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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, .EVrtlNG, . WOVEIISSIt 17. 1SC3. 12 TODAY'S MARKETS CIIICKEfJMAfflCET cLimisip 4. Lower Prices Named Yesterday j .Causes Heavier Buying by A v - v the Retail Trade. , .SOME PREMIUM OFFERED - - FOR STRAIGHT HENS diversion of Northern -Shipments of ' ''.Grapes Gluts Local Market and All ; Sorts of Prices Are Ruling Sugar ' Situation Very Badly Mixed. : Principal nuM feature tudaj: . t. Nor shipments are diverted. , fnolUf warket (Ihm op. Errs ar M1iuc well attain. ' f 'f Gran market la very bed rbsp. Market entirely oat of flah. - fcoxar condition art atieoangeU ; - Hop trad remain qalet. ' r ' funic men -eraaaise) cars. Wheat and Roar trad nominal. - rt sltry Xsrkst Claaae T. -respite tha aaormima arrivals daring th Pt - three dura tb oo Mr market la cleaning up at tha rir quote. Cnlexen alilnit wece tut heavy toder for a Karardar. bat tit lewer price named yesterday arera quit aoceeteble ...... te moat at to., buxtra. . Seme are etlll holding . vara for lower prices and are not baring. Tnere . . ' was enlte a nnmber of - Inqntrlea today for strslalit coop .of Bene, bat tuese coo Id not he V obtained. fr lb atalpmenra abowed a mj 1 small percentage of tbeaa. The few hena that ottta wore made to aril the eprlnce and roaatora : ef whir th annpV r very heavy. Several rente over tba quotatlone were offered for nana, ,-"- dealers would not consider, each ffera, aa thev Md ml car to be left wllb tba "sxlm ; r.iik." -. - . , . " Praaaad Torkey Are Caaslag. Arrivals of dressed terser daring tha paat ii bour bare been qalte liberal with demand rood. Kealera aeem quit willing t take all the tarkeya now offered at price qooted. 1'reeent Iodic t loot are that enppltea la tbia line win. be fully ap to demand at prevailing flnre. The egg market to firm again with lighter - arrtrala and aU-etocks cleaned ap at th prlc listed. ' ITertswrs ghlpmente Are Divert. IHverslna of northern ahtpmenta from Sea Francisco haa eanad a grot In tb loeal gran market. - Soupltea alma tba eireat today were aery heavy and quota t toot, aa printed are really nominal. ' - All aorta W prloaa are ruling, dealer ' erlltng la tome instance at express charge la order to clean ap. - ' ' ' " "T. ' Market Entirely Oat of risk. 4 Tb fish market waa entirely oat of eappllee this morning. No ablptnenta can he received from toe Facet aoand countries, and tba water " " In toe Columbia m too blsn to admit of fwhtnf ' for aalmoa there. There plenty of aalmoa la atoraa. but tb mild weather eauaea tba holoer to io alow In their withdrawal. Hop Trad Kemaiaa taut. A few sale eootinua to h reported ta tb hop market, bat takea aa a whom trade la ry qnlet. It I aeaerted that bopmen are given i all Iba eara they need, but tbla la denied by both tb dealer and tba rallroada. Km If m riran them tha dealer nay that , tha rallroada cannot mora tbem an account of the ernecal lark ot motive power. . All oatalde "" market are reported qaiet,. , ' rotate Mea rrommrf Car. " " Pntato ah Inner were oromlaed a aafflclent a moon t ef eara or their reaalrementa during toe neat 10 daya, bat all or tbem are awaiting the - fnirUlroent of Mile pramlaa hefor again entartng Into tba market. Inqulrlea frojn California. Artaona and Teaa are wcreaatug, x but faw order can b accepted at that time. Brief taa ef the Trade, i. ttaarkta la vcrv complicated at tha be aatted daring the next few daya. t Both wheat and fWur trade anew eltrem atilrt today with miller anable either t aell floor, bay wheat or eecar toe wheat already jmrchaaed. Car borUge tb lireaaed meat marketa are juai nuHiiug vaeir own with prior nnchanged from yesterday. Apple demand la better for faery quality. Soma fancy livod River Spltaenberga and New tone eelllng at cXSO a box today. , Coor frail la being weeded out. ' Toe trade paye tba following price ta Front atreet. Price paid auippere are teaa regular eemnileitonei V . 2 Oram, Flan and teV i OKAI.H BAUt Calcutta. baying prioai "A8twloer4i rod BoaataB. - bneatvm, nor; valley. aTe. . AKLiv 5'ew ead. tH.60; rolled. $2X001 OttN-tt "i SSSOO pat ' - uy tl.U Def cwt." ' tuATM Near froducr1 price He. 1 whit. avi not. ?H : arav. l23.OOaZ3.00. Trw L it Bantam Oregoa paMata, S Ol dtralahta. lAllfi; rgport. valley, A3.4U: graham, fee. M-W; "bole wheat. Se.i rye, lim 1.00; baln. 12.7a. MalLLeTrFhS Brn. $1660 per ton mid dllnga, r00; aborta, can try. fltX0 alty. 10.So; chop. l.0O2t.O. , 1 Hit Producer' price Tl motor, Willamette valley, fancy, gli.004iU.00; ordinary, SB.00U 10.00: eaatera Oregon. 13.0)l.uu; mixed. ' glO.outlie Mi; clover. II 00J grata. T0(.eti rest. 7.00. a. utter. Igg and Wtry. - BUTTER 'AT '. a. b, Portia ad Iweet ream, JMiVie: aour. SoUe. . bUTTKhV City creauiery. 0c; aatald fancy, arvjiwie: ordinary. Wci tore, lttttlec . f eriiii Rxtra fancy, candled, &6c weal and taatrra atorage, UHH.IO. CHCKeaV hear ull cream. Sata, liQUVkt; . '. Voung America. lo4lH. . POCI.TRK Mixed chickeaa. llfte per In; fancy bene. 13c per lb; rooetere. old, loe rib; fryer, lie per lb; broilers;.