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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER '14. 1905. t. Jlaker. ......... fcmptre Lrrle tr.. .......... Crane ......... Pantsses ...... ...."tlBder Southern Biles" "Lost 'Iwesli-ruux llmir." ..."As Tul4 la toe Hill" "Forts-Kiss" A Man of MaierT Vaudeellle VaudseUle The Northern Paclflo Railway com pany announota special exoursloa rata from Portland to Kaaaaa City and re turn -account Trana-MlaalaalDDl Com merolal congress to be held at Kanaka City. November 2t 10 ti, tncluslvs. Tlcksts will bo on aala November 14 and 18. with .going- limit of 10 days from data of tale and with final raturn limit of 10 day from data of aala. The rata will ba MO for the round trip, returning via direct Unas, if the passengers wlah to raturn through Cali fornia the rata will be $71.50 for the round trip. Tickets will permit of atop , over within limits both going and re turning. . V R. L Eberman. formerly a nenhtr of the police force, may collect from the city salary for tha period from November 1 to December 7. lnat year, when be was suspended. This Is tha affect of a declalon rendered by Judge Cloland in tha circuit court ' Eberman . waa twloa . dlschergedTrOm" tha - force and later rolnatated by the civil service commission. Tha suit was for salary during tha periods between tba dis charges and reinstatements, Eberman was afterward - dismissed on other charges and Is not now a member of the force. v - .: .. t"; AT THE THEATRES.; "Southern Skies" at Hellig Tonight ''Baser- Soothers f Ikies," . Lottie ... BUIr rarkefa Oram a ef UfeJo the seats, will be the attraction at the HelUg theatre, roup, teeatk sad Wsahlsftoa -streets, toalxht sad tomorrow slant at e'elock. This (smite sttrsctioa is alware sure of a bl( boose,' at Its Merits are well as fsrorsbly kaowa aad appreciated.. Tot drama seams to possess s fseclaattoa that . draws people to wttaase It sgsla aad'asalo. heece tke ressea of Its bs bousasg popularity. Dan Currier, who pleaded not guilty last week to tha charge of forging a bogus cheek for 114 that ha vassod on at Stchel,- In tha circuit court thta morn- wmiuiww uie piea ox not guilty and stated that ba would plead guilty. Hia attorney, W. T. Moon, reaueatarl that Currier be remanded for aentence. At tornay Moon stated that ha believed Currier's father to ba In thl star. .nH wished further time to try to com municate with htm. Judga Sears de ferred tha passing of, sentence for a few days, ; , Beta Smith, formerly a lieutenant in tha Seventeenth infantry, who was ar rested recently on tha charge of forging tha signature of Wadhams st Kerr to a . check. In tha circuit court this morning withdraw bis plea of not guilty and sub stituted a plea of guilty. At his request tha pasting of sentence waa deferred for a few daya and ba waa remanded to tha custody of the sheriff, ' Thanksgiving Special. Continuing until Thanksgiving day, Z will make to order suits of a very fine black unfin ished worsted, or a fine blue, serge (my regular f 4 valuta), for only $30. Ma terial and lining the best, correct style, artlstle workmanship and fit absolutely guaranteed or no aala. Armstrong, the Sixth, upstairs. J . : Tha feature of tha regular meeting of tha Mothers' and Teachers' club In Brooklyn school Friday afternoon will ba an address by Rev. W. O. Eliot. Uni tarian, on "Evils of Cheap Theatres." Miss Annie DHohburn will sing. Miss Jennie Gray will discuss "The Influence of Pictures In tha Horns" aad Miss E. X. Matthews will tell of kindergarten work. At tha meeting of tha Home Training association tomorrow afternoon tha sub ject, "The Period of .Adoleeaeaoe of Boys and Girls." will be discussed by Dr. Margaret Qulgley. AU mothers and others Interested are urged to be pres ent. Meeting In the committee-room' of bs cared for In tha nursery, dredge la now busy Oiling with slit the gulch used as a dumping place for i uv mvn wa uw lui.wia a. nwi.ra Lumber company's mills. This work is being done as a precaution againat an other sawdust lira - like the one that gave tha fireman considerable trouble about two weeks ago. ., :. , The city board of charities finds It necessary to appeal to tha publlo for donations of clothing, especially un derwear, shoes and stockings. There Is also urgent need of boys' clothing. Telephone Main TIT and bundles will ' Iaaorporatlon articles of tha 'Warner Oaa Fixture company were filed In tha office of tha county clerk this morning by Charles R. Warner, James W. Pur cell and Harry J. Martin. Tbey will manufacture and deal In Improvements of gas are lights. Capital stock 15,000 Penney Bros.'-Friday Special. Five bargains In wins: ' grade Whits or Red Port, fihsrry, Muscat and Sauterna, at. II per gallon. L W. Harper Rye Whlakay, regular $4.60, at II. JO. Friday only. Phone East SIT. Free delivery. TQ-SSt Vmmt Vf nnt.n. - . Those that have Investigated know now that the beat place to have reliable yeglasaea made at reasonsble prion la at The Little Optical Parlor, 111 Fourth a treat, between ' TamhlU and Taylor.' : ' Tour Eyas Examined Free. 'We are till selling eytglaaaea st 11.90. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co., Jewelers and opticians, 111 Sixth street Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Waahougal and way landings dally ex tent Bundav. Laavea Waahlnatoa street dock at I p. m. pr. Q., M. , Wells has returned from th ;eaet and will be found at his office mm- liana 1 SsslrlsnriA BhAB. V m mt lS&S ' For oil and gasoline phone Red Tank Oil company. Main 1111. -141 Flrat street, corner Aider. Articles of Incorporation of the Meth odist Episcopal church of Xante were filed in tha offlna' nf the muiiIt rl.rb Theodore Lorch aa Sherlock Holmes. No more tetsrestliig story ksa erst baea wrlttaa tksa tke Ufa ef the skarsetar of Skarlock BoaMe as topic tad la tke stories ef Sir Couaa Doyle.' Tkaodore Lorek wlU pra seot tke eharscta ef kkarlork Holmes la "Tha eisa of tke roar" at tka Halllc tkaatre asxt rrlday, Barord.y sad guBday alsbts. Morambor la, IT aad IS, wltk a popollr-prlra mstloae gstnrosy. - Every mscbSBlcal asd soanle er tke faaoas play.wlU be faithfully rasre ducsd. , . . Th Marriage of Kitty." Miss riorease Oesr la the dalifkrnd eomady, "Tke atarrlsire ef Kitty," will be tke ettrse. Moa at tke UsUlg tkaatre aaxt Meaday alskt, Nereaiber la. seat saie eaeoa east iatarday. Big Success t tha Baker. "Lost Twanty-roar Roura" la s blf eoeeess this week st tke Baker, where patrons are leashing until tbslr sides aehs at tbs complica tions that occur aQ because IHck Bwlft kat a little time while hla wlti is gone, and Is sleep lac off tke effecte loess a day. It's a great show Jest a saccsssloa of keerty Isucka. The etase sotting Is far a bora tke arenas. Bowles and William Dills eooTalss the audi ences wltk their inimitable actio. -SThe Middleman" Coming. . Tka grsaT aaceess. : "The kf Iddlsmta," wltk Jobs atlapolls la tha title role, will be' tke bill sext week at tke Baker, brtiaBlog Sunday matlase. This fa auras play will be produced ea a Uriah scale by tke Bsksc stack esmpsny. It will be wall eaat, and scenle effects will be of saperlor quality, ''Tke MlUdlaman" will be a atroog bill. . As Told In tha Hills." V ' The Bmplre bat a pisy thla week ts i "at Told ia the lillla" that seams te bars attractive powers for everyone. Moat people wkose line ere passed la tke titles km at tlmae for -tke free sad epsa Ufa of tbe bills. BTsrythutg pertamtng te that lire Interests them, sad a play full of mountain scenes aad characters is beand te draw tbslr attention. Hence tbe big sodtences that are ettaedlnv tbe Bmpire's at tract loo thla week. There will ba but ass more' matinee, en sataraay. ' , ' ' P.eck'a Bad Boy Coming. . Those whe are wise enonsb te llghtea life'! hardens wltk tke uplifting force of heart? laosktsr are reminded tbst "Peek's Bad Boy." the eetehy aadeanvalsmg feree-eomedy -dral msusea xrom es-uovsmor ueorte w. Feck's famously funny book of tha asms same, aad wklek daring the past 90 years has sowed thousands ef tke happiest hits, will be pro seated by a notably competent company st the Empire theatre all next week, starting guaday matinee. At tha Grand, ' - Harry Richards and company hsve t maslcal comedy at tha Grand this week which is wln Bths spplsase and Is proving one ef tbe most sac easeful rati da villa acta ef tbe aaaasa. fctsyme Ta lot, tke well-known prima donas, is la tke eompsny sad baa a beautiful sole. The three Eosllsrs are whirlwind acrobat, and good eaes. They hare a sensational cllmsx te their act. Bsrry sad Johnson offer a burleeqaB oa, male-drama. . At tha Star. "A Man ef Mystery' at tbe Star ts one ef the 'beet detective melodramas tkst bars beta Stayed bare. Tbe Alloa stock esmpsny b.a a if Mil this weak, and la "A MsB of Mystery tke eompsny Is pUylng to capacity at every performsnre. Henry McRea, Ferreet' Seebery. Loring Keller sad Varna Peltoa bars each good parts. There will be matinees Tbnrsdsy, Satur day and Sunday. Seats are now Belling. Next weak. "Polly aad 1," a farce, will be tbe attraction. - --r7.rt At tha Lyric.;;; ;' : ' "Forty Nine" fa making a hit this week at the Lyric. There it action and excitement tat tbs situations, while the llnea ere poetic end dignities. All the types of sdvsaturous char latan which clustered la California In the daya ef the (old excitement are depicted sa the stage ef the Lyric, and from aa klstortral as well aa aa amassment point ef view - 'Torty Nina" le exceptionally mterestlng. Msnasere Keetlnf Flood are giving tke play aa appro prlate . moeatlng. - Coming to tha Lyrid Van. (era Keating A flood received tke manu script ef "Tha "lea ef the Four" thla morning I rut .mi nance that tbe Lyrte stock company t. Un.i - - - - - - 1 in . ...... i, .i l.i.i iiim..s aV "XL" . w w I -. . . I i. . . , .a rrA v tna It inamiHeA. "The 1 jaraon airoeb i ""'J? - .. Z ' BlffB OX ins rvmr- m m wmawuM.iwej w du Oonaa Dorle'e story of the same same. This Is tbe original S bar lock Holmes story. Frank Fanning will Impersonate tbs great ssalytlcal detective. "We'ana e' Tsnneeese" wiu be pat ea followlag the famoat detective plsy. RIVERS ON RAMPAGE - (Continued from Page One.) Its trains are II hours and more late and even this servioe Is being main tained by running trains around on the lines of the Great Northern and O. R. and N. roads. Tha Interurban electric road connect ing Tacoma and Seattle la tied up snd no trains will be operated until the waters subside. This la a third rail system and the tracks are flooded for milts. . .' ' -e BRIDGES DAMAGED P. W. BALTES LND COLIPilHY PRINTERS Specialists in the Ar ranging and Printing of Commercial Stationery a Advertising Literature Two Phones, both Main 160 FIRST AND OAK B astern Washington Xlooded by Wan Wall miver aad X1U Creek. (Hpedal rriapetch te Tbe Journal.) Walla Walla, Waah., Nov. 14. Aa a result of serious cloudbursts in ths mountains south of Walla Walla, and terrific rains during the paat three daya. Mill creek and Walla Walla river are pouring a veritable flood of water over Walla Walla valley today. The damage - . : r this morning by . 8. R. Toon. George Klmber. A. E. Joscelyn, J. H. Cone and J. H. Bunt, trustees of ths church. Ths valus of ths property is sstimatad at 1600. The source or revenue le the vol untary contributions' by the members. DledV Wednesday, November 14,. ItOt, at a. m. Marlorie S. Vosa, infant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. It Vosa of Flrland. Funeral inuraaay at a p. nr. at house. J , J . - Woman'e Exchaaga, lit Tenth street, lunaa 11: to 1; business men's lunoa. -' Acme OH Co. sells ths best safety coal ell and fins gasoline. Phone East Tst, Carl Jones for reading. 4th and Waa.h, LEAK IN GASOLINE STOVE CAUSES FIRE ' (fepectal DUpsteh te Tha Journal.) Aurora, Or., Nov. It. A gasoline ttova In Frank. Astmsnn's saloon hare aprung a leak laat night and the gaao Una In the tank caught fire. The stove was at tha and of the back bar and close to a row of whiskey barrels, and for a time ' there wss danger of the whols place going up in smoke. By the timely action of -r. Aatmana,. who. kicked the stove over, the blase waa put out, but not before It bad burned some ef the back bar. Th3-r,2ei2iGrUranIr-Storo ?th Annilfll "Doll Show" Saturday Nogt-Nov. 1 Zth Don't forget th "Doll Show next Saturday. We expect 500 of the handsomest dollies in town to be on drcsg parade. ' A special prise for every exhibitor. Grand prizes for the winners in the different classes. Plan to bring the children to the store Saturday. The jndges will be announced in tomorrow's daily papers. Exhibitors must bring their dolls to the Toy Depart ment, Third Floor, before 6 p. m. Friday. First Prize, Beat-Dreiaed Doll Musical Mechan ical Doll, value $35.00. Second Prize. Best-Dreiied Doll Doll's Fitted Dreiser, value $15.00. : -, Third Prize, Bett-Dretsed Doll Handsome Or gan, value $7.00. , . i " Smallest-- and, Best-Dressed .Doll First Prize, Washstand, value $6.00. Smallest and Best-Dressed Doll Second Prize, Toy Refrigerator, value $5.00. : First Prize, Largest and Best-Dressed Doll Camera, value $8.00. ... "Second "Prtierlargestsnd -Best-Dressed- Doll White Enamel Desk, value $6.00. Most Original Dressed Doll First Prize, Doll'i Trousseau, value $6.50. Most Original Dressed Doll Second Prize, Man icure SefT value $5.00. Work Box, value $5.00. , Special Prize for the Most Comical Dressed Doll' S- :Creat Sale of :Kid Dolls tz Kid Body Dolls at very low prices this week.' Plenty of time for dressing them before Christmas. Great values. , LOT 1 Rid Body Dolls, 21 in. long, woven flax wig, pretty curls and sleeping eyes, showing teeth, has shoes and stockings, regu- q lar $1.23 values, on sale at this low price..... OVC LOT 2 rSame styles as the above, in larger size, regu- (, lar $175 values, on sale at this low price, each.. ............. lee J LOT 3 24-inch Kid Body ' Doll, beautiful full-woven f taxing, tied with ribbon on the side, pretty curls, metal jointed atjns, elbows and hips, bisque hands, shoes and stockings, $2.50 values, ' c a on sale at this special low price, each,. I, ...9ee 7 Women's $3.50 Shoes $2.65 Men's $3.50 Shoes $2.65 1.000 oairs Women's Fine Shoes. In patent-colt,- patent kid and -Vici Jcid Bluchers, iace and button styles, welt and hand-turn- styles, -Cuban and French heels, bright or dull kid tops, all new desirable footwear, all sizes and widths, reg. $3.50 and $4 vals., on sale at. oair.. 1,000 pairs of Men's Fine Welt-Sewed Shoes, all new fall styles, in patent colt, Blucher and lace styles, narrow and rund toes, box calf, velour calf and Vici kid, Blucher and lace styles, light or heavy soles, new shapes, all sizes ana wiuwis, best $3.50 val., on sale at, pair..."...; viwci an iizca $2.65 , ucw u ami, . $2.65 Embro dcry-Work-nd SUmping-Done JoYoqr Order at the Very Lowest Pricta -School and College Pennants'-Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Second Floor Meier Prank Store giving : Sale of The GredtiThfliite Cut Glass, Silverivare, . Cliina Oar Annaol Thanksgiving Sale of Table Fnrnlshlngs Is Interesting Great Throngs of eager buyers-Cut Class, Nickelware. Silverware, Fency Chirm, etc., priced at saving every economical housewife cannot fall to appreciate' ; . ;'.-;.,. ;...:'.; " : -... V Rogers "1847." Sugar Shells at, each. ....54 Butter Knives at, each. ....41 Tickle Forks at, each... ...41 : SugarTongs-atr eachml Cream Ladles at, each .,..65 Gravy Ladles af, each ..,.82 Beef Forks at, each...... .54 Cold Meat Forks, each.... 67 Cake Forks, each ..6T .Pie Servers, each fl.62 Berry Spoons, each. ,,..fl.3 Six Coffee Spoons for.. t.18 Six Bouillon Spoons for. $2.37 Six Oyster Forks for.t.$1.6 Nut Sets at, set .",".,...7:81.83 Nut Cracks at "...54 Bonbon Spoons, esch .,.67 Knives and Forks, satin finish, - set of six. for, set .,..83.75 Knives and Forks, shell satin. .f3.85 Six . Fruit . Knives - f or : 8 14T ' All lines of Sterling Silver ware sold here at very lowest prices. - Cut Glass Spec'ls $1.50 Nappies, each $2.25 Nappies, each $3.00 Nappies, . each $5.50 Cut Glass Bowls $675 Cut 'Glass Bowl $8.50 Cut Glass Bowlt $11.75 Cut Glass Bowls. 88.67 $I2.50-Cut-Glass Bowla.f 84 $7.50 Celery Dishes ... .86.10 $1.50 Violet Bowls .....91.19 $11.50 Wine Decanters.. 99.ZO $6.25 Cut Glass Vases... 9-97 $2.50 Salt "and "Peppersf"' per pair . .. 91.99 set of six for, set. 50c and 60c German China Plates on sale at. ...33 $1.25 Fancy China Celery Trays on sale at....99 60c Fancy China Celery Trays on sale at 48e 75c Fancy China Celery Trays on sale at.. ....59 $2.25 Fancy China Celery Trays on sale at..9-T9 25c Fancy China Cake Plates on sale at. .....19 $1.00f Fancy China Cake Plates on sale at..... 79 Decorated Turkey Platters on sale at, each. ..84 $2.50 Nickel-Plated Five o'Clock Teas, each. 9.99 $3.50 Nickel-Plated Five o'Clock Teas, each. 82.79 $10.00 Coffee Machines for this low price, ea.998 $6.00 Chafing Dishes on sale at this low price $4.79 $9.50 Chafing Dishes on sale at this low price 9.59 Five-Light Brass Candelabra, reg. $8.00 val, on sale at the very low price of, each..,. ...96.37 Five-Light Silver-Plated Candelabra, reg. $9.00 val.. Wi-sale-aMherery lowirk-freach,,TT.9'19 ...91.77 o HK! ...93.37 . JsA u MsCv,Trtr S..95.40 - -;rv . . 96.80 , !iCTy 'AH ' . lV , l saw-. Silver-Plated Candlesticks on sale at, each.. 91-99 Brass Candlesticks on sale at, each ..........52 $1.00 Gilt Candlesticks on sale at, each.. . . ..79 Metal Candlesticks at this low price, each.. ...27 Candles, all shades, on sale at, each,. ...5f and 3 Candle Shades on sale at tha low price 'of. each 25 Large showing of Candle Shades in beautiful styles. Four-Piece Silver-Plated -Tea Sets, reg. $15.00 value, on -sale at, set ....811.95 Four-Piece Silver-PIated Tea Sets, reg. $10.00 value, on $3.50 Silver-PIated Butter Dishes 93.79 $5.50 Silver-PIated Baking Dishes.. ... .-.I... 94.60 ' $5.00 Silver-PIated Fruit Dishes 94-35 $S.0Q-Silvar-Plated-Fern-Dishea7 . . '. . . ;. . .. 94.60, Our Children's Sailor Suits at $2.38 In the Children's Department, a great special lot of Sailor Suits, in black and white checks, red and, blue cuffs, and collar trimmed with fancy narrow and wide black braid, ages 6 to 14 years, won- CJO Oft derful values; while they last, at this marvelously low price, per suit Take advantage. ..... .asVeevO Children's Crushed Velvet Coats, inred, green, Alice blue, beaver, gray-brown, full-length : A'v box style, double-breasted, cuffs and collar to match, ages 2 to 6 years, grand values, at, each.. yraOJ 1500 Smyrna Rugs at gLIO Each A great Thanksgiving offering of 100 Smyrna Rugs, fringed, good showy patterns in large variety, size 30x60 in., the CP 1 1 f grandest rug you ever bought for the money; each.....J 1 1 VI 750 Smyrna Rugs, in handsome designs and 1 Coloringvt5 lst O size 36x72 in marvelous value, on sale at this low price.. V 1 ssfO Sale extraordinary of 300 pairs of White and Ecru Lace Curtains, 15 patterns, in Cluny, Antique and Irish Points, 45 in. wide, 2V-, and-3 yards long,- handsome designs, iarge assortment, reg. ef $3.75 and $4.00 val., on sale tor a few days only at, pair.. vaYtvJ Boys' $6.00, $7.50 Suits at $3.65 Each Special purchase of Boys' Strictly All Wool Norfolk Suits, in fancy mixed 1 tweeds, fancy cheviots, fancy home spuns and blue cheviots, well made . and finished, all high-grade apparel, , for boys 6 to 16 years of age, values , from $6.00 to $7.50 CI A, per suit, on sale at......fdeUe" Special values in Young Men' Suits, ages 14 to 20 years, fancy worsteds. -fancy tweedr and cheviots, single or double-breasted styles, all new up-to-date apparel, well made, best trim mings, perfect fit- f I n I r ting, on sale at V We direct particular attention to our complete and un usual display of Men's Black Dress Overcoats in medium weightsFine worsted and veloursSilk lined throughout- 'Just the garment you want for theatre and "best" wear Dressy, stylish, serviceable Beautifully tailored and perfect fitting A necessary garment to every man's wardrobe Splendid values at $18, $20, $25 and $30 All sizes Second Floor 1 mm ' 4 Jlr1 ni'imt mm e - Kaaa aaa Men's "Cravenette" Raincoats The celebrated PriestlejrCravenette laincoatai for the inen ; fancies and blacks in all the very latest styles and grades. ' By far the largest and most complete showing for you to select from. Every garment guaranteed satisfactory in . every particular. On sale at......... .......I...... ...$13.50 to ?30.00 Men's Blanket Bath Robes in an immense variety of styles, designs and colorings. An entire new stock for you to choose from, at - prices ranging from $450 to $12.50 each. Second Floor l41,Tl- "Nufangle" Pants for winter all the new fashions IUIcinKlw and materials, dark striped and fancy mixed wors- i i n fry i Per tfr ttirei-im knffAm trinaera mTm college corduroy trousers, etc. The best ready-to-wear pants on the market. A very large variety at 83.60 to 8T.50 a pair. Second floor. Pants to bridges, alfalfa ' fields and garden truck wlU reach thouaanda of dollars. Ths power plant of tha Northweatern Oas at Eleotrlo eompanv on WsJla Walla river Is .under two feet of wstsr, and ths officials fear tha pipe Una has been damaged by landslides. The plant olosed down laat night.:' . Many families living along Garrison creek -and Tellow Hawk, a tributary of Mill creek, ware foroad to move laat night. Reports from points lower on Walla Walla river stats that whole fields are under water, and that the river Is still rising. Rain Is railing heavily In ths mountains, and In the If You Have funds Await-? ; - ing Investment - THERE IS NO NECESSITY FOR THEM TO UK IDLE v This bank hag designed a y. t Special Certificate of Deposit r " Which pays good interest, and at tha same time is quickly convertible into cash. . . 3 per cent interest per annum on 10 days' call . Syi per cent interest per annum,on 15 days' calL 4 per cent interest per annum on 30 days' call. White for our Beautiful Free Booklet, entitled . "4 Per Cent " ORLGON TRUST and I SAVINGS BANK ; ' Sixth and Washington Sta, Portland, Oregon, ' " valley again this morning, and It la feared that tha streams -wrU rise- still further. , FERRY SWEPT AWAY Tvt Xoraee Are Browaed by mood ooSsy of Bngeasv (Speeisl Dlspstrk te Tee Jearasl.) Bugene, Or., Nov. 14. The ferry boat at Deadmonds ferry, on tbs McKensle liver seven miles northeast of Eugene, broke from 1U rastsnlngs while three men and Ave horses were-crossing the river on It yesterday and aank. Two of ths horaea wars drowned and It was with great difficulty that ths men snd the other horses succeeded in reaching shore, Ths river fs high at present and ths entrant at tha ferry la swift. A num ber of logs floating down tha rlvsr strnck ths boat with such force as to break ths cable and ths boat atarted down stream. It struck mors logs further down and sank. , 1 Two of ths horses became entangled' In their har neas and were drowned, but tbe other horses and the men swam to land after being swept . down strsam almost 100 yards. COUNTESS GIVEN DIVORCE (Continued from Page Ohe.) Society denounces Msltre Cruppl for mercilessly exposing ths eount's many affairs. Society wlnord when Cruppl boldly showed how numerous men and women of ths smart set, tha count's friends, not only winked at ths eount's frtvoltles. but facilitated their develop ment by placing their servants at the eount's dlapoeal for carrying messagss to hla alleged Tcher amlea." ' "We are wuiing to nave toe enuaren with their mother, but twice a week wa deal re that they be seat to the eount's mother, at whose horns thstr father will bs able to ees them. Wants Sla Chfldrea. Turing the summer holidays the father desires them -to spend a month with htm. The count maintains he ought to have ths direction -ef their re ligious Instruction. He desires them to ba raised as Catholics Ilka himself, not Protsstanta like their mother., It will bo a grave Injury if ths ohtldren are denied their father's counsel and ad vice. ' '"The children muet remain here. Ths count wants his sons to become French citlsens, not Americans. Hs wsnts them to derive all tbs advantages of their nobis ancestry and their proud po sition as members of the aristocracy of France. - - : .-- - They'll bear a nobis name and must bs reared according to family tradi tions. Ths father may bs depended upon to give them lessons In other things than spendthrlftlaeaa. "The count desires money only that hs may spend tt on ths -children's edu cation. Ths count lent a gambler. All the debts he has Incurred were for money spent on his own homeu . BRIDGE CARPENTER " IS INJURED BY BEAM ' (Speelat tHseatrh Sa'Tae JobtbsLi Salem. Or., Nov. W. .it- Miller, while at work yesterday en tha bridge now In process of oonstruotlon near Wllaonvtlle, on ths Una of the Willam ette Valley Construction company, suf fered a painful fracture, of ths right leg. Hs wss brought her lata laat evening on ths boat from Wllsoovllls and was Immediately taken te ths WU- Una DROWN Qraad sag Hawthorns Avenue, rive-Story esoaa an 3 Brisk Axaertoaa , Pla Apartment Hotel rinee ia . evFiim . . '; Uy , ' - J '" ' E I. w mmm mmmmm aa twmmmmmjmmtmm A model home for permanent ' guests. Cheerful flreplaree In every aulte. Klu- tat table and elegant accommodation owsst rates for the splendid service. Eleotrlo elevator service day and night Gas and eleotrte IWrhte throughout ths building. Office, large parlor and din ing-rnora on ground floor. Steem heat, telephone and not and sold.- wetet In every room. Bl car lines pass tbe door and 10 minutes' walk to buatnees center. Per aeons aad lessnatieas ami? ea pseaaiasa, er rUg eL as. SU lamette hoapltat, where rr. Hsv. V company's phyelHan. atteni1-1 ths I i Jursd man. Tbe le hones f.etM t i knee and the ankle are broken. I' sesms that a hus beam stru n -r rolled over ths wnkmnil le j, , about II yeare of age.