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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
Till. CSLCOH DAILY JOURNAL, FOnTLAND, SATURDAY EVENINr, NOVEMBER 17 1803 11 "7 FO 8 SALE REAL ESTATE! ACBE of Br.l rl.iw land; 23 or Bo dear, tiaiancs easily cleared, lie oa the Hand rued, 10 milaa Portland. u rail road, cause to river; will tuna be on a car 11m; gued burl price II a Bar aorei this la a sua p. . 80 mm aeer rood tow a an4 railroad) 10 arras la hltb uu of sulilv.tiun, a acre ot Ui.U an ll.a very baat and Sueei bt.vrr. tm aeer rood town da ndi. WU dfailltd raiL B coua amuse, fair baru; 2 onlon-booi i i -A ut tiism wail aausi.lljcxur th, other an old on with a raoadry of l.ouo .7 young srcnsta and bsrriaa of all kluda, ail farming tools, about lu tone of hay. TOO eorda of wood oa tha place at sn par rd; In 1808 owner cleared J HO0 froaaoalone akin grown oa tbla place. $t"0 t-e ' espena eut.ioe of in f"."; .1Wo ". hired " i.T! '" tr 8ud, school. 1W from railroad elation; , uric M Too; 12.000 down, blac psyabl at $300 per annum, with la " 0 !) Bd to baat fur tha ; sumber af acre. , W arras 18 ear Baw, soon Boos and a fair bara, all necessary outbulldluga. Bub young apple orchard; land frost on 1 roads snd Ilea wall: m ml Ire frvm food town and railroad; price $8,700. 81 sera and lla 8ns; 14 screa clear, t ' scree oaloa land, balanc brush and km tump; sew 4-room bouse, fair bar, good Wall wltli ramp I It, runulug malar tba whols year through tha place) youag orchard, mllr from to city, fc, F. l. mail; price ' ft Bera; 12.500 down, balanc oa tlm and to bar internet: close ta schools. .ttwr-aat . uus rrom rlllisnoro to Portland. 130 arraa (H, mllea from clip af Portland; TO acre under eultlvBtloa, gud 10-rom hoaaa la food raodltloa, t baraa, lara ; franarr aod atbar outbolldlura, 1 rmki oa Uw plara, balaitr ef tb laid la tlnibar, oo famllr orchard; tbrra (o. wllb tha plaea (pas af korso, war oa and baraas and a aorta- wacoa a ad U kind tt fartalnf ' Burhlnary, I rd owa, bara full of bar. 81 toua; priea tub par ar; aood Braralod ' road ta th aitr) thl bur eanuot b baataa In Oraaoa. loo aer, row ranrh. ef which 100 ra 1 rlrrr-buttom Dd irta land tud to ,. baltar banrk land, with boaaa, barn, orchard and track raunlnr acraaa th placa; wltbla H mil of tk depot. 18 mllr from th rltri raa b bad for N2.So fxrr arr If cold 10 dar; afiar that tliu prlca adrwirr S par ' cr until (old; tbla 1 aa buj for aaa lunaiaf far a dairy ranch. 'i aara T alba dairy raackaa, wlta or wlthoat atark. at fair prior. 20 aerra Int-elaaa. Uo4 wlthla a half of tbraa quartrr of a mil of tha Dw rarlln . balnf ImlU -Trom talaa ta. Portland, t mil from tb ailri about half la br rr4aa land and about too earda af wood aa In ama; land I at- laiwd- a oVvwIija- aprin th i wbola yaar thrnuah tha plaorf prlca (1,600, part trad, balaacaea,-If (old wltbla U mi SO djia. 12Tf arrx -of land, srrtloa IS, townahlp 1 ..Bnrth, rant 4 . la Multbooiah euuutr,' naar tb railroad. It anil from th arhool, -1 raartaa ioa brt am tn hlrh atata af eultlaatlaa, AO acr In ptur, Drat-rlaa frar. aom tlmbar, food family orchard; boo and I baraa, all Daw, 2aK. control foundation; chlckra koua. iranarr, tr.; 1 bara, barn and Wafoaa, lo Billch eow and aam f aunf atork, mowtr. rakra, arlf- bladar, plow, dlac, and all klnda vf farm lmplaowaU aaraaaary aa tba plae tbla I food onloa land; will rata anrthlnc, do bat- -tar land la amarlcat pood a markat aa tbr b oa taa enaat at bam; (In road to Portland and data 11 prla (,6u0 oa eaay tarmai any aa that buy thl plara can pa for It la tan yaara off tba plaoa. :W. W. Espcy Room tit OpmrnarrUl bldf., Caraar Bwaad aad Waablaataav , IM4LL HOWereit EAST PlTMtSTII. Il.T&o T-raom ' bona, larp lor. Arbor ...a,1-0. fla Wlllamatt boularard and rlrar, . laraa tat, fruit; tarm, touo caab, balaae $15 prr BMHith. ' ' ' . tt.MO d-room hoaaa. lot BOrlOO. an fcmcM. ' thlckoa-bouaa. t block to tar, ar aebooi, at Parumoutb. .. , ... H.ow a rwirn- mBdrf bob, fun lot, naar , I'nloa arJ aplradld bomti I&00 caab, balanc pin m tut per roonta. ' ll.aoo d-room bouse, let lOOilOO, ftuerd, ... lot f fruit, nlc bom: a nod term. . 0TT0,- CHOCK KIT 11 A Bit HON EXAUTT ' COMPANY. I48H WahlB(toa at. - . TACAVT LOT!. . 4.000 K block, William ara, l.BOO u piork. Urand ara. ll.X W block. lall.y are. . l.low U block, I'lrdmoat. - .;. looiloo. Bear ntcia ara. ' TIV TfttlOO, Utah lead Park. ' inn i block on Aln worth (TB. luw-6ntUa Et Vamhlll. tuO 4-ouula nice kU aaa Atnaworth tea, OTTO, CatOCfcETT at HAK.K80N KtALTY , . . COMPANY, ' UB WaahluatoB at West Side Acreage 10 ACRKU ENOLIaH WALNT'T LAND, tb naoet p roll labia crop ralard, easily bamitrd, pood borne market,, and In full bearing, will at $ to IMO per aer; alao iecllat for fruit ana Derrlee or chlckan; Bear port' land-lalam earlier; nearly all In culltra . tlon; near nlntb-arada achool; per acre, K'EW B-rooia cottar. Highland, fl.loo; term ' ta salt. State Lead to., IMIa Tint at. SPLENDID B-room - BOB, lot lOOilOO, Sn un, 1 BlocB rrom car, i.zoo; txoo raan, $16 par moBtk. Owar, room T, lu Waah Ingtoa at. I OOOD ba: at It. John Ilelghtat eaat (rant. um lot. near mitiMs, be- twa carUo a ad rtrer; prtea 4l,oo; bait dowa; ewntr, bo agent. Addrea L II, rare Journal. . . TWO OrtOD BUY. B-room new nvxlera boa, wall flnlahad throughout, large circular porch, fH" baar Bienti aa good cerllrier WIU mak term If 'dralred; la.000. B-reom BW WcrareoTOr,nrcTtB- m? ateatt nova farnlahed eumpUta with nw furniture) aaa make trm; all goat for 1.460. v ' ... HEWKUl at HABR1 all Aklngtoa bldg. A EM A P. Cbetca lot tOalOO aa Waac trt; ta Ideal aunt for a borne; par men ta la; TS0 tarm. lBooe Uala 6oao. Hare You a Lot to Trade" -For a food a-mom kmtea la Highland worth l, BOO, wlth-fuoo morlfag that . run I yaara t If ee, call at room 16,. lll4 Waab ingtMi, or boom WeodmwB T26, Bunday, 1.10(M-N;w. S-room bone, lot 0l20, n leery Improred. Mt. rJoatt r 44 a, balanc $2$ per month. ,. , goSo-. 