-lie per old ducka, 1VjC per lb; coring duck. 12H lb; re. 610C per 1hT--turky;-oitTe pef lb for aid; dreed. Oe lb; aquaba, 2A0dj4 u aar do; plgeens. U.00 per do. Kepa, Wwl aad 'Xldea. . Boet twm erop. chokw, . 10c; prima ta cholca, 13Hr; prime, 10t12fce; Mm, lac. , WOOL 1W Up Valley. IOqzjc, MItan vrrfon, 2". MoHAllt New. Bomlnat BiHCfcPSKINU Bbeartng, 16ftoe eecht abort "wool, 250ncr medtam-wwot. - BOttTft eaca; , mng wo.,1, 7br li.oo earn. tAUAiW Prime, par w. Sttfes Ma. t ud reaae, JWXV.e. . IHITTIM bABK tt. H1DKS Ory. He. 1. Id lb aad up, IdUQ 1TH per w; dry kip. ho. 1, to jba, lit; dry calf. No. 1, aader lb. 13c; ulted bMes, ateera, Bound, do Iba and aver. 10yllr- cowa, ' SVitiaHe; ataga and balm, aooad. DWTc; klp. Is to 30 the. be; call. sd. uedrr li lbs. lie; green, miMlJrd. Ic leee; curia, It par lb leu; : torae hldre, aaltrd. each. l dry, each, fl.O04tl.e0; eolt klde. 13 .'; goat kla. eomraoB. each. lOtglac; 'Angora, each, local : " FraltB and TagetaUa. ' . ' , POT ATOrtlt Haying price,' eaatem Mnltna- Pik aud CUckaaia. 7ia!wc: ordinary, kaq-t. ONIO Juobiug price w Oregon. BOcfl $1.00; taring price. 7(1(4 7 V; garlic, tatt Ih. AI'PL:' Fancy Hood River MpltacnlnTa and Tllw Newtownar IJW; ttnr-y will.rnev valley and aouthera Oregtm. I1.A0; acdlnarv st.a-k. TVtifl 2 ' FHKH ruLIT Orange. TaleMla, $ 71 to. baaaaaa, -ft per lb; lemoBs. chotre. Vn)H,7i per box; 'anrjr, 7.( .r box; tlm, Mexican. $l.2ft pee !; pineapple. $.! .V(J pec ; giapee, gl.eOul aft; pear. . $l.tlt1.2.i; huckleberries, lie; ground eh err tea. uiliAe per box; plneaj.plee, g.Voo per doaea; poaiea-renatee. $l.35tl ftO per boa. VKaKTAHI.FH Ternlpe, Bew, ncf$t seek; eermt, Tfic I per sack; beet, 1 2r per aaci; Oregon radi.ha. " per doa; cabbage. Ore g. JSc'j l.asj bell pen per., Ac per Ih; te mafnaa. litrtt per crate; paranlpa,, eirtng beans, (rregoa. a per Ih; raoll- fhxrer. 7Vtil .00 per rtoa; peaa, 4V ; aoteeradUb, DHIw per Ihi artichoke. 7 Be per dua: aah. T.'vctigi.nn per t; eagpiaat, I. AO per dos boncbea; celery, efliarN, per doa; areen cra. II Ml pee each;, eamtoer aqnaah, ortrfl (0 per hot: errplant. l.7 per paaiukbta. In craubemaa, local. $U4M lTr t( nee hbl. crate 4W40; , KUlEO rULITb Apple, avaparata, SHIPPERS' CAN -MAKEi r?z OR UNMAKE QUOTATIONS .4.4j4a q Shipper or chicken anould Do vary careful In. acndlng atocka to - d market durln th nxt few 4 weeks. At tbia time of the year d q there la always a tendency to force arrivals rpo,tlie market and this always results In lower . d prices bturta; obtaJncJ. The price 4 d of chickens ts always In the . hands of the' shipper to make , a d or break. By heavy ahlpmenta e d they force valnea down and by q light ones they; obtain fully aa 4 much money as If heavy ones q d were Tha blockade, of 4 . traffic to the north by -tha - floods force all arrivals upon ' d this market when they are least d wanted. The trade at this time q Is crying for hens, would q not take many coops to supply this wane ' . . e - - '. -'- ' ' . - :" per lb; prlcota, IgHv10a per lb; peeehea, 12iau r lb; aarka. He par lb leaa; prune, to to 40, ac; ve drop oa each X-iM amallet flee; Ore, California black. .' per lb; California white. 6'uOHc per lb; datea. goldea. $U.S0 per box; tarda, $1. 011.50 pet- IS-Ib box. Oiouarlea, Vuta, Ste ' SUGAR All refineries cube. 5.0t " pow dered, fj S; fruit, granulated, $ dry granu lated, bo.ia; r. (, B4..t; cunr. A, g.'vis; extra C. 4 oo; rotdra C, 14 M; D. yellow, $4.o; beet. grsanialed, $4.0; bbia, 10c; bbla. Ke boxes. Sue advance oa sack baau. I Above urlrea are AO dan Det raab aajta- Houa.) , ...: tlWH 3.00 aer crate. COFFEE Package brands. $111.23315.7. S0.U0 set. toa; sos, XH.oo: table, dairy. 60. lS.OO; 100. $12.75; bale, $1.85; Impacted Liverpool, one. eltt.00; 100. $17.00; 2V, $111.00; eitr fin. hbl,-1. 8,- !,- 4.Btta.nOT" tAverpool lump rock, $i.t0 par. ton; fto-lb rock, $w.00; luua, $00. - .. ' f Above BTlcaa aonlv aa aalea of leaa thaa car lute. Car lot t epeclal price tuhjact A guctuatlon. I BICE laanaHal -Jane. Na 1 Be; Ms. t. te; Mew Orleaaa. bead, 7e;, AJax. act Creole. (H4c. BICANK amall white. A3. B0: lares whit. $3 x3; pink, $2 M; bayoa, $3.76; U mas, 5 (4c; Hex icen red, 4c. Nl'To Pesauu. Jamba. c oer fbt Inrlnla. QHc per lb; roasted. KTt'He per lb; Jspa aeee, OttVrC; roasted. 77H 9" lb: cocoa aata, fcii0e per dos; aralnuta, 17 per lb, plaeont. ltiijtlZ'ac per lb: hickory But. loe par lb: cheatauta. eaatera. IBttlnc ner lb: Braxli Beta,- ISc pee tb; gllierta, 144 loe per lb; fancy pecans. 15c; almond. IbiieJlSo. Keata, Ttah aad Provialcaa. rRFSH S1KAT8 rront btrert Hora. faarr. 7Htc per lb; veal, extra. .Hr per lb; ordinary, W7. per lb; poor, 4B5c per lb; muttua. fancy. fuc per lb: lamna. BiflKc. 1AMH. BACON. ETC. Portland neck' (torft hama. 10 t 14 Iba. 10 (Ac per ins 14 to l 'bs, lc per lb; breekfaat bacon, laK per lb; pirn les, lOHc per lb; cot tare, is - per lb; regular abort clear, ansmoked. 12c ner lh: smoked. 13c per lb; clear backs, unapiukrd. 12c per lb; smoked. 13c per lb; Unlua butts, 10 to 1$ lbs. aaamoked, aa per lb; any ked, be lb; clear belllr. ansmoked. 