THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, "SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 18, 1903.. ,001' DUNIWAY COMES -SOfMPIHiiS Says State Should Accept Print Plant Sell It, and Put Money : . n Conscience Fund. . THAT IS WHERE IT. i . : V BELONGS, HE DECLARES Writes Letter to, The' Journsl Giving ,: Baker's , Alleged Proposition ' of V Twenty Thousandi Per Year to ''"i CpntrorState" Printing Plant. . Willis 8. . Dunlway disclaims h nier " eenery motives Jmputed to , hlra. by .' Frank C. Baker .In the atata printing -''.'plant controversy and aaya some caua tl things In a reply, to the esertlons - of Mr. Baker made In The Journal of ."-..Thursday last, - ' - In hla letter Mr.T)uflajr Statea-that Baker, warned him of hie power to ,' wreck the state printern office .finan cially altould ha decide to fight the In coming atate printer, and a once.fol-. lowed hla warning with the offer to five Dunlway no.ooe annually for the plant. Jn discussing the proposal. Baker. ac cording to the letter, stated that through his ability to shape things he could make much mora" than the prlca he would have topay for the rental of the """"business. lie ald""Pf feted ' to -oVpoaU -;180,eoo at a bond to secure Punlway should the offer be accepted. Beveage, lays Bxudway. -' Mr. Punlway alleges In his letter that ,' Baker, In revenge f"r a refusal to ac '. eept a worthless bill of Bale conveying no title to the printing plant,, has made - hie offer to the state -to present the ' plant to It. after having waited until Dunlway had obligated himself by the purchase of an expensive plant. Dunl way, however, states that ha hopes the state wirt-aocept the Baker Plant, aell It for-Junkr and pttt tha proceede In the conscience fund, where 1t really be longs. The text of the letter as pre- nared bv Mr. DUalWlV 1W SB folio' "Portland, ur., rnov. iii 10 m, mi tor of Tha Journal Frank C. Baker, In i a . remarkable Interview In Thursdays ' Evening Journal Shoot "the of flea of atate printer, stated that ha recently made ma "an offer of $20,000 a year . for tha. office" during my coming four year term. This statement la correct 'He atated further that I 'declined his offer. This statement Is also correct. "Had Mr. Baker stopped st this point . In his unique confession of personal de linquency, 1 no word would have bees ' needed from me. But ho added a gratu itous remark and put lato my mouth . words that I did not utter. Tha motive he attributes to ma for declining hla corrupt offer la his own." That s man may have any other mottre than a mer cenary one for refuaing such a proposal as ha made does not seem to occur to him. , ' "It Is true that at my place of toual- ' ness. No. lOS Alder street, about, Octo : her T.1 SOer-JTrank - V Baker-,- after warning me that he had power to make Pies --CnredQuickljr-gnd'' Painlesetylio Risk, No Danger. ', A Tree Trial Weckage So Ooavliioe eat f Mail to All Who Write. - Common aense is Juat as necessary '(even mora so) In medicine aa In busl .neaaoe theaffatr 'Of evoryday-llfo, People are getting to know; more than - they used to. Not ad long ago. It was, tha fashion tmnake all sorts otrclalms for aiaedlcinndwindupjbyesklng ' the reader to go to a drug store and buy a bottle. People won't stand for that kind of thing now. They want proof tangible proof. They want to try the remedy first and If they And It to be what is claimed they will be glad enough to go and buy It. -- a oo-rTJtairo . Amamaurx. That Is why we say to every person suffering from pllea or any form of recur disease, send us yeur name and . we will gladly send you a free trial package.. For wa know what the result will be. After using the trial you will hurry to your nearest drnggist and get a 60c box of Pyramid Pile Cure, new admitted by thousands to ba one of the moat wonderful reliefs and cures for Pllea aver known. . to you sooner In regard to what your ryiamld Pile Cure hes dona for me. I consider tt ona of the finest .medicines " In the world for piles. 