100x100, KrallwortB, aa earlln aay term. IxAO Larg 4 room brmee, I lota, frnlt . tree, city water) eaay term) Laurelwood, ' aft. Beota car. ! n. o fliihtly U block, Portland Halfhta. H.OtiO 60ino, Kearney t., near 2Sd at. S.2.Wft-room hou, nlc Int. Eaat Eighth at.! ImnroTed at reel; walking dtateao, I5,V New leant room koua. beaatt- ' TBI M, tk tu on Bt Taylor at. ' , lao.ortO U block, Olteaa at.; good buy. , S block, d houaea, B per cant Mt -Ineeatmeat, Johnaoa St. . -. THE WAbIUKUI-iiN 0HB00N EIALTI - COMPNI, Pboaa Uabi M04. Vm Decond at , ron RALE CHRAP mederaC T-nom Bonae; ' tearing th city, mut all lu week ; part ' - eb. Eaat 1441. , 1 BY OWNItn, new mod era T-mom kouae at tttb aod Mullnnmah. K. B. Hie. HAVE good a create aa rarlln. would trad for groeerr a lor or ether buaineaa, 61T Caae " marrUI blk. Phoo Mala dlM. . FOR SALE FARMS. BMAt.f, PAItMS. A kplendld opportnnlry ro com in noaaee tlon pt.raluitljU propartf, cheap auif-egott taroia: aear 1 uala I In. adlolnlne iha , lretrr leading la I'oriund; 6, 10, lo or Oacr trct from 7 per acra and api r mm af th land ha tlmfie enough to par for th land) aim Irwtt ara well Improved' , term. H caah, balanc I rear. ' OTTO. CROCkETT HARK DON KBALTT : COMPANY, . . - I4H Waahlngtoa at. " riNE DAIRY FABM no a. ree, high and mw land. . well t)ulpped oa loltimW atough) rail aid - fiver tranenortatlon. HESki.N A HARRISON, . ' 11 f Ahlngtoa blilg- . FOR SALE Oond proapemn wheat firm ta Marrow eeuaty, aa railroad; M per acre; Bilgbt tab om trad. W. k, LaMlaw, nil - Couimerrlal hlilg., Itooad and Waafctagtoa, ' I'kone Uala dlJO. II I II I r A KM. t . tat ar, . ehaap: fine wterv JmprwraC . . TRhMPdolt OflTiKN. rkooe Waodlawa tot. B41 MUalaalppI Art. JFOR SALEFAR!! S. Cfcclce Buys ( . tin aer, 1 ml Ira from Albany, ounty aaa of Llua eouulr. Iowa of b.uuO ooouUlloci 0 arre audrr cult1atlou, fair uiirvr aivats; tbla I alt flrat claa laud: rutin ln tram throogk plac. aom tlmbar. tud I on of th bt bua la tlx VMJlauittl Tl- - rr" j.w par aer. , , tt-i tii ' " tww, mm wiitm iron mirrato hiiiob, I,rno county; all audrr cultlratloa. flrat-claaa . land, fin Improraioanla, family orchard; all mnLjk I I 111 . . wm ww Him, iitvi mr aw IJ.TrtO K am la Cmrk euuatr. Waah 4 mllr from railroad and boat landing; IS -rra awarwi, . 10 arrr ally rlrarcd, on tlmbrf, all fanoad; a-ronm hou, bam BOioO; family orchard; ood tram, X waruo. .namaaa, i ouify, mi KB cow a, ou -yar-otd balfvr. I ralrm, 10 ton of bay, cream arpara tor. It harrow, 1 plow, 1 eultlrator, rfak-kana. aauaii 1001a; n. r. u.. near arhoolj fin aod half raak. balaflc good term, II par caut. $,00O 7B0 acraa, t mllr from railroad atatkm, la lino rauaty: mo acre In flu lata of cnltlratUs, 13,000.000 ft ef, good aw iimorr, oautnea epn paatura, all mcma; runnlnf water;, fair bnlldlnga: family or al.arti Br ti P., t will" M ecTTooT. t mTle frm towa of 2,600; beat of Bull; half caah, bauore food taroia. It you ara look lot for a anap ion abould laraatlgata tbla bfor . vuuia. 160 acre. 44j mile from Albany, eoonty . eat or Linn roomy; iu acre to cultlratloa. , fair bttlldMga: family orchard; 1 bead of boraea, 4 bead of cattl. 40 head of goat, aom chicken. 40 ton of bar; all farm Im plement and boueebold good) flnt-cUa land. Prtea J per aer. ' , . 140 acre In Clark county, Waablnfton, d mile from railroad atatloa and boailaodlug; . BO acre la fin ttat of cultivation, til i-tencad wltb poet and wire; I good spring, aer bearing orchard, variety; sew 8-story 11-room bouee with bath, hot aad cold water; 1 barns, aOifiO with hda, other SOiBO wltb aheda; goad fruit dry sad other building; 26 ,eow, 1 bull, ralr, It alia p. a diog, A wu4 Lwa 1 kluU. J lu R K r , spring wtgoa, i farm wagona, i - plowa, a narrow a, aeed drill and all nrary farm tool; dslry-houa wltb separator) U - mils ts achooi, R. p. D. and tlphoa M tons of bay. soma grata. Prlos only $44 per sera. Including nil personal proper tyl the peei ouf, oa Uf HiarBeiia'v ,.trmSf., pat eeni.. .... , a4.BO-ios sere. SO miles rrom Portland, IVk mllea from railroad atatloa, mil ta school; 48 scret la cultivation. T teres In greea timber.. 86 sere can be cleared tor $10 per acra, balanc tin an ana em mow wale; IH-aex bee ring orchard: good well &t door, creek near houe and barn; land all irel; good IVk-atory fram boose, good tram bera bUxloO, roolbuo, ahlckaa-boua. luipl- RiemeoK ana wooanouee: on m oounty roea; o tea at boraea worth 8300, on heavy wagon, r apting wagon, ana buggy 10 bead utile, cow a, I aup, 18 bogs) mower end rake. Blow, harrow, cultivator,, other mU tool: B0 toot af bay, too bushel eata, 100 buahola wneet, t acre apude, BOO chickens, eo geeee; terms. $8,800 easa, balaau 8 yra a w pwr eeaii. - ' ' V IS.J0O--to a. It mllea from Portland, In Washington county i 80 acre la cultiva tion, aeverel acre greea timber, be la oca eeally cleared; good 6-room hou, food barn, family orchard, all fenced, aai male eoante . , IV. !)!. ttlcphons; bast of sell $1.500 10 seres, 184 miles from Port land. In Washington county, 414 mllea from Heedrill railroad atatlon; 40 acre In eultl- ration, XI sere In paatura, loo ncres floe Ireea timber. 