14e r lb: smoked, lo per lb; sbouldra, 12H per lb; pickled tongue. $S.O0 quarter bbl. IxnjAi, laxv Kettle lear.t ro I3M per , Be, lle per lb; 50-lb tlna, 12e per lb: Mtem rendered, 10c, 12i pef tb; fta, 12ie per lb; compound. 10a. BV4c. t,'A.tEj BAjLxitt.'i coiumnia nver. i-iDtaii. l.ftO; t-lb tails, (2.7S; faary, l ib data,-$1.00; lb toacy data, 11.15: fancy l ib ovalsAA2 75: Alaaka tafia, pink. SftOfOc; red. $10; nuhilaal 2. tall, I2.U0. rieii Hock eoo. re ner rot Bonnner. ne ner ii. , waiiim. o jn in r cms, ci.'A'Hal'OV per dos; atrlped baas, 12Me per lb; catfUh, 10c per ro; saiakon. voiumota river eninooi, ?c oiivee aid. oc ataelhead, 7e per lb; herring. Be per id; eies, oc per id; snrimps, lue per in; perca, c per lb: black cod. Ic per lb: totneod. 7e per lb; sliver smelt, 8 per Ih; lobster, lot per lb; freak be iaie per doa; atBrgaoa, lOo par lb; black base. asue per in. . . OVSTRria rTkoalwster bar. per gat, 221: ner 115-lk sack, $t29; ' Olympls. per gallon. -; per uo-io sacs, so.uv to sa.ou. CLAMS Hardeh-ll., par box. $200 eiams. per box. ralai. Csl 00. St. . R0PB Pur llanlla, lOftc; stsndard, le; last. He. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Taaea Ivvtc per lie. iruu lroJ)bia i4pcr gL,wQdra 17e per aal; heaOJlalit. liu-dtg. case Xllb Pr al. UAiHiun e no-org. eases zf per gal, troa bble ISc per gal. BENZIKIS 63-deg. aasea XSe pet gal,, troa bbla IH'c-per axL TcnravrrsE i TTHW -ir gt, wodl able. BV ner aL WHITS LEAD Ton Iota. 7e per lb; ft00-m lota. c per lb; less lots. Ic per In. wiKn kiaju rreaent Mia at 83.80. LINREEO OIL Pore raw. In b-bbl hita sort 1-bbl lot, 68c; ease. Me par gal; genuine kettle-boiled, esse. 00 per gal: B-bbl lota. Ate; 1-bhl lot. Mc per gal; ground cake, car Iota, $20.00 per toa; leaa thaa ear lets. $30.00 pet nimS'OPllVEoTOCK HAVE 6000 TORE - Strength in Cattle More Appar- - rent but Values Are Quiet v Others Firm. Portland fnlon Stockyarda. Nov. 17. Ltve- totk receipt: , .: Bca. Cattle. Sheep, Today .............12 die . Week ago ................140 ' To 50 Month ago 17 - 126 Yea I ago 50 ... 107 All lines of livestock have a rood tone tods v. Th ImtHrovement In the cattle aituatlva ta moat ctnnounced but tha strength la not yet surrtctert to rati an advance In prlcea. Huge and eaten firs, gtrengtb la th Utter groartng. Condition a year ago; Tioga, weak, Sfic lower; rattle, ttrm - but aocbaoged; abaen, firm. Official IIVMtoc prlcea: ... Hogs Beat eastern' Oregon. $6.76: storker and feeder. $6.2o; Chin fat. $6.Aig$0.6". Cattle Best eaatera Oregon ateera. 83601 feed era. 880: beet cowa aad heifer. 82.A0 torkere and feeder. t 2.79; bulla, fl.Bd. . - obeep Mixed, trc; urn Da, avi. EASTERN HOGS LOWER Chloagw Frio Tive Oeats Zo-n CMttl . . aad Sheep Are BTtAd. Chicago, Nov. IT. Livestock receipt! ' Hw, Cattle. Rheen. Chlrago lA.otiO 6' 20.or) Omaba $.000 !" Alio H'wa weak. ,Bc lower, with 8.B left over from yeeterday. Receipts a year are were 14.. orm. I'rlcee: Mixed. $S.n.40 good and heavy. f60Ar6 4o; mnjih aad heavy, $S.8ttl 8 on; Hght. $5 8.82V. fettle ntsdy. r - - gneep Hteady. , . TJTnXS STATES OOTIRNMNT BONDS. - NewTer-; Nav,: ltj.Oovernneal hoedt: Twoa.' registered .... notion Threes, registered .. no eoitnon Small bonds ...,.. Fours, regtetered ... couimn , , Fcnrs. ' regletered. . . . do enntH Pauasia 2a do e-'UpoB v.-.itr.i Platrtct of r4nmbla FhlllpplBe Uland 4 $4 6 .... NEW T01X SANK iTATEMEbT. New TorkJ Nov. IT. Bank statement: Increxse, ......I tmo ..... 8.ftf.7l ......a nMi X !,') Reaerv Heaerv. lee 1 alted f tat rm na ,, mmi specie ,, Stal ... Honett . 714. wl 4Al.lsa1 v., ... W4K Clrculatlos Orcreaa. Inite. Hid. - Aak. . Opt. H 144 . opt. i4i mtj , Opta I'll . opt. I iii . inn! . 101 lot . 10"t 19 . l"T 1HIA li2'Z . lt iso lai , lii2ft l lai I4. lrtS Il4i4 10SW 113 ..... W leVhile' Hop Northing of Markets to r mm EARLY GAin Chicago Wheat Market Has Quite a Bullish Ton Early in . ' Day but Cet$ .Slugci.h. ' DULLER FEELING BRINCS ' ON LATER REACTION Prices Close a Quarter to- Three Eighths Cent Under Friday Larg est Lou in tht May- Liverpool Is Very Slow. :, BELATIVE WHEAT VALUES. Mo. 17. Nov, Is. Laea. . .1005. rVcember . isv July .7SH A $ .T8B $ ,?4 $ .M 4WJ4 '.83 2 .7MHA .7A .00 k ' 0U14 H .774, Ohlcaro. Jtov. 17. Turtber depraaaloa wa made In wheat prlcea today. Tba opening ot the market waa extremely bulllah and Initial valnea were about He above Prlday'a cine tea. t'sblee were very doll and were void of encour agement to either alete. Tbla market later lepeeil Into extreme dullness with a eooeeqoenc that many lours unloaded. Price closed n to &e knrer, the largeat Inaa being la the May. neaait -Sea lower -lor tli liramiier and uncttsneed lor tha Wsrch and alar. Official anotationa by Overbeek. Starr Cooke company - 1 '.'" UltMT.' , :.. r-pen.. . High. Low. 7a CVi, 7.1 S A 7HA December 734 74 May 7 74 July -. T7 77 CORN. necember 42 42V 42 May .1. Ik 4X 48 48 C A s July 4(J v 44 OATO. . 4H ' 84 ,.- 8H f ,. 8 UV , MB8S PORK. .14.12 - 1440 -1460 14.M LARD. . Decembar J4t4 . 84V4 85 S A Mar July ...... January -.. 