THE OREGON SUNOAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1S03 10 - '' , , . III I I MMMMWMI MMII I I II lBMMMMOTW II ill I I 1 II !- 1 MHMMMMMMMMMMMMM " . I I - ' . ' : I v YALEnftiiD "TIGERS Desperate Struggle on Nassau ; . Field Results In Neither a Team Scoring. . PRINCETON MEN ARE VERY.; . .. ' MUCH DISAPPOINTED For Two Thirtjr-Mlnut Halves Both ; Teams Fought With ths Greatest , ' Courage, but Neither Wu Able to . Score aS ingle Point 71 " T " (Special DUpatch by Lmm4 Wirt to The Jooraal) Princeton, Nov. 17. Yals.'and Prince ton battled today In their annual arid Iron encounter, and at the end of two -30-mlnute halve the same ended with ; ' 'a ecore of nothing to nothing-. It waa a desperate struggle all the way. with " first one team and then the other hav- in a shad . the .better ofJ.h fight. But ?-" neither team couil count. Tonight .the New Haven rootJttf are Contented, and tna foHowera "or tlie'Ttirera ardlwip- , . pointed. The Princeton men had counted this thelra They had looked forward to a victory over the blue, for Prince. ton has one of the strongest teams In I -the history of the college. - - l .-...'Yale came to the New Jersey town " ' trembling. . The wearers of the blue .-. fought every Inch of the way to stave :, off defeat and they feal that they have ' accomplished much. -.-'A The game Itself was spectacular be " cause it was full-of punting. Veeder and Harlan booted the ball back and : forth and the others chased the-oval '" always hoping that .something would , happen to allow a freak score. It soon " : bwini apparent that to score by , J straight football was as good, as Im possible. The tetryirds was too great - y , a distance for either team to make In three downs ana each captain was J AA' afraid to risk daring trick plays, Con ' aequently the contest resolved ' Itself ' . into a kicking duel, and with Veeder V and Harlan doing the booting the strug , ' gle still remained equal. . .. Great Throng Present. 'A Early In the day the trains poured into the town with great loads of rooters from New Haven and New York. Long before noon It seemed that the great stands would never hold , - the crowd. Fully 30.000 persons -had accumulated in the streets of the town " and wont about, searching for food In . :AA. vain. Every possible crust had been -- gobbled up before the noon whistles ' Mew and thousands were forced to go to the grounds hungry. . But hunger was forgotten as soon as the big field - was ' reached.- 'Amid the waving of banners and yelling of stu dents there was no time to think of AA- food. The great annual battle was about to start. The Tale team cam upon the field first and ran through . - , some formations in grand style. They looked heavy and powerful and seemed able to beat the world at rootDaii. Then the Tigers trotted out They were trifle lighter, but when the practice plays were gone over It was ' "" ' " eainy sOpii that fur apetd they had ths blue beaten. When the gam started Princeton was ' the favorite by alight otida. Th Tigers kicked off and Tale had first trial at carrying the TalL But to advance was impossible and the kicking contest be gan at once. Back and forth flew the ball, and back and forth followed the athletes. Boon FrthceroTrT'W1rarracrmney and by a fake kick had the ball near , the goal. It seemed the Tigers would score . early. Another play put them within "said of the mueh-oeveted goal and then - followed a penalty. This prob ably, cost the Tigers the game. Tale got the ball and soon had It back again near th center of the field, where once tnore the kicking game .was resumed. During the entire first half the Tigers had a bit the best of the struggle, but - never galn - got -close-enough to - the Tale goal to cause fear. - - Tale Take a Xrace. In "the second "half "th Tale men took a decided brace and held their-own nearly all of the time.. ' Much of the time she had the struggle In Prince ton's territory, but was never within striking distance ' of the goal. Field goals wer tried by -both - teams, but Our Slock o! VyiNE and For . the coming holidays represents all the leading vineyard of this and foreign ' (: countries, Rhine Wine 50 to $5 a quart. Champarne, pint, 91.60 i quart, 93.00. - - ' - ImfMDrted Copnac Urandy, $5.00 to $12.00 agallon.