The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 18, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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New Plan U to Make Them
-BrealcHoctrand PajrFamr7
ilies Their Wage. ' :
&om Think It It pood PUa and
Qthert Declare It la Not Practical
, Will Be Presented to Legislature
for Action. " '"".' - :
- A plan to do away with the whlpplne
poet aa a puniahmant for wife beatera
and to aubatltuta therefor a term at
hard labor, with cash paymcnta to tha
family of ehe criminal durina bis term
"of, confinement, will be preaented to
Oregon' a legislature , whon it convenes
pext January. ' t .
: Tha plan hae already bean embodied
ln two bill by County Judge Webater
of Multnomah. These billa wilt be
turned over to the legislative commlttao
-of the Portland Bar association and
by It will be Introduced in tha legisla
ture. . Theae bllla deal with twe crimes,
aaaault- and battery on tha wife and
failure to aupport the wife and children.
They provide for punishment at bard
labor on the eounty roads tor from (0
days to two years time with remunera-
" tloit to the family of tl a day.
j The bills are a definite, embodiment
, of tha plan that hae bean under: dissua
sion for some time. Recent Interview's
With the members of the Multnomah
delegation to the legislature develop
the fact that the majority of them are
In favor of the abolition of the-whip
ping poat law, but that t'hey are not
. so eertala that the II a day plea weald
be feaaible.
What Adasos Thinks.
Representative I-H.' Adams, for ex
ample, is of the opinion that the wife
beatera ojo not get ell that la oomlng
to them;,Jhne Mr. Beverldge It afraid
that the pew plan would prove a eource
of family aupport among a certain class
. ef people. Moat of the others Inter
viewed on the subject, however, are of
- the opinion that auch a law would- be
a good thing provided it was hedged
around with limitations s'uf flolent ' to
- keep out any chance of fraud or burden
' to the counties.
"I am afraid from what I have heard
ef the movement," said Representative
" Beverldge, "that we would be inviting
trouble for ourselves should we pass
such a lsw. It 'appears to me that some
ef the Illiterate daaaea would rather
beat their wlvee and thua allow them
to earn tl a day while they lived off
the eounty than they would to get out
and make an honeat living in the first
place. I am afraid that we would have
wife beating . cases every once la a
while.- ,- .1. .
Starve Doesn't Believe X.
e Representative V. C Burns la Of an
ppoalte opinion. "If tha law were
paased and the officers would make the
wife beaters earn the dollar a day and
their board besides, so- that the eounty
would net be put to all the extra ex
pense, I think It would be a good meas
ure.' ' I would- not be. 1st favor ef bar
denlng the county with extra expense,
'but I know that the compulsory sup
port law la Europe la a auceesa. - There
a man le arrested and forced to work
bard for the support of his family even
If he deserts hla wife and 'children and
ts not guilty of - otherwise misusing
them. It, hae worked well there and I
believe auch law here would be a euo
eesa" Jrank F. , Freeman, another -member
of the lower house, waa for the repeal
ef the whipping law.
"I do not believe that the whipping
post has served Ite purpose or done eny
. good." he as Id. - "It has certainly bean
-f w benefit to the women who have
, been beaten by their husband a. Even
If It were a good measure, it has not
been Invoked enough to tell what would
v J
, ,-- ... .. ; ... y
.- '
280 Yamhill SI, Cor. 4C
. . . Phone Main 6102
be Ita effect I am in favor of any law
which- would prove a benefit to those
unfortunate!, women who are compelled
io suffer the abuse of lnhumaa. hua
banda I would not wish to aee any
extra burden placed on the county,
however," i -
Knocks fox the Post, -
t-T have always-thought thswhlpptng"-1
post law waa a atep back on the part
of the state,- and a retrogression Into
the practices of the. dark ages." waa the
way Senator Dan J. Malarkey spoke on
the subject. "I think it should be repealed,-
but aa to the other proposition
I have not considered It, and so do not
like to make any statement until I
have -been able to make aome lnvsstl'
gation." ...
Senator B. C. Beach thinks the whipping-post
law a good one, and should
be enforced.' "I think the whlppHig is
good medicine," said. tha senator, "and
aa far as I am informed at this tlms
would not be in favor of repealing the
law now In force."