8.000.000 feet st leaat level ind, small boaae and atabla, family orchard, all fenced, county road on I ldee of plaoe. ' H. r. D. and telephone, tne location, best of oil: tbla la one of the beat buya ou tba market; Investigate this be tore buying; guar anteed aa advertised. tl.OOO 10 arree In Washington snooty. " M mllea from Portland, T arllc from railroad tatlon, on mala county read; 18 acre cleared. s acre oeeriug orcaara. au acraa aiaio IM.I , beet of toll, no rock or gravel; i room bests. t barns. I good wells and spring, alia ta achool; sumo good timber, t mike from aawmlll; If on ara looking to su lav veatlgate, . M.OOft 110 acre. Id mllea from Portlaad, IH mile from railroad atatloa; 60 acree la fins stats of cultivation, 60 seres fine ssw timber, balance eeally cleared; nit level, all fenced:' TA aeroa heaeerdaa ewalet a-room bone, fair bara; U-acr bearing orchard; aa mala eouuty read, R. P. milk rout past dsiut. aele- alU. ad barness. bngry, cream nrmr, 86 head of rat lla, If cowa, auma bog and chlrkea, "a tone ef bay,-, some grain ; tb cow are flrat-claaa. This Is ons ef the best buys aa . tbt mtrkttl terma, Vb caah, balaac t patra - at s per cent. . ta.ono 10 acres, t miles from Yancouver; 11 .acres bssvsrdsm, cleared, balanc alatbsd. aeeded to grass : sll fenced wltb good potts snd wkrs; land level, on main toaaty read, 14 mils t railroad atatlon, near echnoL R. F. 1).; 1-rootn bouee, fair bar, family orchtrl, Kid -trail; new wagoa, top baggy, 8 set rneee. plow, barrow, ether a ma 11 tool, all new; $50 rang, other furniture, atwlng ata " rhln. Will Uk $1,200 caah. balaoos t ear at t par cent) will atchapg for clly 'propsrt. . -1 - - Washington and Orea Realty Co. 108 Becoad tt, Portia ad. Oregon; and SuO Mtla at., Yaneou var. Wash lug toa. 11 MILES west of Portland, near Reedrllls, Waahlngtoa county, for caah only) 68 sore, 28 rlrar, well rultlvtted, aa creek; good well, eprlng, Sn fruit, aew wire fencea. good 8 room houae, bara, house h-ird- gteids;- cBtrtteHk. -been, too la, etctm mile from railroad, cbool tnd church: Ulcphon line, milk rout, -RF. Ori 84.600. Mrs.. A. K. Luetncher, Pee vert on, fjregoa. TIMBER. TIMBER LAND. i 1MI ctm, a fins body of timber laad, oa genii alone, not rongh; franta 00 main county road, la Tillamook county, rwa mile to Tilla mook I II?. 1 mites to Nttart's bey) a good lareaunrnt. HENKLB aV HARBIR0M, 1 117 Ahlngtoa bldg. - CERTIFIED scrip, any tits pleeeej lowaH price. W. U. Uowell, 888 Chamber af Oom Bierre. . FOR . 8 ALE 830 acre yellow pine; township 17. rang 18; Crook count y; a food bur. Ad dree J 64, car Journal, TIMBER land wnted. either Oregon or Waablnfton. Sphlnt Agency, 800 L, Stark at. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. : BCf HURST SWITCH ITOCK Bueosssful tettt it Halt La a City pror that thl atock will yield larger returns than any mining stock Hated. I'ortland tSc J. P. Hurst i . Co., tod McKky bldg. - - . C0EUR D'ALENB , MIN1N0 STOCK 1 am tlwtya Id tha market either ta bay or tell inr active mining totk loans mad a any Mated wcnrltle. T. P. BROWN. , 401 McK.p bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS HOR8R8 ud buggies' for rent by day. week BUth "d Haw thIoruV ksat tE FOR lAIJv Clyde gelding. 5-reer-eId, sbont l.too 11'" . or- will trade for large mar ts roai. u n - FOR SALE Fin dppl-gry team, 6 years sM, weight 100, sound and ftntl. Phot Scot I tiki. WB bur, ll. rent, otcbenn bnreee. wagon, saddles, hamaaa, Hubert A Ball. 846 4ib at. A OOOD kors for sal ckp. TBI Taaeoarsr avenit. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR. BALE loo good ", or would trad fur atock. Addree R 80, car Journal. I rltESH eewa for aale st Mt ".poorer t., MiavtUa. rbona Tabor 184. FRESH cow for sale. Esst 18tb aad Bbeaf tl., Brooklyn. , BARTER AND EXCHANGE. IMPROVED aomeetssd rail neu 1st seaU $100 to tM. pert Uaae or work. One elslm. 10 . tcrae. kood bouae. feaclug and earn; its acre Slaatied, 10 cleared, eu county road, free . mall delivery, choolbouse V mils, sneuab cuiiiihb oa etaim so pay tor if ii msraeted; would make lua dairy f.rm. Ale le-are st rica uceeea. lend 110 par asre; eu third, caah. $loo per yver. W. C. 11aiB.Ailt. svrr fTJH BALE OK EXL'HAKOB for'ttoek of fracorlee, 11-aer ciiUkra-rsaeb. 3 mllea rum 0. W, P. electric Una. li mllea from Portland; t acraa fenced for chicken. 8 arre tletr, balance aeey t clear; 4 chUkoa Boueea, 1 bruudrrt, large Incubator, good 4-eooia aoaae; pries $1.4o0. U Id, Journal. KXCUANGE. ' I acre choice laud, oeerly all cleared, front on Baa Un road, .Bear Euaialivllla. What bars roal : aENKLE HARRIBOJt, v 811 Abliigtua bldg. - POR RALE OR TRADE A com btna tlon t or 4 i psaeenger satumablla wltb top. Pnoo Wood lawn 438. A COMBINATION S or . 4 pa teenier sato to trad fog light runabout, i'suu W outlaw 468. ... .. . POE IALE OH TBAUB A new No, '8 Pens more typewriter, phou Wood laws 468. HoodeL lot, neer purtiaad mill; a good ipeeatment; will trade. UENKLE A HARRISON, 217 AWugloo bldg. UVERT tTABLE. comnlet. la fa mows Pa lo oae eouatry, doing fair buatae; good open ing for ma who undrrataod buslne. IL..W. Llndlow. Latah, Waahlngtoa. FOR sale miscellaneous. IP Y00 WANT - A nw itove, go to th t. r . A new range, g to the $. . ' Ta trad atom, go to th $. r A Water-back pnt In, go t the 1 Furalture. go to th 6. 83t Plrtt at. Main tSTd. EOE BALE roitsrrler paps, 4S4 Ehr St.. ' Meotavlll. pkons Esst 18, i ask for Evans. FOR BALE Oyster, carefully picked, for aelect family trade, ehjpped dally from bed; they bar tb correct flavor sad smack of freeh Bee; retail s wboleul. A. Untitled!, 87 Grand ara.. north. Pbon Eaat 868. tEWINO MACHINES bought. Bold and ei- chanted. 86 and up. W eaters talrag Co., 88T Wasblngtoa at. BOOKS oengbt, sold snd rxrbinced Bt tb Old Book Store. TtmblU it ARTISTS' maUrlala, plctnraa and framing. 