THE OREGON SUNDAY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1806. II liACKIG SEASON 00 CAtlFORfJ Winter Season Open With Great r r Eclat -Torr the 'Emeryville ' Track at Oakland. CORRIGAN CAPTURES THE OPENING HANDICAP Despised Starter in Initial Claaaic Played From "J to 23 to 1, Cornea In Winner In Great Form Results of pay's Racing, (Special Dispatch br Lraeed Win to The loamali Kan Francisco. Nov. 17 Old timers at th racing ium will tell you to put your money on the longest paid starter in a four-bora handicap field. It looks - ae though the advice will have to be amended so aa to apply to a field with twice four and several over going to the post. , , Corrlnn.1 tho T-vear-nM mnn n Bain. always - a galloper with pretensions to ciAss, was one or the 10 that lined up beore Dick Dwyer In the opening- han dicap on. the first day of the 150-dsy meeting .of the New California Jockey club at Emeryville. There were onlv twc other in the race that could lay claim to that Intangible something called clusa, but all of them were men tioned by this one or that on as the probable winner.' Corrlgan was th despised. The bookmakers, remember "trig" tome of hla quite clever races oh ray iropoj nan-evacksv op-;HQ ThS Drown horse at I to 1.. But Corrlcan was friendless. A wager, of $20 her and there by the people connected with th stable waa about all th action that eouia be seen about Corrlgan. The odda lengthened and lengthened Vntll 15 and SO to 1 was obtainable. Corrlgan went fo th post th longest ehot In th race. Corrlgan won Ilk Dressing sticks. - Doc Rowell, th owner and trainer of th little winner. Is a true sportsman anil In nortaman- llk atyl did not claim th credit for th victory of Corrlgan for th first prlie of th season. . Rowell thought JLogistsna would win. That Sam Hit aretn onastnut mar did not cor Rowell lays to tfl rid that , little Bandy put up on his horse. "That boy Is a area, rider." waa all Howell would say aa ha was shaking nana srter hand Immediately after the numbers had been displayed. "He knew when to come on and timed hla move Just right" Corrlgan was a rood horse todav and he did not have much weight to bother him, but Rowell wa - certainly right wnen ne spon so glowingly of Bahdy'a efforts. Alert at th Webbing, th boy -got his mount -off 1n nice, position, lay ' in behind the pace makers, but not too far, and then, coming into th stretch as Ruby waa beginning to crack. brought him up with a rush. jyogistuia cam along in th rua horn In her famous whirlwind 'atvl. but ah had fallen so far out of it in ' the backstretch fhat ah faltered In the - last sixteenth, though finishing gamely. Corrlgan -won by th better part of a length. . . Although the field waa poor, there was plenty or , enthusiasm over th race. r '.-,.,.- Th 15,000 men and women, v were present ta help mfek th day a big on 'in th way of opening days, were taken on their feet light at th atari Burleigh, Military Man and Mansard cam down th atretch In th flrat race well bunched and the Jockeys, Knapp WUllamg and .IJIldebrand. driving to handily at the end. but atlll it waa a pretty at rustle. Salable threw hla following ' down without ceremony In th aecond, not being able to get up enough steam to flnlHh in the money. Byronerdal. nlc and fresh, won all th way. L. Williams outrode R. Davta In th two rear oldrareandlhaL. Ie why Tony Faust got Brackets Instead of Native Son. Maaaa mad the tunning and earn In flrat In th fifth, hard pressed by - J?rkerslt,- aMr-TMwarfl hurt 1rf"bdrTVert Catarrh of the Stomach A Pleasant, Simple, But Safe and Ef . ' .. fectual Cur for It - - : . ' ' i COSTS JTOTHIHCr TO TIT, Catarrh of the stomach haa long been - considered the next-thing to Incurable. Th usual aymptoma are a full or bloating sensation after aatlng, accom panied sometimes with sour or -watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on th heart and lungs .and difficult breathing, headaches, fickle ap petit, nervousness and a general played out, languid reeling. There la often a foul taste In th mouth, coated tongue end If the In terlor of th stomach could be seen It would show a slimy, Inflamed condi tion. . --....-.. , ... Th cur for this common and obatl nst trouble 1 found In a treatment which cause the food to be readily, thoroughly digested befor it haa time to ferment and Irrltat th delloat ' mucous surfaces of the stomach. To aecur a prompt and healthy digestion is th on necessary thing to do and when 'normal digestion Is seoured th eafarrhalcondItlon wlrl hava.d.lsap- beared. '" According to Dr. Harlanson th safest and best treatment 1 to us after each meal a tablet, composed of Diastase, septic Pepsin, a . little Nux. Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tablets csn now be found at all drug stores under th nam ef Btxiart Dyspepsia Tab lets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and as surance thst healthy appetite and thor ough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. - Mr. tR. 8 -Workman, Chtoag5(rna.,t wriiea: . Tjatarrn is a local condition resenting from a. neglected oold in th head, whereby the lining membrane of th nos becomas inflamed and th poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward Into th throat reaches th stomach. Medical authorities prescribed for m for three yeara for catarrh of atomach without cur, but today I am th happiest of men after using' only on box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta. I cannot find appropriate words to x press my good feeling. I bar found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use.". .,. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta Is th safest preparation aa well as th aim pleat and, most convenient remedy for any form of Indlgostlon, Catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn snd bloating after meals. Send your nam and address today for a f re trial package and ae for yourself. . Address. F. A. Stuart Co., II Btuart Blclg-, Marshall, Mich. - V':"i 'i'A . . ; .r V ' "" ' j ; . 1 -A XftK &&.1jt jUfe M&: v eP"l fc. Pa. tSrfe" it nf . i Vi 'rtvAdSS - Pinkham, Oregon's Crack Guard. 1 out la th last to win from the heavily played Oypsy King, ona of th Hlldretn stable. Grass Cutter - was Interfered with at th start and could never get near tha . leaders. , - li 1 Six . forlongs. - selling Burleigh (Knapp), .7 to 6, won. Military Man second. Mansard third; time, 1:14 1-5. ' On mil and fifty yards, selling Byronerdal ' (Wiley). 1C to-. 1,, won, Lasella second, Atkins third; time, 1:44 4-1. t Five f'irlonge Tony Faust (L. Will lams), It to 6, won, Native Son second. Melltah third; time, 1:01 -. On mil, opening handicap, 11.000 added Corrigan-4 Sandy), II to 1, won. Loglstllla second, JRutC .third; time, 1:40 l-tV . One mile, eelllng Maasa (Mclntyre), I to 1, won, Eckeraall second. Earl Rog er third; time, 1:41 1-6. 'Futurity course Sir Edward (Gra ham), I to I, won, Gypay King aecond, Heotor third; time. 1:11. EMMETT DRAKE WINS FAST CHASE OF SEASON Water Jumps Are Feature - of Portland Hunt Club Hare and Hounds Run. Dr. Kmmett Drake yesterday after noon won th last paper chase of the fall " season for th members of th Portland Hunt club. Mrs. F. O. Downing cam In second and Misa Mabel Lawrence waa third. The course waa from th Junction of th Portland Heighta car line with tha Council Crest extension, and the finish waa on th Tlgardvllle road, near Ful ton, seven mliea away. Three water jumpa war Included In the 10 jump along the course. Th water lump war something new for th horse, but all took them nicely, Tha rain-didn't lessen lh ardor .of th Th hare were Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Cronln. Following are th other rider In th contest: Dr. W. I Wood, Dr. J, N. Coghlan, F. Wilder. Dr. W. A. Cum. JosepU Cronln, W. M. Davis, Paul C Kerr, F. O. Downing, John Latta (M. F. H ), J. O. Maehe, Mr. W. U Wood. MrsjV HBly the,Mra C 1L. Edmonds, Mrs. Clarence Nichols, Mrs. Buff um. Miss B. Gila. -r - PUBLIC SCHOOL BOYS BEATEN BY PACIFIC - - (Special "Mustek t Th Journal.) Forest Grove, Or., Nov. 17. The pub lic school boys of Forest Grove were today worsted on th college gridiron by th Academy Preps by th larg scor of 11 to 0. Th gam waa a fast ona, In spit of th wet field, and the school boy mad a much batter showing than they did two week ago. - zoung Ferrln starred for "Cad -Preps" and Harding and Reeher also made soma good gains. Moor and Stackleader. for th public achool, were tha stars. M0NF0RT CAPTURES THE GRAND CONSOLATION (Special Ptipatrh by teasd Wire to Th Journal) Washington, Nov. 17. Monfort, a cheap aelllng plater, today won th grand consolation stakes for two-year olds by three lengths from Orphan Lad, which beat th $10,000 Tourenn three parts of a length for tha plac. Miller rod Monrort ana caugni me. punuo play at I to 1. Laat time out Monfort was badly beaten by poor platera and hla winning proved that th field for th fifth, grand consolation Included a mighty poor lot , WASHINGTON MAOEEL-r OREGON ON MONDAY It has not yet been definitely settled when th Oregon-Washington game will be pulled Off. The game waa sched uled for yesterday, nut tne Washington team haa been delayed en rout. Th chancas are that th Washington team will arrlv In Portland this 'evening and will leave for Eugene at once, so that th gam will t played on Mon day Itith gamJ not played , oa Monday or Tuesday, it la quit likely that It will, ba called off. jTo-sjoora Contest. : s f (ftpwial Pl.patch to Tht Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Nov. 17. Th Ab erdeen and Centralla High achool team played a tie no-acora game today. Tha ?am waa a aesperai oaitie irom start o finish. Orlmm. who played on tha State University team last year was In lha - gam for Centralla, - . Tim - f halves, 15 and 10 mlnutea. . Referee, Terptngors Umpires, Lewis and Austin. Linesman, Phillips. Bowling ire, - The nrlsa Offered for th hlrheat sin si e gam rolled In any of tha Port land league pownng matcnea la being ought after by both clauses. Th highest scor at present is held by Keating, . Other soorea are: Dan- ford III. McMonies Hi, Krusa 247, Mo Menomy 247. '.,, STAfJFORDPLEASED Cardinal Coach Is Held In Hijjhif EteerfTi)yriB-Falo Alto -1 Students. - ?- THREE BIG VICTORIES TaniS FINE RECORD4H Rujby Gaine Has Taken Good Mold at California Universities, and Lan agan May Be Sent to New Zealand to Study Up the Sport.'. , f (Special Dtapatrb to Tbe Jenrnal.f Stanford University, Cal., Nov. 1T. With a Stanford victory over pallfornla last Saturday, th first Intercollegiate Rugbf season in this country cam to a oloae. . Aside from th unusual In terest manifested on account of the newness of the sportr the gam Itself marked th third successive triumph of he Cardinal over th Blue and Gold, a feacr which neither college has accom plished heretofore. Furthermore it waa th third successive victory for Iana gsn's methods, who though he never saw a . Rugby gam .until this year proved- himself to be th master of Taylor, th California coach, who learned th gam In Mew Zealand. The Stanford student body Is proud of their coach and th 15 men who stood be hind hlm,and TaJolc In a cleHn. fair y over their uiiuunanta from across the bay. . But on Incident haa served to mar a season otherwise successful. Th postmortem wall of tha Berkeley par tisan atlll rlnga In our aara. Tha game had no sooner come to a close when there were cries of Stanford luck and favoritism on the part of Referee Un made, cdmlng from th Berkeley sup porters Mora than this. Trainer Chris? tla and even Captain Haffey want so far as to question th fairness of Stan ford's victory. If th words of th former to tha effect that tha Berkeley team had to play not only against tha Stanford fifteen, but againat tha offi cials as well la Indicative of tha spirit in - which - Berkeley takea her defeat, then there ia aomethfng aa'Ay lacking in tha sporting instincts of the California men. Thla cry of unfalrneaa haa brought forth a atorm of criticism on tha part of nonpartisan writers, who are fond In denouncing the unsporta manllk apirlt of th Blue, and Gold followers. Referee - Upmack ia ona of these and In an open letter declared: "Never in all my experience athlete, football player or referee, have I com across a team that took a fair and honest beating ao badly aa thla Berkeley 'varsity." Aa long as California will have vic tory, and victory alone, and can aee nothing honorable In a gracious defeat, lust so. long will this spirit ofmuck arlsm 4reva!tr Bugfey Xaa Soma Well. Rugby It . aeeina, baa coma up to the best expectations of its promoters. Tha presidents of both universities have declared themselves as thoroughly aat- Isfled with the f lrst year'a work... The exhibition between, Stanford and Cali fornia, they adroit waa a little ragged aa compared with the way that English' men play th game, but they argue that' another aeason wilt see a game fully aa Interesting aa tha old ona.. One thing la certain, tha game aa it i played now will have to b modified considerably and tha rules revised throu ghoutt8t ajafotdB ndjCaUf.orUl have taken it upon memaeives io create almost a new game a game that com bines much of tha English gam and a little of th American gam. ; Thla baa resulted Jna great many mlaundar standings and It la thought by some that th criticism of Referee Unmack by tha Berkeley supporters waa du to a misunderstanding o eoma o tha fine polnia of the game. Among th stu dents of the universities there aeeme to b a' division of opinion aa to tha merits of th new game. Many, In fact th majorltyrwould Hke'lo ae th old game played again, and -on th other hand there ar-thosa -who hop that Rugby may be developed Into an ideal sport It Is not at all unlikely that Rugby will be given another trial br Stanford and California, next year. . Xnag-aa Kay TrvL If such is th decision of the uni versity authorities, it la probable that Coach Lanagan will go to New Zealand next summer to study the game as It is played there. Th New Zealander by their rcent vlctorlee