THE OREGON ; DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEIlSSIt ' 13, KZX SILENT Jlf.lf.1Y 13 TREATED ROYAL t t DC OCDO n u Jlie UNITEn Shield U I a Aidn of the O Attends Elks' Blowout and Is AwutTaVWhirHeil6ari , : . and Sees There. PLENTY, OF "SUDS" AND ' t AN ABUNDANCE OF "GRUB" "Com in B rodder," Saya the Man "t the Door, end Silent Jimfn Ac cepu the Invitation and Haa the : Time of HU Life. , ; - 'Silent. Jimmy" the Venn? " plainly elated over eometblng. , Hlaiweasened face wae wreathed to smiles a Me 'rlead, the polica reporter, put la aa : appearance in response to an-wrgeot telephone message, v.''; - v : "WelJ. James, what 4a-ltt Certainly something ' Important, or ; yott wouldn't 'route ma out of bed,'; 0Tilt the aewa . jieper man. i Junta, with great "deliberation, shift- ad hla quid of tobacco, tnruat ' nia thumbs Into the armholee of hla frayed waistcoat and batting hla left eye aald in a etrange whisper, "t waa there," ,- "Well, drop tola myatarloua maaaar and tall ma the tale.' Where were you and how did It happen f" asked the re porter more to humor the thief, aa It wae evident that Jimmy waa la a lo- Auacioua mood and did not: need any urging to unfold hla. atOry. - '-- " ; "Well, eull.. 1. waa da gueat of honor at da Elk'a blowout." . . . , Tou, ' at the 'Elk'a etag social don't believe It. - Tell me how It hap pened. Did you get lalled for breaking into the ante-room H : "I don't anow wot reuse call it but I wus 'at da gran' atunt and I didn't . get Jugged. Me an' Benltor Lay Fullet iwui da big guns of de eyenlnV'-replied Jimmy with an air of great Importance. , ' Telia Xow Zt Xappeaed. v "It happened dla way, Yer know da t de fly 4ulla ,haa been. awatchln' ma. kinder affectionate eince I did ma bit and dere'a bin no'ehanca to cop any . ewag. Well, I apenda ma last dime fur a, Jolt of .boose, and den I says to. , -meelf, 'James, you've got to add to de bank roll or tt'a de poorhouse fer you.' J I heara a. bloka wot says aa he's goln' to do Elk'a meetln" an I geta an Idea, lie to de Elk'a, too, sea I. De cloak room aoltonly should be good fer some thin k.' ' :.. . ,. .. , . ':.': j;Well4l- blows- round to de iuildln' an' climbs in de elevator an' sea to de jruy wot runs da cage, "To de- lodge room'.' Dero wua no one in sight In de 'nail .an' I trlea one of de doors. .It wusn-'t even locked and 1 turns da han dle an' goes in. Well, hully smoke, J hardly gets Into da 'room wen a guy wid an open face vest grabs me by de mitt an, sea Urudder, you're. walcum.' Be shakes me duke kinder funny an' I rememberin' about dem - lodge grips, .wiggles me middle finger onct or twlct lm' Ita s jv..,.,-f "! V, ... : " 'Brwdder,' I aes-fca; j lets have V yer af WeH, I balks at dat , Ter know de bloke at- da pen wusn't particular JU , iLX l-L-BB TTPtn-ctnlector had an aeeamula tlon of pennies.' . Ha told hla aoa he . ' wout J make "him a ,' present 1 ot the -entire lot If he would put them In boxes, the same number, la each box.''. "There" wae an odd trombea of pen- j nlea so that If ha put an equal num ber In each of two bosea there would be one penny left over In a like man . ner he figured on a. 4.-8;' 6, 7, , io. 11, M, II. 14, 15 Is, IT. Is. It, 10, . II and 21 boxes, but in every case f he put an oqual number in each- box there would be one (only one) penny' left over. The son gave It up and told hla father he' thought It Impossible to perform the' feat. Hla father' replied: "BKIDOOSS for you." ' The son then put the entire lot of pen nles In 21, boxes, the same number in each box. How many pennies were there?- V '-'' ""''"'. '. '''.'. v . .i To make the problem plain! The entire number of pennlea waa a number, ' which If divided by any number from 2 to 22 Inclusive there will be a, re malnder of one (only one) and If divided by IS there will be no remainder.' Address all answers to mwna BDXTOB, The Journal, Portland. , a ;,. .i . Cnprrtsht W by C. C. Kallr. Chlfigo. ' ' ' : ' ' aa how ha cut me goldy locks but I was game an' bonnet. . Xaoortea to the XalL ' Jhitn X wua escorted to de gran' halL An' aay, pal, yer could her" knocked me down wid a fodder. It wua aottlnly da awelleat nlump I wua aver In. Dey gives me a aeat an' sea, 'Make yeraelf at home, brudder.' Well, I aottlnly did. I Jeat rolled back In de soft cushions and pinched meaelf to aee if It wua all real. Purty toon a awell bloke blows aroun' wid a tray of de foaming stuff aa yer ahould her . aeon - ma atow It away.! . . ,.- - ' ..- "Den a gny en de atoige says, -ah you brudders will hev to dig,' and sure wldoat a sTumble every guy la da hall coughed up SO cents. Jest about die time t gets, an- awful scars. Joa Day and Andy ' Vaughn, da fly cops who were bounced by de Mayor, passes me at)', both' look kinder -hard ' at me. Hully gee,' sea I to meaelf, now in a goner.' But dey wus ao busy wai tin' on de gueats dat dey passes ma up. . ,-'--' ,'''' Vd.-Oaes We&U 'Ba. ; i t, ?,' -Blmeby two mugs in tights blow in ter a four roun' contest; Dey wus introduced as de Walsh Bros. Dey fiddled aroun' fer a roun'-an" den Just- fer atall I ses to de swell sit-in nex' to me. Til not io to I'M at bruiser wid de green sossege skins. . But no one wanted de bet' It wus a tame mlxup, but da crowd went wild. . i . "Den Raymond Baldwin from da Ly ric sings Da gud old V. B. A.,' wid a bunch of magic lantern slides. Next couple of pippins Wid da swelles clothes I ever piped and a long guy named Davoy did a song an dance. De goils wua called de Dayton Bisters an' say, dey aottlnly wus dreama. ?Af tarl.dat- number '4e. bloka . on de atoige aaya "sura of you brudders blow over to de Portland and pinch Senltor Lay ' Fullet. In a few mlnutee ' dey comes, back wid his nibs da senltor. A swell named Mackay tntrodoocea hlra as United States Senltor f rum Wiscon sin. Do' aebltor den- peddles a -lot of salve about de gran' place da Portland Elka hes boilt an' a lot of loose talk about de greatness 'of de ; order. I solttnly agreed : wid' him -In everything he aed-J Aftr all s gays hed -looked de eenitoy' ove. and -Shook him by de mlf day takes him' dowastalrs an' Cracks a- basket' ef-da flaxy stuff. " r "Two fellows from Pantagea named .1. - -- - 1 Feeley does a gud rough house stunt an'- de- crowd . hollers, fer more. Jeat den de lights goes but and everyun' sings 'Auld Lang Syne,' Some guy den tolled a. bell 11 times and I think Oat dere'a a fire alarm coming In, but lfwua onlv de time fer da toast 'to da absent brudders. ' Leo White from Pan tages den sang Ts dere ' any room la Heaven fer a little girt Ilka sne,' and da - plcters on de sheet soltlnly made me tlnk of home and mudder. - , ; "A. bunch of gid-glove guy a come aroun' wid a bunch of grub. Dera wua hot dorga, pickles an' aoma awelt aand wichea. De feed aottlnly hit xne In de right spot. One of de brudders wid -a tray aed to nve-fWoa't yer her sum ct derTand 1 sea 'not fer ralnaqimms soma more of de suds.' I noticed dat dere wuxn't much older put away, A bunch of dem movln' plcters came nex' an' de show wua over. Kinder feelln' aa . if I wus walkln' on one of dem fairy clouds I red about when a kid, I left de pjaoe. v Elka ara de real candy." . . . . ,4,: :. . . "I hope that yon didn't return the hospitality shown you by stealing any thing," said the police reporter. ."Say.; cull, V may be a dip, but I knows wen I'm treated right. Aa de gud book sex, "Don't bite de hand wot feeds yer. Ha fer da nex Elka blow out. Say, doea yer tlnk dey would make ma a memberf , . v Seen in Portland Stores Br A. S. Monroe. "The expected is what generally happens." The man who is always prepared always has '. the advantage... , , , , r . w What did your last cold cost you in worry, 'pain, loss of work and doctor's bills? Here are Rain Proof Coats at $10, $T5 C&$2p AWei have them in form-fitting and loose back, in solid colors and patterns; every gar ' ment guaranteed waterproof. The kind of Overcoats we sell for $10, $15 and $20 is the kind any gentleman would wear who appreciates style and value. HQ GiLS KuhnPronv : l Complete Outfitters for Men and BoyS 166-168 THIRD ST., NEAR MORRISON , MOHAWK BLDG. , j if Go A prominent writer 'and thinker tn the east asserts that the great depart ment atores are aecond only to the pub lic achoola In Aheir educative influence on foreigners; but why does be limit this influence to torelgneTsT Where can our own boys and girls and men and women, for that matter get a bet ter idea of the productions