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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
711Z OUZZOU DAILY JOUnilAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING,:-NOVEMBER 17,' 1SCJ. ISDXT MONDAY Hint i T.l-l.Woe Kiln tu aid er4r W iua ' twisa foar fnialir wuhlnc to t Wtica UuoW4 we will rttura fuut Boa aa4 tke a-l will -be to null It U ant llk.ljr ion e-at will aialu BiUM p roar boiwe VI iulug ftwr waaklag at yuul haiu. UOIIS. gTABOHXO. , t thaeU U I . Bin U riwe a DAY'S EUEOIS 00 EAST SIDE UAa DROWN Oraad and Hawthora Aveaaee. Pive-nory Bteae aal atrUV Asaesleem . PUn Apartatent Kotal Ximest U Vostlwad. "A ConMmroatltf Cu$todlam." "'-.r.r Irle mmm I,, i . . X9WMrp ABUlgBKBTS. ,,, Tutr-Nlne !U... "4 MX 1 Mralerv" .......... VatKleTllle Veuearllle , Oraa reeleses waiter Nnkin and Earl Breeding, coys of II, who decided Thureday aft srnooa to. embark upon life troubled , ava. uiiiivuiuvrvu pi parwiliwft restraint. are cni-e mora bark at thalr own ft re- aide. Ill East Tfs.fth strset north After rosmlna for iiviril hours at tha foot of Tharman atraat. darkness over took tnsaa and tha only placa which of- rsq anensr iron ma orencning rain waa aawar pipe. ' .. Into this thay crawled and whan morning broka thay war quit willing to hi thamaalvaa horns srd. Tha polloa wara notified to look out for tha runaways but tbalr service wara not required. vwotviiwuvi a ... vnjuf mf ii wmw ua,- price Saturday eventnc asles of houss- hold naoaaattfaa at tha J. J.- KaOderly Vi a fA r. m Inr. 1 4 A VImI' a ...I , tween Waehlngtoa and Aldar. Mr. Kaddarly bought thla building and lot : avna Bittfta mm mwrm in inti nurnocr Avar! Mkl aa-A .. 4uat ant ten sveryiiiing settled within, and now de- r - t mm tA a .mi. la . au. I a ' k. kl. V. a. a. .4 W.vw ... an, ua.. , fTWyia, WIvU HI, 1 B. V. . aoma premleea, ao baa ' inaugurated these special half rata aalca for avary amrosy evening, xonignt It la, a yine covsrsd (to Berlin tw kattla for I Ha v : Whlla tha ferryboat W. B. Mason waa eroaaln-g tha Willamette yaatarday taam of horaaa on board became frightened and backed themaalvea and a load of eoat Into tha rlvar. The boat waa iMauw- iwhkiw- wwj iiuunaanni'a-wtlay were hauled back Into tha ferry and -tha wMftwf-wmHgttaoad.' waa aatwd aleo. ' Tha outfit belonged to tha In dependent Coal and lea company. t . We have struck a popular chord by ' ahAtvlna Ana naa, alnH wAnlaJ, Thaw cme in a great variety of ahadea and patterna. Wa make any autt In tha , houee to order for 111, no mora, no less. To fine appoe ranee, durability and all around goodness our aulta can not be excelled. Don't fall to eoe tha valuea wa offer before placing your order. near Bisth. ' , ; Ola Olen. an employe of the O. W. P., baa notified tha polloa that ha was held up and robbed of 111 by twe masked highwayman at Twenty-eighth atraat and tha Sandy road at I o'clock yaatar day mrnlng.. Olsn Immediately walkad to town, but owing to his unfamlllaiity with tha city did not reach police head quarters until many houra after tha robbery, , David Laubry Oea of 120 Grand ave nue north, baa returned from Atlanta. MOv, where he' went to settle the - lata Af nevM (.aAHrhrv tha - Waal f h V Vilaaourlan for whom ha waa named. Mr. Uee Inherits the entire aetata, con alatlng Of twe Term a and soma olty property. He will make another trip U Missouri la April.. . : , . ' Like many an inquliltiv child, little Bert Selfert, residing on Peer .aland. rangement ef a number of dynamite rape, which ha had found near hla home. The youngater la now In the Oood 8a- rnarnan nospitai suii-nring rrnm a oaair - mangled .left leg. It . la thought he will recover, ' . VA" Lareon. proprietor of a saloon at It North Third street, who wss ar rested laat night on a charge of sell- Imb. Ilnima . m a a.aa .Ir..i1if Inln.lMlaul -waa fined III by Judge Cameron thla morning. A feature of the caae waa 'that the drunken man. also bora the name of lSrsoo," , ... ' grand opening at Allyeh Broa. Oriental Rug etore. southeast corner of-Tfnth. snd Wsshlngton, takes plica tonight, from to 10. Tha a tore Is finely decorated, splendid muslo will be present, and aome of tna noneat or Oriental rug creations will b on exhi bition. " il esasMawasj . . Charles H. - Care y, Omar C Spencef, and Roger p. Blnnott this morning filed in ths office of ths county clerk articles of incorporation of the Western Elec trio compsny. Thsy will manufacture and deal In merehnndlae and commodi ties of. alt Whd.TplttrstofcrtOO,OiOv Roses for Fall Planting. We now have thouaands of choirs Ross Bushes at our ross yard, foot of Yamhill treat. Call and make your" selections and get -ths planta aet out early. De scriptive catalogue. - Portland Seed Co., Front And Yamhill streets. . Temple Beth Israel's new Rabbi, J. B. Wise, will arrive lr Portland aome time nest week and la expected to deliver hla inaugural - sermon next - Friday night. Ths rsbbl Is reported to be on Ms way hers from ChstUnooga, Tsnn., til formsr charge. Articles of Incorporation of tha Rat-four-Uuthrle Trust company were filed )n Ue offlo cf the county clerk this morning by Walter J. Burns, William Msrkenaie and James Cormsck. Thsy will do a general trust business. ' Capi tal eock 1100,000. . . . - , Articles of incorporation of the Cast Side club were filed In the office of the county clerk thla morning. The object of the incorporation la to maintain a club houaa and room a with the usual appllancsa of a social club for ita mem bers. The articles stats that the prop IX I- ' " i i . -. - . I koiptr am mm msm has hat more to do with the prosperity of the American people than any other one force. It has taught and encouraged habits of saving and thrift and has enabled the earners of wages and small salaries to purchase property, build homes,' establish tnemselves injusiness and provide tor the future.. T" - THE CITIZENS BANK has been foremost among those engaged in this good work. , As it haa it tha-past amVtrri many, it i anvimie. n do Stilt more fof others, ' ' : ; ' LET IT HELP YOU One dollar, deposited in this bank, begins to draw 4 per cent interest at once. . ' , . , :-Your money-lf held irTJibsolute securfty and your interests are carefully guarded. -y - . . r . Make a deposit at once if you would open the way for oppor? tunitv, prevent loss and gain prosperity. ' Vou will receive courteous treatment and a growing account will enable you to take advantage of the benefits and influence of the bank. - - . - . , vtt i ti 1 1 , a, Towtle . rr.V."" 1 ' Corael Cover ;.t.t. w ...... u Kepin ... I .... HatKUarcaMXl. lllk tt PrWfs imhuiii I Hlghtdreeeee Btane iwn a. not Uo.ID. wrprr .......... m OranhlrU ........ te Aoraat ............ Stlkwhine pillowefeeaM l"Utt " ll -t-Ud-s rueea ..... U l-ke Sn Uuae ....... t Paldaae ........." l ZXTkAS. BUalieU, Weal. pr,,0 U'' 'VmV,. Ui BUoaeU, Cottea. pr i Cfelldraa'c utaralle la Oullta Me ealrte, eoliara. eufft, ewate, eveialle er hmaari aMe is Ult deyairtaieat. Ve utUe UNION LAUNDRY CO. Sa 4 aad Oeliuakia gtnete. arty now owned by the club la worth I3.I0I. Tba officers of the club, -who are Me Incorporators, are: Whitney. la Bolae, Edward Newbegln, W. B. Halvor, 1L IL Mawball, R. 1. - laman, Jesee Btearns, George W. Moleomh, J. M. Uealy and Waiter r. Burrali, . ., Alleging that her huaband daaerted her II years after their marriage, Nancy A. Martin haa begun suit in the a lata circuit court for a divorce from Auatln Martin. Mra. Martin, in her complaint. atatea that they were married at Bran aln, Michigan, in April, 1171, and that Martin deaarted her in January, 1101. M. A. Zollinger eppeara aa attorney for Mrs. Martin. Senator La Follette awaa entertained M-iuncheon yeaterday afternoon by an old school mate, jonn L4vmont, 01 tnia city. Among other gueata at the lunch, eon were Alex S week, John B. Coffey Kind Dr. C, W. Cornelius l-.Orsnd mas.ueraa .ill glvet ly lao4le t hernias Social club No. 1 Sunday even ing. November II, at Union hall. Stark street, between Firat .and Seoond. Friends Invited. - - -- . -.. . ... The eloquent Bishop Carroll of Helens, Montana, will preach the sermon at the 10:1ft o'clock maaa tomorrow ' at Ht. ratrtck'a church, Nineteenth and Sevier Streets. Four Byes Bxamlned Free.We are still selling eyeglaaaea at A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co., lewelera and opticians. 111 Sixth street Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Waahouaal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock t S p. Dr. O. M. Wells baa returned from the esst and will be found at hla office s usual. Realdence phono Kast 1161. For oil and. gasoline phone Red Tank Oil company. Main 1112. Ill Firat treat, corner Alder.. Woman's Exchange. Ill Tenth street. lunch ll;l te t business msn's lunch. Asms Oil Co. sells the best safety anal ell and One gasoline. Phone Esst Tit. Carl Jonas for reading. 4th and Wash. MilwaukFe Country Club. : Eastern and California- raeea. Take Sellwood and Oregon City earn at First and Alder. '. Y. M. C, A. NIGHT CLASSES Xndlvtdos.1 Knstnwem Psea Sedtteed Oae-Xalf for tbe Beat of Thla Tana, Tha night claaaea of the Y. M. C. A. have' a 10 par cent larger attendance thia year than ever before. In ala or even aubjecta no additional atudenta cen bs taken, but there is still some room In the msioritv of the classes Th lliairui'lISfTTaTiirgely-Imii vidusl. especially In tbe technical, business and practical subjects.- Ths fees have been reduoed one-half for the -rest of -ths term and students rosy enter sny night,, but to - Tscsive he t greatest benefit should enter early becsuss ths term IS now Just half over." Students may atlll enter In any of tha following classes. Alsebrs, .architectural or mechanical drawing, arithmetic bookkeeping, ear- nantrw ehamlatrv alaat rlnll aram.r 1 geometry, -mining, penmsnshlpr reading! snd spelling, rhetoric, shorthand, sur veying, Spanish, telegraphy, typewrit ing, vocal music, wood turning. CiOror-wrlle.-MrHCrA; illustrated catalogue. giving '.complete Information. - A 8 my Sals. At the Boaton atore. First-end Sal. moh," there opened up this morning ths sale of the bankruptcy stock of goods from Rodgers a Sons, Peoria. Illinois. Msn's snd wbmen's olothlng. shoes, hate and underwear, etc, were bought for II cents on the .dollar and will be aold at a ridiculously low price. The aale opened thle morning under very favor able ausplcea. .' Deaplte the .rainy weather the stors waa well filled all morning. Tha advertisement advlaed the rcta.ll trsds to corns In the morning, This advtre seemed to be taken. Juda- Ing from ths busy condition of the store. The store v will be opened this evening ... , a .aa . . 4- 1 Seaside Sunday Excursions. - Ths A. v R. R. R. will run an ex cursion to , seaside and return every Sunday at the round-trip rate of 1 1.1. Take advantage of the low rate and ae the ocean. Tlcketa for aale during ths week at 141, Alder atreet and at tbe uinon depot, Sunday morning. i . .... ' 1 - .