The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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TCw-p Tc-Ig
xowoaz's unnnuni,
Ssssr.- "Ut Twenty foor Bonn"
'!" "as laid la the Hllla"
Lrrlc Toftjr-Nlr."
. Btr. uiuuiu"! Maa f Mjtterr"
-&rit4 VaudTlll
. Panl.f.i Vurt.,lll
Whit. Tmpl... Danatur La Vollstte
Th announcement U mad today that
Nichols F. Sarcent, for two year with
the Waldorf hotel. New York; tour
yaara at tha haad 6f tba University club.
Baa Francisco; two yaara with tha,
Union club. Tacoma, and for mora than
. 1 yaara manager of tha Arlington club,
fr thla city, ha a leased for a term of yaara
. iron jb. a. Baldwin tha One flvs-story
atone and brick B reproof hotel at tha
corner of Hawthorne and Grand ave
nues, known aa the Brown, and that
thouaahda of dollara will be Immediately
- 1 ' expended In Improvements and refur
nlshlncs of thla Imposing structure. In
tha leasa. a reservation la made of
- portion of tha topmoat etory. which waa
heretofore leaaed to tha East Bide club,
an arlatoeratio. organisation of aaat aid
' .cltlsens, but already arrangements have
been perfected by which Mr. Sargent
- will become tb caterer of the club. In
, bla ' particular field Mr. Sargent - la
equally aa well known aa ia the popular
manager or tne Hotel Portland, and
. bears a pleasant relation to the publlo
. similar to that, of Mr. Bowers. ' From
' thla time it will be underatood that the
" east aide will hereafter have one of the
aplendld botela of Portland, aa efficiently
' managed aa any on the coast. The
house will hereafter be known a-the
, son'- ; ; ; ? 1 : , . , , f '
The Northern- Pacific Railway com-
pany announces special, excursion rate
from Portland to Kansas City and re
turn acoount Trans-Mlsslsslppl . Com-
- merclal -con greea tot- held'at- Kansas
' City. November 10 . to II, Inclusive.
Ticket will be on aale " November 14
and li. with going . limit of 10
- daya from date of rale and with final
- return limit of 10 daya from date of
" .'aale. The rate will be ! for the round
trip, returning via direct llnea. If the
passengers wish to return through Call
,,' fornla the rate will be 171.(0 for the
round trip. Tickets will permit of stop-
ever within Kmlt both going and re
turning. -. . .t .
' Articles of Incorporation of the Cath
olic Young Men's dub were filed In the
. office of the county clerk thla morning.
The object of the club 1 toeatabllsh
?' and maintain club room and a gymnasium.-
Tha value of the property owned
- by them la eatlmated at SS00. The In
corporators are P. E. Sullivan, A. R.
Zeller. J. P. Kelllher, F. W. Waaher,
William A, Daly, A. P. Velguth, D. W.
, Ward. IX P.. Duff, D. J. McLaughlin,
H. C. Allohoff, B. Morits, J. P. MtUer,
: J. M. Manning, J. M. Meyer and J. P.
-Kavanaugh. ,, ; ,:. i . - .... ,
. Ia the vaults of th
"i .; :
Only coat $4 per. year
' (and upward)... Why,
then, worry over tha
safe keeping of your
valuable , and jmpor-
tant paper?, ' --
An . opportunity - to
how you our Safe De
posit Vaults ' and tha
working of this depart-.
-ment- will be -appr--l
ciated. ; ' : .;
V ?
Portland,. Oregon
Sixth and Washington
to hunters cabin ori 'Columbia slough
and stealing ammunition and other ar
tides. At the request of their attor
ney, W. T. Vaughn, they were allowed
until next Tuesday-to-plead, .
Damage In the ; aum of 11 were
awarded by a jury la Judge Cleland de
partment of the circuit court yesterday
afternoon to - Portland union No, SO,
Carpentere and Joiner ' of America,
from George w. McCoy. The Union had
sued McCoy for 12.18 damagea for al
leged breach of contract In th leaae of
property at II Tenth street. .
