The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 16, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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here and met Senator Piatt bafora aha
married him. If aha haa anything to
8500,000 LOSS Oil
Nachea river haa rendered hundreds of
families homeless, besides doing enor
mous damage to railroad property and
the country generally. Along the low
lands a tent city has aprung up. Homes
have been waahed away . and : ettaere
abandoned and families are now making
the bst of circumstances in water.
drenched tenia.' ; r -v;
' Tha Northern Paclflo has loat heavily.
ear I'll tall what I know about her."
.. SMAll-FPRTU3E ,
Dr. C. WBfggars Is Robbed by
.Swede Whom He Thought
Social Tragedy
Tha approaches to every steel bridge
along Ita Una in thla valley have been
Afpd Senator Kept t Suite ' of
V: Room Where He Met His
t -: eMiu .' Y"
Stream Is Raging Torrent Twen
washed away and several hundreds Of
feet of embankment along tha Nachea
ty Feet Above ' Low-Water
Mark at Kalama. "
have been dissolved In the raging
strsam below. - Water la running from
six' Inches to five feet deep over every
, . . Was His Victim.
bridge 4a tha oounty.
Landlady Declares That She Will TeU
! ; AU She Knows Unless Solon's Wife
Stops Talking in the War She
-" Hat Don '. '; .
- (Joeraal BeMlal Svt.)
Xew Yorle, Nov. 1. Following the
format, reparation of Senator and Mrs,
Thomaa C Piatt, the Journal prlnta an
astonishing story of Platt'a lova affair.
covering the laat It years.
The Journal's etory quote Mra. Mary
Senator Thomas C Piatt
, XJunonte. landlady of a house In which
. Mrs. Piatt la said to have surprised
ausband m company-with s hand-
soma young woman yesterday, and In
which Piatt la said to have met varloua
other women friends. Including his
present wife while Mrs, Lillian Jane
way. 1 nej gumaLwya atri. unwtULiw-
elared aha had been landlady of the
house for It years, end during IS years
- PlaU had a suite of rooms In tha house.
1 Although ostensibly living at tha Fifth
. Avenue hotel and the Hotel Gotham,
Piatt had alao been In the habit of
meeting -a -number ef women there. .He
-v had - secured - government - positions f or
Mrs. Lamonte's friends and kept, her
' frlenda and her liberally nupplted with
"'. railroad pa sees. Mrs. Liaroonte . alao
' aaid: Y
'.": "I know Mre. Piatt la trying to get
J." a divorce from tha senator anl. wants
: - i to get ma Into It.-- But If she goes on
- t that way or doea any more talking of
' , the kind aha has done. I'll show her up.
Why, this Mrs. Janeway often came
- mmmm mm
Y : ' - V v
'I 1 f.Sv i - 1 ' I
I a
oronns aoo
; at
.We are getting along nicelyJ'r
Thousands of letters like the
la an absolutely pure, gentle and Invigorating stimulant and tonic. It builds up
-tha- nerve tlSauee, tones up tne heart, gtvee power to the brain and elasticity
to tha muscles and richness to the blood. It brings into action an the vital
fereeav It makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from the food, you
aat all- the nourishment 0 contains. It la invaluable for overworked men. deli
cate women and sickly children, as It la a food already digested. - If strsngth
ana and austalns the system, Is a promoter of good - health and longevity,
makes Aha old young and keeps the young strong. Daffy's is the only whiskey
. that la recognised aa a medicine, and Is guaranteed absolutely free from fusel
IL Duffy's Pure Malt Whlakey haa been analysed and teated many times dur
ing the past Itfty yecrs by skilled chemists, and haa always been found abso
lutely pure and to eontala great medicinal propertlea.
BBWABS ef daagetema Unleatloas aad sabetlratee. They are positively harm
fel and ate sold for pre exd by aaeornpuloua dealers. IVeok for the trad,
aaark, he "tfld Ohemlst,' em the label, aaut be eertal tha seal oyer the eertt Is
aabreke. All dnigrieW at rrooera, or direet 11.60 bottle. Doctor's advice sa4
saadiaa bevklet free, paffy's SUlt WkUke Ce eheur, Mew Tot. Y
(Special Dtapateh t The osreaI.t
Pendleton, Or.. Nov. It. Wishing to
make rood a loaa of I40 which ha had
seen melt away on the gaming table.
Dr. Q. W. Blggara haa dlsoovsred, that
a card sharp la not the equal .of pro.
fsaslonale In that lino and haa paid
the aura of $ 1,40ft for hla experience as
a bunko man. ' . , ; '
Blggara, who la a wealthy retired
physician of La Grande, had been gam
bling with Roy Stewart, -proprietor of
the Rainier beer hail, and a (ambler
named Sam Endlcott and ' lost about
$400. -" .
