The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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:iiH2 ;M:s;-
fLliuJ ID u.JJ ill
Seen in ,
Portland Stores
iPublic Shows !rts Thoughts ."Re
jrding Eaoh uf Oregon"'
(United States Senators.
Denounce the .Movement to Thwart
yHot Will f .the People by Defeating
Jonathan Bourne jar Senator Xts
cuhci' Other Tonics, - -
Senator Unbent X. ILa, iFollotte of "Wim
eouatn, refurmnr Uo never coruprnm
daea, eiood Imtore a litg udlmt in -ths
While Tomyle lut main and .denounced
Hi ixuovnniunt 'to -yi wart tthe etcproaaud
" '111 uf She wuters or Oregon by urrfeal
Ang JJomrthan 3lvimw lur (United tiUwa
atiiuaui;. ' .;- .... . I..- - .'
mirth lhan thirt wlscnnaln'a la.
anoua (tenter set Torch a .rtioora that
tfiattanja iua Uruaun jtudiano to blew the
auu f ftena-or Oharles- W. Fulton
and cheer that I 4erjalur Juhi Jd.
' iirtn, , , : . -
The subject uf the lecture was :"K.p-
rtawimjiuve 'Uuviirnmant," and ' to
p.k.rr was 'brought bore by the T. M.
, C. as irt ar 4ts lyoerrs covins.
After Sarwui.rjr dUun of tha 1. Je C A.
f; ad jn6t run,- KiiMituonMiint ( fu
"" time r.Utf-t-lnraLs aul duurtdl in
traduced the apeaker. The adOrwae ItoJioiLitfoiiiilMJtln!& j
Che udMnw waa bald ciueoly from a
gimutig t ana and tTiaat t-uarvais
there nue uthwrai.a erf a-rpianae.
W'aa natw X PallaUa M rauad
a otaiaittwiLUtai t u eenaiis antta-
ortai ectoa la the Orrjrua taciaiatara
tot aald: - - ..
. "I aaderaiaad that ' a paOttleal . baaa
ta Una dtr taaMnidlx( -rjr bow af
hie ttate each 4ar to atate
awatare aad rrpraaataitvea fortlia put
- peaa af aeeortug ttortr tooa 14 thwart
, tha 1U af tha aotl aa xptaaed ta
1 the taat aieaiao. 1 twdereea4 that a
petltloa r3alna kfc-iclaXore freaa ta
pledge la Wins prrfwxied fur preaonta-
tioa ta e aalaea an of thla elrr.
The ma ana ta a nine thin work la aa
aielad by otbara. bat I hope that the
baaineaa aiea will riae ta the accaakta
. aad arrjr out ta the lttar what the
- paopla at the aaUra atata voted ror."
rattoa-a Vaaae BOaaad.
Prerlnua to his talk on Orrytm af.
falra Senator La FoUette told af hie
flcht In the Called SUataa senate for
bla aaiendments to tha railway . rata
-aHli He-reed -tho-ltst-vf -tha-aaznaa rf
tha aenatars who voted for and aealast
.: bla aoiendmaota. He to!d af his atras
1 to rain a hearing:, of hta affona to
gain a roll rail, of tha Importance of
. his amendotenta,, and after ha had area
hja audience to his aide, read the Ust
f aaowa .. .......
, When ha .came to Senatoa Fulton's
nama on the list of those arho opposed
him, tha audlanre groaned and hissed,
and -at. least one man cried "shame."
The demonstration against the Oregon
Senator did not folloy aa attack by
ine wiaoonsin senator, atit was mrouaad
solely on tha record or Fallen aa shown
by the roll call the United tSates
sanata."'''' ' " . . ' - v.- , -
Vjs'extXa1 Follatte read the list of Uiosc
senators who favored his .amendments.
- About half down tha list he was inter
rupted. - it was when ha raise to Oearln.
" The responae was Immediata Every
body applauded, Republicans vtelng with
Democrats in approval of faithful serv
ice. . When the hand-clapping . ceased
Senator. La Fullette aald:
Frslae for waarlaT ' .
"If Senator Uearin are! vWed ' wrong
, on any question Involving the . public
. service corporations and tha people,,!
v have no recollection of it."
. . This brought applause aa enthualaa
tlo as before, and - the - man - who had
erled "shame" at Fulton cried ."good"
at Oearln.
