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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON -DAILY JQURNALV PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 14. lgCl mm hegioij niniriMnnr- UIOII I U Declared by Operators to Bs tht Coming Great Lead Camp . 7 of the Northwest. IMMENSE SHOWINGS OF'''5,' Actiyity in Development of Half vvca mines, ma riniporuuon Tel A1ratw Amipi4 f T?ij.w mm I Rail Etfwtrd Tells of Situation, p ' Tha Metallne mlnlns- llatrlr-r ' 100 miles -north Of Spokane 'on - the Pend O'Rellle river, In which Portland and Spokane men are heavUjr Interested, I declared by mining operator to b tha great coming laad camp of tha north. weet.'. Immense showings of pure ga- i vrm nave oven uncovered, mere is treat aotlvltv In development of half a doaea mlnaa, and transportation la already assured by river and rail. ' Ma capacity aa a consulting engineer " imriT u or me important mining properties in tha northwest, ra- SEND BABY AWAY-AT; NIGHT : AND-THEN:SLEEPJN:PEACE rarm your babies out over night! Just think of coin to bad with tha certain knowledge that tbera wlU ba no floorwalklng aeanoa tor you, . and that the little ona will ba eared ' for even batter than you and wlfle oeuld do it And In tha morning tba youngster, vweet and - clean, 1 returned to lta mother' for the day'. All. dav long aha can love him and mother bine to her beart'a content. When sleepy-time . cornea, - aend bim away for tha night again. No mora beating of tha milk on tha gaa range. -7 Portland 'parents are ' adopting thle system. It sounds thoroughly hygleiiio and up to date. Here'a how It atarted: A email but husky girl, aged montha, disturbed the alumbera of lta parenta, who live In one of the wan es t apartment-houaea of upper Wash ington atreet. - Babtea were not declared contraband in the house, but this young lady had a peculiarly penetrating squall that - waa not welcomed by the neigh bors. . t Finally It was suggested that aha ba sent- to a maternity hospital,, where the beet of care would be given ber. Tha scheme was tried. Sweet and unbroken are -tha dreams of the parenta now. Every evening an attendant oomes for tha baby. . Tha mother klaaaa her good-bye and sees no more of her until tha next morning, wheat she la returned for tha day. Tha parenta are not both ered,., and in the creche the milk la al ways hot and the' room la always warm enough for baby In the hospital a mile away. . Thle-young couple are so plaaaed with tha experiment that other parenta - of young -children jir talking of adopting tha same plan. It has been suggested that - tha ' maternity, hospital establish a baby ambulance, which every even ing would circulate through the wealthy residence districts and pick up the ba blea of parenta who don't, care to be bothered. The nureeglrl - problem la dally growing more perplexing, matrons aay, and they hall the maternity hospi tal aa a delightful solution. , lili mm To Your Measure' $2 v:: TO , R1ANMSH COATS FOR WORM; To Your Measure . $20 . to ' .$40" Newest Fashionable Suitings ., V For Men Worsteds ; ' Cashmeres ...... ;' Tweeds r'v ' '''' ' - -V Z- To Your Measure mo TO $35 aaar -s - . . , We will rainproof any garment made by us, without extra expense to you. -. . turned yesterday : from the ; Metallne district. He aald: "There are other camps further de veloped, but none hae so great prom ise of lead , production-aa the Metallne district. Ona or two properties . that were opened but a few weeks ago will be shipping high grade ore in Decem ber. The Fend O'Rellle river, running through -4 he district - gives transporta tion. In addition, the Great Northern railroad la running a aurvey from Milan through Callepell valley - to Cualck. on tha river. The Washington Water Power company, a very wealthy con cern owning the Bpokane electrlo lines, la. negotiating for Big Falls at Meta llne, for power to operate an electrlo