14X2 1447 1482B 1452 stay ..... November necember MM 70 ass 842 .42 T80 ; May . .m 842 847 . S40 SHORT RIBS. rrT7777a TH7 '7w 780 780 178 January Alay ... IJTIX00L ORAIn- atUtXIT. Liverpool, Nov. It Official prlcea: WHEAT. v . " "' Nov. IT. Nov. 1. Laaa. -m$ -n-vi.-r.r... 4)a 4Hd 4Ud 6'Jd a id 4a l4d ' a Id March a Hd May a bfcd CORN. - December da 8d January 4 Id. PRICE OF NEVADA STOCKS IN FRISCO Sea Frandae. Nov.- 17 Offleiat bid prlcea: Belniont .......$6.50 Cash Boy ...... .Id Golden Anchor, i .60 opuir ,... 15 Mexican ........ 1.20 Caledonia .. . M - Jim Butler 1.60 Kxcheaaar 63 MacNamara Midway .... Montana... North star , .78 260 Noreroas ...,1.10 (load Grows .22 $T (treat Bead 15 .56 .20 .16 .16 .61 .84 .18 .44 .26 .ott Ohm .27 Black Butte Ex.. Montgomery lit Hnnaet Manhattan May. Humprey .. Itexter ......... Tonopak Extea.. T OO neraua ....... ,.i. weat end ...... Adama 10 Atlanta .8.1 Bluebell ........ .46 Booth 1.30 tlranny m Mtd wedge .... I xme star ...... Columbta Mt.... 11214 Con. Uuarry ... JW (it. Bend Extea. do A "f 11, .1. 10 ('reecant (ioldfleld ......-170 Jumbo 62S do Bxtea .... 1 Laguna 1T0 . . rtwtm .Aft Cowboy .12 .$7 .18 Ieaver Annas Black Rock .... N. V. Coneol., .26 Mtnhattan(toa.iJ.10 Mohawk 17.2H Red Top ....... J gandatorm ..... BUver Pick .... St. Ire ....... .W , National Bank.. .76 Eclipse 1 J Bold Bar 1 JO O. Boll rrog... 28 Con. Cai.-Ta....-1-W i.ittie 4oe .... .., Mayflower ..... Jumping Jack... Red Torn Extea., Muatag Hod rrog Mln.. Triangl Starlltht xn Dillon ...,i Fine Nut ....... on to .51 .25 .16 . .M .54 . .47 .24 PORTLAND-STOCrCMARKEX Tern" Tlios4d "Je ' ChreaE Oold Sells a Two Oenba. lee.4VaekOald asm to the front Is the trailing oa tb portlond tork ichang. Dur ing lb day 10.00(1 abarea ware sold at 2c. th transactions were I ft. R. A N. w It loil4, l.noo Alaaka Petroleum at 14, 1.500 Alaaka Packera' at 16 and 8,000 Park Copper at 12,14. t . , Ofdclal prlcea: ' BANK STOCKS. Rid. . Aak. Bank ot California .865 Bankers' A Lombermen'a . 7J E;nltablc gavlng Loaa ..... ... , W Merrhanta' National ..r... MS ... . Oregtm Trust A Ravings 110 . J0 Portland Trust Co ... 1M United Bute National 200 ... . BONDS. Associated Oil Bs 8$ ... City Suburban 4 ,,, ' 8T O. R. N. By. 4a no4 1 'J O. W. P. Br. 6s K1 108 ii Portland Ry. ' MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Alaaka Parker' 824 ... Associated Oil 52 ' 58 Cement Product 40 Horn Telephone ....,.. 46 Independent Uaa 80 J. C. Lee Co ... . l' . Oregoa City Mill A Lumber 9 10 Oregoa Dally Journal, pfd ..... 118 ... Paclnc statea i eiennona- . . ..,!.. nutt Ptiaet Hound Telephone ... Tauulna Bay Telephone 1 MININO STOCKS. Alaska Petrnlenra M Bine River Onld .'.IOTA Brirtah Colnmhta Amalgamated .. 04 60 10 JT 1150 OS Biilirrng TerTtblr-.-.i . . .i r..irv 66- Caseadle 81 40 'bh 08 "oi . 00 10 . 0 04 J2 14 Dixie Meadow Gallber ..... Golcocida International Coal 02 04 seas. 1ft .... MH .J.. 02 Leea Creek Bold . . I.acky Boy MountXllfVleW ... h lcol Coal Cok North Fslrvlew .. Oregon gecurltlea ., ..'.. 08V, Standard Cnnaolidated 10 Star (yinanlldated Troma Steel "12 V, ' CORUR D'ALENB DISTRICT. 1 1! AiamtKim ....... vi Vk Bullie- 12 Burke -04 0$ . topner King ..t .- Gertie' Happy Day ............ Ilerla Idaho Olant ........... Park Copper Rambler-Cariboo Ilex ....... Huth Consolidated...... Ftnuv'shoe Snowatorm Tarbnx .....,....... R4 .... 16 .. flfi .... $28 .... 14 .... 12 ... 2 . ..... 26 .... 10 T .... ton .... DC 'ih . 'ii . 14 88 420 ' . 06 POlTtAND BANK STATEMENT Cl"rlnts lodsy , .. (leirlrga year Ago.. ialn today ...$S70.RM.$ .U.AVi.w) .$XtS,6.26 New T ark-Lend oa Silver. New Tnrk, Ncv. 17 Bar (liver, tlHd Ltm- don, aoHfl . , . - Llvvrptal Cettcn Market. Mvpcponl. Nov. 17. cle: Cotton future, d ta $ point ap; soot 13 points aw, . . ) - v - ,. . Trade It Quiet Hera There Is Interest Shown In Any" of the Brewers' Supplies Very Liberal. ru-iirwiLLt nor cooFiiihi Declines ta Say Yes or No to " Rumors Regarding the Con- , solidation of Roads. WOULD PLACE ALL ; UNDER SINGLE NAME General Market Advances Harriman Stocks " Rite Union Pacific 3f Points ' Higher Canadian Pacific Cains. ' . NET OAIN8. Amalgamated , Car A Poundry Lucomotlva ... bntelter ...... A na cot. da Woiden h Atcklsoa ...... Baltimore Bruklyn ....... Canadian - Oreat Westrn. Chesspaak ... E4e T LoulavUle ..... haty Liiloa Pacific . U. S. Robber..... Fed. Hnwlter, pre. Mkourl 1'sclflc.. National Leail..., 1 s lout. Westera... jMorrntk , Northern Pacific.. H Pennsylvania ..... iPreea Steel Car... s BepuMIe steel.... do preferred. .. . . ' . tlfrk Inland ilNoutaern t-aciiic.. Houtoern Railway, rexaa lh l-acme.. Str. ft Steel Sugar St. Pl...... Central Leather. a leer? .iVal'oplaa' J'.'Hin wUl give no nt formation of the, re port that ha proposes a eonsoiidste all the road auder hla control aad place then nnder one name. Harrlmaa laauea were acttv again. I'nka padfle dosing with a gain Df 8 point over yeeterday. Canadian Pactfle waa In tha front ot th ball force today and gained I Colnta. American - Woolen waa active aad Igher tor- th common, - Th general market closed higher. . Official- uunuttom fcy Overbeek, Starr A took eompany; DESCaUPTIO!!. AiuaL Copper- Co 1134 ITT 118 Am. Car A Fousd., com. do - preferred ... T T5 T4 101 .?4 Am. Locomotive, com. . . ii" 183. Am. sugar, com . 