The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 21, Image 21

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We mav take the pulse of a state in hand and determine from the heart-beats of its industries and resources very much what its tomorrow will be.
" What shall we say as to the state whose chief symptoms are: Millions of acres of fertile lands awaitirigthe touch of the plow, billions of feet of the
finest timber inviting the woodman's axe and the markets of the world ; waterfalls and streams ready for the harness of servitude in the generating of electricity
and power; great stock ranches wherein the' finest animals can beraised with none of the inconveniences and setbacks of a severe winter; hills rich in mineral
"store; agreatcommefciaTwatem the gates ortrade with the Vasrcountries of the orientrsrpeoplenof progressive spiritrwhcrarexombined for-
the advancement of the state. ' We can add to these . its enormous productions in every branch of agriculture, horticulture arid manufactures, with railroads
threading their. way with commercial sustenance to all growing sections of the statc-These are some of the signs of Oregon's future and-the conclusion-to-be
drawn therefrom is obvious. y
; Oregon's pulse today is beating with the strong and steady movement of prosperity, a rich prosperity which includes past, present and future in its
scope, wnerever you
been heavy, products
monev. the people's tx
Oreo-nh is one of the vouncest communities of America. The Oregon country passed to the sovereignty of the United States a brief sixty years ago
and was explored by Lewis and Clark only one hundred and one years agoan event the centennial of which was celebrated last year by the Lewis and Clark
gO mere IS peace aiiu picniy uirouguuut wc buiic, aticuucun upuu wuc ui iiiusi ouvwtssiui jrcuo ui uo lusiw jr. j a "
of mill and factory, exports and imports, in fact eyery branch of industry and activity shows a decided increase. The banks are full of
jckets are protruding with plenty; and yet the bright sun 01 prosperity is hardly above the horizon, for Oregon is yet in her early morning.
The equable climate and bountiful resources early attracted the westward'-ound cavalcades of settlersho found therein a land of plenty which gaveto
them a livelihood, not asking much in return. We find that in Oregon Nature has set up a storehouse of the things that are good for man. This word is
going out to the entire world and is bringing its throngs of hopeful homeseekers from the less encouraging districts of the" East. And today the opportu
nity for the homeseeker and for the investor Was never greater. Few, if any places, offer so much to the newcomer, whether he be capitalist, farmer or
workman. The need of all classes cannotbe emphasized too clearly. N; ' 1 ' '
The pessimistic spirit, wren the Lewis and Clark exposition was developedpointed out a disastrous reaction from the activities attendant thereto,Jjut
there has been no reaction along those lines. Commercial and industrial activity have swept ahead on a broader scale under the. impetus which the ex
position gave. Realty values in Portland and throughout the state have increased and are increasing steadily. Portland, with Oregon behind it, and
with Oregon's wealth and resources behind it, was never greater than today. !
Other far-seeing men of affairs from all parts of the union declare that the dirriax'of Oregon's greatness is now a mere glimmer in the. future.'.
Men with the absolute courage of their convictions are the men of the hour in Oregon today. Men twho will build more skyscrapers more electric
railways more mills and factories. Men of this sort are flocking to Oregon in countless numbers from all parts of America. We want thousands more
just such men with the "get there and stay there" material in them. There are thousands of rich resources in Oregon that await the developer, the capitalist
and the laborer. ' : '::'' ;'T ' 'V'".- "
This company stands ready at any time to welcome the stranger and the man of affairs with a welcome that is far-reaching.
THE NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY, Lumber Exchange Building (second floor), southeast corner Second and Stark
streets, admire the progressive spirit in all men we are here to assist all newcomers in finding homes, investments and in building the Broader Portland
and the Greater Oregon. v
We invite you to communicate with us, or call on us at any time, for the truth about Oregon. : , ;', . . '
iWe haWtfie largestwoolenjnills on the Pacific coast thclargest paper and pulprnills west-ofcw-rk.
We raise three crops of vegetables in succession on the same ground, in the same year, without irrigation we plariFpdtatdeS'ift'February to h
vest In July, and plant in July to harvest at Christmas. We raise grain all winter to harvest all summer. '
We do not have to hustle our vegetables out of the ground to save them from freezing, as they "do in the winter COuntriesWedd not have to pro
vide a $2,000 barn able to sell our milk to a creamery. ; '
-Wedonotiaaveiloslave and save during a short summevto keep from freezing andjtarvingjhrough a long and cold winter.. We make our living in
. T.t. t. 4.l j i--Z-fZ " xt :i ii -
January as we do in July.- We never have zero weather and seldom freezing. .We pick roses in our, gardens all winter
THE NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY, Lumber Exchange Building (Second Floor), southeast corner Second and Stark
streets, will be pleased to mail Oregon literature to your eastern friends.-" Send us the addfessesT
v .Portland and Oreetih real estate is today the best, safest and cheapest investment on the Pacific coast. The prices are normal and all advances tha
have been made in values during the past year or two are natural being due to the great growth and development of the city and state.
-There is not a real estate man-or a-property holder in Portland onn the state who does Tiotgree-thato-better-investmeiit-can-be-Triade than-in
-Portland. andjthestatejoLOregon
The soundness of Portland and
All improved property and all unimproved property is constantly increasing in value much of it remarkably fast.
Oregon investments is never questioned, for the present selling prices make it safe for many years.
' This company has improved property all over the state of Oregon which is desirable alone for investment purposes. All of this property will net the
investor a large percentage of profit on the investment." If property owners of Portland will come to THE NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE & TRUST
COMPANYjivithJtheirincome propertytheywil!iind that this company Js preparedLto handle and is handling first-class income property in a mannerthat isi
proving entirely satisfactory to owners and buyers alike. ' . ' t -
, The advantages of Portland realty have not been advertised as fully as they should have been the outside capital that has been invested is largely
the result of personal visits to the city or state by. the capitalists. Every day this company is interesting large capitalists in and about the city of Portland
and the state of Oregon. . r."' . -. .;; ' -
These men of affairs have been watching the rapid grbwm of the most important cityrTthe Pacific coast. The great and many advantages Port
land has over other coast cities, its low tax rate, its miles of improved streets, its great water system, the rise of many substantial buildings, its coming impor
tance as the greatestrailroad center in the far west all of these facts are a preponderance of evidence that is convincing the capitalist and investor that Port
land and Oregon is the best place for safe investment. ,
'.: THE NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY, Lumber Exchange- Building (Second Floor), southeast corner Second and Stark
streets, will say to the investor It will pay you to become better acquainted with our LOAN DEPARTMENT Investigate our Gilt Edge Securities.
To the men who are seeking farm landswe have the best improved and unimproved farms in each-county in the statcjbr saleIt will be to your ma
terial advantage to become better acquainted with our REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT.
If you are a timber owner or a buyer of Oregon timber our TIMBER DEPARTMENT is well equipped to serve you better and more satisfactorily
than any other like concern in the west. . , " , ' L. :
Remember, we have timber lands, town property, farm lands, city income property, in every part of the state of Oregon for sale.
No man seeking any of these properties can afford to not become at once acquainted with us get our terms our prices learn that with all men wo
deal "Squarely" and "Fairly." Call at our offices write or send us the names and addresses of your friends who seek investments. f