11. Moorbouae A Co.. 811 Aider si IH0WCABB8. oaanters. fixtures, bought, told Wsshlngtua at. Psslfl TVS. WE print rear nsms os 50 eslllsg csrds, prorier sis ad styls, 85c; 830 boalnea cards, $L A. W. Bcbmsls Co., 888 Flint, Portlsnd, ut. B0 BLI0HTLY damaged sewing machine t vary mw price singer, waoeisr m wiuon, Domeettc, Whllt. Household, Da via snd otbrrai to make room for new stock Wheeler Wilson and dinger, t. B, SlgaL 886 Mor rlaon St., Marquam bldg. BHOWCABRS aad fltturea, saw snd secsnaV PaDO. . iMUoa at Jastiswaov Aioaca St. HOLDEN'B RHEl'MATIO CURB Sura ear for rheomuUsas. Bold by all drugglata. SWOND-HAND bar flrtura. pool table, aafe. tabiee, chairs, w eaters Haivaga us, azr Wasblngtoa st. BILLIARD AND POOL table for Mat a lur ale on eaay pymotn. 1UI atKUMfWIlK-BALHB rULUtnVIl 1X1. 48 Third St., Psrtlsnd. 8SO0 NtW upright plan $ I "another, piano too, orgaa a-H). ztivt rirat, -npttatrs. FOR BALE A nlc lot ef young chick Browa iegnorn ana mart aiiaoraaa) moat sail t one. Pbon Eaat 8874. OOOD paring reata Brant ; mnat U on recount or aicanaaa; an cbaac for marrlaa coupi. 88 North Fourth at. FOR 8 ALE Furniture of 6 -room Oat, shea p. cau bp Main oos. FOE BALE ?HIAP A good roll-top deck snd oi bob cosir. an .eai hidib ei., aeuwooa. FOB BALE Oeod 4 room scow, cheap. Apply aa root or star ru, no, su. FOR BALE Large, tlmoat new coffee ara at FOR BALE A com Dirts sawmill tad nltnsr. en-Bore power ; win sn an r pan. jamc Murray, atcMinnnu, uregon. ak r. a. I HATE for sl a (able and whit tcotcb eoV lie, peaigra. bub caei sola at. $tfi flHW nptltht plano.- TteDTMtrtr1lig7 16. 141 VI tlrsl. poot punois. aitsv organ, corner Main, njwtalr. HOUSEBOAT, d rooms, lovely; no reasonable cean oner rerueeu. van samer-enop, rtw riflk" t. PERSONAL. EVERT mother ahoald aa Wbtoot OU Blck Ing ea her boya' ahoea; make them water proof aad they wr twice aa long. MANICURING, kalrdreealng, pedal $8 conns, on wek only: trad cnonl for wawas and girl. 884 Aldr. Tb Montgomery. TE8. Pal nee TaBleta make row Bleep perfectly; they cur Bervoueneee tad mace you etroegi , price so a boa, 6 botes $8.60 guarauteed. - All druggists, ar sddrea Brooka Drus Ca 17 North Third .,' Portias, Or. CALL-Pset STBr-Ssa aB4rtr-Tillortng Co. Ws do repairing, pressing, cleaning and dy . lug; ladle' garment s apeclsllj at lowest price. 871Va Taj lur at. B0IJ ON Thor It ea thing that will r rhramatlam. Aak ponr arugglat for bark tonl or addrae r call J. 44. Clemtseos, . druggltt, Portland, Or. MANLT vigor ice tore by Dr. Roberts' wrv Glob tie. One Boetk:t treatment, $8 $ seethe, $8 seat eecerelr aealed by maU. ' Areata, Woodard. Clarke i Oa. Portland. Or. BOLDBN'B RMEUMATIO CUBE Bora car fog rbrnmtlm. Bold by all d.-uggta. - BUITB preaaed whll 70a wait, BOe. UdlM tklrta preaaed. OX Gilbert. I08H tilth tt.. Mil to Quell. Pbon Mala Steel. PHYSICAL culture, all branches, and maasaget Individual and clsas instruction: prlvat bom treatment If desired. Tba Klngler Bcaoat, 808 Alder at. Pboaa Msra 186L- PETECTIYE A0KNCT Confidential Inwetlgt tlont; report furnlabed on Individual, thrtr rbaracter. reapooalblllty, tc; bed debts col . totted; m teeing relatives located; charge ri ooabl; . corrpondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service, office 808-304 Flledner bldg., 10th , and WaOilog toa ats, Pbens Mtla 6616 TOUR tbnea thlaed free of rbtrgt at the Model Barbar-Sbop; shaving 16c. BEST mngaalna club vr ff ared 1 d for prlcea: agents wanted. Jon' Book Mtora. - iwl Ardsr t.. Or. MOLES, wvlnktce, rapeHlnona baar reaaaved. N charge to talk It over. Mia. af. D, Hill, Room 8ft Flwduer Bldg. Pbon Paelaa 186, TURKISH BATHS, S00 Orvgonlan bldg. ladlea daya, gentlemen Bights. Mala 1888. YIAVI CO., Lewhi bldg., IMW MoTTteoa) baallb tslks ts women Tkaradaya, 1:80 a. au WRKPOOT Oil Blscklnt eaves Us Wetker; ab solutely wstsrproof. MANICURINU. chiropody sad alcohol rnbblsg. Parlors t snd 82. Stsrk St. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Bsps bring sod dr sing. Ml Tamhlll street. THE NATIONAL INTRODUCINO SOOIETY -- We baa siainbert -tn-ett-wrtttrr af-nrt. frotK tn government -of (tela la to th farmer, so ciety ladlea to working girls: matrimonial rg ' later with photos finest puhllsbtd) member and all 10c. 84 Raseel bldg. DISEASES OP WOMRN Privet matrrnlty bo. pita I. quiet locetlon: special car. Dr. At wood, room t. 8WVk MorrtM. TeL Pae 1768. 0 FIRMAN bonk, magaelnes, aovala, tc. I Oar uiaa, Engllah, French, Spanleh, Swedlah and Italian dictionaries; forelga books at all klnda. Bckmal Co., t28 Flrat at. MISS K. PORTEB RORR, electrical easenes, nervous troubles and rhrnmatlata a spsclalty. Pbon Main 4111, 18 Berenth mtj EBt'ENTLY opened manicuring parlors; ladle and gentlemen. 861 Vt Morrlaoa at., room 18, A. RriNBR, PEACTICAf. FURRIRR. Evpert (Itter, far remodeled, repaired aad redyed: 10 years' stperlesr Insure antlr Mtlafartloa. Phoa Pacifls 8487. lewl bhlo. IAI.M OF Pint for all femals di Eaat Belmont ibva Esst 4004. PERSONAL. IIS IN a P1LL8 cars all forma of scrvoee or maaeular weekoea. Pur men' ot women. ' Price $1 a bo, d bflies S, wltb full tuar ' an'- Addree or eslL J. O. Clsmenaoa, drug gist. Becoud tad Yamhill eta., Portland, Or. BR,, HIM 9 CHOONO. Importer Oilnsa not - eir-iJIHuea;- Sella t biuee ter-erua cure for m jli bvt.'smbi!l. au4 .Tsr.Vr.. TTrr1 J. t. 1 I ILDt U'euV' promptly " prlmU dlaiaaa. kidney, arrvou, kla and aperlal femala trouble. Call or write. Office 17j"4j Third 't., cor. YambllL pkoa PaclBe 1ZM. ANY ma a or weman can be strong snd kappy by as;ag Beslne Pllla, the a feat tonls; prUa i tvt. a notes sp. wiin lull guarantee. Addree or call t. A- Cleiosasoa. kruglat. ut. BecoBa sua Xsuhill sis., Portleud. or. MARRIAGE PAPER af Mr beet character 10c. mailed) mesy worth $lot t $100,000; tsatb year. - i a,. Lov. Boa loOO. Desrsr. lju. MIS BAYMOND give msnstg traatments. soae Morrwoa ST.., room It.'. ----- EEKINED young lady yuat arrived from Ni York; mssaege. Buom d, 881H Alder sC STOVES snd ranges repaired: cook ' stores, ranges, reatenrant ssd aoul ranna raoalredi your alr-tlgbta rallnvd a good new. 1'boae nnzd, saat. vooitupie a Lore ataaulaclurlng ' Co., 88 I olon'ave. tlsn, wiahea to meet refined lady; object maenmony. Aoaree B. 4., car eonrnsi. LADY, barber tbop joat opened; WS tetch ataal raring. HUH rourta al. ASSAYERS. 