100 m. smrtt., com....... do preferred 150'A 157 ll'i ..1277, 116 Anaconda Mining Co... Am. Woolen, com...... Atchison, com , . . do pref r rred ... .V .... . Baltimore A Ohio, com. . do preferred .......... Brooklya Rapid Tranelt. Canadian Paclnc, com... Central Leather, com.. 277 S 4 864 844 86' 1001, 101 102 ion. lOo' ioz 120 1... a? im 1204 120 . 1120 .... 81 TftV 7 71 4 79 177 1T 1T7 179 .... in ....102 174 17' do preferred Chi. A Ot. Weat., enm. Chi., Mil. A St. Paul.. Chi. A Northwest., com. 17 174 188 2l 183 1821182 JOH Cheaapeak A Ohio 54 58 Colo. Fuel A Iron, eara. Colo. South., com v 58 S3 a 2d prerrra do 1st preerred...... OS Delaware A Hudeoa... D. A R. a., com., do preferred.... Erie, com ..l - do 2d preferred.. do lt preferred.. Illlnoi Central 40 ,T. i a 44 444 e 76 7 76 174 145 174 Louisville A Nashville. 145 144 Manhattan Ry Mexican Central By., do preferred Distillers Federal Smeltcre.,, ... Missouri Pacific....... National Lead........ N. T. Cent..... N. T. Ont. A Weat...' aj' T2 To TH 12 4 180 ISO 126 Norfolk A Westera, com. wo S oo prererreo . . North American "WfJ'a'fsa'JSaf Paclnc Mall Bteam. Co Pennaylvanla By...... P. O.. U A C. C..... Praaaad Steel Car, com do preferred........ 140 140 140 ... 63 Radla-oomr do 2d preferred., do lt preferred. - Rep. Iron A Steel, com. 86 86 86 8 9 80 81 80 60 'ii" '71 'ii" 26 25 23 60 60 60 6 98 86 :4 ;4ttt rI4 iM iss iAd" 3 98 98 58 88 52 ad prererroa. Rock Uland, e. do ore furred. St. L. A 8. P.. Sd pfd.. do let prererreo St. L. A 8. W.. earn.... do preferred , Souther Pacific com.. do preferred.... , Southern Rail ay. som. do preferred Tennesaee Coal A Iron. Texas A Pacific.. ToL. St. L. A W., com do preferred, Vnlaa Pacific com.. do preferred U. -S. Robber, torn.,... de preferred.... -rv C. S. Steel Co., com..;. do preferred Wabash, com..;......., do preferred 4 48 106 19 42 ' 105 105 20 43 'is IP 42 Western Untna Telegraph Wlacoaain tentral, do preferred. .. Total Bales tot day. 7 29.7O0 sharas. BOSTOV COPPEK stAKKET. , Boston. Nov. 17. Official bid prlcea: ' Cen tennial, $12; Copper Binge, $82.25; Mohawk, $i.76: Nevsde Cos., $10.67; North Bntte, 1111.75; Old Uomlnlon, $57.50; Oscsols, $128.76; Parrot. $26; Phoenix. $1; Santa Pe, 3.76 Shannon. $16.26: Tamarack, $100; Trinity, $15.50; Utah, $18.50; Winona. $11 aaked; Wol verine, $159: Tens nana t Copper, $46.87: Ely, $12 12; Est Butte, $l.50; Butt Cnsla., $3T.TI: fuperior A Pitts., $18.50; Arlaona Com, $38.50. - FIGHT IN SUGAR IS ' . NOW ON IN EARNEST Lata today tb California A Hawaiian Sugar Reflalng compaay rednoad It price of ee franalated eager 5e per 100 pound, thna eon-b-mlng Tb Journal' a story aa to trouble be tween the two refine rie. The eat takea affect at one. NEW TOKX COTTON MARKET. -. New York. Nov. IT. Cot toa fstarea closed $J 48 points higher. . . luff li, quotations by Overbeek, Starr A Cook company: a Nor. Nov. Open. . High. Low. IT. 16. January 1026 1UI5 1028 1020 1026 February , ' loiwt, lo.'3 March ....... 1017 10.10 1083 1041 IlKiT April ........ IMS IOAI 104S 104S 1(M2 May 1047 1058 1046 loot - 1047 June .... 1053 IOAI July ......... 10M 1067 JOfMl , 10.-.S l 1061 November ... IO50 1050 1050 ; 1050 1045 Dcember .... 1024 1067 1021 . 1028 1023 KdtusatlonaL From the Cleveland Leader. Ko large) American city has public school housss enough to hold all its children of school age. It the parochial and private schools were to go out of business. No Isrge center of popula tion has room In Its church for -nearly all of Its adult population. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NOTICE. Nolle la hereby gives that commencing December IT, Isod, at 10 o clock a. m., I will aell all property, both real and personal, that Multnomah Bounty baa heretofore ac. qnlred title to by virtu of alar foe taxe. Said sale to take place at tha front door ef the Mnltnontah county. Mat ot Oregon, court house. Dated Portland, Oregon. November IT. 1906, R. L. STEVENS. Sharif t sad Tag Collector. - GALE RAGES OVER ENTIRE COAST , Portland A Asiatic Liner Reports Stormy- Voyage From j , Yokohama. - DECKS UNDER WATER HALF OF THE TIME Coolis SsflQrs Get Seasick and Dizxy Becauag Steamer 1 Rolled Worse Than Ever ' and They Are Glad to JBe in Sight of tand Agairu Fearful ' southerly . and southwesterly tales were encountered by tha Portland St Asiatic liner Numsntla all the way across tha Paoiflo ocean, from Toko hama'to the Columbia river, and her decks were awash moat of tha time, al though sho bad only 1,200 tone of cargo In the hold and stood well Out of the water. 