Sheriff A. Ik Baker of Denver county,
Colorado, reached Portland 'last night
from Astoria, where" he. arrested Harry
Hall, who la wanted in Denver on a
felony charge. 8herlf f . Baker placed
hi prisoner In th county jail for aafe
keeping. He will start Back to Denver
with him tomorrow morning. ;
J. T. Coyle, who pleaded guilty laet
week to obtaining money by false pre
tenses, waa sentenced by Judge Bear
In th circuit court this morning to
serve an Indeterminate period In the
state penitentiary. ' Coyle waa then pa
roled during good behavior. . ' . . r
A jury In Judge Oantenbeln' de
partment of the circuit court last night
, returned a verdict awarding J. B. Til-
lotson a Judgment against Multnomah
county for S14T.70. The verdict waa
- brought In aealed after court adjourned,
" and waa read when court convened thla
morning. TUlotaon had sued for tl.tO.
. alleged to be due him on contract for
repair of th Burnsld street and steel
bridge. The county court refused to
allow th claims, asserting that the
, bills were for extra and tha no xtra
had been provided by th contractor. -Rabbi
Stephen 8. Wise, whose ser
tnons. speeches and lecture were heard
.'and re4 with ao much Interest In Port
land, will begin a aerie of artlclea on
. national topic In The Sunday Journal.
Dr. Wlae 1 a profound; clear, forceful
. thinker: What he says is Interesting,
, and even those who do not always agree
with the views be takes admire him
for the Independence of hla expreaaion,
Theae artlclea will be among, the moat
Interesting ' features In - The Sjinday
Betah Smith, formerly a lieutenant
. In . the Seventeenth infantry, who
' pleaded guilty yesterday to a charge of
forgery, will, be - examined aa to his
. sanity thla afternoon by. the. county
court. A complaint charging that Smith
la Insane and unfit to be at large was
- sworn to by Dr. Clarence True Wilson
- yesterday afternoon. Dr. Wilson atated
- that he had known Smith for several
year a and' waa convinced that he was
- mentally irresponsible for hi actions.
Southwest corner First and Yamhtll
. streets, doing buslriesh on square deal
' ing for tha past II years. Well-built-up
reputation of selling good merchandise
at reasonable prices.' The very latest
- style of men' and youths'- snitsr ere
venettes. topcoats, hats, pacts, shoe.
1 also ladles' shoes. -We save you IS per
cent on every dollar you Inveat with us.
John Dellar, proprietor. Branch store
southwest, corner Third and Davis.,
Three civil service examinations were
announced todsy for December It. . A
fish culturlst Is wanted bytbe govern
ment at Leadvllle, Colorado. - Tha sal
ary la 1(00 a- year. The other examina
tion are for a stereotyper and watch
man. The former, position pays tt
cent an hour, while the watchman re
ceives a. flat aalary of 1720. a year. For
full Information concerning the axtml
natlona applieanta should, see Z. A.
Leigh at the poatofllca.
Judge Oantenbeln In the circuit court
thla morning sentenced A. H. Frellnger
to six months In the oonnty Jail, and to
pay the coats of hi prosecution. Fre
. linger wit. convicted by -a.-Jury last
week of pawning a typewriter that be
longed to the Smith Premier agency.
W. Walbridge, Henry Cubic, Homer
Oberg and' Frank Smith .were arraigned
before Judge Sears In the circuit court
this morning charged with breaking In-
Charlea Bennett and Charles '8bap
less, Indiana, were aentenced In the
United States district court this morn
ing to pay a One of f 50 and serve three
months In the Multnomah county Jail
for oarrylng whiskey on the Umatilla
Indian reservation.
Many children who are thought dull
and atupld suffer from defective vision,
but become the brightest scholars when
the defect Is corrected. Dr. George
Rubenstela, expert optician, give free
examlnatlona. 18S Fourth atreet. near
Yam bill.'
Saturday's gam between . Multnomah
and Willamette will be .one af the big
geat ' event of th football season.