of ether countries than can be- gained from a visit to our stores.T That, ostrich dis play now on at Olds, Wortman de King's, for instance, showing the auoceaalve steps In the ostrich feather's develop ment from the era. to' its final point of. destination atop my lady's picture hat could a lesson In natural history . be more interestingly toldT - And there's a most curious and -beautiful rug. loaned by Mrs. A. E. Rockey, made of the breasta of ' nine ostriches. This unique rug the only one of the kind in Portland was secured by Mrs. Rockey while-traveling - Jn South America at which time she also came Into posses sion of a bolus, a kind of lasso used by the natives In catching "the . wild ostriches. : This peculiar device is also on display in the ostrich-window, and will especially Interest the boys. I'm not sure which caused the most comment - In ' the - neighborhood of the' still - unfinished - Swetland building the enterprise of I. Aronson, the 'Jeweler, in being the first merchant to get him self established therein, or the wealth of diamonds most artistically displayed In hla new window. Waive beard con siderable talk lately about diamonds being . diacovered in California.. If a noted geologist's theory, proves true that the geological conditions of Cali fornia are a rplle of those of South America diamonds may, in time- come within the reach of all of us. but at present they are certainly a luxury en joyed by the few.. Still, a cat may iook ai a xing we can au giory in them Just aa we do an Oregon sunset from Council Crest' The now generally popular platinum settings certainly bring out the marvelous - lights and tones in diamonds as gold has '.never done. One diamond In particular, of a decided pear shape, set In a man's ring ot twined serpents la one of the most uniquely beautiful pieces of Jewelry In the entire collection. A' tiny watch the die of ' a S-cent piece, . having perfect works, 17 Jewels, and guaranteed as a timekeeper, is another most Interesting artlci'l found in this store, and testify ing to the proprietor's enterprise in ob taining It,, tor only ' 10 of these baby watches are manufactured in an entire year,. In America.. -., Fashion la a funny thing, 'and public opinion haa more power than all the dynamos of Christendom! . First, we made everything with our .hands; then Our inventive brains worked out me chanlcal problems, and we learned to make everything by machinery, at once becomtnr ao htgh-totied that wouldn't wear the old home-made arti cles any mora, and now when we want to be really hlgh-tonea we hark back to an earlier day and demand the hand made article! -That's -the grest drawing card of the Knox hat about which we've all heard ao much, and which la handled for Portland buyere by Buffura Pen dleton. . It's made by. hand every bit of It; no hydraulic pressure shapes the Knox hat And men make them; that a another . unusual thing, for 'In what other manufacturing line have women failed to forge, their wayT -Men have grown - rich and old making hate; for this is one of the very oldest of the now popular makes, Employes have re tired In luxury to country estates earaed by making Knos hate. : It's an art to make a Knox hat; every hatter can't . do it any more -than every modiste can , make -Worthy gown;, and that'a the secret of that exclusive,, well- dressed feeling' a man has whan he's wearing a i Knox, .which also goes' to show that men are as susceptible jto'th influence of sn idea as any woman who ever gloried in possessing a sample of the very, latest thing In headgear!, DRUNKEN JAPS ACCUSED OF CRIMINAL ASSAULT . 4 . . (neeUI IHuMtrh 'te The Ioernsl'.t Pendleton, Or., Nov. II. A complaint t mi m 1 1 ti n i im MnM ha were working at Bingham Byrl&ks,' 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0- time fjocwl times. A Kfl UNITEBv CBSA1S STOKE 0PEMS Fourtli , iand Washington iStreetd ; The smokers of this city have made room for it. -The-wav-thev-verallied .' . '" ' . .v.-'-,-:'.,'.',, ) 0 0 0 0 0 Vound-the-rU o UNITED Shield in other locations has set a swift' pace we're bound to keep. ' The hew, store will "cover new ground in our way. :-.:-: - z ' ;....