over the Eng lish and -Canadian t earns - have ahowa tbemaelvea to be lha champions of tha world at Rugby. Generally, Lanagan has gone eaat, just after the big game to watch the eastern colleges play and to atudy new methods, but thla year th trip .will b useless and Instead ha will ba Bent to New Zealand, where h can .waioh Rugby a played by thoa who know the game Mat NORTH CENTRALS DOWN THE CRESCENT ELEVEN The North Central defeated Crescents by the scor of 20 to t. Th gam waa a vary fast one, but North Central out played the Crescenta and won. Tha stare of the gam were Potter for North Centrals -and Keyaa for tha Crescents ' The teams were evenly matched Th line-up waa; North ' CehtraX- Position. , Crescent Davla ............. C... ...... .. Curry Bennett R Ci...; R. Nelson Tatham ........ .L G. ...... C Nelson Hasford ...... ...R T. .......... Pegg Miller ........... .L T., Johnson Morrla ....R E) Cabb Burna ,L B Keyee Humphrey .......Q Mountain. Potter ...K M Kenney Turner L H.... M Evana McKmnan ...F..... Daly Umnlr Mr. Hurburt. Halves Jt and 80 mlnutea. Referee Mr. Thomaa. OVERHAULING POWER PLANTS SINCE FLOOD (Special Dlseatrk te Th Joe ma I.) Forest Grove. Or., Nov. 17. In vlw of th damage done by the larg amount of rain to tha power-plant dam on the headwatera of the Tualatin, the engines at the two plant will ba equipped with oil-burners. This mov I deemqd nec eesary, to lower tha running expenses, as many cords of wood are required at present. Th old water-wheel formerly placed at the Galea creek plant IS being overhauled and will be put in at the Halnea dam to aid in securing more power. . i ' ' i . O. Lewie Mead as Waahlartoa. (Wiahtngtoe Barn ef The Journal.) ' Washington. Nov. 17. C Lewis Mead of Portland la at the New Wlllard, r - ii ; - t i mm, mm McKlnney, Oregon's Crack Lineman, MULTKOFJAH RETRIEVES" (Continued' from Pag Ten.) purloined th ball.- Owena failed to gain cr, flr.t itnn Vr. fnmhUrt mlt full. man punted to James, who punted on th flrat down and Coleman tried to do the same on the Willamette's first down, but McMillan blocked his punt Willamette recovered tha ball and Cole-' man punted to James, who punted yarda on th first down. Again Willam ette punted without trying for yardage, and' Lonargan caught tha ball, advanc ing it II yarda Jamea punted 60 yarda to. Owens, who was tackled by Jordan, as time waa called. ' Final acore, Mult nomah II, Wllamtt I. , - Length of halves, SS mlnutea; refer, M. Boyd; umpire, M. Hockenberry; Una man, M. ZleglerV timekeepers, Mr. Teck helraer and Dr. Rader. . The lineup: ' " -' Willamette. Position, Multnomah. Flaher .. ,, ... L E. . . . . ... j . .- Wilder Lounsberry L. E. ....... Dowling Lounsbarry, Hewitt L. T, . . . . McMillan MacKnlght L. G Starling Nelson - . . . i ,-. i . . .C. i . ; . . ; . . . ; Kellar Marker R. O Burt Boyer R. T ' Pratt Russell ........ .R. E... Jordan (Capt) Owena ...Q Blanchard Dowling Nace L. H. ......... Dolpb Thomaa ...R. H. Lonergan Coleman .....F. ... James Substitutes for Willamette, Belknap; for M. A. A, C, Carson, Carlson, Lltt Stockton. ACTION AND OBEDIENCE Soma of . the Things That Football - Teaches the Mayers. By Rev. Clarence True Wilson, D. D. A I aat In tha grandstand yesterday I thought of many things one waa the weather. It doea not seem to favor us. I have sometimes feared one or two of the boys would be hurt; now I'm afraid aome one will get drowned. It le almost as Interesting to sit In the grandstand and hear the remarks aa to witness the fin move of the playere on the field. Just befor m sat a radiant brunett with roay cheeks dimEied.9nordlnaxg..iccaalnna, T sup. pose, she would be "cold," but a Wil lamette boy baa just made a good play. Sh exclaims, "Oh, isn't he a dear." If ha could have heard that ha would , be re warded for all hla splash ing In the mud. Another thing that opens my ears Is the way the girls can screech for their favorite -side snd how mncH'more ef fectively- for-lhlrfevorlt-tlayr. notice a girl with a vole aoft and low. awakened by football aha makes a startling noise that la heard across the gridiron. . And th girls era good Judges of man lines. They may not know the rules. but Instinct tells them. Tou never hear of a football player In time of war crying and running to hide at the first fire; nor afterward of being rebuked by hla captain, who com mands him, "Be a man; don't be a baby," replying, "I wish I was a baby, and a, girl baby, too." : - ' I admire the girls; but not a lady. like man. I would make all such wear dressea. Humanity admires energy In action; thoughts in quick motion. W never sen a thought vividly in tha ab stract. Give It' to us In the concrete and . it. stirs