- - '- i 1 Complet Arrangtmnt Mad "7 for New Schooihoute in St. Johns. .. SITE SECURED FOR . - PROPOSED BUILDING Mount Scott Ptopla Demand Mor . Lights Along the Car Lino Mil wsukle Crane May Buy Property ' Other East Side Notei. i Sast Bid Separtakeni. --Cemplet arrangementa for "tha near 111.000 achool building which la (a be erected in, St.. Johna during the aomlng year were decided upon by the achool board at Ita last meeting. A alte baa been selected in the northern part - of town en the property of M. L. Holbrook, and the deal for the land 1s ee good aa closed. It wee only after, every possi ble location for the building had been thoroughly eonaldared that the present ana was chosen. . The property comprises' le lots,-with a frontage of 251 feet on Chapel street, III feet on Stewart atreet. and III feet on Holbrook avenue. It is admirably adapted In many waye for school Djir poses, being a prettylocktlon as well aa being aituated on tba highest point In that perl. of. the city. The district paid 11.409 for tha alte. and for this amount Mr, Holbrook Stumba and make tha excavations for the foundations -so that tha land will He delivered to ' the school board all rad y for the masons to. go to work. The plana and bids for tha eohoolbouae will . bs the next thing In order. The board haa decided that they will build an eight-room building, arranged so that In esse It becomes psoesssry to enlarge the building, other rooms may be added without destroying the uniformity and architectural symmetry of the atruc tura. -Oistrlo Xa aondsd. v About' a month ago tha district of St. Johns voted to bond ths district for the required smount te build the schoolhouse and tha vote waa unani mous a circumstance unprecedented in the chronicles of 8t Johns. And now that" a " alt- has "been" choaeir with -no trouble, the people of thla community are reasonably aasured of a modern school building that will meet the re quirements of St' Johns for some time to come In spite of Its rapidly growing condition. , Ths women of St Johns have launched a movement to erect drinking fountain and they are giving a aeries of sntertslnments and socials for thst purpose. It will be the object of the women to obtsln something that will be an ornament to the olty. al though as yet the exact deelgn for the fountain haa not been chosen. It will be looated on Burlington atreet In front of tha naw olty ball, and will cost in tha neighborhood of 1300. One enter tainment haa already been h'eld whtch netted the eauaa 121 sjid others will follow- until the amount -necessary to build ths fountain haa been raised. XJgnta Along car Una, Tba people of the Mount Scott district fop a long time have been aware of the dangers that have existed along the Una of the a W. P. from the lack of llghta at the varioue stations. - Msny times It haa been expressed by the riti sens of the district thst it wss i mtracls that there were not more acci dents then ' there are because of ' the darkness slong ths line and the apeed last night in which Miss Alpha Turner waa Instantly killed bss suddenly em phasised this used ' and the Improve menv association will immediately re quest that lights be placed at the Sta tlona along the Mount Scott line. The stations - themselves -are Inade quate, considering the amount of pat- ronags ths O. W. P. rscelves. In this district, snd the -people there earneatly Biailona ahould be provided. When the resident of any of these ststlons returns from his day's