The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 24, Image 24

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Hemes East. Side
'i a, v.. 1 1 A imim Eaat 10th.k
txouovi.v. nrwi. ruunie, aear steel
$'x'Zi. wm, teoans. Height ave,
Z.KWiH recess, , w, east
"(1.B50 04I1W.' f rvaenavMeet Mala. .
1 i. toxlll, 4 toecna, Merguerlte eve.
Mai aiiiliai. T rooms, new. Kast Bath et -
Q,., .i.ivl.tfl PMOtna. AlMtlA aVC.
(2 u le, t rooma, BW, WIltlUM are.
-..m.) IVirlmi. X .ruuaie.lnl"" '
(o.WOe IKiXl, 8 roouie, Weliller 'el.
(s.S lou-iino, noma, sear m1 bridge.
(J.Ouo ouxli), corner Mat mi ex. ,
; : r - FrclCiKlns: - -
Smj Commercial blk.. Second and Washington.
, A BEAUTIFUL little ranch of IS or 30 acres,
- an Ilea from Portland, mi Beaeertoo: 10
" " acres cultivated,- young bearing orchard of
kI km; Mum, barn, well, etc.; soil flret
' i' claea; vo good road, near school; a bargain.
Beautiful vacant lot, Eait 16th, Bear Haw.
" thome ave. ; good vacant Iota at Sellwood.
; '.. North frvfcejteu. or on .Mt. Scott carllne and
Vancouver eve.;-ttnrtfc Mt. Tabor, and olbere,
at rseaeaable prices and terms.
We have good reeldeBce property oa Fourth
at., will art 12 r cent on price, and ether
desirable Bi-operty toutk of Morrison at., rea
' tunable; also 3 to 10 acrea ready to plat, tkt
r cultivated land, cloaa la. , :. -
, A food homestead relludulahBient, apote
Iai.d. Klickitat county, Wuli., Bear railroad
-v; and river. '.'.', . .
' . , 61TCNDY-MELRATH C0.." :
. . 245fe Murrleoa at.
MODERN (-room boaaa; hardwood floor
throughout; tiled bathroom; brat plumbing;
, built by owner for a bom; M. E. cor. a! 18th
and Hancock. If yos, want aa artistic noma
don't fail to are thta ona. Oar price la
right- Cord Ssnrvtske- ce t, W 4th at
,JtW modern -room mldeore; hot water
hratJnc plant: cor. E. l'llb. near Hawthorne
- are. Fries ftt.ouo; belt caah. Cord bene-
aiaae aa o-. sv oia iu -
-DON'T ba toa akwt Pny lota In Willamette
n-rore aarancra ni price; onif lew leit; skj
' . and up; eaar nxHithlx fiarments. . ttae C. A.
. . Z'fowaU, WUlsmctLe. Station, 8t. Johns ear.
. ' One lot on Kaat Taylor; close -.In; (47S;
I2UI downj balance time.
r. -Una iwnit ItiL East Msdlann: (.
, ' 1 HfTaral at Iurclwood;. dt)0: an-alT tiay
BK'tit, balance ti prt month. Two for (Has
, each, caah; two blocks te car.
" ' Iwa modern, (-room bourne; new; east
Tlrto. one block to car; Z 100 each; a snap.
Bargain roon modern, flna aoadltlon;
lawn, fruit. Bowers; (a.000.
Modera. ( rooma, corner lot; 92.800. '
Look aa as, wa bare what you waat ta
- bay, rent or sell.
riSB lot la Irrlngfoa; east treat. 1 block from
' carllna; 11,000. , Bphbu Ageacy, (06 S
Stark at.
(1.000 QUARTER BLOCK la rserer'a Addition;
easy terms. Bphtm Ageacr, (ObH Stark at.
1X000 40 ACRES aattBproTed; four miles west
af the river. This la a snap. Sphlax
- Ageacy, (06 Va Stsrk at.
SPLENDID home, oa ' west aide; easy walk
. Ing distance. This house ef aeeea rontna is
. a very desirable place either aa an Invest
ment or a home. It la almost new snd mea
ly located. It la a bargain. Sphlns Ageacy,
(utH Stark st.
T-R0OM HOUSE; 4 Sim lota, at Kent Park;
(1.060. Alrord Alvord. MS Morrtaoa at.
SEVENTH ST.; corner; north of Bnrneide;
i bringing over S per cent net from old build
lugs; income can saally be Inrreaaed and
property la line for big advance In value;
Se-enta st. corners are ecaree; price thle
week (18,500. Cord Seagstake k Co., HO
(lb at. ''- 1
(7x100. TRINITY PLACE. (near Washlngtoa St.
' Wr hs-ve-a- lew- arte tt s alck aale. Card
Sengatake sV Co.. 60 6th st.
OOOD S-room bouse on Broadway, Bear Sth;
a nlca home tor (2.600: on eaay terms. We
r will sell this quick. Cord Sengatake t Co.,
- 0 Sth at .
43x100 ON CHAPMAN, near Ysmhlll. .with S
ruom bouse. Ke us for price. Cord Beng
etako (k Ok. IM Sth at.
160x100, S. W., cor. Ssvler and Wth, Prices
.are advancing In tuts locality. We can aell
three. S Iota for (10,500. , Cord Sengatake
et io.. vu oia ec
BUSINESS corner ea RneaeM at., opposite Rates'
, bauk; brine a good Income now and . we can
ehoweou bow yoa can get 13 per cent on
"SiWu1 l5 't .O gynEstaka e.
' A PLEASANT modern borne ea East 28th at.,
six rooms, bathroom, closet, concrete base-
i meat and porches; boose pined for gaa: elee
trlclty, gas, sewer, wster: fire hydrants,
(end streetcar oa street. Phone Pacific lbfil.
A MODERN S-roora cottage.
2v East 30th st.
For terma Inquire
FOR SALE 10 furnished rooms over the TVeiia.
" rargg htrlg,r Fnaaih sad VaaAUi.atese-4
- aoona. . .
BAROAIN Brand-new strictly modera room
house, brick basement, (2.000 only. Han't'
aiss-thia IbuiDijsj 4 Barratte, 407 Haw
thorne ava.
FINE lota la Piedmont and lot an fnloa ava.
r aaie ny ewuer; no agents. Address U 56,
- care Journal. - -
WB have cuetomera waiting for smsll groceries.
cigar aad confectkenery or any baelneee
ensnce yoa neve to sell. Bring them la quick.
as auna, jos xeorrisoa at.
7 ROOM house, modern. Dee vet are .. ( blocks
m. jonna canine; bargain at (1.800. Alvord
- ai aiivwti, iu atnrruoa at.
6-ROOM house. 100x100. bars, ehlckea -bouse,
email fruit aad shrohhery, 2 cows, ea Weod--etock
carline; price J0. - Alvord eV -Alvord.
. 1(3 Morrlaoa st. '
(2.650 -reom new modera bones, with f Isrgs
unfinished rooms In attic, full lot, aa Esst
evio. ewe ohm-b no riswioorne ava. A. H.
Blrrell. 201-2o( McKay bldg.
7 ROOM boas, Eaat 14th at. furnished, seod
. era, (2.000; (250 dowa. bshuce aaortgaga.
Alvord Alvord, 1&2 Morrlaoa at.
(1,600 FOR a (room cot tare with two beee
, meat roeme, comer KOxoTi. close ta ea East
Harrison st: is a very reasoesble price, A.
H. Blrrell, 201-20T McKay bldg.
WB make ( specialty ef selling homes ea the
' Installment plan. Tea anight yost as well be
paying to a bome ss to be pay log rent
Alvord Alvord. IsS Morrlaoa at.
(2.600 S-ROOM modera cottage, cement tract
meat iUtlooery laundry tune; northwest por
tloa af city. A. B. Blrrell, 201-202 McKay
bldg. ,
(3.750 LOT snd two room bouses ta Soath
Portlsod: rnod rental property. A. Q. Blrrell.
.201-200 McKay bldg. '".' "
(2.400 NEW ( mom house, Esst 26th at. Bear
Aakeny. A. H. Blrrell. 201-20S McKay bktg.
TWO of the finest lota na Willamette boule
yard for sale at a bargala. Alvord Alveedt
. IMS Morrtaoa st .
