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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
ft TIIS OHECON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 14. 190 Mb FASTER THAN IVE CAB! LEASE SPACE WE NEED Mall Orders Filled' For anything in this adver tisement . Write promptly and aave money.' We guar antes perfect satisfaction.' ONCE MORE WE'VE ADDED TO THE FLOOR SPACE OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE, THE STORE THAT HAS SHOWN THE MOST REMARKABLE GROWTH AND ENTERPRISE OF ANY INSTITUTION EVER ESTABLISHED IN PORTLAND The above picture shows the new entrance, we've gained by this move, now you can come into this lively store in any one of FOUR en trances on Yamhill street. Toys will occupy, the newly added space, and there'll have to be considerable rearranging of stocks for this ex pansion, so that's the reason for this sale. We must gain room, too, more than we'll get by leasing this space. So to reduce the mammoth stocks now carried we're offering some tremendous: cuts in "already vety.-low prices. 7 Just got to have more room," that's all there is to it; Profit by this energetic price slashing, and see the new addition tothe greatest bargain center in the west. ; . . ' . Pictorial Review Patterns FOR SALE HERE. Best patterns made price, and they aeU and 15. at for any 0 LaceCiM NEW ONES, something new In design and atar tlingly new . in value Handsomest patterns yon ever' saw' in Nottingham designs; purest white cur- i i tains that look well in any room and of a grade that ivc yoaacrvicc;and wear. - . ':' New . designs, remember that, and they'd be values worth talking about at $1.76 and $2.00 the pair. Bought 144 pairs of them . and thev're on tM OE? sale the "first ime Thursday, pair. . . .. D100 COUCH COVERS, in strikingly handsome Ro man striped designs, three yards" long. . and fvO widjh, fine $2.00 ones for.,.,. PlaVOv mm 1 1 K Afi l 10e and .' 12c Flannelette for 8c Yard ?h iii i DOMESTICS an(TThanksgiving-Linenr are prime factors -in- this- Expansion Sale, Whol department is a-bristle-with values way out of the ordinary, of which we present just a small portion here: - ; ;' V'. ' I .:. BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK, 68 inches wide and quite a I 10,000 YARDS OF FLANNELETTE, in all colors, goods that good quality, very pretty patterns. Regular 60c grade. 'jH--1-Sale price 6 ydsthe limit to customer) , yard ........ H t BED BLANKETS, gray wool, size. Sale Ct? 3ft e, pair $U00 11-4 , Pnce' I BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, 60 inches wide, fleur de lis pattern. Special sale price, yard. ........ I tL iJABLE blLCLOTH,i45-inch width, dark colors. : O ; Sale price,, yard...... .i 1 Ol 17c BLEACHED TURKISH TOWELS, 18x40 ins., would be mighty good value at 25c each. Safe price only. . . . . BLACK MERCERIZED SA TEEN, 26 inches wide and a good 25c quality, in short lengths of 2 to 10 yards each. Sale price, the ; r ;: . 1 Hp yard .---... a M w sell readily" at 10c and 12c the yard. As a rousing sale O special (10 yds, the limit to a customer), the yard . . lJJjC WHITE WOOL BLANK. COMFORTS, full size,: white, rotton filled. frl A Sale price.... ....... Vlu&Tt SEAMLESS SHEETS, size 81x90 inches, good quality cot ton and worth 75c each CC for only. UtJv LUNCH CLOTHS, 36 inches square, with .hemstitched bor deiv-Special" sale f. f?w prica only.,, . , . .vrV.UuC ETS, 11-4 size..- 3Q Sale price, pair, only. $00r SILKOLINE COMFORTS, large and well made. 0 yl C Sale price, each..... $040 Bed Blankets, good sized ones, three yards long and 'quitewlde,fine fr i Zy jr I wh'rte cotton. ....ylZD tended SU!i Gloves 20e Which We Shall Sell at ill. Low Price Worth to $2 . -. Gloves ; of the richest, glossiest silk, each pair with some slight imper- " f ection that made them calledrwSecorrdsu-at-the glove -r milk - But - you'd have to look close to see , the. defects, and as we . cleaned up all that a glove " mill had left from a sea son's run we'll sell them ' at a mighty low price. All sizes in the lot and they re mostly-black silk, too, a f ewtarf sand grays among themr worth ft 60c to $2.00, the pair. . . .. , . LyQ OH r .. Viti ..ttt m ut nil That Marvelons Bar . gain Circle at the Third St. Door EMa Hair Pin Cablneta, regular lo grade, for... S ular 10 ohm, sale prloa ............ Cotton Thread, standard brand : tli reg. So spool a f for Bead ' Necklaces, la white, blue or rn; I So onea Boys Print a Handkerchief a,. So onea broidery; J 60 onea for ..UHl Whisk Broom a, IB a quality for. . ... So rar ' Btok Cnraba, lataat do alrna, . and 10 alnaa, for....S4o Kid Gloves 89c Pr. Ptna Oarman tainbakln. In black, tan. araan, aray, blua and brown, maaa with two claipa and thr coma In alma H to 1. All naw wooat and tnejr ara aplandld alu ma pair aaia pnoa. r:89c Women's $15:00 Suits for $6.49 and r.lisses' Fine - - Coats, Valnles to $yO.-tor $4.39- READ the headline and you know that we're offering extraordinary values in the Suit Room. Determined effort and remorseless price reductions are all that can save us from getting stuck with too many suits and coats. Well, here are the cut prices, they tell you part of the story, but the best of it comes when you get to SEETHE GOODS: - : ..! '" . ' . , semi "trim- WOMEN'S SUITS of gray mixed wool goods, "fittinfcr style, with plaited skTrt,"acket and skirt med,with buttons and straps, come in fancy gray mix tures, navy, mode and black, all sizes, an CO ylQ actual $15 value, for only..................pDaTJ WOMEN'S SUITS, in black and white mannish mix tures, jacket satin lined and velvet trimmed, with turn- - back-collar,- plaited skirt,, all sizes. : f f FA Sale price. ... ...... r. T. . . UaUU CHILDREN'S COATS, of a good grade of flannel, Mother Hubbard style, with large collar, trimmed with white braid, come for children 1 to 6 t OA years of age, regular $2.60 value. Sale price. ,0i MISSES' COATS, of fancy wool materials, in diae- onaT stripes, like cut - - Collarless moePwiflirbelted"-- backandLyokeJrpnt:Trimrned with velvet and braid, really superb values at $6.00 each. Sale CM QA price only. r ....... ...... . . . . 40 .WOMEN'S SKIRTS, of air wool materials, in white and black plaids, plaited on each seam, trimmed with st itch in g and buttons, regular $5.00 values. C Q A Q J Sale price, each...... UatO VOILE SKIRTS, newest models, made of the best grade of voile, plaited style, trimmed with folds of silk and six rows of tailored stitching, regular CIO CA $15 value. Sale price only . 3 1 aCatlU m m am m-rn v n a it ir- ' m. mm Grdccrics In the -Second Street End of Store Saadlaaa Ratalna, I pounda aaia. for S5o t pounda of T,L Tabla Ralalne. SSa S Crown Mnacaial Ralalna. tna pound only ..100 f pounda of pranao for only.. .....SSa 4 lba. Haad Rlra. aaia prica ....SSa Naw Claanad Cur rant. X lba.,. SSa Extra f a o y Paaohaa. S-lb. .as Sultana - Ralalna. S lba. for......Sfta I Oranaa Peal, I" pound ...... r.SOa Liamon Paal, pound ........ SOa Citron, par lb. BOa fancy Lamona, tha doaan ........ la S lba. naw Wal suta for ......Saw Handkerchiefs A lot af 200 doaan on aaia for thlo Aral Thuraday of tba aaia Wonan'a wblta hamatltched 'Karchiefa; rcularly worm do acn. aaitina OT ma DOZEN ONLT apaclal at, tha aoaen .................... ;25c $1.30 Wash BoUers 87c LARGE NO. 9 BOILERS, with ralvanized bottom, a boiler that is guaranteed to be as good as a regu- lar copper bottom. These bargains are from a larre purchase and we got the boilers 'for about one third less than regular. " That's the story, and we have plenty of the boilers for all who come. No. 8 tTteQ'T. for 73, aoijarger ones for ............ 0 1 VT DUSTERS, made of a new patent process pa per.' Light as. feathers but as durable as tho'- made "of the toughest rawhide. Very - 9 special, in. basement. , 1 0L Men's Umbrellas $1.89 28-inch frames, with taffeta" silkland gloria cor- 1 "7--- a . a . - - 1 ers, stiver or goiapiatea or natural wooa nan dies, guaranteed to be resrular $3 to CI OH $5 values, for. ..................... A 1 .07 Men's $5.00 Shoes Go at $3.50 the Pair Men who wait GOOD Shoes and want them at a lower than usual price v should see these A11 v styles and all 'leathers, theregular, $5.00 shoe at "shoe stores. - Ql f A Our price. .. .. JJf BOYS - SOLID - SCHOOL SHOES,-a regular $2.00 shoe. :v.:....;..i$i.39 WOMEN'S.RUBBERS, MEN'S RUBBERS, the a Vm rwww JL -f Tair MISSES' RUBBERS, the pair ..'.371 WOMEN'S SHOES, with light' or heavy solesr. patent leather, vict kid and. box calf, worth $3 tp $3.50 th Q pair. Sale price. . . .V CHILDREN'S RUBBERS. the pair 33t :pQRPOISEHIDEi:SHOE: LACES, worth 10c the pair. Sale price. SUver Brand Shirts for 89c Each The Replar $1.25 Goods Truly this is a great shirt ' special. These "Silver" shirts are the kind that -t-Alca.y fit, neck and shoulders set right and the Colorings and designs are right. The ones we've placed on sale are reg ular $1.25 goods, all sizes, any OQ pattern, soft bosom . . . 777. .V. . MEN'S LISKE HOSE, sam ples and no two pair alike, worth to 75c the pair. Sale price....... aWifC MEN'S UNDERWEAR. rwooL derby -ribbedrrtgular $1.50- value, price....... llVU Itjj; U1AI "5 1-.19 MEN'S WOOL HOSE, fine merino, regular 25c value, all sizes. Special sale 17J IIV price, pair MEN'S x NECKWEARzfine: Ties worth 60c. Sale price, choice... 29c Unfrimmed Hats at 25c r ' SECOND STREET ANNEX ' WOMEN'S UNTRIMMED HATS, smart shapes, of good materials and in the most desira ble colorings. Shapes worth from. 75c to OC $1.50 each. Expansion Sale price....... XuC Roses, with foliage, two in a bunch. r Special Sale price. . . . . . . . . , 13C FEATHER BREASTS, in all colors, reg- QCa ular $1.00 quality. Sale price.... OuC OWL HEADS and Pom. Poms for trimming winter hats, regular 50c value, and you I Aft have many colors to choose from.......lUC Women's Underwear Made ofne combed Egyptian yanrrTests and pants- to-match,, fleece lined and silk5 finished, superb 50c quality. Very special for this M Ol sale, garment TfaCC FAKE DETECTIVE TO WORK ON COUNTY ROCKPILE P. Martin Will Pay Good Prica for ; Fun H Had 'With Un- . uspacting Laborer. . VarUn. ratad by tha poiiea a "klnr-Pla kitinko cparator. waa arraatad yaatardar afttmooo by patrolnaa Jtm Aadaraoa oa a aharga af earrTlna; a een . aaaJad fraapoa. It la aJlag a4 Uiat.. Mar ti a. throufb, a elarar bank trick, rwliv. dl4 Qor(a Powara. a laborar. out af ta. Ifartta aoal -owra at tha ualoa depot after tha la t tar had loat hla b-(ar. and. dlaplajrln a larga rarotYar and a blt full of eartrldraa, rapraaantad hlm aalf to ba a prirata detacttva. Ha Ib farniad rawara that ha would -Taeovar hla affaeta upon paymatit' of tt, and aeeordlnglr tha monay waa paid orar. Adnata hla allaaad rtetta to raaaala at tha-dpot. Martla earoa ap town, and, tlU aaaumtn hla rola of dataetlya. placad a young awn namad John Larkln andar arraat an a charaa of ataallns tha mlaalna barraa. Larkla bmka from tha araao af hla captor and raada aaata to st to pollea haadqoartara.' . . At tha atatioa ha told hla otwry to Captain Brain. Martla at that aaomant waa Imparting tha lafbrnatlo to Jailor .:.L':..i -......; '. Ban Branch "la front of headquartari that a holdup man whom ha had under urraUlanea had managad to'avada him. Larkln. apon laarlng tha atatlon. spied tha -detacllya," and Martin' a arraat fol lowed. Aa ha waa found to bo la poa eeaiea of tha raroUar, a charge of car lying eontaaled -waapona waa - odgad against him. In tha municipal court tola morning Martla waa fined 14. which ha waa unable to pay. and wUl kayo ta setva time oa tha rock pile. OFFICERS ELECTED - -BY SALEM Y.MaCa A. v Haleae, Or, Not. It At tha regular aaoaUlr neetlng af tha SaJaca T. M. C Aw, aal4 at tha buUdiag last arraning. tha' 'realgnaiion f W A. Wlgglna as prealdent waa presented. Profeaanf W. L Staler was elected prealdent t fill tha yae.ney. Mr. Wlgglna la going to more to Top panlah, Waahlngton. probably before the next monthly meeting. R. 3., Hen dricks was elected Tlce-preeldent and PauV Wallace, secretary. ' The report showe the Institution In a Boorish tag condition. With good eot lectlona and tha usual membership faea, tha T. M. C A. wlU ba out of debt Jan uary 1. and with1 tha swimming pool and other Improrementa' all paid for. That la. out of debt excepting for the t.7 orlglnaHy contracted la paying for the !!. building. iaanad Soak AUn Lewla aat Brand. G0MPERS POLITICAL PLAN IS APPROVED Minneapolis, Koy. 14. Although It waa be Her ad that strong ' opposition waa to be made to Prealdmit Oompara plan for making the American Federa tion of Labor a factor In pollttca, hearty Indorsement haa been, given him by the twenty-sixth . annual convention, whlcn la being held here. In the report of First Vice-President James mines B It ta shown that- the plan of tha federation la to suggest from time to- time legislation favorable to the la boring man and to do all la Its power for tha election of senators and con gressmen favorable to Ita enactment. It ts not tha plan- of tha organisation to form a distinct political party or to attempt to dictate the politico of the laboring men. Instead. It la tha wish that all ba Independent In politico and support people and measures which will ba for the benefit of the common people. STANDARD CASE JURY IS BEING EXAMINED Uaaraal Spertsl gerrtee.t Flndlar. Ohio, Nov. It. Prosecutor David this morning summoned before I ha grand Jury all members of the petit Jury which recently convicted the Stand ard Oil company. The graateat aecrecy prevails. Iur1ng tha R Iftn-lard trial all aorta of rumors of tampering with the Jury were afloat. LUMBERMEN OBJECT TO ' FREIGHT RATE INCREASE IJoarml gpeetal rtV. ) Chicago, 11L, Nov. , 14. pepreaenta tlva lumbermen ef the west and nortlt waat met la Chicago . today to conf-r wtth officials of the east-bouad marie regarding the proposed changes In clas sification, by which lumber produ" would be taied a h(ghr freight re'a than tha plain lumber. I'n1r t e r - ent tariffs there la one rt fr I In car lota, whether It In 1 i t - i or the product of the p un i roaila now propose to r esra at the hlhir re I r . una. Tha lu. i , vi -nrm: iv pniiwt a. t ; r i.