The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 18

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- -.ft
Apartment House, W.
Erarr wch1tcf offlc In th eitjr la
. aal4 to b overrun with bualneu, tha
mora prominent Anna havlna ordera for
' plana for build lnra tlutt cannot poanlbly
ba filled for aevaral montha rat. Hare
. tofora tha aroblteota, along with tha
bulldera, bava enjoyed a period orreat
preaant Indlcatlona bulldlnt and plan-
' ntna Improvements will ao on throufh
oat tbe winter la undiminished volume.
Joeeph Jcobberter,-thewell-ltnown
archlteot, while dlecueelna tha local
' building- situation yesterday, said:
' "I have aa much business In my offloa
now aa I had - in tnld-auramer, whan
house building la supposed to ba moat
active. , I have ordera for plana for
both business structures and residences
that I can't even start on for some
time to coma. Thla la tha first winter
that I have ever known aucb a condi
tion to prevail In Portland. Tha pres
ent year-baa been a record-breaker In
the building Una in Portland, but all
indlcatlona point to the fact that 107
will prove yet another breaker of rec
ords in thla line.
"I had counted on a rest for a while
this winter, but I am not going to ret
It." said Architect Richard Martin Jr,
' "My office la overflowing with ordera
, for plana for all aorta of structures, and
many of them are urgtng Immediate de
livery. Indicating, that building will ac
tively continue throughout the winter."
ponce Wants Kelp.
Those who areamniSFTeiln the ilt
vatlon uphold the plea of Building In-
Residence and Floral Store 9! Alfred
, apeotor Spencer for additional help, to
Ma report Mr. Spencer Bays that thi
number of permits la Increasing ao rap
"' Idly that It Is impossible for the prs
."' ent force In his office to properly Inspect
' the plana submitted. ,
, The Isrgest sale of business property
' reported during the week waa that of
a half blook on tha west aide of Front
street, between Madison and Jefferson
. street, and known aa the Matthleeen
hotel. The Standard Investment com
v pany was the purchaser and tha price
, i waa $ 150,000. The. ante waa made by
. A. H. BlrreU In conjunction with D, B.
. Macklo.
t On the half Mock are three subatan
.tlal brick buildings of two, three and
four etorlee, respectively. Besides Its
present value, thla property haa an ax
. cellent prospective value. It being acroaa
, the atreet from the block lately pur
chased for the terminal of tbe electric
line now under construction by theWU
' lametta Valley Electric company. Un
der the franchise lately granted the
ear Una will paaa directly In front of
thla property.
. The Intention of the purchasere le no
yet known, but It may Include, the ereo,
. tloa t a building on tha corner of Frjnt
and Jefferson streets, which la the only
' vacant part of the property, ,
Twe Ztnportaat Balsa,
The realty Arm ot OrlndetrlT A Schalk
made two Important aalea during the
week just closed. A 10-foot , lot on
Sixth atreet, between Stark and Wash-
tngton, waa thla Arm to Russell
, 1 11 -' '
. - jnniierjn MM Mm- if -fT'ti r i r' -i rV ihitViTI inmif if'' r ..,.....t . ..
-fO ?
S. Morgan Owner,- Eleventh and
BIyth and by them ra-tranaferreOo
a 8eattle eyndlcate for iloo.OOe. Thla
property was sold by the Beck estate
leaa than six montha ago for 175,000,
thua netting tha recent owners a hand
some return en tha Investment. ' The
southeast corner of Sixth and Bumslde
to F. O. and 8. A. Areta for $71,000.
number of aalaa ' were made of
downtown property, , where the consid
eration was leaa than $60,000. E. A,
Baldwin aold a lot 16x180 feet on Front
street, between Morrison and Alder, to
W. B. Btreeter, who la acting for an
out of town buyer. Tha lot la covered
by a four-atory brick that extends from
Front e treat to tha river. Tha consid
eration waa IS (.000. ,
Peter Taylor transferred to Whiting
A Rountree, acting aa agente for an
eastern buyer, the northeast corner of
Fourth and Davla atreeta for SJ7.000.
A frame building built over 40 years
ago now occuplea thla corner.
Dr. Andrew C. Smith paid 116,000 lor
a lot tl 1-1 by 100 feet on Conch atreet.
between Fifth and Sixth. Thla aala es
tablishes) a new record price for prop
erty In that district, being, nearly $500
per front foot. It waa owned by J- M.