WB know and claim to have the best Hat ef
Snnnyalde property ss eleewberes; (2.600,
(.'00 down, bo i a nice aew S-room house aear
. Ilelmont St., Sunnyalde. ' .
(S.800 Elerant new S-room house, modera.
full lot, Esst Taylor at. 1 swell lorstloa.
(8.(00 Beautiful (-room house and
Till i, tlntl (Islinaa st I ae" hnlli and i
I S dowa.
(1,650 Swerieat rorner lot SOxlOO en eaet
tide, one bhirk llawtbeeae ava., weat of
Parrell mansion: let as shew yoa this: nrlce
will be higher la a few daya. '
: 1 . ' 8TAUB 8AWTELL.
337 Waahlngton et.. Room if.
Pbene Pacific 662
S NfCB new homes on Wnodetock carllne
(l.wiO. (l.BOO and (2.000; (.100 down and (go
per anrmtb: fine lorstloa. Alvord A Alvord.
- 1st Marrlsea et.
1 ACK,E 4roora aew enttsge; 20 minutes'
. ride; (1.400. The Continental Co., 248 stark
NilW 6-room enttaget bath, he and cold wa
: -ten 4s4 tesllt; IS mlnutea' (ldsTha Ceo.
Ilnental Co.. 248 Stark st. ,
FtNB art ea 16th St., west side, (4,160 eaesj.
Phone 1SWS. er wall S6 Park et.
NICM little home est N. B. Blrhth st, M
lOiriioo, rrnlt, berries, etc.. (1,(60; vary easy
SO acres Sn land, all In caltlvatJea tad
sultsMe fnr plattlna, Joining lead already
platted, and Bear M-eant Tahnr; price (6m
per acre. Fur f-rther particulars call aa
- Tames tiiBwi.N,
Fheae Mass Ssea. aesB U7, Abtrngraa bldg.
. (TOO-ei'ull im ea Gentennela are,
(a.OOu Meveral flna quarter blocka la Bel
taday addition.
i.7t a-rooaa houaa, .SST Morris at.
- (2,0 ta loaa oa a farm.
(110.000 lOOxlOS trot wtyi 4 flaa dwellings,
aorthwrat raraar Slat and Itorla ata. .
tl.lcjo Hig lot, Kodnrr a.
fd.7iJ Two ntodara flats aa Raaacll at.
12.600 T-roan bouaa, N7 Bortswlek.
-.I.H . room k.iia., Hit. Uaataabalak- -rnMa bouas, TM Borthalrk.
$MU guartrr bio. k. Karby at. aad Cook
, a. ; alra balldlaa alt.
H.10O Two acraa aaar Point Vlaw. St.
J.ilina .Xoli.ln Tt lnlt t ara srlliiK for 2M.
tl.750 a liouara' and lot "oil Krvra wt.v
Mlaalalppl ara. i flu vlaw: mt $M.
(l.Mtl Modern bottaa and lot on rarrs -at.,
al yard, fnrit; cottasririi with aowar.
A to 23u Nlca balldlna liila la Worth
- Irrinctoai' aooia of tba atrvois ara Imprsvaa,
- watar In atrvat; l.raab, 110 per month.
(1.400 Nw -room houaa and half lot afl
. uantenoela are., arar
(Tixi Mr corner lot, Gantenbela ara.
$3,T00 Two bouses and full lot en Koana
. at.: r-'it .tii.
14.000 Quarter blork oa . WlllUeoa ava..
Bailable for bualnaaa.
15.000 Onarter blork and two T-roam mod
ern buoaea, southeaat curner Fargo at. and
BlnT are. ..
(d.aoo Flat, with food hvome, ennthwrat
enrner Uantenbeln and Comuierelal ata.
1.000 Two aire lota, aoailicaat eoraer
taoroarar ere. and Karyo at.
Wonrj to loan.
' Jclm VL Pitt.Ezer
- ARnt for t.m Alliance and Ulena Falls
Inanranre t'ompnnlca. both In elaaa "A."
Rnow Mil berUck hblK. Phone Pacific TO.
I-OR BALE Lot SOxlOO ft., ea 22d and Ola-
ton ata.; cheap. Ifioue East 442.
WE HATE soma flne 'Imprweed ecreace -sear
rariine to excnanjre ror loiprored citv prop
rrtr; are ua at once, tat ton Ktmuson,
(OH Lumbar Exebanre.
DO yoa know of any one offering arrears
near Lents for leas than .W0 to (Soo per
acrer No, I doa't think you do. fattoa
aV Slmpaon can put you sett te a 4 14 -acre
tract for (000, one third cash; 6H acres at
(TOO, one third cash; 6 1-3 seres, (I.OUO, -one
third esah; 41 acres at (A.S00, mostly cleared
- and ' fine strawberry ranch, south slupe
Kelly's Butte, terms. 802 Lumbar Ex
change. .
WE HAVE some- very choice Iota; Eden Ad
dition. Waverley-Klchmoud car; wa have cut
the price way down la order to close out a
few unsold lota. (02 Lumber Earhange bldg.
beat eaat aide location: walking dletance,
or half blork to car; O.TSO; terms. Owner,
o hk jam St.
OOOD CHANCB for aeople with small means.
(1.(00 Good 4-rooia cottage; nlca Incatloa;
all Improvements paid; walking dletance;
(100 caah, balance like rent. Office boars:
' Sondaye. S te 11 a. m. r. Fucha. 221 Vh
saorriaoa ax. . ... .
IS LOTS la Upper Alhlua. between Staatea
snd Morris sts.. ea the Reeaell Nhaver car-
Jine; streets, sewer snd cement eldewalks la;
prices (000 to (l.2M each; two blocks.
( lots aear Peninsular station, on St.
Johns carllna; 4-roum bouse; city water)
price ((.SOO. S. Collins. 140H Russell St.
(10,000 For aa (-room, modera, west aide
home: corner lot, 60x100. .
- (w.too ror a new, modera, t-roeai sous;
west side; best location: lot SOxlOO.
(:t,T0O For a new modera home la Irving -
ton.: corner lot, (vox loo; terma.
310 and 311 Dekum bldg.
WB HAYS) a few choirs residence lots oa
East 10th and East 2uth era. Oregoa-Psrloc
Invsstmsnt C., 810 and (12 Dekum bldg.
Choice business snd Income properties for
sale from (10.000 to (50.000. Oregon-Pa-clne
Investment Co., 210 and 312 Ockua
bldg. . as- -
buy. sell or trade. Our Jurladlctlon Is the
world. Our sneclslty la lend, loans snd
i rtsrs-ln Oreroa and Alberta Alberta, the
celebrated province of Canada the land of
free homes. Property Hated wltb ua will re
eelve prompt snd dlgnlSed sttentloa. The
Oregoa-Aloerta Realty Co., head office, rooms
II and 10 Lafayette Bldg., cor. Sth and
Washlngtoa Its. over the Bank. Portland, Or.
(1.800 BUYS one new (-room bungalow; all
modern, cement basement, flns plsce. Ut
looxloo. 4 blocks to school. 100 feet to
poatoftlce. stor- and carllna; (300 cash, haU
' a nee (20 per month.
(2.0U0 buys new modern S-room - house,
strictly an to date, cement basement: flna
place: only 4 blocks to school. 1 block to (
posiornce, canine, score; K jtiuxiw; csu
ana Jet ate snow ynu ncrors ouyuig.
Phone Main 2400. Room 117, Ablngtoa bldg.
1 " BinCAl1P0irT3TTTrCTr:i:
100x84, 14th and Oolnmbla, (15.000 house,
lot valued at (10.000: both for (15.000.
112x81, South Portland, fine location. 14-
room bouse, (lo.ouo.
112x50. two cottages, (4.000.
All these are corners gad la (rowing part
or city.
KW?t M. rLFilli K It,'
Srugatora, 200 Third st
FOR SALE S-room bouse. 14 block, 8 blocks
"vwr business -ccrrtcewf -eH. Jobsuv-flna view
of river, worth (3.500; (2,600 tskes It; (1.200
cssh. bsiance time irt per ceat, Auareaa
box Bui, bu Joiina, ur.