1 Buffered un told misery for four months when my wife begged ma ta send 'for a SOo box. M'hen It was half gone I knew I was better and It didn't, take sny beargln to get ma to send for a second box. think T am about well now, but If I fe! any aymptoms of a return I, will order at once. I order It from the Pyramid Drug Co. to be anre of the cure. Tell all abouf .this Una remedy for pllea. i . "And If there is anything In this let ter you want to tint do so. I received your letter a few days ago. Tours for a renifdy like Pyramid Pile Cure. . "" J. J. McKlwee; Honey Grove. Tex.. R. H. t. Box 29 "P. H. I only used two boxes and don't think I need sny more. Piles of seven months' standing.'' To Tret free trial package send to av. ta tha Jrramld Xrug Co 14 Pyra mid Jtulldlng. "Marshall Mkhlssn. , It will come by 'return ennll and the rr , suits UI both delight and sstonlsb J ou -v Vi " .- FORWARD WITtl ABOUT BAKER tha office a financial wreck for ma If he should fight me. did offer ma 130.080 a year If I would enter- Into arrange- menta with hlra o permit. him to direct and control tips state's printing, during my four-year, term. 1 looked st hlra In astonishment, lie went on to Bay that ha could make tha office yield- much mnre l hull hi riff I" I r-- i "" trol; that he would pay the (20,000 an nually to me In the sum of l-000 quar terly; that he would be able to so shape things as to enable him to secure a big income above trie large sum-he offered me. and as evidence of hla belief In his ability to accomplish thia ha aaserted his readiness to deposit In any Port land bank I might name s bond for S100.00O to guarantee the performance of his offer. Aa he says. I Mocllned his offer.' I told him I 'could not consider his proposal. that I must 'make good tha pledgea I had voluntarily and freely given the people of. Oregon,' and that 'the only arrangement I could enter Into with hlra would .be the purchase of his plant. - -.-'.. ''.'''. "Promised to as aToaesS. "Viider tha pledgee I made tha peo pie of Oregon I am obligated to run the-t printing-Office .myself and to run It on honest llnee. I hope to be well compensated, but cannot hopa to make a profit out of It at all commen surate with Mr. Baker's proposal, which 1 declined. At the same time Is proper to say that no man can feel complimented having such a pro posal made. I would have been glad to continue In the belief that no one lit Oregon would have the face to pro pore to me a course so discreditable. "ricr'tro'revetige himself upon"me for refusluff to enter Into an arrange ment with him to-prolong Ills connead tion with the stateeprlptlng and to punish ma for refusing to pay my money for a worthless 'bill of sale' which he tried to palm off on ma. Mr. Baker now proposes to donate his worn out plant to tha state. In tha hopa that tha legislature may be Induced to leave me In the lurch with a plant on my dands which I am required br law to have ready on January 14. (Sea Bel linger , Cotton's code, wtrleh requires tha atata printer to haye .and keep open at the capital of tha atate a plant of sufficient capacity to do all the print- -for the stated it is my swon duty to do this, and I am under bonds to respect this law. Mr. Baker, know ing full well what tha law requires of me, walU-uaUl-hais sure I have made tha purchase of a new and expensive ' plant and am preparing to Install It; then, finding ha has failed either to bulldosa or 'deal' -with me, he seems to repent him of his paat career and offers to glva tha atata tha remains of his plant as scant and tardy restitu tion for his years of plundering. I hos his " 'donation' has no string to It. I trust the state will accept , tha offer of his plant, sell It off for old junk and put tha money In tha con science fund where It properly belongs. "Borne good will have coma from my candidacy for state printer If It results in breaking the strangle hold that Mr. Baker has so long had on tha tax-payer. The motive whloh actuates Mr., Baker's 'gift' Is plain. Evidently ha Intends to carry out his threat,: posi tively and -viciously made just previous to hla 420,000 offer to me. that ha would make war uon me and 'pi the office for me' If I did not enter Into a deal with him. In some Inexplicable way he aeems to think that his malor- oroua oonfeaslona will somehow fasten- upon ma tha odium which attaches to his earedr In politics of Oregon. I do not think so. : 7n conclusion, I desire toliepeat-th pledges "t gavs"Ths"'Voters of Oregon. to-wlt: That If they should elect ma stats iirlnttr I would nti !' with bosses.' Vut out tha grafters, and 'give an economical buslneas adminis tration.' I . shall ..Btrlvetokeenjny pledges In spite of all th obstacles and bribes put In my-way; "WILLIS 8. DUNIWAT." filAY. BRING DEAD TO LIFE AGAIN Federated Trades Would Resur rect Building Trades Coun--cil of Portland. WAS ONE TIME STRONG f FACTOR IN THE CITY Dissolution Occurred After Unfor tunate Carpenters' Strike and Body Has Been Practically Dead Since That Time Union Men Active. The Portland Federated Trades Coun cil has takeg' action looking toward tha resurrection Sf tha - Building Trades Council, which has been In a state of oomplete Inactivity for l tha paat six montha Secretary FltsgerSld has been Instructed to communicate, with tha secretary of tha 'defunct organisation with a view to ascertaining his, views aa..iothe ,lest method to follow la bringing about the reorganization;""- . A number of years ago Portland's Building' Trades Council waa very much Ilka the Building Trades Council . of other cities, both east and weat-the strongest and most compactly organ ised central body In the' town. Because of the skill required In all tha building trades and because of tha similarity of tha pursuits, Building Trades Councils ususlly present a great deal of solidar ity of oigaiilsntlon and ane able to force j recognition from their employers. ; . . Oause of Dissolution. ' : But three years ago tha Carpenters' union entered Into what, turned jjut to ba an 111-ad vised strike. .It carried tha central body along with It. Tha car penters were beaten and ware consider ably demoralised and their demoraliza tion weakened the whole building trades body. The council went gradu ally down until Its power was practi cally nothing and about six months ago It-eeased Its regular , meekly, meetings, rut oft the salary of Its business agent and ceased to figure In union affairs. A determined effort will ba made, however, .to resuscitate tha organisa tion. The ' resolution embodying this plsn was favored In hearty speeches. Friday night by tha delegates from! the unions wnl:h had formerly composed the Building Trades CeunclL Tbaaa unions ara la existence still snd some of them are oulte strong. They ara the Klectrical Workers Painters', Car tieiiter',' Plsntorers', Lathers', Brick Is vets', Plumbers' snd Building Labor ers' unions. ,.."'-, . , Stcinway Pianos More Than a Hundred - Million Dollars " - Stcinway & Sons' Remarkable Record in the Piano - - - -' Industry Tha World's Greatest nsao ' Ooaoaxa . ' raasas tha "Koadred atUlloa ' ... Bolla Bfark. . The . world's leading authorities on mualcal matters all agree that there has been no more Important contribut ing factor to musical progress than the industry of piano production, It I therefore that the Individual records made by the leading manufacturers are of mors than passing Importance to the world of human events. For tha first time Jn man's history a certain epoch of productive value (as distinguished from artistio results), haa been marked by the world's acknowledged lead ing piano concern, and has -become a matter that must bo considered aa or national. Importance. Tha announcement has been made that Over a Ha&red atUUoa BoUars Wort of mtuMhif. Maaos Have Beam Bold. While this. In Itself, Is a remarkable record, how much more so Indeed does It become' when ona takes Into consid eration the fact that it has been accom plished strictly on tha merits of tha In strument Itself. The . universal recognition ' .that has been bestowed upon the Stelnwuy Piano, further exemplified by trie aoove L mentioned total value of pianos pro duced, shows that art and Industry are Indeed closely alllea; that the leading musical authorities, aa well as the gen eral music loving publlo, has not been' slow, to appreciate the fact that, the furthest' point of progress has been at tained by thia Instrument.- Not atone Is this true as regards the tone quali ties, action, workmanship and .finish, but also aa to the truly artistic design of the cases. This la one of the policies that characterise the progresaive con duct of the great business of "Steinway ft Sons." aJMVS. waspuMlshed tajr the isew. Tork Mercantile and Financial" Times, November 8, 10. Steinway supremacy is acknowledged the world over. This Is tha standard by ""Which all other-ilanos-are -mesa.-, ured. Manufacturers, dealers, music ians, snd people In general, everywhere recognise tha. supremacy of tha Bteln way. . : . " " A When von hear It disputed you nave only to Investigate - to find that some financial Interest in another direction Is tha. reason for. tha assumed antago nism. Portland now has a Bteinway house. Besides the Steinway, wa have Knabe, Everett.' A. B. Chaae. Packard, Ludwtg. Conover, Eatey, Emerson. Kingsbury, CableWenington, Mendelssohn, Sterr ling, and many other standard makes. We Invite you to visit our store, we promise you courteous treatment. "An honest value at, an honest price," and satisfactory terms. . Ths houaa of .quality." ' ' SHERMAN, CLAT ft CO. ! g!B!B! IL I ARE-flOTIOLD- Report That-EJPCIark Has Closed Deal forJ'ortland Prppi erty 1 9 Flatly Denied IS NO.JMMED1ATE. PROSPECT FOR SALE, Negotiations Are Still Pending but Obstacles in Form of Ouutanding Bonds Threaten to Prevent Agree ment From Being Reached, i Negotiations .that have been under way for soma time between; C E. Loas, principal stockholder of tha United Railways company, and E. F. Clark, prealdent of tha Los Angeles-Paclfle, for tha sale of tha Portland property to the latter Intereata, has not been closed, as reported locally"yestrday.;t Tha deal, while pending, la said to ba not likely to go through. - Local representatives .of Mr. Clark positively deny that any deal has been made and say there Is no Immediate prospect of such a transaction being consummated.. While Mr. Clark, on his recant visits to Portland, has looked over tha situation, and was several times reported to be considering the purchase of tha United- Rallwaya. It can be said positively st thia tlmo that he has not dona se, . - Mr. Loss has had numerous proposi tions from eastern capitalists for ths financing of tha project,' but tip to the present time made no dlfsltlon of his Interests In it Ha still has mora than seven months In which to complete tha -cHyM lies .constructed a j - 1 -i '7T'. Humphreys' ScTcnty Seren Cures Grip and A' n-intiT Winrl ninntie MD RAILWAYS .. j i ujlnlted liiUlwa. cdlnpany prop- your fingers and toes, so taklng" ,, "v . Cold numDS your vuais, causing lassitudewealcheart action, dif ficult respiration, torpid liver, etc. The use of "Seventy-seven" restores the circulation, starts the blood coursing through the veins, breaks up your Cold and gives new life to your vhals. , "77" is a Viaf of pleasant pel lets that fits the vest pocket. At Prnsiints, 2n ernta or mallrd. Humphrey Il'iuvw. Modlrlne Co., Co. 11a ai aad Sobs f trc.ta, Ktw Iota. WII- OFFICE WORK JAY BE ILLEGAL Judge Webster's Letter, Causes Anxiety Among Cotinfy" J ' Clerk's Deputies. WHCKTMUSt BE SETTLED Labor of Extra People Who Are Not Authorised Deputies May Be .Found to Be Void and Cause Much Trouble. V ';' ' Whether nearly. all tha work none by County Clerk Fields' ;forca Is not Ille gal Is a question 1 that .was raised at the court house' yesterday afternoon, when a letter- was -'received" " trom County" Judge Webster In which It was asserted that only eight of Mm Fields denutv assistants are deputies, while the remaining is are employed as -"ad ditional help, temporarily, to perform special -work. The letter was sent to the oounty vlerk la refusing to grant ths petition of a number of male employes for In creases In salaries. After reviewing the law which provides for the sppoint. ment of eight deputies for the county elerk'e of floe, tha -letter aaysi .- "That Is the onlv provision made by Ttis Tiy tiiig To-tM-pintntment pf dep-T u ties. In your office.' Tha letter then quotes anotner sao- tlon of the statute as followsi - "'The pounty court may, upon the necessity "being shown .... employ such uuuitlonul help as -muy appear'io ,the court to be necessary, temporarily, to perform any special work, at a com pensation not . exceeding per day while aotually employed on such work.' "The temporary anbtstsuits for special work here provided for may properly be paid such reasonable compensation as this court may fix. but such em ployes are not .'deputies.' The term 'deputy' as used In the 'statute does not merely Indicate a .distinction as to the character of service to be per formed, but It has reference also to tha power and authority of tha person performlnatha-aeVvlca" , Question of Authority. ,JL Under this leW of the statute taken by the county court tt appears that tha employee who ara deputies have author ity -which those classed as "additional help have not, and that there Is a distinction as to tha character of tha service to ba rendered. Every ona of Mr. Field's force haa constantly exer cised authority aa a deputy . county clerk, such as administering oaths. Is suing licenses and performing the same duties that Mr. Flolda may perform. The question was asked whether such duties were not . Illegally performed when done by those employes who are merely "additional help." Mr. Fields said he bad not made any distinctions, but had sworn all his assistants as deputies," and If he were forced to dla tlngulsh who were deputies and who were not .ha could not tell which fhey were. , ' . "Every person "I now have employed Is absolutely necessary to transact the regular busrpess of -thia of flea," said Mr. Flelda yesterday,' "and I do not believe that there la a court on earth that would hold that any of the acta done- by any of than- la-Hlega--baoausa-- of tha distinction pointed out oy uis county court. ' "There ara many times, such as at rsglstiatlnn vt eaters sf rloctjon s, an d on pension days, when tha 24 employes X re.gulsryretaln are not ;enough to care for the buslnecs and I'must havS still mora assistance. All of these peo ple must nnv e power to administer I do not believe that thej-oallur adminis tered ly them are iltegnl, or that any court, would so bolfl " ' lt.;s urM-rftno.i that an errort win ba made,, when, the legislature convenes In January, to have the law relating- to the number of deputies for tha county clerk of this county amended, PHONE EAVESDROPPING IN NAVY DEPARTMENT (Journal Special Serrk-e.) WashlngtonJJOv. .17. There Is trou ble In tha Navy department Decausslt has been discovered that an- official eavesdropper was set to work to learn all about telephone conversations - and report which were official and which were trivete. so thst -tha unofficial could be charged to the talker. There la a rule In all ' departments against employes. nBlngr the-phoTr- for private purposes at public expense. But -the eavesdropper system of having all per sonal conversations listened to by a third party caused indignation. Now the subordinates ara inquiring whether Secretary Bonapart paya out of his own pocket for all the long conversations ha holds over the long distance tele phone, especially ' with Baltimore, In connection with Maryland polltlca and personal affairs of his own. The fact that tha tolephone eavesdropping schema was Instituted without notifi cation to anybody leaked out today and tha method of It caused general dis trust among employes. snd this Is ample time, It la said. In which, to do tha work. 1 Ownership of the propertyrrsts with Mr. Loss