
1MB nmlsrsd, lOe, 12HS per lb; be, 12
oer lhr comnoand. 10s. 8Vc.
CANNCU SALMON-aColnmbta river. 1-fb tells,
11. W; t lb tslls, 12.TS; fancy. 1-lb data, 11.00;
M-lb fancy iale, $11$; fancy l ib avals, 12.75:
Alaska Ulla, pink, MtjBoc; red, $140; aomiasl
as. tall, (X.OU.
PIMII Rock sod, Te psr Ibt Sounders, Be per
I bsllbst, Ts psr lb; era be, $1.001.50 per
s; etrlped ban, 124o per lb; cetfUb, loe per
Ik . - . O..MU. 1 , V. "
side, sc; e'tselbead, Tc per lb; herring. Se pee
lb; soles, Sc per ib; shrimps, loe per lb; perch.
be per lb; black cod, Ts per lb; tomend. To
per lb; silver email, ss per id; lobsters, 10c
per lb: fresh meckerel. Be per lb: crewflsb.
Sue per dos; eturgeoa, es psr- lb; Mack beea,
90e ner lb.
OY8TKKS Bnoaiwarer nay,
per gali SSlSt
oer 11Mb eacs, as.w: uiympia per gaiioa,
ej.xd, per ijo-io vaca, e.w i bojkk
' . . I M .1 tk SS
CLAMS Hardshell, psr
elsms, $3.00 per bob.
Pslat, Osal On. Zta.
SOPS Pan Manila, 16Hs standard, Ufcai
COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Csses lHe per
gal; water white, Iroa bbls 14s psr gaL woods a
I7e per gal; headlight 170-deg, sssss II e pet
uanoLinu i u-Mwa, 7, swr a" s ana
bbls 1HC per gaL
HKN7.1NK SA-des. sssee BSe est asL tree
bbls lie per gal.
TCRPENTINS la caaea e Jer gal, woedea
able, c per gsl. -
WHITS LEAD Toe lots, THe per lb; $00-Ik
late. Se per lb: tose lots, eU per lb.
Wins rf Ali-s rreeenc Dei is at sa.oo. .
LINSEED OIL Pare raw, la o-bbt lota, Soet
1-hbl lot. Mc; cases. Mo per gal; genuine kettle-boiled,
cssee. COe per gel; S-bbl lute, S4c;
1-bbl lot. Bile per gsl; ground cake, ear' lots,
$20.00 per teat leas tbsa ear lots, $30.00 per
rJjri'Wjosir. jJOTToii xakzit.
Kaw Tork. Kov. IT Oottos fntum closed
t to 13 points higher.
Official gontsllvas by Over beck, Starr A
uooss sompenyt
, i foVj.JfoVj
TTIgbTLow. . 17. . . Id.
10.-15 1028 liH-S) 1028
.... .... ! 10.13
inno loan 1041 io:it
lOftt 1048 ' 11148 104t
10&S 1044) 10M 1047
.... .... 10AII 10M
I08T I0B8 losg t n.M
lKWt . 10M) 10M) lOtd
,1037 1021 1028 102
' I ' OpeoT
Jennary ..... 1020
February ,.M
March 1087
April losd
My 1047
June. ........ . .
July 10.MI
Novetnlier . 1'M
December , 1024
The Tacoma Way to-Orow
(Spsdal Dispatch by Las ssd Win to
Ths Journal.)
Naw Tork, Not. 17. Foreign
markets werer'tlrra with consols
and lavcstment Issues leading at
London. Americans et London
were Irregular, but the majority
showed some sains. Berlin was
firm and with a strong; state
ment by- the bank of Germany
showing a sain of $1,745,000 and
a loan decrease .of $3,660,000.
Tha bank of England seeured
more gold, but a rlss In the bank
rate le expected next week.
t. S. Rnhber 4
Fed. Smelter, pre. h
Missouri Pacifls.. V
B.atlonal Lead.... V
Out. Westers... 1
Nnrlolk V
Cat-. A Foundry
Locomotive ...
Anaconda , . . , ,
Woolen .......