Wednesday he was approached 1 by
Stewart, who Informed him that he had
a green aheepherder, who had a lone
roll, "on the string." and a bunko earns
was arranged- Blggara wae to deal the
Swede four kings, while he held four
When tha four got Into tba game Big
gars followed directions and, with tha
knowledge that he held tha high band,
bet 11,000. Thla waa covered by the
Swede, who placed a check on tha First
National bank In the "pot."
- When hla hand waa called Blggars
showed down, but learned to hla dls
may that he had six cards, one of tha
other players having aUpped an extra
paatebotrd to him. The Swede claimed
the pot and carried off the money:
It la learned that the swede, who
signed the name of A. Anson, had no
money In tha bank upon which hs drew
his check, and It la believed that he la
a professional gambler named Andrew
Anderson. ' . . ' .
(Special Dispatch to The Joe real.)
Baker City, Or., Nov. Is. Art Harris,
V. W. Tomlinson and W. M. Davey have
filed arycles of Incorporation with tha
Baker county clerk for tha Homestead
Investment company, which proposes to
operate a ferry across the Snake river at
Homestead. The arttolee of - incorpoaa
tion provide for a company capitalised
at 120.000, with aharea worth $100 each.
Tha purposes of tha incorporation, aa
aet out In tha articles, are to buy and
sell real aetata, stocka and bonds, to
mine, reduce and deal la ores, to eon-
etruct and operate f err lea and to-
and operate Ice plants, coal businesses,
eta The principal place of business
will be Homestead. .
rt.1.1 It.kl Tl.kl B.M t.hl DnMl.h 1
goratchl The ore you seratoh tha
worse tha Itch, Try Doan's Ointment
It cures piles, ecsema, any akin Itching.
All druggists sell It. , -
-ISeertat tyaeatrk te TW 'lmil.)
Walla, Walla, Ween.. Nov. . It, -H. P.
Jochlem7 an O.1 It N. bridge foreman,
waa hurried totSMla Walla from Pen-
dleton on a. apeclal train yesterday to
receive treatment for a fractured skull
and other Injuries received by falling
off a bridge near Pendleton yesterday
morning. - '
- MrR - Hudginst.208 Lovitt
Goldeo Wedding
above are received daily from grateful patients from all parts of thej
Pure Malt Whiskey
Communication, With Points in the
Flooded" Districts Not?, Yet ,Re
.' stored .River Cleaned Out Its Con-
tentsFill at Oleqiia Bridge Out
' (Special Dlapatch te Tee Journal.) "
Kalama, Wash., Nov. It. The Cowlits
liver is a raging torrent 10 feet above
low .water mark. , Communication with
Seattle. Tacoma and other points in tha
floodsd district are not yet restored, but
with Improved weather conditions today
It la expected that wires will soon bs
in 'operation. Railroad traffic Is still at
a standstill and It will be weeka before
normal conditions . are restored. Ad
vices received early thla morning Indi
cate that tha atorm la over and that the
..rivers will not go much higher. The
river haa been cleaned of Its contents
arid the damage la eetlmated at $500,
000. . Thla Is tha hlgheat winter water
atnoe 1803. . ,
Northern Pacific train No. I left here
yesterday afternoon for Castle Rock,
but on arriving at Oatrander rounfl a
fill of about 200 yards washed out. The
train then returned to Kalama. It waa
stated by several passengers that as
the train left Ostrander a piano box
was noticed floating In the river and
upon arrival at Kelso the same piano
box nodded Its farewell aa It passed
the town of Kelso.
The long' nil leading-to the steel
bridge across the Cowlits near Olequa
Is also reported aa being swept away.
All telephone connections between here
snd Portland are down. All Northern
Pacific traina have been annulled.
sTorthwestera Oaa Si Sleetrio Ooeapaay's
''.'' Plant la Operation.
fRpeetal DUtMtcb te The Joorn.l.) '
Walla Walla. Waeh.. Nov. Xt. Re
pairs on the Northwestern Oaa aV Elec
tric company's , plant on the Walla
Walla were completed lata yesterday
;f ternoon and power turned on at Walla
Walla, Weston, Athena and v Pendleton
tbe- first time In two daya.
Tha repairs to- the damaged flume
were effected under tha greatest diffi
culties, the men working waist deep. In
tha cold we
wilt Immediately take ateps to build the
retaining wall around the plant two feet
higher to avoid any future danger from
high water. -
orth Yakima Cat Off from World By
' V-.;' " ' Storx. '- .