- Ouf-Wine at 91.00 a ijallon is absolutely pure. THE QUALITY STORE Fifth and Stark Sts. Phone Main 6499 ' LIQUORS AT Good Priced Horses Get in fo the Money at the Cincin nati Course, f Journal SiwHil -Scrrk.') ' Latonla, Ky., Nov: IT. Kesults of to day's racing: ' . Six furlongs, selling. Nedra (Morris) - Ito 1. won: Grandlta second, Fire Alarm third. Time. 1:17. Mile and sixteenth John Garner (Swain) It to 1. won, 6L Tammany seo- ond, Ravlana third. Time, III 6-6. Third race was declared off. Mile Kerohlval (Austin) to t. won; Nat. B. second. Akbar third. Time 1:44. . Six furlongs Martlus (Fisher) II to I, won: Black rt second, Borret Top third. Time 1:17 1-6. On"mUe 8trNoel TKeyes)"!! to t. won: Adesso second. Trenola thira. Time 1:41 8-5. A.t Sennlnr's Track. (Jmtrntl Sorclal Service.) . Benning's Race Track. , Washington, Nov. 17. Results of today's race:- Seven furlongs Fire Brand (Mo- Daniel) to 1, won; Anna Smith sec ond, Hooray, third. Time 1:11 1-6. About two half 'miles, BJadansburg steeplechaee Follow. On . (Kerr) even, won; Cleroso second, RusseirfJage and Northvill refused th jump. Tim. t:ttr fourtarted. ...i n,- . . ....,- The Grand Consolation for 1-year- olds, $1,000 added. " seven - furlongs Monfort (Miller) S to 1, won;. Orphan Lad second, Tourenne third. - Time, l:l-ft-l.- ' ' , Six furlongs Water Grass (Horner) t to 1. won; Lady Tarantella second, Babv Willie third. Time 1:15. Mil and 10 yards Tarlac (Horner) 10 to 1, won; Marsters second. Marks man third. Time l:4t. ; Mile and a sixteenth Angler (Miner) T to 6. won; Sonoma Bell Second; Ag ile third. Tim 1:6ft. , , ii WHITMAN ELEVEN BEATS THE IDAHO TEAM ; Walla Walla Players Succeed in Winning Championship Game by a Single Point. (Special Dlapatrh to Tin loanaL) WaUa Walla, Wash., Nov. . 1 7 Slow playing, fumble and an abundance of punting characterised th Whitman Idaho football contest this afternoon. In which Whitman player defeated the visitor by th close margin, of to 6, Th feature of the gam -wer th suc cessful forward passes by the Moscow team, Robertson, th quarter, accurately making a difficult throw to Oeorge Armstrong at right end. Whitman at tempted th forward pass ono early In th game, but mad a signal failure and abandoned -the new play. r Idaho started into, the contest with whirlwind tactic and within th first five minutes forced th pigskin across th line by a series of end runs and fast line bucks. ' tan throughout, but with a number of suc cessful punt won a touchdown In little lea than seven minute and Rig by added what proved to be th win ning point by kicking tb goal - Each team weighed an average or about 167 pounds. The ' line-up follow: Whitman un- breath, center; U. Perrlnger, left guard; Matthews, right guard; iimmtek;4eft tackle; Philbrook, right tackle; Lyman. left end; Spagle, right end; BorleeKe. left half: O. Perrlnger, right half; Rtgs- by.-full, and -Bohmtrtl. Quartet . Moscow Bteln. center; smitn, lext guard; Stokesberry, right guard; Lar son, left tackle; Oakes, right' tackle; O. Armstrong, right end; Levldge, left end; Robertson, quarter; E. Armstrong, left half; Small, right half, and Keyes, full. either th dlutsnc wa too great or the kick was bad and not a count could be registered. - It waa (he general opinion after the game"lh)U pnder the oil system of play the Tigers would have been able to have landed a victory. They gained more ground than the Tale 'eleven, but were seldom able to make the required ten yard. -- : 7 - Th defense of both team was-- ex cellent, but In using th new style of play both team were weak. Trick play war seldom used and yet It was evident all th time that neither tam could scor by straight football. BLANCH ET TEAM BEATEN : BY ATKINSON BOYS r-1-"--. - - V ' " Atkinson defeated