08RTTN CTANIDV BXTRACTIO! CO., Moatsns Aassy Offtcs. 186 Morrbwa C ATTORNEYS. a H. PIOaOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attorneys-st-Lsw.' Practice In sll courts. 4 Mulkey bldg., corned Second snd Morrtsoa. ARCHITECTS. BEE lobMoa Itorrs, architects and builder, bout your modem tor froata. 404 Esst - Morrison St.- Pbons 41 i.- . ART. FREE LES80NB In embroidery seers' day; new stamped shirtwaist,. oorseteoviev bs lera Jarhets, bjkts, umbrella, ate. Th -rieedlecraft Bhup. 182 Waahlngtoa-at,, -- . twee Waet Park and Tntb eta. FB0PESS0B R. MAX METER, ta Alder. Portrait tad landecapt artist aad teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES B. BIrkenwald Co., t04 808 Everett it.) larpeet butcher supply bouas on tba aosst. Writ for eata lot a. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adlpb A. Dekam. 181-188 Klrst St.. csrrles s full line and com plete sssortment st low eat market prices. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAYIB KILHAM, K-tlt Becond et. Blank book BMBUfactarsd: ! for Improved. Loose-Lsst ledger) tee tb Eureka ka leaf. tha beat oa tba market. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. O.W.LUCecanbTscfsnddsy wart, ttt J. A. MELTON, th rpntr, B04 Fattrtb at. Store sna erne wove, nam 1 iff. CLEANINO AND DYEIN0. Portland Steam Cleaning di Dyeing Work: prac tical Batter la eon section, ail IB. racise but. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 par month. Unique Tailoring Co., 808 Stark st, - B. W. TURNER, prsfasstoasl dyar and claaaat. 60S Jefferson st. Pksns Main 8618. CAFES. THB OFFICE 886 Waahlngtoa at., pboaa Mala 771. Same! Vlgsssa. - COAL AND WOOD. Talapaaaa Mtla 6668. Smithing Coal and Coal for Ships , t, fw.m. BTOEEZ BROOKES FUEL CO. ' (Incorporated.) Exelualv agent for -KEMMEREH COAL, M COAL, COKE, CHAKCOAU Ofsca and Yard Front and Kearney ats. THE PORTLAND FUEL CO . Bucceeaor to C R. DA V1B FUEL CO., Pbon Eaat 84. 187 East Morrlaoa at. AXBINA FUEL CO. Dealer ta cardwood. coal 1 and green snd dry slabwood. ft. E. snd Alblns ara.,. B blocks ssat of furry. East Bit. ITEKL BHIDOB FUEL CO. Dealers la coal. cordweod ana ry uaDarooa. rBoa neat aat. 0BEOOX- FUEL CO. AM kind Of soal aud wood, ted Aide U Pkoa Mala aft. WEBTKRN FEED FUEL CO Hoaaa aad bUrksmltk oasis.- Phoo Msla lOls. STAR BOXWOOD CO. Pboaa Uala 818 tor Bot. Bloc aaa aiaowooa. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plant oa tt co it. Lortng ana naming eta., teis pbon Esst 380. Tsrpets sleaned. reflttsd. sswed and laid; both Iteam aad la teat eom- preeaed al process, renovating aaattreasse nd feather a specialty. IAKITASY carpet Cleaning, taction tnd torn- preaaed sir compintd; carpets cieaoea on noor without removal. Main" 664. Mala 8800.- CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST FOR A FtW DAYS ONLY. A IPKCIAL $6 READING FOR $L ALWAYS CONSLLT TUB BEST. PROF. E. KHIMO. Ores test Mvlug satral dead-tranc rlttr wyant of tb age: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OP LIFE; whom yoa will marry, bow to control tb on yon toe, sen though, mile away; reunite ths sep arated! glvss secret powers ta aoatroL I will do all ethers advertle to do, and 1 great deal more. . THB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BKKN 8TARTLKD WITH THB POW ERS OF THE UN8KEN FORCES I HA VB AT MY COMMAND, and I pros It tt ye with aat pries by givint you a . , FREE TEST FREE By kartng your NAME TOLD (IN FULL), J 1ST WHAT TOU CAMK FOR, tnd girt you Idvlc abenlulslf FRKE bvfnrs Ton decld to have t reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORS TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC! IX) NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OKFF.Rtn TO YOU AUAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO, Perraanstly Located In Ills Owa Home. BOURS. 10 TO 8, DAILY -AND- SUNDAY. ' N. 866 Fifth St., corner Madleon st - Dr. Kclrcr Travis " Psychic Wonder, tf a wish reliable In formation fom WIU Bonsaft Ibis wonderful clairvoyant Ar you In doubt about aa lneestmentTl Are yoa evnauiung youreeu aa otara whether you abojlil go Into baalneatt Have you do meet lo trouble t Do yon with good health! Ue yoa wish to btvs that cloud Mwornd. m bavr r tv '-a -t ease rmr mattert that bars been troubling yoa made seay? Then don't heal I ats; sail today; read ing $1 until further notice. 14114 Morrlaoa tt.,' cor tf Seventh 841 H (CHIROPODISTS. CH1ROPODY tnd Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 18 Flledner rung. - rnwa r-sa. leo. FURNACES. OTNTOI fr-Ir 4nw V fnl. I. C, w. Br f'. .n -a U.!. Ml '" " FewB.'.-By Vflf mm uewrweurusvsrs ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PACIFIC ELECTBIO CO. Rng losers, roatrac- tors, rspsirers, etecrnc wiring, eunpiiea. vt First, cor. Stark. Mais 8A. R. ra. asie,. ar. WkSTRRN ELECT RIO WORKS, tl Birth St. Centrartors. alectrlt enppllcs, motors snd djBtaM) w Install tlgbl aad Bowar plaala. DANCING. DANC1MI Waaoa, 8M; claaeee sr private; walts Ing, two-siep. tbree-atep. eta. at ate dancing, buck and wing, a lug. reel, kirt. DpauUli, ll 1 bland riles, cte. Prof. Wsl Wllleun. oM. set recognlaed tescbtr, Allaky btug. Third . sad alorrlaoa ate. . . . . . WOO0WAKD DANCINIi 8CIKHIL Class Moa " Tkuretlay sad Saturday eve.; social, faiujr iid-nrdjtBCttia U0t; faai.U.s toeaait r'J-rleate ieeaoue dally. W evtern Aeadtnir balL beauad sad Uorrisua. 