railroad from Spokane up ' the Pend O'Rellle ' valley via Milan. Thia com pany furnishes practically all tha power for the, Coeur p'Alene mlhea, and will doubtless offer tha same proposition to the Metallne dietriot." - : teams for tba sUver. ., , River transportation 'will . ba opened by a eteamer that la Just being com pleted on a special model to penetrate tha dfstrtct and carry two earloada of ore each trip. This steamer la being built by tha Pend O'Rellle Navigation company. Competition wlU ba given by Captain Flanders, who . hss 'purchased ona eteamer for thla run and la nego tiating for. another boat. Tha orb will ba carried by steamer to Newport and sent by rail to Kanaas and - Illinois ores Are sent. It la aald the reason for making thla long rail . haul of Paclflo northwaat ores la that the smelters in this part of tha country charge almost prohibitive rates. Tha Mammoth ' Silver Lead ' Mining and Smelting company, on four claims close to tha river, has exposed a four foot ledge of solid galena, and a two foot ledge of the same 4 feet distant, and between the two la 40 feet of con centrating ore. . Tha company baa no mora atock ; tor aale for development; but baa fifteen earloada of high giade galena sorted on tba dump, ready for shipment when the ateamer beglne ope- ratlona. The ledge- of concentrating era baa been exposed 40 feet wide and too feet long by open cuts and trenches. Two tunnels have been driven into it at depth - pro-ring-up the same body. Another parallel ledge II feet wide and 1000 feet long has been opened at sev eral plaoeaw The . company . will, next month be chipping ore valued at 471 par ton net . . , ' ... - ;.. . Oompaay Xaa Two Olalma. .... . . Tha Morning Mining company, of which Prank Ainslsy , of - Spokane -: la president, : with a number of Portland associates, haa two olalma adjoining the Mammoth. Thla company Is driv ing a tunnel to out the Mammoth ore bodies,: and Js also working two claims on the west aide of the river. Lewis P. Larsen Is working, a force of men all winter on leases oil. the Clark prop arty below Big - Eddy? They have shown up a JO-foot ledge of ore partly shipping and partly milling. Tha Spo kane Lead company la opening tha Diamond- R and Bella Mae, adjoining claims, and has made aeveral large ahowtnga of concentrating ore. - They will build a concentrator next spring on tha river bank. Tha Warner group of Ave olalma haa a nna eurface ahow DELEGATES READY FOR THE TRIP Oregon Men Prepared to Leave to . Attend Trans-Mississippi - -: ... Congress. -V- . MEASURES OF MOMENT WILL BE CONSIDERED Subjects to Ba Discussed Will Par. . ticularly Affect the Western Coast ' Country Navigation and Irrigation Will Be Considered. ' Oregon's - delegation to tha Kansas City aesslon of the Trana-Mlsslaslppl congress la getting ready to start for smelters.w-hlthrr the-Coeur D" Arena's f tfc -convention-city. This' meeting of IngTe nfl-Wlll m wrliaa-aU-wiittr--Tha tlon tha eongreaa will be probably the moat Important in lta history of IT annual sessions. Measures of great moment to tha western country will be considered. Including Columbia river Improvements, forestry. Irrigation, oriental trade and traih-oad -rates. Tho- Panama canal will also come in for action of some sort relating to Its construction . and .. the transportation Interests attaching to It The men who will represent Portland and tha stats are: T. B. Wilcox, A. B. Mauler, A. A. Kadderly, Tom Richard son, M. F. Henderson, B. J. Jaeger, Frank O'Nell, W. L. Ltghtner, John Barrett., for Portland; J. B. Oratke, As toria; B. May, Harrisburg; D. JL. Keyt, Dallas; Pater Doggie, North Bend. The delegation la made op of man appointed by tba governor, county judges, mayors and -eommeroial - bodies Mr-- Richard son left last night for tha aaat and othera will go tomorrow, ', i The congress will oonvene November JO. II and II In Kansas City -aonven-tkn hail, which for the first Urn In Its history haa been tendered free of charge, for the use of this body of rep resentative men from all parts of the west. ','-.' . i V- . i OOBoerted AeOtom aTeeded. ' ' In Issuing the -call the executive com mittee of the congress directs special attention to the necessity for some con certed -action upon the - great- question i affeotlng navigation upon the rivers of tha Trans-Mtsalsslppl states. In various sections of tha weet -there are many natural waterways that only .need gov-i ernment aid to make them commercial j factore In the upbuilding of the states to which they ars tributary. A list of tha principal subjeota that will occupy 1 the .attention of the eongreaa includes: Flood control; harbor Improvement, merchant marine; oriental trade; Alae ka; Columbia river; i Irrigation; for estry; Ban Francisco; naval construe- Oriole, owned by Jim Porter- of Meta llne. located outside tha line belt, but only a mile from town, la ahowlng up well, aald Mr. Edwards. The mine produces gold-bearing galena running aa high as 1 300 values to tha ton. It la tha only flaauro vein -opened In the district,- . WANT EXTENSION OF, ELKS ELUDING Seves!!. tsi Sterk Sts. JUVENILE COURT LAW At a meeting of the Juvenile Improve ment association, to be held In tha courtroom of department 1 of the cir cuit court tonight, a bill (will be drafted to be presented to the legislature in January. Thla bill will have for Its purpose tha extension over the entire state of the law governing delinquent youth under which the Juvenile court of thla county acta The -law now gives jurisdiction only In thia county. It la proposed under the new law that deltn ciuent minora may be treated by courts la othsr districts In the state in the same manner that Multnomah, county's juvenile court ' treate . them. - Other amendments to tba Juvenile law will be discussed. - Reports on the eating of boya at, tha coast last summer win do read oy Marlon R- Johnson and 8. D. White. Mrs. Bertha Davla and Miss Minnie Schlots will submit reports on the out ing given girls. The meeting will ba held at o'clock thla evening. NATIONAL GRANGE IN K,i CONVENTION AT DENVER - (Jenreal serial Berrtea. Denver,. CoV Na r, . 14. Beginning to day and continuing aver tha next IS days Denver will entertain hnndreda of sturdy American . farmers from mora than . ! atatea. - Tha occasion la tha fortieth annual aesslon of tha National Q range,-Patroha of Husbsndry. In whose ranks are enrolled nearly a million of the most practical agricultural experts In the world. State governors, headed by Governor Pell of Vermont, congres sional representative, etate and city of ficials, are gathered te do honor to tba visitors, whoae work for tha eleva tion of the American farmer haa been recognised and paid tribute by leading statesmen and Industrial men of the United Statea, - - . Today was given over to the reception of the visitors, the distribution of badges,, and other work of a prelim inary character. The formal opening take place at the Chamber of Com merce tonight, with addressee of wel come by Governor McDonald. Mayor (peer and others In conjunction with tha convention a big eihthltlon of hor ticultural end..agElcultursir products -is being heli " 1 i 1,1 fa are are ssaay waa ACa laaolafl Iran si that wtU ta Wrest yea. . Parlflo- coaaUtruata.and. their relation . to business;- government ownership of telegraph llnea and publlo utilities generally; levee sya tems In Tsxaa and . Louisiana; Pan American commercial union; drainage of publlo land , atatehood; deep water from the lakw to tha gulf. Kansas City and Return $60. Account seventeenth- annual aeaalon Trans-WlsslsslppI Commercial congress, the O. R. N. Co. will on November 14 and II aell round-trip tlcketa to Kan sas City for 110, with a limit of 10 days from date of sale. Further partlculara by calling upon C W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets, Portland. j." Pief sued Stock Oaaaed 0oede. Allen A Lewis Best Brand. ; THE NAME STAND FOR -Honesty; : Honest Statements concerning. ' Honest Opoda Purity Nef Vflueetton astothaPurhj of owpTodncts ' ' Quality Costliest and choicest materials rased exclusively Reliability Uniform excellence alwajra maintained , Popularity Everywhere bi(h to favor i who ever tastes the Lowney product pecomra a permanent customer THE WALTER M. LOWMKT CO. Makers af Cecea and Ck ecojatas BOSTON, MASS. mimmkzMMEMM- ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ! : THE "DESIGNER" FOR DECEMBER NOW READY AT THE PATTERN COUNTER - The'DifferenrStore A Portland's i - Leading Store OLDS; WORTPMN&Kim First In Everything Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts. A STARTLING OFFER I PORTLAND IVOMEiV mis Gmose My WmUM SKIM From Our Unmatchable Stocks Tomorrow, Friday or Saturday, at 25 Per Cent Reduction! A SWEEPING BARGAIN OFFER r NONE RESERVED, EVERY SKIRT IN THE HOUSE IN ; CLUDED IN THIS UNPRECEDENTED OFFERING: We need hardly say the values are matchless! We are fully' aware the sale will create a aensation-'monj: Portland womeiTshoppers.' And the sale is timely; -'twill-come' as a boon to thousands, of:, womenfolk, who've a tendency toward thrift for what woman, at this time, when the long rainy season is just upon us, hasn't need of an extra skirt or two for tramping and shopping wear? Here's opportunity Indeed. : Take any walking skirt in the house choose from thousands variety too extensive and assortments too great for description that worth while.. The mere announcement that we lay" our stocks of walking skirts at the mercy . of your choosing for the 'next three days at ONE - FOURTH- .OFF in price; without reservation of any sort,' is a magnet sure to draw crowds of good dressers who appreciate the Olds, Wortman & King standard of merchandise, to the store. The values will do the rest and Sat urday night will find stocks thinned like a wheat-field laid bare by a cyclone. A word of detail: Embraced are broadcloths and chiffon broadclothsPanamas and chiffon Panamas, etamines and all the popular mixed weaves in woolens worn by the season's smartest drest women. All built in trim, trig round lengths and embracing every coloriner. shade and pattern effect that Fashion knows. Skirts made in masterful work manship, handiwork of experts in tailorcraft. Plain colors, plaids, indeterminate plaids and neat checks, pin stripes and the more decided stripe effects. - Plain tailored along severe lines or tastefully trimmed in strappings," plaits, folds, buttons, panelings and other schemes of garnishnvent-favored-bywelLdrestfemininity.More need not be said than this COME AND SE.E--the com pelling, dynamic force $ehind the sale is the reduction. Regular, values $5 to $45T Choose aFONE FOURTH OFF. , Unexpected-Good News From the Embroideries A SALE THAT SAVES! :-.V: ea 4 "S .' : .'VS ,,,', e .t . , Vt -.: . -, I.'asO&n Sale Opens 8 A. M. Thursday Continues Thru Week , mil'-,. :t - r - .:: :.: i '" ,s:r- ... . f ... Our buyer of embroideries has fallen into a piece of jolly good fortune, again. A manufacturer from whom this, house purchases thousands of dollars' worth of embroideries yearly has a habit of saving his bargain "plums" for us as a mark of appreciation of large .patronage. Makers have "snaps" as well as sellers. Trade opportunities and events cause them and this is one of 'em. An opportunity which allows of us offering you tomorrow thousands of yards of handsome allover embroideries, in Swiss and Nainsook patterns, in blind and openwork and an immense variety of . exquisite designs suited for use' in. the making of dainty lingerie waists so much in fashionable vogue all at spe cial sale prices to-wit: Values to $1.75 at.... ........ 91.10 Values to $?.23 at.... $138 Values to $2.75 at.... $1.48 Values to $3.40 at.. ..$1.98 Values to 3.75 at.... $25 -Valiii.a to $4.QQ at ;r.y2.nS Valiifa, tn $.s oo att . . ,yt.n $1.25 Tuckings 45c Fancy allover tuckings some having insertions set in adapted for use in making waists. Some of these are slightly soiled or . mussed a splendid $1.25 value. During the sale- starting to- morrow morning at, the yard, 48. . ..... Second-Day Shan-be-Greater-Tha Lomly Osfrkh Flu The Great Sale Continues Thru the Veek A stock of $10,000.00 worth to select from, and -all at uniform reduction from the lowest regular prices ever offered by any. Portland house of one fourth. Every plume is fresh and 'new, bought from the world's foremost manufacturers especially for this sale. Every manufacturer of plumes of consequence has ad vanced prices from 20 to 35 per cent, and vet, in the face of this fact, we make tomorrow's offering. Plumes were never before so fashionable as now; every woman wants to own at least one. At this week's prices the opportunity offers which enables most women to buy and own several. We could easily sell every plume at the' regular prices which prevail today a third more than was asked a i n ? MILLINERY SALONS Annex- .v. Second Floor ' few months - ago. We do not expect to be able - to get such beau ties again 'at anything like hese prices. But this sale will be the greatest advertisement for our millinery section we could possibly obtain. The other benefits are all yours. : Don t mfss the novel and unique exhibit in one of the large show windows of the store. - See the evo lution of the feather from the plucking off the ostrich in the raw state to the finished . product the exquisite and' magnificent plume. Note the special prices which will rule during the sale:. . - $8.00 17-INCH PLUMES $4.49. You couldn't wish for a handsomer plume than ytmH find in this $2.00 12-INCH PLUMES $1.45. French curl, hard flue, not woolly or amazoh, but soft, natural curl; good, big plumes, "with . French heads. Regular $2.00 values $1.45 $2.50 13-INCH PLUMES $1.08. Fine wide flumes,-vrith big,- HuffyTrenchTTieads. Regular $2,507 . values for ".. ........ .i V. .$l.yS $3.00 14-INCH PLUMES $2.40. 1 Simply beautiful 1 Genuine ostrich, handsomely made In master" ly style; plumes you would readily pay $3.00 for, knowing they are splendid values at that figure special at ....$2.40 $4.00 15-INCH PLUMES $2.08. Solid blacks or white; the finest stock obtainable; best regular $4.00.values. Here during this sale at. .$2,08 $5.00 18-INCH PLUMES $3.40. 7 Fine French curl, genuine ostrich, solid blacks or whites, and finest $3.00 values. This sale at.. $3.40 '. ' $8.00 18-INCH PLUMES $5.08. French curl, hard flue, broad head a handsome plume that would grace any hat, no matter how expensive it might be. Instead of $8.00, they're marked to sell tomorrow and dur- " ing sale at .v.v. .;;i;;vv;r.. :r:.Yr.T.7v; $5.08 lot of splendid $6.00 beauties. Sale price. $4.49 $10.00 19 TO 20-INCH PLUMES $7.40. Handsome French curl with extra large heads, solid blacks or whites examples of the-finest $10,00-plumes Special durinff "this sale af:. r;r;vr.$7.4t $12.00 20 TO 21-INCH PLUMES $8.80. Nattrral curl, beautiful feathers thafTrahTbbought efsewhere for less than $12.00. In this exhibit marked to sell at. $8.80 14,00 22 TO 23-INCH PLUMES $10.49. ' Magnificent plumes that voa'd be glad to buy anywhere at any ' time for their value an4 regular price of $14.00. Special here during this sal $10.49 v $18.00 24 TO 25-INCH PLUMES $11.98. Exquisitely handsome, big, broad, French heads ; the very finest ind of ostrich goods on the market, in solid bJacks or whitr-, and regular $16.00 values. Special during this sale at.$ll.C3 TO SALESLADIES IN OTHER l.ULLlZtlY STCZ5 : "'. We ask you to consider this a special and prrson-al i.ivi'-'' -. to each of you individually .to attend this Ostrich I I . - I . ' tion, believing that it will prove of sufficient e ! :it ! to-interest you in particular ... ., ,