Senator N. . Whealdon of The Dallee
ia In - favor ef the law proposed by
Webater. and thlnka such. a plan would
be a good thing and worthy of tha sen
oua consideration of the legislature,
"We don't whip 'em enough.". is. the
stand taken by Representative L. H.
Adams. THe holds that the whipping'
poat Is a deterrent to- wlfebeaters, and
thlnka the courts should enforce the
law now on the books.
The Journal secured Interviews with
the Multnomah county circuit court
Judges, whose duty or privilege It is
to impose the whlpplng-post penalty.
XndeTe. Traaefe Ideas..:
"My opinion of the whlpplng-post
law," said Judge : Fraxer, . "la beat. ex
pressed, by. my own. acta. In sentencing
two wlfebeatera to be whipped. And
they were whipped.' I am of the opin
ion that, while it ie brutal,, it baa had
a good affect, t have been informed
that threats by tha abused wife that she
would have her husband whipped have
made more than one man- of that elaaa
more, careful what he did. The whlp-
phig-post ia simply a penalty which is
imposed at the discretion ot the eourt
It is an additional power. As to the
other plan, I doubt Its practicability,
tor experience hae proved that when a
man la sent to Jail or to the peniten
tiary' it - costs more to keep him than
hla labor ie worth. Money paid hla
family would not - represent hla earn
Inge, for he would be earning nothing.'
Judge Seara aald that In hla opinion
the law la all right now.
"Of eouree" said he. "It Is "right lhat
the time a man putt in should be de
voted to the support of hie family, but
there are so few cases of wtfebeattng
that I aee no eapeelal reason for chang
ing the law."
Judge Cleland aald that tie did not
know how the preaent law eould be Im
proved. '
"I don't believe it- haa been in force
long enough for any one to form an in
telligent opinion as to its efficiency. I
don't know what is better to do than
to give it a real trial." .
Judge Gantsnbeln expressed the opin
ion that the whlpplng-post law Is sim
ply an addition to the powers of the cir
cuit Judge, and with It he la able more
than formerly to make the punlahment
fit the crime. He had eo Improvements
to suggest-,-; -
Interstate Commerce Commis
si or) AhhouhCesrSome-Ad-
: , ditional Adjustments.
Relaxed, However, at to Carrying
Caretakers With Freight Rule
Stated Regarding: Tariff Charges
, on Leu Than Statutory Notice,
(SpeelaMHspatefc by Leased Wire te Tbe Jeerae!)
Washington. Nov. 17. Tbe Interstate
Commerce Commission made some Im
portant announcementa today, in which
It eonatruea the lawa aa to the dlvlalon
of Joint rates, transportation ' ef care
takers, changes of rates, etc., on less
than the statutory notice; eta. As to
division of rates on tbe eentraeta and
agreements r- therefor, j, the commission
saye: .
"Answering many- Inquiries, the com
mission states that when trie agree
ment or arrangement under which di
visions are made le in the form ot a
contract or formal agreement or re
corded memorandum, a copy of each
such contract agreement or memoran
dum le to be filed with tbe commission.
Where such arrangement le made by
correspondence or verbally;, a , concise
memofandum-ef -the. basis and general
terms and application of the arrange
ments or practice is to be filed with
the commission., TheftHnej of the di
vision sheets themselves Is not desired.
Caretakers Untitled J Bate.'
"The act to regulate commerce "po-
vides that free transportation may be
furnished to necessary caretakere of
livestock, poultry and fruit.
"The commission la "of ths opinion
that the term fruit ia this connection
Includes perishable vegetables when
hipped -under- conditions- that render-)
caretakere necessary.
"The commission ia also of the opin
ion that transportation ot necessary
caretakere of livestock, poultry and fruit
includes their return to points from
which they actually accompany . such
shipments. This transportation may
be in the form of a free pass- or-xe.
duoed rates of transportation, but in
any svent it must be the same for all
under like circumstances and mdst be
published in the tariff governing the
presentation ef tbe commodity.
.. Bates Saoeedlaff sraxe of IVooale.
"Many Informal complaints are re
ceived In connection with regularly es
tablished through ratea, which are in
exceas of the eums ot the locale be
tween the same points. The commis
sion haa no authority to change and
fix ratea except after full, hearing upon
formal -complaint -' ;
"The commission- announced - in - tte
tariff eireular Number t A ef October
IS, ltot, a rule permitting practically
immediate return to a through rate,
which le higher than the sum of the lo
cals between the same, points.