Jensen, Thla property . has been aold
three time within the past two months
and each time the aala was made by
E. X Daly, the real estate agent; first
It waa old to Jaeger Broa. for $10,600;
two weeka later it waa aold to J. N,
Jensen for eM.-eaov-WBiie me teat aeie t
waa made for $16,000, representing an
" t .. ', . '
- -i-'
C F. Burkhardt, 120 North Twenty-Third
Increase 'of nearly 10 per. cent. jn. 10
,oaya. , .
John T. Wilson haa bought of F. W.
Torgler a handsome residence on East
Twenty-eighth and Madison streets; con
sideration $4,(00. Mr. Torgler haa also
sold to Mrs. McCauley a residence at
Eaat Twenty-fourth and Everett atreeta
for $2,1100. 1
Suburban Acreage Active.
The movement In suburban acreage
waa unusually heavy during the week
Just ended. The 1,000-acre deal In the
northeastern part of the city, made by
tbe Thompaon-Hartrean realty company,
la by far the most extensive and far
reaching acreage transaction1 In the his
tory of tha city. It la proposed to Irn-
f rova the streets and sidewalks In the
ract, build aewera and lay water malna
before It Is put on the market. The pro
moters of the enterprise announce that
a car line will be built at onca connect
ing tha addition with tha canter of the
city. 1
South Portland acreage, in the vicin
ity of Fulton, la being aought by In
vestors for platting purposes. The fact
that the Fourth atreet line of the
Southern PaclOo la to be. changed to aa
electric line, together with tha fact
that the eialem interurban la to come
Into the City by way of Fulton, haa
caused property In this long-neglected
district to come Into active demand.
M. J. Cloheaay and associates have pur
chased from P. P. Dabney 10 acres Juet
south of Fulton and eaat of Carson
heighta for 140,000. This property is
to be platted And put on tha market at
Columbia Streets,
once. Two ether deala for Faltoa acre
age are In proceaa of negotiation and
will probably ba closed In a few daya.
nana Almost Beady.
Ion Lewis, who la preparing tha
plana for the new Commercial .club
building -will-be Teaay-to submtt-the-
drawinga to tha Commercial Club
Building association within a few daya.
Tha structure is to be eight storlea
high and f ateel and brick conatruo-
tlon. The sixth, seventh and eighth
floora will be occupied by tha club.
The alxth floor will ba need for bach
elor quarters and gaeat chambers. The
library, parlors, auditorium and read
ing-rooms Ul occupy tha seventh
floor, and the eighth will be used en
tirely as a dining-room and banquet
halL Tha remaining flva floora will be
fcr lease. Three elevators will be In
stalled, one for general paaaengera, one
for. freight and the other exclusively
for members of the club.
W. 1L Markell. tbe Grand avenue
merchant, announce that he will be
gin active operations on hie three-story
brick at Kast Morrison atreet and
Union avenue within two weeka. The
building la to be 100x100. The Markell
atores will occupy the entire ground
floor, the upper stories will be ar
ranged to ' ault prospective tenants.
The building will be altogether modern
and a worthy addition to tha rapidly
Increasing business district of Kast
Morrison street,., The plsns -are being
prepared-by Travis ana wusoa. ,,,., ,
. 8. Maxon, tha architect, la pre-
Street, Corner Glisan.
paring ,plaaoi-.foMteTy-bTle1r -to
be erected for Leo Frlede at Fifth and
Pine atreeta. Mr. Frlede expecta to
have hla building ready for occupancy
by May, 1007. It will be eonatructed
on tha principle ef buildings In New
York, that la the upper floors to be
serviceable as lof ta for the display of
good a.
Realty tranafere for tha week Just
ended amounted to $197,251 aa com
pared with f S67.l2T-for-th earn week
of last year, showing an Increase for
the week f 10( of about 1140.000. But
a more gratifying galn.ta found in a
comparison of the building permits for
the same periods. For tha Week endng
November 17, 1905, permits to the value
or I44.SI0 were issued, while for the
week Just ended, the total value of
permits issued waa $2(1,075, or a gain
for the week of the present rear of
From Cleveland. Plalndealer.J
Bays the thoughtful Wsshlngton
Post: "A Buffalo barber has been sent
to Jail for striking his wife with a
stovellfter. That ought to put a dam
per on him."