'Her officers report having had a strenuous time of. tt and the coolie aatlora. and firemen look hollow-eyed and fagged out because of the hardships Incident to handling the big liner In a continuous blow of ISH'days. At times the steamer rolled so fearfully that many of the crew got seasick and dlssy. The- Numantia arrived In the harbor last night and went to Montgomery dock No. 1 to discharge part of her cargo, which consists principally of general oriental merchsndise, matting and teas. Customarily she unloads at Montgomery dock No. i, but that '-dock was so crowded last night that the liner could not be accommodated. It WlU only take a couple of days to rid tha veasel of her Inward cargo, but she will be In port boat a week -because she will be given a full cargo of flour outward Despite tha rough-usage on the way over, tha Numantia looked trim when aha pulled Into- the harbor la at night. The big waves had left soma traces on tha Iron decks, but aside from 7. thst everything looked as clean as when tha steamer started on her maiden trip. Speaking of the voyage, one of tha officers aaid that tha gale blew steadily all the way from Yokohama, so that evi dently tha Faclfje coast hss not been tha only storm-swept - district . during tha past month. Tha sea wss so boisterous off the bar that, the liner -waa com pelled to lay outalda 40 hours waiting for a chance to make tha bar In perfect safety. 8 he crossed In yesterday morn ing In the wake of tha ' Norwegian steamer Jethop. Although the Numantia ran far to tha north In following the great circle, she saw nothing of the British bark Invernls, which haa been outside for the past four weeks. Near tha Aleutian lslanda she met a tank steamer bound west. COLUMBIA IS HERE - roptUaur . Karxlmaa ' Uner Katoras ta rtna OoBdttlom. Trim as ever, tha Harrlmsn liner Columbia reached' tha harbor laat night from Ban Francisco for. the f Ira t time alnoa early In - April. She came in command of Captain Henry K. Morton. Captain . Coran having failed to reach tha Bay City in time to take her to sea laat Tuesday. Captain Doran' will loin her in San Francisco when she ar rives there. She Is scheduled to salt south thla ' evening.. The Columbia brought a small quantity of ' freight and only 40 passengers. Captain Morton la chief officer of tha mammoth oriental liner Manohurla, which is now at the Union Iron Works In Ban Francisco undergoing repairs aa a. r-uii or ner raving gone ssnore on her way fromSan Franclscdl3 th Orient some months ago. According to Captain Morton, the repairs to tha vessel will cost shout 1400.000. Tha steamer Korea, which also ran aground In the Pacific aboat -the same time, la being given temporary ; repairs at Ban Francisco, Captain. Morton reports, so that she will be ready to go Into com mission at an early date. ' Captain Morton was In Europe when the Man churlan went on the reef. ' "The Columbia ia a fine steamer," eald her commander thla morning, "and evidently very popular, for - all along the rlvsr wrweregreeted with whistles and waving handkerchiefs from people on the shores. The run from San Fran cisco wss rough, a fierce gals blowing 11 the time. We were compelled to remain -outside -the tar--seTeral - hours because of the storm." Chief Engineer ' Jackson Is the only member of her old officers and crew on board the vessel st present, but her former purser, steward and erew will Join her with Captain Doran. ' WATCHMAN OVERBOARD . B. Oolrllle Hnnges Into Willamette Blrec After Bark. , : 7 The Willamette river came near claiming another victim last night 8. B. Colvllls. watchman at the foot of Stark atreet. In walking a thin board from one float to another, was pre cipitated Into the swift water and had to awim about 40 feet to a place of safety. He would probably never have reached shors had not -hla - eld friend Captain Amos of tbs launch Eva urged him on with kind words of encourage ment. S, . 'Don't give up the good ship." yelled the skipper from shore to the' man struggling in the muddy wster, snd the latter atruck out with renewed vigor. Colville'e involuntsry bath was due to- the fact- that tba. board upon , which ha tried to walk was too ltght and It snspped In the middle. The accident happened at t:lO o'clock and at that time It was raining so hsrd the un fortunate victim hardly noticed h got wet. , . " SIGHTED A DERELICT Captain Bay SU porta Xaeea of Teeeel Off the Ctoaet, . Captain Day, master . of the British collier DtiiSerlc, which arrived here yesterday-afternoon from Nanatmo, British Columbia- reports .sighting . a derelict two-masted schooner off Tatoosh. The hull Of the vessel wss submerged, but from her rigging It wss evident that she was a two-masted lumber drogher. Capi tain Day bellevea that she wae laden. There la no way by which to Identify the derelict at this time, owing to the fact that a number of lumber droghera are overdue, on account of -the recent heavy storms. She wag undoubtedly wrecked in one of the heavy blows off the Columbia river lately and drifted north with the current. - - - The Dunerle is at anchor in tha stream above' the Morrison bridge, where her coat cargo will, be lightered on bargee. ,-' .''" ALONG THE WATERFRONT The Norwegian steamer Jethou will , .