Blanche! Institute yesterday by th score of ft to ft. The Blanchet team outweighed th Atktn son, but th steady work of Atkinson won them th gam. Th gam waa slow. Th stars of th gam war Toomey of Atkinson and ; Kelley of Blanehefc Th Atkinson team will play Albina this morning at 10:30 at Park . and Ollsan streets. Th line-up: - Atkinson.. Position. .. . Blanchet Hansen R O Jones Carr ......LO ., Redman Condlt ......R T. Lo ret ta Andrew ......... L T. Mallow Olsea R K. .. atepp L E. . , Toomey ,......R H B. Pennon .........1. H B.. Olddlng F B... Boltwrtght . ntsgarald Kelly Carroll ,. Albert on Puff o a. Jennings Glibblc C. . Hurly BOWLING LEAGUE- Class A Game. Won. Lost. P. C Portlands ........ Oregons ..... Oovesnment Bonds Rchiller Ool d Leaf s . MontavlHaa ...... Class B . II 17 4 I 110 761 (1 1 It . S " T "I 1 II ' It ifl S 4 S IS M "1 I HI m " 86 Wltfamettes :;. Commercial No. t .T2 8 tn 1. Happy Dales .... Heaver .......... Lyrics Commercial No. I. H Ct4 1(K S34 IS Stl 17 10 Atkinson Will Meet AlMna. Atkinson will plsy Albina this morn Ing at park and Ollsan streets at 10:30 o'clock. This will be a warm game and Atkinson will have to pjay some to beat th husky lad of Albina. YESTERDAY'S LATONIA AND . . v .v'j'- , v r .- .;" T it ' -r' ' - .n.i-.-T.... 1 1 " 1 - Reading From Left to Right Houghton, Briggs, White. Middle Row Graham, HilL Merchant, Bradley, Don aldson, MacEwen, Llllejr.- Bottom Rohester CooTert (Ma CorL-Knettle.- Multnomah, in Hard Fought Game, Retrieves Honors Willamette Snatched Last Year On Multnomah " fields"" yesterday" a small, wiry young man named .Hocken- bcrry made a noise like anautomoblle; great crowd of football enthusiasts roared as does "th mob outside" when It Is In ferocious mood; a smaller body ef gridiron partisans assured the arore- ld Hockenberry that he waa "an right." a "good boy." the "real thing" In umpires, and begged that he give no heed to the -persuasive - McMillan, the emphatlo Lonergan or th Indignant Jordan. Mr. Hockenberry. continued to make the nots Ilk the speeding automobile; and when It was stilled Multnomah had been penalised SO yards and Willam ette, by the cleverest blocking of- a kick ever seen here, had made a touch down, and the clubmen were robbed of the chance of wiping out by a decisive Something to Nothing vtotory their de feat of last year. That penalty, block kick and touch down wer among th Interesting fea tures of as blood-moving a gam of football as ha ever been played In Portland. It waa a bit different from the other matches seen this season; be fore. Multnomah ha been playing for practice; yesterday th clubmen wer out- for th honor they lost last year, and put In their best to retrieve them. But Willamette wasn't th Sam cata pult In offnswan't tb aam armor plated bulwark In defense, and lacked th speed that a year ago maa iuii nomah put crop on th door. Th mighty Pollard waa missing; Radar, tb swift, destructive thunderbolt. 1 a Hpnii sad rhJlbrook-andToottaU haTSI been divorced. A Desperate right, But until th laat crash of hurtling bodies,-snd until the final kick waa made, Willamette was xignung assper ately a losing battle and Multnomah was struggling stubbornly to keep what It had earned. While the rain was falling at 1:80 o'clock, the teams sat oh th club step and h(id their picture taken for Th Journal; then th rain stopped, ana Multnomah got on th field; a moment Twterrame Wtllametf. led by ftelsorr, who wa to becom a hero before th day wa over, and Naoe, who was to share his honors. From a choir of fair and beauteous Wlllaroettettes In the grandstand cam a tumult of song wild, tempestuous, words mat tenaea to a breach of th peace but sung to a soft, plaintive hymn tune that robbed the murtheiing sentiment of much of Its blood-thirstiness. From time to time that gentl tun and those fierce trlke-'em-hard and klll-'em-suro words stirred Willamette to renewed but bar ren effort. If you would know th stars on th two team, read th lineup; every man wa a brilliant meteor,- One llt-awhll