-;-.r Special Inducements and SouVcnirs to Marie the Opening 0 111 0 0 0 ' It.' UMTEP CIGAR . rSTOOES. inn i has been' filed ' with District Attorney Phelps Ijy ' Bectlon Foreman O'Leary. Aoordtng to the. foreman, ho waa away from-home Tuesday evening, leaving hla wife and daughter and a son' alone in the car in which they live. He aaya the Japanese had been drinking and while partly drunk entered the car. They were . armed wlthlongknlves, whlch'they brandished In a threatening manner One of the Japanese at tempted ' to eommtt a criminal assault t.on the daughter, but was unsuccess ful. ...... ...j... , , i.. People living near heard the tumult and came to the rescue. The Japanese were finally persuaded to leave. 1 Their trial will be held shortly. ' , HOODOO ENGINE IS - REPLACED BY "BETSY" J (Special Plipatrli ta The leeraal.) ' Hlllsboro, Or, Nor. U. The Pacific Railway A Navigation company, build ing out of this city to Tillamook, yes terday received their engine from the Albtna, car shops.-It la an old Northern Pacific- engine. No. 135, and waa aent In 'a month ago and converted into an oil burner, '. The O. R. ft N. "hoodoo, No. 60, which was doing service here while the old engine, which was dubbed "Betsy." waa being overhauled, waa returned to Portland yesterday.- :, , ' . Aatt-galeon Xreagne to XeeV ' Unl Speelst aTe.' - . Bt Louis, Ma, "Nov. Officers Of the Antl-Baloon Ieague of America are In 8t Iouls to complete arrangements for the national convention of the or ganisation hers next week.- They expect the convention to be the largest In point of attendance that the league haa ever held. wsm FOOTIBALIl: MILTNOMAH :-i-;':r;-;vs::.x';';;1' -WILLAMETTE; CHAMPIONSHIP -GAME Saturday, Nov. 17, 2:30 p. m. Multnomah Field Qeneral Admission, 50c Ladies Tree to Grandstand Perfection Soldi on Merit. J.A.F0LGER&C . ,Hl6BtsMf $ SPICES i ; Always , the Same, V' AifcigepsCo. "t ' San 'Franctteo Baker Theatre k rfeeM Ksia ieoT. Oresea Theatre Oe., Lessee Oeerre U Beksr, Mtnkttt ' ef U Oeaisaay, . . TONIGHT ALL THIS WBBK, - Tke creamlM Fare Oeeaea,r aoet-HH xotnu.' . . , . . A three-set bant ot Uashter. Mstinee Istardsy. PRICK DreBln. t!i, lt, BOe Mat, W, tea. i' ' ra'j1 te"Three geslien. . Tbeuranu - i? Week ef Vev. 1. ' . aiir Hesre. . Xarfy fttoaaraS ; fteeerWVaimer. Odnpaay in ' . BaI4 Baft'. ; AJTD 000" -, -V araadlaoepe, ' 1 i 1 ... i i. LYRICTHEATRE wxxx iionrra lomrtu u. "Forty-Nine? A BOMAMCn Of THH, SIBBBAt IH riTI . ACT. We- k of Ner. 1, wntrare or Week of Nov. 16, aUOaT OT XMM TOVM Week ef neveaWr 11. Phone Mils HtC. , TUB ALLE.t STOCK COMPAMZ . Presents A Man of Mystery' MeHaees Tseedsys, Thandars, Bstareaya aa4 onds,t 4.S0 p. . W.I adrolsstoa 10 sod SO cents. Crery erenlng at t:lo;, prices 10, K and M rente.' , . v. .Mast Wed-"relly as I." -;" FREE! Moving Pictures ' A' Olnttom Takes foa a Thief. Happenings la a sttreetoe. y, . Xes Blame Waa BCand. '. My Pncle's Testament.' ' " . HARHY HUyMAM, ' Business Boomer, General Advertiser. - Phone Main 1111.- Id Morrison, ' l;0 to l:te Sterz' Sveaing. ' " ''": ". -J- ' ." ' i ... i . v . . a - 111 The Highest Degree of style, workmanship and lasting quality la put into the wearing apparel we show for men . and young men. Manifold distinctive features-" stamp our -' , Suits; Overcoats and jks .the, most- gracefuLand smartest garments -of the season. Yet they cost no more than the ordinary kind. Besides, our . part payment . , system privileges you to select and wear your outfit and pay for samt later on in such small weekly or monthly payments as you may deem -- " convenient to yourself Sajr " - v $1.00 a Week Thrifty parents will find li to their interest to , visit 6ur Children's Clothing Section !Lastern Outfitting Co. The Store Where Your Credit Is Good WASHINGTON AND TENTH STREETS EMPIRES TMQATR13 V MatiMM Wednesdif aad letardsy, Wtrj KlgM Tills Week The Ofest Westers Flay, f AS TC10 W TEE EIllS ; ' , Bernlsr Inplre Price Will PrevsttV ; Hut AtUaUe-'Vek'i Baa Sey." . Fourth an4 Stark Sts.. . Veye Trie, Daaetag VneetaHr, ' - leal If rare. PantagesThectre Jters Trie, i Tke kaiissjis. m reir Brothats. , ' Lee White, .1 Perfermanrm 4ilL a aaii sua. niesmrB. Tke It si 1J. bss. aaailislea ie nail fm l ii eentei buses, M eeat. Ttke say wesfe-aajr aMUaeea let W eeata. eseei, we at