Oam called at Multnomah field at 1:10
aharp. -Don't miss It. A spectacular
exhibition. v
' Captain George Egbert, a bailiff of
the federal court, celebrated hla eighty
sixth birthday yesterday. Despite hi
extreme are. Captain Egbert is bale and
hearty and expeota to live inany- year
longer. .- , ; . -' ''.'..; j ; ; y , v'
Tour Eyes Examined Free. W ar
till selling eyeglasses at 11.09. - A per
fect fit guaranteed, r Metsger Co.
Jeweler and optlolan. Ill Sixth atreet
Steamer Jeaale flarklns for Camas,
Waahougal and way landlnga daily ex
cept Snnday. Leave Washington street
dock at 1 p. m.
Dr. O. M. Wells ha returned from
th eaat and will b found at hi efflce
as usual. Residence phone Eaat JS.
Woman's Exchsage, Its Tenth street,
lunch 11:10 to s; business men's luaeh,
Acme Oil Co. an the beet safety aeal
ell and fine gasollna Phone East 111
. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, j
go to Morris' restaurant. - j
Dr. B. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquani
Carl Jone for reading.. 4th and Wash. !
Taable to . Xeach Taooma . Testerday
Betarns to rertlaaa, Speaks a White
. Tempi Tonight.
. Senator I Follette is In Portland
and must suy on account of .the
floods, so will flit hi engagement with
the Y. M. C. A and deliver, his groat
lecture on , "Representatlv Govern
ment" at th Whit Temple. wOJ
commence promptly at I p. m.
' cures on vt croup, winie aaiiy cuis
and bruises, mama's sore throat, grand
ma'a lamenes Dr. Thomas' Eclectrl
Preferred Stock Oaaaad Ooeaa,
Allen eV Lewir Pst Brand.
Thcfc is scarcely a limit to the ways in which a man may achieve
' financial success. The arts, trades, professions, merchandising and
manufacturing have all contributed to our
men of wealth, but there is xne fact which
must strike the 'thoughtful person: No
'. man ever won riches without making use
of the bank. Did that thought ever oc
cur to you? The bank account is the key
to opportunity. 'Deposit your earnings
in this strong bank, where they will be
carefullyguarded for you, and your
growing account wilFopen the way to
prosperity. .We 'offer you every induce-
ment in' the way 6f safety, service and
consideration. We pay 4 per cent in
terestron Savings Accounts. M - ,
Our Great "EJoH Shoiv
Exhibitors must bring their Dolls to
the store before 6 p. m. today -Dolls
to remain until , Monday Third
Floor -An annual event of great in
terest to big (oiks aa well as little-
All the prettiest dolls in town will
; be here Grand, prizes for the win-
: ners Special prize for each exhibi-
, torThe Judges will be Mrs. W.
E. Coman, Mrs, S. Rosenfeld and
Mrs. T. N. Stoppenbach "Doll
; v Show" hours 8 a. m. to 9:30 p. m.
First prise, best dressed doll Vusl
. cJ mechanical doll, value ltt.00..
Second prises .best dressed doll
- Doll's titled dreaser, value US. 00.
Third prise, best dressed dollHand
,' some organ, value ST;00i
Smallest and beat - dressed floll
First prise, . wash - stand, value
. . l.00t . ,. . f ... .! . , ,. , i
Smallest nd bsst dressed doll
Seoond prise, toy refrigerator,
. value IS.00, ','"
. ' t . . '
First rAisa. largest and beat dressed
; doll Camera, value f 1.00. .
Second prise, largest and best
dressed doll Whits enamel ' desk,
- value 10.00. -
Most original dressed doll First
. prise dolls troupseau, value tt.SO.
Most original dressed doll Second
prise, manicure set, value 15.60.
Special prise for the most comical
dressed . doll Work box, value
Boys' $6.50 and $7.50.
