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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINO. NOVEMBER 14, 48C3. MARY EXPL1IS MURRAY CASE ' DeputyTOlstfict Attorney at f 7 Salem ' : Denies Charger : of Dereliction of Officers. V:;, ; FAMILY DID NOT WANT TO PROSECUTE WHITNEY Insisted That Lawyer Force. Youth to T(Marrjr Rained . Girl bat Learned That He Could Not Make or En- J force Marital Contract. (RMclal tMmtdi ta The ImiuL) 6alern. Or, Not. It. Deputy District Attorney Charles H. McNary, when In tervlewcd regarding th . charge : ; of dereliction and indlfforono mad by O. V. Murrav Jr.. larr of Lincoln- Whit ney, for ruining little Mary Murray, dented the charcea and explained the occurrence la his offlo In connection wath the ease. Mr. McNary said: 1 "District Attorney John H. McNary ' knew nothing of this matter, a be was n th road to Tillamook cur to ax- - tend court at the time of the visit to -- the offlo of young Murray, his mother . - and sister. Saturday morn inc. ,: "Mrs. Murray save me a letter of In troduction from Hon. John Manning-, after which the three visitors told me ef'Ui nature' of thgeliarg against young Whitney, whom I did not know. After expressing my sympathy I as s tired the parties of the state's willing' ass toj, prosecute. ;.',;'-..' ' ' ; '4 ---. - would Met fe'seons.. "They informed me lnstanter that to prosecute was not what they wanted. Young Murray said Whitney must marry :, his sister, and Mrs. Murray said the child must have a name, snd together . they o-only .requested,, but insisted that I compel Whitney to , marry the young lady. They said they had been advised that I could send an officer out' . and bring Whitney into, th offlc snd - XSU him that be must marry Miss Mur ray .or he would b sent up. i "I told them in these very words that " ; this office ''was not a. marriage bureau; : that It did not make, force or enforpe , marriage contracts, or compound felo , dies,' but all that I oould possibly do Jong that 11ns would be to call at the office, and If he should do so I would apprise him of the situation in tha hope ': be would see his way clear, to act hon- toward-thayoung. lady., providing lie was responsible for her condition. ' Could BJo. Issue Vuiut "I explained that our nest regular " term o" tha circuit court would con vene the first Monday in January next, but tha. a -warrant of arrest ' oould be Obtained at any Justice' oourt In Ma rlon eounty upon complaint of any per son, familiar, with the' facta, but that the'dlstrlct attorney's offlo wss power less to issue a warrant in any case. "They said to send Whitney to the - penitentiary would do no good, but that be must marry miss Murray. sug gested that if they did not car at th present Urn to caua . Whitney's - r- rest that Mrs. Murray go to Hubbard and see him, ut th same time repeating that they could at any time go. bef or av Justice of tbs peace and bav him ar rested and w would prosecute htm ' vigorously. . They all' s greed - to go to Hubbard that afternoon on . the train and. left th office after thanking me for what they pleased to term my kind- j,eBa. : ; -t : r r "T" "These facts ran be verified by on or more , responsible disinterested parties , n th offlc at that time." POLICEMAN IS SHOT---' -: , BY HIS OWN WEAPON lgpecUl. Dispstarto The Joaraal.) Seattle, i Wash., Nov. ItOn -of - Chief - Wsppensteln's new policemen came to grief last night while pat rul ing bis beat on Capitol hill. When the new men were equipped with revolvers, they were Instructed la their nse, and as th arms' supplied' were not "provided .- with the safety hammer, - th ml re quired that on of th chambers should hold an empty shell on which th ham mer - shall rest. Evidently - Patrolman Parsons wss 6f th opinion that he would lose a shot by carrying an empty cartridge and he substituted a loaded one. while on his boat last night his revolver slipped from his belt, and striking th pavement wss discharged. The bullet entered th leg of th officer and Inflicted a flesh wound. Th po liceman was removed to his horns and today a revolver drill' was held at polio : headquarters to benefit new men. , Every stormy day is ' independence day to the men-who wear our Rain ' coats. ... ' Our new Winter styles, give protection without steaming you- They will win"youf "esteem. ' This week's special: A choice selection of $18.00 and $20.00 Overcoats, Raincoats and Suits. Spe cial 915.00. A . swell assortment of College Hat Bands just, received. ' - LION . GlothingCb GiiiKuhnPi'oty tea's and Boys' Oatflttsrs, Is Abtb las tmxmu ituit Mohawk Bsildinff. Seen in Portland Stores .V By A. S. Monroe. fTTUHaTuds of peopl have doubtless passed the Sllverfleld companjrs win dow on Morrison street and paused to look more olosely at - the beautifully mounted sea otter now displsyed there; but how many of them realise that a. slnrla ena nmr skin Is vnlntii at 1 1.000. wuuia w"U " ' I one sea- otter is secured In vry two or three years by these enterprising fur riers? - The very smallest and daintiest of sea otter coat would require three skins, bringing the expense,- including the making, well up toward $4,000. - Royalty, American millionaires, and American actresses supply an aver set tve demand, however. In spit of th seemingly forbidding price. And .the other more usual furs th always popular seal, lynx mink, ermine, whit Alaska fox. astrakhan how they do tug at a pretty woman' heart-strings (snd her lord's purse-strings, ' poor soul!), made up as they are in graceful mod ern designs scarfs, throws, stole and no and of other dlstrsctlngly becoming shape end styleal But, happily, the poor little baby lamb,- commonly known a th broad-tall Persian lamb, baa to a large extent crept back into th fold and no longer sdorns with such fre quency lovely women; for lovely woman has proved that sh 'has a heart, snd the appeal of - th., unborn -baby ..lamb was too strong to be withstood. Sen timent hss outweighed vanity, until even at Sllverf leld's, where everything In furs is found, th chatty saleslady, who knows furs Ilk A B C's, makes lit tl mention of this lately popular erase. A glory f gorgeous .color great. fluffy yellow chrysanthemums, th Colonel ' JX Annleton variety burst from the attractive window; of Clarke Bros- th florists, and I" stopped to ad mire and wonder to admire their wealth, of golden radiance and to won der why ' they stayed in the florist: s window; why they did not go to adorn men' a buttonholes, ss they do in Chi cago and other esstern cities at this season. I - even asked th salesman why this 'was, for not a single man bav I seen In. Portland wearing a chrysanthemum. "Men out wsst have too much red blood in their veins, I guess," wss his explanation; "they don't follow fads." - But th chrysanthemum fad Is . such a glorious one; It seems almost a PUT In the other window were - bowls' of long-stemmed English violets, of tbs Princess of Wsles variety, sweet-scented and alluring the kind that nestle with such apparent affinity at a wom an's breast, giving Just th necessary finishing touch to a smart street toi lette. Portland women appreciate vio lets, and they are in great demand. , Did you vr go into a store or a hom where everything seemed to say "howdy" to youT . Well, thst's Just how 1 felt on entering R. M. Oray'e clothing house. Now, on must admit that mere clothing mere man's clothing Is rath er a comnionplace,ltem In the usual ac counting of things. But there's sn sir about this stor that i charming an air of welooma, of kindly attention, and at th asm time of ton and exclusive- ness. . It Is said about town that R. M. Gray pays the highest salaries to his employes, and demands th best qual ity of servlce ' Hs carrte the famous Chesterfield ready-to-wear clothing, a high-grade make that Is supplanting tha tnade-to-order -suits' of many of Portland's moat careful dressers. Ons of th most interesting things in this well-appointed stor is th ar rangement for keeping th clothing In order. There are over 100 reet or bail' beating dust-proof wardrobe oaaes hav ing a glass front. In which ths suits are splendidly- displayed. And, another thing, there's a cosy little den, or parlor, or waiting-room call It what on likes where the shopper may alt and rest or use the. free telephone (a rare prlvl lege in Portland) and decide at leisure what to buy next Assuredly, where courtesy Is ths keynote snd comfort the rule, th appeal Is a most seductive one. snd th secret cf a rather phenomensl sucosss is not bard to find. LA GRANDE SUGAR COMPANY PUHS BIB PROJECT Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ' Will Be Expended on Ir rigation Scheme. (Bpecla! Dlipateh to Ts Joaraal.) La Orand. Or Nov. 14. An Irriga tion scheme representing sn expenditure of over (200,000 is now being planned by tha Oregon Sugsr company of .this places Including a larg reservoir on th Grand Rond river above Oro DelL It Is th- Intention of th sugar beet company to build a reservoir In the can yon asov Oro Dell for the purpose of storing watsr for Irrigation purposes in th beet -fields in th vicinity, of La O rands. Canals wUl be built abov th brow of th hills abov th farming sec tions and ths dry land which la planted te sugar beets will thus be highly in creased in efficiency . and mad to yield many time it present output of beet a It is estimated that about 1,000' acres of beet lend ean b irrigated with th stored water of th Orand Rondo with out interfering in th least with th regular flow of th river. The reser voir will be used to stor flood wsters snd th regular flow of th stream will be allowed to pass th -servolr at aU times. '.".'. tbs sugar company own a larg amount of land In ths vicinity' of La Orand and Island City, which will be tributary to this Irrigation system, and where th company does not own land. farmers who or raising sugsr beets wtlt b supplied with -water at moderate cost for. Irrigating beets. - INQUEST. HELD OVER REMAINS OF D'ANNA . Balem, Or., Nov. 14. Th Inquest held yesterday over ths body of the late Vio tor IAnna, who committed .suicide after hsvlng killed Ben G hoi son last Satur day mornings brought no new light on the swful tragedy.- All the Jury did wa to examine a number of witnesses and to hsnd In a verdict to the effect that DAnna had killed himself sfter murderlng Den Oholson. The Jury was composed of the following "cillten: Thomas Burrows, foreman; J. V. Hod eon, J.'K. Conger, Hank Lewis, John Kirk and Al Veatch. Th witnesses were Night Patrolman Longcor, City Recorder Moorts, Allan Forward. Moras Van Fleet, Chris f)H yeu, Harry Ralph, Mrs. Hattle McGin nls, Miss Georgle, Sheriff Culver, 1'al rlck Fennel, Mtas Nash, Madge and Wal ter Lowe. ' . The body .will be shinned tirD'Anna'a sltr, Mrs. Alloc Whltmer, of Ulckory North Carolina, - . Tl IMPORTS GERuAnS FOR WIVES Mrs. "Klumpks of Trout Lake . Goes Abroad in Search of Spouse for Her Son." EMPLOYES AT SAME TIME Three Bridea Arrive at Hood River - but Men Being Washington Reti- : dents Take Them to Goldendale for " the Ceremony. ;.'.,'.' ' Spcl Dispatch to The IseraaL) Hood River, . Or.. Nov, 1. Whll American . wives hav always been thought -to be superior to: those of any other nation by most residents of Uncle Barn's domain, ... Mrs, i. Klumpk of Trout Lake thinks otherwis and is ths csuss of thre buxom German maidens arriving at The Dalles Monday to be come the brides of Mrs. Klumpke's son and two other -stalwart, natives of the fatherland who make their home at Trout Lake. The young men ' passed through Hood River on thslr way to Th Dalles snd In the exuberance of their joy let It be known that they were going to 'meet' three sweethearts who were "mads in Oermsny." Not long ago Mrs, Klumpks decided to make , a visit to the land of the fcatser and after arriving informed -her f son and bis friends that she hsd made overtures in their behalf to three pretty German girls and that they were will ing to com to America to become th wives of the young men. .v. Youth Aooeyt. Th young men decided to accept th proposition and th girls started on their long Journey across th Atlantic and th American continent to meet their future husbands. Monday they ar rived, flaxen haired, blue eyed and smiling. -. - '. Unabls ' to distinguish which was which their Trout Lake suitors mt them at. th train snd without waiting for any formalities took them to their hearts. There' was no drawing of lota or hesitation, slthough their mission hsvlng become' known, It was suggested to young Klumpks that he take an east bound, train to th next station, inter cept the west-bound train and take his choice. Thts hs refused to do snd took bis chances with his comrades. No tlms was lost by the happy Ger mans in seeking the-county -clerk's of? tleeto-obtain -marrlagem licenses--but that official Informed them that he could not issus them, a th grooms were residents of Washington, and they departed ' for -Goldendale, where they will b married today and will prob ably liv happy ever after. - : rnddlar lv Sigh. - (Journal Bpeetal Berries.) ' ' Aurora, Or., Nov. 14. Th recent rains in this section have raised th Pudding river so that it backs up to th electric .light, power bouse, and tTT plant has toj steam -to get -any kind of a light- that - is satisfactory.- .: I MI CURIES CoughonndColdo PREVENTS Pnoumonla and Conoumptlon rley Honey and Tw sot saly top. th. cmigh, tint .nd Mnnfth. ni til. lung, ud pravaat. Mrioos n wlta from . cold. . Ter Is no'danrer of Pneumonia, Consumption or other serious lung trouble if Foley's Heney and Tar la taken, as It will cur the most stub born coughs the dangerous kind that settle on the lungs and may develop Into pneumonia over night. If you have a cough or cold do not risk Pneumonia whoa Foley's Honey and TaP will cure' you quickly and strengthen youf lungs. - ,-.- - , Remember the name Foley' Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered. Do not take chances with aome unknown preparation that coats you ' th same when you can get Foley's Honey, and Tar. that cost yoil no mora andTs safe and certain in results. Contains no opiates. Cured After Physicians Said Ho ' ." Had Consumption ErH. lonetr Pastor M, E. r Churchy Grove, Md.,' writes: "About seven or eight years ago I had a very severs cold which physicians said was very near pneumonia, and which they afterwards pronounced consumption. Through a friend I was Induced to, try a sampla of Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave mo to much relief that I bought some of the regular size. Two or three bottles cured me of what the physicians called consumption, and 1 have never had any trouble with my threat or lungs since that time." r - -'- Three iites-25c, 50c. $1.00. The 50 cent size comains two and nne-hnlf times a much as the small size and the $1.00 botUe almost six times as much. SOLO IKQ RECCMXE8DE0 BT ' Novel Par Coat of Mink. '. - A short coat, much on ths pony order. In beautiful mink skins la In th ward robe of a bride-to-be. a , wedding gift from one Of her islallves. r- . 'The stripes of - ths" furs ' are - so ar ranged as . to form ' regular patterns. and to this and also td ths appliques of embroidered velvet th jacket owes Its novelty. In the Center back on of th dark striping goes from th neck to a line Must below th waist line, and around this, outsid. th light fur coming next, the dark stripes go from the shoulder seams around this center strips, forming a rounaea tan at the bottom. This tab is not only outlined, but is separated at the bottom from th rest of th Jacket by slashes. Ths light fur adjacent th dark forma tbs border. There are two dark stripes each side of this center back section. These curve very gently toward the center from th shouldor seams to -the center of the back that Is, - midway from top to bottom and then curve a gently in towsrd ths un derarm seams. Ths cutting away of tha light-colored sections of ths fur gives these curved lines. At the bottom a band of th dark strip goes around th dare. curving down from th tab section la the center back. ' In the front th strlnes are straight. but ths bottom bsnd goes all th way around. ' The kittle coat Is double breasted, closing with two Immense metal cabochona. Th sleeves a'r larg and Tj(rirfttvs of the old-time - melon shape, snd the first section ends Just below the elbows. A dark stripe aoes around each and under this ar set ex tension slcavs mad of th two Joined scalloped 'sections of brown velvet em broidered in gold bullion. There ar two scallop in each cuff, th tapering in being at the sleev seams, and below each there 1 a' curved band made of a dark strip of tha fur. These cuffs end two-third of the way from the elbow to th wrists. Shaped bands of brown vslvst start In tapering points at ths back, each aids of th center panel abov th slsshings. a cabochon Is set on at the back wher th sharp point begins. A broken leaf design Is embroidered In gold bullion on this velvet. -- Th oollar la flat and turned down, and begin each aids of ths center back' piece. It Is-also of brown velvet em broidered In gold, and a narrow ruffle of point lac borders It ' On end goes under th crossing-over front and th other follow th overlapping front, tap ering to a point at the and. Th larg -muff la flat and has four mink hesds with a "many talla set on ths lower edge, the tails falling below the muff. ' There 1 also a narrow neck piece of th mink with a slngl tall at each end. . . . at. V., Do Not Shirk Responslbilty. Thar was a time when age and re sponsibility went together. It was not thought proper to giv a position of high command to on whoa hair was not gray with service. But the times hav ehanged-t any rate in business. The' "command" 1 offered to the young man first of all. and gray hairs carry their own condemnation. ' This arrange ment -la net Ideal. Tin tha old day ft was believed to be wrong to plc great responsibility on Juniors. By ths rla-ht this belonged to th seniors, who wane presumed to have won it by length of years ana raitnrul discharge of duties. Nowadays ihe pendulum ha swung In ths opposite direction perhaps a little too rar. Anynow you cannot fhinaay th IBC : , r Responsibility 1 th on, thing to onng out a man quality, if he ha any. It is learning to swim by bains- thrown overboard. The experience I bewilder ing at rirst. W don't know what to do. or how to begin. Rather than face such an experience, many men, otherwise de serving, -right shy of It. - They lov an easy mind and no worry. Now, I want to mak a plea for aocentlns- reasons!. bnfty nay.' -seeking-Tton aecottnt-of us saucationai value. Tou will make a few mistakes. The little crowd round you .win amuse itself at your axoenae. but go right on. Show them th stqff you ar maa or. H It St " For the Toilet Table. - rrletlon and cosmetics containing oil should not be used for complexion that sr Inclined to be blotched with cema. Th following lotion la oult tha nioaar application on may rind for th trouble: bosk so grain of gum tragacanth In seven ounces of rnsvwater, let stand for rive days, strain forcibly through mus lin, snd sdd one-half ounc of alcohol, one-half ounce of glycerine and a tea spoonful of boric acid. iTs this Imme diately after bathing and the surface of the skin will Improve greatly. If yous fac Is rough and blotched It is because you ars not giving It proper care. Bathe the face every night In very hot water and pure castll oan. Rinse In warm water and apply a good cream. Never n Soap and water on th fac Just before going out In th air or di rectly efter coming In. . Th woman who boast that shs never does snythlng for her complexion need not trouble to mnke sn affidavit to -that effect. She- usually looks th cart. The face and hands must be thorous-h- ly dried with a-towel before venturing out In the air. Neglect will be sure to mnke the skin tender and perhaps un sightly. Another thing to remember Is that the fsce should be thoroughly dry befor cream ar applied",' as moisture will prevent the cream from entering the pore of the skin. -. ' , t . at - ., -I : White Yearln Jewelryr A Wh It eynr in Jewelry- Is nronhesled -4 iy European suthorltiee on fsshlons. Pears are to hold th first place, fol llowed by moonstones, white coral and White sapphire. All the -glittering stones diamonds, rubles, emeralds ere regarded as too unrestful, too obtrusive for th cold harmonies tlyst ar to pre vail In tha coming winter costume. Much attention Is to be devoted to the srtlstlc forms of Jeweled ornaments. These will take the form to a large ex tent of flowers, on stems. Blossoms of pearls, for Instance, with leaves of green enamel, will bs populsr ss hair orna ments. -r In spite-of the superstition regarding them, final are to b much worn, and ball costumes will be adorned with tur quoises and cornlv "liver will be much used as s setting for pearls. Another style of headdress will consist of gold or silver lacs work set with pearls. t n n . Ten-Minute Soups. . Puree it Celery. Chop fin a little ' celery, tops and all, snd place "over the lire in a kettle containing n pint of ( -;v.' ;'.'yV'-.'-;'':.:;::;r',.V-. '. : i: .ho y great Fbury-WasKburaX , : r r-4: ' y 1 Mills of Minneapolis are now making The white heart of the wheat A 21b. package ' ' Y makes 1 21bs. of delicious creamy white food . J Your Grocer has it howy - W -y :JFkO F?y1 fit;. iircif mm Jm mi- ujv M " " Made with "IJlOCOD" T VZ Tt' VfY' II buttonholes that hold. Ja W L Jl ' H slses If you wast them. 3 - .- JIU I A IS-S f" " I af -V aaST II 2ii-: V boiling water; let this stw for a few minutes until th celery flavors th xalarxlhn . strain, and add ths liquid to ons quart of " milk" that has been boiled 'and thickened with two table- spoonfuls of flour and on of butter. Season with salt, pepper and 'celery salt, and serv with saltlne. Celery extract may be mad to flavor this soup If no fresh celery 1 at hand. ' Cream of Spinach Soup Chop fins soma cold boiled spinach, place two gills of cream In a sauoepan and add a pint of milk; thicken with a. tableepoonful of flour added to half as much butter, and then season with whit pepper -and a dash of grated nutmeg. Stir In enough of th chopped spinach to color th soup a light green; let It boll up, strain and then serve, adding salt and butter th last thing. . . Tomato Cream Soup.-Place a cup of tomatoes over th fir to heat, adding a pinch of soda and a little water. When heated through, atrsln carefully to re move every seed, and add to on pint of boiling milk that ' ha been thickened slightly with flour and buttsr rubbed to gether till smooth. Boll up one, and eason with salt and paprika; rv with crouton. - ... V RUSSIANS ARE SHANGHAIED BY ' SEATTLE CRIMPS Two Foreigners Believed to Have Been Carried Off to Sea " 'Against Their Will. (Rpeelal Dtapateh te The JoamaLI Beattl Wash., Nov. !. -Lioul and Harrl$orpkoir, two Russians, recent arrival from Odessa, have disappeared and., friend believe .they have bean shanghaied aboard a vessel bound for the United Kingdom, r This theory Is strengthened by th fart that Lools SorokofT telephoned to the home of H. Klatzkar last Saturday night that he had been offered a position on a vessel and wss sdvtsed not to ac cept It. At th tlm th brothers were In search Of employment, having left th shlp-bulldlng plant of th Moraa company, , whr thy war previously employed. Louis SorokofT had been In thle city about thre day and' hi brother a month. Mrs.Louls Dorokoff live at 1117 Washington street. Th wlf of Harris Sorokofr Is now on her wsy to Seattle from New York, where ah has Just landed from Odessa. I r . 1 "' TirmAf.OIA FAIJVS. Rheumatism, lumbago and sciatic paints yield to th penetrating Influence of Ballard's Snow Liniment. It pene trates to the nerves snd bones and. be ing absorbed Into the blood, Its healln properties are conveyed te everv nor of the body, snd effect soms wonderful cure '21c. 0o snd I1.V0, pld by Woodard. Clarke A Ca ' e esn"- ae. l5Jo I Cereal vitco For the Greatest' FUR SALE aver held in the West Nov. 16 and 17. J. W1. Acheson & Co. 131 FIFTH STRBBT Wholesale snd Retail. . letweea Washington and Alder 3ts Don't Believe AU You Hear But by personal Investigation decide for yourself that this Hardware stock offers tempting inducement in price and quality- fo? shelf, heavy or builders' hardware and an aasortmsnt to choose from that' favorable to satisfactory buying. Inspection and Inquiry invited sny day. - - --- ----- ----- Avery . Co. 9. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Little Liver PiUs. Must Beer Signature) of See Pae-Slaalls Wrapper Beams Try SBaIl aatd as rOlltADAXXL . niDizzmut. rDR IIUOUSRESS. FOR TMnOtlVU. fOI COKSTIPATIOII. rOIIAUOWSUR. roi mcoMruxioi CARTERS waaeiaiesAtvaa;. surety TeMsMev3 CURE SICIC HCAOACHI. Chinese and Japanese Art goods, carted fsmfrare, fine eeeeeee, royal Satraina. Ctolwmoe, brasses, earred Ivory, em broideries, silks, sstia drsMlag gowns, etc., directly Imported. CASfOW BAtaAR, M STXTK ST. FOUR DAYS' LOVE IS --MISSIONARIES'-FATE (Speelal Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Helena, Mont Nov. 14. A romance In which Walter Dickinson, a Minne apolis msn, plsys a prominent part, has culminated hers, with his marriage, Miss Ida Amelia Keller of San l"ran clsco becoming his bride. Both sr Evsngellosl missionaries snd mat her, for ths first tlm Thursday. They became attsohed to one another, and concluded they could perform their work better as msn snd wife, snd were married Monday by Justlo Custla, -' . . - v . rjrrm by the man who makes The : Flour" ,'-"-r- FURS wnS.. HeOls Thetre STi TONIGHT. TOMORROW, KIOHT 1:1 O'CLOCK , Lottie Bla Parker's Beautiful Drama. 'Under Southern Skies! A Bis Hit as the Varasaai test Tea. ' P BUCKS satire lower rioor, i oalcoBy, Tie SAG. sad Me; gallery, ftoe aad S.VJ. Seats selling at theatre foe cagegeaisst. 14th ind TV. H.IIU Tk..t.. Wasainstos invalid JUIai. 4..JTL; Sat., Son. Wshta., Nov. la'JVlJL i fopnlar-Prlee atatlnee, HOfdVjJ "3" ' TXXOSOU LOaCH as - - t r SHERLOCK HOLMES VEWIHO PRICES Lew4 Floor, II. TM , Balmy, IBc So;. OaAsry, . SOe, 2Se. - T - rortrLjia- htATntxa pricu-jbc. eo. Baker Theatre , none Mala 1SOT. Oresva Tkeatr Oe Lease Kesa ef the Baker Stock Oemsaay. TOKIOHT-ALIi-THlS TTCKK, .""",,"'' - The Scream lnf Farce Oenedy,- c. "iost ea'Horas." , A thre-eet burst ef langhtar. llatiBee -Satorday, TFRICBa Bvestag 5, Z5. BOel JtaL. il. SO, . Best Weeh-r'-Tae aUadlamaa . EMPIRE TMBATRB - llattiieo Wednesday and RtrBfday, BreryHIght" This Week lb Oreat Westers Play, . -AS T01O IN THE BILIS Bosnlar Bnplr FTIeea Win Prevail. ' V West Attraettoa "Peek's Bad Boy." raanJ The Three Seellors The urana ... u.- Week ef v. is. .1'7 . . Berry Blokaids - ' rrederiok alm. "7" Ooatsaay ta . ' "Harold Xsff.' W. aJTB OOtT STaadlsoeae. UYRIC THEATRE wxzx Bionrrao Ionian is. 'Forty-Nine": A BOMARCS Of Till SIERRAS 15 riTI ACTS. . . w'k of Nov. i, wxtsts or ninn Week of Nor. t, BIOsT Or TMM WOVM THE STAR Week ef Wovomber It. Phone Mala aM, TBS ALLEN STOCK CO 11 PA MX reseats - A Man Of Mystery - Matlaeee Toeadays, Tbsndaya, S tor days eel Sundays at l:M p. svt admission 10 and SO eents. Bvery erealng at (:1S; prleee 10, SO aad SO eents. - - Boat WesWTelly sad X," r PantagesTheatre Fourth and Stark Sts. Bova Trie. Saaauia StMetaltv. The Raadalla. ' Kaatoal D rays. realov Brotkors. Seorse Bkerweod. ' XX Whl The Blofrapa. ' -v, Pet roimanees dallr st i.Sii, I:so ne e p. m. Admlnsloa 10 eeats: reserrtd seats, : so eents; bones, Tak aar Ml a weekday siatlaaea for lo-eeata, . FREE! Moving Pictures, A Glutton Taken for a Thief. - HappeaOags la a Btreeteax. .- - . ' -, - Hot Bum Wss Haad. . My trade's Testament, '. " HARRT SHUMAN. Buslnsse Boomer, General Advert!, . Phon Main 1IH. Id Morrison. ( 1:19 to 1:10 Evsry Evening. PRGB SHOW, Clnhs, lodsee, sneletfoe, (., aupolled wtm Sratlasi dramatis, yandevllle and - tnotlna- pletnre abows tres of eharsa. Tnt particulars call at Newman's Portland. Amnaement Aeo- etatlAa. 14BH Sixth street. Phone Faetne SCM. ens, wimow's SC0Ti:i"3 SYRU? ed by Bllllno of BntlieTa for tbetr ohlblrea while Tentaln for oree fifty T it aoothas I Ui ah lid. Ml Bla ei Ind euUe, aad 1 I mm tna mi iubii a, allarl iJr for tf larrtKna- TWKHTV-riva crwT a mttlv. V. I, I i