Itchlaoa H)
laltlmora Hi
tmklyn i
'anadian ........ S
Northers Pacific. V
Preee Steel Car.
I I Republic Steel...
4o preferred.
$.! Inland ..
H Boutnera rscinc.
Louisville .
..... H t not
Boathera Hallway,
Texas H Pacific..
Dnloa Padfls
Sugar ' i Uicentral Leather. .. 1
Bt. Paul..., $, Isenvsr U
C. M.
W. llklePopiee- Use,
(Special Dispatch by Leaeed Wire to The JournaTJ
Wall Street. New Tork, Nov. 17. Troubles
la Wall street. If then la to be soy, will
probably arise from sa excess of good news
snd subsequently financial Indigestion. Plans
for"th distribution- of profits mads r re
sult sf the late lamented "gentleman's"
agreement la ths aorthvrest have beea pro
tracted ' ss long tbat of octal announcement
mast Bow be msds. Ths next few . deys sn
likely to see more millions disbursed" to
setoalebed stockholders tbsa ever ta ths ths
same length of time la ths history of Wall
street. It ts commonly knows that ths Oreat
North era stockholders will get la oa the
en deal. Then b only partial knowledge
ss to wbst will be glrea out by ths same
company oa account of tha Burlington desl.
Northers Pacific will distribute a rich present
to each of Its stockholders. Ths Hsrrimsa
companies are about ts be whipped Into aew
shepe aad aa a result then srs ts be dis
tributions of saoasmentsl imports ace. Oa top
of these good things la ths railroad World
Is ths boom la copper ssd ths marvelous dis
covery of stiver la Canada. .
Heavy Bold Prod actios,
L Nevada Is . producing mora gold tbsa. sit of
Africa snd aew stocks srs nported slmoet
daily. Ths supply of monsy la ths greatest In
ths history of the world ssd yet so anlverssl
le prosperity thet It ts mors active sad st
higher rates tbsa ever before la the world's
history. Those who srs opposing ths sdvsncs
is ths prices of stocks sre overlooking one
Important point oa which tbs leaders ksep their
mind fixed in spits of anything else that tbey
may observe. This fact is that prion are
higher largely be cease of tbs great volants of
money la drcnlatlon. ' la reality prices ara
aot so high ths messy la cheap. It Is a
bad time to get Into debt. Derrfe contracted
la times like tbaoe eaan rata after the bssas
Number of shares st stock. 741,000s a yesr
ago. sae soo.
- Psr value sf bono sold, SS1S.00O; a year
ago, $2,010,000.
t PaoISs Boada Lead.
Influenced pertly by ths announcement that
tbs Rill ce desl bonus would be distributed
next wsek snd psrtly by tbs restoration sf ths
surplus reserves hi tbe banks, tbs stock mar
ket closed high soa sean sonsy wtta umoa
Frisco Market Is Quiet With Tone
; Weaker-Barley Closes
: -lv With a loss. '
(Special niapatch by Lneed Win to Tbs loarnsT)
- Saa Prancleco, Nov. IT. Is whest bo bust-
sen wss dons oa tha nil board today, but tbs
tons of ths aneeulstjre market wss weaker.
The cash market was without lecture. Then
wen receipts of 1.1H2 centals. - Cargoee oa
paaasgs were quiet but stesdy. Tbs Bngllsh
couatry markets wen steady and the Preach
wen quiet. Ths Liverpool spot msrsst was
tMdy, bat December wss weaker. 1 la Paris
December wss unchanged and futons were
Bsrlsy futurse closed lower. Cash grams
wen nominally anchsngsd sad ' ta modsrsts
demand. Beans sn subject to occasional fluc
tuations. Tbe receipts Included 8 800 eenta'a
of barley,' S.7P7 centals of oata, t.824 sacks of
beans snd 081 tons of hay. la fMsr sad mlU
stuffs tbs market tbrougbnat tbs week bed a
teedr to firm tons, wits bran selling higher.
Bo flour arrived.