Suits for $3.65 Each
A very unusual bargain in boys' Suits today strictly all-wool mater
', xials, fancy mixed tweeds, fancy cheviots, fancy homespuns and blue
cheviots, in ' Norfolk cost styles; . high-grade apparel for boys
" 6 to 16 years of age values from $6.50 to $7.50
'suit, at ..... .;.;i.v..i., .....................
Great special sale of young men's Suits, ages 14 to 20 years; single,
t or double-breasted,' at, suit ............. 1S8.1B
Kmoh Mrs
...a.'. - - ". SStw IL HtK ( si ' WWW
Taffeta Ribbons;
light and dark shades, in
great assortment. Widths
from 4 to 5 inches; mar
velous values, at
r. i in. ...1...
no. ft ivc value, 7iu.,,,,t -"r
No. 12, 15c value, yard r-.10
No. 22, 25c value, yard. 15
No. 40, 40c value, yard.. .. . .20
' 15,000 yards of beautiful all-silk
Taffeta Ribbons, in black and all
colors; all widths; on sale . at
4?reatly reduced prices: " , "
No. 2, 7c value, at.;..,.....
No.' 3. 10c value, at. Tf
No. S. 12c value, at.i.... 8
No. 9, 15c value, at ..10
No. 12, 18c value at 12
Just the Ribbons you want
for the holiday fancy work.
500 bolts of No. 1 colored
satin back velvet Ribbons;
all the best colors ar in
cluded: 10 yards in each
bolt. Regular ,35c values, on
Y. .. sale at this low price, , Q. v
piece , ..7V l
5,000 yards of black satin
and groa grain Ribbons; all
widths; best' quality, at very"
low prices:
Nos. 3, 4 and 5, 5c value,
yard ......2r
No. 16. 20c value at..,......14
No. 22, 23c value, atr.,,,....16e)
No. 40, 25c value, at ..18
No. 60, 35c value, at. 22e
No. 100, 50c value, at... 82
3,000 remnants of Ribbons; satin
taffetas and silk taffetas; all col
ore, all widths, all lengths. Val
ues up to 60c piece,
Great apecial values in fancy
Ribbons of every kind. Buy
your Ribbons today.
Creflt TSaflnfcsgiviiig Sale oil
: tBtW' - mwwmW , , . a-, -
Oar Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Table FurnUhlngs Is Interesting Great Throngs of
eager buyers Cut Class, Ntekelwcre, Silverware, Fancy China, etc., priced at e
saving every economical housewife cannot fail to appreciate Look to your
Thanksgiving table requirements end profit by these splendid offerings Basement
Rogers "1847"
Sugar. shells, at, each..... 64
Butter knives, at, each,....41
Pickle forks, at, each ..... 41
Sugar tongs, at, each. .. r.T4
Cream ladles, at, each. ....5
Gravy ladles, at, each., ...82
Beef -forks,- at, each., ...5-1
Cold meat forks, each...,. 6T
Cake forks, each.......... 67
Pie servers,-each.. .....f 1.62
Berry spoons, each. 1.03
6 Coffee spoons for....fl.l8
6 Bouillon spoons for. ..2.37
6 Oyster forks for......fl.60
Nut setsr at, set.. .fl.82
Nut cracks, at.......... S4V
"Boivh spoons, each . . . 97 f
KniYes and forks, : satin finish.
set.or6 for, set...... 3.75
Knives and forks, shell satin,
setof 6 for, set 3.85
6 Fruit knives for).'.... ,1.4T
All lines of sterling silver-
ware sold here at verv lowest A if!f XA
., i . ... J.t
Cut Class Spec'ls
$1.50 Nappies, each.,.. 1.10
. $2.25 "Nappies, each;.;.1.7T
: $3.00 Nappies, 'each., .2.3T
$5.50 Cut glass bowls.. 4.37
$6.75 Cut glass bowls.. 5,40
8.50 Cut glass bowls.. 6.80
$1175 Cut glass bowls.. 9.67
$12.50 Cut glass bowls.. 9.8
$7.50' Celery dishes..... 6.10
$1.50 Violet bowls. .....1.19
$11.50 Wine decanters.. 9.20
$65. Cut glass vases. .4.9T
$2.50 Salt and peppers, per
pair ..................