FOR SALE cheap, by owner, niodern 7 mora
house; frnlt; lot 60x100. , (16 Halgbt arc.
I'bons Eaat !4.
t NICE level acres oa 6c carllne and cloee te
. station, oa grsoea srreetr epieMie platting
DroDosltlon: only (1,500 for boib: terma.
10 acrea 7 miles from city. Section Llna
road, at low price of (100 per acre; terms.
y W. J. Day &. Co.
166 Fourth at
KEW a-room modem cottace tlarce rooms)
cash or few hundred down, balance monthly
- payments; price (2,000. Owner, 1121 .Eaat
Madlaea at. . .
BEST boy -la Portland (10 drnra. (10
ssoatb, lots level, 60x100, graded " arrests.
water la. S blocka aoutb of Hawthorne ava.,
ea 44th et.; owner ea grouuas;. price s.w.
Tees (-rooss cot tares. H block te ear; net
IS per cent oa investment; noutn aaanysiae.
nieinusna naiai.ix
239 Marguerite ava.. eoraer Hawthorne. '
( room cot tare. cwner. lot 60x100.
fruit trees, (I. ft. Phone Tabor (16.
T-ROOM hooee. I acre land, (050: 2H acrea
4 blocka Mt. acott car, cen rare, fi.xou,
Hawthorne Realty Co., 286 Marguerite are..
corner Hawthorne.
artun fine residence lots from (460 to (me.
- 1 te S blocka to car. South Snanyalde. Haw
'theme Really Co., x.-o Marguerite svs, cor-
Iway Hawthorne.
FOR SATE Neat little cottage at Snnnyalde)
- - ai wy. enl 2 blocka trum carllne : plenty
of fruit and flowers; will tks
good roosnlng-Boaae la Bert pay
j- . cor. Third and Oak ata.
I HAVB 2 lota and 1 lo-acrc tract that f win
aeerlnce for rasa or one half caah; lota (100
each. See Joe Aaan, owaer, Minara ax..
Mount Scott carllne.
t "NEW modern homes, plastered, porcelain
hath ana tenet, stnctiy nrsi ciaas, wnrta
twice the price ssked, but muat have money
and will sscrKce fur (1.500; one half caah.
Bcott carllna.
FOR' SALE A bsrtsla If taken sn. a new
modern 7-room Douse oa 'v-ecre tract, sasdea
bt oaka. flneat of grafted fruit and maes,
locsted la a good town having electric lights,
telephones, wster works and slectrlc csrllns;
also a email stock of goods; will sell either
or both. Addreas
n 7. care Journal.
(B OO Tlowa TUEMtiNT PLACE (6 per Month
Lots In this beeuriful addition new only
(00 te (110; Iota. 40x120 feet. 2o-foot alleys;
prices will soon be rslaed without prevkma
warning; bow Is your chance; prices are aura
to double In short time.
222 WsshlBgtoa St., upstairs, '
SNAP S besatlful earner Iota loOxTOO, aear
the new carbarns; best buy ,1a tba city.
Owaer, i la Alblad ava.
1 a " 1
Fl.'LL lot and S-eooa residence, hesldee eew-Ing-reom.
hath. Isandry-room, bssemeat, cea
erete foandatioB, cement walk all around
house, workahop, woodhemee snd cblcksa
heese, S bee ring fruit trees, grapea, 40 choice
roses, rtrpeta, (4S steel range and beater,
stock csrllns; all for (1,060; half caah,
- balaare aaoaUily.
, 222 Washington, ear, .First, upstairs.
Xoa FARMS, small tracts and lots; bargains oa
O. W. P. electric line. O. H. addltloa, beats.
Oregoa. Tabs Meoat Boett oaf, Ma
K00 caah, ftf aaonthlr. for ebolee
aervral T, 8 aad V rooia bousea.
(.lao eaab, 2o tuoothl (or choice' ef
bonaea af 4 roomaveech.
HuO caah, lift monthly, to afaolae as? U
rottaicea of A rooms each.
' fltto aaah, i2.oo aioniblr, tea ehotca af
UM eeeh. 10 awUilr foe alaelaa of Bar
er. I iota wtta a and nobis. -tA0
caah, $10 muntblr. for choice let aa
Baal STtk at., sear Hawthorne are.
IV0 eaab, $3 nwathlr. for lota Is Balsa
Aunition. oa Kellwiiud carlloe.
IW eaih, rio BMothTr.- tot-coTaer-Jot-ta
mi niaoo. - .
10 cash, W aaonthlr, for lot la Arista
1. . . .
1J)I4 Urat at.
COEY little heme. At condition, near ear high.
wine i run; a narKwin; aee It toqay.
TUB lOXTINt.NXAL CO- 34S Stark at
' Morahenas (Tench. 170 (V ISth.
. Phone Bellwood 74.
City flew Park lota, (37S and ap; Ross
A dJ 1 1 tou lota, (loo and up; (A dowa and (S a
aMMith. Homee from fhoo to (0,000. Lota $X
- ana up. la an parte of neliwood. Uat yoor
property wita ua; wa wiu sell It.
BrNKALOW. (.1.600 Don't fail to see that
rotHobungalow,- PttMiaad Helghta...aO(UlUW
. rorner, asautuui grounaa, naru-wooa onian
. Inaa, leadcd-alaaa buffet, furnace and (re
place, everything new sad modera; prop
erty ta acrancing la mis locality; ground
alone will 'be worth price asked. , Phone
Mala 1IM2.
(-ACRE tracts S mtlee east ef Portland. H
-mile from electric Une; ail ta ealtlvatlOB,
good aoll; 13o per acre. . aa . easy terms.
a -at, care journal..
BUY a lot oa the esst aide; S-mlnute car serv
ice, wlthla walking distance; fine bouses
going up; prices from t'Mu ta (360; terms tf
. H. E. TDOMPfiO!.
(4S Mlsslaippl are. . Pbons Wodlawa SOX
B-ACRB trarta ef ans land mites from. Port
land, ea fine wagon-road and 1 mils from
. railroad; price (100 to (UO0 per acre, on
easy terma; water Is piped te esch 6-scre
tract; tucre is noining oetier oa toe mar
ket. V 6S, cars Journal. - . r'
BY OWNER leaving city, modera S-roora cot
tage, corner ant, eaat rroou " . nargsia. for
. csah, or ' will sell on esay terms. Inquire
ju-l - nsigm ava. luum uu uva.
6-acre tracts oa Oregoa City carllaej (na
soil, good watar, easy terms.
SIT Cemaaeretal bldg.. 2d .and Waahtngtoa ata.
Phone Main 6120.
BBAND-NEW boose, select Mlghborhoad. Bear
ear; prices sarsncing sii erouaa; lersis; pay
lent te youreelf; see this.
(-room cottage and lot, (1,150; S-roeai
cottage, corner lot, (1.200; T rooms, (1,404:
S aeoms, (2.0u0;.sjBalt cash payment or vacant
lot, piano, tram or wha have yoa? Balance"
long time, eaay paymenta; 10 acres, (2,600.
W. J. Burden. Pbona Bast dlOS.
Baal Estate. Farms and Stock Ranches.
SOS 4 Washington at ' .
.fkD an.v T vwwim i,k . it
price (060; (ISO down, balance monthly pay
menta: no agents. Address owner, 97,
esrs Journal. ,
A FIRST-CLASS (-room house, ft 1 170 lot,
Soath Portland; (780 down. Ka lance (2S
month. Kroner, room IS Cambridge bldg.
NEW 6-room cottage. Highland, (1.60O; terms
is suit, eiate uana to, issa sirat at.
SPLENDID 6-room house, lot 100x100, She
barn. 1 block from car. (1.260; (260 eaab.
(15 per month. Owner, room 1, t'ii Wssh-
tngton ati
OOOD boy at St. Johns Heights; eset treat.
e-room .nonss, targe lot, near Business, be
tween carllna snd -river; price (l.SuO;. halt
dowa; owner, no agents. Address L 71.
rare Journal. ,
Choice lot SOxlOO on Waaeo
Ideal apot for a home; pavements ln
- verms, e-neae stein otnsu.
Have Yen a Let to Trade
Far a good 6-room bouse in Highland worth
'ears? If so, call st room 16, Waah
Dgtoo, or phone Woodlawn 726, Sunday.