(Special Dtapetcfa to The JoernaL)
North Yakima, Wash, Nov. It. North
Taklma la a city of laoiatlon and deso
lation la spread broadcast In the Taklma
valley. Communication by rail with
surrounding points Is completely ' cut
off, and tbe change In the course of the
Mr. and Mrs. R; M. Hud.
gins, of Norfolk, Va.,-- have
just celebrated .their golden
wedding. Mr. Hudgins is
79 years. of: age and Mrs.
Hudgins 72.- -
This dear old couple are
vigorous and active both in
body and mind, thanks to
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
' Mrs. Hudgins writes that
notwithstanding the fact that
they have triid many medi
cines they have found none
to equal Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey, j.
"I have been 'fusing Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey for five or six
years,, and get more benefit fromj
it usea as a ionic man irom any
other medicine, I can truthfully
eav this, as I have tried many
other medicines. It has no equal
DufiVs Malt is the best for Body
snd Brain. ,..'-".''
"t am seventy-two yearstif agey
and majr, with the use of Duffy's
Malt Whiskey, live many years
longer. t My husband is eventy
nine years old and very active and
hearty. We both give praise to
the best of all medicines. It does
me more good for bronchial trott
"ble than anything I ever tried.
ave.NorfolkVa. June 17 '06.
"Active" ":t""
sTorthent waolfio Trains n ft E
Track Past Tke PaUea, ;
(Speet-I Dkratce te Tbe JocieM '
The Dalle a. Nov. It. By reason of
bridges being washed out on the Una
of tha Northern Pacific, - passenger
traina of that company are using tha
track or the O. R. at N. Co. from Wat
lula to Portland; These traina are
piloted by engineers of the O. K. A N.
Co. over the route. Two Northern' Pa
clflo trains were got through Tha Palles
aa early aa Wednesday night, and two
more yesterday. . . -
Tha extent of tha damage to Northern
Paclflo brldgea cannot be ascertained.
but It la likely to. continue for soma
days. ,
-The Dalles la without electrlo lights.
and tha arrival of trains, either east or
west, la very uncertain. To add to tha
Isolation, tha telegraph wires we
blown down somewhere waat of the city.
and there waa a lengthened break- of
telegraphlo communication. -With no
eleotrlo light, streets dark as Erebus.
and rati communication uncertain In
every direction. The Dalles la truly Buf
fering from the effeeta of tha storm,
and tha people will be happy when tha
usual conditions prevail again. .
Boats Ply the Streets, Besoming- Zure
' latad Inhabitants, . ,
(SpeHal Mapateh te Tbe JoaraeLt '
Woodland. Waah Nov. 1 1 Wood 1 and
la now experiencing one of tha worst
floods since the June freshet In 1144.
Wednesday morning the people awoke
to find the river up to their doors, the
Lewis a raging stream and still rising.
School is dismissed until Monday, aa
It Is Impossible to reach 'the school
house, Frank Klager's family was rescued
by boat in the early morning. The river
first overflowed near Mr. Klager's
place, which la near town. Great ditches
are being cut by the swift watere and
travel haa been discontinued, as it W
no longer safe. Several feet of water
now taken the place of atreete and sev
eral boats are kept busy rescuing thoie
In danger- and carrying them to safer
localltlea. All business la practically
mt a StanitatiH
goat of Timber Xs lost at
Xood Blvee. -1
" Speclal Dispatch to Tbe Jeareel.)
Hood River, Or., Nov. IS. Over
l.OOO.vOO feet of logs tied up In a huge
Jam, half that amount ewept down tha
Klickitat and into tha Columbia, a city
In darkneaa, railroad and bridge work
auapended, the village of Trout Lake
under water, lumber camps In momen
tary peril- of being carried down tha
swollen stream a, and the Whole coun
try tributary to thla point deluged with
-one of tha severest storms In years Is
a partial summary of condltiona sxl st
ing at Hood River today.
The rain la diminishing' and It la not
thought .that Hood River will attain a
higher point than that reached yester
day, the highest tha water In tbe river
haa been during tha past 19 yearn The
lumber companies at present ara atlll
Imminent danger and-every-precau.JBesldee Yner husband, Mre. Brown
tlon Is being taken to aava as much pt
their properties as possible.