If hla wife la like moat wives shell
probably heap coals of fire on his
bead. 1
- Old Seringa.
lAbof la Itself a pleasure. Lucretius.
To be loved be lovable. Ovid.
Life Is not to be bought with heaps
- Portland
-.A ,;: ....... .
Tea Company
038 Williams Ave., cor. Russell,
. Begins Monday; 10 a. m. Stock
and Fixtures Must Be Sold.
Goods Sold in Quantities to
Suit the Purchaser. ;
Stock Includes TEAS arid COFFEES,
VASES and a full stock of kitchen and
launury ware and other sundries. This
stock Is forced on the market and must
be sold. Remember. 10 a. m. tomorrow,
. - C U.FORD, Auctioneer.
Furniture Auction:
Portland Auction Rooms
Including al kinds of office and
household furnishings. Sales Monday,
Wednesday and Friday at 2, p. m.
GreaL Auction Sale
Of CJeorge Jeffery's Collection of
To Be Held Without Reserve
SaIescommence Monday, No-f
vember 19,'at 2 and 7 p. m. at No.
413 Washington Street, between
. Tenth and Eleventh
S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer.
Buyof House
hold furniture
Can save money by attending our
sales-at -41 1-W ashington street
on Tuesday, Thursday and Fri-
ayr.m a. rq, fach day.
N.. B, We pay cash for or sell
upon consignment. Main "2473.
mm 11 . - "
Attorneys Richardson 'and D ar
row Go to Wallace to Defend
on Murder Charge. :
Bolae, Ida., Nov. IT. Attorneys Rich
ardson of Denver and Darrow of Chica
go are In Boise today on their way to
Wallace, where they will defend Bteva
Adama, a member of the Weatern Fed-
i eratlonof . Minora, charged with the
murder of a timber locator named Fred
Tyler. In Auguat. 1104.
Adama waa held In the Idaho peniten
tiary aa a witness against Moyer, Hay
wood and Pettlbone In the Bteunen
berg murder caae, and kept there from
March to September, when he obtained
his release bv habeas corpue, but was
Immediately arrested, -charged with
killing a man In Shoshone county..
The Western Federation attorneys
are defending him on account of hla
membership in that organisation.
Adamr trial Is aet for Tuesday.
T8ptT IMtostetr te- The J"ei
Salem, Or., Nov. 17. The Marlon
county court house la to be remodeled
and repaired. Owing to the crowded
condition of Che offices and the Incon
venient appolntmenta of the buildings
this atep hss been thought necessary by
the members of the county court A
Portland arealteot, W. C. Kntghton, Is
to prepare plans and make estimates of
the work and lta cost, ao aa to make
tha structure convenient and handsome
In tha Interior. r
Among some of tha changes that are
to ba made la the enlarging of thaj
vaulta In the offices ot the county
olerk and . recorder. . It will also be
necessary to enlarge the office) of tha
treasurer'a office, aa It la thought tha
coming legislature le to paaa a law
making tha county treasurer collector
of taxes Instead of the sheriff.
A modern elevator, and a heating
system are- among tha Innovatlona that
are to be Introduced. The town clock,
too, In tha belfry-of tha building Is to
be Illuminated by night. The lawn la
alao to be Improved with trees and'
shrubbery. ' '
(Journal Sped! Servlre.) '
Washington, Nov. IT. Owing to the
unusual floods on tha weatern aide of
the Cascades, which have practically
Suspended railroad traffic -for tha time.
Auction Sale Chicag
Auction Sales
Rl 1 1171 '
XT I I IVllcnn
XIJL-Ua- I a-JJ llOUU. .
Monday, Wednesday,
Friday ':;.-
At 10 a. m. Each Day at Sales
room, 208 First St. Carpets,
Stoves and House Furnishings
This has been our banner week In ae-
curing houaerurnlshlnge and office fur
niture. From the many VAWLOADS ee,
cured we are able to offer In each aule
eleaant Dlecea of modern furniture in
golden oak, dressers, commodes, tables,!
rockers and cnatra; one large uavenpori
bed. molding beda. Iron beda, line aprlnga,
flosa and hair mattresses: an exception
ally nice lot of bedding and pillows; odd
Stecea of mission forniture, elegaat
iresser with French plate mirror and
rich carvings; Brussels, wool and ingrain
carpets, ruga, matting and linoleum,
rock era and dining-room chairs, toilet
seta; an assortment of plcturea, dVahea,
glassware and kitchen utenslla, steel
rnnges, new gaa range, heating atovea,
kitchen treasures and tablee, besides
the man; other items for modern house
keeping. " '" ' , :
Tuesday's Sale
On the Premises, 263 Second St.,
Corner Madison, at 10 a. m.