on showed with a superior light. Nel son, springing through a hedge of arm and legs, blocked , James punt, and Thomas fell on th ball for a touch down: Blanchard mad a run that will be talked about when coming genera tion of Multnomah player speak of doughty deeds on tb gridiron; Pratt, emulous of -Nelson, -threw himself against Willamette's stockade, "blocked a kick, hurdled th end line wires, and mad a touchdown whll th grandstand and bleachers were asking "What's hap pening?" Lonergan was Lonergan when It was necessary to make th first touchdown th Irresistible Dolph was there; McMIUen stood Ilk a stone wall between Willamette and victory. And on the Bid line, Chauncey Bishop brooded silently -iLana gar -Xloran also brooded. SCnltnomah's Kick Oft. Multnomah won th toss, and for th club men Jame kicked off to Owens, Willamette's quarterback, who advanced th ball fau-ywMa and waa downed. Wlllamatt gained flv yard on th first down, but mad no advance on th second play, and Coleman punted 40 yards to Blsnchard, who was downed almost In hi tracks. Then Loners;an, th Swift- and sur'wa shot around Willamette's right and for a 11-yard - gala, - and following 4hl -t-a4apitl tie Dolph burked the line for -four yards, James lost one yard on th seoond down and tried for goal by a. drop kick from th S8-yard Un.. Th ball went high -and- for over th goal, but missed the mark. Coleman kicked out from behind ths 25-yard line. . James fumbled but recovered and mad good by a 18-yard punt Wlllamett gained on yard on first down, then Coleman skirted Multnomah's left end for eight yards and Nare plunged straight through the. oyclon of arm and bodies and nrsrtr-, flrt down.- Willamette failed to gain through - McMillan, and Coleman was forced to punt, which he did, . IS yards to James, who was downed before he got under way, Lon ergan -failed to gain for Multnomah and James punted to Owens, who start ed on a wild dash Tor Multnomah' goat only to be nabbed by Lonergan. Wlllamett gained seven yards around. MoMtllrn then- tried . a t.hort punt, whlrh wits promptly gathered In ,by Clanchard. Dolph gained three yards HILL MILITARY FOOTBALL TE through Boyer, then Lonergan Ml Lounsberry for, two more and James punted. This waa partly blocked by Nelson. Willamette's aggressive center, but It went is yards and was recovered by Multnomah, - ) i- BolpA X&kea Tint Tonoh-own, : Dolph bucked right tackle for - four yards. James bit th same spot for flv more and Dolph mad first down on - ths play.' Blanchard gained tnree yard around Fisher, then Lonergan plunged . outside off tackle for nine yard mora, placed th ball on Willa mette' six yard Un. Lonergan then gained three yard through Lounsberry, and Dolph carried the ball over the goal line, scoring th first touoh-down. Jam kicked an easy goal. Score Multnomah , 'Willamette ft. Coleman kicked off to Blanchard, who dodging, squirming and righting hard, broke loose from Willamette' tackier and advanced the ball 7 yard Ho - WUlameOe' nln - yard Una, where he wa evert Ken ana nrougm to the ground by Lounsberry. . Mult nomah failed to gain on first down and the forward pass attempted by Dolph waa fumbled- but . waa recovered by Multnomah. - Then James galnsd three yards on first down, failed to gain on th next and was . shot over in goat line . on th ' third down, planting th ball between th goal post. . jame kicked another easy goal. Bcor Mult- noniah II. Willamette ft. One more Coleman kicked off to Blanchard, who dropped th ball,, but recovered It Immediately and advanced i: eaDunted BO yard on first down. Owens gathered tn th punt, but ' waa downed Immediately by Jordan. Own then gained 35 yards by a cleverly executed quarterback run around -Multnomah's left end. Imme diately afterwards he tried to - repeat the trick, but was thrown for a loss. Coleman punted to Blanchard, who ad vanced 35 yards. Jam punted 40 yard -out of. bo unds. JTorward Pas rails. Willamette tried the forward pass, which was Intercepted by Multnomah. Dolph hit th line for fonr