work In ths city hs Is compelled to alight from the brightly lighted - and night, where probsbly the mud is six or eight - inches deep, it Is far from pleasant and an Improvement of these conditions woultf greatly enhance the value of property In these communities. A slight ex panne would be all that la required of the car company and the return to the Tompany would be cor respondingly augmented as tha popula tion of the district would Increase with these added comforts. "- Baseball Bntl.nsiaf. l '12- The Mount Scott bssket-bsli team that. has been meeting for practice reg ularly at uie Kern park-akatlng rink, haa elected a captain and is looking for guinea. Following la the make-up of the aggregation: Captain and center. Frank Klndrick: guards. Harry Chevo tend' Arnold Letistre. and - forwrada. Harry Clapp and Clare Bnlater. The team la practicing fahfully twice a week and expect to develop a surpris ingly fsst bunch with the mstertsl and facilities they have at their command. The Mllwaukle Grange. Patrons of Husbandry, which haa -very at rang chapter, consisting of about 111 mem bers. Is nearotlstlng for the purchsse of ths Evangelical church on Main street which they will convert Into a lodge room and banquet hall. . The building la centrally located and - comprises a lot and a two story building.- A lodge hell- will be prepared above and. the banquet Tiall " below. For a long time the Mllwaukle Orange have been de sirous of buying a hall and It Is only now that an opportunity has presented Itself. The deal will probably be cloaed today. . The Mount Scott -Volunteer Fire de t J.-...- j 1 DRrBROUGHER ,' , STsTDAT AT TntB WHITE TEJVIPLE Cornet- Twelfth ana Taylor Street, lotto a. ai -? Peter: the JailfBreakerM V hotm and Oixt'a 'cboma . JiI"l.:Litiao . mi..: , "IN LOVE" Baptism and Speelal Masie. ' . . . tn stotxs QvamTST . l-wler. Mrs. Reed, Mr. Robin . son and Mr. Belcher Sing. ' Advance "sale tickets for Shaun Cummlng concert distributed. , bats rauia it it coxa PAYS 4 Per Cent - OPEN - For the convenience of its customers on Satur day evenings from.6 to 8 114 Second St. . . Comer Washington . PORTLAND, OR partmant will give a big turkey shoot on Thsnksglvlng day. A new boat is being built In the ahlp yaras at gi. jonna. Lots In Univaralty Park-war gd- vanced by real aetata men thla .week and aome of the choice locations, on ths Peninsular oannot be bought for within 1100 of what they oould laat week. Tha vault In the new city hall at St John haa beeneompleted arid progreea on tha bulldliig' la going right along, although tha rains of ' the peat two weeka have delaysdjhe work consider ably. I. M. Qroom, deputy etate organiser Knights vt tha Maeawbsea, i Is IneUtuU ing a new tent at Naenvllie ana in Ins a formed tha other membera In the Mount Scott district thst en the completion of the organisation gt Nashville ths tents at both Lenta and Arista would ce con solidated with the new one." thereby making a big Maccabee tent centrally located at Nssnvme. ' j The saw mill at Lenta haa been com pelled to ehutdown on account pt the high water of the laat two weeks. This in very unusual, aa the Lenta mill haa been running steadily for msny years and haa not been compelled to such an action In the memory of some of the oldest Inhabltanta of the little town. BUT ONE BIRTH FOR EVERY 7; THOUSAHD PEOPLE ; Monthly Report of the Board of Health Gives Interesting ' Statistics. Less than on birth for every 1.600 persons occurred tn Multnomsh county during October, aocordlng to. the laat monthly report of the state board of health, lust issued. . ., ' The report gives