' Having Inatructions from Mr. ' Hall,
the owner, we will offer at public auo
tiOn all the aubatantlal, up-to-date ef
facta of 13 rooms, comprising Brossels.
wool-and ingruin carpels throughout the
house, two fine Windsor folding beds,
iron beds, springe and mattreasea, bed
ding, bed llaen and pillows, large oak
aldeboard. dressers, commodes, toilet
sets, rockers, chairs, dining-room effects,
dishes, glacaware, lace curtains, pic
tures, portieres, rugs, mattlnga, kitchen
Utensils, tables, treasures, ateel range,
heetlng atovee and MlSCELUANhXH.'S1
furnlshlnga. Thirteen rooms well fur
nished, to ba aold, commencing at 1$
' NOTE We have for private aala one
Ludwig upright-plane, -one -large double-door
Davla Safe, one extra One roll-
top desk, one letter praaa and copying
pad. aeverai anowcaaea, one eu-gauon
Bowser patent oU tank, gaa rangea, ateel
ranges, heaters, office railing, glass
doors, partitions, baby buggy and other
necessary extras. . ,
Phone Main li If you have anything
to sell. We buy-eythlng aalable.
J, T. WILJSOJ. Auctioneer.
- Sales by Auction Next Week
Monday at 2 p. m,
T Special Auction at
Baker's Auction House
Comer Aide and raxk, for large con
signment of rattan chairs, rockers, etc..
shipped from Hongkong, China, and 64
costly Ties Tain Camel Xair Boge;
also consignment of bamboo furniture
to be B0I4 wltaoat reserve. - At same
time will be aold under powers of chat
tel mortgage a piano prayer, "The An
gelua Orchestral," and 109 mualo rolls
of high-class musio. Ladles of Port
land are especially Invited to thla eale
of costly rugs snd wicker goods. They
will make useful Xmas presents. On
view tomorrow forenoon. The auction
will take place at J p. m. sharp and
mnalha afild tn highest bidder.
Sale on Tuesday .
Tne-flne geUen-eak aad-walU maple
farnltnre, moguette carpeta, etc.,
moved from private residence to
Baker's Auction House
for positive sale. It tncludea good- fold
ing beds and bedding, pretty iron beds
and Clectrio felt mattresses. Bridge
Bench Superior Range. Kverythlng is
In good condition and offers a rare
chanoe to parties furnishing. '
Sale Tuesday morning at 10 o'oloek.
Sale on Thursday
Our . regular auction day for furni
ture and household goods, carpeta, rueS,
etc., eent to Baker's Auction House for
absolute sale.
Auction at 10 a'eloek, comer of Alder
and i'arlt atreeta. . . .
, . BAKU ft SOH, Aaetloaeera.
rnnutnre, Iron beds, mattresses,
Hoyal Wilton, Ax minster and Brussels
Hugs. Private aalea dally. You save
20 to 60 per cent at Baker's Tursitare
Store, Alder- and Park. ' )
CKOtoa aoms in nnrasTXXHTS
tIA flfifl Buys two 7-rootn houses and
IU,WU double 10 room flat, right near
ateel bridge, overlooking river; all near
ly new and strictly modern; brines high
rent and growing in value. Safest de
posit bank In city for yonr idle cash.
t?r(1ft 7-room good modern house, on
MNU fractional lot; bath, basement,
cement walks, etc.: atreet work all done
and paid.
$2100 Modern cottage, rooms, best
tlvu full plumbing, cement basement,
100x100, fenced, best car service) , bargain.-
t?lflO On ' tn I built t-room new
W1UV cottages In Portland, up to data
and modern, corner lot.
42100 '-room good house and S choice
lota.-'overlooklnr -river; would
trade this for farm.
Cj75 '-room house, small barn, poul
iry pen ana nouses
fine corner,
JVi lots lOAxm; wide streets.
Treading Home Sellers. H6H First St.
Owners of well-established manufso-
turlng plant, wishing to double It
paclty, Invite an investment of 165,000.
all to be apent In enlargements. Havs
more ordera than they can fill at present
at very profitable prices. The, very
atrlcteet Investigation invited. For
further partioulars aea
The Ilealy Investment Co.