(LIOO-NKW. 6-room honae- lot 40t1o, nicely
lmprovel. Mt. bcott car; i caah, balance
(5 per month,
, (550100x100, Kaoilwortb, on carllne,- eaay
(SOO T.arge"4-rdomnouaeJta,'TfriIt
trees, cuy wster ey.terma; vauralwood.
ail. rcoii car.
- (8.(X Sightly block, Portlsnd Heights.
Cl.Otsa SOxlOO, Kearney at. Bear 23d st.
(8,290'" M louui-hease; -nice hl.- Beet Eighth
si. ; improved sireet; wsixing aistsnce.
(5.000 New elegsnt S-reom house, baautl-
mi lot. clce in on Kast Taylor et.
1 20. 000 U block. Ollaan at.: eond hue.
- ail. 000 block, 4 houses, ( per cent Bet
rnvesiraenT, jonnsnn ax.
Phone Masx204. " 10S Second at
FOR 8ALB CHEAP 2 modera 7 -room hnaaea:
leaving the city, must sell this week; part
vaan. mmm aeu.
BY OWNER, new modern T-room bones at 24th
asa Muiinoman. at. n. sties.
HAVE good acreage on carllne, weald trade
ror grocery store or omer ihisidssbv 617 Com-
- averciai via. rnone stsia liw.
eov acres oa tne v uismette elver; this
plsce Is stocked with the. beet stack la the
west snd ths sppllsneee are all modern;
(80 aerea oa the Willamette
law vmxvm CI'Ull I B JUV tons CI BSy Stta eVSC
1.600 buahels ef oata; wster Is piped to the
lsrgest barn; there le a telenhiue on the
piace, aaiiy rural delivery; only of
mile from village school and
the he
noose la
sly 4 of a mile from boatlandlmr: boats
te and from Portland every day; there are
alee 40 acrea ef bops, with dry. re, etc.; this
plsce, stock aad Implements, sll go ss they
srs; will trade for city property or' sell
ea easy terms : , as a revenue-producer ha good
times or bad thle cannot be beat
2.040 seres of deed lsnd In eastern Oregon;
this controls a large body of graxtng land
and a river of water; will carry 4.000 bead
ot saeep ana is eaty one aaye drive from
the mountain range; has bouses and barns
snd sn orchard of 200 fruit trees; this Is a
specially gonn pronoainon ror a stock en in,
aa It will rams all the winter feed Beetled;
price (11.000.
SPHINX A0EN0Y, SOStt Stark at
FOR SALE tjona prosperoas wbeet farms la
morrow -ceiirty,ou rsiiroaa, fztl per acre;
mieni rase sums trtoe. rv. A. Uldiaw. 617
Commercial bldg.. Second aad Waahlagtea.
. suae eieia viev.
S3$ aerea, cheap; fine water, improved.
Phoas Woodlawa 2t)2. 848 Mlaelaslppl An.
ForBle Karm 140 scree, all nndrr fence, 20
scree in nmjTsuon. aouae, new barn, farrn
wagon, plow, barrow, garden seeder, rnltl
valor. etc. I about 16 tone gund hay, apples
In ccllsr, potatoes, g stores, cooking nteo.lle
sod household furniture. 860 peering cherry
trees, 60 bearing apples, besides several
plums, prunes snd besat; m mllea . from
railroad elation and boat landing; price
(S 2no; - terms If wanted. - For particulars
call or addrsss B. T. Smith, Martin's Bluff
O.I ACCOUNT of having to make a change of
eiuuate t ,,rier Its- eaiv jtie acres Of thS
very best of garden land, all In 6 and im
acre tracts, anil selling for from (75 to (275
per acre, according to Improvements; adjoins
s good little town and school, snd Is lo
cated In ths choicest section of the-Wtllsm-ctts
valley. I wHI turn ovsr my real ra
ta r a bnalnees snd a Hat of ofer 100 proe-
( . .mJ M..M .Ilk 1 - . a I.
send dollars Inreetad spd lhs balance hma
time at low Interest, er esq pay for It as
he sells the lsnd. Property csn be bought
t ahont ons half of which It will sell foe
If sold la SO daya. W. F. Bchuller, Jet
fersoa. Or. ,
. .. , . . "7" iew tnou
(20 ACRES eastern Oregra lead, exchange honse
sno toil price so acre. Awxsnoer tcind Ce
68 v Sixth St., near Pine.
FOR SAI.B Stock snd dairy farm of 120 acres,
io miles I n us i-oriiaoti; line place, rood anil
, snd good mads; with stock. Implements, etc.;
et email. vaiaocB sing iibi at e per eaat AO
drees C R. Orgaa, St Joans, Or,
Cbclcc Buys
IIS acres, 6 aillss from Albany, county asst
ef Llna eoonty, town of 6.000 population;
200 scree udder cultivation. . ,falr Improve
menta; this Is all flrat-claaa land; running
scream through place, some timber, aad Is
one ef the best bays la the Willamette val
ley. rrice (42.60 per acre.
SO scree, ana mile fmm e.f14 etattne.
Llna county; all uuder cultivation, flrat-claaa
In nil, fine Improvements, family orchard; all
eocsu. wiu gooa leace. r rice (40 per acre.
' (2,70040 acres In Olarks count v. Wash..
4' Billes from railroad and bostlsndingi 16
acres cleared, 16 acres easily cleared, some
limoer. Sll reneed! a-ronm biHiae. hare fluxil
family erehsrdi aoad team.-A avasona,-fl aeU
nameas, 4 ouicgy, 4 much cows, one 2-yesr-oid
aieiier, a esives, 10 tons of bsy, crsam separa
tor. 2 harrows, 2 plows, 1 cultivator, chickens,
small tools; R. F, D., near school; fine aoll;
aair case, balance good terma, 0 per cant.
.. $",000 TOO acres. 4 miles from railroad
- srsiloMi in Mim countyt 21x1.' acxca lo fine
atata of cultivation, 16,000.000 fset of good
.saw timber, balance open pasture, all fenced;
running water; tab? buildings; family or
chard; R. F. D., mile to school. 4 miles
iron a lows 01 beat of aou; half caah,
m -.. v. e,wv wu, u... v.h,
balance good terms. It yoa are looking tor
a snsp yoa should Investigate tflle before
160 seres. 4H miles from Albany, esaaty
seat ef Llna county; 120 acres la cultivation,
balance ha timber and paatare. all fenced;
1. Miwiuit, Hwuf , e neagt m I
horses, 4 head of cattle. 40 head ef goats, 4
some cnicaena, aw tons er Bay: ail rarrn lm
plemeats and house hold goods; first-class land.
x-nee avep pec acre.
240 acres tn Clarke eosmty, Washlngtoa, )
mtlee from railroad station and boatlaadlag;
(0 acres la tine state of cultivation, all
fenced with poeta aad wire; 2 good eprings,
(acre bearing orchard, variety; new 2-stury
11 -room house with bath, hot sad cold wafer;
2 bams, (0x50 with sheds, other (OxSO with
sheds; good fruit dryer and other bulldlnga;
26 cows, 1 bull, ( calves, II sheep. 6 hogs,
4 good horses; 1 hinder, mowes and rake,
bugxy, spring wagon, 8 farm wagons, S
?lowa, t harrows, seed drill sad all necessary
ana tools; dairy-bouse with separator; U
mile te school. R. F. D. and teleobone: SO
tone of hay. some gram. Price only (44
per acre. Including all personal property; the
nest any oa
the market; give terma. ( per
(4,600 105 acres, 20 mllea from Portlaad.
IS miles from railroad elation, mile tn
school; 48 acrea In cultivation, 7 acres In
greea timber, 25 scree csn be clesred for (10
per ecre, balance fine a ah and vine maple
swale; m-scre bearing orchard; good well
at door, creek near bouse snd barn; land all
level; good lH-etory frame houee, good frame
barn 60x100, modioli Re, chicken-house, lsrl Im
plement and woodbonse: on mam county road;
fine team horses worth (300. one heavy wagon,
one spring wagon, one buggy; 10 head cattle,
T cows, 8 sheep, 12 hoes; mower and rake,
plows, harrowa, cultivator, ether a me 11 too la;
60 tons of bay, 200 bushels oats, loo bushels
wheel, . 6 acrea spuds. 800 chickens, some
geese; " terms. (2,200 cash, balance ( years
at per cent.