"It la believed to be proper for the
commission to say. if called upon to
formally pase upon a case of this na
ture, it would be lte policy te consider
the through rate which le higher than
the sum of the locals between the same
pointe aa prima facte unreasonable, and
that the burden, of proof would be upon
the carrleis to -dsfotld- such higher
through rate. . - - s.
Tariff Chang-ee at Discretion.
"The act to .regulate 'commerce au-
MaiwIng-ThlnksOrand-JaryAMtt in its diecre
v . . I tlon, and for good cauee shown, te per-
. . narge vnorney vviin con
tempt of Court
Reason for His Being Examined It
Not Given and No Report of Work
Done During Past Week Has as
Yet Been Made.
Municipal Judge George J. Cameron
testified before the grand , jury Just
bsfore its adjournment yesterday after
noon. The eubstanoe of Judge Camer
on's testimony was not divulged. Dis
trict Attorney Manning, when asked
about It. aald: -
"Judge Cameron's testimony did not
relate to himself nor to anything of
- After hearing the testimony ef Judge
Cameron the grand Jury adjourned un
til t:tO o'clock Monday morning. No
report of the work done by them during
tbe past , week waa made.
It was rumored at tbe courthouse
that proceedings were to be Instituted
agalnat Attorney Henry McGinn on ao
count of bis uninvited entrance Into
the grand Jury room last Monday.
Wednesday the grand Jury presented to
Judge Soars a hypothetical question, aa
to what offenee could be charged for
the forcible entry into the grand Jury
room of a person not summoned to ap
pear before them. They were informed
that It would be in the nature of a pro
ceeding .for contempt of - court. Dis
trict Attorney Manning. was asked yes
terday who would instigate such, a pro
ceedlng. He repMed: - ' ;
"The grand Jury, If any la brought"
"Has any actloa been taken with ref
erence to itf .
"I can only tell what ts already
known that tbe grand Jury asked In
formation of Judge Bears coneernlng
It. He told them -what they could do.
And I think they will do It," he added
aa he dlaappeared into the grand jury
J. A. Wesce end George W. Black,
handwriting experte. testified before
the grand Jury yesterday at the In
quiry into the alleged ewlndllng oper
atlona of Walton 11. Taft. An Indict
ment charging Taft with forgery has
been returned, and others are expected
to follow the testimony given yeeter-
Wish You Would
Look in for yourself and aee our line ef
natty and durable 'garments adapted to
all figures end at prtoee more popular
than other merely ready-made garmente
and then one fifth off all this week.
Le Palais Royal, 171 Washington street
BlsT Tract Zs Sold.
M. J. Clohessy, together with out-of-town
associates, nas purchased from P.
P. Dabney and t -W. Balrd the It aoree
of land adjoining Fulton Tark on the
west The prloe paid by Mr. Clohessy
and associates, 140.000, indicates a con
siderable rise compared to former prlcee
la this Motion ef toe elty.
mlt ehaogea in tariff rates on less than
the statutory-notice. It is believed that
this authority should be exercised only
in instances where special or peculiar
circumstances really Justify it - Con
fusion snd complication must follow
Indiscriminate exerclae of thlk author-ityt.AppllcaUont-forpermlaalott.-:to
change tarlffa on short aotloe are re
ceived on - indefinite and Informal oc
casions over the signatures of many
different officials. Borne -telegraphie
requests are received which make no
mention, of verified coplee, and Which
are not followed by verified coplee, aa
per rule previously made by the eera
mission. "The : commission, therefore, an
nounces that application for permis
sion to Change tariffs oq less than
statutory notice shall-be addressed to
the Interstate commerce commission In
forms specified by the commission un
der date of September IT, ltot, and
must be over signature of the presi
dent vice-president general traffio
manager, assistant general traffic man
ager, general freight agent er general
passenger agent specifying the title."
(Ipedal Dispatch te The Jeoraal.)
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 17. Following
the ' principal event in the gambling
case In whioh Dr. Blggera, formerly of
Im Grande, ae he alleged, waa buncoed
out of 40t in rash and . a certificate
of. deposit for $1,000 laaaed by a La
Grande bank, and on which Blggera
speedily ordered payment stopped, It
develops that quick ae he was, Roy
Stewart one of the three men charged
with participation in the bunoolng, waa
considerably quicker.