S10-S14 Ablngton, 106H Third Street,
ACKBAOH SHAV " aerea, In town
df Beaverton, mllea from Portland;
all beaverdamj S-room house, some fruit.
Price only (1,250. Must be sold. FRED
C. KINO, f0 Commsrcial block. Second
and Washington sts.
rendering It Impossible for contractors
to present bids on the data fixed, the
secretary of the fntertor has extended
the time for the opening bide on the
main canal of the Tleton project and
on tha dam on Dumping lake. Wash.,
to -November If, at 3 p. m. - '
1A few more choice iota can do oougni
I at reasonable rricea.
6,ooowuiJuy agaqriC9"
i i n ! guua.
IfT.OOO Will buy another near ' the
neignia, ,
f 3,000Buya
' terma.
2,400 Buya
a nice, modern home;
. a . nlce modern noma:
f 1,800 Buya , nice, modern heme;
terma. '
$2,350 Buys good Iota, near Ver
f 20,000WUl buy a good property In
North Portland; Income 1140
' per month. : ,
I have some choice aoreaga and' lota;
will eon reasonabla.--tt - .. -
Charles A. Bryant
Mais BIOL Tao Ck amber of Osmmeroe.
Close to the city, only 10 minutes from
tha business center; all high and sightly
City Water
Graded Streets
Good School
These are selling for 1230 each It
per cent caah and fit monthly, including
title insurance with every sale. Oat a
eouple of them at once and have your
own horn A The' property Ilea near Eaat
13th and Ronalawn ave. Take Vernon
car and kee Improvements being made
In this rapidly growing section.
Portland Trust Company
v of Oregon
O fcOOX AT that!
Just one block to the right of where yon
transfer from Portland: Heighta car to
Cam mm 1 1 " . - -. K k...Utf U
the city. Oflk' nniBh. eieirsnt buffev an-4
isneo in leaded glass: extra large room a,
polished floors, porcelsln alumblng, fine
brass fixtures, furnace and fireplace,
111 l'k fun ndat lun. 1 1 1
100x100, corner, right In a grove ot
fine trees.
Owner mult aeir" Price Only 11,800.
Built six montha ago for a home.
Oo look at this house Sunday after
noon. , I will be there to ahow you
through 1300 cash dlacountJljoldlb jf J
104 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1MI.
Residence JPhona, Tabor 1SX. .
-room house. Just - completed: two
blocks from Union ave. -car In JTXOX
1VAHS. .
Don't overlook
$150 for full lOxlOO-foot lota; 111
down, 110 per month. '
Ws have only a few of these left.
$150 EACH
' We have a few - first-class Invest
ments 'in Inside . property ' which wa
would ba pleaaed ta ahow you.
Real Estate Co.
30 Stark St, ,
nana Kata 4M1
9,000 Two .good Nob Hill resl-
" dncea,-TTxT0ff, payTiirTTPW Hat;
f 8.00O Beautiful . house, full lot,
Lovejoy, near Ud. - Let ua ahow you.
$6,0OO Modern l-room dwelling,
electric llghta, hot water heating,
' cement basement and walks, full cor
ner lot, with atone wall; cloaa In an
west aide; terms If desired. -
$3,000 Corner, wlth good l-room
dwelling. 140 Eaat ttth at on car
- line; terms. : ,
$2,650 New and modem t-roora
dwelling, 1,011 Mallory ave., close
ear line.
92,000 Neat, modern, T-room new
; dwelling and full lot; Mildred ave.,
close to car Una; easy terma.
$1,800 50x100. N.W. corner East
J2th and Schuyler; a good lot. Un
proved atreeta and fine ahadw trees.
$1.350 Two -choice lota, Eaat tth
at, near Brooklyn car. Sea them aa
muat aell.
$1,2T5 Qood tnaide lot. East Madi
son .at.,' near, lid; email payment
$760 Six ehoioe lota,. Peninsular Ad
dition; easy terma.
$350 Choice lot near Eaat 11th and
Preacott; easy terms and growing lo
cality, $160 Two good lota, Peninsular Ad
dition a snap.
$10O Full lot Arleta No, 1; close to
ML Scott car 11ns. , .. ,,
Phone Main 141. ' 144 Stark St,
. . - ;
. ' ' ' . i . V 4 . .