(2.200 80 acres, 12 miles from Portland, J
In Washlngtoa county; 80 acres In cnltlva-
eaally eieared: good 6-Toom house, good bara.
family orchard, all fenced, on main county
rose, rt. r. u. ana xeiepnone; nest or soli.
(5.800 ISO seres, 12-4 miles from Port
land. In Waahlngtoo county. 4 "4 mllea fronr
neeaviue rsiiroaa station; so scree in cult:,
vatloa, 20 acres In paature, 100 acrea line
.green u inner, x.uei;tai teei at leaat level
land, email bouae and alable, family orrh;trd,
all fenced, county road on 2 aides of ulace.
R. F. D. and telephone, flue location, heat ot
aou;- xnis is one or tne nest buys on the
raarketr Inveatlggte thle before bu ring; (uar-
auieeu ae aureruaea.
' ILOOOv-riaQ. acres . In. Waahlaatea-ceemry.
20 mllea from Portlsnd, T miles from railroad
station, on mala county road; 10 acrea cleared,
2 acres bearing orchard, 80 scree a 1 moat level,
beet ef soil, no rock or gravel: S-roum house.
' 2 barns. 2 good walla and spring. 4 mile
xo scnoot, some good timber, I miles from
sawmill; It yoa are looking fee a anap lo-
(6.000160 a cr. li mtlee ifram Po.fl.nit
. 1H mllea from railroad station; 00 acres la
fine state of cultivation, 60 acrea fine saw
- tlmner, balance easily clesred; sll level, sll
-fenced; T5 acres beaverdaa swale; 6-room
bouse, fair bam; U-acre bearing orchard; oa
mala county road, R. F. D., milk route psst
. aoor, rme mile te sawmill; team, hew wagtia
and harness, buggy, cream separator, 26 head
of cattle, 17 cows, soma boga and chickens,
70 tons ef hsy, some grain; ths cows are
rirst-clsss. ' This" Is ons ef thf beet buys ea
the msrkst; terms, H cash, balance C yet re
at S per ceat.
(2.000 20 acrea. ( miles from aoennver;
11 acres besverdam, cleared, balance alaahej.
seeded te grass; all fenced with good posts
snd wire; lsnd level, oa main county road, H
nils to railroad station, nssr school, R. f.
V.; (-room bouse, fslr bara, family orcharl,
eond well; aew wagoa, top buggy, 2 sets
srnera, plow, harrow, other small tools, all
new; 60 range, ether fnrnlture. sewing ms
chlne. Will take (1,200 caah, balance (
years at ( per ceat; will exchange for city
property. . .
WasMDcn and Oregon 7
Realty Co.
'10S Second at, Portland, Oregon.! aad
800 Msla st, Vancouver, Waehlagtea.
SO ACRES, (0.000; (3,000 ostb: T7 acres Id-f
cuittesllon; hetaM 0 rooms with bath, furnl
1 ture, carpets azid stoves, extra good, tele
phone; bara 88XH0, new; 4 horses; IS cows,
sll fresh; 1 thoroughbred Jersey boll, 2
, years: 23 sheep with thoroughbred ram; (
brooding sews, rolaod- hlna; running water
sll yesr; 6 acres csn be Irrigated; ( acres
In alfMlfs; 12 acres lu clover; 10 seres vetch,
15 scree seed' whest; line orchard, 250
chickens; o np-to-date new chicken houaoa,
egg contract 2.' per dot. all year; 46 tons
bar; 600 boab els cbonped whest snd osts;
binder, awwer, raks, harrows; all A-l ma
chinery. -
Cornelius, Oregon.
40 ACRES, good son. -121 miles to city, on
couniy roau; cuuivsiea, new Boaee. HO
frail trees; cerdwood . w
for plae
$1,100: tsjfon; fTvat mp.
00 acres,
r; ,B',1o .fronl, 'orest Grove: 6 1.
and cultivated. bslanca ec1 timber; p
emll bouse; good black soli; (2,000, or ex
change for acreage closer la or city property.
Homestead rellnqutahment. 80 acre a, Wasco
county, running wster, (160. I .
W. J. DAY, 185H ronrth (t.
TUB best section of land la Clarke eonntf.
Wbst hsvs yoa to trade ror MO acres of land
10 miles north of. Vsnconvert Alfred A.
Baker. 216-216 Ablngtoa bldg..
(0 ACRES. 29 cleared, bonee, bara, t chicken.
boueee, woodaned; orensra for family nee;
creek and 4 good springs; well located, near
Sherldaa; fenced: price (1,800; rseb (700,
balance S per ceat Alvord A Alvord, 182
Morrlaoa St.
240 ACRES 6 mllea Kelso, Wsah.t 40 aerea
ander etiltlvstloa: end honae, hern, nrllk.
bouae. ruotlioueo; Co bearing' fruit trees sad
50 two rears old; Mi acres fenced; lltlng
wster; $3,(00. Alrord Alvord. lei Morri-
eoa ax, ; t
h stlUV LAKDbV -
(-room keuae, S acr.a, all kinds of trait.
mii buiio rrom rsiiroaa station.
40 scree 10 scree la fruit. 16 Bore cleared;
4 -room boose; (2.5U0.
40 acres 10 aerea orchard; boose sod bam;
2.500. ' . I
100 acres AU fenced and tna fruit land;
a.vw. t,
240 ACRES, Klickitat county... Waah., mllea
- railway; 40 s.-rea cultlvateev several sprluas,
frnlt fi family; 7 roots house sad Mi of
oiiinuuuings, windmill sud tanka; S-borae-.
power engine for working woodaaw, panip and
feed mill; 2 wagona, tup bark, rart, S seta
Mtiueee. -uv.war-rsxa a niowa, narrow, nay
fork and cable fannlna mllL aeed drllL atuuiu-
puller wltb cable aud other tools; U cattle.
e aorses; earn ruu bay ana all grsia oa
place; T sheep, S hogs, 2 doaen chickens, else
rt.0tw.000 lima limber
(4.200. Alvord Alvord. lt Murrlna at
16 ACRES. II clear, new (room hones, bare,
ehlrken-bouse: porch S sldea of house; bearing
. fruit trees, H acre granee; livtna water; a
fine bome; 11 aillrs court Uo use; (1,660.' Al
vord Alvord. IKS klurrlaon st.
10 ACRES 8V4 allies carllne, good buildings.
toie 01 rrrut; a cows, A riuie. xun caicxena.
100 pigeons, enclosed; price (2.(60. .Alvord
st Alvord, 183 Morrlaoa st. -
WB have a large Hat of good farms. Klllgresn-
nrjsnt to., . ;zo chamber t-omuierce.
Maui 6101. .
12 MILES west of Portland, Bear rteedvllle,
Washington county, for cash only; 0J acres,
2S clear, well cultivated, on creek; good well,
spring, flna fruit, - new wire feucee, good
6-room bouse, barn, household goods, a-hlrksus,
bses, tools, etc.; It4 miles from railroad.
school and church; telephone Une, milk route,
K. F.-D. (4,600. - Mrs. Av B. Luetacber,
Beavertoa, Oregon.
TIMBER lands In Crook. Lake and Klamath
- counties from lr south to 29 south, ana as inr
as rsngs 15, eaat, hsve been crulaea sua
deed csu be taken up as soon ss transfers
can be made; come and aee us or writs .us,
giving exact location snd price.
U13V Wssblugtoa at -
"r Wa-will buy tor cash any good timber
tributary lo Nobalem river; will deal wltb
owners only; do others need answer. Write,
giving fnll particulars, to Boa 8, V. P. ata
tlon, Portland. Oregoa.
24,000.000 FEET cedar and Sr, 20 miles ef
Portland, oa una logging atresia, cea unve
to ror t ia na muis; si taoueeau; nsax oa,
eaay terma; 10 years to cut; ae agenU or
trinera. ueorge w. vixeo, uenoy, uregon.
CERTIFIED scrip, any atss plecaai hrweet
prices, w. . Howeu, osa lAamaer ex Man-
FOR SALE -ao seres yenoar ptaa: township
. IT. rsngs IP; orooa county; a geea nuy. m-
drees J 64, care Journal.