-. . ' v : i .. .. L1A0D CREf FIELD - DIES. 10 JAIL Prisoner Charged With Murder of George ; Mitchell PassesT . Away Suddenly. AUTOPSY BEING HELD V BY CORONER TODAY Woman Was Apparently Well When Stricken by Heart Disease Spent Evening Playing Cards Dica Five 'Minutes After SeUure. ' , (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) ' Seattle, Waah.. Nov. IT. Maud Hurt Cref field, prisoner In tha ' county Jail, oharged Jointly . with Esther Mitchell with 'murde in the first degree because of the killing by the latter of her brother,- George Mitchell, last . July, died -! wiprVT' rw"W w'1'iC,'SJw V Maud Hurt Creff ield. shortly- after It o'clock last-night.- pre sumably from heart trouble. As soon as- the Jailers were made cognisant that something waa wrong by the women who were aleeplng Juat off the eell oc cupied by Mrs. Creffleld and the Mitch all girl, they summoned a physician, but before ha arrived the parozyam of pain In which the woman was writhing bad given way to death. As soon as the physician and Deputy Recorder Shirley Wlltalo reached the Jail and pronounced the woman dead, tha body waa taken Into the Jail office, and later to the morgue.. . .,. . affeet on aether VtttohelL . Through It all. Esther Mitchell, who appears to have more than the usual fondness, for the-woman., directly, re eponstble tor ths girl's having killed her brother, boreup bravely, although It waa apparent .that, she was suffering great grief. Aa the body lay shrouded In the Jail of floe, the girl screened her head beneath the windlng-eheet - and kissed the dead face repeatedly. '. When the body was removed the girl was led back to her cell. Shortly before 10 o'clock last evening Esther Mitchell and Mrs. Creffleld left the women's wart, where they had been playing cards with ether Inmates, and retired to their cell. A few minutes afterward a woman SA'nn." Iy before 11 o'clock the women In the ward were aroused by a scream coming from the cell, and Jailers Joe; Hill and McKlnnori hastened to the cell, found the Crefflold woman standing erect, her face distorted with pain and clutching at her heart. - The men, assisted by the Mitchell girl and other women, chafed the arms, and hands of the sufferer. Autopsy Je Bslnf Held. - . Only once did the woman Indicate that She realised what waa happening, and that waa when In answer to a Question whether she wished a drink' of water aha nodded her head In the affirmative. Immediately after - taking a drink aha became unconscious, death ensuing - a few minutes later, Vi . This afternoon an autopsy" Is being held. The two women. were to have been tried separately, and the death of Mrs. Creffleld will not affect the status of the esse agslnst the Mitchell girl. be In the harbor this afternoon to load lumber for China. She goea to the mine of Inman, Poulsen A Co. . The French berk Tully left town to day, bound for Europe with a cargo of wheat. The French bark La Tour de Auvergne will be the next grain car rier to leave town. The steamer Geo. W. Elder "has com menced loading for Port Loe Angeles, via San Francisco and Eureka. . She le expected to sail Tuesday. Work on the steamer N. R. Lang on the ways In Supple's boatyard has been suspended bn socount of the high water. The hull is being practically rebuilt and tha planking -had all to be removed. The steam schooner Toserrifte ' is scheduled to sail for Sen Francisco' this evening.. The steamer Alliance sailed for Cooa Bay last night' and the steamer F. A. Kllburn left for Ban Franclaco via Coos Bay and Eureka Meyer, Wilson A Company have char tered- the-- British ship- Slant -to- bring cement and general cargo from London to Portland. v Colonel 8. W. Roessler, Tnlted States engineer,- is Inspecting the docks at Cascades today, The British bark Gal gate is in .the stream, ready to proceed to sea as soon as a tow boat becomes available. MARINE. NOTES Astoria. Nor. IT. Arrived st :0 a. m., schooner Irene, from Redondo. Out- Side at T:BS a. m-a Is rg steamer. San Francisco. Nov. 1 T Arrived at T a.nt., steamer Costa Rica, from Portjr land. Astoria, Nov. 1. Arrived at 11 a. m., American ship Elwell, from Redondo and Slntram, from San Francisco. Balled at 11:45 p. m., steamer Coaster, for San Francisco. Balled at noon, steamer jo- han Poulaen, for Ban Francisco. Sailed at 1 p. m., steamer Argyll, with barken tine Fullerton In tow, for Port Harford. Hun Francisco. Nov. 10. Sailed.. bark- entlne Amelia and steamer Tiverton, for Astoria v Ban Francisco. Nov. IT. Arrived, schooner Bailor Boy, from Portland. Bt Johns. Nov. IT, 1 p. m. Passed, Norwegian steamer Jethou. Bt. Helena. Nov, 17. t'assea at i:jo a, m., Norwegian steamer aetnou. Astoria. Novi 17. condition- or tne bar st I a m., vary rough; wind, south west; weather, cloudy.. EMS 1(1 REAL ESTATE I'JORLD Northeast Corner of Sixth' - and J4 Flanders Purchased by -Max Loewenson. PURCHASER WILL ERECT ; MODERN BRICK BUILDINGS Property In Vicinity of Fulton At-, trading ths Attention of Capitalists and Investors Residence Property . Active on the Cast Side. '. , The one large realty aala reported yee terday was that of the quarter-block at the northeast corner of Sixth and Flan- ' dere. ,old by A. H. Breyman to Max Loewenaon for 150,000. This deal has been hanging fire for several days, but waa finally brought to a oloae vaster- day afternoon. The property la now covered, by twe-story buildings In good condition. However, the new purchaser armonaces his Intention to erect -brick -' structures within the next few months. Acreage In the vicinity of Fulton In ' Sou .a Portland, le attracting the atten tion of capitalists looking tor desirabla tracts to plat P, P. Dabnsy of the Title Otmrantee & Trust comnanr has ' Juat sold to M. J. Clohessy SO acres Just south of Fulton and east of Carson Helghte for 140.000. This traot Is well adapted to platting, aa It Is elevated and comparatively level. Two otiier deale for Fulton acreage are known to be la -process of negotiation and wlU probably x i.v' 4ia a., sew Ui.7a.