tha number of births at 111 and -the number of deatha aa lt6. The fact that outalda of Portland, phy- alclans do , not. report all the blrtha which they attend, accounta for the rather email total for the county, aa weU aa the total of III blrtha In the etnte during the same period.' In Multnomah county there were nine deatha from tuberculosis, eight - from typhoid fever and two from diphtheria. Typhoid fever la atlll frequent la Lane, Polk and Umatilla oountlea, aa tbe to tal of deatha from thla for the state II. Ths report aa complied by Dr. Robert C. Tepney, secretary of d or..hcalU.eJsoshow.i that 414 marriages took plscs In Ore gon during October. It is Impossible to lesrn the exsct number of cere monies which take place, aa county of ficera r sow about obeying tha state law which require auch report to be mad to tha board. - Bonding Permlta. The following permits have been Is sued : . J. Rosa, . two-story dwelling, Williams svenue. bet ween Mason -and Skldmore, coat 11.000; J. JttcDermott, repairs, Mllwaukle, corner Holgate, coat 1120; Mra. Cordelia Krebs, . two toryd welling, ;WlllIameavenue, be tween Monroe and Fargo, cost IJ.ooof F. Q. Orelg, one-story dwelling, Kaat Seventeenth, corner Clackamaa, coat ILlOOr H.- B. - Stemler,-three- ene-story dwellings, Alblna avenue, corner Hum boldt, coat 11.07 each; D. R. Ladd, re pairs. Cambridge, between Union and arandavnuav cost' 1100 r Harring ton, rspalra. North Seventh, between Pavts and Everett, eoat 10; O. la Kernan. woodshed, Alblna avenue, be tween Bland I na and Preacott, coat 150; A. 8. Ellis, two ons-story dwellings, Mil dred, between East Elshth and Eaat Ninth, coat 1800 each; Mra. C. E. Mao Hale, one-story dwelling, Esst Twenty ninth, between Wygant and Oolng, coat $175; O. W. Priest, one-story dwelling, Hslsht. between Mason and Skldmore, cost tl.Sl.ftiP.a'.- Wlrf s, repairs. Gan- tenbeln avenue, between Blandlna and Fay, cost 1100; L Snell, one-story dwelling. Esst Twenty-seventh, corner nisdstone, eost f 160; C. Gee Wo, repairs. Sixth, between Stark and Oak, eost 500; J. P. Hutcheon, shop. Alder, be tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth, cost 1100; 3. J. Hswes, two-story dwelling. Lucretla. between Washington and Everett, coat; D. Kellaher, two- tory dwelling. Clackamaa. corner Esat Nineteenth, -eoat 14.100; S. Richardson. woodshed. East Thirty-third, between Alberta and Wygaai, ooat HO. 930 In aold for Its in SSO. "Whaf in a nmr A great eat. we think, and therefore we are offering prise of 110 ' In gold to sny one who shsll submit ths best name for our mag nificent new addition to the city of Vancouver. Washington. This tract loins ths cMy. on ths north, and la known aa the General Bacon prune or chard, et al. cvontalnlng between II and 40 acrea. The tract la without qneatlon the -moat beaiu&ful and deelrable real dence section In ths city, being high. with a sentle aouth slope, snd overlook Ing the' city, the Columbia river and the sunrmindJngeMintry ror mues. wnst shsll ws name" Tt"? Can you tell 7Vr the beat name aubmltted before Decem ber II, 1. we will give a prts ef 1 In gold. Rules of ths contsst: 1.' Only ons.nsme esn be ubmttted by sny eontestsnt. J. The name aelected. together with contestant's name snd sddress, must be leaibly written on a separate piece) ef paper I. tn cnae tw or more person should select he sum nams. snd their name should be chosen, th prise will be divided equally between theee con testants 4. Address all letters to Thompson, Swan Swetland, th sol agents, Van couver, Washington. ' Preferred Stoeh Oaaaed weed. Allen Lewis' Best Brand, - : IF