It la now stated that the certificate
huA been n resented to the First Na
tional bank here and that after dne In
quiry of the La Grande bank that Is
sued it the First National honored it
The certificate had been properly in
dorsed, and Stewart, It la -said, collected
It in person. Blggera. accordingly, ia
the eole loser In tbe transaction. His
only recourse ts upon Stewart who was
placed under trrest and who le in evi
dence and subject te proneeiilne-s.
- Stewart's companions, a man named
Rndlcoti, and an alleged Swede, name
unknown, have completely disappeared.
Aa Earned Degree.
From Tld-Blte.
Ian MacLaren telle en amusing story
with regard to bogue degrees. A sweep
prosecuted a resident in the suburbs of
Edinburgh - for dbt ";Ths presiding
Judge called the eweep to a4ve evidence,
end the first question he asked him
"What is your name"
"Jamie Gregory, LU D., sir."
"Whatf Doctor of LawsT And where
on earth did you get that dlattnetlonT"
. M'Twaa a fellow fra' an American
university, and- I swept - his chimney
three times. 1 canna pay ye eash,
Jamie Gregory.' he saya, 'but I'll make
you an LL. t. and we'll oall It quits.'
And be did."
"I have been abuaed eo much by re
form papers," said a millionaire today,
"that I am tempted to alap my own
7c famish honesconplete
ct low prices end Guaran
tee everything delivered
In first-class . cendition.
You select what you want,
make a sraallyraei
down and the balance in
.M weelclv or month
ly payraents.
I ii I' ff'-Sil 't -l - sjm .
17 V
N '
W,-rr aBSfcej--j ws, M I
-7 '
' 1
i . n -' " as -ea j
a a a
Xl - L '
IjZZZj y
Every housewife wants one, every upv.,
to-date housewife should have one, they
will save you much unnecessary walking
and the 15 cents per day you would
aartuy- nuas.
Only $14.75
Hardwood Chiffoniere, with large rich
golden oak flake finely finished Hat
Box, 2 small drawers, 3 large drawers,
French beveled plate mirror.- -
Three blocks east of bridge. All cars
transfer to cars passing our store.
i v
Think of an all-leather Turkish Rocker
on payments of only $1.00 per week. . It
would be worth more than that if you
-were to rent one. - - - . - r
Special $14.50
91.00 DOWN91.00 WEEKLY
This hardwood Table has large rich
flake, finely finished in rich, golden
oak, 44-inch top, 6 feet extension, fl
inch fluted legs. - . - , -
ti ir . Jl
o r e
Only $16.00
Hardwood, golden quarter-sawed oak,
finish, French bevel mirror, 20x24 ,
inches, Now on display.
C 1 . ... . . V
Only $12.00
81.00 DOWN 1.00 WEEKLY
Covered In good velour, clawfoot legv
canvas lined, roll edge, sold on the
: west side at $13.00. ' : :
Father of Mrs. Maud Creffield Coea to Seattle to Arrange : for
Funeral Hopes This -U- the End -of - His
, Troubles. ,
O. V. Hurt, father of Mrs. Vend Cref
field, who waa found dead in her cell
tn the county jail at Seattle, Friday
night, arrived in Portland last night
from Cor vail ls in company with his
daughter, ifae Hurt, and J. Fred Tatea,
a' friend of the family. He expressed
deep feeling because his daughter had
expired In Jail. Mr. Hurt and party
are on their way to Seattle, where Mrs.
Creffield will be burled la CapltoJllll
cemetery; '
' Mr. Hurt had little to eay In regard
to Mra Creffield, stating that all ths
Information hs had In regard to her
death was a short telegram from Sheriff
U C. Smith of Seattle, announcing the
fact Mr. Hurt Immediately wired the
sheriff ' upon reaching Portland last
night that ha would leave for Seattle
on the first train this morning. " A son.
F. C Hurt, Uvea in East Seattle, and
Mr. Hurt thlnka that he haa taken
charge ef the remains, sltbough be haa
not heard from him. Mr. Hurt said:
"Yes, this ie the end, -at least I hope
so. There ia only one regret I have
and that is that my daughter died in
that cell. If it had only been at home
or In any other place but that oall. . 8he
had always been a good and dutiful
daughter untu thle trouble came up. It
doee aot eeem right that ehe ahould
have died in such a way.