Klgn Water Wm Make aTigher Taa Xvy
--- U VmattUa Oonatr. "
r-peetal ni.patra te The Jnam.U KV
Pendleton, Or., Nov. It. Ae a conse
quence of the flood of last aprlng and
the high water that came over parta of
Umatilla county yesterday doing con
siderable damage to brldgea and roads,
it Is Inevitable that the tax levy will be
higher next year than this. According
to Assessor C. P. Strain, tha cdunty haa
expended MO.OOO on roads and bridges
since the. May flood, and It will require
at leaat a mills higher levy than last
year. The county tax st present Is te
mills. Also there Is a probability of a
higher city levy next year, ahould the
charter be changed so aa to permit of
the same. - In .order to meet tha ex
penses of levy repairs snd street work
the limit of Indebtedness wfll have to
be extended, higher taxea levied, or else
additional bonds sold.
Bottom Lands aad &owe
Town Are Under Wa
Kelso, Wash., Novsmbar 11.4-It rained
all last night and contlnuea this morn
lng. The river Is at the-ae ma atage aa
last night, although tha current la not
quite so swift. Indicating that tha Co
lumbia Is rising. The bottrtm landa are
pretty well flooded and aewer manholes
In the lower part of town ara Holllni
up six Inches above tha top. There is
water in all tha mills but no 'damage
has been done since tha bridge and big
boom went iut
The bridge wfll be rebuilt by the
business men of tha town. The town Is
hard hit hut business men are optimis
tic and KelSd wilt vtill grow. Tha town
la cut -off -from Portland except by
boat, aa a portion of tha Northern Pa
cific tracks just 1 south of town la
waahed out ' - ,
The stesmey Oeorgle Burton arrived
from Portland last -night after six at
tempts to enter the Colltx. . There la
a fall of six feet where the Cowlits
entera the Columbia. Tha Coweemait
Is also very high but tha high water In
tha Cowlltt keeps It sluggish and no
damage la being done. , .
People Ara Soared by Xunieaae at Con
don, Bat Damage Za Slight,
(ffpeeiel Plipattb to The laatml.)
. Condon, Or., Nov. 1 1. Tha worst wlad
storm In tha history of this country
atruck hafe at 4 o'clock yesterday morn
ing. The people were badly ace red but
no damage was done. All wires ara
prostrated and the Condon-Fossil stage,
loaded with passengers, had a rough
trip. j . - ,-
- . (Special Dlapatch te Th Jneraal.) '
Baker City, 6r Nov. 1 Mrs. A. U
Brown, a pioneer woman of Baker
county, wife of a well-known capitalist
of Baker City, la dead of pneumonia, j
Mrs. Brown waa born In Germany IS
I years sgo snd came to Amerlcs when
g young (trL Her. parents settled . n
In tho midst
The deransrement
.- - t
the body quivering with pain. - Headaches, backaches, torturing bearing
down pains and dragging sensations make women nervous and hysterical.
Dea Mas. PtNKMAM : I was troubled for elrht years witn irreruiannes wiucn Drone .
down my system and brought on extreme nervousness end hysteria. I could neither
enjoy my meals nor sleep nights, became easily Irritated end nervous end very deepend-f ; - --ent.
Lydie E. FMnkham's Vegetable Compound proved to be the only medicine which '
helped me. After taklnt the third bottle, my general health began to Improve. At the .
end of the fifth month I was well end could attend to my household and social duties and -enjoy
life. Y" Mm. CHcerta Cuwrr, 42 Seretoge, Street, East Boston. Mesa,
Mrs. Curry, whose portrait appears on the right. Is the leader, of
the Ladies Symphony Orchestra. The following letter Is from Miss
QjoderPresident of the Bryn Mawr Lawn Tennis-Club of -Chicago;!.
. Diah Mm. Pinkham t I tried many different remedies te try to build up my gystem.
wBlch had become run down from loss of proper rest end unseasonable hours, but t
nothing- seemed to
Compound for female troublee. having tud tt herself snme yeart ego with ri sue- -
- cess. So I began to take It. snd In less than a month I was able to be out of bed and . .
out of doors, end In three months I was entirety well. Really I have never felt so Stronc v
end well as I hav since. - , Miss Com Cooes. 355 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, 111. r. ,
' Mrs. Pinkham's advice is free to all Her address Is Lynn. Mass. (
LydlaE Piiikliam's VcgctaWc Compound Cures Where, Others Fall
Missouri. In 1864 she crossed the plains
to Oregon with her faueband and chil
dren. They lived In Rye valley for
several years and moved to Baker City
In last.'
leaves four eons, all of whom live In
Baker county.