It was plainly an audienoe eomnoaed
of men and women who wore ready at
the close of the three hours' talk of the
Wisconsin senator to throw party lines
aside and Join him In his great crusade
against the 'intaraata-'- which - I
' vigorously flayed. The audience
composed of people from all walks of
lire and from all parties, yet it wss
noticeable that nono refrained from ap-1
- plauding the speaker when ho told, them
how easily congress could save the peo
ple or tno united mates mora than
llSS.aftn.OcO a year in their tributes to
the coffurs of -tha railroad, companies
by pasalng the amendment he Introduced
tn the senate for the purpose of grant
Ing. the railroad commission the power
to appraise the value of the property of
im numaj in tins country,
- The cast of such work would be about
t&.OtO.OOO, and. by flgurea computed on
tha basis of railroad values tn Wiscon
sin and Michigan, La FoUette declared
that an honest appralaoment would
show that the value of the railroads.
Instead of being tia.too.006.600. as shown
by their enpttat stock, la only about
. Or at Bavins; Weald Basalt- .
Senator I Folletta said that by giv
ing tha railroad commission tha power
to reduce tha value - af -tha railroad
property In the I'nlted States to a fair
basis, and by giving tha commission tha
power to adjust rates on such' a valua-
. tlon. a saving of- I O !.. toe to the
people of the country would result." "
- Humor found a place In tha speech
wavmAMiA ram.
Rheumatism, lambaga and sciatic
paints yield to the penetrating InSueace
of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It pans
a rates ta the serves snd hoses sad. be
ing absorbed into the blood. Its healing
properties are eoaveyed ta every pert
af tha body, and effect seep wonderful
curve. 23c-lee sad fl.ea. tAA by
Woods re. Clarke A Co. .
Foiarthmteemtieaia3r9,th9ham pffics- et Portland; Oregon
President. , General Manager. ' Assistant Manager.
Senator La FoUette.
af tha orator sad a ties e aweTt
the 1 7 ronvKticma awourad ara-HiKt jrob
11c nffloers la Mila-aakee, WMoaSMln, ha
oxrlsrad that Mila-sukea 'waaVd
firriou In rhe Psrure fhr swiBathtng- e-1
sioes its tnaaalactorrd pradacta, adding
rtcniflrarUy that ttera are stlU tJ.e 1a
fljrK3 anea ea to tried la that -!', .
.tUhnofh R-ui tnr La rallette's eyaech
wss directed acainst tha railrvMds and
their aawar veoa the W-gialatares of
the states and nattansl nnrrea.
which he said has been free front rail
road control hut twice ta S years, he
suited his lertara fcy explaining that
tha control af avery phaae ef Indaatrtal
life la America la la the hands of but
le men. He exposed the grata trust
evils sad told of tha ellmtnatioa ft the
Indepeirtdcat Weaaters la the country.
Ha toid of the formation of the steely
trust and how the Iran Industry In the
ratted Btatea and Canada Is controlled
by one directorate composed of a hand
ful of sacs who are receiving revenues
an .a capital I stork f l.ltl,Mt,M,
whaa- the tree vslue af thete- property
secured upon teatlroony made by offi
cers of the trust In court, showed aa
appraisement of only . .
Another Svtt ta the Way. :
Another evil tn tha way of combina
tion and one which he con elders greater
than tha Industrial combtnat'OT)t was
shown by the Wisconsin man .wKenna"
referred to the control of banking In
the ITnltnd States. He aald that half
a dosen men are tn control of the bank
ing Interests In America and that they
seek-to control all the money In , the
United States, .
: All of these great Interests, ssld tha
senator. are ao Interwoven snd allied
with one . another . that they work for
their mutual advancement. ' He saM
that the railroads are owned by the
tanks and the banks by the railroads.
Thst the -grain elevators are owned by
men who own the railroads . and thst
the coal mlnoa. , oil wells,- packing
houses snd railrosds are controlled by
one snother In suoh a way that all tha
necessities of. life sre denied an open
mm- -"' ni Mia. wi noi ine re-
for us and he made a strong plea In
which., he rose above party lines and
ankedthd people to fight for their
rights snd rtgulate the great Industrial
and commercial organisations. -
Tha time has come," ho aald. '"when
a mnn should vote for his country nnre
In a while." . ' '
At the conclusion of -hta speech. Bona
tor La FoUette was beseiged on sll
sides by members of his audience who
sought to shake his hand snd congrstu-
fhtter blm.t Msny-were old Wisconsin
men who affectionately addressed him
as "Bob." All pledged him their sap-
port and In reply ha said. ."Now. boys.
4oo t let us loan sny s round oti t-here.
ao-ahead with the work.
We are sura
to win in the end.'
T f
. , " 'i .
tJrarnal gpeelal Ser-Va.) --New
York. Nov. IT.- Th sugar trust
Is nn trial before Judgs Holt of th
United States circuit court for accept
ing rebates from the New Tork Central
A . Hudson River Railroad company
amounting to lit. 000. The railroad was
recently convicted of having granted th
rebates and , wss fined S 101,00 for It
offense. Th charges were originally
filed by W. R. Hearst, who collected the
evidence and placed It in the hand ef
the government. '
Alton B. Parker, recent candidate for
president on the Pcmoc ratio ticket, ap
pears rs attorney for the-nagar trust.
Ixtwell 11. Palmer, traffic rosnsger of
the trust, was the principal witness ex
amined. - . ."
Chicago, Nov. IT. Tha official count
ef votes for municipal court
lust tees 1
ba new reached a point where Bars!.
tha aegva who wss sleeted aceoritlng
the unofficial eaaat, t only zs votes la
the lead, with hta nearest competitor'
horn ward not yet coasted.
Between You and
- Trouble
Between Your Fam
Ily and Trouble
Labor 'Organizations to Support
Bill to This End Before :
: ..'i ,$t-ie1KgWature, - -- - ',
Penitentiary Stove Can X Put n
Market art Chep Price mnH Enor
unoua Profit Mafic, Driving -Out
Union Xaiboc. . '.'
Irrin mold era of Tm-tland -votild. :have
u iprmon -nnae stoves turned out tiy
!!h,l..!2LiJ5-2S2.7-?L IT.w-m- -hh--nintwrl. oW-Ome reel-
atamnea -erlth the iirformwCWih llial lie"
stoves are TrlMon made and 'have "been
ntanurantttred 'by fwnvkft lartnr. In tr
Obt ta aocontplls-tbls vurnmsa they -IH
bank up a biU at he imvt stem Ion ot the
lrls Injure -providing that n atoves or
oi.nerrnB moioing work ri w, ny ine.jt)f4l w)4 unarming flor,hwmtKIred !
a-are foundry ry convldt labor shall S. nJi .. -t.:i
twiit 'tbe atarna of Hiha wtste VormdTTr.
The sneuatire 3as 'been underr dhwim
alna tnr aome tm and at the meeting
ft the Trrni Molders' anion 'laWt Tiltrht
Tha QOeattoa ' cona into in fletafl and
wifurieid o the swict Wieewag (or Final
and 'oertnfte action. The iprojioaltlon 1
looked open -fth tavor y the mem
bora C 4. lis Iran etolders' toe and ft
is expected that the 'orftner ef the
union 1U have a bin -A rafted for tprea
ntattos ta the gtalatore.
The thr taboa .rranlaatfois' era
also ts favor eT the neveoTent. aa the
eisnplej-wieat ef tw .laboT at - any
srorfe m-hlch cewi-jctes sMth , (free isbor
aa- e - oyteUe la - ffeive to Xhent,
Mum 1m Mfflt tiefaire the
.... n - tr.M w . w. ,r-.1
awca ahtch the alat federattoa, "- ' t' 'tfc
hrtu m lw.r M iKMswriL . lask ' np. When f.t toirethef, each
It. eT tre- th.t tValJJ " VLZVl
present contractor of crtevkt- labor
are swearing for S ta renta an bear
expert arartt (rem the eoaWts at Salem
which In soma cases emild net be had
by them for less than (Id a day. They
are thus able to place the prison product
the SMi-tret at am til expense and
.r.3m 7f ,L. If one alebra merely to mk a ronr
naka aa enormous profit out ef the , - ,,-, one ef the dsc
maauractars ol the atovea awing to tha
very amsll orUbor.
Thla competition. It Is contended, la
detrimental to the free Iron moldera ef
tha state as their wages are held tn
check by the flooding of the market
by the chean-leber stovea A deter
mined TUM Tof the -proposed "law U
promised by the labor Interests when
the bill cameo ap for consideration dur
ing the lieealon.
Webber Hsld to Be Partly Re.
sponsible for Tragic' Dtstry
-of Frederick Heinz. "
That .A. .O. Webber,' contractor, la
partly reaponslble for the death of
Frederick Mslna, who wga killed Thurs
day while a press was being Inaialled
.W. .1.. , . v . I . .. u
i. ik. itfi.ion of . mmu1. in., in.,
...... ,-..
- - - ....... w -w
( - h..r,l
m-am. . r vi .. vi'. k
her, and the verdict holds th deceased
partlally to blame for his own death.
Webber la charged, however, with not
having enough then at th scene to han-'
die tn ,uu-pouna nasa-witn sarety,
He was doing the work for the Amoricsn
Type Founders' ' company. Itelnt wnt
employed by the contractor who put in
the concrete work. Webber declared
ttmt he had been told th pit was ready
for th press, and thst he hadsno Idea
any one was In It. - Th heavy base
slipped-and Helna'a skull was crushed.
Th Jury hold that Helns had little re.
gard for "his awn safety by remaining
in the pit while th heavy machinery
b,.nf '"Z'lJll h'1' W!Tne Hiirpnsinrlf rtrgTlfTFood Jumps
iML "Jf f4 thU f lni ecc!4
dent. The Jury consisted of Oeorgs
H. Keen. W. I,. Illgglns, W. M. Rath.
P. Holland, C. H. Sliver and J, M. till
bert. '..... ...,'.--...,.'
Tests Give Greatest Promise of
High Values Over Five Thou
sand Acres to Be Dredged. :
iImi,) n4M.i 'v . f l ,
Ttoksr Cltv. Or.. Nov If An In.
tlon In placer mining will goon
progress Isj Dakar County. I tha
tmna- nf - Burnt river, -near th little
Raker CttV th W.. VsTlo; a
tlon, control . acre andey option;
together wit. . ZZL. 6f M;t-hen. hit. 4nd . athof
P"n ong trte mo (lark creek'
piscers., ne rewipeny, snor its eon-r
,Z Z!t .?X,ZZ" " ml . f
This eempeny te offoered1 h-y M. W.
floods ef Port Tend, prsstdent; jr. M.
Rsteheler, Beerstsry; Cofoeel C 'K M.
Woorl, ttew-pvesldent and af fovnev;
Ralph Ifoyt, eashtey of the Merchaaf
National hack af Pbvlfaad. trsasnrev.
Among- tha eimefara' are wh well
known PnrtTsnd hnstnesa ' mea snd eswU
tslkats as R, J. Hotmea, W. H. Hurt-
hart ndT-Oor-naa.
WrTstsry Ratehelee states h grmf
Wtll he thoerstghly teste with Keystone
drlllA Cvtlllnar avtehtnea wtth a (ape
err y far resehmar feet neve seen
firrhssert. Tha ground art far aa teafed
reveals yaloea af fin gold af efchtg
a yard, ' ..
Th com parry eaeact start drfJlrnd
nn the rtvey very soon. If tha sy.
temarhr testa" srova aatisfsctory- aa
tha pvetUnmary A modern dredga will
ha pot te work- immediately,. .
. ' anr Fhnt fia tThtaado. ,.
, fjnnrnst gpertsf a-evtes
. Chlcagnv Nov. 17The building af
the- American Flag nnmpany, the Amer
esw Wall Paper company anif tha "J, A.
Colby tor eompany. otv fika street,
netween Dearhorn and flarW, wers
wimeif lhat night. The lose may sue
psew I7J0.000. T flra was hard to-
8 octroi. . . ,
By A. Iflonroa,'
'The VUta cnniPMnv Is rtvlnir young
Ulrls 'hnvluK a tHHte Tor ctillmiry pur-.;
utts a olmnoa to 'mu4e a nxme -for
-trmrn-wrren: -nr-mHmh-'TIIrtrwrin'cTiinrt T
for somethrnfr, 'lot The 'llr tynu, for!
boys tlmt 'love cookies '(frow -into men
tliHt love If, not '(VHika, Bt 1eHt good
cooking. And lot ttn .hope tlte hiryn -wilt :
have a chance nl -aoiive rf Wms tooth-
some cakes. The ilnn Is -an ltilprest-
i Iik 'onu: The Oas ioomprty 0frrs ih
tneir nnvHrciMements in 'i ne aournai ;
some very vlun)le pr-t-e- no-v ll
nlKved ;ln their windows -for he brttt i
I nauih -of cookies bxked hh whs, -and ',
accompunled y . ha "cook's ' written
opinion on the ntbjet of conking !t h
gas; all young fli- are elitrlble, and
a 'committee of TortlNnd "women lll ;
act- H tidgea. tt, 'the .'cookies VIM :
o 'o help ot 1lrlsf mMS ' dinner " Ih
unnrters hore euoli 'help '. is ftioat ,
pes. ana ever meddlesome -brothers fn-
alt on the jrih of referee. Wome-fnad :
coikles r the ordr 'Of (the dny, at ;
tea jparfteii, llnnchemmrTilid Tor the 'fn-'t
evftahle 'Trdece" beta-een 'meals of 'tire j
Tny vokies. ' ahloh . certnlnly eoKreie
tha the , sprocess 'Of evolution from a
mere atnuteut to 'a trulinsry artist lias
been rapid. ...
'- Cvery wk in a M1e -re see "notices
a ipapers of www "new achievement fn
tha anpltcstten of elect tioltyj long K
voofctng -fr I eh 'eleitrii'ity "tves Ipireved "to
Vie a eoweaa," so tnr as the coolrtng
tvent, the -g-rest expene attached Vnsde
n r.rehfblt'lve. tn the wavrit f
arenlus i tteen t- a-otlt In the direc
tion Vrth the ' j-eWH X'hatto"w e?ectrt-c
ttv can be esed tnenenslvely. All
awfte of cooking atenslls hsve been in
vented .to wieet the jcowtng demTid.
'eoe-a ef them west anlttae. among
ht ta VttOam
S a 'Y-enVbTn
ttoa rsmre"? bt It tngt to be icslted
i ""'A lln'TT' V ..Li.
i eectfcvna each one vmnlet 1 Hsef.
' end any erre ef which can be" removed
and carried to eome ether pert ef the
heaee and rmt hse wlthent at all
dlscemmodlns; the original ran ftt
Impetrtna Its nsefalnesa. To lllnMrate.
Wt i.V dleceeeecte. eeerted into
the parlor and attsched to the light
socket. A amall kettle la placed hnoa
It ani the water Is eoon boiling. In
tha meantime the rest of the range
can be I as In the process of pre'
part tig dinner .
Mr. A. K. Rsnsont brought Informa
tion concerning electricity aa applied
to rooking to Portland. In bis cepsl
a promoter for the interests concerned.
In spite ef all the new-fangled Ideas,
there' something awfully -homey anil
nice about a genuine wood or eoel
range; a steam re din tor, or a little
square black apol In the floof through
which heat comes may trarm the body
as well or better that sny other.
vice, bat after all a good glowing hoi
base burner Is a mighty comfortable
thins to noma home to on a col.t. rain
day. And on the same principle many
lehoueekeepers hold tenaciously to the
nld-fashloned range! anicn - is not so
old-fashioned, however, a was readily
shown to me la the "Eclipse," rang
that ha been handled for many years
exclusively by the house nf I; rtevurta
Son, and which Is built hit purely
scientific principles at an espert engi
neer direction.- The fir boa is larger
than usual and lh whole construction
Is such' that the oven I hot enough
for th nulcWeat baking within a few
I . . . . . . ,. 1 1 . i A M-l.t.
minutes sriee liw rire IK inni-il. n"n
an p.i'iiitpi- ifi iiip bi" i"-n
i readily believe ins prnveroiai not tem-
pr of tha cook would become a legend
of history, . Which reminds met It la
said by our writer that womeri were
paver so . sweet tempereo ana sucn
cempanlonshl beings as they are to
dsy; ran it b that this la owing to Ihs
expert attention given In recent years
lo tha tools with which they work
(Sl-wlal Manaloh ts The ears!.)
fh.JI.n. II- Mm. .tttl lit ta-i
The - severe weather hssrtrtvsntha
choppers and haulers from the hills stul
the supply Is cut off. Idaho Is trying
to buy wood from eastern Oregon at
M and It f. o. h, Usher my Th price
In Pendleton and Walla Walla In rising
steadily. A high as IT a cord la being
paid St Horn places '
: "The Wood Ulht Ufa
idanca has never grmg beyond thl
sbovflglmpkaUtemcntofaerlptnra. Ant
H had llluminatArl thai tUlemarrt snd
Siren Its meaning avef bfrmdenlhs with
the Inrrewlnc trresdtli of khowWgn.
Wban tha bJood a.ba4'or Imtmra It
to not alone) tha .- which tofferi
througb dlreaan, Tbs-'bfaln to alw
clouded, St- mind Snd Jnditfin gr
CfftcUd. snd 'rSAnf an avlldead or IrflDtif
tyhtSHactljr tfgc4 Id th
can M? aiaJi. hum ,t tiui mm uLLu
l-jffce'i fJQ'defl i
ether etitaneorrit affect Ion a, m extent a.
seaaiieesBiKme i tmyurm imma,
aa dj ' 9 9 9
I rrofolon awalllnira, m-
Urged f tgnrl. open eatlnf nicer, of old
turm. tha "Golden Medical Dlnenvsf f ha
perforsved tha moat mafvelona eerea. la
eseea of old or, of Ape) aaifng leers,
ft t wall to afrplf to tha ape tntm tif,
frr' AlTileslla .f, whlcft bos
Maae wonderfnl heallnf sntencf Whan
and m an ipltcifon to the sores in ffjv
Jnwtlns Wtm neTrasTfrVVfn Sfedlcal
WrnveT blood WMna' emnsti
ntional treatment, II )"ne drn?ttd
don't happen fc hat the -AH-Reallng
alv In rnvtcV, yon a ally prornrg It
by InelostntT Hftf-fonr aenta fit pnatagn
stamp fc If. R. V. Pierce, M Mai St.,
niTa loi, If , T.T od It w iU coma lc yon by
mnra poaC Mas. dYngglst keen It as
traR m tha Golden Medical Mttoovery
- 9 9 9 '
Tot enn'l nVrd to accept any nvsriicttw
f wnJrnnte-aj sompoetfleni an S tnhafltinta
lor "Golden Med icJ Msoovery 'whicH fg
medtcln t VOWS' )OWVsr-TOT,
saeinar a complete) list nf Ingredient fn
Slain. English on ltd hot tie-wrapper, the
sama helns; stteshad a oorrert dnrier natt.
Dr. Pierce t Pleasant Pellet fegnlRri"
j sad Invijrorata tomal, Mvar and bowels,
m ,A Wv, ',1 'Jr
together in
to xzny the tiete
to heat a pfflJ We dorft ts M
sizes of pipes, i it dorft pay! XVetant
afford to giesSb We want, tndjdpy
uive sa ris fa erioN tti MAtim
nxsT srgEfr
killed er CA
Atpna. Turneir Meets Hoitibie
; , Death Beneath Wheels at
Arteta Station
Run t Catch C ftlipa sni lFal on
- Ttafk, 'nd U Ottntnl b Pieces Se
nth Hesvy Coacn before Mot,i
- "Death In t herrlhle rorm beneath the
Wheels of a bonderous Mount Scott car
was the fate of prettv Alpha Turner,
aged t, at Arteta at evlock last bight.
The hnrortunate young woman ana in
stantly killed and her body w terribly
Oiankled . bere, the motorman (eould
bring the car to . a slop, i -
Mis Turhet-j employed an tenori
pher by . T. Murtont In th Chamber
of Commerce ' hnlhyna. resided With
Mr, tt: t Boynston at Mt fcast A'hkeny.
ed Waa tunning to catch the car for
Portland at the tint of the. sad keel
dent - Una had hteH VtsltlMg Mrs. F. B
nutherford at Arleta. and while bidding
the family adleil heard th approaching
car. Despite me entreaties or Everett
Itutherford, th ll-yer-old son of her
woman rah to the eta tlon and Ih cross
In the trai'h sllbned and fell.
Motorman tiarenr tenham, In charge
of the fateful cart Upon seeing the
woman lying prostrate acros the rail
directly In tha patn of tha nhrushlng
coach, immediately applied the emet
y hiakesand tatsiasil I MP IMHIeBI
Mia effnrta Were tihavalllng. -and al
though th faf was stnpped within one
car-length Miss Turner was struck and
Instantly killed. Th car" Was stopped
with --nurrrrandrtennesg-thatnrindnctof'
nmvths waa hurled Intn -tha stale and
C N. tJrootn of Mnnlarllla. the only
passehgefi was thrown fmrrt bla aeat.
Iteputy' forrttier Plnley was .notified
nf the ant-ldeht, and pending hie Investl
gallon and tha removal nf Ih bndyi all
tramp: en tha Mount Rcntt tins was sua.
bended tlpnh orders nf the ft W; f
nf Heist. - The-femslna-Wefe removed
to Plnley'Sj undertaking parlnrfti and It
has hot yet been derided Whether an
Innuest Will h held.
l )efiemed ts liifrlTer) bv-Marla trroeTj
slater, who resided wtin her at (it
Bsat Ankeny street, an Brmnpl"r -
... rt.-n i- m i - a r -r- ttti ' '
' 10 m MP m
Must Glvt - Cvldehct of Theff
Good Faith In East (51 ark
Street Improvement Matters
Tr dttldg th proposed Improvemenl
ftf East Star street an that th prop,
arty (rtlrf from fcest Water to t'nlon
vehna Will withdraw Ihelr ohjetlons,
bond that they- wtW noT- remnnatfata
out hew proceedings ha been fefjififed
by the" Street committee of tn council.
At the meeting yesterday Afternoon
Sfipesreit S - delerstlrOT-frorn- th - Kt
Bids Improvement association WhlH
tretefed against fttfthet delay In fin
ing tha street. Thd contract Wa led
several month ago, hat , Owners' of
property below t'nloo gyefinft declared
the fill would tain their bnlldfn, and
ashed for delay ontll thd Port of Port
lsnds, dredge eonld b obtained to mat
g hvdranllc fnf.
- Th co-nmfttee is willing' frf mak mis'
Improvement from t'nlort avpne. whef
the solid ground begins, to Rest Sev
enth, btrt the property owner must
give assitranca that they will get ht
good faith and not dels matters) nnftee
esssrlly. At the- nef meettnf a ttm
wlir he set within whfch th hydranlle
fill Mmt ne made. Th Pacific Bridge
so earth flit. ?. ' W. , Not tlnghsro and
th. other prope'tv' owners Who sf do--msndinst
a fill by the dfedgai declare
they want the surrounding1 tow gfowod
fined on to basement level at th same
fimofhe street fin I made. . .
sars e SarrrirvJTre to
.- SwadsyV S1.9 aVntad tp.
a1t, and safr almost met agali? t
West a tat Ion- on- the . d f.' ft. ft. Tf
Tuesday when the- Ml Ship Mren Was-
ailed high and dry upon the- same saOd
of Clatsop rhaf claimed the Hl-rfc-ed
rater Iredale a fortnight before. Ner
"indy g cnr1on; lesvms; f'nfon depot
at a. ih. serves the seeno Of tther
'dlssstey arlthtn 1 mimites walk front
,klpnon or Wear Stations, atvlng vls
hora ample , time to new both wreck.
Preferred SvneV Oanned (roodd.
Alien Lewis' JHs Brand.
Sa.5-a..Ja,' J3eS Mil JJo.'isZ
ling the Stomachs fwdl3owels of
iVdirwreS DisH(W.Ch?erftil
ness and rfesi Contaiis ratter
()pium,oforphine nor GiieraL
jssyii tT&i -5MVSl.PtTS&&
. .lawss.
KMUaa). .
eWraaWsaaBm! tf9ttt -
tterrtftfitf foteorrs
ftot Sour 9b3twh,ularrtwNa,
Wonns .Cormnsioha ,revri sh
Hfss ath. LOsil OF 8LEP.
. n i'si T nfsiisra; g sisaassa-asasaa- .
vf f,aeStm!to Sttfiiittttr bf
When you
J t e of Uneeda biscuit
It's like opening tlie oven
door and taking them out
crisp, fresh, and clean.
Unooda Biscuit
are thg (onlyl Soda
Cracker Othetd cease
to bd " cracked M af te.! a
Unootla Dlscuit
r-c:;T ai:o
'JfSH.ii a aj -j ss-
Alivi&A ,:,-!'! Imv-Ia
iS-J VLV:i' :p-r ;f
-Lj,- -a. -.-(.-J.- 4
Ais& ash
Th3 Kind You ih. o
c Always Douto
For Ovor
hfrty Yoar
vat searnMMla-weswf. new east strt:
open a
AW i
w-fl ww aaSBBisiBi m sr .
exposure to
a package of
Mow Atonf1 -
Ymir KMsttiMtttit l
, VC.'iuldn'l' fhCV he the hotter nf 0 '
COSt or 10 Of p.itnt? WtiAf Of
shade A prcf-'r fow rr.r,v!
San-ire yards' are ttier? fn tr-t rmirt? '
Ilo Oiuch Btf PCA'tF. piliit d. y t i
fiifrej fm, ef t! "? oue-'lnr
you Cnn an"1" tie r"ct a cm.
i?MK2n:5P.'-:, wa. a..