50c and 60c German china plates, on sale at.. 33
$1.25 fancy china celery trays, on sale at..... 99
60c fancy china celery trays, on sale at..... 48
75c' fancy china celery trays, -oft sale at ;..,.59
$2.25 fancy china celery trays, on aale at...,.l79
. 25c fancy china cake plates, on sale at...., f 19
$1.00 fancy china cake plates, on sale at....... T9
Decorated turkey platters, on sale 'at, each.. . 84
$2.50 nickel-plated five o'clock teas, each. ,. 1.99
$3.50 nickeFplated live o'clock teas, -each.. '..2.79
$10.00 Coffee machiner for this low price,.vr.7.98
$6.00 Chafing dishes on sale at this low price. 4.79
4-piece silver-plated tea sets. Regular $15.00 value, on sale at, set....
4-piece silver-plated tea sets. Regular $10.00 value, on sale at, set....
$9.50 Chafing dishes on sale at this low price. 7.59
5-light brass Candelebra; regular $8.00 values, on
sale at the very low price of, each........ 6.3 T
5-light .silver-plated candelebra; regular $9.00 val
i ues, on sale at the very low price of, each. 7.19
Silver-plated candlesticks, on sale at, each... 1.99
Brass candlesticks, on sale at, each.. ........ '52
$1.00 gilt candlesticks, on sale at, each....... 79
Metal candlesticks, at this low price, each . . . . 27
Candles, all shades, on sale at, each...'. '.5 and 3
Candle shadee.-on aale at th low price ef, each .25
Large ahowing of candle shades in beautiful styles.
$3.50-jilyex-pktgL butterdUhes. VJL!L. 2.79
$5.50 silver-plated baking dishes
$5.00silver-plated fruit dishes ... ... 4.25
$5 J00 saver-plafedeTtrdishes 4.69
Our Childretfs Sailor Suits at $2.28
In the children's department, a great special lot of sailor suits in black and white checks red
; and blue cuffs, 'and collar trimmed with fancy narrow and wide black braid ; ages (j OA
6 to 14 years ; wonderful values while they last at this marvelously low price, suit. vaWesftO
Children's crushed Velvet Coats in red, green, Alice blue, beaver, gray brown 7 full '
, length box styles double breasted; cuffs and collar to match ; ages 2 to 6 years
Women's IChit Underwear
Women's fine merceriied white
cotton Corset Covers; high
neck, long sleeves; $125 AO
. values at- ,..0C
Women's fine Swiss-ribbed silk
and wool Vests; high neck and
long aleeves; knitted cuffs;
; cream color; sizes 4, 5, 6; reg
ular $175 values, el lO
on sale at, each..... "
Women's Cashmere Wool Vests
and Pants; high neck and long
sleeves; ankle, length pants;
':: white and natural; sizes 4, 5, 6;
regular -$1,25 -values, no
on sale at ..,..;.........OVC
Women's fine Swiss-ribbed wool
Vests; high neck, H sleeves;
pink, blue, black, white;
$1.25 values, on sale n9
at ...................... 7C
Children's fleece-lined
Union Suits; ' good
. weight; all sizes, ages
years; 50c values, on :
; skle at, each
Women's fine ribbed natural and
white. wool mixed Union Suits;
; good winter weight; perfect fit
ting; regular $1.50 values, on
J sale lat,per gar- c 1 a
2 to 12
We direct particular attention to our complete , and un
usual display of Men's Black Dress Overcoats in medium
, weightsFine worsted and velours Silk lined through
outJust the garment you want for theatre and "best"
wear dressy, styljsh, serviceable Beautifully: tailored
and perfect fitting A necessary garment to every man's
wardrobe Values $18, $20, $25, $30 All sizes 2d Floor
Men's "Cravenette" Raincoats
The celebrated Priestley Cravenette Raincoats for the men; fancies
and blacks In all the very latest styles and grades. By far the
largest and most complete showing for you to select from. Every
garment guaranteed satisfactory. On sale at $12.50 to $30.00
Men's Blanket Bath Robes in an immense variety of styles, designs
and colorings. An entire new stock for you to choose from at
prices ranging from $4.50 to $12.50, each Second Floor
"IMft fttncrl "Nufangle" pants for winter; all the new fashions
I vlaliillQlO and materials; dark, striped and fancy mixed
worsteds, reg rop, turn-up-ooiiom trousers, etc
The college corduroy trousers, etc. The best
ready-to-wear pants on the market." A 'very targe
Trariety at 3.50 tcr 7.50 a pair. - Second floor.