yards on first down, but Multnomah waa penal ised 16 yard for holding and James Dunted 86 yards. Thomas gained 20 varda around Multnomah's right end, before he waa thrown by Blanchard' lnvelv dive, Willamette, then,, made advance by straight bucks and punted 33 yards to Blanchard, who ran In 20 yards, when h waa tackled and lost th ball. Willamette gained two yards on first down, one yard more on the second by a delayed pass, and Coleman again punted to Blanchard, who re turned th pnnt 26 yrds. The ball rolled out of bounds. Willamette tried an on-side kick, which waa caught b: Maltnomah, and James punted 2 vardi.-. Wlllamett failed to gain on first down, made three yard on the second throurh tight tackle and- punted ta James, who returned th punt 40 yards. Keller retrieved the punt but the ball went to Willamette. Owens tried quarterback run around Multno mah's left end, and gained flv? yards, but in falling hit th ground hard with his right shoulder and was) hurt. Ttma was nn before the next play got nnder wav. Boor Multnomah II, Wlllam ett 0. . , Sfot Work In th Beoond. Coleman kicked off for . Lonergan. who ran the bell bark 30 yard to th center or the Tleld. Lonergan tried to etrcl Willamette' right ackl. bnt failed to gain. "Dolph received th hall for another forward pass, but his throw was interfered wtthy and WHhtni ette gobbled th ball and bucked left tackle for a stx-ysrd gain. Coleman -followed It with flv yard to ht credit on a straight center buck, mak ing first down. Naoa mad on yard outside of McMillan. Coleman fumbled on a straight bock, but Owens recov ered th ball and Coleman booted It to th ever-present Percy Blanchard. who returned th compliment. Owen oaught th return punt, and was downed after a very brief advance, but Jame had succumbed to th tmptstlon of trlp p! n tr'o n ""of th WT1 1 am rtte -warrtrrir, and Multnomah wa penalised, whPh put th ball on Multnomah's three-yard line, and. gav Wlllamett a chance to cor. Coleman essayed a straight plunge and gained nothing, Thomas then, plowed through Noutald of Pratt and placed tb ball within a fot of th goal, but when he tried to repeat the play Lonergan brok through his Interference, downed blm hard for a 'losn, and recovered -th ball for' Mult nomah.' Fisher. Wlllamelt' left end, wa hurt hare, and Lounsberry took his place, wall Hewett took th lat ter' position at loft tackle. 1 Kelson's Oreat "Block. v James, from behind Ms own goal posts, tried to punt out. of danger, bat Nelson, Willamette' tar center, broke through Keller and blocked th punt; the ball bounded back and rolled on th ground, where Thorns pounced on It, and scored a touch-down for Wlllam att. Coleman faired -to kirk a ' very ey goal, although Multnomah's off- AM: v sld pTay' gar Tnim" two chances. Score: -Multnomah, 13; Willamette, 6. Jam kicked off tovj&ussell, who ad vanced the ball 80 yard to th canter of th field; off sld play waa called. and th ball was taken baok and kicked off again. 'Lounsberry received It and -advanced It flv - yard. - and Coleman booted to Blanchard, who ran In 20 yard. - Dolph mad six yards, Loner gan failed to gain, but Willamette-was penalised fly yard, which-gav Mult nomah first down. Dolph hit lert tackle for four yards; James bit th am spot for two more, but Dolph could not make the required distance on th last down, and, th ball was Wil lamette's. . But th college waa penal ised 16ynrds on. th flrstdown, and Coleman punted to Lonergan, who fum bled, but fell on tb ball,- Dolph tor off four yard on a delayed pea a. Jams fumbled, and Wlllamatt recovered th ball. Jame retrieved . hi error by downing Nao for ft loss at the next play. Thomas gained flv yards . and,!., couman punted to jwTHi Portland Bowlers Come Out rolled over th goal line. Willamette kloked out to Dolph who gained two yards and waa downed. McMillan hit Hewitt for four yard, Pratt failed to gain on th other side of th line, and Blanchard kicked 16 yard. Multnomah recovered th ball, and Jame punted, and again the ball rolled over