The dairy exchange transected ao business
yesterday, having sdjourned out of respect to
ths memory of Tbomee llodrs, a dersesed mem
ber. Oa tbs street business was based oa tbs
preceding day 'a quotation. Tbs receipts ware
ss follows: ' Buttsr, 88.800 pounds; ebssse,
eO.KUO pounds) sggs. S.MW eosen.
Tha csrmsd ot Colorado anplee previously
mm tinned wss pat sa tbs market yesterday
st 11. Dual 78 per bos, heme of ths Osns
variety, ssd tbs btgheet priced srtlcle oa tlis
lUt. I Tliers was S perfect gist of grapes ssd
tbs market for them wss pretty well dcaorse
, - f V 1 '7
: ' ," r
Hops for Shorts or Nothing.
, ';"
Pedflo, Amalgamaud Copper ssd Mortbsra Pa
cific the1 leaden. This advance la Great North
era was opposed by tbe Hill people, who bed
aot expected ths aews sf their bonus to be
mads public so sooa, snd who had aot picked ap
all ths stock desired. lbs result was a
a pas medic sdvsnce of $ points la On-st North
ern, bat the doss in ths stack wss without
not gala. . Amalgamated Copper touched 114
Jnet before the eloss, while Cnlon Pselflc
reecbed the high level of 198!. Sontbera Pe
el fle followed its leader up to W, North
era Pacific and Csnsdlaa Pacific advanced
further. Rock Island was sctlve around SI.
Reading wae heavily traded la above 140.
-Official prices:
AmaL Conner Co.
Am. Car Pound., com.
do preferred..,,,...,.
Am, Locomotive, sons...
Am, Sugar, com.......
Am. Smelt., mm.......
do preferred
Anaconda Mining Co...
Am. Woolen, com..!...
Atchison, com
do preferred.
Baltimore 4a Ohio. sons..
do preferred ,
Brooklyn Rspld Transit.
Canadian Pacific com..,
Central Leather, com..
do preferred. ..... ....
Chi, A at. West, coat.
ChL, Mil. At St. Paul..
Chi. A Northwest., som.
CbcMDeeke A Ohio
44 H
T014I 74H
101 Vt
102 1 101 1
VIU 120
"7 1
Colo, fuel A Iron, com.
Colo. South;, com
do 2d preferred
63 i. 6$ Hi MM
ao set prererrea......
Delaware A Hudooe....
D. A R. O.. com......
do preferred
do 2d preferred......
do 1st preferred. . , . . .
Illinois Central
Loulerllle A .Nashville.
Manhattan Ry
Mexican Central By.,..
do pnfsrrsd.,,.
federal Smelters........
Missouri Pacific
National Lead
N. T. Cent
N. T. Ont. A West
Norfolk A Western, oom.
ao prererrea
North American
Nortbern Pacific, com..
Pacific Mall gteam..Co.
Penney lvanls By.......
P. O.. L. A C Co......
Pressed Steel Car, eon.
do preferred . .
140 i, 140
Reeding, com. . .........
eH 150
do 2d preferred
. da. 1st preferred.. , . , .
Rep. Iron A Steel, som.
do preferred
Rock islsod, coat.......
do oref erred
St. L. A S. P., 2d pfd..
rdo let preferred . . . t . .
St. L. A S. W., com. w .
71 H
do orefsrred 7..
Sontbera Pscif le, com, .
do preferred..
Boathera Railway, som..
do o refer red
09 Si
$4 it'
Tenneseee Coal A Iron..
Texss A Pselflc...
ToL, St. L. A W., com.
ao prererrea.
Cntsa Pselflc, com
do areferred
lt lb
V. B. Rubber, com.,...
do areferred...........
0. S. Steel Co., com....
do preferred..