.... 1 . ....
J .5 .... .'' "'
Not Being Able to Cet Into One
: . Existing, He Makes One ,
7 of Hie Own. .
T. a. Deckenback of th Salem Brw
Ins 00 7. which la an ottihpot et
th Olympls brewery, has grown weary
f waltlasT to be taken into the fold of
the Brewers' snd Wholesale Liquor
Dealers' assoolatlor. and has formed an
association of his own. which is to be
called th Brewers association of Ore
Iron. To this association have com a
lars; number of the smaller brewers
of the state and an effort will be made
t have beer placed -"hi-th-list-with
lemonade and soda nop and thus escape
the proscription ef rhe local option law.
Mr. Dec kn back ha -been working on
his association for several months and
now has It In food trim to corn out and
stand slone. ft will have as It object
the revocation of the local - option,
statute so far as th law may apply to
th sal of beer. It la claimed by the
new association that It is an Injustice to
the hoperowlnff Industry of Orevon to
have beer placed In the am eatesrory
wila tb Intoxicating Vtvora. Tba ebiX
aim Of th association will therefor be
to exempt beer -from th Interference of
the local option law. '
Member of th wholesale dealer are
somewhat displeased with the action of
Mr. Deckenback and ' attrtbut It to
Jealousy, He has never been a member
of the M sssoclatlon and felt assrleved
Specialists in the Ar
ranging and Printing of
Commercial Stationery
Advertising Literature
Two Phones, both Main 165
ever It, the wholesalers claim.
It Is stated that the rortnatlmror-rh
aew association will not affect the ex
istence or attitude of the old, a apart
from Mr. Deckenback practically all th
member of the new association are
also members of the old. They will
therefor oontlnu to work with both
organisation. .......
- Seaside Sunday Excursions.
'Th A. A C. R. R. R. will run an sz
enrslon to Seaside and return every
Sunday at the round-trip rat of 11.10.
Take advantar of th low rat and see
the ocean. Ticket for sale durlnc the
week st . t4S Alder street and at the
minon depot, Sunday morning.
In extra, st., in. van.
The Immediate Process for th removal of wrinkles, smallpox pits,
birthmarks, scars, superfluous I ha Ira, eto. Solentlflcally removed with
out the use. of urirry or ejedtridty. i v
Manicuring, Scalp, Facial Treatment and Hair Dressing.
VI e! tested ClayPct. a compiste facial treatment FRES.-. v ,'. .1
rxTSiOAX, outTvsi, aiusoxa atd srsmra uvxldtmq.
Trade School for Women and Girls. ' W teach horn culture and pro
fessional eourss. . - v.; ' ' . ,
Offlc and School ,' 394 ALDEH STWtlT. The) Montgosnery
i.rrrntrr"gMgggggggggg!!"g EixixxxxisBsrrrrr'
Auction Sale
Ot Japanese' and Chinese curfos,
consisting of old , Bronze, Sil
ver, Cloisonne, new Brass, Sat
suma, fine decorated Tea Sets,
Lacquered , Ware, Ebony
Carved Furniture, Embroidered
Screens, Oriental Ruir, etc
Owing tr the overcrowded con
dition of our small store, we
are compelled to dispos of our
great stock at auction. The
public is cordially invited to at
tend this sale. Unprecedented
laf gains are -certain to be- bad.
Andrew Kan & Co.
J. .
t I