6russi & lligley
128 Third Street
' ' . e.
9 vU acott line; easy payments.
lota. East
v Heights: 121 cash. bsL
per month.
$iflA-Lot 60x100. Eaat Main at.;
TVVA 50 chi 10 p., month.
$CCA-Lot tOxlOO. 13d and Clinton;
"WW very ohean. .
$ 800;
-e-room cottage. South Port
land; walking distance; anap
51000" .m coU Bouth Porl-
" - limjrmenis.
$ 1?flft ,oU nl -room house, Unl
e? leVUV varsity Park; good buy.
$l4ftii"-l00xl,9S auarter block.
I1UU nth and Ivon st; hurry.
$ 1 ?nn"10xl"' tor- 00d n,,r
e?iuvv room house, modern, Wood-
1 ' etock.--
$1fflfl', 'ooms, 4 Id and Haw.
1UUV thorns; 100 cash, baL easy
, . . tesma - . .
$ I C ABrand new l-room cottage;
lUeiU attic, lot 60xll4 East Tarn-
hill at; 1300 cash, baL 120
per month. ,
$1QAA-New l-room .eottage, Oaaten
I'vV beln ave., and -Mason at;;
''-' aweil. .-. .. -J-
? 7 ft ft ft"5 00,1 house, lot I0
"uuv 100, In Brooklyn, 1200 cash;
7-t' .baX- I0 per month. .'--.
C?1flA'-,00,n -house. Id St., near
7VtfUU Meade; walking dlatanoa;
' cheap.
5??"5ft -rom modem house at
s?AOi?U Highland; 11.000 cash; baL
C? Iftft""' black, aw. eorner . Eaat
76UVU 14th and Hancosk ate., Hol-4
' laday'a. - ,.
Ci CllA houaea and 4 flata; Income ,
Wwm it psr cent; easy paymenta
C55nnrln 7-room house, 100x100,
e?UJVU on Tillamook, at., near Steel
bridge. : " .
Grussi & Higley
las t:
GREAT FLOODS in the North--
west. . ..
. Boss and Mayor Both Grafters
TOTTERING Trusts to be
in Panama. , ,
BRYAN WILL Visit Oregon in
January; : 'T-
AND VERNON Is the . Nicest
Place for a Home in Portland
There is no danger ojf a flood
in V-iK-N-O-N. - It is the high-
est suburb itir- East-PoTt!ahd:
Go out this wet weather and
)ee-4!'-yfur9elf: Lots can sttlf-
be bought .from $150 to $500.
No better investment in the city.
Our terms are 5 per cent cash-
cash is paid we give a discount
of 5 per cent. ;
Moore Investment Co.
Stearns Bldg., Sixth & Morrison
East Portland
.Quarter block on Union avenua. 'near
Eaat Morrison; solid ground 110,000.
" Grand Avenue f
Corner lot. I blocks from East Mor
rison, 10,600. Quarter block, with frame
Improvements, same dlstrlol,-117,400.-
East Morrison '
Corner, 100 feet on East Morrison,
one block from Orand avenue, with good
frame building 117.100.
Warehouse Site
Half block on railroad track, near R.
Morrison at; switch already In 117,100.
The Hcaly Investment Co.
SlO-ait Ablngton, lOatt Third Street.
Bargains in Houses
4-room bouee, Tabasco Add' lot 10x100;
f 6S0. -
T-room modsrn new house, - 41th and
Hawthorne; f 2.O0O.
l-room good house, Rodney Ave.) line
home: f 2,200. .
4-room new modern up-to-now, full base
ment, close to ateel bridge; f 2,7S0.
Terma essy.
4-room very attractive modern up ta
present hour, full basement, with full
', lot; 94,200. Close to ateel bridge,
t-room- good houee bath, and tollef tof
10x100; west aide, close In; 94,800.
These are a few of our many bar
gains. Terms caa ba had an any of
SSt Z. amber Bxehaaga, 84 an Stark.
Don't Live in a Tent
1,1 SO buya modern l-room house,
1160 down. -
91,200 buya modern l-room house,
tliio down.
91, TOO buya modern 7-room tiouea,
- 1260 down.
92.O0O buya modern l-room house,
. ttOO down.
Easy monthly paymenta on either of
the above houses. All aituated 1 near
car, East Ankeny line. -
raolfld 1S43. 100 Ablufton Bldg.
. ' -; ri.