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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
, .."J. .... r , S TtiEn OREGON DAILY JOURNAL " PORTLANIX SATURDAY ; EVENING. NOVEJSER 17,'. 'pa . Abotit this time of the-year the nights begin to crow chill in WINOEGO LAND, and one morning NOKOMIS found the , chfldrn warming their hands at the "cooking fire." Of course, they were snug and warm enough at night wrapped in their fur sleeping robes but NOKOMIS thought h wss time that YELLOW HAIR had some wanner clothes. 1 She was busy thinking of what she would make for the little girl when AUNDAK, the CROW, spoke up and said: "Haven't youejeryhndom euit-tne one fringed with deenkln In the Wigwam-ee Mukuk.the Birch-Bark Trunk, that tou have?' 1 '- . .. . . . . . , : . . . . CiPlS . --w - ?()hsr ) v .- -- ' .n-. . . 1 -.. - -i -' '.. ; . - ,r. .;' ' . , : .-. --..r - . f . - .-, , ;.. ,' ., i . ....... ., ; ' WHFRCYOU AA UTtAAK ngw ,B uu" rcn-ara; aox, or Indian Trunk, NOKOMIS kept some pretty clothes and many other things that EaTEe? longed to WENONA. the daughter of NOKOMIS. when WKNONA itu m . wi .1.. 1 wrt v INO BIRD and the mother of the great NANABOOZOO (or -HIAWATHA," of whom you have often beard or read about). ! X " nd he wu the maet wonUrful rf an th Tntin navL-i.M tii . I- . . ,. . : arc oieo long oeiore n n lk qkuwliwo bird was bom. and the Trunk had never been evened. - V . 1 I !. 1 After NOKOMIS had considered a while she went into the Wigwam and opened I the JboV The first thing she took out was . h beautiful suit made, of blue cloth, ; . I jtrirnmed with deerskin, with beads and wampum which is bits of white or colored V i clam shelL nearly round fat shape and with holes bored through so that they could be ' amn 1.V. 1,4. TV II Ml. -Jkjt tM 1 t I .l-L ' -AI12r mui 1.111 km in ivw wtui n nni iwij. I . . ' . ' 1 ' " "V V . l it .:' - ' V .. i ...... ""Kfc . .J I 1. J . . 1 1 f . i MB BUB.) Vir- J -T' .V :, -J -. , .;. I I wftTmrYCCio,4 I 1 V r" J 5 L St S.- -yr WHAT YOU:, r j: miWfySNr- :: ? J BKHTG6 J . U ' j - - j -. T When FANNY YELLOW HAIR wanted to put the dress on, at once. NOKO MIS said no, H would have to be shaken and the wrinkles smoothed out. but YEL LOW HAIR coaxed so hard that at last she consented to let her try U on. Soon NOKOMIS called her into the Wigwam and began to fix her up like a real Bttte ' Indian girl. - '.',--;.'- LOOK AT A UN PA k: -MAKE enow hop . 0 I feel tire A LITTLE. -SQUAW Glfit! . t MY FEATHER. ON 5TRAIGrHT7 r .They were so long about the dressing like many other little girls art, that wa aQ know. and. big ones. too. sometimes that AUNDAK became impatient. rYouU be late for school, YELLOW HAIR I he cried. But this was only a fit-' tie Joke of Mr. CROWS, because there wasntany school in WINDEGO LAND' J"- jtwss ALWAYS -holidayer Then he spied her little red shoes, and HrYAH! If kATru mcii .i ' ' CD 'TV J UPAt l Kl i3e HEPICINE A At -r m m it r-ilf it i -HEAP FINE DRESS1 !TO(i: , "V" rou ir BtrAb V HEAP , -; Vwwrrri pretend I El&A Cv JpKf ' l BUSH i YELLOW : YOU OON-T - V WTZJ BOM' ' A. ' . Because AUNDAK had a habit of "borrowing- other folks' thmgs-nd sometimes forgetting to bring them beck, sad to re. Ute-ke slyly drew he Uttle shoes out snd carried them off. , , ' y;1 It would have made any one laugh to see Mr. CROW putting his black feet into the red shoes which didn't fit him at aO ; aad pretend to dance the MEDICINE dance., LITTLE CROWUNO BIRD hopped around on one foot.1 enjoying the joke. ,f Wln YEIXOWHAIRcaro NOKOMIS told her the areas was hers, but there were too manverimminn and thinn n it tn ur .rn,,. k.. IS!! she should keep it for "dress-up daya" only, while she (NOKOMIS) would, make her an every-day dress for "play-days." Jus '" then BIO BEAR came ambling along. "WHAT I WHOl" he cried. "Can this be some little Indian Princess come to visit usr . C " Ever since then when the Indians meet their friends "all dressed up" they pretend not to recognise each other, because they . look so fine and grand. It is tbek way of being tfwy. ry poliu I . Funny, isn't it? t . A. T.C. v i ; A' :w7.;v-7 f , '