our blood, Tha - gam teachea the moral: "Do thtnga; don't dream them all day long." Some people never make any mistakes because they never make any move. Football will develop a claaa of doers. Itleada to quick thinking andqulck aotlng.. Ita drill In obedience to author Ity la excellent A little shaver jpende the whole team of big stalwarts back as a penalty and they go because he haa tha right to command. AN ENJOYABLE CONTEST Well Flayed Oaaae AJthongn mooter Wer Somewhat Xmbamsstrig. , By Rev. A. A. Morrlaon, D. D. I attended yeaterdny'a game between Multnorfiah and-Willamette,- and " thor oughly enjoyed the contest From the result t am pleased to say that the Portland club men have the better team. Disliking the elements. I took refuge fn th grandstand, wher I saw the Rev. Clarence True Wilson, without his spectacles, and wearing a funeral coun tenance, I fancied that Dr. Wilson was shocked. The Willamette rooters went ' wild when their favorite blocked a kick and made a tOWcffaowTC What" disturbed me moot wae the way those embryonic Methodist preschers, who earn to Port land for th sport, yelled whenever Willamette scored an advantage, While admitting that I am nothing of a prude, on account of my long associa tion with th Multnomah rootoaii play ers, I eonf)a that I was scandalised to hear those good young men give vent te their feelings by shouting . "We are In It t should smil. And will b In Itji h of a whil." Than, too, my feeling wer disturbed completely when th six young women representing th Willamette oholr tried to join in the singing. After hearing them I waa convinced that their yell ing wa much better than their sing ing. Tha game Itself wsa a masterful exhibition of th football science, but I beg that Willamette will be' more careful In the future In presenting rooter and yellers at a lost cause, ao that Dr. Wilson will not be ao enthus iastically -embarrassed. DAUGIITOfl WRITES OIUUGDOfil Joe Thomas Will Meet Al Neil and McConnell In One Evening. HOW THE FIGHT TRUST 7 ES UP Expert Naughton Reviews the Box- inf Mixup in California in a Fair Fashion' and Makes Timely Com ment About O'Brien and Jeffries. By W. W. Naughton. : (Special Dlapatcb by Leased Wire to The Jooraal) San Francisco. Nov. 17. Is an up-to- date pugilist a. match for two men of tha vintage of 1900? . That la the- question th Ban Fran claoo fight promoters are anxious to solve and to that end they have matched Jo Thomas against ,A1 Nell -and Frank McConnell. Thomaa haa undertaken io stop his two class matea in on nlghV being held to a limit of. 10 rounds in each ease. Six yeara ago Nell and McConnell were well to the front in what might ba called the light middleweight divla Ion. They wer "certainly th bast of their heft In San Francisco and there waa widespread interest when the rival native aona booked up for a to-round bout aome four or five yeara ago. The affair went the full dlsisnoa and Nell waa awarded the decision, a verdict which didn't give general aatisfactlon by any means. In their heyday Nell and McConnell were what might be called all-round ring men. They could box and they could punch. McConnell once won from the redoubtable Grlf f o in a ahort bout at th Olympic club and Nell knocked out Tim Murphy, who had com her heralded aa th best middleweight Aus trails had produced In yeara. And now Joa Thomaa thlnka himself equal to the task, of putting both Nell and McConnell away In one night well, It Impresses on with th fact that a fighter's best yeara are as faw aa thoae of a race bora. Match of thla kind ar alwaya aura to awake reminiscence and provoke dis cussion. Some of the fans ' who are airing their viewa are asking whether Thomaa aa he la rightnow, la a better fighter than Neil or McConnell waa alx yeara ago. This I a theme that can be threshed out till th cowa oome home for there is no way of . settling the point As a friend of mine put It: "Even If Thomaa and Nell, say, flourished In the same year, they would have to fight to tall which waa th better man, ao what Ir th use of talking about something which cannot be put to the test". But the fightgoera continue to make comparlsona along the line mentioned. for though -fighters fada and shrivel, the men who argue about' them seem te keep perennially young " "Does any one mean to tell me that with Jeffries out of It, th average championship candidate of -today is to ba compared with tha average aecond. claas heavy-weight of eight or ten yeara agar asked" -on sport : who had 7 been caught la th awirl of discussion. 