(Journal Special tervlce.) '
New York, Nov. H.- The ecclesias
tical court Of review of the second de
partment reaeeerabled today to resume
Its hearing of tha appeal from tha dioc
esan court in the -diocese-of western
New York,-which eqnvtcted Lr. Alger
non 8. Crapsey, rector of St. Andrew's
Episcopal church, Rochester, of here
tical teachings' Dr. Crapsey was con
victed In Beta via. New York, last April.
The appeal was first heard last month
before tha court of review of the sec
The Outlet Clothing Go.
Northeast Corner First -and Morrison .17- " " -
The ae ara daya of sensational "advertising, wherein everybody appeaxa
to be claiming "The best goads at the loweet prices." .- As lor ourselves. ,
wa merely desire to state that we have dona our best to produce. In our usual
. careful manner, the best merchandise for the least money that such elasa of
good a can secured for. We have bought for the Outlet, Just aa.
ws' always shall, extraordinary attractlona, and have eecured for thia new
Store a line of . - .JL, ;
Men's Union Made Suits, Finely Tailored, $10
- Which we believe have no equal for tha money, and ara entirely out1 of the'
class ef tha ordinary $1 IT Bale Suit. Wa further, exemplify the ernf tilgh
.. class tailoring in ..." . .; -i
The Latest Fashionable Designs in Men's Suits
' at From $12.50 to $25.00
These garments are suitable for any man and for any occasion,
' ter how aristocratic or lofty tha station of tha wearer may be. --
carry, tha best lines aver shown bare In ' . , ;.
Union Made Peg Top
They are of first-class material, nrat-clasa workmanship, and we give a
-new pair free If they rip. Our panta for worktngmen era sold on tha same
guarantee a new pair If they, rip. We earry the finest line of Children's
, Clothing n the city. . ,y ' ' Y Y'" Y"-" - Y" ::
Wc Arc Special Agents for the Wonderful Wilbur $3 Hat
r Made'on the latest Fashion blocks, and we guarantee atyle and durability In
. everv one. - " . ...
The Outlet $3.50 Shoe,
11 m r"Bii iroiirviiwii, aaves arr sau vur
lines of'clothlng, furnishing goods,
t corner First and Morrison streets.
The Outlet Clothing Go.
. The Best That's Made in ' McnV ApparelV . .
WhoDraveDecth forSoclal Ilcr.on
of one of the most prilllant
" tions of the season a noted society woman started
suddenly from her chair with a scream of agony and
fell insensible to the floor. . '.. ;
- A few hours later the distinguished physlclanJ told
her anxious husband that she was suffering from, an
case of nervous prostration brought on
by female trouble, and hinted at
operation.: Fortunately a
, friend advised her to try
- The result was that she
escaped the surgeon's" knife
a ' e
and to-day is a weu woman.
of the delicate female organism
help me. - Mother Is e great advocate ot uyaie
ond department, 'and ' which, having
heard the arguments of counsel, '-met
again two weeka ago to prepare Ita de
cision. . It is expected that thla decision
will be handed down before the present
meeting adjourns.
. Stock Meeting a Canyon City.
Canyon City, Or., Nov. 1L i stock
meeting la being held In tha city for
the purpose of making graslng allot
ments In tha western division of the
Blue mountain foreat reserve for 107.
Certain drlvewaya will be - eetablished
upon which stock must be kept while
crossing tha reserve. . Owing to the
orewded condition of the range a reduc
tion will bo made In tha number of
sheep allowed te grase In tha reaerve
during tha season ef 1T. A number
of new stock lawa went into affect yes
terday. The western division comprises
that part of the reaerve lying aouth and
west of The Dalles military wagon road.
Clatsop beach la becoming quite a
favorite winter resort for British barks.
tin mat
We also
Trousers at $3.50 to $7.50 ;
will be a Surprise to You
eriuvsk, mnu wi avails, jrwu iw giiaaaewt, r
shoes, hate, etc., at our new afore, north-
aocial lunc-
( .: :. V:
sets every nerve In
nnnnam e vegeiaow
, (Special bleseta fs Tea loaraaL)
PendleUnrOrNov16. -B, C, Bar
nard, who la In charge of the telegraphlo
work Of tha United States geological
survey In the state of Oregon. .Wash
ington and Idaho, met with the board of
managera of tha Commercial - aseocla- -tlon
in thla city . to discuss the ad-'
vlsablllty of having an Increased appro
priation from tha state of Oregon te
assist in the Investigation of water sup
ply and in making a topographlo aur
yey of the state- . .
, . .''.."' ., .,
Sure This Time. .
Tonight at I o'clock Senator l4t Toi
lette will open the season's Y. M. C A.
Star Course. Reserved eeata at Y. M.
C. A. . f- . v
"9ooMes & 'It.
' - a fye w , v