TIMBER lands wanted, either Oregoa er
Washington. Bpblnx Agency, aoow Btara ex.
FOR SALE 00.000,000 feet good timber; 2
miles from Columbia rivsr; u.uuv.vuu xeei
adjoining this; same pries; (1.00 per M.
U M, JournaL -.,..
A OOOD body of timber, consisting of mer-
chantable tlmner, teiegrapn poiae, pues, ceaar
nu and railroad ties, for sale. Apply te
a Klosrerman, 61 North 21st., corner
Dsns, or Hsmlltoa bldg. -
2'CHOICB timber claims. 00 ml lee ant, 10.-
000.000 escb, very Best tunner; near rsiiroau.
or (urns; no gents. B (T. care Journal.
teeU at Salt Lake City prove that this stork
will yield larger returns than any mining
stock Hated. Portland of Ore J. F. Burst A
Co.. 206 McKay bidg.
I am always In the market either te buy
" or aell any active mining etoch; loans made
on any Hated aecorttlee.
T. P. BROWN. 401 McKay bldg.
SNAP Nice blsrk team, good barneaa aad top
rmriry, (115; bay mare, weight 1,150, 7 years,
rubber-tired top bugrv, (106; big black horse,
(27.60: nice' hay driving mare. 16V aaodi,
S feart, worth (200, for (116; 2 sets work;
he meet, 2 sets driving bsrneee, S singles. This
stock mnat be sold to make room for boarders.
I - l i,-.., Ktia '.11 x I7nlr.e eve., eoenee
avah bb,m
, - , i ..Ml ,
. T-T.T' 7-T . i . n .ioi
poumisi r.-S , .... I
pounds; one brnwa mare, weight 1.2X) pounila;
one good delivery chunk, weight 1.200 pounds;
one set ot farm harness, 2 rubber-tired run
shouts, S sets driving and express harness.
Call Regs! Stables. 14th and Uu maids sta
4.aIAPi-s41uO- hnyi pair of-hornes, weight 2 Wl
pounds, true pullers; aieo .new neavy nsmeev.
Cull 83 North 14th st, ask for Miller's team.
In new wsgons Dd tmnrlee t
Portland Warehouse A Tranafer Co.
" 840-842 East Wsshlngtoa ls ths placs.
IjJORSFS and bngglea for rent by dsy, week
Slid munio ; apeciar l.w, w-niniwawMwai
Sixth and Hawtnoroe. assx ij.
FOR BALE Clyde guiding, 6-year-old, about
1,800 Iba., or win traae ror targe mare IB
foal. 625 - Hawthorne ive. .
mi) BALE Pine danole-grey team. S veara eld
weight 2,(00, aound and gentle. Phoae Bcott
" 2284.
WB buy. sell.
rent, exchange horses, wagons,
esddles, harness,
Hubert A Hall. 2d6 4th st
A GOOD horse for sale cheats. 752 Vancouver
WANTED A single driving horse for his
I keep; will give the beet of care. H. F.
I . ... ar -lew, CB.M.. -u.ta. awra, ITom.
, av . .wvw . vw. w-.u
I ( HEAD work bnrses, l.BOO ta 1.(00 lbs; just
arrived, obdvi aa nwi, ee
Bear Burnslds.
S HEAD valley horasa. all brokej S heavy teams
and driving berase. Cut-Rate Stables, (80
Wster st
FINE kostneea rig. ( year-eld brown mare, new
buggy and new narnees. aia Aiisxy pidg.
BARGAIN Two 1-horse farm wagons; one new
snd ens second-band, zia aiiaxy oiog.
WILL sell my (460 plane for (225; perfect
order. Address U 1, care journal.
FOR s alrIlivestock..
0ENTLB family cow, Jersey, cheap. 1208
Bortbwtck. Phone woodlawa III. i
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jeraey cow. 1002 ,
19th at, bellwood. - ,
FOR SALE Toting black Jersey ball.' 28th and
J lliamooB, ira inran.
musical instruments.
4 GOOD stvrond twuKt CeclUan ablnt ptano-
ilutir bq mumc, fiOi cann or lustaUiuantB.
!Hvv Aiuer viea Deiwsft-B BtfTeuiai inu trur MIM,
A GOOD second hand piano for sale. 850
850 Alder St.. between Seventh sna Park Sts.
IMPROVED tomcat-ad rellnqulahments (100 to
-nptfrv rTtra.TerVu7ir. " 0il claim W0-
tcrea, good bouae, renclng snd hsrn; UA acres
slaabed, 10 cleared, ou couuty road, free
mall delivery, ecboulhouee mile, enough
chlttlux na claim to pay fur It If marketed:
wi-uld maks flue dairy farm. Alao ho acres
ef rich dcedrd lend (10 per sere; one third
esah. (lui uer year.
. W.
C Purdln, Aula,
Lens Ceuuty, Oregua. .
few a. rat ib vxrilivna ea .Ma .a
groceries, 11 sere chlcktn-ranch, 2 allies
frora o. W. P. electric hue. 12 miles from
Portland; 2 acres fenced for chickens. (
acrea clear, utlance eaay te clear; 4 chlrken
houaes, ( broodors, large Incubator, good
4-roon) bouae; price (1.400. V 10, Journal,
tom ranch; some stock, fair tmprovemenui
S mllea coast, H mile Bnatofflcs. telephone,
near 2 reeorts, fine market, on railroad etir-
ve eaay terma, (I.CtiV, or exchange small
Improved aeresxs near Portland or Graate
Pass. ' Address F 43, care Journal.
(6.2AO CASH ot will exchange, tnr Improved
property 2 Rata and 1 cottage, lot 00x100,
weat aids, walking distance. M. B. Lee,
room 20 Raleigh bldg., 82( Washlngtoa at
Phone Perlnc 60.
more typewriter. Phone Woodlawa 458,
A COMBINATION t or 4 paaaenger ante te
: trade fur a light raoahoat, fheae Woodlawa
FOR SAI.B OR TRADE A eomblnatloa 2 or 4
, paaaenger automobile with toy- 'buna JVuvd:
lawn iM.,
WILL pay caah for U block If location aad
price Is to suit. 302 Lumber Exchange.
LIVEKY STABLE, complete. In faatoua Pa
louse ceuatry, doing fair business; good open
ing for mea who underatsuds bualnaaa. H. W.
Llndiow, Latah, Waahlngtea.
21( AC BUS near good lively town la Polk
county, all under cultivation, well clocked;
email river running through place; S-room
house, new; large bare, granary, eutbouae,
workaboo: will exchance for aawmlll. 0.
laptee Oe., bwdH Waetirngton. Mala-2410:
8ts ACRES pine timber land la SS south, IS.
'ease Lake county. Oregon, to exchange for
vacant lota ee acreage aear carllne. Ad-
drees "Exchange," care JournaL
64 ACRES of flna anil, wltb good bulldlnga, near
jinnmooa, to aacoange lor pusinase la rorv
lsnd. 11A0EHAXN aa BLANCHARD. SI Fifth at
- A new stove, go to the (
. A new range, go to the (. "
. To trade stoves, go to the '
A wster-back put In, re to the .
' Furniture, go to the (.
- 232 Vlrat st. Msla 3T4.
FOR SAL94roxtarrteT rarnsr 4S4
Montsvilla. Phone East 12. ask for Evans.
FOR SALE Oysters. A re fully picked, for
ramur traoe. emptied dally from dsos; iney
have ths correct flavor sud smack of fresh
ness; retail or wbolcaals. A. Knutledge, 27
Ortnd are., north. Pbene East 062.
(S.ono WORTH of furniture wanted this week;
highest prices pitid. t
' t Washlugtoa st
SEWING MACHINES bought" Bold and e.
changed-. (5 and up. Weatera Salvage Co.,
6Z7 Waablugtoo at
BOOKS bought aold and exchanged at the Old
Book Store. 22 Yamhill at
ARTISTS' materials, pictures and framing.
H. Uoorbouas Co., (12 Alder st
SHOWCASES, counters, fixtures, bought aold
- or exchanged,-- Wrstcra Salvage Co., 627
Wsahlngtpn at Pacific 70S. -
ALMOST bsw Underwood for sale.