'Twaa a aura enough poser and doesn't do to be too quick with answer. Joe Choynskl. Kid McCoy and Denver Ed Smith were aecond raters, but If they were In their prime right now they would be right In the thick of the championship ecrlmmage. About Kid MoCot. .Talking of "Kid" McCoy recalls that the Hoosler laddie le talking of fighting again. Well, that'a all right McCoy, so far aa I remember, never went on record- to--th-ffect-that-h had -forsaken fisticuffs for ever and aye. He aimply drops out of sight for a whil at time and than bobs up like a jack tBTne-oox. Soma- one said - that th Kid wanted to meet Jeffrlea, but I don't believe It It would be just his luck, though, to get th first-crack at Hackenschmldt-as did at that unfortunate Dutchman, Horr Plack. Poor Hackenaohmidt; poor Plack. They aay that when the latter went to McCoy's corner and aaw the adhesive tap on McCoy' handa and knuckles, he asked ruefully: "le that all you're going to wearT" If Hackenschmldt cornea- over thla to do and tha public demands that he engage in an elimination bout befor Issuing a challenge to Jeffries, it wilt hardly be fair to let, McCoy grab him. I guess It's old Bob Fltsstmmons' turn to get a whack at one of those foreign puglllstlo potentates. Or, If It com es to that, let McCoy and Fltsslmmona box for th privilege of meeting Hacken o4merican Restaurant cox. Tarrmn AH1 OOVOX ITS. orzor BAT AXTD sTXOHT. Sunday Sinner from 11 a. m. U I p, m Cxeaaa of Celery Soup (free with steals) anifiaS Tomatnaa K Kothoos x,ernoe ,.iue Oreea Onloae 5 Celery 5f vniexea Bieiaa, witn auyonaaia Dressing . .... M. , . ... . ZOC ouea salmon aeiuee win wait sans ids oiiea ox Tosni wita ore- radiah . ZOO Chicken rot M with BampUnga. .25 Pork Spar Klbs with aaarknrai.zoe) Small Beef Tenderloin, Bordelaia.2Se ante of Teal Kianey on tossi. . Breast or tmu, areata ea wivn vaau- flower 20 Beef Stow with Tgtabis 15 CalveeA Bralna with Scramble Bgga . ......aSe Macaroni and Chee, Xtalleaae. . , . 1R Braised sirloin of Beef, Spaolah ..150 Plokled Lamb's Tonga with rotate - Salad . ZO Chile Ooa Cars lBf Keif Spring; Chlokan en Toast, Fried 4U era Beef Stash with Poched Bgg . , 1B Orange Fritters with Wine Ssoo. IK Side Order Orange Fritter 5 Baat Young- Turkey with Cranberry ana and Celery 3Bt Boast Spring Chicken with Brass- las; ZO Boast Fork . m IB Boast Teal . 15e Boast Spring Lamb, tUat Ssnoe aad On raa i ZOf Boast Beef, raa Oravy &j Slload Oranges 10. Sliced Ba- Coffee,' Bread aad Butter aad rotate with ail mesas. AJCBBIOAXf BSSTAVBAWT. Corner Third and Couch Sta. schmldt That would shadow out a highly Interesting campaign. About Jim Jeffrie, Th fact that Jim Jeffrlea la to ref--the Jack -ttrten-Tommy "Bums match at Los Angeles adda a seat to th affair. It does more. It give as surance that th two, heavies will gat a-squar4al and-tha they -themselves will have to deal squarely with th pub lic When O'Brien was up in San Fran dace to attend the Kaufmann-Berger conteat he amd to think there would be a hitch whan th time cam t select referee for hi match with Burna. Jack waa determined .to call a halt on everything if any attempt waa made to foist an unsuitable man on him, and th celerity with which - he ha accepted Jeffrie shows that he ia satisfied that th hiar fellow will ludsa tha mill In. tsUlgsntly aad give eh nttn hi du. So far th gossips and scandal monger hav not had anything sinister to aay about .a conteat and everything points to a hard, clean, determined fight. Burns, who ' Is forthright of speech, haa criticised O'Brien harshly. He 'has accused Jacg ox an the ains in the pugilistic calendar. He seems to regard th Phlladelphlan as his natural nemy and he ..has been at pains to vlll- Ify and thwart him. He wrote a letter, which was pub lished In Sydney, in which he said: "O'Brien won't fight me. He Is a coward and a big fourflusher. - He won't fight any one where he knowa he has got to fight. It waa In the letter referred to that Burna showed hla hand, so far aa a de sire to rob O'Brien of a trip to Aus trails was concerned. He said: "I wish you would hustle and get Squires for me, before OBrlen gets him. It was about that time that Tommy aprung hi Arcadia offer of a $20,000 purse for O Brlen and himself, o Brlen canceled hia passage by th outbound Australian steamer and a day later the Arcadia bubble burst O'Brien will think of all these things when the musle of the starting gong ts lingering in his ears. TOmpiy. too, will remember the little things he has said Ihff doniTo' aiinoy O'Brien, and will de cide that th best way to aettle old scores is to (ight Ilk, a demon. Jgemslo and attune. - George Memslo. otherwise Jimmy Burn, who did for Charley, Neary In two rounds In Los Angslea, ia now in 11 n for a match with one of the top- notch lightweights. It is believed an at tempt will be made to atgn