THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL',-" PORTLAND. SUNDAY' MORNINQ. NOVEMBER 18, .1S03. If 10 SOUNDS OF WAR INTRUDE UPON EQUAL SUFFRAGE MEETING President Abigail Scott Dunlway Reads Inaugural Message and , , Proceeding Pass OirWlthout RepeffiTdrTof CSn- : trove ray at Recent Meeting. Feae rclcnrd supreme tn th Equal Suffrage camp at Its meeting yester- lar afternoon. ' There wit a tood at tendance of representative woman and several white-haired man. -. Mr. Abigail Scott Dunlway. tha aew president,. -aa evidently a 'little ner vous. aa oua or two "antl-Dunlway" . woman wara present, but aa alt seemed peaceably - Inclined tha proceeding passed without a hitch. . ' , Tha treasurer's report waa encouraa m. but the -committees In chare ofl ' tha petltlona for the campaign of ltOl were thrown Into a flutter of excite ment because of a lata decision of the attorney-a-eneral. who has announced a flaw in the' petition blanks which was l not discovered, or at leaat not an- . nounced. during the laat campaign, The president and corresponding secretary , were instructed to oorreapond with the attorney-general in ' relation thereto. and the petition were ordered held. In. - abeyance to . further instructions rrom .'. tha highest official source. - Some Wars Indignant. , Soma of the ladles were dlipoaed to be a Uttla Indignant oyer the lose of " their hard work In securing slgnaturea for tha next campaign, but tha presi dent . poured oil on the waters by as- surlng them that nothing would JmsHe. the voters to deeds of patriotism In their behalf Ilka any sort of an exhlbi tton of unfairness toward-women- who, in following the instructions of aertaln law-maker In pursuit of their liberties had been put to unnecessary Inconveni ence, and trouble. Much routine busl- neaa waa transacted with marked unan . lmlty of purpose. -The meeting closed with the president's message, which 1 was received with mnch enthusiasm. This message was aa follows: -- "To the officers and members of tha Oregon Stat Equal Suffrage associa tion, greeting: ..- "In resuming onca more tha office of chief executive of this intelligent and patriotic body of disenfranchised tax-paying citisena, after, having many times in its history voluntarily relln- - qulehed its responsibilities to beloved and ' capable presiding officers, with each and all of whom I have worked at all times in perfect harmony, -1 am yielding again to tha solicitations of a worthy and capable presiding of floar, Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, to whoa un swerving devotion to the cause of lib . erty, we are all ready to bear ,testl- . mony. ' soaTls Xmng trug-gla. ' la reverting, for a moment to tha stirring events of the past fortnight, which need not be recapitulated here, I repaid the first strenuous years of ' my itinerant devotion to the f unda " mental principles of liberty and Justice mraVaXozA rim. j ' Rheumatism, lumbago and solatia paints yield to the penetrating influence of Ballard's Snow Liniment, it pene trates to the nervea and bonea and, be ing absorbed into the blood, its healing properties are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect aoma wonderful rurea. 36c, ton and 11.00. Bold Woodard. Clarke Co. for all people, during which gloomy period I was Compelled to stand prao tically alone, aa one described by . the poet, Richard Realf: "Who did not wait till freedom had be- , come . The easy shibboleth of the courtier's , llpa. 1 - - . " ' "But smote for her when God himself seemed dumb, "And all - the arching skies were ia .' eclipse. . 'That these continued efforts, rein forced by glowly increasing number of noble . .men and women, through nearly four decades of eventful years, have at. last borne such abundant fruit that a multitude of new aspirants . for place and power are eager to undertake It " management,- haa recently been abundantly attested. ,'- ' At End of Campaign. - ' "At the close of the late Equal Suf frage campaign, during which many of our time-honored voting . constituents temporarily atepped aside to watch the brilliant pyrotechnlcal management of our distinguished national standard bearera,. w found ouraelvea in the con dition of the survivors of a shipwreck, a conflagration, a sirocco or a flood. Our treasury was empty, and our work Olrecons tructlon hasever since been much handicapped by the necessity of removing the debris oi a struggle which ought to have been aucceaaf uL ' "Our faith In tha final triumph of tha elemental principle of equal rights for all the people la so strong, our be lief in tha fundamental basis of self government ia so clear, our devotion to the Declaration of Independence and the constitution of tha United States is so unyielding, and our confidence in the growing enlightenment of the average voter is so hopeful, that no dlaaster can dismay us. . 