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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1906)
THE OREGOJ, DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINO, NOVEMBER 14. 1SC3. 18 IIEL1BREE WILL GO Judza' Burnett Gives TillaWook ; Slayer of Wife and Child Indeterminate Sentence.' .,k::t.,V. -..9;.-TERM WILL BE ONE TO. . : FIFTEEN YEARS LONG Compromise Vrdlct Returned by Jury Either Sends Innocent Han to Disgrace or Saves Brutal Mur- derer From Callows. . ' '; " (Spwfal Dispatch to Hi lonrml.) . Tillamook, Or.. Nov. 14.-in one '. to 16 years' Imprisonment in the atate . penitentiary will be he penalty paid by A. J. Hembraa, who was convicted ot manslaughter' whan tried for brutally laying hi wife and daughter and cre mating their remain in the flame of - his home, which, it is alleged, he fired to cover up the evidence of his crime. Judge Eurnett, in the circuit court this , morning, passed an indeterminate sen ' tence upon the convicted man. the - length of which will depend upon the discretion ot the state, authorities. Although apparently a ' compromise verdict in the Hembree caae was lm .. possible, this was the action taken by -' the Jury when it heard the evidence in -Tlast Jury. Def ore - the - ease came to trial attorneys and every one elae fa- miliar with the details of the case de clared that Abram Hembree would leave the courtroom with either a sentence of "death on his head or as a free man. Greatly to the surprise of every one, the verdict returned was -that of man . ' slaughter. -- .' Of Pioneer Family. . 'Hembree belongs to one of the pioneer families of thla section. His father . crossed the plains in 1J1J and setUed in this county. . In 1861 he met death in battle while leading a company of Ore gon volunteers against the Indiana. .' Twenty years ago young Abram Hem brae married a handsome girl. Colum- ' bla Lawrence, and settled in' the adjoin ing county of TiMamook. Hembree . was rather a thriftless fellow,- given to dissipation, though never considered a reat-bad man." H was In -the habit of frequenting a cross-roads saloon with ' one- or two roistering-companions, and when in Ms cups was wont to flourish his revolver and descant , upon his prowess and bloodthlrstlnees. But his bravado seldom got beyond the talking r-itage. : - His wife, patient and industrious, ; stayed at home and reared her family, which constated of a son. aged It. a . daughter, Ora, aged 19. and two younger boys, aged 11 and 10. The oldeat boy finally left home, leaving the daughter and two younger boya with , their ..mother . . ' The murder of mother and daughter Is supposed to have taken place on De. eember 28, last. A few daya befpre that date the two boya left home 10 visit a relative. , : -.. ? . Tuld Tale e STelghsors. On the mornlna- of December I H bree arrived at the house of a neighbor, '' uiulergarments n,i rhini to the bone. He""ae hla"wiie WaJiulhW - werer'there an declared that hla house waa burnea ana they were gone. '. . lie sl d J hat the family had awakened to find their house in liatnea and all had carried out what they could; that hla daughter wanted to go back fox a trunk which contained her 'little belongings; that he had ordered the women not to enter the house; that ' he had gone around to a storeroom In the rear to attempt to save some provisions and that when-he returned the women were gone; .that be had called ana rsceiveu no answer; had searched the barn and then concluded that they might have sought a neighbor's, and he too had left the burning house. Hembree tale, when repeated .to the sheriff and. coroner, waa always the Electricians Complain That Lines and Property Ars-Constantly -Menaced aaiaei It was believed st first, hut later! ' fey Overhead -Wires Other Sub. developments . arousea auapiuiuu. i ruins were thoroughly searched. In a heatlng-stova were found bones which physlclana pronounced to be part of skulls. Indicating that they had been crushed or broken up before