"I do not know what arrangementa
will be made for the funeral or when
It held. No, -I do not know
the oauee of her death. All that I
know, in addition te the message from
Sheriff Smith announcing her death. Is
what I read in. Tha- Journal - tonight.
V'ntll I reach Seattle I will be unable
to say anything further.
"One thing that I do not understand
Is why there was so much delay In my
daughter'e cass. It bad gone to the su
preme court of Washington and I do
not know, why it has not been decided.
It eeems to me the tiros - was long
enough for the eourt to hand -down an
opinion, and had it done se any daugh
ter would probably not have died In a
cell. That la my regret, but it is all
over new and nothing can be dona to
change It Why a man must go through
the trouble I have had le past under
standing, but the only way is to bear
up against adversiUes aa they come to
Totters With Senility, Haa Mar:
Ital Trbublet, and Plenty
' V , Other, Too. '
Merely Evades, and Who Runt May
Read Hatred o Higgins and .Dtv
termination to Smite Him Even in
the Hour of PqHtical Death.
(Hseetal Pkpateh fcr Lsasst Wire to Tee Joera.n
' New Tsrk, Nov,-W.The eaclusive
ennouncement this morning that Sena
tor Thomas C Piatt, owing to his grow
ing physical infirmities, recent marital
troubles and othsr causes, would- re
sign hie seat In the United States sen
ate on January I. was confirmed by
the senator today In a telegram sent to
E. H. Butler, proprietor of the Buffalo
Evening News, the organ of the party
in the weatern end of the etate.
In- his telegram, which was printed
in the News, Senator Piatt said:
"Question of resifoaUoa I will dis
ci" hereafter. Am not considering it
seriously now."-
It waa pointed out today that en ac
count of hla antipathy to Governor
Hlgaina, Senator Piatt would taks ne
step looking to resigning until Illgglns
retires from office. That la what his
telegram means. Some of his best
friends have urged him to resign at
once and -withdraw - from- tlto-tttrmolt,
but the aged senator haa ". stubbornly
refused. He agreed te eult on January
1, when the legislature oould move to
elect his successor, but he ebsolately
refused to take a step that would per
mit Oovemor Illgglns to appoint his
Woat Bsefjra to Xlgglas.
One of the first official papers that
wttteome - into the hands orTJover'nof
Hughes after be le sworn In will be
the resignation of the aenlor senator
from the state of New York. Should
Piatt eend In his resignation now Illg
glns could appoint a successor to serve
until the legislature could elect It is
a foregone conclusion that he would
name one of his satellites, a men so
Appointed would have an Inestimable
advantage over any. other candidate for
the place. Inasmuch as be would be In
possession and have the prestige of ap
pointment If there' ahould be e dead
lock or a prolonged fight 'it le not In
conceivable that a man eo appointed
might aerve for quite a little' time.
The reaaone for Senator PIstt's bitter
fooling toward Governor Hlgglne ere
well enough known. If there were al
most any ether man In the ehalr la
Albany outside of Hlgglne the resigna
tion of Senator Piatt would have gone
In already, but all the -pressure and
clamor that possibly could be raised
will not dislodge hie etubborn determi
nation to hold on until Hlgglns Is out
of office end can In no way he. a bene
ficiary of tbe resignation.
. By the game lekea there la aome-
Writes Letter Giving His Solution of the Problem and Says
Skldoofor Me- Numbers ThatAffect"
Hit' Destiny. :
So prominently have the fateful um
bers 21 .and II figured In the criminal
career of Oeorge L. Blodgett, con
demned to bo hanged for the murder of
Alice Mlnthorn on March tJ, that ha
haa become convinced that a combina
tion of those figures Is the correct an
swer to the SklUoo puxxle that so many
Journal readers have racked their brains
to solve.' - - - -'-
Sitting on e soap box in his cell at
the county . Jail, lilodxett , prepared - the
following communication to the puxxle
editor of The Journal:
'I find the correct answer to be tit
pennies 23 times It. - Skldoo for me.
George L. Blodgett, County Jsll. City."
Ths murder was committed March IS.
Hla trial began In tha circuit court
April IS. A motion for a nsw trial was
denied May 13. and tin May 13 Blodgett
waa sentenced to be hanged on June St.
- That first answer rosy not be right,"
said Blodgett yesterday afternoon, "but
I am aura I -have the rlgh
If S3 tlmea 13 multiplied by It la aot
sktdoo for me. then I don't want Tbe
Journal's thousand pennies. That woulil
make the anawer .71 pennies, and I
am going to send a letter offering that
as the correct anawer tomorrow."
Pasted over the door of his oall
Blodgett has the three numbers S3, It
and 2S. They arertri large f'guree taken
from a calendar. The IS Is tn red ink.
A second. Hswer was received frosa
Blodgett yesrerday, as follows: . -
"I find the correct answer to the Ski
doo puxxle to be 62. ' Multiply 23 br SS
and divide by 23, which gives S3. Ski-
doo for me. George L. Blodgett County
Jail. City." .
Blodgott secured a stay of execution
of his sntence to appeal to ths auprean
court His appeal Js eow. before that
body awaiting a decision. He says be
hope's they will not find the answer to
his attorney's brief to be "23 ekldoe.'
thing significant In ths -telegram td E.
H. Butler. Evidently the telegram Is
In response to cftie of Inquiry. Butler
is the editor of the strongest Republi
can newspaper la the western end of
the etate. He Is a rich man and popu
lar. He has been frequently suggested
aa a senatorial possibility, . .
Growers of Valley Unite for Port
1 land Exhibit and Campaign .
of Advertising. '
fBpertsh Blips teli te TBT88ftn
Salem. Nov. 1?. The Willamette val
ley apple growers are coming to real
ise, that the applee grown In thle val
ley are among the finest In the world
It Is the Intention to begin en advertis
ing propaganda and to bring out the
valley apple to Ita rightful place en the
market It Is no lon'ger necessary to
ship Willamette apples under the name
of Hood River to obtain the beat price
In the eastern or European markets.
The applea raised en the big Wallace
orchard near this city have reedy sale
et a good price in London and the pro
duct of Hon. L. T. Reynolds . orchard
near Cheroawa Is finding Its wsy te
Alabama, Colorado and California. ,
Apple growers here say the Willam
ette valley soil Is particularly well
adapted to ths cultivation of the apple
and for tout res sua Willamette val
ley exhibit of'apples will be ta3 In
Portland Wednesday, In the show win
dows "of Olda. Wortmaa as King, facing
Washington street. ,
Among the apple growers who will
send exhibits there are MUlarJ '. U.
I.own(1nl of .Lafayette,'jr Park
ot the Wallace orchard gear galea,
Iv . T. Reynolds ef Chemawa, Judge
Hewitt of Albany, Andrew Vercler of
Salem, and orchardiate from Eugne
and other valley points. Mr. Van Dora,
of Dayton, president of the Yamhill
County Horticultural eocletjr, may ala
eend apples.
Mr. ' luownsdale took the Initiative la
the matter., before the Salem apple
growers knew he contemplated placing
this exhibit In Portland... The exhibit
will be a Joint one and calculated to
show the possibilities of the Willam
ette valley aa an apple preduolng coun
try. , - - - - -
Oeorge . T. .. Rodgera . ot thla elty haa ..
been a leading spirit in arousing local
orchardlsts to dUplay their applee t
the world. - N :
t-Dtspateh Tse-fwirnsit
Pendleton. Or.. Nov. 17. The fnel
situation la being relieved somewhat
and eastern Oregon Is getting wood at
Meacham. Kamela and other points. Coal
Is coming tn slowly at o. K. A- N.
points. Wood and coal ar both higher
than for years at this season.
- Oreatl
Prom the Chloago Hecord-Herald.
Ah, they are sinful who complain
Beceuge tbe summer's )oys sre fied
Beoause the flowers that gemmea US
When June'e mild brecxes blew are
dead. ' .
Our nose may be ctoeged. I knowl
Our tonsils may be raw and red;
Ain't these nights great for slssptrisV
With lota of cover en tte b?
Ksrked Attention.
"Have you any g-i ran for s'i
Mm for breach of promise? Ill I
sliow y.ttr-dei!htr any nmdi-l
tentfrniT" ' t ' ' ,, , .
"ny-sHnnO"!' why. nma .'!'-.! 1
once give bee h. teat la a Uu... .
t f
V." r Y '