Wabssh, com
42 H
do preferred
Western Union Telegraph
iseoBsiB t-eurmi, com.
ti 23 26
do preferred
Total sslss for dsy. 7287700 eh eras.
teed. A eerulderahls part wss la poor condition
snd hardly sny offer would hsvs been refused
for. such. For crated varletlee Toe wss tbs
enerslly Quoted top price, and snly sxtn fins
luscsta snd Isabellas received 1. Eastera
crsaberrtn an sxpeeted m be hi etesdy and
good supply ban after sad during tbs holiday
Pigs wen la a particularly - bad way,- tbs
demand being poor snd ths snpply large. Only
exceptionally fins quality sold shore 50c per
bos. Persimmons sad pomegranates wen week,
Tbs market did not exhibit usual Saturday
brieknees. ' Shipping orders hsvs been good
rlcbt sloag, but tup local trade wss qulst yes
terday. Two carloads of Ssllaas potatoes srrlved, aad
then being some fancy quality among them, ea
advance oa tbs previous outside quotation was
psld. OfhsrntatrBStBd salons remained the
earns. Then were no marked "vsrftHonrTu
other vrretablM.
Turkeys hsn become ths feature f tbs pool,
try market and will continue so until after the
holiday. Ths week closed on a dull and weak
market. Along la Thanksgiving week prior
will Improvs. bat an 111 then tbs demand will
bs alowi la ths meantime tbs surplus will be
put ta tbs Ice hon ee. '
La Orsads, Or., Nov. IT. -Osorgs Thomas
of Cove, who has oae of ths largest sherry
orchards la bearing la the valley, la preparing
to pot oat s new cherry orchard of 1.008
trees la tbs spring. Tbs trees will be planted
SO feet apart aad win cover SO sorea, -sboasens
asms sereags ss ths sld orchard. Mr. Thomas
etierrtee yielded a beat 8828 aa ecn last nonet.
Other fruitgrowers at Cave will also put sat
more cherry trees.
Fin-year contracts ban beea made with
growers for ell the cherries' of certain a.
vletlee that tbs valley will produce, st 8s
per pound, or st ths tete of snout 25 per
galloe- The eutpat of tbs valley lss yesr,
of sll nrletles, was 120 tons. "
. Xlvorpssl Osttee Market.
Liverpool, Kov. 17. Cloee: Cot too futures,
4 to S polnU ap; spot 18 pulnu pp.
CTiTago Wheat RTarket . Kas
. Quito a Bullish Tons Early in
, Day but Gets Sluggish.
Prices Close s Quarter to Three
'' Eighths Cent Under Friday Larg
est Loss in the May Liverpool Is
7 Very Slow. -
biov. 17. Nov. Id.- Los. -
rteramber ....$ .TS14A $ .71B .00 14 .t!i
v -'H
,78 A
.00 S
July ...
.71 H
Chicago, Kov. IT. Farther, depression was
mads In wheat prices today. The. opening of
the market . extremely bullish snd Initial
valuea wen about He aboveTTIftir'a closing.
Cables were very dull and were Void of encour
agement to either ride. This market later
Lapsed Into extreme dullnen with s consequence
tliat many lours unloaded. Prices closed e
to e lower, the largest low being la thai Ms.
1 I BfsaaalBishabl salnmsaaTi If "- lua
al wmi 1 n ss bbj iubjpu 7m IWPjr flPl a II ee M9nB arwsT -
snd anchsngsd for tbs March snd Msy
Official uuotatlona hr Overlieck. Starr
Cooks eompsay;
: ' Onen. Hura. Low.
7:i A
43 1
14MB '
040 '
S42 '
7S0 1
Decern ber TH' 14 T:iaa
Mav JTB ' 7It TSH
July - T7H 77
necemhec ..... 42 V4 42H
May 43 43H
July ddli 44ft
rtecsmbsr ... 94
July ,. la
January ...... .1432 1440
14S2 :
way ..........leiHi isoi ;
Vovembsr ........
Penmbsr ..... M4 ' RTO
Msy S42' 84T
Jansary T5 TfIT
stay ...... . tau iou
Liverpool, Ks.
IT. Official prlcss
Nov. IT.
... es 44,d
... es t&
es t
.... 4s 8d
... ds Id
Nov. 18.
Psesmber ,.,
March ......
es s'ud
es t
May ........
es ets .,
da if
January .