'ad Be Iom. VOKTLAND benctng Academy, leading achool; ballroom etluoett. correct aoelal and clsaele dancing ; both aeiea: yeong lull: adulu; lo atructWa dally. S08 Alder. Tel. M. 186L Prof. Klnglsr, danclug maata. PBOP. EATON Dancing school: elaaa for ladlea aa grot monuay ana inuraaay svsuliezs. Arloa balL Pbou Esst S604. BROWN'S Deaelag Academy. Bora bard ball. STV, East Bursa Ida. pboaa Msla 8718, Da ace Tueedays. DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAISTS Bhlrtwatat anlta a spedslty. 2rt8 Market at., bee,- Third tnd Fourth sis. Pbons PsclOs 868. TRY AngeJes Dreaemaklnr Per lore. 848 Fifth eu aaaia. rac'llio OKI. EDUCATIONAL. MABY DAVIS MAUI NN 18, teerher sf coawen tluoal nd Baturallatlc rhlae; wslsr-colog beads a specialty, ftudis 821 E. 8th t., 81. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IBON WORKS 263 riandcre St., aor. Third. Phone Main tooO. GASOLINE ENGINES. 'J OABOUKB engine, aU ataee and style, st lowset prices. Uelreua Machinery Co., lst-4-d morrwoa ai. HOTELS. THE BELLE YUE, Fourth and Salmon ate Rooms 60s np; rates . by week or month; . out-of-town trad eoltclted. Pacific tlon. HOTEL Portland. Amertctt plan; $3. $6 per day. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th and Alder at. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. solicits opportunity I quota prices. . 74 tlttb at-, Paclfte . INSURANCE. IBAAO L. WHITE, Sr lnaurancs. 144 thar- lock -bldg. JAS. Mel. WOOD, mployrr' liability nd In dividual accident security bond sf all klnda. Phone 47. 808 McKay bldg. c LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE Land scrip, sll kinds. Including approved forest reeerve for urveyd. uneurveyrd, timbered snd prslrls torero men t land, tt,Al, Hamilton, ion rurt md. Portland, Or. " MONUMENTS. NEU KINORLEY, SOS First at. Portland's leading marble and granite wurkt. PLUMBERS.- FOX aV CO. aanltary plumbers, 831 Becoud, bet Msla and Salmon. Oregon Pbons Mala 8001. DONNBRBERO BADEMACHEB, removed ts No. 80S BurnsMs St. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN , On Improved city property or for bonding purpoees, for from 8 to 10 year' tlm. with privilege to repay til or part of man tfter two years. Loan approved from plans snd -money advanced an building progreeeee; mortgagee taken np and replaced. ' FEED B. BTRONO. Financial Agent . . - J48 Stark at, '- - THB STAR LOAN CO. - Any aalarled employ, wage aerncr, aaa get aa hi note, without mortgsge Month. H Month Week. wees. J.1.SS 1.66 1ASJ 860.08 RSpSf to BS B18.8S OT $11 SO OT $26.00 Repay ts as 8 6.66 or $3.36 or $16.00 atepay to as s a.oo or s.w or Bio ucnay aiag. . . CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aamrle. Innrnc policies, pisnos, lurnitnrs, wsrenonss ro celpta. etc. I any deeervlng peraon mar secure 8 llhertf 8u8rirrttynif 'ratyWeekl r monthly Installmsnts. HEW ERA LOAN A TBT'ST COMPAXX. Bu6 Ablngtoo bldg. MONEY JX)ANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE-- Just os your owa asm a other security; don't borrow until yeu aee me: my ystcm to th baat for railroad men. clerka. bookkespsrs, streetcar mea snd sll other employes; bual Bess strictly conndcntlaL P.- A. Maw ton, 424 Ablngtun bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And ethers npoa tnrir awa names witnont security; rbespest rates, eaaleat payment; offices Is 60 principal cities; sars yourself Bioney by getting our terms tret. JTOLMAK, 828 Ablngton bldg.. 106V, Third st WANTED Notes, -mortgages or oootracta -ea any kind sf rati setats la uregon and w a-Dlag-. ton ; second mortgage purchaad If well ae cured, u. K. tionie. au vommereiai am. UOKRT s loss la sums-ta salt, E aad-t veers. ss low tt 0 per cent, oa improved: city prop - erty. Moultoa ft Scobry, 601 Columbia bldg.. 806 waablugtoa St. DON'T borrow money oa salary ontU yon as Huttcn Credit Co. ' Bit Deknm bldg. MONEY loaned oa furniture, pianos tad ether securities, w. A. nstnaway, room j. ' Washington Bldg. I-Bons faetne ibu. ara Mi'Eii Aonllcstlons for mortgsas losns. direct from owner, from $500 to $1,600, for term of vein, low rates, moosrats charges. W. a.' Ward. Atlorney-et-MW, aueay Uiug. 1 INSTALIJIENT mortgages for sals bearing 7 per cent Interest; 8.V10 and $700. tud - faurtov faetne xio, or sum em. - - - MONEY ta loan) large loana tpeclaltrt also building loans; mweat raies tirs insoxancs. William 0. Beck, tit Falling bldg. r-RKHCHNT LOAN CO.. 428- Mohawk bids. -Money to lesd on stay parmant plaa -ta Wags-ssmers; acruiiiy eoauuenuai. II, too LOAN SB timber claim near Attnrlt; present caah value $4.0M); tt one. Houa 84, 287 tb Wsshlugton st MOKKY' as loan 00 ill kinds of security, William Boll, room 8. Wasblngtoa bldg. LOW rate sn furniture, tc. ; cwatdentlaL 828 Flledner bldg., ivtn auo wata. tactile zoo v. QUICK loan on all eeeorltte. t. W. King, 46 Waahlagtsa bldg. Pbon Mala 6100. WILL msB I8,on0 or lest, real estate eecsrlty, d per cent . Farrlngton, lentoa bldg. . TO LOAN Suma to tult on chattel ascurttp. B. A. tTanyL 614 las mtranaae. A J OAN tor lbs aakinf Saltrr or chattel. Tb Loan Co., 410 Drkum bldg. MUSICAL. TIIK WKHBKR STUDIO Mnndnlln, banjo, sol tar Instruction; (itbeoa maudollua. 876 Alder. LESSONS 60c, piano, . guitar, banjo, mandolin, hlln. Mr, elartln. 24114 First, cor. Malu, PIANO,' vtolla. piano, trombone, clarinet. Pra . feasor B A. Smith. 864 12th. Main 4708. VIOLIN taught at your residence. M. Mara, 68 North 141b. Main 882a. 80 KINDS r foMos 40e. Levy' Music Hones, 171 Fourth St. - MACHINERY. AUIOMOHII.B msrbln works, fssollo motors, trsnsnilaaions and atssrlng (vara. N. M. Baa ton, 866 brand are. THE H. C. ALBEB CO. Second -band eblarry. sawmills, etd. 848 Orsnd see. A. J. PAUL, 108 rtret St., engines, bnlltrs, saw- mill machinery; Wleks Bros.' ftag. tnenseBMi 1 iia mini in iiewaii a - - 1 r 1 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DPS. ADIT ft NOKTIIKI'P. 416-14 17 Dekam bllg.. Third and Washington ata. 1'bva 'Mala $48. EamlotloB ft. ' FINANCIAL LDO TrXTOBT. BAEKIK8 tZaveklleAeg aa lata. I Trsassata a Beawal Bsnhlsg Buetsees. Cetleevtrem as al at pelil - terms. Letters ot credit la. eat p Enretw nsd all ' I tbs fo.e) ;bt BaeksBge snd Telegranhls Tranafen sold ea S.w York. ..Btngtes , tt. Lsatn. ilenrer, Uaaabs. Sea a.eaetoeo aad Moateea end Brltleb Celasis. a.scBssa sd sa Losdoa. Parts. Berlla. Frsaktert, Maaamsg. kebeaeaM. alaati aad uolula. 