U 68. cara. JouxnsX
WE print year name ea 60 calling cards, proper
site and atyle. c; 250 bualnes esrds. L
A. w. Ben male tjo- set a irau roriiaoo. ur,
60 SLIGHTLY damaged
very low prices: Singer,
sewing .acblnet at
Wheeler Wilson,
Domestic, Whllte, Hoaashold,
rlaoa at, Marqnam bldg.
t ROLL-TOP DESKS aad S revolving . chairs,
. good condition. -
(27 Wasblngha at ' ' '
SHOWCASES aad fixtures, aew end stcoad
Sand, carleea a Hallstroca. ztoy usaea at
rheumatism. Sold by all druggists.
Domestic, Whllte, Hoaashold, Dstls snd .... .. .
others; to maks room tor new stock Wheeler W5J,F,0P,TL.VJe..U htW1 ah
st WUsoa- and Slngera. 8. B. SlgeL (40 Mot. aolately waterproof.
ANYONE .desiring light portable typewriter mRKASES OF WOMEN Private stataraltr hoa
call ap Esst 1460 Monday: will sell si a Ur- ... .,., Ioho,. ao.l ,.rVn7 "fr
gala. Addreas V 00, care Journal.
SEC-OND-HAND bar fixtures, 'pool Ubls, ssfea
tables, ehalra. Was tern Salvage Ce, (27
Waahlngton at
OAK buffet and prtnceaa dreeaer, god aa new. aihVAUH vu.,
- 627 Washlngtoa at
BILLIARD AND POOL tables for teat ar tor
ssls oa easy paymenta.
ee- 'l alra st,- reruaaa.
FOR SALE -A nice lot of ronna rblckeaa
Brown Leghorn and Black Mluurkas; moat
sen ar once. enoaai ssr nttje.
FOR SALE CHEAP A (sod roll-tea desk and
efflce chair. 1714 East Ninth at, BeUweod.
VISIBLE Standard typewriter for Bale aheap
tf sold by Wednesday; owner leaving city.
Address B (1, cars Junraal.
FLOOR abowesaes snd counters, good aa aew,
627 Washlngtoa et
FOR SALE Good 4 room scow, cheep. .. Apply
at loot ex eiarn ex., no. ov.
FOR SALE Large, almost new coffee ara at
half price. TOO washlngtoa st
nmumc. n.uuu Bun piBBer,
h 25-horsalwwer .r 111 sell all or part James
Murray. McMInnvIIle, OregoBltvfV-
I HAVB for tale a sable and white Scotch col
lie, pedigreed. 80s East With at
MONARCH ateel ranges (6 holes) rood aa
877" .Washlngtoa ' at.
NEW Remlnftoo with tabular for sale cheap.
Address a. 69, care journal.
t40Tf WeW-wnWH4: nl. SinSt rhlcVeHne
4- (OoV-eileaola,- (ir; rga,- tot. 241 H Flrat,
corner aim, opsiairs.
HOUSEBOAT. 4 rooms, lovely:
r: no ressoaarile
csah- offer rt fuss 4. Call barber-shop, 202
Fifth st..
SPORTING and pet dogs, cattle, sheep, ewtne.
- pigeons, ferrate aad rehhlte. Ten canta pa.
"fCtt'--,?'ttk----a--.P,!U VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY Du Pert Cle -J
' Kola Tablets, Nature's greet tealc far althea .
SEVERAL fine launches (or sale at a bargala.
so aaomaea ex.
WEATHERED-OAK exteneloB table (round)
aodchslrs to match.
627 Washlngtoa st
0NB 14-INCH sweep speed lathe and one
' KT," oi;mk?t'oilWM "ao.? I
S: "fo Br .ortra, t Seeond it.
norm. t . i
FOR BALE A good sate, t24 Second.
. Osa Engine A Safe Works.
prices; also all kinds second hsnd machlnee
. -- -i
FA RADIO cell, galvanometer, rheostat, etc.;
nni.i db m gooa conauion ana a pergata. i
aaureea n I J , care journal.
BR?.Wi! t0.11? r00' for Prt li-
I hone Esst 6220. , .
FINB assortment af rugs and carpets, good as
627 WashlngtoB at
DANDY banjo and leather rase, cost (81, will
sell cheep er trade for maadolla or guitar.
L SI,' care Journal.
NEARLY new chiffonier, library table. 2 rock
ers, rnra, etc. 4T tita at, between Market
and Mill, west aide.
MUSIC BOX for sale, a bargain, (6. 187( East
uiissa st.
NFW soda fountain, , cost (160. will sail for I
biv. au'jm v ,1, ! euw.uai. i
rOR B ALB OR TRADE Full-blooded Homburg
aat lb atrial I t'tsAWiaa sV A at 0 1 7 B I
- chickens. I I'bons East 6178.
SEVERAL sets ot baggy harness; great bar-
gains, ...
627 Washtngtoh at
SEWING-MACHINE; a barcatn; wlU pay to In
vestigate. 'oone rst aw.
FOR SALE C1IKAP Xcomin-l miHnw'tiiay
otitflt. Inquire barn Eaat Market between 1
I nion and Grand are.
PAPER flowers Jar aala, chrysanthemums, pop
pies ana carnations, csu evenings arter f
o'clock at 231 nun at.
PARLOR pooltable, (16: twice fold bed, (10)
oreseer ao; genxs oicycre, em.
RFJOI8TKRED Jemey ball calf, eery cheap.
Room 214 Abmgftia bldg.
JERSEY heifer, will ba fresh la two weeks.
I'lionc Scott 2016. rrettyman and Base Line
road. . I
11 1 ' mi sis in a in EExAstaastx I
cere, tumors snd suspicions moles eclentlflcslly
removed; aethma peimaaently cured in dp
days;' special, attention to lost manhood,
nervous, chronic and private dleesses; con
sultation free. br. -Voose, 181 H Fb-st st
BOLD ON There Is one thing that will en's
rheumatism. Ask your aruggist ror bark
tonic or sddress or call J. Q. Clsaeaaee,
Arneetat I'nellaad- far.
GERMAN hooka, magaslnes, novels, ete.t Oer.
mas. totn.u. rrcnra, xpaniaa, awedlab and
Italian illctlonarles; foreign hooka of all
Blade, aKABaie V, K lirst gx,
. ' Treatiuents (10 per month; free consults,
tloa. We curs rheuiustlam, dlsesess pecallar
, -to women, chronic constipation, kidney, liver,
, stomach troubles, obeelty, blood, skin rils
eaaes snd paralyala. mid all serve and chroHa
diaeases; apeclal treaiment for lbs scalp aud
complexion; testimonies- on file from patlenta
cured. Our.orficea are equipped with all mid.
era apullai-vee. Dr. and Mrs. N.' A. KUbetn.
Phse 7usj. (ifficea 263 Seventh at., between
- Mala aad-Madlaoa eta.----r - - ,
VERY mother should ase Webfoot 00 Black,
lng oa bar boya' shoes; mskes them water.
proot and they wear twice ss long.
leAtelrWHINU, haUuicBBIiiratct.T-it .i
on week ealy: trade scXool for rmaa aad
girls. (04, Alder. The MontgomeryV
res, raimo lebleu mak, job lUe, perfectlyt
they cure aereouanees and mass yoasrron.! .
Srlce one a boa, boxes (2.60; guaraataed.
71 drhgglata. or addreaa Brooke ttci.
NorU 'lhlrd St. Portlaad. Oa. '
ChL L"aZ!- """ anclaee Tailoring Co.
. . .. i r . na aye-
Ing; Udles' garments a specialty at lowest
price. 27m lejlur at . ,
FOR BENT Desirable rooms, single er ea suits"
suitable for one or two grnilemeat aaaaia
optional. ; Tclephooa Eaat W8. , ,.
MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Boberta Nerve
. Ukibtlea. One month's trsstment (2 (
b,v,h, e",- "vh ejvui.i, aeaieu ay malt
Agents. Woodaxd. Clarke i 0eH Portlaad. Oc.
inf,w.uwfc ouiw vj au uruggiats.