th goal Un. Coleman punted on the first down, Dolph fumbled,- Blanohard re covered the ball and advanced three yards: he then tried another quarter back ktck, which was blocked by Nel nd James ptmred 1 Coleman, wh mad a fair catch, ;- Beoam lnntln' Chun. : Willamette kicked out to Blanohard. who advanced "fly yards Jame punt ed 86 yards to Owens and Coleman punted 30 to Dolph. Again Jam kicked 41 yard to Owen, wno tried to advance the ball and wa tackled hard by Lon- ere-antBlenehard wae now relieved by Dowllng and Wilder went in at left and. After Owens recovered from his hurt. Coleman punted 86 yards te Loaergan, who ran ln .. 1 s yard s. jame punted again 46 yards to Owens, who waa downed on Willamette's five-yard line. Coleman punted from behind the goal lln. - - ' Pratt broke through, blocked the punt. tacked over the end line wires, sod fell on th ball, scoring a third touchdown for Multnomah. James kicked th goal. Bcor. Multnomah; H, Wlllamett 6.- Coleman kicked off to Dowllng, who snatched th ball from the air and ad. vanoed U yards. " Vim Maxes Pretty Oatoh. " Lonergan tried his hand at a forward pass, but It was nipped by Nao. who (Continued on Pag Eleven.) We Have the Largest Stock ipi SHIRTS II ;m : - $1.00 and $l.i5() Coat style and regular cuffs attached and separate. y- All sizes and- sleeve lerigths.Your -l inspection is invited, '. c. 87 THIRD STREET p jROlMBIUii AT PORTLAND ACADEMY Handball Students Making a Good Showing at Popular In " aoorporting'Gan'e. . . The annual round robin double hand ball tournament at th Portland acad emy la, well . under- way,- and-quit number of th game have already been played off. The race for the winner' gold medal ha daveloped Into a walk over for C. W. Roblson and Park Myers. These young athlete ar ina olaaa by themselves, and it Is a safe bet that .they can hold their own with any Junior handball players In the city. Through Roblson's difficult service and strong return and "Myers consistent "killing," together with their excellent team, work,' they have easily defeated som of th strongest team entered. There la a close race on forth silver medal awarded to the second place man and several team will make a strong bid for them. Although few of th con tests ar closely contested, much Inter est I manifested in th sport, ohlefly due to th abolition of football at th academy. - Th following ar som f the nion Important contests already played off: C. W. Roblson and T. Myer defeated. C J. Roblson and Corbett, 11-6; Thorn and Mackl defeated Keed and C I-rehn, 31-4: Henrys and Fuller defeated Stone and fitokea. 11-15; 7"GTrTtobTa6irTriaTO Corbett defeated Hurlburt and 3. Jones, 31-lSt Bnow and Mill defeated Henry and Fuller, 11-15. : Th executive oommttte appolntearby Physical Director -Pain consists of himself, Bton and Hurlburt. Those entered In th tournament elected C. W. Roblson. . Henrys, Bton. Hurlburt and C. J. Roblson official umpires, and P. Myer offlolal scorer of th tournament. The following la a complet list ofn triea. th last two teams of which are eomposed of member of th faculty, and their average will not oount in th race for the medals: C W. Roblson and P. Myers; a J. Roblson and Corbett; Bton and Btokes; Henry and Fuller; Hurlburt and Jonea; Mill and Bnow; Frohman-and Bhrman; H, Cooklngham and F. Smith; Heed and C Prehn; MoKensi and - Kuettner; Winters and Espey; Moffett and Bach alder: Wheeler and Qarretsoni Balrd and Williams; Wllsorl and Strong; Hal and Oammans; Bell . and L. Maiyeri Thorn , and Maoklet Pay n and Van Grooa, .,- FIRST HALF OF SEASON WITH THE 'BOWLERS' Victorious With a Good . '.: String of Credits. , ' Th first half of th Oregon Bowling association's sohedule closed last , week, 31 game having been - played. Both classes A and B put up om fin In dividual aa well a teem average.