and a few . local stockholders """"of 'small amounts of stock, snd with tha "Lfi Angeles men who hold 1460,000 of bonds on tha property In payment for tha atook purchased from them by tha Loss Interests. Unsay Makes Statement, Of these, R. T. LTnney and W. D. Larrabee ara local representatives of .Mr ClftrtJn l tbt.MoMirtltoodItallway. & Power company, recently organised In Portland with a capital stock of S3.000.000, for construction of an elec tric rond to Mount Hood and develop ment of 60,000 horsepower on the Sandy river. Mr. Larrabee was yesterday out on the line near Mount Hood. Judge Llnney said: - -TlMr-4a truth. In the (ttatcment that Mr. Clark has purchased v u.i'.mmonB, attorney ior air. ivoss, ji ild he had no knowledra that any deal had been made, and denied that he had given nny Interview, for, publication on etibtect. ' He snld: Whlle Mr. Lob may have had propositions from half a docen sources fur purchase of the Hn,l,d Railways r;omTnny,' I ,am certain that ha has not disposed of tha property." It is understood there are obstacles In the way of an agreement between Mr. Loss and Mr. Clark, in ths form of the outstanding bonds, snd thnt this I Probably Is one " nf the- prlncipnt Tea' sons why they ars Unable to reach an : agreement. , - '," I Wc Boucjlil Oul Uiel7Ilolesa!e Cic'uiino EZouse oiBJalhan OTcrlheimer, 73 Front SpprUand Yae week anrl secured tha entire oroduct ol the blsT clothins factory at 17-19 West Third street New I VnrW. AT LESS THAN HALF I - - 5TOCR - TO - THE - PUBLIC - AT J . . In Men's Finelv Tailored Suits suits fit for any maa on earthwe are offering the most stupendous IRYBODONOWSTOTTHIS IS There have been too many of these In Portland. The lothlng "business hat been especially afflicted with these parasites. Conglomerations of out-of-date and flimsy, worthlesa trash-have been widely adver tised as this and that kind of sale, false and fake prices being gienj therefore we wish again to empha size that we never have conducted a spurious sale, and never shalL . v - , . Every , clothing merchant In Portland knowa that we purchased all the clothing In tha big wholesale house, compelled to close because retiring from the Jobbing business on account of the winding up the affairs of an estate, and that we secured the merchandise exactl as we state--50 per cent f wholesale prices. For this re'sson we are enabled to offer to the men of Portland ; $ 9.00 Suits at $12.00 Suits at $li5,00 Suits fit $18.00 Suits at Boys' Clothing: , Ws faal confident that we are showing a line of BoysJ Clothing unexoelled In Portland, and we are selling I these garments at half regular prlcea. as followB? Boys S2.00 Pplts now.. . ..... ..... ............ .Sl.OO Boys' S3. 60 Suits now ................ .f 1.25 Boys' ia.00 Suits now............ . Jl.BO Boys' S. 50 Suits now . ......Ml. 75 Boys' 14.00 Suits now... - $2.00 Boys' $5.00 Suits now.,... ...........:... ,....$2.bO Men's .Trousers In the great wholesale stock wa find a very large assortment of these garments, material and tailoring of which will ba found first-class. This clothing should command Immediate sals of every place -and parcel st our half value prices,: o , d . . , - tl.10 -Trousers at........M.i .054 l.tS. Trousers .at ..1.25 fS.OO -Trousers at $1.75 IS.Se Trousers at .,... fO.OO 14.00 Trousers at........... .........-$2.25 Boys' Pants -We have Trousers hare to fit any hoy. little or big, at. It par cant of aotual selling prices. Hare you are: Boys SSo Knee Pants now. ... ......154s Boys' SOo Knes Pants now ,.25 Boys' 11,00 Knee Pants now....... .'...40e Boys' 11.00 Corduroy Long and Short Pants at....50c Boys' I1.2S Sweaters, beauties, at , 60 SHE Pioneer Merchants of Portland ZllUUHMSCXU WILL INVESTIGATE COOieSJASL Officials Leave Salem for Cetilo toTook" Into Superintends ' ' ent's Affairs. ' fSpeelil Dtitpateh e aa Jeereal.) Salnm, Or., Nov. IT. Oswald Weaf. state land agent, and S. A. Koxer, clerk of tha porta ire commission, left last night for Celllo for tha purpose of In vestigating tha accounts of L. S. Cook, superintendent of tha state portage road. They undertook tha task at tha Instance of the board ef commission ers. Cook Is accused of. grafting by pad dihg the pay -rolls. He elalme that ho 2 GoodhingsitfeRcm lisiMiiiisiii mi FOR Goodyear w ' . ' sr ' a- " j Cpr. Fourth and WHOLESALE PRICES. AND WE - THE - SAME-RE DUCTIONS-WBSECUKJtU-lT-jrOR . . a. . 1 1 . e from garments for workinemen $4.50 $7s50 $9.85 $9.85 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $28.00 AllJV.en's $2.5qHatsat this sale All til. B0 Cravenettes Jill (id.uv xrnoiwii,,inl,i,l,li,iliiiI All $1S 00 Cravenettes RED FRONT N. .W. earned what money was secured In that way by working overtime. His wife also assisted him tn hla overtime work, ha says, snd he Insists thst he has dons nothing wrong. - t .... Frank Ik Smith of the Open River aaaodatlon has been sent to Celllo to take charge nntll Cook's successor is appointed Cook. refllsaedNosi but tha board refused to accept the res ignation pending . aa Investigation of the rumors which were afloat. . Open Charge of draft. Ths trouble, that has been brewing' In tha affairs of tha ' portage railway reached a climax Thursday when a sworn affidavit was received by tha off Idals at Salem from an . engineer by the name of Stewart. " Stewart charged that he received only Si 00 for three montha' service, when he was entitled, to 27A- Cook Is charged with having signed Stewarts namaJo the vouchers and to have kept tha differ ence. In the same mall with tha affidavit the officials received a letter - from Cook, In which ha practically admitted theioharge that was made against him. Ha 'said that ha did not need Stewart all tha time, and that ha permitted hlra WET WEATHER AND Shoe Repair if jti i -' xt m f YaiUhill Y. M. C. A. Building ARE, DISPOSING OF THIS up to high-class Imported woolen bargains ever known la Portland. NOT A FAKE SALE Suits at $10.00 Suits at $1 150 Suits at $14.00 Suits at $16.00 N The well-known Standard rA J $1.25 Shirt at this sale, each 3UC If $1.25 Cravenettes We show an extensive line of Priestley and other wall-known makes df these rainy weather garments. No need at all to enlarge upon their axcellenolea. as everybody knows-that life on the North Paolflo coast la but a dreary existence without one of thaaa protec tions from cllmatlo moisture. We sell: ;., .0.85 if 7.5 A 89.85 Ail- 120.00 Cravenettea.................-....,9i0.50 All 128.00 Cravenettea?......... $13,85 ' SPECIAL TO ' MERCHANTS - Wa desire to announce to retail m.rchanta tn and est ef Portland that this stock-is too large for any retail -store, yet wa ara forced to take all or none of It. Tor this reason wa offer to divide up with other clothins men at tha original cost to us. To secure tha best at tention Intending purchasers at wholesale will oonaerve their own Interests by calling early In the morulas before the retail rush Is on. , Corner First and Taylor to work for L H. Taffa, a eanneryman, whose engineer had suddenly left him; While Cook was at work for Taffa, Cook aaya he did Stewart's work, S ris ing at 6:S0 In the morning and working uptll T o'clock or later at night He also clalme that his wife aided him ta the work. owe himself. jupon,. ths mercy. of tha board and says that If he has dona wrong, he Is willing to make res titution. -.' r-- -r ; - Sled of raTeart Disease, (Hneclal Dlapatrb to Tb Jon mall " North Powder. .Or Nov. 1T- tt has been decided that ths Sudden .and mys- ' terious dath under the saddle of Miss--Bessie Ashbys horse "Mart" on Novem ber 10, was due to heart disease. - The, existence of any predisposition to such ': weakness had never bean suspected in all his career as. a racer. Ha was a ' Itambletonlan, I years old, and waa well known on all the tracks ef eastern Ore gon. When Mart fell ba dropped so suddenly that Hiss Aahby, wbe waa mounted upon him' at the time, had a -narrow escape from being caught, and pinned to the earth. - U. . . a .... , .. L Faiory aj .1 r -