being burned. It was said that teeth were found . lying . among ths bones of the feet and that tour cords of wood had been hauled to the house a few days before the tragedy. v . Hembree a clouded career waa recalled and he. waa. Anally placed under arrest FERRY BREAKS LOOSE ' WITH PEOPLE ABOARD (Special Dispatch ts Ths Journal.) ' Castle Rock. Wash.. Nov. 14. An so- cident that might have resulted fatally occurred on the Cowllti river at this place last Saturday when the ferry broker-loose; -twhlle carrying two teams with vehicles across. The current waa very swift owing to the extreme high wster and the boat broke loose' and floated down the stream, carrying the passengers with It' '-""'"' " """ Fortunately. a lanoing - was . maae about half a mile below towa and no one war Injured. ''The .ferryboat" was towed back to Its place again today by the steamer Chester of - the Kellogg Transportation company and will bs ready for senrioe again in a ehort time. THESIS TO SUCCEED J P I ; ; ORATIONS AT PACIFIC ,. ...... , .. ,.. Forest Orove.' OK, Nov. 14. -The old order of commencement- routine at Pa elf io university has been set aside by the-f aoulty,-an4 4he-f ollewlns"-gul-4 tlons and requirements wiia rrom now on be observed and placed on the rec ords of the college: ' 1 Flret That a . speaker appointed by the university shall deliver aa address on commencement morning.. - : BeoondThat In plana of aenlor ora- tlona each member of the graduating class shall prepare a thesis In connec tion with the work of his major course. fJIfllllOG TO-BE-URGED Initiative One Hundred to Make ' Move Toward Protection of ' ; ; c ' . : Electrical Workers.- 7 Z LOCAL WIRING SYSTEM - IS DECLARED DANGEROUS jects to Be Considered. Fred Dawson, the Albany druggist, has the largest line of Edison phono graphs and records south of Portland, you bad better write him when yon want any phonographic goods. He'll furnish the postage for reply. STATEMENT OF THE) CONDITION OF- 2XT United States -Natiohar Bank AT " OF PORTLAND, OREGON. OiU Of m OOHPTBOT.T.Trft, xro It, 1S0C Loan a and discounts. .. .U.1IMIT.IS U. 8. bonds to secure circulation .a 100.000.00. XT. B. land other - bonds an jprea .'. ..... ' t.SS.0S- Real estate l,S.fl Office Fur. and Fla.,. ----- 4.soo.oo Bank building 115.000.0v Money on - , call In New : Tork 1.00,00.0 ' Caah and due from banks 1,671,017.1 ' Attest eorrectr UASXXi Capital I (00.000.00 Bur. and Und. Prof....v 400.011.40 Circulation S00.000.00 Dlv. unpaid JM.0 Deposits . . v . . S;Sta.05S.SO t7.IIO.ltS.7S J. c" AIN8WORTH. President When the . Initiative One Hundred meeta In regular session : Friday even ing a number of 'Important committee reports will be made. One of the most pressing subjects to come up la that relating to overhead' electrio wlrea in the- city., v ' SUectrtoal workers declare that . the wiring system In Portland1 Is one of the most dangerous in the country, and that - reforms are Imperative for - the safety of persons and property gener ally. '. Men engaged In wiring have made statements to the effect that the usual methods of overhead and Interior wiring In thla city are flagrantly In violation of the common' rule)- of safety In all eastern cities. ; - It is alleged that the killing of six men this year on electrio poles In Port land i was cauaed directly by lack of proper aafeguarda. and It la proposed to urge upon the -city council the lm- portanee" of "effecting some reform In electrical- wiring before - the present practices get any further bold in the city. ; ' ' ' " ;i - ' ' . The following committees of the Ini tiative One Hundred are expected . to report Friday evening, at Artisans' hall. Ablngton building: Boulevards, parka, parkways, high bridges and speedways, J. Cv Alnsworth (chairman), Ion Lewis, Drake, C O'Reilly, Francis I. McKenna; poles and overhead, wires, J. Frsnk Wat son (chairman), . Ia Chapin; on legis lation, liquor license, P. I Willis (chairman), Rufus Mallory, R. w. Mon tague. Judge Seneca Bralth; printing. Dr. Emmet Drake (chairman),' C W. Taylor) civlo esthetics.-John Van Zant (chairman), E. W. Barnea, E. C. Bron- aagh, F. B. Olbaon; on membership. Dr. Emmet Drake, J. B. Laber, H. H. Em mona, O. W. Taylor, P. K. Sullivan, George P. Lent; on street Improvements, Oeorge P. Lent (chairman), E. A. Kemp, William Joldmanr on Mount Tabor park, W. O. Kerns (chairman), H. H. Carter, W. Wynn Johnson. . . Tricked by Dyspepsia The Doctor Couldnt Tell When the Trouble Lay. - -"For- the-ast sevjryears " I "hsve been a 'Victim of dyspepsia and chronlo constipation and have consulted the moat noted specialists to be found en dlseaaea of thla character. - Kone. how ever, aeemed to locate the difficulty or give relief. In addition to this medical treatment, I have reaorted to the use of many remedies and have given them faithful trial, but alt te no purpose. - Upon the recommendation of a close friend, I purchased a -COo package ot Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and In less than flv days noticed that I waa re ceiving more benefit than from any remedy I had used before. I continued to use the tablets after each meal for ene month "and by that time my atom sob was In a healthy condition, capable of -digesting, anything which Jmy . in creasing appetite demanded. I have-not . exprlied anyreturn of my former trouble, though three months have elapsed since' taking your remedy," We .wish that you could see -with your own eyes the countless other bona fide signed . letters from grateful men and women all over the land who had suffered yesrs of agony with dys pepsia, tried every known remedy and consulted eminent specialists without result, until they gsve Stuart's Dys pepsia Tableta a trial. . Like the doctor above, they couldn't locate the seat of the trouble. Dyspepsia Is a dlasase ' which has long baffled ptfysiclsns. So difficult of location la the disease -that cure seems next to mlraculoua. There Is only one way to treat dyspepsia to supply the elements which nature has ordained to perform this . function and to cause them to enter the digestive organ a, supplying the fluids which they lack. Stuart's Dyspepsia - Tablets alone fill these requirements, as la shown by the fact ' that 40,000 physicians In the United States and Canada unite In rec ommending them to their patients for stomach disorders. Ws do "not claim or eYpeclBtuarrs Dyspepsia Tablets to cure anything but disordered- conditions of the stomaoh and . other digestive organa, . but thla they never fall to do. They work upon the inner lining of the atomach and intestines, stimulate the gastrle glands and aid In the secretion of. Juices nec essary to digestion. " . Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 00 cents a box. One box win frequently effect a per fect cure, if in doubt and wish mora adequate proof send us your name and address and we will gladly mail you a sample package free. F. A. Stuart Co.. SI Stusrt Bldg., Marshall, Mich. t . 1 " 3 ... 1. . . ' . - - ' , i . ' '- - ; - . - v'' '.; -".'., ' '' - 1 ,---' - V ...-.,-- ,- .., m::z -Mil Af!! V'- I .mmmim V kefC' NORTHERN PACIFIC; FILES REPORT WITH STATE FRANK L SMITH MEAT COMPANY r- aas-838 iun aTaunr, jbwtwmmm fzbst atb oobtp ttw. V wFIOHTINa THE' BEEP TRUST" abnlth la a active borm OreeroBla detennlned so io snsiaess U his owa sae JmeTsiaa of the $100,000,000 capital of the Baatera Beef - Trust, which has pledged Itself to eras him.' Bat Smith wlB win ths petreuare of the peo ple, - wm the people give hint that patronage Most positively they will. Be) Mutton Loin Chops, per lb. . .;; -12H) 6f lb.. .....8e) 6f Beef Suet, per lb.... ; Mutton Stew, per lb . Beef Stew, per lb... Boiling Beef, per 4b. Liver, per lb.... ' Veal Stew, per lb... Pot Roast Beef, per , Corned Beef, per lb Mutton Shoulder Roast, per lb 8 ' Veal Breast, per lb...,,.. ..8 Sirloin Steak, per lb....... 10e Tenderloin Steak, per lb IO? - Round Steak, per lb..,.. .....10 - Hamburg Steak, per lb ..10 Prime Rib Roast Beef, per lb.. ...104 ' . Rolled Roast Beef, per lb. ......... 10 Mutton Shoulder Chops, per lb....lO Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb ..10 Veal Shoulder Cutlet, per lb.....lO? Porterhouse Steak, per lb 12H T"-Bone Steak, per lb. ...... ..12H Mutton Loin Roast, per lb 12 H POrk Shoulder Roast, per lb.... Leg Pork, per lb 12H Leaf Lard, per lb a a a m a m V a.s.a j Salt Pork, per lb.. ..12t Leg Veal, per lb ........12H Veal Rump Roast, per lb..: 12He Veal Lola Roast, per lb... 12He) Pork Loin Chops, per lb. ........ .lftf Pork Loin Roast, per lb..... 1B Our own Lard. lbs. for 606 Hams, per lb ..174 Breakfast Bacon, per lb .17He) Building Permits. The following -building permits nave been leaned: 8. Masurovsky. repairs. Front, between Sherman and Grant, cost $150; . Bt. Clair.' repalraFlaDders, be tween First and Second, cost $00; Ore gon Spray eV Oas company, warehouse, 8. P. track, near Division, cost 1 1,000; John Jones, one-story dwelling, Sumner, between Alblna and Mississippi avenues. Cost 11)0(0 r E. Melton, repair. Second, between Oak' and Pine, coat $20; Barney Dolan,. one-atory dwelling, Harold, cor ner Morgan, cost $J74; Lee Long A Co., repalra. Second, between Alder and Washington, cost $10; Oscar Weldner, two-atory dwelling," Broadway, between Eaet Twenty-nrst and East Twenty-sec ond, cost 1.700 C E.Mesenger, one story dwelling. Curtis. - near- Knowjea, cost $1,000; R. H. Hunt one-story dwell ing, East Twenty-eighth, between Wy- gant and Going, cost. $160; H. Reubens. ene etery dwetliagt Alberta. betwee East Twenty-aeventh and Eat Twenty eighth, cost $80; M. Estella Rogers, one- story dwelling, Stephens; "between East Thirty-eighth and. East ' Thirty-ninth. cost, $1,000; C. Shay, two-atory dwelling. East Mill between East Thirty- first and East Thirty-second, cost, $2,000; same. East' Main between East Thirty-second and East Thirty-nrst, cost, $1,000; John Anderson; repairs. Pettygrove between Nineteenth and Twentieth, cost; $200;i -Williams, twe- story dwelling. Eest Tenth Between East Caruthers and Division, cost. 11. 600: John O. Jordan, one-story dwell- ifi,-Eat JEls venth . ..between EastAsh and East Ankeny, cost. $1,175; Ed Oehrke, one-story dwelling, Kingman between At wood and East ' Nineteenth, coat I900l Mlimn, Ehrman A Co., exca vation. North Fifth between Davla and Everett, cost, $1,000; Troy "Laundry company, ' North Ninth between Everett and Flanders, cost, n.oov; v. J. :sri son. repairs. East Sixth between Spo kane and Tacoma, cost. Its: JS. Lk Mo Kinney, barn, Kerby- bet ween--Carpenter and Webster, coat, Joo; William mo Cleary,-repairs. East First corner Hal- sey, cost, $40. . . Complies With Request Made by Governor Chamberlain and Gives M ass of Statistics. ' Those other snarkets who claim to be SghttasT the trust are beef trust aosvrkets. Boat go aaa them, Patronise home with Smith. Industry. Trade TOLEDO COUPLE ARE SURPRISED BY FAMILY (SoeeUl Dispstek te Tb Joarsal.) 'Caatle Rock, Wash., Nov. 14. On No vember t, 18(S, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Laughran were united In marriage in County Tyrone, Ireland. The fiftieth anniversary of the happy event waa celebrated by them at their home at Toledo, Washington, isst week. As a result 6f this union there are seven children, 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild living. Most of these' were present to help the old couple celebrate their golden wedding, in fact, the chll dren arranged the affair aa a' aurprla for them. ..., Boston Packing Co. Boston Market Third and Ankeny Streets. First and Burnside Streets. We ire still the leaders In low. prices, and ths other so-called TRUST-BUSTERS hsve failed to meet our prices as vet. Wa handle the best grade of .meats that is to be had, and sell at ths very lowest prices,' as shown by figures quoted below I . ., TWO OF THE LARGT MARKETS IN THE CITY Stew Bref, per lb A4 Short Rib Beef, per lb ;.4 BoiliniT Bee f.per lb ....... . . .rf Beef for Mincemeat, per lb.. ..- Mutton Stew, pti lb 4 Liver, per lb .. 4 Veal Stew, per lb ........6) Corn Beef, per lb Breast Veal, pr lb ..Te) Chuck Steak, per lb ..,.......6 ShnulHer Steak, per lh ... .... .Q4 Shoulder Roast Mutton, per lb. TJ Pot Roast Beef, per lb .;T Shoulder- Roast-VealrT)er- lb . Shoulder Veal Cutlets, per lb.. Prime Rib Roast Beef, per lb.. Rolled Roast Beef, per lb.....O Round Steak, per lb.,., ...... .94 Shoulder Mutton Chops, per lb. Sausage, pe ib. 8 Hamburg, per lb.... ..5 Rot Veal, per lb,... Ityi4 Rump R6ast Veal, per lb...tla Rib Veal Cutlets, per lb....l2 Loiri' VesI Cirtlets. per lb.. 12y,4 Prime Rib Steak, short cut, lb 104 Sirloin Steak, per lb.... 10 f Best Grade Hams,' per lb.....le Breakfast 'Bacon, our own brand per lb : -. 104 Pur Lard, our own brand, 5 lbs for ...... 55 Your Patronage Will Help Us Lick the Beef Trust Complying with the request made by Governor Chamberlain some weeks ago, the Northern Pacific Railway company haa filed at Salem a report, of nearly 100 pages largely filled wjth figures. It Is understood . that the O. R. A N. Co. Is also preparing a report. (The report shows ths aed value on which the Northern Paclflo pays taxes In Oregon is Ill.llS.SS on a frac tion less than 40 miles of road and the assessed value on which It pays taxes In Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota and Wiscon sin Is 11.111.040 . ' The capital Stock Is $155,000,000 and the funded debt 18. 145, gi:.6S,. and ,Jt owns Great" 'Northern railway bonds and script aggregating I107.S11.S0O. . The, total mileage owned la 1,184.41 miles. The total coat of the road and equipment la 121, 476. 141.86 and the earnings for the year ending June 10, 1J0, are 141,112.466.47. The percentage of express to earnings for the entire line is 60.7S per cent. It has Issued bond and stock In ex change for Great Northern and Chicago, Burlington A Quincy bond!$2!3, 186.000, at 4 per cent, due In 1121. It employs 15,781 persons In all departments. The report says the Northern Paclflo la not a consolidated company. ' OREGON IS FEATURED IN NOVEMBER HIS; aaaaasMwMawsiaaaBWiaBawBBra '' , Sunset. Has -Several GoodAr- tides Concerning the State, With an Oregon Cover. At a IilOYERvPMCE Which means a suit made pf good durable - fabric worsteds, , cheviot" and cassirheres wilherviceable" linings and . tximrhings. Just as good in EVERY WAY. as the $15 Suits of other stores at a MOYER PRICE. : MEN'S RAINCOATS : at the Same Price ' s Raincoats for Boys WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S O 3rd arid Oak Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth 5 jb J3 njui a jtmajijajiji UlltttlttZtttt -f ... . Onr prices are the Tvery - lowest consist .ant with first -class material and - work- manshlp. Call and gst our prices. aOfJTOW NITUII DxarnsTB, Op p. Meier ft rranlfs -and Foetoffloe. SS1V Morrison Bt. Teeth Teeth Teeth ?eeth eeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth Teeth ?eeth eeth Teeth Teeth Teeth ""A 'l-r v Heart November publications have paid spe cial attention to Portland aa an Indus trial and .residence city. ' The Sunset Magazine, with a front page featuring the - City park atatue ' entitled -"Coming of the White Man," has an attractive table of contents. Including "Oregon's Outlook," by O. A. White; "Aatorla'a Odd Festival," by A.'W. Moon, and "Oregon'a Dairying," by O. L. MoKay, -The Chamber of Commerce Bulletin for November preeenta a number of interesting snd valuable papers by Ore gon men. W. A. Mears tells the story of a Martian who drops to the earth and Investigates the commercial status of Pacific cosst cities. Max M. Shlllock gives answers to Immigrant, explain ing In detail the Oregon- situation aa to government lands, farming lands, lrn gated lands 'and the opportunities for homeseekers In esoh county in the state. "Oregon at the Jamestown Exposition' Is the title of an article from Jefferson Myers, setting forth suggestions for Portlsnd and the state with reference to representation at Jamestown. Wallls Nssh discussed the profitableness of various lines of Investment and occupa- tlon In Oregon. Necessity for consular reorganisation Is preaented In an article by A. A. Burnham, -general secretary of the National Business Ma'e league, Chicago. BIGXROWD PRESENT AT u MEAT DEALERS; SMOKER More than 100 member of the Port land Meat Dealers association gath ered at Eagle hall. Second and Tamhtll streets, last night and had one of the beat times of their live. Husic. Speeches and refreshments filled the evening's en tertslnment. Although the affair was for the pur ise - of promoting - good - fellowship among the dealers, more serious mat ters were not neglected and speeches were made by various members telling of the conditions of trad In Portland. Among those who spoke were: El. A. Austin of the painters' anion, John Deere, Manager NeUl of ,the Paclflo States Parking company and Secretary Merrick of the Retail Oreoera aaeocla- ation ' Indigattlon causes ths ttomaoi ' to sxpand swell and puff up gainst ths heart This crowds ths 'peart and Interferes with ..its action, causing' shortnass of breath, palpitation of ths heart, to. . - .' -Z Z- Kodbl Dyspepsia Cure SI6ESTS WBATTOUBAT takes ths strain off ths heart, and contributes nouriihmsnt, strsngth and ' health" to svsry orjan of ths body. Cures Indh g sstion. Dyspepaia,' Sour Storn- ' ach, Bslchina. Oas on Stomach, and aU Stomach, troubles, ' ; ; ,'.' Desovs, Iowa. Tkree years a to I. was afflicted , with lndlfsstloa,. as moca Uat , I was la conUnual pain. . After - astiag mj heart was affected anJ had sauthsriag ssnsatlsas. Two bottles of Kodol eared sas. - ' ALBXKT ' A 4tl hUttt tmatalmM t tlm mm mm mm tmm riml mrOm. - sfse. ' PraeaiW at tte Lmkmfrr a M. C Omwm a Ce., CAM, U.M.A old T BkldsBOre Drag Oo. asU . .... Woodard, Clarke ft Oe. Several athletlo features were pro-1 vtded for the membera and oonatsted of a clever three-round boxing match be tween E. T. RuahtoiT and Hood Bottler.' Another event was a wrsstllng matoh between Smith of the M. A. A. C. and Palmer of Sell wood.- Both -contests wars declared drawa, ' Modern Conservative rLTrust Company:: : The first thought of the depositor of his savings should be the safety of the bank se lected j second, the returns for the 'use of his money.-:''-: - kZl"'.,' zz -:Z.:Z;Z'z, The-institution. thatuses. proper care arid judgment in 'the management of its affairs, Jn the employment of its funds, is always inv position to weather any stress that may come upon it. ' ' : . '"! This company so governs itself in all Its ill; : relations, aims to be strictly modern yet con : servatively safe, and pays its savings de- -V. positors the maximum interest 'consistent 'zZr with sound banking principles. - - ' ' 1 - While maintaining its special Savings De partment and its Commercial Department , for accounts subject to check, it is rapidly building up its Trust Department, in which it is thoroughly equipped to handle general trust business in all its many phases. In -; ' older ; communities the Trust Company is r'v recognized as indispensable. It' is fast; be i '"coming so' here. ' -t "':"?'. :-: v; ' Among the many services we fender may be mentioned those of trustee of estates and, of individuals, trustee of issues of municipal 1 and corporation bonds, and certification of "r their genuineness, ttle holding of properties pending settlement, litigation, division, dis- position or other adjustment, etc . i We also buy and sell substantial issues of 1, bonds 'and lend money on improved farm and city properties. - - -' - f - 'Correspondence solicited - touching any 7 "phase of our business. " "'rzrC7TZ' - n v.. f '. Merchants In '-Trast Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET. y- - CAPITAL $150000.00 T - 3. Frank "Wataom. President R. Durham. Vlce-Prealdent W. H. Pear ........;...:........... Seoretary S. C. fatohlng. .....Assistant Seoretary' V