7 MEBCHAETS- VATTO VAX. MAWKL- BOBTLAwwrOarttPir" . bolt. ;.r..Tr...t?ssbrr BEOBOE w. ilot""'.:..Aisrt.-t Cs-ssoti MOttal Bank leg Bnstssta, Draft All farts ot tea World. UEITKO STATtS BAnOBAL.BAE OP POBTLAB-D. 0BI00B. Meetbwesw Oorna Third aad Oak Btreet. --(-Uv an. ef2"t" mm Bsnktag Bnalaeea, DBAfTB loaCBfr ivatlabts ta An CW-e d eh TTnttad But.. kM Bnrops. Honakesg sd Meslls. ColleetloM Made ea Fsewrskle Terms. liS!?..". & 6IN8W08T8 I Csehler ..... W. BCHbtrSB Yla-PraJtVn... ,.... iaA BARNES AeaU.a.t C.nier::"";:.;!7..."w. A- MOlJ , Atsbrtant Caah lev ....A. M. W8IOHT D aUfKBEeP LTfatBEBKEVt BAK Part lead, Orsg. Corner Becoad aad If r etraets. P. rrrVrXivVn pirWrhrw-" . Dnn' ; 15 I & rrxSZ JOHN A. KEATlMq... .Second Vice Prealdent PLATT A PLATT. .......... .Tswumrni Cmmm THE BAaTX OF CALLTOEWIA Established 1866. Bead Off, tan Fruartee. Oaltfsrnba. -JSl!i L . .$4 .OOB I Snrplns snd sndlvlded proat. $I0.o8.ea 88. , vsorrsi """king and Evehanrc B net nee Traaascted. . latereat On Time Deposit. . , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of $10 and apwsrA Pert la ad Brsacb Chamber of Commerce Building. - ' : j r1- A. MACRAB ... Bfaoaeae t I. 1. antTTUiril. ' Waasae k at f oaTLin - Drstgnatsd Depeattory aud i.-. .... .A- L. MILLS I Cashier..: 17. . T. . JTT. - W. wrwEtflvI Asalstaat Caehler ,..w. a ALVOBD lecood Asslttint Caabler.....B. W. STEVENS I ' tetter of Oadlt Avafrable to Enren and the Eastern Itatea at tK", ' an Tegrpb1 Trsnafer sold en Bew York. Boston. Chlcas. tt. Leurs. L Va "h.' . Fr.nrtacs ssd the prtsstptl ta ' rbe Northwest. bt "i Onss bill draw la nm to salt n London, Parts. Berlin. rriakrort-eu-rke-eTirn. --ubi. loaonama. opens a tea. chruUssln. TRUST COMPANIES. Pll" 1?" COlffAKT OF OEEOWTa Oldsst Trust Osmpaap ta Oraawal RBHOURCES OVER $1 760.006. Osneral banking. I per cent In tercet sa shock serosa te . cvst) buudreds) i daily bslsncas af 8S08 sr aver. . Lsttsrs sf credit snd eiehanre sa sll . ; r hs jworid. Svlnr tsoonnts. Tine certificates, t to d per cent: ehort-eall aoedal rerttncatee twig or ever. U to 4 per cent Pall for Bonk ef "lU.rHTRATIOtS." . , . wwwv . ""'h""rt Oornsr Third tnd Oak ntr-eta. PVme -Prtvate Exchange T. , I - 2 li-'-PSUr" ..President IB, L PITTOCK ., Tlcs-Presldent 1 1-EB PAGET Secretary I J. O. COT.TRA Aastetant Secret a re SECTEITT lAVIWOt ft TBTJIT CObTPAsTT Trsassctt a Oeseral Manklaa Buavaesa. . aa Tim aad Saviors Accounts. Acts as , Credit Available Is AH C P. ADAMS.. We la., 1 V ,'-LS.1....eeond Tlco-Preeldent I SJBU. r. BUBBKLL.,, T"E tfOBTOAOE EVAEAETIB nnn 1 Trsnaects s Oeseral Banking Bnslnes.- uepanmoB? a per cent latar! allowed, eaapsaaded anerterlp. ' Capital. 1100.000.08 W. WATERBOBT. Preeideat ) C W. WILLrr M 1w.lJtaVat f wn, a. . . LOOAW Ht7..,.... . atatast Bnistsry - . ETk- Temple. Seventh and Stark 8 1 recta. Pbens Main 164. Open Saturday Evening 6 ee B , N' SETtrWESTEBE cltTAEANTEE TRUST warn auenaagt. n. R. corner Second afid Star streets ItecaaS Beer). . trtril. AriKMY rna rosocie innwa -T. tuta, fksnitr. Mantdpar and Corporatloa Baml Boagbt and told. New ntersrtsss srgasrmd ' ' nnd tnanced. Itock tnd bend guarawteed. - 'ITLE WABAETEX TRVIT COMPANY ttt WAtHTBOTOnT ITEEET. MORTGAOB LOANS ea Portland Real Batate st -.Lowest Rats. . r , inies taaurva. J- TnORBUBN ROSS President 0 SOROS H. HILL leevpresldewt BC?NDS AND M OEEIB BE0TEEE1. Chamber af Coaamsres " " ' Mnnlclpst railroad nd D 0 WEJE,HOETMS - OOaaABT sitbUhd STOCKS. BONDS. QBA1N Bought Private Wires. ROOK d CBAMBBB 'SI J. 0. UI CObtPAET OemmenwesMh Bldg., BUth and Anksnp st., rtlsad, Orsgeat. Breksrsgs Department H. W. Dsnshns. Mansgsr. Be P Before Baying or tailing ttork a or Bonds. Cas Always gave Tea Mossy. OUTS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHOEt BOBDB-BAEX ITOCXB. 7 I - Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' " Corncf Blifh and Washington Streeta, Portland. Oregnn- Overbeck Starr & Cooke Co, BATE. PB0VI8I0ES, COT TOE, BTOCKS A KB BOaTDE. WE DO A tlBIOTLT OOMMTBtlOM BUIDCEta. Msrkata by Private Wire. Quick Service. REFERENCES Ladd Til tea. Baaa am, aad United BUtea Matlonsl Bsak af Port Una. Coins OPTICIANS. DR. B. J. M7LLB ' Optometrist and Eyesight Specialist . Bosma 26-S7. 12t.7Wathlngton Street PRINTING. ea. UAnnM POIVTFP T A rtl4l wrinttna?. 86 Russel bldg.. Fourth aad Morrlaoa. Pbon Pacta 1020. - EVER YTH1NO IN PRINTINO From circulars to catalogues and newspapers. Metropolitan muting to., isi inai eu 00ILBEB BROS., printers Cards, billhead. ate. Pbons Mstn 40011. isark suui ew PAINTS. OIL AND GLA5ST F. E. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. I ' window gists ana iasiug. 100 eiraa eu Phone 1834. PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR reliable work, reasonable prices. Sheeny Bros., 8X2H Tamhlll, near 41 a. titia sot a. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 848 Alder at . pbons Msla 710; rabher atsmps, sssm. stencils; bag gage, trade checa; nrsas signs a bo yiatsw. REAL ESTATE. PABKlaU, WATKUMB ft C(L.- astats. Insurance, rental sad asaa egsats. BM Alder aa.-- J W. OOIT.BEE, real estate and loana; satab lUbed Ihon. 148Vk First at., room li. Seal uuTwd mortoaob loan Vhooe Main MM. 623 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. TOODtng. dee Eeea, ss -. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLBI8BR SIGNS. " Ws bsvs bsUt op ths Urgent sign basins m tb city by flrst-slsss work snd keening ur promise. Our prices srs right. Fifth and Everett ata. Pboaa Ex, 6. W. P. BEROEE ft SON. 84 Yamhill at llgna at all Binds. Pbons Ptcltt 888. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. JL-Bosl Co.. SSI Stark at Pboos rteinc me. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. Bolt tgents for Herring-Hall-Marvin ssfrs snd Manganese steel Ssf "C.- bank asfsa. Ths largeat atsortment at blab-grsds nrs aad burglar-proof asfsa In tha BoitbwsBt-i.Sa Bersntb at. DIKBOLD mangansss and Are-proof ta fee: lock outs spened; metal futures: vsalt sna lull vrork; jscks. J. E. Dsrls. to 8d- Mala 1666. EIUHT aecrind-band 6 re-proof ssfes aad tws aseona-nsnu pans -1 a - e. - Blith at, mrtianq. trr STREET PAVINa WARREN ConstroctloB Co.. street paring, aide walkt tad crossings. 814 Lumber Exeksng. THE Berber Asphalt Paring Co. af PsrtUnd. Office 0&6 Wuraeater bib. - - ...- SEWING MACHINES.. : PHONE Paclfl 87.10 abd I pennoallp win sail and repair your sewing-machine; work guaranteed. B. Same, adjuster, 861 Third st SHOWCASES -AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deeertptloe; beak, bar and store natures mane 10 oruee am mhi Maufetovtng Co., Portland. j. B, H. BIRDSAIX, designer; ecvat U. Wtnter Lumber Co., 1 uamiitea mug. Mam sow. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLRAN TOWELS DAILY Oomh. brush, soap. St - - - M-tK IWII.ul 1 annC .. -1 Supply Co.. Ninth and Cocn. pbnas 410. ji L-'iaiiaiiiii ia awoaittgr TELEPItONES. TIIK only ecl'.vB t' lcphone nonae. B.-R. ticcttlc A l'l-,hout slaubfacturlag cue. pan, I if h al. BANKS. and Letter of Credit lined AeUaaa Collect leas e tpeetslty BrRTCHAELL.. nr - nKEQoirr Financial Agant sf fas Cslted Btatea. Stock holm, st Petersburg. Moscow. Buev. 866 Vsrrlssn ttrewt. Pertlsed. Orsawa. -. tAVPNOS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed Trustee for Eatatee. Draft aad Let tees sf Parte of the World. r. a r rwia """""ai-i Wl-W..eldiel I U A. LEV B. Q. J17BIT1.. ....."...".. ...Betretarp . ..i, Aaetataat Secretary rarriiv tin. Interest Paid an ' Tims Deposit. Bav COMpAET Pertland, Overeo. Detracts mroiaasa. . I JNO.' K. A1TCHIS0N. I T. T. BUBEHART... Secretary INVESTMENTS. Bldg. ? public ervic etwfforaMoa bonds. 1888 BBOTEEBB. - and Bold for Cask and on Margtn. ef COMMERCE. Phone Mats 87. (Member Chicago Board af Trade. I 168 Third It. McKay Bldg., Portias. Orsgssv TYPEWRITERS. BEADQUARTERB for Bew and rebuilt type- . -- w ww winuv,, ix yoa - ara going to buy a new typewriter sea s ha- - - b . ww ' -r you nrowvy) w bsve parts for repairing nil mnchlnss; atat ' IMlll VfUP t1. VtBlKl BM, u kM. .11 L 1- yf typewriters, aiis Typewriter Kicheua. -- Inc., E. J. Ellison, maaagsr. 84 Thtrd at. WB sell Remlngrnaa. Smith-Premiers, Deue tserss, ett., lower than any other oompaay; In veatlgate. Uatecvrood Typewriter Cs.. ol ttk. BLICKBN8DERFEB typewriters. $40 ad $80 supplies, repairing. Boss ft Boss. 881 H tark. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAOOAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. aor, BlatB ana sa ata-i Baggage checked from hotel sr res I deuce direct ta destlnatloai . psaaengers therefor avoid mak nd a anoy ance at depot. Private acbanga 68. . SAFES plauea and fornltur netrrtd. packed reaoy xor snipping una suippeo; sn work ' guaranteed) Urge. 8-story brick. Srs pre ad wsreaous tor storage, vmr aoa utk at, Oltta ft Roe. Pbon Mala 647. C O. PIOK. aftlce 88 First st, be twees Stark sna usk bib., pnons sua; pianos nasi rum Here moved and packed for shipping ; comnaudluos brick warehouse with separate Iroa rooms, Front tad CUy st. VT rite sa boueebold goods ta all points -esst- we make np car loads; special room pas -trunk whll waiting. Oregon AatovDaopatob.- -18 First at. Phone Mala 718. - BOSE CITY VAN CO.. sfttea 141 First St.. pbon Mtla 6220.- larnltns and r'-t-Mnfrrliig a apeelalty; we guarantee ear work. .... . NATIONAL TRANSFER ft 8TORA0B C. 870 Oak at. Teicunoaa Mala 4400. Tranafea rlng aad atorlng.' OREGON TBAN8FER CO., 14 North Sixth. Pbon Mtln 68. Henry haul tag aad stomas. , INDEPENDENT BAGOAOB ft TRANBFEB CO. 1 . Storage 24 Stark at Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. BOO Waaky ingtoa f. rnnis meia sua. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BRETMA1 LEATHER CO.. yoboer sf saddlery, hardware, bstss gooos, lea rear, asd Ings aad ahea atora supplies, ptftb tsd Oak. M, A. 0UN8T ft CO. DI8THIBCTUKB ur nna cioabe. PORTLAND. OREUON. . luKKK. utu Mia tinc. nemaaiastaai InKaeB T CI 1 1 1 a . conslanmsnts soUettsd. 126 treat at, .. x - " EVERDINO ft FA BRILL, Droduc mission aserrBsnts. -leu front at, Portlaad. Or. Pbon Mala 178. 1 t 1 1 1 1. OBROON Furs I tare Manufacturing Ctmpaay-. sjaautscrarer oa inraiiurw aor - taa traasv port Una. Oregon. W ADHAMB ft-CO whole! farturers ana cummiseioa sad Osh -ata. , - - FURNITURE mannfactartnr tnd speelsl sntsrn. U. nuteaeay a larnKur issiary. But r root at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, nnalsuii aad proem sees banta. rrai ana us via ata., rertmad, ur. WHOLESALE crockery and glassware. Preel, Hegel to., w u ua ruts, aor, atara ot. WINDOW SHADES. OALB WINDOW SHADE CO . ttT Sslrsen St.. lata and fancy abadea mad to, artier at west prlcea. Phone Msla eft TO. WINES AND LIQUORS. ' COLUMBUS. Cailfnrnla win depot; n kind ot wine, 8 a glees. CcwSe' ssd veote- uaie srs Headquarters. 148 Fmtrtb at Fesae Pa. clfl SIM. P. Laestt LOGGERS WHO THANK FLOOD FOR EASY DAYS ' " fjeornsl Bpeeiet B-rrlce ) Clatakama. or.. Nov. 17 It foptlnues to rain bera. Th loggera l.ava all tdsir legt lloWD to tide water safely l. ion -!. For many rsnrs ths kffi were e pnllaxl to srnlt tint'l " ' ' ' " ' befors they con t r lierauaa of the In This ynr thev ' 110 M'dr during tii 1