Sea rraaeisea. Kov. IT. OfAVlal bid prlcss:
.1 - . . mi t , nu i la ea
Belmont 88.00
Caali Boy ; .18
Golden Anchor. . .80
Jim Butler 1.60
MacNamara .... -7s
MMeil''.' ... 1.(10
lOphlr ...,....(lJI
Mexican 1.20
Jt'aledoola Jl
Bxehequer .ns
NorcToae ........ 1.10
Goed Crowa 22
Greet Bend .... US
Rescue .27
Hlaefe Rutre ES.. -Id
Montana 1 H7H
North Star ..... .00
Dhln ' . .ST
Tonopsh. Bitaa.. f.oO
Mon Isomers ML. .SS
NevstU zi .uu
Weat End 2.SS
Sunset , .20
Manhattan ..... .18
Mar. HnmnTev .13
Adama . ... .10
atlaota .OS
Dexter .81
Booth .1 10
(Mud Wedgs . ... -IS
Columbia Mt.... 113H
1 jim atse .aa
ou. Quarry ... JW
DlainoBdfleld .. .84
time 1
(lol.lfleld 1.70
, i m
Ot. Bend Br ten. .21
Aa Annex . .32
fCreecent .14"
Cowboy 12
1 "cover Annex .hi
do ExUa .... 1.80 (Black Bock .... ; .IS
Lagune ......... 1.70 Is. T. foosol 2d
Mar uueea .so iMannsiisn cion.,
Mohawk ,T7Trr.T7.lti'f4tthr Jos ., m
Red Top-kAJOUMsyflower . ..10S
Jnmnln, Jfaeb' .Kl
Sandstorm . . .
Silver Pick ..
St. Ins
National Bank
Eclipse ......
Gold Bar ....
0. Ball Prof.
Cob. CsL-Va..
, 1.58
, .90
, 1.78
, 170
r .28
, 1.80
neu -lop silica., .xa
Muetag .10
nMn Am uin . rsl
Trlsngls .54
Starlight VI
Ijam IMlloa . .4T
Plns Nat 2d
Vsw Tsra-Lsadsa Silver.
- Ksw Torkv Hoe lTBs SUrer. 71,ej Los
doa. SSWd. -
asswaasassxossiBa(HsWJesw 1
s . Shippers of ohlckene should be
4 vrery carerul in senaing sioraa xe ey
s market - during the next tew e
a. waiira At thla time of the year e
e there le elweya a. tendency to e
4 force erTlrele upon the market. e
s end this elwaye results in tower w
.m. kle AKtetnswt Tbs TirlcO Sb
s of ehlckene Is elwaye In the e
s handa of the enippere to mane w
e or break. By heavy ehtpmenta e
th fores values down end by e
4 light ones they obtain fully ee e
e much money as it neavy ones ey
e were made. The blockade . of
e traf f lo to the north by the . e
4 f loode forces ell arrivals upogi e
e thte market whan they are least . 4
e wanted. The trade et this time 4
e is crying for hens, but It would 4
e not tsks many ooops te supply e
e this want.
Harry Pincus. j
s All Hn
rospecu Areoraiv tany
Upward Wovement in Prices .
'; at the Yards.
Sheep Market Has Very Small Ar
rivals but Prices Are So High That
Values Do Not Move puring the
Week Hog Arrivals Better. r;
" " 'By HyntSfn H. Cohen. ' "'
Portland 1 nlon Stuckysrds,- Nov; 17. Live
stock receipts; ,
1 , Bogs. Cattls. Sheep.
Past week....'....... 008 " 747 834
Wnk ago. S1 ', ' ; 017 : 4-41
Month ego 801 , 801 110
Tear ago 431 240 - I.PbT
One of the principal tblngs that developed
la tbs livestock eituatloa during ths psst week
waa tbs Improvement to tbe cettle bayhigx.
tin an sides the tons wss Beaitnisr. rrao
tlrally aU ths cattle which Were being forced
upon the market oa account of ths lack of
feeding have slready been put ps sals snd
from Itili time form tbs srrmii an sxpeeted
to gradually a how a decrease. Then Is every
probability st this tlxas that ths cattle merket't
pric-e will do better la tbs sear tutors ana
the ssnectstlons st this moment sn that the
pries will soon reach ds for beat steers. Several
tunes durum tha post year tbs sattie sasikst
has been ou the verge of doing better snd
then has relapsed bsck into worss dollnen tbss
befon tbe sttempt to boost It wss made. It
to 'agreed br all Interests that cettle valnee
oa tbs Pselflc coast bare beea too low, but
bow to remedy this defect without cutting
oat Sll ths supplln cannot bs fore tola st this
time. (Tet tle-rstsera.-are . no. xoore pnsaled by
the attitude of tbe market tbsa are those
directly connected with ths sals sf stock..
" Small Sheep Arrivals.
While Bo advenes wss shown la ths pries
ef sheen during the past week tbs market has
shown a llriur tear then ever. Tbe an rep
price la slready st suck s bslgbt that It 'Is ex
ceedingly dlfttcult bs nhut it over present
nines. Then .waa a report sf a private sale
Of lambs to s butchering concern thla wsek st s
trsctbaa over the printed vnluee. but this
can was sn exception, ssd no matter what
tbs pries ssked ths concern was almost forced
to pay It bscauas it wss entirely out of
supplies (and knew aot where to get tbess at
once. . .
Bog SsaaaaA Continues Oood.
"" Demand tor hogs ' contlnan ' good la tbs
local yards. Darlue tbs week the receipts
were somewhat mure liberal thaa the previous
few weeks, but ovsa st that tbey did not
approach ths demand. la all 002 heed ot bogs
arrived is ths yards during tbs six days, as
acalnst 883 bead ths nrevious wsek snd 431
head fur thla asms week la 180S. Me change
la bog values Is noted for tbs week.
Conditions of this week s yee.r ago: Hogs
week,, toe towers cettle wsek but Unchanged;
sheep Sros and unchanged.
official livestock prices?-
. Hogs Best rsatsrs Oregoa, Sd.tS: stoeksn
sad feeders. U.2S; China fete, aa.88as.00.
Cattle Best eaatera Oregoa steers, 83.RO;
feeders, 83 60; beet cows snd heifers. 82.60;
stnrken and feeders, 2 75: bulls, gl.60.
Sheep Mixed, 45e( lsmhs, 6!4c.
. Arrivals of ths Week.
Ths following srrlrslg wen shows la ths
yards tbs past week : '
Sunday J. It. Klnamaa came la from
Ttcprmer with a carload of cattle and bogs
mixed; Laeey Bros, bed la four can of esttls
from Arlington; S. L. Overt oa ef Urownsvtlls
bad In bus car nf bogs snd ratlin Bilycfl i)
Taylor of Haleey brought la ons esr of sheep
snd bogs.
Monday P. Burns A Co. sent la ons car of
cattle from Tbe Utiles: Lsrklns A' Ellis of
fMtfsr -ad- -hr mm caibisd uf
Cryeler and M. L. Devlin both bad la horses
from Sesttle going to California points: A.
Morgan bad la 11 can of horses from Elgin
going to Modest a, California; the Portland
Meat company drove In 224 heaa of eheep;B.
Barker brought" Id bead of beet cattle la oa
the beet,
Toesdar J. w. - Redd ef CsrHoa -wss la
with two ssn sf aoga; W. I. llughee of Wi
nona, Washington, was In with ons esrlosd
of veal calvee: B. D. Chase had la a bunch
ot horses whlrh bo wss shipping to Tacoma ;
M. B. BitehkiM of Ebjla oest la two care of
cattle; Frailer A McLeaa had In see car
of horses from Arlington; D. Smith eome la
from Woodburn -with a car of bairns going to
Elms, Washington: B. o. Teung at 00. eent
In two ears of bogt from Oklahoma.
Wednesday T, B. Hewitt bad In two can of
cattls from Fab-view; X. Ony brought up some
cattle -oa the e reamer M event j H. Km wood
bad la ons ear of esttls from Bowlaadi L. B.
Leemls bed ta bcrseo; J. 0. Davbv ef SbsduS
bed In one carload of bogs snd sheep,
Thursday J. W. Wiley et Med ford eent In
two cars nf bogs; 0. D. Rurdlck wsa ta from
Shrdds with s csr of cattle snd sheep mixed;
F. B. Ferguson of Amity brought la ens csr
of bogs. 1
Friday W. J. Wilson of Woodnuru, brought
la ons. esr of bogs; A. C. Miller of Jefferson
brought In two can of sheep aad aogst I. P.
Walker was In with bogs for tbs anerket; Kid.
die Bros. bed lit three cars sf cattle from Is
Orsnde; Stark A Btowvll sest ta one ear of
hose from West fltston.
Saturday J. IT. Kinsman bsd In two ssn
of esttls from Kcbo; Chsrlee Lydston cams
In with two rsn ef cattle snd one of kegs
from Weleer, Idaho; W. C. McHoberts brought
In one car st cattle from Hefipneri the Bukrr
City Packing company of Baker City sent
to 10 ran ef nttls consigned to Caret ena Pack
ing company, Tacoma; O cores W. Moon Is Is
with bonn from Cbsasct, Minnesota, gulag te
Worth YambtlL
Quite Htunbef of Transaction Ks.
ported at Tele. '
(Special Were tcb to Tbe Journal.! .
Tale. Or., Nov. IT. A number of sheep ssles
bars Just been Buds la Msibeur ooaaty, sa Sot
lows: Charley Anderson sold tbe Mslheur
Livestock A Lend company's S.VOP head to I'teh
pnrtles. They sre te be delivered at Vhlc fur
shipment. Kewtua McCntseuy sold 2.G0O bead
to Idnho perries. William West sold l.iwO
bead to I'teh psrtln. Kly Bros, delivered
s few days ago 1.4)0 bead at Vale for ahto
sient to .N'liraeks. I'arnter Bros. A Sago Sold
2.000 ts Uousrbolder A Torrey, sV-llvered st
Nysaa. ; .
Boston. Nov. 17 Official bid prlrn:
28.7: Nevada I on., 1 S7U, North Huttc,
8111.78; Old Demlnloa, 8r.7.0: Osrsuls. fl!M.7:
1'arrot. 821; I'bornlx. $1: Senta re, 8.179;
Shannon. 818.15: Tamarack, 8100: Trinity.
H.VAO; t'tah, $13.80: Winona, 811 aaked: Wol
verine, 8160: Tenneeaes Copper, 844 x7 ViC
12I2H: Knat Batte, 812.60: Hntts Coela.,
837.76: Hupsrloe A PttU, 810.60; Arlsoas
Com- 835.50.
War on SUlboerds. -
'From Leslie's Weekly.
A concerted movement for the abo
lition Of Indecent billboard advsrtlslnc
la In progress In Cincinnati, where the
Protestant olorgry In their aerniona. the
Roman Catholic Federation of Societies,
the Touna Afen'e Christian association
end the Municipal Art lea g us are work
Ins In hermony for that end. The Day.
ton'e Bluff Commercial - club of Bt.
Paul. Mlnneeota, has Instituted A etml
Inr movement, snd these tw era ex.
amplea of the agitation throughout the
country egalnst the ofrcnas to decency
and the affront to the eyre of the com
munity of which the billboard nuisance
makers ars guilty. '
.10RE TRADKs'G 0:J
Transactions During ths ;
Past Six Days'.
Snowstorm howa Greatest . Move
ment Witi Buyers Bidding Up on
Price Happy Pay and Park Cop
er lAre Higherr"""" ''' J"V"T "
Ths past week' bas shown considerable anon
Interest la ths trading oa ths Portland stock
exchsnge. Snowstorm baa beea tbs principal
restnrs, with good advances to Its credit ss a
result of ths week's movement. Manor Dsy
was soother of tbs Coeur d'Alene list that
waa much sought after by local invasion and
advancn la that Issue were ehowa. Psrk Coo
per, soother -or ths list, -re me In for soma at
tention, but did aot make tha shovrtag of tbe '
s ns psst wees aaa sne-wn test mace good can ,
result from the holding of a stock sxchsogs la
this city. Mining lasoaa sad Industrial assart
tleo of merit which1 formerly bed ao re aulas
value sn asw sold for what thsy an wsrta.
uruciaj auocatione: . , .