YOU ARE STARTINQ MARRIED LIFE Start right. ' Run your household a a man runs hi business, .'figure-, out your in come, then, make your expense less orlhat you will have a ' surplus". Open an account with ui, so' you can put this surplut where it will be safe safe from yourself, because if you keep it with you, it will surely be pent. Come around today. WE PAY 4 Pr Cent -' ISTKEST On Savings Accounts The Savings Bank - of the ' TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY officer?; ' ; J. Thorburn Rog. President. " George H. Hill, Vice-President. J 1 . I. tturknart, ireasurer. Jno. E. AitchUon, Secretsry. Banking: Hours....... 9a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays .9 g. m. to 1 p. m, Saturday Evenings 5 to 8 o'clock-L 240 WASHINGTON STREET. Corner Second. r PORTLAND, OREGON. LAND FOR NEW DEPOT .BOUGHT AT MEACHAM (gpeHal Dlepstcb te The losrsstt Meacham. Or- Nov. 17. The O. R. N. Co. haa purchased a piece of land here of A. H. Todd for a depot alte, at 1100 an acre. The tract la a quarter of a mile aouth of the present depot at Meacham, on the eaat aide of the track. A new depot . will be built at once. ' On the opposite aide a water tank will be placed. ... . ., The purpose of the change In depot location la to aecure ' more aidetrack apace.: . ' Preferred Stool Canned Ooodn, Allen Jk Lewis' Best Brand. M. m. V. rtTLTOV. sTatnropatn. You Have Suffered And have vainly tried ill klnda of reme dies.- ou bsveislmost saturated your self' with "patents and with drugs. Tou hsve tainted -your - blood and -the poison of the "remedies' haa permeated your whole system. And still you suf fer likely hsve ntveu up hope of relief -imagine that- row must linger along till claimed by death. And here S AX CrKOTO TOUT STOS BISatASZS AS TOTTM Without a morsel of medicine without a drag of any kind but by the Nsturo pathlo method which mean "aocordlng to natur." nui n wo roisosT nr mr TalATIUsT. ... My patients are not given any. Internal remedies, but are cured by the nractlce that all physicians must come to, sooner or later. - v I .CBAi m tXCX. . Permanently and effectually, and at the closing or the transaction, when health haa been restored and the weak made strong, there are no drugglata to reckon with nor drug bills to pay. But the chief desideratum Is. ' , : - "X - cotm, - And my ourea leave no ating behind. The aystem ie in a healthy atate. free from drug poisons and not In condition to again be stricken because of the con taminating Influences of the portions givsn to sffect a hoped-for cur that never wa effected. X MAYS OVBBS CASTS Of MBV aCATISef, , For examnle. that had .tortured th pa tient for year, and stomach troubles that had baffled the skill of the most renowned of the drug physicians. All nervous afflictions, female diseases, lr- ritsntiities. lame docks, neural rio srrso tlons. sick headache, scrofulas affeo- tiona. nrpy mar dl -thttha human family la euhjeci to. yield like maslc to my treatment. To Inquiring ones I will gladly give the names and addressee of scores of persons whom I have r u red. and these will lust ss gladly tell The story or tneir restore lion. " XT CVaSS UI OTBrSi Not Partial eure not pretenaes not attempts not deceptions not vain promisee. - Dr. N. J. Fulton BArtJBOrAT-U 315 TWELFTH STREET Corner Clay, one bloett from X;' 0. ear, one rrosa 13th etrewt ear, irons gaf. fersoa ear. Telephone Mala S1A3. A model ' home for permanent guesta. Jheerful fireplaces in every suite, rin est table and elegant accommodations. Lowest rates for ths splendid service. Electric elevator service day and night. Oas and