'To you, my beloved coworkers of the old guard, and also of the new, I am looking for cooperation In renewed confidence, expectancy and' hope. - I com to- -youas the president of no party, tha adherent of no faction; but as the humble servant of the cause, trying to secure equal rlghta for the mother of the race, in whose Interest, through so many of the earlier years of my strenuous womanhood, I conse crated my life, my earnings and . my sacred honor; and I now lovingly re new' the fond allegiance of these de clining years to a cause far dearer than my own life. v. STo Personal Ambitions. - ' . "I have no personal ambition to gratify,' no additional honora to seek. Tha good people of Oregon, Washington and Idaho long ago bestowed upon me much more than the ordinary meed of human praise and position, without the asking. 'For all of this I am profound ly grateful; but my life work la not finished, nor will it be till the women of new Oregon, relieved of their pres ent political rating among Idiots, in sane persons and criminals, shall stand before the women voters of old . Ore gon's youngest daughter, the fair atat bysCa Idaho, aa free aa they from the stlg Ttna of dlsenfranchlsement. We look confidently to- the voter, our beloved fathers, brothers, husbands and s6na, to relieve us of this stigma. For this reason we call upon every woman who lovea liberty to lay aside every fac tional Interest he may cherish, and every personal ambition aha may crave. Thea, with a long pull, a strong pull and , pull all together, we may out ride every atorm and land our ship In the haven of freedom alongside that of our friends, the llberty-lovlng voters of the state, upon whom the - patriotic mothers of men are ever ready to be BtoW0oana Tlof evTrrW-prdportlori to their own opportunities. , Wo Tim Sot Argument. . '"The present Is no time for argu ment. Bvery thinking and refloeUa 1 eon of woman knows that governments derive their Just powers from the con sent of the governed, and that the women of thee United States, outside of th states of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Idaho, are taxed without rep resentation and governed without con sent. What men need, to indue them to 6te for the . enfranchisement of women. Is the sincere conviction that by their affirmative votea they will not bring us into our Inheritance as their rulers or enemies, but as. their helpers, coworkers and frlenda.' Wa must let them know that th majority of women are not seeking to enact ar bitrary laws -for the government of men. but th blessings of freedom for ourselves that we may unite with them In securing "and maintaining.; govern ment of the people, for the people and by th people. Muck to Jtaooaxag. "We have much to encourage us. The entire civilised world is agitating this question and making progress toward the eaual rights of the mothers of men before the laws under which all must live. Step by step our own gov eminent- Is extending us recognition. Our own governor of Oregon, our own mayor of Portland and the majority of tuf clergy, 'Our leading lawyers,' orators snd Judges, are our open and avowed allies. The State Editorial association Is "wllB"us"almosttd-a manrThe So- clallst. th Prohibitionists and Demo- crats outside ' th party macnine are demanding our enfranchisement. If I do not mention the different associa tions of women, which in large major ity are backing ua from all over the state, as well as they are able, it is because women do not, as yet, have votea Ws used to have the negro, the Indian and th Chinaman aa our po litical equals, but modern legislation has readmit out its law-making hand, and, groining the negro by hla wool, the Indl $ by hla acalp and the China man by his queue, haa rescued these gentlemeti of color from the govern mental companionship of -the idiotic, in sane and criminal -classes, leaving us, th mothers, wives and daughters of th voters, to endure a political rating to which no sensible ' man can blame patriotic women for objecting with hon orable indignation. - Suggestions for th Tear. , - "For our work in making way for liberty during th coming year, I would suggest the formation of governmental study clubs, for which I have ordered textbooks. .Let us, while following th line of leaat resistance. Inform our selves upon such topics as th intelli gent voter approve, "That our enfran chisement la coming and-coming splen didly, nobody doubts. The recent rav ings against th women- voters of Colo rado attest the dire straits - in which that time-dishonored Institution, the po litical machine, finds lts if floundering. Read tha forthcoming facta In the dally press and you will se both on and between the ltnea the real reason for th djecomflture of such tax eaters as under equals suffrage find their occu- IF They Don't Cost Any More Than the Common Kind ' i. i ' eW--' The Alfred Benjamin line oT'CdrTecF"" Clothes are aa perfect aa skill can make . . them. The material used Is of . the . ' 1 ' 1 A. 11. .---T-r-, , lugucat .quaiiia Suits RalncoataQ : - Overcoats, . $20, $25 $30, $35, $40 We Are Sole Portland Agents . . for These Goods. 311 MORRISON ST Opp. Postofflce ' As to Value, None Can Give rfcttcr patlon gone, and then. Ilk our father Adam, lay the blame for their downfall on the women whom Ood gave to them as coworkers, bees use according to their own record, fie saw it waa not good for rhan to be alone. ' "Let us prepare ouraelves for th 'responsible duties of citizenship, as, with malice toward none and with char ity for all, we stand by the right as Ood giveth us wisdom to see th right, seeking first the kingdom of liberty and Its honor in the firm belief that -all other blesslnga shall be -added there unto as rapidly aa a free , and united people -made ready to receive them." ' ' THREE WAGONS WAITING FOR THEIR PROPRIETORS . If the owners of three wagons left in he streets by young roysterere on Hal loween do not make themselves known very soon 'the vehicles will be taken up by the a treat cleaning department and confiscated by the city. One shipwrecked wagon adorn "th corner of Ruaaell and Ooldamlth etreeta. It stands Just1 where th playful boys left it. Another Is at Eaat Seventh and East Couch, and still another at East Ninth and East Ankeny. All are of more or less value. Apparently the ownera have charged th wagons up to profL' and loss. They probably- were hauled several blocks by the boys. MANY APPLY FOR AID AT COUNTY POOR FARM - So many people have applied to th county poor farm for shelter in th past few daya that not a bed is left at the home for future appllcanta. Superin tendent D. D. Jackson thinks the reason for the great number of people asking for aid is due to th floods that have been covering the country for th past week. So serious has the condition at the home become that in case mora appli cants are made for accommodatlona, Mr. Jackson say that he will have to con fer with the city authorltlea in order to provide lodging for the destitute. He aays th trouble la due not only to a shortage in furniture, but to th lim ited amount of room in th buildings at th farm. , . Contractors' Wants. Tiling, ash dumps, ash pit, doors and electric light wiring can be secured at J, Walsh Co. 8, 111 Stark street, be tween Fifth and Sixth. Phone Main 17. .;' Keep Ton Seet Dry! From th New York Pre. - Most of the pulmonary troubles oome from cold or wet feet. Keep your feet warm and dry, and you can stand a great deal of exposure. ? This Is the : Butter-Nut Label And it should appear on every loaf of Butter-Nut you order. . Look for it and insist upon hav ing only the loaf with the label . There are scores of imitations abroad, and being passed upon unsuspecting buyers as "Butter Nut" or "just as good as Butter Nut!!LTheprice may be the same but that's alL ;'.;. i w 5cU per loaf at all grocers i Look for the Butter-Nut label... The proposition that cannot be fully ex plained is not the one ' to investigate - - Make Your Money Barn You Mm Speculation is not nec essary to a c q u i r e wealth; good judg -; ment is - -. 4 V m Per Year and Keep It Under Your Own Control T OPPER.WILL MAKE MORE MONEY In the next five years than all our railroads in twenty. The SEA . ( ISLAND COPPER COMPANY is a plain commercial propositionnot a speculation. The property is -AX'Jif tinder the management of the PACIFIC COAST SECURITIES COMPANY, financed by them, which is in ; itself a guarantee to the public ox its merits, aside from the fact that the stock is placed under their guar antee plan, which serves not only to protect the, investor from loss, but leaves his investment directly under his own control until the management, the property and the dividends are proven. The following Port land institutions, selected for their unquestionable stability, are the depositaries of the company: Merchants' "National Bank, Oregon Trust & Savings Bank, Merchants' Investment & Trust CompanyfMortgage Guar- antee&ras by the purchaser, issues a Certificate of Deposit for the full amount invested, and this Certificate of Deposit, ." together with our Certificate of Stock," is placed in an escrow envelope, and this envelope, with its contents, is deposited in escrow with the depositary designated by the purchaser, which makes the investor absolutely J - saf eJFullestinYestigatipninvite(L Call,orjwritef or booklet, giving full particulars. . V Officers and Directors: v ' W. B. Glafke, President. , W. L. Benham, Vice-President. S. W. Stcffncr, Manager. Ll -: Ju d ge Alex S week; Secretary. J. F. Hartley, Treasurer. . Pacific Goast Securities Company Dr. W. A. Wise, Director. USGiiectpr. 513-514-Commercial-Blockr-PortlandrOreg on- Long & Sweek, Attorneys.