I SUITS pressed while yoa wait 00c. Ladies
sairui prreaeu, ouc. uunert, lOOSh BUtfe St..
next to Quelle. . Phong Mala 2UeS. ,
PHYSICAL culture, all b ranches, and massage)
-leiitw-u end cubs lnetrucuoni private home
treatment If desired. The Hltuilsr SchouL
SOe Alder at. Phoue Msla inOLT: "C"WM
DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential Inveatlgs.
tloua; reports furnished ea lodlvldnjla. thilr
rnaracter, reaponsiblllty, etc; bad debts col
lected; missing rslatlvsa located; charges
naaonable; cerreapondnce aollcltcd. Oregoa
Detective Service. ofBcee 208-2O4 Flledner
bldg., 10th aad Washlngtoa ata. Phone' -
Mula 6618. .
vnllB .ku' l . . . - . . ....
1 J, -i--u iiw vi vnai-gB ax xaa saedsi
Bumweij MMILOf XOO. ...
I BEST magsxlne clubs ever offered; send foe
&1 AUUPortLVSL- oTT.? '-
I MOLES, wrinkles, auDerfluona kale
ro marge xo nil u oveti BlrXv 1I.-M1U
Roam SAO Flleduer Bldg. Phone Psctfle 136.
I ,.., , -
TVti. iimiiJ V.Jl'eJL"
l - - wa
1",A71 -""LU B0 S.0"""'
! talks to trams. Thursdays, 1:80 p. as.
MANICURING, ehlrapodr aad alcohol taatjang.
Parlors 21 aad 22. S88H Btark st
BepalrlnaT aad dressing.
881 Tamktn
We have mem bars la all walk a of Ufa, bora
the government officiate ta the farmer, so
ciety ladles to working girls; metrlmeBlal rag.
inter wltb photos finest published; members
aad all 10a, 24 Ruaeel bldg.
wood, room (. S&0S4 Mur rlaoa. Tet Pao. 1T6S.
OENTLEMAN arlshea the aataamtaaca ef a
plain, neat working girl ar yeaaar wlatow.
Address L (2, care JournaL
MiSS K. PORTER ROBE, eleetrteal asasusi.
nervous troubles aad rheumatism a spec laity.
Phoae Mala 4173. MB Seventh at
RECENTLY opened maalcexlng pay loaa ; ladles)
I snd gentlemen. (61 H Morrladsi at, roses 12.
- Erpsrt fitter, fan remodeled, repaired aad
redyedt (0 years' experience tasuree aatira
aatiafactloa. phoae Pacific 24(7. Lewis bldg.
BA7.M trf Fioa for all female dtseasea.
B2 ;
Kaat eseiaaoBt t Hens Eat
BEXINSI PILLS core all forma ef tearre-aa ea
muscular weakaeae. Far mea er women.
. Price (1 a . box. ( boxes (3, with full guar.
' antes. Address er cell J. O. Clemeaaoa, drag.
gist. Second snd Ysmhlll sts.. Portland, tn.
DR. BINO CHOONG. lmportar Chinese root
medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain care tea
all dleeaaee. 181 2d. bet Yamhill aad Taylor. -
- ,
DR. O. V. KETCH CM cures promptly private
diseases, kidney, nervous, skla and special
female troubles. Call er writs. Office 174yk
Third at. cor. TsmhllL Phone Padde f(tv.
I ANY man or woman caa be strong and happy
oy uung oexine nils, is a greax toniei price
,1 .. tveVX.hoace Jwlth fu.H. guarantee.
Adiuraa or call J. A. twmenaon, druggist,
cor. Second aad Ysmhlll sts., Portlsnd, Or.
MIRS .RAYMOND gives massage treatnaesta.
208 Morrison st, room 14. ,
REPINED yunnr UdrTnst arrived from' New
lora; maaaa-e. luom B, xairh Aide at -
STOVES and ranges repaired; cook aterres,'
ranges, reatsursnt snd hotel rancea repaired!
tour air-tignia reunea aa good as new. rnone
laat Culusahla h love; AtaaatfaetartnaT i
Co., 83 Unloa eve.
OENTLEMAN, mlddlraged, aome aesBB, Chris,
tlsn. wlahea to meet renaed . ladyl obiact
ui . u , ii , .num. m. ,.nn eunrnaM,
LADY barber shop Jnat opened! wa teach maai.
211 H Fourth ot-,
sex. 26c by aualL Albert Bern!. Seoead aad
vvasBingxoB. agsnt rortlana. oa.
LADIES: Ask year druggist for Chtcheetar'a
English Diamond Brand I' 11 la; regarded aa
beat, safest; always reliable : bay ef pen
druggist; take Be other. Chichester a DlsmooJ
Brand Pills era aold by druggists every where, -Calcbeeter
Chem. Co., Phlla, Pa.
aT'P'SH tratoed oraa. Helriiigfnra gradaa
positively cares rhenmstism, stomsch Thraubl
,Bd nervous disorders by bend-rubblnc atea
disorders br hand-ruhbia. ataam.
swest and tub baths; both eexea. Ne. t
Eaat 11th st Taks East Aakeny oar. Phsoa
Esst 200.
FRRB-Yoor (ortaaa (eld, futora snd Beet re. '
reeled, surprising, by Ajric. a VmiaZH
eonn. u nneiaoa St.. enieaeo. Bead unh
date and stamp. Know thyself.
A W0RKINO ansa, (8. wishes to meet a ladyl
object, matrimony. Bex 1275, Seattle, Waah.
BLISS NATIVE HERBS, the great bleed purl.
flw, lWllt, , Um .,.. ottlet
22. 202 H Stsnton st, Portlsnd. Or.
xisrtmsn. ageat. xei. cast B620,
MARRIA0B PAPER 10c, sealed: beet published l
beet reference; handsomest women; wealthiest
men; tenth year. L. L Lava, Box 1000, Deo.
er, Colo, '
WEALTHY mstden. disfigured by accident.
1 healthy and affectionate, dee! res a kind, af.
fectlonate huabaod. Address Francis Rich.
236 Washlngtoa St., Boston. Msas. -
WIDOW, with large Income-bearing estate.
wishes to msrry a capable man, willing da
manage it. Box 406, St. Joseph, Michigan.
TWO Y0UWO LADIES give massage trest.
ownn. . ima em. cor. vbssnmetnn.
SELECTIONS mailt. Introduction given; h
l I t 1 . A it . a . . "
oriole ladles snd gentlemen. Address with
siamj, sua sa st, aoutn, near tiarrlson.
SUPPOSITORIES for Binrrled women; conflden
tlal; reliable. H. a Wilbur, 406 Sd st. South,
near Harrison.
Magncllc. mental and electric treatments,
we cure sny eaae -of rheumatism snd ner.
inM.t. ne, f
hair; French paste for removing wrlnklesi
inueoia ic'iuca. wiin Hoard snd room;,
physicians' references. . 881 H Stark at. cor.
I'ark. Phone Main, 2011.
T0UN0 scientific mssseaae gtvea electrical,
alcohol and medicated treatatenta; chlror.idl.1
nad manleuriat. 41 Raleigh bUlg Sixth aad .
Waahlngton sts. . -
WANTPD by elderly lady, the scqnslntaooe of
elderly gentlhmao matrimonially Inclined whh
aome or means, si as, care journal.
PATTEBNS Doll, moose, bird, camel, elephsiit,
-monkey, cat dog, mule, boras, sheep, nig
and ra libit, 8Se by malt; one tor Be. I2i
KoaelawB ava.
OBNTI.EMAN, 84, good ednrattna, refereacee
and some metrm, whrhre sctjnaintsnce e of
Isdy, suitable sge, similarly situated; object,
rcauita. B 80, rare Jour sal. . ,
MIDDLE-AGED widower, etrlctly temperate,
fee. fr-oi . tohaccn. baa steady employment,
would Ilka to form the tcijnalntancs of a
' lo.iiil nr widow; object mstrfnwny, Addreea
U U.I, rare Joarnal.
OOOD ahotgun and leather mat ta rent ta '
reeponamie parties, After a, Picifla S22S.
RKKINBIl Isdy gives meassge treatmeata for
rheamstlam and ell chronic ailments, also
cnuvneay, avift '.uua at, eoraal Taller, .
A '