electric lights throughout ths building. Ofllee, Urge parlor and dining-room on ground floor. ' Steam heat, telephone and ' not and cold water In every room. - Six car lines pass the door and 10 mlnutee' walk to business csntsr. lo room and reservation apply en premises, or ring np Tel. Beet, tot. - The Portland -rlX)RTlLJUTi, ORKOON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL t -TRAVELgRa '"Everything to eat and drink, and It costs no more In tbe Portland HotI . Jtatbskar ' than elsewhere In the city. livery weekday night from l;!0 to 11. , M. O. BOWIM, Manager. AXTSKXX1TTS. IIEILIG THEATRE VOVMCBEJt ' The yeatoua Composer. Leoncavallo Asd the Ls Seals Theater Orchestrs. from Milan, Italy. rsx -tokoal mm or THS IZAsOX. Keat Rale Berins Today, BoxotOea, Uelllg Thestre. PRICES Bos Reets, IS: Lower - FVmr, Bmt rows, .V Lower Floor, laat 10 rows, S3: Balemr. first 4 row(,.M; Balcony, next t rnwe, IS.BO: Baleosy, laat rowe. 1: Wa. lery. flrat I raws (reserved), 11,00 Oallery admlsaloa. 1. wUlS. The Helll$ Theatre JSTC TWO PERFORMANCER TOP AT. yopnlas rrtoe . Xatisee 1:11 . Teaislit 1:1 Tnaamv Klc-t . TSX0O0KX roses ' gRXS-OCX KOXJfZS , ta "Tse lss ef Ue year. I -Matinee Prlcea, fc and SOe. Night frleee, 26c, 16c, Sue, 75c, t. Baker Theatre Oreaos Theatre Oe Lmii Oeorre L. Baker, Masacer. Berne ef the Baker Stock Compaay. ' TONIOMT ALL THIS WgKK, . Ttl lanalil rn Cwiiji "LOST M BOVrnS." A three-set bant ef laughter. Msttaee Satarday. PRICES Bvenlna, 2S. S5, BOc; Met.,' 18. Ke. Best Week "Tea sUdalesua. EMPIRB TMBATRB Msttneea Wednesday and Rstarday, Beery Right This week The Qrest Western Play, -AS TOLD IN THE HIllS" Begalar Bmplre Prices WIS Prevail Best AKiaetlsa "reekt Bad Bey." Tki- Tares Zeelleta. jbeGrand Week ef Bev. It. Barry Blekards A Ooesssay in -Wl AB9 000" Barry .aal Jnhnaea tr Billy Veer. Irederick Balaaer. Bawls Bert. , ' Smaiiseeye. PantagesTheatre Fourth and Stark Sts. Be Boys Trie, Baaatag gpaeUlty, " Tke BaaaalU. auaiaai v save. realey Brotkeim, . Lae Wkite. Oaerse Skerweed, Tke aiofraps. tke Bl Performances oallr st r.m. sad seats, at at sneeetst eoaea. a etate. Take- say weekday Baatlaees far M cests. . THE STAR Week sf Bevenker II. Phone Mala MM. THS ALLEN STOCK COM-AN X Preaests A Man of Mystery" Matinees TseMlays, Tharedays, Reterdsys ss4 Bmadays at 1:30 p. avi admlaaion' 10 and 10 rents. Brery evesl-g St t.lm; prlcss M, 30 asd M cents. Best WeeWVelly sad I" FREE I-Moving - Pictures A ainvton Taken for a TUaf. - Happenings la. a Streetenr. BTer Bams Wss Msaa. My tJaole'e Testament, HARRT SHUUAK, -Business Boomer, General Advertiser. ! Phone Mstn 1111. Id Morrison. . - 1:10 to 1:1 Every Evening. Chinese and Japanese AH songs, earraS rsrnttsee. rise TV1 itaania. C'llaoaae, kraaeea earee smirtariee. . alike, eatsi ereaalns aowna. Slrectljr tif oorte. ' - - CABIOM BAZA AS-, glXTB IT.' BBS J. R. Foreman r-is. rrrATa , !HH----HS!!5fg P5E1 LGBQ3 Dili f Vlxn7Xi JUontsty f -;. I0B E. llorrlson. J Special Sale for Samrslay MaM From 6. to ,10 p. m., flrst- class 8-quart, regular 65c BERLIN COVERED STEW KETTLES The very best that's made anywhere on earth, at We. are making these Sat uiayNighlSales toJadyeiv Jtise. our. new: store owned ; by ourselves 100 feet from front door to rear door running through from First to Front : street" -finest Hardware Store in the city jr. J-any-'.w'tn..a-. dandy tock of goods.' 4 n J.-J.Haddcrlj JSQFirst L5treet, between Washington and Alder. . Next door north O. W. P. Waiting Room. SUITS MADE TO PIT j -' ; ' t . ; A. PAUTZ XIaVCBABT TAXX.OB 1o5ccr:DA;r;vi f :::": VST C") READT-MAr -5 C C : Hi ' : Each : A