BANK STOCKS. " "? ' !
Bank of California ............. Sea
Bankers" at Lumbermen's ........ ...
Eunltable Savings A Loss ........
Merchant's National .... . itXT
Oregoa Trust A Savings 110 "
romena iruec 1.0 ...
United States National ........ 809
Aeooclatrd Oil Ss .............. SS
City A Suburbsa da ...
0. R. A H. Ky. 4s OSVe
0. W. PA Kys...,.... 101
Pertlsnd By. As , 100
Alssks Psrkers .......... . S214
I 'si
Assoc is leu oil ea
lenesac muww ..,.. ... .
', 45 .
Home Telephone ,..,,,. ... 1
Independent Gss ... y
I. C. Lea Co ...
Oregon City Mill A Lamber
oregoa l'Biiy journal, pra ..... 110
pacific StatM Telenboas 103ft
Puget Bound Telephone ...
Taqulna Bay Telephone T4
Alasks Petrolenm ' 1H
Blue Biver uoia ..una
British Colombia Amalgamated .. 04
11 bO
Bullfrog Terrible
Cascadla 81'
Dixie Meadows , ezu
Oallaber 04 V4
International Coal
Leee Creek Gold
Lucky Boy
Mountain View ..............
OB """
N tools Coal A Coke ..........
North Falrvlew
Oregoa Secartttee .....";.'...
Sunderd CaosoUdsteA
Star Consolidated
TacuW Steel ....
Alsa . ........................... . 12
Alameds 22 ;:
ntilllon 12 .
Kurke 4 .
topiter Klnft a..........,...... -S4
turtle )8t
. . . t
14 - -
ii '
Ilanpy Day ......
, 82fi
1i .
laano oiaiii ,..,
Park Copix ......
hamblsr.'sribop ,.
Ktith Consolidated
nowboe ...k
- "There was a drummer.", said the :
night opesrator. .. "whose wife preeentect
him with a son while he was out dram
mlng up trade. , T hsdoctor-st the
man's address, and, etnee hie wife wae
dolne none too well, wrote out a mee- "
sase giving blm the newe and telling
fclra to return.,
"The doctor gave the message to tbe
cook, who couldn't reed. She forgot bo . ...
eend It, and the next day the drum mar
ceme home of hie own accord.
"He stayed a day or two. found him
wife doing all right, and act out oa hie . .
rounde again. Nothing, as It happened,
was said about the forgotten telegram.
"And at the end of the week thla tele- -gram
was remembered by the cook.
With aiv-exclamation of -horror yoa
know one couldn't read she harried to
the office, and , sent to the drummer
that delayed messege. - When he read
the message thet night at his hotel he
was terrified. He waa aghast. What
he read wae thla:
"'Another addition, a eonj your. erlfe
eery III; return at once.
"He took the midnight train for some.
He waa Ilka a man In a trance.
' "'AnotherT he kept muttering; le a,
dased voice. "'Impossible!' : '
"Then he would reed again the oml
nous trices go. the etrange and borrlblo
. "On getting home he was so relieved
when everything wee explained to kin
that he decided not to fire the ooolc
after ell:" :
A Veelees rroosvatlos. '. . ,- '
"Don't you think the new rsvlllnge lra
provs the churchyard," Mr. Jeneef
"Appen they do, but I thlnke aa 'ow
the monsy wur klndo threw'd away,
'sause where'S the good of unit Them
aa la Inside caJn't git bout, end them -wot's
houtsltfe doan wanter git hln!"
a ...UJ
Do You Know
will buy your mining stock?
No matter : what it is or
where it ia. Or will ell you
than you can get it from any J
one else. Now don't doubt Z
this until you try us, ,