- Thla I th first season In Portland that an individual ' average ha been over tb doubl century mark, two members so far holdrng-that record. The ive-iigh-4 st In class A are a follows: Krus. 303; Keating, 801; MoMenomy, - 14; Case. 1S4; Barbour, 18. Th claaa B men are: Moser, 181; Lamond, ITS; Closest, 1T4J Annltage, 1T0; Keea, 1S. Th team average was lowered tn com Instances by game being played ,lth four men. but th showing mad la Very nrcdltshle, Th-nverage; , Class A Game, Total pin. At. Portland 11.380 S23 Government Bond II 18,848 8(7 Oregons .......... II ' 18.790 T 880 Gold Leaf Monta villa Bohlllers . ;v.;vrit 11 ti -TT.ttt 847 17,087 17.063 814 813 808 803 7(2 .761 68 681 Class B . Willamette. . . . Commercing No. Happy Dales ., 1.T4 1S.SS6 16,011 16.S7T - 14.S84 14,111 1. 21 .. it Lytic Beaver si - 8, Commercial No, I. 11 : Beoond O. A. OL Win. - fSperlal Plepatcb te The Janraal.) Corvallla, Or, Nov. 17. The Oregon Agricultural second football team de feated Monmouth Normal her yester day afternoon by th scor of 3 to 0. in the City BISHOP IS LATEST PASTIME Liberal Arts' Buttdtng- at: Fi Grounds-HasBeen Leased for Winter Months. -; TOURNAMENTS WILL LEND ZEST TQ SPORT Membership Will Be Limited to 30 end Will Include All of Portlsnd'a . Most Expert Players Club Only Ons of Its Kind In West' . Indoor tennl 1 a new sport which soon to b added to Portland's list of winter pastlmee. A flv months' lea ha already bean secured on th Liberal Art building at th Lewis and Clark fair grounds, and It Is announced that , three court will be laid out ready for play t bgin next Saturday. Th new elub will be th only on of Ita kind, aa far aa known, on th Paoifla coast. Bacquet enthusiasts of th east during inev wet month of th year, but nothing of th kind ha been don in th far west, beoeuse In California' there is not enough wet weather to ma-' terlally Interfere with outdoor tennis, : and In Oregon and Washington th gam has not beta popular enough to warrant It. Th season Just, closed, however, ha been the moat successful Oregon baa vr had, and to thl fact 1 du th birth of the , new project. ' Will 6 Tbir Courts. . 'As the Intention now U to fit up -only three court. It la thought that th membership will be limited to 30. All . of th leading player In th city with- 1 out exoeptlon 1 ar reported to have given In their name, and th auocesa of th undertaking 1 therefor -assured. Th Liberal Art building! light and. roomy, and th celling 1 so high that it will not interfere with th lobbing tyl of gam. ' Th three eourta will be placed end to and and will run th langth of th building. . With th assurance of th hearty sup port of Portland' tennl men, R. Wilder. . A. B. McAlpin and Dr. R. Nunn, hav gon forward with th preliminary ar rangements, an a meeting will be held as soon as possible to elect officers and -plan for th winter1 tennis. Indoor tennis la played eiaotly as la th out door gam, and It 1 believed that th winter practice will be productive of a mora olntlflo article of th sport when -spring roll around. A number of tournamnta will doubt less be held during th winter and early spring. - !. PACIFIC QUITS THE. . , BASKETBALL LEAGUE (Speefeil Dispatch te Tb JeoreaLt . Forest , Grove, Or, Nor. 17. Paolfio nlverstty has withdrawn . from - th basketball league that waa organised a few weeks ago, Th main reason for th wlthdrawal ls tbataooordrng to tha rules of th league, 14 games must b played. Student and faculty bar con sidered that too muoh tlm and money would be spent In keeping - with tna league. Two game hav nevertheless been scheduled, on to be played at Cor vallla and th other at thla place, both game to b played with th Oregon Agricnltnral eollog. FOOTBALL RESULTS : At Minneapolis Carl hrt a, IT; Minnesota,- ft. ! T - At Wladelphla Pennsylvania, 1T Michigan. 0. At Princeton Princeton, ft; Tal. ft. ' At Cambridge tiarvard, 33; Dart mouth, 0. . At Ithaca Cornell, 38; Swarth mora, ft. At Providence Brown, lit Ver mont, 0. -- -o . At Annapoll Navy. 49; North Car Una, ft. r At Chicago Chicago,' ftS; nilnols, ft. : At Madison Wisconsin, 38j Pur du. ft. At Llneorn Ken,-8; Chraskall, 6. At Ames Ama, 36: Orinnell, ft. PRICJED AT The Open Window Store IflDOOli IE1IS A. v t A - 1