Jimmy Brltt and Memslo for thla city next montn. Dick . Hylanl alio spoken of a ao f opponent for Memslo. Either match would be an attractive on, a fact which is recognised by McCarey of Lea An geles, who will bid against -the San Francisco promoters for the ' privilege of handling Memslc s nexf right Tommy Burns has Memslo under hie wing, snd that Bum thinks well of hi charge'ls shown "by the way-In whloh ha described him in the letter to Australia before mentioned. ' "I have George Memslo with me, and I'd like tft bring him over." wrote Tommy. "I think be will be the cham pion of the world in a year, as he la one of the best lightweights I have ever seen. I sm fighting him under the name Of Jimmy Burna." r BOURNE TO WORK FOR PUBLIC GOOD Will Co to Washington to Aid Senator Fulton In Securing Recognition for Oregon. Jonathan Bourne Jr., Indorsed by the people of Oregon for united States sen. tor, will go to Washington to attend the opening of congress and will work with Senator Fulton for all govern mental projects In which Oregon is In terested at the coming aesslon of eon- In a telegram sent byJosephNTeaL attorney for the transportation commit tee of the chamber of commerce, Mr. Bourne announces his intention of leav ing New Bedford. Massachusetts, for Washington at an early date,, and re quests that all obtainable data on Ore gon projects be sent him to enabl him to use hla efforts with bis congressional friends In aiding Senator -Fulton In se curing recognition ior urenon noeas. The matters clamoring for attention are Columbia river improvement th Celllo canal, tha irrigation project ana, other Oregon work now depending upon gov ernmental appropriation for their early future completion. WANTS DIVORCE BECAUSE HER HUSBAND IS CRUEL Elisabeth V. Phillips filed a suit In e state circuit court yesterday after noon for a divorce from Charlea J. Phil Hps on the ground of cruelty. - Mr. Phillip allege that her husband falsely accused her of Infidelity. They wa married at Spring field, nrmois. In April, 1814,. and hav seven children. Mr. Phillip give their names and agee aa follows: -Anna, aged 17, who Uvea with a good family at The Dalles, Oregon Ida, aged 18, who has a home with her mother's brother; Agnes, aged II. who livee with the father at Mosler, Oregon; Irma, aged 14, who le a ward of the juvenile court and Oscar, aged 11; Alice,- aged 10, and Ar villa, aged 7, who live with their mother. Mrs. Phillips states that she fears her husband will resort to desperate means to injure her or gain possession of th children unless he Is reetrained by an order of oourt from Interfering with her during the pendency of . the eult George Jf. Lent appeara as attor ney for Mrs. Phillip. JUDGE SEARS TO GIVE "DECISIONS-TOMORROW Decisions will be announced by Judge Sears In the state circuit court tomor row morning In ,n following case: 8. T. Psokwood vs. F. A. Sweeney, motion to sot aside default E. C. Johnson vs. Hultnomah Fair association, demurrer to amended com plaint O. M. Smith vs. J. R. Keep, motion to strike out part of answer "Paul'Jm." Bemler veT "Meier A Frank. demurrer to amended complaint. Oosalln Hamblett vs. Pence com pany, motion to dissolve temporary In junction. ABDUCTED CHILD-WlFE RETURNS TO HER HOME (Special Dlapatcb ta The Jnernal.) Waterloo, Orn Nov. 17-Nellie Phll- lppl, the 16-year-old , girl who wae ab ducted by Charlea Ureenough during a temporary abaence of her parents, haa -returned to her home. Greenough in- duoed her to 'marry him. He took her to Oregon City and secured work for her and for himself with the Oregon City Lumber company. Relatives of the girl made search, located the pair and Induced Nellie to come home. Con siderable Indignation toward Greenough la felt generally in the community, but no legal proceedings against blm hav been taken, ' . I i ' i a I vC'I'l' I Jill". SQUARE DEAL "LIVE AND LET LIVE" burned kxj by the XtCHUlTlU MATES TkXaV I'HU.NB COMPANY."- This , aothjuatas "B1 Cow- amatmeltr, , relebratrd for lu rottes service aad blaa rata . the "WOkLO OVKH." btll.r. tae way to I unwed Is to knock aad dtacradlt Um Aata-1 niatic and . ta- aecvtUas of the sw ' li'd-P-xi-nt Home TttphoM Oueapaay hrT endinc forts an avalanche ut tat and triad, I BoaTia" Information to the public by tae Soft- Shoe, Oa-tba-gulet, Lonely-fete Boete. Tbre H oat one anewer tn to ...thU. I originating from tha Knockcr'a Camp. ir me "lEKKiriO RATES TbLIIrHuAS COMPA.VT" apeat Ita MO(fKV to Improve Its OWN MERVlCkl sad sar Its bsngrj-tooktnav hlreUaira aoufh to be eourteoos te Its patroneT uu aiuar m art or attending to ita own BLSINEU3, thaj would at laaat be preewlng to bold a faw televbooe snbavrlbere whan the ' dore nt in. all rut Annu, DKMI'IBKS TFIB KNOCK I ft, snkNcfe over tures OrliriaatiK f mn. mnw H,m wtH, without cauaa. will And navBTtn path tarn la! this or anr LA W-A-olont, UukaVLO VIKllI lA'MAlUIY 1 IX. lit I siae the people ere ap earveetlf 4ba almost ojlajjlmooa pojMlw vote Portlasd folks fare tae Automatic on electloa day would ndlcste fbe DKAH PUBLIC eaa't aa what the KL'KK rB VTrrrllla Bates Tetenboae Com illume DKA sVo- ylng pany la worrying about, because It tha Asto matte Is no' rood snd the stockholders aro so better, op ratio aad featdeace will tall Sottas caea amnmaot. The fart la, snd. I guess moat people ksow It., ffceTaiTlble Rates. L'saltaa, All-la. Ovar-l IlSad. Woodnackerad-PoU Talanhooa Artlrkal la ap sfslnst the Baal Arttdo, aad srsat r aort to ambush methods, before-taekr CN-l-CONMTIONA1. BL'KRK.NDEH." Anrway. Ue hlhihai, or mm fiti kst win oa tae One Teleuhone Toil "H1TH 17 P TO." ro- sardlau of their taut or mine. Tbkj does not I Intereet the Public; what people wast la "Tela-; pnone Berne'- aae courteous ireatimee .no baat for the leaat amount of money. Tbey are sick and tired ef thla "BELL-COW" Coa.. Uke-it-or-let-lt-.lona, ruleer-rnla service.- - liila- la- rrw oneetrr. H asset-saee hav-- ine rigni io live ena sen tseur wares. I sen these eefiirttie snd believe in them, and ba 11. .a In tha eempany and people back ef them, with all my soul ae meek so that I herobr atree ' wita esea Boreaasar I nav sold a Portland bond to. If IS months attar opera tin' and gaaeral serrlre is given ye a re dlaaatla- fled or disappointed with ronr Investment, I wit t. t wt-1 u w vrkrfB www . .!. S par cent eompousd Intaraet. em perfectly sole to e so, ana asiy aay sta lament, te th . contrary. . LOUIS J. WILDE, a President Americaa Harloost Bank, gaa Dleso. Callforsta. repreeentlna Ksttooal Sa- eorltles Company ef Los Angeles, California, . In Bond UepartmsBt, Latlayatur. Stocs. fott ltsd, OrrgoSi r- The Wobdpeclicr A woodpecker pecked ' Os s telephone pal. . Be packed sway . Till be pecked a Big hotel ' last's so thin. . He kept It ep This perking war, fill he pecked every pat TS same Md way. . i aa tnataBou Then he flew le Uie turn This woodpeeker bold . . To sharpea his bin Be I am told, Bat that's sothlDg. . . - "rw wh ha ease hA . Te peck soma othera. Be tackled a Dole 1H wua i nis ratners. BUU Jaat'a i Till his bill sot enre. . Than back ba the bam. t at ha. pecked no met . a , inui , The last pole perked Was "Home" snd sHv. Thare's differene la pole Where Woodpeckrre thrive. Aad that'a everything.. MORAL "'""'..:..."' And the Knocker ae well -May knock at his ears. But s "rap" st roar neighbor Is knocking aloa. Z-" Tla not evaa mealy j Thla "Weodnei-ker" wsy. ' ; The World mrae . a Boostr Let . the World '.'hare It way. "WILDE," Bonds, Lefajette Bldg., PerUass. . Fair Fighting One of the swards made br the trustees ef the Carnegie hero fuud wae to Butue Xa Coomba of Midway, Kentucky. Combs and Klchard Oodson ef the Sam town wars political rivala. The esetast be-. tweea them deTeloped personal enmity snd the people of the town kwkad for a pistol duel at any time. Oodaoa was s lawyer ead Inventor. On day last spring he dewended into a vaslt te repair a faeniaklng machine. While there he waa overcome br the fumee of the gas. The vault had bet eue opening e email manhole st tha top. Those who dlaeovored Cnaa.e e -eaedlttoa baetteted to g down . tor ' fear of the foal gas. . Ceombe heard of Oodso' plight. The tee nier wae la poor health, gut faring tram a aolnal affection, hie ohralelaa bad warsed him against making any violent eievtloa. Nerertheleae, Coomb ran rapidly te the spot. Ut - pushed salde thoae wh eoafht ta restrain blm br sajln that Oodaoa must he dead by this time, and dveeeedea.. Three times did the semi-Invalid Brmg Hie body of the Bneonaeloua man hut daadiy anamr up tne laouer twic id paawie at tha ton let It tall. The third time tber se cured Uodeon and also drew eat Combe. who fell feinting across the body ar the msa a hod eevee, The Canegle traatee did welt wBea they awanled cVombe e maual aad H.fluO. Whr did Coamhe save tha Ufa ef kls daaraet enemy al sack rearral risk ef kie ownt This was the reoir te sway eiwa "I ALWAYS LtlVEl) A I A Ml 1 a AND OODSON ALWAYS POl'IIHT rtllt." There's e lot of maaimaaa ua .aMia raa- mwut le - U a laadlna- trail IS ta Anc'le-Seine, kkied. whiah le ssblla bleed. The vrhlte bus. vharevar yo sou mim. u a fair flahter. it. TJ. A-hta aad sbeaw beard I M spaoted evee by ble deereet la. while ha who strikes Bewtw toe a- t - - Bad no willing handa te help blm sp. A vlctorr fist la wa by ft m ehaep t rtitory. Isdrd. ft is m tUlory at u wLEs,,, HomeTc!r;!:cr3C: