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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND SATURDAY EVENING.' NOVEMSER 17, 1SC3. id ,NEW TODAT. Twenty-year Profit - 5 nan n a uoia Bonds. S per cent interest, and 50 per ' cent f the profits when property is old, Jntereet payable semi-annually. These bonds are secured by In , come business property in the City of Portland, Oregon. : Bock . for . subscriptions to said bonds will be opened at room 8," 323 Washington street, rortund, or, at 10 A. M. November 20, 1906, and re . main open till December 20, 1906, at ' 10 A. M when they will be dosed. - ' Subscriptions for $100 will be re- 'ceived. A safe investment, whh big '' profit. , . These bonds will be worth a large premium iu two ytars-r- Write or call for blank ar - -stion, I as the bonds are issued in rotion. Portland business property will ! advance. Capital is looking . towards Portland, Oregon. vX' W have a number Of prospective business properties for sale. . Good1 money in these for a short Invest merit. Call and see us. , ' - ; ; IPESTMENT COMPANY OF OREGON WM. A. BANTZ,' Manager. HDee Room 311 145H First St. f S,T50--Quarter block, 100 by 100 ; feet, with two cottages, in Steph , 1 ens' addition., -.1 -j. 7; ;: f 1.T50 58 acres, small amount lashed, lies' nicely . on the main 'y road between Milwaukie and Da mascits, about 11 miles from city, and it? a good, solid, substantial offer. Would take part cash. , v f T.OOO Good corner loCTwith three ; , cottages, rental of $60 per month, finely located on Caruthers street .; ... . - t .'V'V'.'u:, ; .-- v f TOO Good building lot, cor. East Fourteenth and Clinton streets. 550 Choice building" lotV In Tib-' , betts homestead, on Gideon street. f0O Choice lot, 50 by 100 feet, in Albina Homestead. f 1T.600 20 acres, all in cultivation, near car line, and one of the choic- est pieces of land adjoining the city limits -for platting purposes,- either . in acres or lots; on the east side of ' tli. Viv.r . fin 1nii,,tmnt ...V., . ..,. .........- --... . ... ST. JOHNS 50x100 with house, 1 block trom car line on Oswego St. -7 $75Q $2100 Terms : Lots in Point View with new modern 6-room house i' from - center: - good business locati $5000 . J. E. COUVIIN FINE LOTS $170 EACH r 1, Inside Property . Uotg $6x100 . foot each-with traded etreets. sidewalks and city water piped to every lot. This tract la known as - "Alton t'ark"-and -situated about ona , tnlla and a half southeast of Madison atreet bridira on the Sell wood car Una. .Tha lota are all claared, la gross plot and command a fine view of tha river; . JO-mlnute car service, and tha price of these) Iota la 60 par cent cheaper than adjoining Iota aold for, which are now built upon with comfortable homos. . ,14m. ad number for $50 DOWN AND $10 FEB MONTH Title par rrtj ftee abatraot furnished with every lot. Take Sell wood car and g-et off on Harold street, and you are at the property. , For particulars call on . ; M. J. CLOIIKSY 0T afxXAY BtJTXOrjtw. BUNGALOW Portland Heights $3, 100x100; Corner; Worth $5,000. Owner Must Sell. SHAY,Main 15)42 ' MOBTBT TO LOAJf. Wo sre prepared to loan money on Portland realty at 4 per rent. We will he glad to meet prospective borrowers In person. An acquaintance with us will benefit you. ' Northwestern Guarantee k Trust Co. . Camber Backaa-s Bids (and Floor). ' S. SU Oct. Seooad and Staurk Btreeta. Residence Lot for Sale $l.i06vl00 Cement aldewalk, ffaa. ttr and water malna Id. 10 minutes' walk from renter of city. Must ba sold Immediately. . . , aiHWOTT At aiSTaTOTT via Clmmler of 0mmarca J. :W. ua NEW TODAY. ' St; Johns 100xl0. In peart ' of manufaoturlnt district . . ., f 5.0QO -room house, full lot. on Fillmore - atreet ....,fl,25 Mississippi Aye. I stores, a room flata. 1 small house . Washington St. 10x100, moat roaaonablo buy o.v tha street .v ..yiv.wuu Fourth Street 1 Ox 1 00, soma Income. ...... .fSS.OOO INob Hill l-room houaa, no. ......., .(9,000 Highland Park i 0 Iota ( Alnswnrlh svs) ,fnr Sft) In a bunch, below market price to cloaa out Portland .Heights Full block. , view of Oreson City and Vancouver, Mta Hood, Adams, Bt Helena and Rainier, our own beautiful city and the Willamette and Columbia . . rivera; only ... t ............ f7,SOO : : Irvlngton r : - 740 soie. 1.500 T5xl OS. Extra valua 2,600100x100. 3.00O 100x100 (twice). -3,20O rooms, Tth, near Weldlar. a, 200 rooma; good. - """' 4,800 7 rooraa;87 Multnomah: r-5.800-01 Broadway. Sea thla , 6,500 100x100, house and barn. 6.600 7 Hancock (corner).- 7tm n iimii nnma, znt ana tu lamook. ..... - ft ft, ft ' Beaches Searfew and Oearhart property; finely V ' . located. ( -. - Hood River One dosen of Hood River Valley's choicest buy a Investigate and. Invest In land. , Notice . 11 acres, ( ml. front Vancouver: finely improved; food Income. ... . . . S2.500 St acres, west aide of tha Willamette, near Oregon City , 93. GOO Jack King Tha hot-air merchant, cures RHEUMA TISM. Never falla. No oura no pay. Tha only complete hot-air plant on the coast, v sura's batvs, Sereata aaS Waaalaton Sta. ACREAQE 2 ACRES In tha heart of the Peninsula for sale cheap. Tan MOKTOAOB QVAMAM- TMM ll IBVIT OO 0 7th atreet. Tha moat desirable lots In Fulton Park; cheap. . Pbona Mala 4314. ' WEATHER REPORT. mall tftatni-banc wtalrk iftovtd Inland jMtordir from off ttM Moutti of tlu Colambl rlvfT cti-l llKbt rain, ymtcrdajr aftcrnnoa a d4 last Dlfht la wetarn Oivgxm, and mm anow In xtrma aaatarn Or ( an4 awtfe Idaho. Tnla diatarbaftt? has now Kt?rfd wltk aoohar one central rw Snn Meitro. Th baroaMtr aad the klsh areaaare area Is tha extreme northwest has sdranred southward to Montana sad Wyoming; this high prsasare srea has ceased anh-b cooler weather slong the entire eastern slove of the Rorhy sBoeatslBS. - The prtocinsl dlstarlienre-thlB ssernlag -Is-eeatrsl-over Mlnneaots. and moderately heavy rslns. tontine to anew, have ere acred la that end the adjoining states. The New Rnglasd disturb ance has disappeared and a high pressure area now everlles the Atlantic states. A am 11 dis turbance central over eastern Tevss. which r i tends aerthesatwsrd and enaaects with the Minnesota sts-m, baa caused hesvy rsla in the middle Mlaalsslppl valler. ' The liHilcstloBS are for unsettled weather la this dlatrlct-Jonlghi snd IMindar, with a, caalooal light rsln west of the Cascade saons tslns ssd with light rsla or snow and lower tsmperstnree la eastera Oregoa. esatera Wash- Ing tow sbo lnaoo. Observetioes tokaa A rs.. Pacific nasi: . Temp. - Mas. Mln. Freeip. 44 83 - .8M 83 .01 BO 43 .81 .. 40 32 .-..0 .o n3 .0 . TO 63 .0 .. 43 ' 83 .0 ,. SO 43 .68 .48 . . 4 .13 ,. 43 : W ". . '.84 . on H3 . .84 . o - M . . .0 .48 3 .0 .44 44 . .14 .80 ; 40 ... .04 -.-SO SO . Btstlons Beset my, Oceaoa..... Bwtoa, Maaaacbuaetts.. Chlcage, Illinois ....... beaver, Colorado ,,.t Kaasss City, Mlaaouii... Los Angeles. California. New York, New York... Portland. Oregoa Rosebnrg. Oregoa Halt Lake, t tsk St. Leuls. Missouri Bsb FrsaelscQ. Callforal Spokase, Waahlngtoa. . . Tacema, Wssblngtoa. . . . Walls Walla, waablngloi a'sahlngtou, ft. '....... MARRIAGE LICENSES. Harry MeOarhea, SSI St. Clair treat. B Grace Brltta. 18. - William M.' Us It her, Astoria, Oregoa, 0 Moss Baker, IS. tar I R. srtooo, SOS Hood street, 34; Jehaaaa A. Landberg, 33, Wedding Car . W. O. Smith A Ce., Waah lngtoa bldg.. eor. fourth had Wsshlngtoa sta. WeddlBg sad eslllng esrds engrsved ee printed. E. T. Rushtoa. 833tfc Wssatogtoast. TONHETH A CO., rLdltirra. FOR FLOWERS OP ALL K I.N US. 133 SIATSI II... Pull dreea suits for rest, all si see. Calaas Tailoring Co.. sua alarm St. .BIRTHS. BROWN November 14. to Mr. snd Mr. M. W. Rreen. 83 Twentv-third, a bojr. BII.LETF.R November 18. to Mr. sad Mrs. Theonhllus Bllleter, 00U Third, s boy. llt'ENHTKR Nierember 14, to Mr. aad Mrs. Prsnk II. Murnsier. s boy. DEATHS. WRIGHT -November IT. A. P. Wright ef Rpo kane. age 'W yes rs. TOO Psvls st., besrt fall, are. Spokane, Tacema and Heat tie papers ' please e"y. Li:K November IS, Peter Lee, - 43 years, S83 Jacksoa, Brlght's dlaeaae. HFINZ November 18, Prederlck Flelna, 48 resra, 315 necoeti, fracture ei esuii. -UNDERTAKERS Dunnlag, MeEntee A Gllbaagk. aadertakera and rmbslmers: aaodrrs Is svery detail. Sevvath and I'lne. Mala 4-10. Lad, ssslataat. ' A. R. Hemstork, undertaker sad emhalmer. Rest Thrrteeath and I'matUU ave. Phoae SaU- edeheoa ITnAertsklne Co sad emhslmlng, 4a) Alder at. Phone Mafu 81.13. uay asalstsnt. 'J. p. tinley A Sons. Third snd Madlses sta. Office ef esanty eeroaer. phoae Mala a Llarie Bros., riorlats rise oral essigns. 380 Morrhwa et. Sowars ssd Edward Helssaa. aadertskrr. 330 Third St. aiTxa tiiw ciMTEar. . v ' Single graves. 310. Fsmlly Ma, 8100 to 11.000, The only cemetery Is Portland which perJ petnally malntalsa and rares for kxa lee fall Inrormalloe a poly to W. R. Markessle. Sa eeeter bexk, city. W. M. La 44, arcshisai, FUNERAL NOTICES. TI RNta Is this city, Kmakw 1. lans, Allha B. Tsraar, sd SS rr. ftlrnria and cqualDlaBc ar rM(M-r((ullr turltra to the funeral servtca. which will be seia st Hcob4 lUpltsI ckarrta. eurmr -tut Seventh ami Ankrnr !., at I a. si. Noramber IS. Jotarmftat Eoae 'Ttr eestatary. V REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS A.' C. Pastes ax) wife to WIIIUsj B. Haabldae and wife. Mm 1. X. A a. K. J block C. PorUiDoutB-VlUa v. ... auv wua io,y.MiB 1. Waal, ley. IU S sad 4,'blork fcl, Hollada's addition v. J. K. Reett to X. r. Hurtlns, kU S aad . ... T, blwk,,S, Tresuwit Tlsre v 1 Victor Ij.i eampaur to J. r. Hmrlns. -,WtJ. 1. I, bbwk S, Trrswot I'lm.l ' 140 Motor Lna esaieanr te J. K. llusaiaa. - - -truatee, lots T and a block 11. Tremoot , riaea' .....,.-.-.-.v;..r " JeO loveaiumit - eomDaay to William H. Daasktray as4 wife, lot 1. block 1A I'lrdmoDt 1.000 aaTaiona c. rope end wife te Genevieve Halts, lot 1. block 11. Veraoa itmr A. Ooldanltk ssd wire to W. J. . Vsa Sctnirvt-r A Co.. lee., tot a block 19. Goldsmith addltlua ItM niuauurr-rrsnx Ju cuaipasy to T. -j.H,.Smilh, nnrtlrldad tt at lola tu na 31., bl.n k 5, l-enlmular addltl No. Tt a. a. jnnnsea and wife to o. W. Prleat, aortk H ef lots S and T. r4ork 1. ' snudlTUloa ef Blvervlew addltioa to Al bina i. STI oho T. vtliallry and wlfa to rredcrlck Vlcreck. west V of Iota 1 and 4. hlork iM. HolUdsy's sddltloa te Baat VatX.- Und . ....... , 1.080 Hirnara aeeklr .te Becarlty Savlnas A Trust company, trustee, block S. Csr. ' ter'a addition ... Serarlty 'Savings A Truat eomnasy. at , si., to . Porr E. Keaaey, block S3, Carter's addltioa T.. 10,100 F. M. West sad wife to N. P. Jenera, lot A block 00, Hcllwood ' .1 Arthur It. Brryaaa at al. to kiss Low en- son, lots s aad S. block 87. loox-h addj. tloa M.OM LouU Ooba and wife to Domlnlck la !rana, east H of tots T and 8, block , C. rat bees' Addltioa to Cs- ' rnthera' addltioa t l.SU 0. F. Bercer to Roy H. Hurler, lot A block S. a-ret Piedmont .. 1.S00 Charles H. Thompsou to H. W. Mitchell, - lots a snd , - block l.Vt, llolladay's addlttoS to Bast Portland T WW Cors sf. Koonta to Carolina rtrube. S k. acrea cosimesclng st. atheat ..corner ef eectloa IT, township 1 south, rsugs e east era Jseoh Rebirh sod - wife -to -William Gsdahy,- land . Is) - Jamea - TerwlUlger dosatloa land . claim, la aertloa 10. ' townehtp snath, ranse 1 eaat ' 1.S0&. RslelKh E. Hughes to P. P, Dabney, ua- divided Vk of west H of donation ,; land claim ef Thnmaa R. Northrop and wife, which west H contains 10 scees. aestloa XI. towaahip 1 south, range 1 . esst 1 Chester R. Hughes te t. P. rsnbaey. sn- . divided ef ssaw BroDrrtv ss shove. 1 Jach P. (illhert, ttustee. -et al.. to Claude earmark. IS seres In aectlos IT. townable 1 south, ranse 4 eaat: else smith 3 feet of tut A block t. Woodatock . . 1 Jacob r. Ullhert. trustee, et el., to Wll- ' lard U larmack, 10 acres la sertlna ; , IT, township I south, ranee 4 esat; 1 sum north ISO fret lot S snd south 1X8 feet of lot 4. block 1. Woodatock ... 1 Jscob r. Ullhert, trustee, et al.. te Birdie M. Dyer. S3 seres la section IT, . townahtn 1 south, rsnee d east 1 Jscob F. Ollhert, t ma tee, et el., to Cora hf. Koonta. 10 acres la section ' IT, township 1 south, rsnge 4 sect: alae north M feet ef lot 4. block 1. Weodatnrk I August Uehne to A. Moser, Into S. S. 10, block 43. Penlusulsr adldtloa No. 4 .. SO0 Hnnert U. Cellos snd wife to Anton Mee, lota W. u In block 1, subdivision of Rnh Roy addltioa S00 Charles R. Mace end wife te Lorene R. Smith, lot S. block 83. Hawthorn ' First sddltloa to Ksst Portland ' TH0 Jokn Heaguns and wife to O. V. Berger. h.t s sod south H of lot 4. block 13, West Piedmont (00. A; W. Imbrrt end wife to George B. Cutler, lots t sad 4, Seror Psrk 1.000 T. O. Randa end wife to W..A. and K. O. Rohtilns. lot 1, block 106, Wsst . . ' lrvington '. ( 10 Oregon Trust A Ravings bank, traatee, to W. A. and R. O. Robblne, lot 1, Mark ins. West Irvlngtoa . . 1 Joseph Clsrke snd wlfs to Mike Michel, lot i. block 8, North Irvlngtoa SBO Dorr E. Reaaey to Pen J. snd James A. Mslsrkrv. southweet la, of block S3.-' v Carter's sddltloa (.XM V R. and O. L. Wrbb to J. W. Womets dVirf. lot 13. block 1 Webb's sndHlon. " 1O0 Robert B. Slsnott et si. to WIIIIsbi H. Markell. Iota 1 and 1 block M.' Esst Port Und '. SB.000 James M. and Mssle R. Doty to Nadir Land eomnany. lots 4. 5. a block 1. Aab ley's snbdlvtalna ef lots 1 and A block 8. Alnawortb Tract 1 William rislbseay sad wla to CI, H Thompson, undivided H of lota T, 8. 18. 14. block T3. Sellwood i : 1 Rudolph snd A. Srhmeer to R. H. Csrse. lot A block 5. Schmeer'a sddltlon to . ' - Rest Portland- . . . . ... . .- : 400 Invest meet company to P- I). K.llnger. lot 13. block 40. Piedmont ,.. 460 Bertba -Cltrea-ead wife- to Josnea . E....; Rllmsrtla, part of lots 8 and 8. In aoutbesst H of block T. city .... 8.T80 Bamnel S. Hlgel et si. to R. W. Hen dricks, west H of lots 1 and 3, buck 88. Csrter's addltioa - 800 James A. Goldsmith and wlfs to limla . P. Beno, lot 11. block 10. Goldamlth's sddltloa i 3.3IJO Jsmes A., Ooldamlth- to Edward Retch- : ' L,l II tilnnB In - nuldamlth'a ad ditloa .1 3.260 n n.kar to ioha Kraetck. tot 11. block 12. Albina BOO Louisa Hawthorn et al. to Edward R. Rorrle. weat i of k,ta 1 and A. ' block 200. Hawtborse park addltioa.. 1.830 Frsd IL Strong aad .wife, to Charles R. stockman, kits 3. A A" block IB. Creston . . . . . . . ....... ... . , , , , . . 1,000 Reubea Waeke et sL to David A Stearns, lots 8. S, 13, 18, 18. block 0, snd lots n ta . 17 . an. block 8. . Orchard Homes .1.. 460 Reuben Weeks, gnardlan. te David R. Strsros, lots A 13, IS. 18. block . a nd lota 13. 1A IT. 30. block 1A Orchard Homes 430 David S. Stearns aed wife to Reubea Weeks, lets A 8. 13. 16. 18. block A . ...t itm ta ta it. in. block ia Orchard Hoejee ' 450 R. A. Hetrhlna et al. te I. R. Hntehlns. 33 acres ef eoutkweat ef aortbeaei ll MetLnM 90. tnarnahlB 1 soutk. rsnge 4 esat ........................ 1 a uT Meat and wife to W. A. Wll- Hams, lot 16, block 13. Central Albina. .ASM A. A Ellis and wife to Led Clerk, esst - Vi er lot 4. otoes e, v. uui sddltloa Jamee A. Goldsmith sad wife to Arthur . t. ...... l is. block 1A Uoid- amltk's sddltloa .1360 Per aba tract, title Insurance er awrtgage loans csll en Pscinc Title a iTiiai aempeay, 304-6-S-T rslllag bulMlng. " Get year tnsurance sad sbstraets to reel eststs from ths Tltls Guarantee A Trust eoss. psny. 340 Wsshlagloa street, earner aecose. NOTICE. riRMT STREET IMPROVEMENT ASHOCIA. TION Pronertvwners and teasnta of hast usee pieces abutting ea first at tietweea Msdlsosi soa tiiirosiae.sxB.. sre earnestly re- aueeted to' attend a Sieetlne -of the First treet Tmprovement association, to be held at the Chamber ef Commerce ea Monday Bait, the 19th laat., at 7:80 p. . Msttsrs of great Impnrrsnce to property. owners will be considered at said meeting, snd sll interested are cordially Inrlted to be present. CHARLES K. HENRY. President FRANK DATTON. Secretary. - TUB sew City Directory le bow ready: copies res be secured at the office, 630 Marqnsm bldg.. If seeded, before regulsr delivery la - made. WANTED Homes for. 3 good boys: msy ba .-adopted If desired; ages 10 and 13. Phone Esat 8K00. Room 4. HEATERS repaired ea abort notice at Alr-Tlght Stow Co.. ST1 rirst. Phoae Pacific 1113. RXCAVATIN" and grading. C. R. Pottage, 4MB Commercial at. Phone Esst 6100. . ! MEETING. NOTICES. AI.RINA Lodge, No. 101. A. T. A A. M. Staled coramnnlcatlon this l Saturday I evening st 8 o'clock. In bsil of Oregon eommandery. Third sud Alder sta. Vtaltlng brethren cordially tiirlted, by order W. M. A. J. HANDLAN, Secretary. M. W. A. BYEKGREEN Camp. 0.408. meets Wednesday evening. Atltky bldg.. Third aad Morrisoa sta. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Mosie far sll ee csslons; reasonable. Mela 86uAer 40 Lacretla. M. W. A.. Oregoa Grspe Camp. Ne. 0,873 Moa aaje. 17 Ik sad HsrshsU, visitors wslceme. LOST AND FOUND. LOUT WATI.'H 10 RKWARD. . Ist Monday, lady's sold clunad face Watch ssd chatelaine pin, Waitliam worka. S dls aiond rhlpe la rasr. St KorU Sixth at Phoae Mala 140. . i !XelT hI.m katMM Tntrd and t'lar ssd Hlith snd Msitf.mert, siluk uVcI ta, 1 potnte. with head oa ssch st del its. :njj:: 'rBtrta-sti" BYtftNIVA Blare to havs kslt aisttraaaaa rated snd retursed same day. KM Front at. Mala 474. ' Portland Carlad-Ualr Fsstory. B. Mataaer. proprlewr. t LOUT Ob mink fur, brews sstts Using lost rdsy evealuf betwera Prettjsias sud Wast ar. ea Belmont at. . risder rrlura to 10M . Belmont, Mount Tabor. Reward. LOUT Policy In New York Lite la name of M. Andrraon. Return to Naw.Vork Llfs otSce. COI'ND Bull of sailboat. re sssm laqnlr f root or Loiumms st. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED At eace. atareoalt-esttcra; goo food say. ateadr work: St 40 s cord. A iply Western y esiern Portlsad, Cooperage Co., sue Btesrus biuj., Oreguu, w Uuullua,1 Oitgum i WANTED AT ONCE BOO sound young man. ags 48 to 88. for firemen snd brake men oa leading weatera rallroada and f aew roads now being completed; eipertcBce nnnecesssry; fireman 100 per month; hrakemea 376; post- - ttoos aoer epan- write at eace for psrtlca Mrs. National Railway Trslslng Associstloa, T.'W Psxtoa block, Omaha, Nab., or ai Uldgs . bldg., Ksasse City, Mo. STRONG YOUNG MEN For firemen and brakrnaea on Oregoa snd other rallroada; sx. Krienee anneceaasryi firemen. Slot) monthly, i-omm engineers snd earn fi0; brskemea $76. Become conductors and ears t!M; asms positlos preferred; state sgs. bright, weight (important). Railway Associstloa, care Jour - asl. . . VI have aa aratvy propoelrlos thst will la terest any' factory foreman, or any honeet man who wants to make a Uttle ea the sloe without much effort, snd who Disss with men test ass tools. Write quick for detslls snd secure exclusive territory. Orr A Lockett Hardware Co.. Dept. 'AX, Chicago. Hi. AGENTS WANTED Ye se!T sonerlolfrTiIlfT-irsde" omti atocki eomnlata outfit furnlahed free; X..eaeli weekly; write today for choice oflerrKL T lory. Capital City It' ir. , THRES aggressive men, ef good appearance, habits snd sddrsss, to become ssaoclated with responsible real estste arm; none out Bustiers need noply; commlsstoa. , ttoeut 34, 337 h) Wsshlngtoa et. . WR set work tor ear anembers; epeetsl me bars. A Y. M. Ot A reurtk aad Yamhill. DON'T work for a email salary; ese ar write Pacific Aid assorts Uoa lor a p proposi. tloa, S34 Lumber Eichangs. WVANTErj YWig men -to prepare for railway if telrgrsph servlos; wsgee SHU te 80 per moots when qualified. Espert Oolleee el Telegraphy, WANTED 10 more solicitors; best position . In Portland; maa are making SO dally; call sfter Boon. 2l'l!4' Surk st. T" Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Pvee employmeat to our patrons. Weekly rates: Room, 3L36 up: room aad board. (4.60 up. Asdersos. proprietor. WANTRD Ssleemea; many mske 1 100 to 3160 per Bkoota; some eves more; etoca cicsb; grows oa reservation, far from eld orchard! , each advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Washlegtoa Nursery compeay. Top. psalsh, Wsahlsgtoa. MEN AMD WOMEN to learn barber trade to eight weeha; graduates ears from 818 to 823 weekly: expert laatructore; catalogue free. Moler Byatam ef CeUegea, 30 (tor lh reortk St., Portlsad. '' ' ENTERPRISE HOTEL, 623 SAYIER. CORNER 18TH. We sre In the fsctory aad mills district: come in and have a talk with ua; good board ssd good room. 34.59 per week. WANTED Two or three flrst-clsss. all around mscolas men: permanent position, good wsgee. Oregoa rurslture Mfg. Co.. Mscadam toed. WANTRD First class asansger for clothing de partment of the Emporium, WHIlams ave. aad Raott eta. ' a WANTED A tailor bushelmsn; must be a good preseer; slso 8 experienced ledlee to press ea Isdles' garmcnta; good psy to right psrtles. At tbs Esst Portlssd Cleaning A Dye Works. 148 Grand ave., city. BOYS with wheeL A King. Apply to Olds, Wortmaa I WILL exchsags equity In lot or lots, close In. for- concrete, plastering, plumbing or carpenter work; balance on kits 810 monthly. - Pnooe Pact Ho. 1343. Myers, 133H First sU TAtCWlt Vho cso do pressing; extieileuced pe- farced. . can call Bunusy. i. a. aturn, 4o3 WssMngtoB' at. riRST-CLARS bartender for a Srat-claas aalooai A K., cere oj itrnsu HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED 11 yea work, why-sot sera more thee a living f Be Independent ; do good. The Vtavt Co. already employe 13,000 wemea; tbs work covers 33 countries of tha world: we . will estertsla applications front capable women; not eaavaeeing. but helpful, dignified work. Address by aaall only, Vlsvi Co., Lewie bldg. WANTED Good girt, competent to take -charge whlls mistress is absent at store, for genernl housework In famllr or man. wife asd a-rear old child; easy piece. Apply Red front Clothing stare. Second and Taylor, or 43T fifth st. BOMB LADIES' AGENCY. 18514 fourth st., corner Morrnwa, petsirs. Phone Mala 8N2A ' . Aloagslds the X. M- A. bldg. "t GIRLS Chocolate dippers end packers. Csndy Co.. lOtk and Gilssa. Aldoe GIRLS WANTED Operators te work ea ehlrts snd everslls. Leaaooa given u inexpensnceo. Apply st Standard fsctory No. A Grand ave. aad East Taj lor at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84314, Wssh lngtoa sr.. eor. Bevsatb, apetslra. -Phoae Msla XOaX. r ems Is hslp wasted. rEW ladles wanted to assist msklog easy fasey work svsre time st home; good stsady par; bo expefleace renulreA 330 rieldoer bldg.. 4UT W aahlngtoa at. WANTED At The Dalles Steep Laundry. The Dallas, Oregoa, 'obs polisher and one marker; woDwa preferred; wsgse $3 per dsy. GIRL to ssslst Is house work. St.. corner Kearney. 1M North ITtk WANTED dirts to vrork la randy factory; Kd ' wages; steady employ ment. Apply rISc Onset Blacult Co., 121k aad Dai la WOM KN ErHaea, at Ar I860 eld 'a Glee Mass. Maradaas. Take factors A Tannery, Pulton csr. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Plrat-sUss kadv and re eBtlemea eaa- vassere; aalary and eommlesioa. Csll at Agency Bur ran. 83 foartb sC, Portland. Or, WANTED Actors, singers,' muslcUBS. dsacers, etc... for dramatic asd vaudeville eompsnles; . good aalary. stesdy work. Newmsn'e Tbestre ral Circuit. 1481k SUtk at. - , HELP wanted aid eupplted. male ee female. R. O. Drake. 30AU, Waahlngtoa at. Paeifie 1970. SITUATIONS. .WANTED.FEMALS CAPABLE refined woman, unincumbered, wants .4 I AMnLMMA... la. In MM. In. InV.lln kousswerk and sawing; rrfereacea given. Ad dress R 43, cars JournsL LADY would like to tske charge of a rooming- house; has hsd experience running a houss. L 88, csre J on rea l. ... COMPETENT eook wants piece In small family; ne waahlng. t all forenoons ISO North IHth. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POHITION Ib real estate office; email remnnera tloa to start. Address V 33. ears Journal. POSITION- In hardware estahllshment or Itn , plentent atore; will work for low wages to atart; soma -etperlence In .bookkeeping. Ad dress J 83. csre Journsl. , WANTED Pnsltlea with reliable reel estate , Arm by exptrleared mas. Address Box 37, all. . , SITUATIONS , WANTEDMALE. LOTS te clear of brush and atumus; laudacap- lug; soon act, et., iiwi msrytasa sre. WANTED Positlos se landscape garde pruoer. Addrsss f OA ears JuurnaL "WANTEDrttJENIS.' AGEN'ia 4 anted, Oregon, California, Idaho, ' Waahiustos. health and accident Insurance I eld reliable roaipanj ; good eontrscts; refer. ' mrpf"sia I's'untcsxji't-i -t.uttee aietee tteH-a-e- cldeu( lusursace Co.. 3u0 Msrqusia. , I. s, w n .wi, , wwn, . ' m day, more, earned ; proof given; free Instruc tion hypnotism, "N'' Hsy, nsw tblug; write IWMJ, V .u . .,u. wvic. awn. w. AGENTS, peddlers, csavssaara aad atreet work' era, set your supplies from R. M. Plumusr, too Third at I aaw foods, bottom prices. AQRNTS WANTED 80 to 810 a day made aelllng and putting up our window Mtteca. Tbay sail at sight. Writs today for free aauiole and psrtlcclsrs. Oold Lsttar Co.. 80 Dearborn at., Chicago, Illinois.. WANTED Agsat (or entire sew investloa. i 208 Taylor St. 'it EMPLUVMEN I AGENCIKSr RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. ' Logging cauip and farm help a specialty. 30 North Second su- Phoae Mala 63UO. Me psy all telegraph chsxgss. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPEICS YOU MEN. ' ' 30 North Second st. - rhone Mais 1B3A PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OPEICR. 30BU Morrisoa at...... Pbose Pacific T 37 North Second at... ...Phoae Pacific lauo ALPINR Employment Co., 30SH BorHsoa at. Male aad female help. Phone Mala 11 T. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Te rent 8 flrst-clsss furnished fist of from B to T rooma In good Bslghborhood, te be occupied by maa aad wife and one servant, bo children; the heat of rare will be taken of the property, and, if necesssry, bank secur ity will be givea for the proper cere of the eemet this ta a eptandld. epperlunlty foe some1 one deelrlna to leave their home la trust- .srorthv hsnds for the winter; flrst-clsss refer. L. eace given as to both social and boslusss atauauis). aaoress t. sw, csre .ouiwi. WANTRD TO RENT Houses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, iwrnlng-houses, etc. Land lord will do well to cell on PORTLAND TRL8T COMPANY Of OREGON. Phoae Ex. 73. A R. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Par cash, 8 stocked farm suitable for a dairy. J. A. Bailey, 1104 Second au, elty. WANTED B acres, enltlvsted. aesr csr snd road, cheep fur cash. Address R 03, Journsl. WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS. - WANTED, furniture for furniture Spot furniture I Cash. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, til flret st. Phone Mala B06A HIGHEST price paid for men'a ceat-off doth. Ing. Phoae Pacific 4A Uncle Jue, 63 Third. WE WILL BtT, SELL OR TRADB ANY OLD THING. WESTERN' SALvAGR CO., 837- 3 WASHINGTON. P At 110 70A . , SPOT caah paid for your furniture, etovss, etc.; prompt attention. Pboee Eaat 100T. HIGHEST cash price paid for all kinds see ksnd goods. Phone Mela 3111. S3 hi. Third. EXCAVATING and (reding. 0. E. Pottage, estt Commercial at. Phoae East 8180. WELL DRILLING Water gua rest sad. . 47. Route A Greshsm, Oregon. . Box t STANDING desks, 4 or S long. Address, stating pries and location, tt Pa. Journal. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. gl.36 WEEK CP,- clean, - furnished - heeriekeep. Ing rooms; parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. SoaVh Stontoa, C car. 11.60 WEEK aa. Urge, clean, furnished bouee kscplng rooma, laundry and balk. 184 Sbsr msa south, Portland. POR It ft NT 3 er 8 furnished housekeeping -rnoBis: piuat In. leisputnig, gas luti uaiu. Phone Esst 8043. PLEASANT, central, clean and cheap hoaae - ksspliig-rooois; come end are. S3 N. 11th at. THE-MITCH KLL Housekeeping -end transient rooms, resaonable. Seventh sad flsaders. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT STEAM-HEATED rooms st resaonable fates. Hotel Royal, 10! fourth St., between Wssh lngtoa and Stork sts. Pboae Main 8334. THR RICHELIEU, S3H North Sixth et. Ele gantly furnished; eteaa heat and bathe. "TBI HUB." 80 Eleventh et. Stark roome with eteaa hamt aad bath. FURNISHED. rooms and famished housekeeping roome for rest at voii vaacoaver sve. THS ORANOv-aBH North Third et, gentlemen $1.36 per week end so. for LINDA - VISTA, - 347 H - Ftfta Housekeeping- rooms with nay wiBOowa, sua sieeping-rooms. THR KINO. 808 Jeffernoa St. Rooma with every modern convenience, $2.38 sad $2.60 per wees: tree estus;- aew Dutiaiug. central. FURNISHED rooms. 433 Fifth at.t modern con veniences; ae children. t- ' NICE suite of S large front rooms; )ust the thing ror g or men; thus cutting ewwa costs. - 32314 Stark at, - . - 1884 FOURTH ST. Furnlebed rooma; day, week or month; low eat rates. - Pscltle 2630. OBI EAST ANKENY, corner 18th at, For NICELY famished front room, furnace beat and hot water. Call bet wren 4-6 and 7-8 p. m., 141 North 10th. Phone Pacific INS. t ROOMS for rent; large, clean, fnrnlsbeA West Park. Phone Pacific JloU , Ft'RNISHED rooesa, 868 Williams avg. UNFURNISHED ROOMS.. TWO rooma la prints house snd nearly new furniture for same for ssle. or separate u very . desirable for one or two refmM ladlee; psrhw prlvllegea. S47 11th St., betwera Market aad Mill. . OR B nnfurulshed kooaekeeplng -rooma; elec tric llghu and gas. pnvae Pacific 2404. 4W7 Columbia St. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. RiHIM, board, good home conking, 8 antnutss -Walk from St. Johns or Lower Albina cars. 1347 Mlsslsalppl svs. ' FCRNIHHED rooms for rent; also room and board $18 a month. XUT Uraut at. A FIRST-CLASS suite of noma for gentlemen, call at 2U6 14th at. Phone Mala ItUA FOR RENT HOUSES. " emwiaa im e .hi" ii i. e aieena;. j -iji MODERN T-room bonne, S lota, food bars, 033 Esst Morrison, $). , Aa extremely handsome hew sod modem S-ruom (Jim .n Anoe cottage, 1181 Montsns ave., $2ii, See . i THE DrNN-LAWRENCS CO, ' 1401, First St. FOR RENT House Ne. 3N8 N. Iftib St.. rooms, the place for a laboring men a rooming henae; rent $30 to permanent teosnt. lor psrtlculsra see J. krseiner, 84 Fourth st. FOR n,ENT New modern A-rmm bnttse near carllne. . good location. . Hankie A Harrison, ' XI 7 Ablngtoa bldg. , FOR RENT Modem Amom bones; gae, bath, , wsah trays, cement floors, etc, 6V6. ksst Abler. I bone East 2ATO. ' $14 8 ROOM cottage; gas, bsth, yard, con venlant Eaat Ankeny car. SUB Nelaoa St. Eaat 623. . T-RHM bouae ea esrllne, 812. CI. H. J'lggott, vwuer, lawyer, rvwaa e aiuiaey uiug FOR RENT HOUSES. f OR RENT Neat 4-room cottage, near A P. rambopa. $13. . Phone Ksst 843. 1TOR 1UCNT T-room bouse, Portland Heights. Phooa Mala 3. OfBce 813 Ablugtoa bldg. fOR RENT 0-room cut tags. Call 810 MlS- . . . in aosri are. I . 1 THR CONTINENTAL CO.. 348 Stark St.. kaa a in ihiiaihfti nf fjlltrgMt j&P,ps and Sate rov rent; ' fOR RENT 4-room house oa Woodstock car . una. Bo. Phone Msla 86. ft)R RENT 4-rootn cottage, et fremoot St., .near Miasouri srs, Main OSOl. . ROOM cottage, 480 11th at., 114. laqulrs Blnford Broa., 147 front St. FURNISHED HOUSES. NEWLY furnlahed home partly la exchange for board snd rvum. Adrdess R 06, Journal. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OPrtCR-ROOMS, anfurnlahed rooma aad earn-ple-rooaia for reuL . Uvoduough hldg. Apply elevator. PART of shop to rent, eultable for painter or plumber. 3u8 Fourth at. ejsaadle sleotrla lights. . hot and cold water, Janitor and als'ator service, la ths new, airy Commonwealth bldg., old pes toffies site, Sixth aad Buraslde sts. Agent room six. fOR RENT Desk room at reeeonsble rate. Inquire XW Uoodnougb bldg., over Journal office. ' fOR RENT Store, flfth-st, slds Uooduough bldg. Inquire elevator la building. ' STORE POR RENT 330 month for Bns atore building, 830 Williams are., cor. W,eldlr; eultable for groceries herdwere, etc. - a qulrs Emiiorlum. AJIiina a new department store, Wllllame ave. and Kaett at. FOR RENT Store ftftht. aide Goodnough bldg. Inquire at elevator 13 building. 343 FRONT at., 30, with flxturea and livlng rooma; good for grocery. Main 6804. NEW neat market, grocery store and reetaa- III. guuu C". i.i'n . .pu . . ' " w . mouth. See Joe Naak at NashvUls, Mouut Scott carllne. ' SMALL ah op anltablefor tsllisr, ' esndy-maker . or electrical worser. rarringiou, oo nwwi (at., bet. Wssblngtoa and ktark. won RENT Store eultabfe for orater parlor or fellcatease-eeetMLlaed. Call .Loinjn- bis Fish Co., Third ana Antony sts. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. STOCK FOR SALE. 140 seres, sll fenced. 90 scree en It Its ted; gowd house, fine barn, nice spring of water, orchard, 00 cows. 10 young cattle. 4 horses, all tools snd Implements, 1M tons hsy; fronts oa flue level rood to city, assy drlvs, convenient to electric carllne; might tske trade. -UENRUt A HARRISON, . 217 Ablugtoa bldg. SMALL farm near the city for rent; suitable for -email dairy or trues- growing. Apply room 1. 181 Va First at. HOUSES " FOR " RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR SALE Furniture of 8-roera modern houee. nearly all new; rent resaonable; two block from postofnee; good transient house; will seU et a bargain If takea by the Brat of December. Su Fifth St. - FLAT for rent, farultuTs'-for'aale ' Cuinpli te . A. .... . .. i , a., ' 1. ... location, for rent reaaonable. . Inquire Cava II Furniture Co., 184-1X0 Flrat at - 6-ROOM flat for rent and furniture for sale, ...... . M . . u.i. aoAa .. any. . k - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, sepsrsu ee.aogetheri new ssd with sU eon rente ocee. phoae Mala SUA BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMINO-HOt'SE. 38 large, all outside rooma rent Only $o; new building, rooms aiceiy srrsnced. furniture aad carpets good; no housekeeping-rooms; asustly permanent room era; clears $U5 month. Price t'AO. . , WB DO THE BT SISEHH. - ... H. . GARLAND A CO.. ' 163V Fonrth al., corner Taylor. , GENERAL MERCHANDISB. Stock of general merchandise In a nice trowing college town la Willemette valley; atncfe Is up to dste, with well-eatahllehed trade and growing; If yqn want a good b sei ne aa Invent I Kite tlilan one. ,S.I.B a 1IAHMI.VKW, i i ii 317 Ablugtoa bldg. $U.O0U H A RDW A RR -business; nice cleas stock. In thriving valley town; annusl aalce will rua about $35.(Ki0; would Ua.le ror a- good farm ox Portland-Property. What caa you offsrl Prlnclpala only. Tell what yon have snd price la your answer. U S3, csre Journal. FOR SALE At once, cheap, dining room fur- niancfii noe, w .. a ...... ..h. to ssll ea account of sickness, xa Fifth at. COMPLETE billiard and pool hall, 11 new tahlea, eetabllabed business, -long tease; wiu sell or e j change at low figure, account of owner leaving towa. inquire an stensy bldg., or Wellington Pool Parlor, . Third and CIGAR, trait aad candy store, doing strictly cssh buahntss, west side; profits ovsr $173 ' per month, cheep rent, long lea: cheap for ' cssh. Metropolitan Realty Co., 363 Alder st, room l.fUoe Msla .0700. SAYS MONEY Anything In printing see Mad den, Odd rllews' Tsmple. First end Aider eta.; apatalra. GROCERY BUSINESS. - Fine grocery bueineaa, growing snd well established, growing suburb of Portlsad; will trade Into good city property, HENKLE A HARRISON, 317 Ablngtoa bldg. - FOR SALE Apartment-house ft IB moms; sll newly furnished: caay terms If aeceaaary; la--eesae $I0O; rent $60: located ea Morrisoa St. ' Appy Cobs Broa.' Farnlture Ce., law Flret. HAVR party who wlahea to bay Into bust nee of 'value about $10.0o0 or lass. 617 Commer- clsl bl. Pbona Msla 0130. WANTED Some one to put amafl smonnt nl roensy uito developing promising claim; not a stock proposition; strictly, lesltlmsts; would be partnership deaL G 10, JourBaL HOTEL furniture for aale; long leaae and low rent; city. C. H. Plggott, owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkey bldg. - FOB SALE Rooming. nonae. 34, rooms; good proposition snd essy terms. Inquire between 10-a. m. and 8 p. m, US 11th at. LI MBER YARD for sale, central Oregon; good bualness; aa lief actor y reaaon for aelllng; re quires about $4,ut)0. T T7. cars Jouryl FOR BALE A complete restaurant outfit. Hal a 7-foot ateel range, chair, tables anil dishes, ' ranrh -cnitnter;- S high-stoot bsrtnv rwn'eum, everything new. Inquire between 13 end 8 p. m. at 800 Buranlde, between 6th and 4th.' FOR SALE Baltimore restaurant and cafe, also - Bstttmore rooming-house; will sell sll er ' sepsrate; terms to right psrty; Will exchsnge for good lturHle property without lacambrsaoo. H. Vsa Arts, Vancouver, Waah. $76 DOWN and taenia bays a ledglng-nonss. Room 83, 3S84 Third at. DO yon wapt bnatness thst will actually pay you I2" per month? Will prove It to you If you will Invcatlgate; have other bualness to look after; A'HW. 183 Morrisoa at. DRY GOODS, men'a furnlablhga snd shoe stork of about $1D,ii0il. In flrst-clsss eoniUUoa. In "the most progressive town In Oregon; excel .lent Jocatlua and torfroom.R 17, Journal. ka.ono STOCK of hardware la a nice brick building, county seat town In Oregon; a good opening; owner want a to retire from business; will trade. HENKLE A HARRISON, . 317 Ablngtoa bldg. " PARTIES have from $8.ioo to $4.0oo dolUra to put into gitod grocery of general mer- . chaudlae bnalncae. Address mt4 Sixth St., J. T. Aleisnder. Phone Pacific 23. INYlN'i'IBLH Rail Joint Co. stock can he bought at 36c for 8 few dys only) 40c about . the 2tMh. H. K. Fvrtney, rooni A 331k First at. ' l HOTEL. 100 room hotel, - U-atory bnDillng. furnished tvmipleie; a good money. maker; town growing; mlglit tske some trade. I HENKLE HARRISON. ' ' 817 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE Small reetanrant and I'tnchcennfer la good location, wltk araaa: u no, J our sal. a rf -w-e- ism V A J. K II sat) BUSINESS CHANCES. CIGiR stand for sale cheep; good location; corner First aad Madison. Phase Paeulo sasi. HALF Interest in reel aetata business; party going sway. Beckaet Binlth, SuS First st. HOTRL. 30-roors betel, good order, furnished plete; ta a good eastera Oregoa towa, fine country surrounding; a good business; will trade. . . . . ' . H1NKLH A HARRISON, 31I.Ablngtoa-bldg. .. SELL J. C. Lee atnek below market price. AM - dlvldende monthly; can yon heal this for tevsstinsntt Address E TT, ears Journal. - FOR SALE Olgsr and coafeetloaery store. Phone Pacific 1740. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Y0TJ ABE CORDIALLY INYTTED TO CALIa AND INYEHTIOATB THESE BASGAINA ; Kts) cash. ? asoothly, for eaotoa . at aeversl T, 8 and 0-room houses. OaM) cssh. 30 monthly, fur ebetea of B ' botiee of 0 rt.iiiis each. ' 3i0 ea.h, la monthly,: for ehedee ef It -cot r, fee of 6 rooms each. o caah, 313.60 monthly, tor ehetoe e ' 9 cottages of 4 ruema each. 3IO0 cash, 310 awnthly. for choice of as. , era I lots with 3 snd 8 rooma. ' 8A0 caah, $10 monthly, lor ebetea lota aa VS-SVseS,r. Ri!nK 120 ciah, monthly, for lota Addition, oa Sallwood esillne. .v - rash. - $10 amnthry, for nipmana. $10 cask, $6 BMstkly, tor lot ... .. "STATR LAND Ca, : " - 183H First at. . COZY little borne, Al send tt toe. near esst high. . some fruit; s bsrgsla; aee It today. THS CONTINENTAL CO, 34 Stark et. : Sellwood Morehouse A French. 1070 B. lata. Phone Bsllweod TA - City . Tlsw Psrk lots. B3TB aad am Addltioa lota. $100 and up; $8 down aad $8 a ornate. Homes from $&O0 to $8,000. Lots $S00 sua up, in sll peru of Beuwooa. Lsat rose property wltk uaj we will sail It, . BUNGALOW,) $3.600 Doa't fell to aa that 6-room bsngslow, Portland HalgblB, 100x100 corner, beantlfnl grounds, hard wood Balan itis. Irsdril glsss buffet, . fumaoa end Sre- . piece, everything new sad asodera; prop. erty IB surancwg in tnie ssrautv imaii aions win us woru prioe asasa. Mala 104A I " - - MODERN 8 room' houaa, corner lot. esst front, - as? (M0; 33UO. : $ aneauuy. Owner, psoas or a. i B-ACR tracts S miles eaat ef Portlsad. H mile from electrte line; all la culUvattea, good soil; $160 per acre, ea easy bras, F 6T, cere i JournsL - BUY a lot on the east aids; Amlonte ear anew. . Ire, wlthta1 walking dlataace; fine houses going up; prices from $6O0 to $8S0; terms Ii deslrsA M. B. THOMPSO?. 848 Mlsslsslppt ave, Phoae Wools wa BOA Bargains 'la ; Houses.:-- Neatest cottage oa the market. 8 largo rooms, chins cupboard, alee closets .aad beautifully Snlsbed. ea a sice big lot and beautiful lswu; $ hate . Joining, oa tha beet corner la Lents, $; B-eoeaa cottage, sew, on lot ltxnlna. $t,no. part caah; S-roos eottsgs and 3aiin8 I eat of groajid for $1,060. - All of tbeee bargslne sre wlthla 4 blocks ef csr sad 3 blocks of 10-roosa echoolhouse. large lots, amalleat ISHihO, close la. frosa $160 sud not flu down, fio a amnth. 4 lots 4Oxl0, .viu; $210 cash. $10 a month. Call ea -Ira Ktlhom. Lenta, Oregon, 3 blocks west 6T" pQbng scRoul. 1 t HAYS S Ion and 1 10-erre tract rkat I will sscrlnoe for ch or ene keif eaah: lota $M0 esrh. See Jue Nash, swear, Millard are., . Mount Scott carllne. t NEW modern homes, plsstered. parrelala bath snd toilet, strictly Brat class, worth twice the price ssked, hot most hsve taoaoy sad will sacrifice for $1.6O0: ona half task. See owner, Joe Nssh, st Millard ave.. Mount Scott carllne. , ROMS Of OCR BARGAINS. A fine snlmrbsn aradera house and S lota. gz,2.iu; et.wi esse, osisnce etv per moata. Room eottase at 'Iremout, $1,1' cash, balance $26 per moatb. .175; $460 $ Lot. t Fk-land, $600; $200 caah, hateaca $9 per month; r 18 Lote at Oak Grove. $300 each; half caah. AReom bones. North Irvlngtoa, $1,400; $enS - csahv balance, $10 per month. . JENNE, TRIMIILS A TR1MBLI, ' . . 441 Marqaaas kMg. BY OWNER A 6-room well-built estsbllahed uu wi stuassii. er aw jjeiay at. FOR SALE A berrsla If tsksa seoa. a aew . modern T-room bouae oa H-ecre tract, shaded by oaks, Snrst of grafted fruit and roses, located in a good town having electric lights, telephones, wster works snd electric carllnei also a small atock ef goorta; will sell either ' or both. - Address N T8, csre Journsl, YOCR LAST CHANCE. $B O0 Dowa TREMONT PLACR $8 per Mouth - Lots In this beautiful sddltloa now only ' $00 to $100; lots 4OX130 feet, SO-foot allay a; price will aoon be raised without prevloae warning; bow le your chance; prices are sura to double In short rims. J. FRANK PORTER, X33 Waahlngtoa at., apststre. SNAP 3 beautiful corner lota 100x100, aesr the new rsrbsrns: best buy la the ally. Owner, libv Albina ave. . . . . . FULL lot and 0-mom residence, besides) sew. lng-rooin. bsth. laundry-room, bseemsat, es , rrete foundation, cement . Walk all around house, workabop, wood house and eft4rken bouae, B bearing fnilt troes, grapes, 40 choice roses, carpets, $46 ateel .range and heater,. V block errllne; all (or $1,660; half caah. balance monthly. J. 'FRANK PORTER, .223 Washington, eor. First, upstairs. S-ACIIB tracts of Baa land B miles from Port--land, on One w eon-road and 1 mile from Llyallroad; price $fuo to $2Q per aero., oa. caay terma; water ia pipeu lo eecn a-scre tract; there Is aothlng better ea the mar ket. F 68, care Journal. A BY OWNER leaving elty, moders 8 room enr tsgs, corner lot. east front; a bsrgaia foe rsh, or will sail on essy teron. Inquire 1031 Height avs. Phoae Eaat MSA BEST BUY IN OREGON , B-acre tracts oa Oregoa City carllne; Sng aoU, good water, easy terme. . r W. A. LAIDLAW. ' BIT Commercial hldg.. 3d asd Washington, ate. . Phone Main 8120. BRAND-NEW boueo, select neighborhood, aeee ear; prices advaactng all aroaad; teraia; psy tsnt to yonraCIf; see this. TUB CONTINENTAL CO. 343 SUrk St. MONTAVILLA BARGAINS. " B-mnra wiltage - srrrl lot; $.16 cottage, ror tier lot. $1,200; T rooms, $1,404; 8 rooms, $2.0ta: email caah payment or vacant lot, plane, team ee what have you 1 - Balance -long time, eaay pnyraeata; 10 acrea, $2,600. W. J. Burden. Phone Ksst 4100. TURNER A WALKER. Real Estate, Fartiia and Stock Ranches. , Fichanges., aaiH Wsshlngtoa at " ' EXTRA BARGAIN T lota 4iloo. cleared, all together la owe' tract, for $:(! : close to 10-reom school st lnta; One location; wster free; Be fsrs te sny part ef Portland; terms. O. B. Addltoa ' owner, Lenta, Oregon. FOR SALE Irfit . lonxlno, with email hones. price ttVVl; $160 down, hn lines monthly pay- . m.nta; no agents, csre. Jimrnsl. Address owner, I ot. A FIRST-CLASS iB-roorn . bouse, 4Ax170 lw, Smith Portland;' $7H0 down, balance $28 noalh. Kroner,, room IB Cambridge bids. esrner lot ta ta Arista f 6 .