- Ovtloa Is Oiv-sn. v An option for a 1 0-year lease haa been . given - by the Fulton Park Land com-" pany- on 10 aores of Its Fulton river front. Ths lessees propose to establish . a lumber manufacturing plant en the tract. Involving an outlay of about 160, ooo. ' ' - - i ... . . .. B. M. Lombard of the Broadway addi tion In Irvlngtoa sold six residence lota there yesterday: The quarter block at Thirty-first and Harioock was sold to R. E. Fulton; two lots at Thirty-second and Hancock went to C B. Wood worth, and ' four lota on 8chuyler, between East .- Twenty-ninth and East Thirtieth.' were : fold to an out-of-town purchaser. .' I'ranarera oz realty were filed yeeter day amounting to tlU.OOO, which ex-"7 ceeded by more than 180,000 thoae of any prevloue day of the week.. More than -two-thirds of this total Is repre sented In the following throe deeds: . A. .... H. Breyman to Max Loewenson. north- - east corner of Sixth and Flandsra, con- " mderatron-160,000; Roger- B. Slrmott to Peter Markell, southeast corner of 'East Morrison and union avenue, considera tion llt.OOO, and Security Savings aa Trust company to Dorr E. Keasey, block In Carter's addition 110.000." Announcement was made this morning .. .. of the purchase by tha St. Johns school board from M. L. Holbrook ot a site In -North Bt, Johns for the new 1 10,000 schoolhousa, recently authorised by tha tax-payers. It la understood that Mr. Holbrook sold the board eight lots for - 134.000, which is ward to be muoh I thsn property Is now celling for In that vicinity. .-., .' - . - POLICE CLASH OVER BAIL QUESTION AT . STATION Heavy ,Bail Demanded of Prisoner by Detectives. As the result of the arrest of J. J. Hlgglne latt night by Detectives Burke and Hill, Tin suspicion of being wanted In a northwest city on a larceny charge, a clash occurred between Captain B lover and -the. arresting - offlcere over -the amount of bail required to Secure the release of tha prlsonerv The usual ball on a charge of grancy, the offenae of which Hlgglne ' le accused. Is 1100.. Hill and Burke; demanded that a larger amount be re quired, but this' Captain B lover refused to allow. Deputy District Attorner Fitsgerald, who was In the station. In structed the pollce to require $1,000 to guarantee the appearance of the de fendant, and Captain Bruin later aaked that ball be fixed ate 18,000. Chief Grttsrhacher setUad the matter by al lowing William Ayers, a local sporting man. who Is a friend of Hlgglne, to : essume the responsibility of producing him in court this morning. - Upon Investigation It wae found that although Hlgglns answered In every particular the description of the sus pect he was not the man wanted and he was released from custody this morning by Judge Cameron. - MRS. SARAH A. MERRILL MUST SELL PROPERTY - T - -:; : Judge Fraser In the circuit court this morning decided ' that Mrs. Sarah A. Merrill must sell her property at Park '. and Washington streets to Hexter a Stress upon. their psytng to bar 160,000. Thla decree was made in paaalng on the ault of Mrs. Merrill for the reclslon of a oon tract made by her with Hex-. tet- tV-Btraae that. they, wars to lea an her the corner etoreroom In the build ing for five yeara and purchase' the ; property within the five yeers for $80. 000. They also agreed In consideration of the lease to deepen the basement, put In a concrete floor and . Install -sanitary plumbing. ,' Mra Merrill asked' to be released from ths contract on the allegation that . Hexter fltrass hsd violated Its . terms.. Judge Fraser held that the terms of the . contract had not been violated by the lessore, and that they were entitled to a decree ofepeclfle performance, Chased, caught and yrr:: FINED TEN DOLLARS W. v Bodyolored. a Pullman porter arreted laat night after , an exoltlng - teniae by Patrolman Jeff Thompson, waa filled $10 by fudge vmeron toaay. The policeman aaw Body assault an un-' known man In the terminal yards and , then take to -his heela. The patrolman i started In pursuit snd fired a shot after the fleeing negro. Body did net atop I and continued hie flight through the ' ' yards until he reached a Pullman ear, ' . Entering the coach he attempted to hide from the policeman, but wae dlaeovered i ' and taken to headquartera. He claimed that the man he struck had attempted to rfh him and that hla arrest was a Silalak I i . i V 9.: